ICPhS Proceedings Tallinn 1987
11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
Tallinn, Estonia, 1987
Table of Contents (Volumes 1-6)
Proceedings as single PDF (Volumes 1-6)
Volume 1
Volume 1 as single PDF-document
Bondarko, L. V.:
Phonetic Aspects of Studying Phonemic Systems and Speech Activity, 13-22
Research Methods for Speech Production 1
Panagos, Georgios and Strube, Hans Werner: Articulatory Measurements by Magnetic Methods, 23-26
Hong, Gabriel; Schönle, Paul W. and Conrad, Bastian: Electromagnetic Articulography, 27-30
Dart, Sarah N.: A Bibliography of X-ray Studies of Speech, 31-32
Teston, Bernard and Autesserre, Denis: Étude aerodynamique du souffle phonatoire utilise dans la lecture d'un texte en français, 33-36
Strube, Hans Werner and Rösler, Stefan:
Measurement of the Glottal Impedance with a Mechanical Model, 37-40
Models of Speech Signal Analysis 1
Belikov, A. P.; Makhnanov, V. D.; Mulyukin, N. V. and Tunis, K. V.: Research of the Speech Dynamic Structure, 41-43
Wokurek, W.; Kubin, G. and Hiawatsch, F.: Wigner Distribution - A New Method for High-Resolution Time-Frequency Analysis of Speech Signals, 44-47
Sobakin, A. N.: Methods of Speech Signal Parametrization Based on Generalizing of Linear Prediction, 48-51
Besednaya, L. L. and Bogino, V. I.: About One Class of the Phonetic Units Used for Speech Recognition, 52-55
Knipper, A.:
A Syllable Approach to the Speech Informatics, 56-59
Models of Speech Perception 1
Altosaar, Toomas and Karjalainen, Matti: An Event-based Approach to Auditory Modeling of Speech Perception, 60-63
Helle, Seppo and Karjalainen, Matti: Perception and Measurement of Distortion in Speech Signals - An Auditory Modelling Approach, 64-67
Sendlmeier, Walter F.: A Model for the Phonetic Mental Representation of Words, 68-71
Stern, A. S.: Linguistic Factors in Speech Perception, 72-75
House, David:
Perception of Tonal Patterns in Speech: Implications for Models of Speech Perception, 76-79
Acoustical Features as Perceptual Cues 1
Kohler, Klaus J.: Microprosody in Segment Perception, 80-83
Cutler, Anne: Components of Prosodic Effects in Speech Recognition, 84-87
Gósy, Mária: High Frequency Speech Perception: Phonetic Aspects and Application, 88-91
Hirahara, Tatsuya: Inter-Aural Speech Spectrum Representation by Spatio-Temporal Masking Pattern, 92-95
Zlatoustova, L.; Kozlenko, N.; Khitina, M. and Zakharov, L.:
Automatic Word Stress Detector, 96-99
Speech Recognition Systems: Architecture
Rodionova, G. G.: Acoustic-phonetic Basis of Speech Recognition Algorithms, 100-103
Imakov, V. R. and Sobolev, V. N.: Sound Image Recognition by Holographic Means, 104-107
Kryukov, G. V.; Mikilalev, A. V. and Trunin-Donskoy, V. N.: Some Principles of Construction of Speech Recognition System, 108-111
Zinovyeva, Nina: Spectogram Reading and Expert Methods for Acoustic-phonetic Speech Signal Decoding, 112-115
Вандакурова, Г. Н.; Гумешсий, Р. Я.; Нелень, Л. А.:
Moдeлиpoвaниe динaмичecкoгo взaимoдeйcтвия peчeвoгo cигнала с пaмятью в cиcтeмax pacпoзнавания peчи, 116-119
Text-to-Speech Synthesis 1
Lobanov, Boris: The Phonemophone Text-to-Speech System, 120-124
Sorin, Christel; Larreur, Danièle and Llorca, Régine: A Rythm-based Prosodic Parser for Text-to-Speech Systems in French, 125-128
Buček, Aleš and Timofejev, Jevgenij: Text-to-Speech Russian Synthesis by Rule, 129-130
Rigoll, Gerhard: Text-to-Speech Conversion for German Using a Cascade/Parallel Formant Synthesizer, 131-133
House, Jill and Johnson, Micheal:
Enlivening the Intonation in Text-to-Speech Synthesis: An 'Accent-unit' Model, 134-137
Descriptive Phonetics: Microprosodic F0 Variations
Pettorino, Massimo: Intrinsic Pitch of Vowels: An Experimental Study on Italian, 138-141
Bo, Shi and Jialu, Zhang: Vowel Intrinsic Pitch in Standard Chinese, 142-145
Möbius, Bernd; Zimmermann, Alice; Hess, Wolfgang: Microprosodic Fundamental Frequency Variations in German, 146-149
Schiefer, Lieselotte: F0 Perturbations in Hindi, 150-153
King, Ling; Ramming, Harry; Schiefer, Lieselotte and Tillmann, Hans G.:
Initial F0-Contours in Shanghai CV-Syllables - an Interactive Function of Tone, Vowel Height, and Place and Manner of Stop Articulation, 154-157
Word Prosody
Хелимскии, Евгений: Bcтpeчный двyнапpaвлeнный oтcчeт мop в нгaнacaнском языкe, 158-161
Lin, Mao-Can: The Perceptual Cues of Tones in Standard Chinese, 162-165
Rumyantsev, M. K.: Chinese Tones and their Duration, 166-169
Kaplun, M. I.: Rhythmic Structure of Disyllables in Yoruba, 170-173
Asinovsky, A. S. and Golovko, Y. V.:
Rhythmic Accent Patterns in Aleut, 174-176
Sociophonetics 1
Foldvik, Arne Kjell: The Change from Apical to Dorsal r in Norwegian, 177-178
Van Erp, Alda: Sociophonetic Aspects of Dutch Cleft-palate Speech, 179-182
Skow, William Akira: The Flood of Japanised Foreign Words and these Futurity, 183-186
Van Herpt, Leo W. A.: Perception of Paralinguistic Cues of Age and Sex in Manipulated Speech: An Exploration, 187-190
Земская, Е. А.; Китайгородская, М. В.; Розанова, Н. Н.:
Ocoбeннocти мужскoй и жeнcкой peчи в совpeменном pyccкoм pyccкoм языкe, 191-194
Speech Disorders 1
Bastian, Hans-Jürgen: Die vokale Kommunikationsfähigkeit im System der sprechsprachlichen Kommunikationsfähigkeit, 195-197
Lepskaya, Natalya and Bazzhina, Tatyana: Development of Phonological Opposition Vowel/Consonant with Normal Children and Children with Anarthria, 198-200
Krushevskaya, Iraida: Speech Disturbances Caused by Cleft Palates, 201-203
Chirkina, G. V.: Verbal Development Dysontogenesis in Children with Velopharyngeal Incompetency, 204-205
Gnativ, Y. N.; Rashkevich, Y. N. and Shpak, Z. Y.:
A Device for Correction of Rhythmical Disorders of Speech Functions, 206-209
Articulatory Synthesis 1
Kubin, Gernot and Pikturna, Vytautas: An Articulatory Speech Synthesizer Talking German, 210-213
Heike, Georg: 'Coarticulation' in an Articulatory Synthesis Model of German, 214-216
Meyer, Peter; Wilhelms, Reiner and Strube, Hans Werner: Quasi-Articulatory Real-Time Speech Synthesis, 217-220
Nadler, Robert D.; Abbs, James H. and Fujimura, Osamu: Speech Movement Research Using the New X-Ray Microbeam System, 221-224
Skalozub, L. G.; Pavlichenko, A. N. and Teryayev, D. A.:
Tensopalatography Dynamic Technique and Articulatory Tension Study Compared with Speech Acoustic Parameters (Syllable Production in Spoken Speech as an Articulatory Structure), 225-230
Speech Acoustics: Models
Babkina, Lyudmila; Denison, Boris; Gorokhova, Svetlana and Molchanov, Alexandr: Complex Signal Reflection in the Peripheral Part of the Hearing System and Description of Phonetic Elements, 231-234
Bosch, L. F. M., ten; Bonder, L. J. and Pols, L. C. W.: Static and Dynamic Structure of Vowel Systems, 235-238
Shun-an, Yang: An Articulatory Dynamic Model for Diphthongs and Triphthongs in Chinese, 239-242
Tyapkin, Alexey: Mathematical Modelling of the Formant Structures of Vocalic Soundtype Systems, 243-246
Brovchenko, Tamara and Voloshin, Vladimir:
Approximation of Intonation Structure of Speech, 247-250
Speech Perception: Central Mechanisms
Dang, V. C. and Carre R.: Lateral Inhibition and Speech Signal Processing, 251-254
Radionova, Elena A.: Speech Sounds in Frequency Following Responses of the Auditory System, 255-261
Christovich, Inna; Malinnikova, Taisa and Ogorodnikova, Elena: Interval of Spectral Information Accumulation in Perception of Non-Stationary Vowels, 262-265
Deglin, Vadim; Trachenko, Olga and Chernigovskaya, Tatiana:
Sound Shape of Language and Cerebral Asymmetry, 266-269
Speech Enhancement
Кузбмич, Юдовик Евгений: Moдифициpoванная пoлюcная модeль peчeвoгo cигнала и ee пpимeнeниe для пoдaвлeния шyмa, 270-273
Makhonin, V.: Polytonal Analysis-Synthesis System for Speech Enhancement, 274-276
Prokhorov, Y. N.; Minin, A. V.: Extraction of Speech in Acoustical Noise by Markov Filtering, 277-280
Kuwabara, Hisao and Takagi, Tohru: Quality Control of Speech by Modifying Formant Frequencies and Bandwidths, 281-284
Lim, Jae S.:
Speech Enhancement, 285-291
Word and Sentence Prosody
Waterson, Natalie: Invariant Auditory Word Patterns in Speech Processing, 292-295
Palková, Zdena: Intonatorische Merkmale in der Perzeption der Wortgrenzen im Satz, 296-299
Prokopowa, Larissa: Artikulatorische Korrelate des festen und losen Anschlusses im Deutschen (anhand des Röntgenfilms), 300-303
Hint, Mati: Two Issues in Estonian Phonology - Quantity and Palatalization, 304-307
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Yu.:
The Organization of a Phonetic Word and Sentence Prosody in Biblical Hebrew, 308-311
Word Stress 1
Юозас, Пабрежа: Динамика aттpaкции удаpeния (нa матepиaлe литoвcкиx диaлeктoв), 312-314
Елена Ясова: O нeкoтopыx фyнкцияx pyccкoгo cлoвecнoгo yдapeния, 315-318
Pakerys, Antanas: Relative Importance of Acoustic Features for Perception of Lithuanian Stress, 319-320
Dzhunisbekov, A.: The Turkic Word Prosody Problem, 321-323
Mildner, Vesna and Lisker, Leigh:
Acoustic vs. Lexical Judgements in the Perception of Falling Accents in Serbo-Croatian: A Preliminary Study, 324-327
Descriptive Phonetics: Consonants 1
Langmeier, Ch.; Lüders, U.; Schiefer, L. and Modi, Bh.: An Acoustic Study on Murmured and "Tight" Phonation in Gujarati Dialects - A Preliminary Report, 328-331
Marchal, Alain: Groupes d'occlusives et clics, 332-335
Jha, Sunil Kumar: The Influence of Aspiration on Vowel Duration, 336-340
Khachatryan, Amalia and Airapetyan, Albert: The Main Cues Differentiating Aspirated and Unaspirated Stops and Affricates Armenian, 341-345
Recasens, Daniel:
Palatalization Effects and Degrees of Articulatory Constraint in two Catalan Dialects, 346-349
Phonotactics and Universals
Perlin, Jacek and Sawicka, Irena: Balkan-Romance Parallels in Distribution of Phonemes, 350-353
Tuldava, Juhan: Phonostatistical Characteristics of the Estonian Language, 354-357
Schiefer, Erhard F. and Schiefer, Lieselotte: Phonotaktische Gesetzmäßigkeiten im Konsonantismus des Tremjugan-Ostjakischen - ein Beitrag zu phonetischen Universalien, 358-361
Asinovsky, Alexander S. and Volodin, Alexander P.:
The Typology of Vocalic Structures of the Word in Chukchi-Kamchatkan Languages, 362-364
Aids for Hearing-Impaired
Fukuda, Yumiko: Improving Voice Quality of Hearing-Impaired by Use of Electro-Glottographic Display, 365-368
Piroth, Hans Georg: Incorporation of the Fortis-Lenis Feature in a Quasiarticulatory System of Tactile Speech Synthesis by Adding Temporal Variations, 369-372
Povel, Dirk-Jan and Maassen, Ben: Visual Information and Speech Acquisition of the Deaf, 373-376
Maassen, Ben and Povel, Dirk-Jan:
Glottal Determinants of Deaf Voice Quality, 377-380
Child Speech 1
Vihman, Marilyn May and Ferguson, Charles A.: The Acquisition of Final Consonants, 381-384
Kassai, Ilona: On the Tonosyntax of a Hungarian Child's Early Questions, 385-388
Vesker, Laine: Altersmäßige Besonderheiten bei der Aneignung des Quantitätssystems der estnischen Sprache, 389-392
McClain, Katia: The Acquisition of Palatalization in Russian, 393-396
Vinarskaya, E. N.:
Emotionally Expressive Prerequisites of Language Units in Russian Speech, 397-398
Volume 2
Volume 2 as single PDF-document
Karjalainen, Matti: Auditory Models for Speech Processing, 11-20
Repp, Bruno H.:
Integration and Segregation in Speech Perception, 21-40
Control of Articulatory Events 1
Alfonso, Peter J. and Horiguchi, Satochi: Vowel-Related Lingual Articulation in /ðCVC/ Syllables as a Function of Stop Contrast, 41-44
McGowan, Richard S.: Some Properties of an Aeroacoustics Characterization of Phonation, 45-48
Ohala, Manjari and Ohala, John J.: Laboratory-Induced Speech Errors in Hindi, 49-52
Wood, Sidney A. J.: The History of the Classical Vowel Articulation Model: A Reply to Catford and Fischer-Jørgensen, 53-56
Pettersson, Thore and Wood, Sidney A. J.:
Model Experiments on Vowel Reduction in Bulgarian, 57-60
Models of Speech Perception 2
Shamma, Shihab A.: The Auditory Features of Vowel and Fricative Phonemes, 61-64
Krull, Diana: Evaluation of Distance Metrics Using Swedish Stop Consonants, 65-68
Ringeling, J. C. T. and Eefting, W.: A Case for Global Listening Strategies, 69-72
Bannert; Robert: From Prominent Syllables to a Skeleton of Meaning: A Model of Prosodically Guided Speech Recognition, 73-76
Bondarenko, V. P.; Moor, V. R. and Chabanets, A. N.:
The Analysis of Speech Perception Mechanisms on the Models of Auditory System, 77-80
Speaker-Independent Spech Recognition
Pluciński, Andrzej: The Normalization of the Speech Signal Spectrum Envelope, 81-84
Hoequist, Charles, Jr.: Phonological Rule Implementation in Speech Recognition, 85-88
Barry, William: Adaptation to Regional Accents in Automatic Speech Recognition, 89-92
Deterding, D. H.: Use of the Erb Scale in Peripheral Auditory Processing for Vowel Identification, 93-96
Мазур, Владимир:
Pacпoзнaвaниe peчи пpoизвoлнoгo диктopa пo клacтepным этaлoнaм, 97-100
General Problems of Phonology 1
Delmonte, Rodolfo: The Realization of Semantic Focus and Language Modeling, 101-104
Everett, Daniel L.: Ternarity in Piraha Phonology, 105-106
Church, Kenneth W.: Three Classes of "+" Boundaries, 107-110
Stojanović, Časlav: The Serbo-Croatian Phonological System and Problems in Presenting it to Foreign Learners, 111-114
Chikoidze, Georgi:
A Phonologic-Phonetic Component of a Dynamic Linguistic Model, 115-118
Historical Phonetics and Phonology 1
Zhuravlyev, V. K.: Prolegomena to Diachronic Phonology, 119-121
Steponavicius, Albertas: On Methods of Reconstruction, 122-125
Edelman, D. I.:
Articulatory Phonetics and Reconstruction Verification, 126-131
Descriptive Phonetics: Consonants 2
Weiss, Helga Elisabeth: Acoustic Characteristics of the Glottal Stop in Kayabi, 132-137
Voronina, S. B.: Affricatization of /t'/, /d'/ in the Modern Literary Pronunciation of Moscovites, 138-141
Kodzasov, S. V.: Pharyngeal Features in the Daghestan Languages, 142-144
Dixit, R. Prakash:
In Defense of the Phonetic Adequacy of the Traditional Term "Voiced Aspirated", 145-148
Metrical Theory
Strangert, Eva: Major Determinants of Speech Rhythm a Preliminary Model and some Data, 149-152
Jensen, John T.: English Stop Allophones in Mertical Theory, 153-156
Stong-Jensen, Margaret: Length and Syllabification in Icelandic, 157-160
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd; Grosser, Wolfgang; Hubmayer, Karl and Wieden, Wilfried:
Is German Stress-Timed? A Study on Vowel Compression, 161-163
Speech Synthesis
Sovijärvi, Antti and Aulanko, Reijo: Synthesis of Logical Accentuation in Different Languages, 164-167
Karnevskaya, Yelena: The Linguistic Aspect of Multi-Language Speech Synthesis, 168-171
Williams, Briony J. and Alderson, Peter R.: Applying the Tonetic Stress Mark System to the Synthesis of British English Intonation, 172-175
Bolla, Kálmán and Kiss, Gábor: The Phonetic Basis of Artificial Russian Speech, its Generation by Computer and its Application, 176-179
Imioɫczyk, Janusz and Ciarkowski, Ryszard: Prosodic Aspects of Polish Word Synthesis, 180-183
Künnap, Eugen:
Researches on the Field of Synthesis of the Estonian Language, 184-187
Acoustics of Speech Produced Under Different Circumstances
Vilkman, Erkki; Manninen, Olavi; Lauri, Eija-Riitta and Pukkila, Tarmo: Vocal Jitter as an Indicator of Changes in Psychophysiological Arousal, 188-191
Bond, Z. S. and Moore, Thomas J.: Speech Produced under Adverse Circumstances, 192-195
Janota, Premysl and Palková, Zdena: The Evaluation of Misinterpretations of Speech Segments under Noise-Test Conditions, 196-199
Slethei, Kolbjørn: Categorical Perception and Difference Limens in Helium-Oxygen Speech, 200-203
Dohalská-Zichová, Marie: Analyse de la communication verbale dans différents milieux de travail - problèmes de la perception, 204-206
Kolesnikov, B. M. and Zakharov, L. M.:
Acoustics and Perception of Speech in Various Modes of Articulation, 207-210
Naturalness and Intelligibility of Synthetic Speech 1
Malsheen, Bathsheba J.;Amador-Hernandez, Mariscela; Yue, Melanie and Wright, James T.: Intelligibility of English, French, German, and Spanish Consonants Generated by Rule over Simulated Telephone Bandwidths, 211-214
Clark, J. E.; Mannell, R. H. and Ostry, D.: Time and Frequency Resolution Constraints on Synthetic Speech Intelligibility, 215-218
Bacri, N.: Perceptual Spaces and the Identification of Natural and Synthetic Sentences, 219-222
Mackie, Kerrie; Dermody, Phillip and Katsch, Richard: Assessing the Intelligibility and Processing Speed of Processed Speech, 223-225
Bạsztura, Czeslaw:
Likeness Functions of the Acoustic Patterns as an Index for Objective Estimation of Speech Transmission Quality, 226-229
Speaker Recognition and Normalization 1
Van Dommelen, Wim A.: Speaker Recognition from Phonated vs. Whispered Vowels under Different Filtering Conditions, 230-232
Zalewski, Janusz: Speaker Recognition by Means of Short Speech Segments. Analysis Using Time-Varying Linear Prediction in Lattice Formulation, 233-236
Majewski, Wojciech; Basztura, Czeslaw and Jurkiewicz, Jerzy: A Method of Automatic Speaker Recognition in Open Sets, 237-240
Harmegnies, Bernard; Landercy, Albert and Bruyninckx, Marielle: An Experiment in Inter-Languages Speaker Recognition Using the SDDD Index, 241-244
Miller, J. B.:
Quantification of a Multi-Speaker Database of Spoken Australian English, 245-248
General Problems of Phonology 2
Derwing, Bruce L.; Dow, Maureen L.; Nearey, Terrance M.: Experimental Evidence for Phonological Units, 249-252
Grzybowski, Stefan: Towards the Phonological Model for Contrastive Analysis, 253-256
Fachraddin, Weisalow and Ogly, Jadiǵar: Probleme der Phonemvarianten in der gegenwärtigen Phonologie, 257-260
Wierzchowski, Josef: Die Forschungen der Phonemrealisation und die Bedeutungen der Wortform, 261-264
Yevdoshenko, A.:
The Metalanguage of Phonology, 265-268
Historical Phonetics and Phonology 2
Svantesson, Jan-Olof: Tonogenesis in Northern Mon-Khmer, 269-272
Hombert, Jean-Marie: Phonetic Conditioning for the Development of Nasalization in Teke, 273-276
Bascom, Burt: Tonogenesis in Northern Tepehuan, 277-279
Werner, H.; Schablo, N.: Über die Natur der vokalischen Alternationen in der ketischen Sprache, 280-283
Sara, Solomon:
Pharyngeal Split in Syriac, 284-287
Spa, Jaap J.: Arguments en faveur d'un traîtement non unitaire de la typologie syllabique, 288-290
Michaels, David: Syllables and Consonants, 291-294
Noske, Roland: Directional, Lexical and Postlexical Syllabification and Vowel Deletion, 295-298
Giannini, Antonella: On the Relationship between Coarticulatory Effect of Lip Rounding and Syllabic Boundary in French, 299-302
Rudelyov, Vladimir:
Phonological Conception of a Syllable (Applied to the Languages with Phonic System), 303-305
Aphasic Speech
Ziegler, Wolfram and Von Cramon, Detlev: VOT Production in Aphasia: Contextual and Lexical Influences, 306-308
Ziegler, Wolfram and Hoole, Philip: Naturally Occurring VOT Continua in Aphasic Speech: Perceptual Correlates, 310-313
Salasoo, Aitaa dn Berndt, Rita Sloan: Normal and Aphasic Processing of Sentence Structure and Intonation, 314-317
Panasyuk, Alexander Y and Panasyuk, Irina V.:
An Experimental Investigation of Speech Perception in Motor Aphasia, 318-321
Child Speech 2
Loots, Marijke: Phoneme Discrimination and Third Language Learning, 322-324
De Boysson-Bardies, B.; Sagart, L. and Hallé, P.: The Influence of Target-Languages on Vocalic Space in Ten-Month-Old Infants, 325-328
Pačesova, Jaroslava: Phonetic and Phonological Properties of Child Language, 329-332
Isenina, Yelena: Development of Child Speech Hearing at the Onset of Speech, 333-336
Japaridze, Zurab N.; Strelnikov, Yuri A. and Strelnikov, Igor Y.:
On Spectral Differences in the Cry of Newborns of Different Nationalities, 337-339
Relations between Vocal Tract and Acoustics 1
Wu, Hui Yi; Badin, Pierre; Cheng, Yan Ming and Guerin, Bernard: Continuous Variation of the Vocal Tract Length in a Kelly-Lochbaum Type Speech Production Model, 340-343
Feng, Gang and Abry, Christian: Nasalization of French Vowels Contribution of the Nasopharyngeal Tract and the Sinuses, 344-347
Majid, R.; Abry. C.; Bow, L. J. and Perrier, P.: Contribution à la classification articulatori-acoustique des voyelles: étude des macro-sensibilites a l'aide d'un modele articulatoire, 348-351
Badin, Pierre and Boe, Louis-Jean:
Vocal Tract Vocalic Nomograms: Acoustic Considerations, 352-355
Methods of Speech Signal Analysis 2
Koopmans - Van Beinum, Florien J. and De Saint Aulaire, Rob P.: Dynamic Determination of Acoustic Vowel Contrast, 356-359
Randolph, Mark A. and Zue, Victor W.: The Role of Syllable Structure in the Acoustic Realizations of Stops, 360-363
Seggie, David A.: The Use of Temporal Frequency in Speech Signal Analysis, 364-367
Guotian, Zhao: A Primary Experience: The Vector Quantization Technique is an Effective Tool for Phonetic Research, 368-370
Marteau, P. F.; Caelen, J. and Janot-Giorgetti, M. T.:
A Spectral Warping Model: A Study of French Nasal Vowels, 371-375
Speech Sound Recognition 1
Yanagida, Masuzo; Yamashita, Youichi and Kakusho, Osamu: Detection and Identification of Plosive Sounds in Words, 376-379
O' Kane, Mary: Location and Recognition of Plosive Consonants in Continuous Speech, 380-383
Franco, Horacia and Gurlekian, Jorge A.: Context Dependent Recognition of Spanish Stops, 384-387
Marchal, Alain and Foti, Anne: Caractéristiques acoustiques de la première consonne dans un groupe de deux occlusives, 388-392
Бoндapeнкo, M. Ф. and Гaвpaшeнкo, A. H.:
Об oдном подходе к вoпpocy фoнeтической идeнтификации гpyппы щeлeвых coглacны и аффpикaт pyccoкoгo языка, 393-396
Historical Phonetics and Phonology 3
Mahadin, Radwan S.: Doublets in Arabic: Notes Towards a Diachronic Phonological Study, 397-399
Gorshkova, K. V.: On Reconstructing Phonological Systems and Patterns of their Development, 400-403
Dyro, Vladimir A.: On the Origin of Morphonemicized Accent Systems, 404-406
Пeнькoвcкий, A. Б.:
Фoнeтичecкие дoлгoты глacных в pyccком языке: фoнoлoгичecкая cyщност и интерпретация связанных c ними явлений (диахpoничеcкий и синхpoничecкий), 407-410
Phonology and Morphology
Szende, Tamás: Phonetic Change, Phonemic Status and Morphophonological Alternations, 411-414
Plotkin, Vulf Y.: The Ultimate Phonological Unit as the Smallest Morpheme Shape, 415-418
Rusakova, Marina: On the Morpheme Boundary as a Criterion of Phonetic Divisibility, 419-422
Zubkova, Ludmila:
Aspects of the Sound Form of the Word, 423-426
Contrastive Studies 1
Földi, Éva: La palatalisation et la pharyngalisation en polonais dans une comparison entre plusieurs langues, 427-430
Kozma, Gábor: Experiment in Interlingual Typological Examination of Vowels, 431-434
Георгиева, Магдалина А.: Oппoзиция пaлaтaльноть/нeпaлaтaльноcть в pyccкoм и бoлгаpcкoм кoнcoнaнтнзмз, 435-437
Николовд, Лилия: Peaлизaция coглаcных при caндxи (нa cтыкe клитик и знамeнательнoгo слoвa) в pyccкoм и бoлгapcкoм языкax, 438-442
Балупури, Чинта:
Apтикyляциoннaя бaзa (АБ) pyccкoгo языкa в coпocтaвлeнии c АБ хинди и ee типoлoгичecкие ocoбeннocти, 443-447
Speech Disorders 2
Mitlieb, Fares: Generative Accounts of Misarticulations of two Jordanian Children, 448-451
Simada, Zyn'ici; Koike, Minako; Okamoto, Akiko andNiimi, Seiji: Lateral Release in the Articulatory Closure of the Velar Stop Sounds [k, g]: An Acoustic Study, 452-455
Tarkowski, Zbigniew and Lewandowski, Andrzej: The Articulation Disorders in Mentally Retarded Children, 456-459
Kapлeп, K.:
Зaвиcимocть методики обyчeния пнcьмy и чтению от ocoбeннocтeй языка, 460-462
Bonnot, Christine and Fougeron, Irina: Intonation et thématisation en russe moderne, 463-467
Fonagy, Ivan: Semantic Diversity in Intonation, 468-471
Ivić, Pavle: Properties and Functions of the Prosodic Phenomena in Languages, 472-475
Кoдзacoв, C. B.: Тoнaльная эмфаза в pyccком языке, 476-480
Krivnova, Olga: Intonational Phrasing and its Role in Speech Communication, 481-485
Nikolayeva, Tatjana: The Intonology of the 80-es, 486-491
Sappok, Christian: Phrasierung: Zentrum und Peripherie der prosodischen Kontur, 492-495
Svetozarova, N. D.: Sentence Intonation in Language and Linguistics, 496-499
Torsuyeva-Leontyeva, Irina G.: Intonation and World Concept in a Literary Text, 500-504
Yokoyama, Olga T.:
Towards a Framework of Russian Intonation, 505-508
Volume 3
Volume 3 as single PDF-document
Lindblom, Björn:
Adaptive Variability and Absolute Constancy in Speech Signals: Two Themes in the Quest for Phonetic Invariance, 9-18
Laryngeal Control 1
Raimo, Ilkka; Aaaltonen, Olli and Vilkman, Erkki: Stress-Pressure Changes or Laryngeal Activity?, 19-22
Hunt, Melvyn J.: Studies of Glottal Excitation Using Inverse Filtering and an Electroglottograph, 23-26
Sagart, Laurent; Halle, Pierre and De Boysson-Bardies, Bénédicte: An Electromyographic Investigation of Laryngeal Muscle Activity in Modern Standard Chinese Tones, 27-30
Hoole, Philip: Velar and Glottal Activity in a Speaker of Icelandic, 31-34
Autesserre, Denis; Roubeau, Bernard; Di Cristo, Albert; Chevrie-Muller, Clause; Hirst, Daniel; Lacau, Jean and Maton, Bernard:
Contribution du cricothyroidien et des muscles sous-hyoidiens aux variations de la fréquence fondamentale en français: approche électrographique, 35-38
Acoustic Features 1
Sock, Rudolph; Ollila, Liisa; Delattre, Christine and Zilliox, Corinne: Intersegmental (VC & VCC) and Intrasegmental (VOT & VTT) Phasings in French, 39-42
Vaissière, Jacqueline: Effect of Phonetic Context and Timing on the F-Pattern of the Vowels in Continuous Speech, 43-46
Hunnicutt, Sheri: Acoustic Correlates of Redundancy and Intelligibility, 47-50
Van Reenen, Pieter and Van den Berg, Hans:
A Problem of Assimilation Between Nasal Vowel and Preceding Nasal Consonant. A Perceptual Experiment, 51-54
Processing Levels in Speech Perception: Peripheral Analysis
Kasevich, V. B. and Shabelnikova, Y. M.: Hierachy of Levels in Speech Perception, 55-58
Schorradt, Jörg; Piroth, Hans G. and Tillmann, Hans G.: Audiovisually Perceived "Fusions" Within Different Vowel Contexts, 59-62
Hiki, Shizuo: Interaction Between Phonetic and Literal Components in Perception and Production of Japanese Speech, 63-66
Bibikov, N. G.; Dubrovsky, N. A.; Ivanitsky, G. A.; Rimskaya-Korsakova, L. K. and Telepnev, V. N.: A Model for Filtering and Analog-to-Pulse Convertion on the Periphery of Auditory Pathway, 67-70
Шyплякoв, B. C.; Лecoгop, Л. B. and Дoлмaзoн, Ж. M.:
Moдeль пepифepичеcкoгo cлyxoвoгo aнaлизa и aдaптaции, 71-74
Continuous Speech Recognition 1
Andreewsky, A.; Desi, M. and Ringot, P.: Le système de selection et validation auto-adaptatif VARAP pour la reconnaissance de la parole continué, 75-77
Slutsker, Grigory and Krinov, Serguei: Saphir-1: Système multilocuteur comprenant les phrases parlées continués, 78-81
O'Kane, Mary and Mead, David: Key Features in Continuous Speech, 82-85
Lebedev, L. G. and Khamidullin, S. A.: Speech Recognition System on a Microcomputer, 86-88
Harrongton, Jonathan and Johnstone, Anne:
The Effects of Word Boundary Ambiguity in Continuous Speech Recognition, 89-92
Speech Recognition and Recognition: Applications
Olaszy, Gabor and Gordos, Géza: On the Speaking Module of an Automatic Reading Machine, 93-96
Dickson, B. C.; Eady, S. J.; Clayards, J. A. W.M Urbanczyk, S. C. and Wynrib, A. G.: Use of Speech Synthesis in an Information System for Handicapped Travellers, 97-100
Mehnert, Dieter: Modellierung von Intonationskonturen des Deutschen - Anwendungen für Sprachkommunikationsgeräte, 101-104
Kiss, G.; Arató, A.; Lukács, J.; Sulyán, J. and Vaspöri, T.:
A Full Hungarian Text-to-Speech Microcomputer for the Blind, 105-108
Descriptive Phonetics: Vowels
Léon, Pierre R.: E caduc: facteurs distributionnels et prosodiques dans deux types de discours, 109-112
Salza, Pier Luigi; Marotta, Giovanna and Ricca, Davide: Duration and Formant Frequencies of Italian Bivocalic Seqeuences, 113-116
Kuznetsov, Vladimir B. and Ott, Arvo: Spectral Properties of Russian Stressed Vowels in the Context of Palatalized and Nonpalatalized Consonants, 117-120
Christov, Philip:
Computer Aided Analysis of Stressed and Unstressed Bulgarian Vowels from 30 Male and 30 Female Speakers, 121-124
Descriptive Phonetics: Timing
Toleda, Guillermo A. and Antoñanzas-Barroso, Norma: Influence of Speaking Rate in Spanish Diphthongs, 125-128
Fletcher, Janet: Some Micro-Effects of Tempo Change on Timing in French, 129-133
Docherty, Gerard J.: The Timing of Voicing in British English Consonant Clusters as a Function of Medial Boundary Status, 134-137
Vygonnaya, Lilia: The Variations in the Word Phonetic Structure Caused by Speech Tempo Variation, 138-140
Yesenova, Tamara:
On Tempo Divergences in Mongolian Languages, 141-144
Composition of F0 Contours
Pierrehumbert, Janet B. and Steele, Shirley A.: How Many Rise-Fall-Rise Contours?, 145-148
Kohler, Klaus J.: The Linguistic Functions of F0 Peaks, 149-152
Avesani, Cinzia: Declination and Sentence Intonation in Italian, 153-156
Sappok, Christian:
Irregular Periodicity as a Boundary Cue Between Phrases, 157-160
Spontaneous Speech 1
Iosifovna, Geilman Natalja: Variability of Phonemes in Spoken Russian, 161-164
Madelska, Liliana: Computer-Assisted Examination of the Phonetic Variancy of Spontaneous Speech, 165-168
Shattuck-Hufnagel, Stefanie: Phonological Planning for Speech Production. Speech Error Evidence for Word-Based vs. Syllable-Based Structure, 169-172
Caldognetto, Emanuela Magno; Tonelli, Livia; Vagges, Kyriaki and Cosi, Piero: The Organization of Constraints on Phonological Speech Errors, 173-176
Delgado Martins, Maria Raquel:
Strategie conversationelle: donner et prendre la parole, 177-179
Intonational Aspects of Various Languages 1
Nevalainen, Terttu: A Quantitive Survey of Nuclear Tone Variation in English, 180-183
Profili, Olga and Martin, Philippe: Antonia mangia la zuppa inglese. Phonetic and Phonological Aspects of Italian Sentence Intonation, 184-186
Malavakis, Th.: Intonation Patterns in Greek, 187-189
Gordina, M. V.: Ton syllabique et intonation de phrase en vietnamien, 190-193
Odé, Cecilia:
A Perceptual Analysis of Russian Intonation: Some Aspects, 194-197
History of Phonetics
Mouraviev, Serge N.: Page d'histoire de la phonétique ancienne. La forme externe de l'alphabet ASOMT'AVRULI en tant que modèle graphique de la structure differentielle des phonèmes du vieux-géorgien, 198-201
Weinstock, Horst: Laut und Name mittelalterlicher Buchstaben, 202-205
Kemp, Alan:
Phonetic Transcription and the Volney Prize, 206-209
Attitudinal-Emotional Variations in Sentence Prosody 1
Nushikyan, Emma: The Typological Analysis of Emotional Speech Prosody, 210-213
Yurova, Irina: Intonational Universalities and Perception of Emotional Intonations, 214-217
Zlatoustova, L. V. and Kedrova, G. Y.:
Perceptive and Acoustive Characteristics of Emotions: A Typological Research Based on the Material of Language with Different Structures, 218-221
Phonotactics 1
Fonda, Carlo: The Theory of Complementary Distribution as a Tool of Discovery: An Analysis of the Phonemic Status of the Sibilants in the Venezia Giulia Variant of Standard Italian, 222-225
Dmitrenko, S. N.: The Specific Character of the Initial Sound-Type Abbreviations Phonological System, 226-229
Kaлнынь, Л. Э.: Фoнeтичecкaя пpoгpaммa cлoвa кaк ocнoвнaя пpoизнocитeльнaя eдиницa, 230-233
Tokhmakhyan, Robert Markosovich:
The Statistical Analysis of Initial and Final Consonat Clusters in Armenian, 234-235
Descriptive Phonetics
Koo, John H. and Homma, Yayoi: Consonant Gemination in English Loanwords of Japanese, 236-239
Ceлютинa, И. Я.: Kвaнтитaтивноть кyмaндинcкиx глaсныx, 240-243
Totskaya, N. I.: The Nature of the So-Calles Non-Syllabic Vowels in the Ukranian Language, 244-246
Lezhava, Ivane and Gamkreliaze, Nana:
On the Problem of Acoustic Pecularities of Stops in Some Languages of the Caucasian Area, 247-248
Analysis and Synthesis of Prosodic Contours
Demenko, Grazyna: Multidimensional Analysis of the Similarity of Pitch Contours, 249-252
Jassem, Wiktor: Computer-Assisted Classification of Basic Polish Intonations, 253-256
Tro, Jan: Separate Pitch and Rhythmic Patterns in Synthetic Speech and Music, 257-259
Ottesen, Georg E.: Adding Natural Prosody to a Phoneme Synthesiser, 260-261
Eady, S. J. and Dickson, B. C.:
Speech Synthesis of Sentence Focus in English Declaratives, 262-265
Naturalness and Intelligibility of Synthetic Speech 2; Expert Systems in Speech Processing
Meister, Einar; Rohtla, Mart and Raudsepp, Maida: Increasement of Naturalness in Synthesized Speech, 266-269
Henton, Caroline G.: Phonetic Considerations for the Synthesis of Female Voices, 270-273
Sobolev, V. N.: Studies of Phonetic Function Applicability to Automatic Quality Testing of Speech Processing Systems and Transmission Channels, 274-277
Ott, Arvo and Siil, Imre: The Synthesis-by-Rule Development System with Expert Capabilities, 278-281
Bonneau, Anne and Rossi, Mario:
Recognition of French Vowels by Expert System Serac, 282-285
Continuous Speech Recognition 2; Speech Recognition Algorithms
Пaнчeнкo, Б. B.: Фopмиpoвание эталoнoв для мopфeмнoгo pacпoзнавания peчи, 286-289
Дeгтяpeв, H. П. and Лeвкoв, E. Я.: Пoвышeниe надeжнocти pacпoзнавания cлoв cлитной peчи, 290-293
A Campo, Frank W.: Ein Dynamic-Programming-Algorithmus zur Anwendung in der automatischen Sprachverarbeitung, 294-297
Korkmazsky, F. Y.: Speech Recognition System Based on Walsh Function, 298-301
Maistrenko, K. P.:
Development of Method and Device for Improved Real-Time Speech Recognition Reliability, 302-305
Word Stress 2; Tones
Van Heuven, Vincent J.: An Unusual Effect on the Perception of Stress, 306-308
Matsushita, Tomonori: Word Stress of Trisyllabics of Olf French Origin in Late Middle English, 309-312
De Moraes, João Antônio: Corrélates acoustiques de l'accent de mot on portugais brésilien, 313-316
Tseva, Argyro and Contini, Michel: Règles d'accentuation en grec moderne, 317-319
Feng, Shi; Lin, Shi and Rong-Rong, Liao:
An Experimental Analysis of the Five Level Tones of the Gaoba Kam, 320-323
Speech of Hearing-Impaired Subjects: Production and Perception 1
Turner, Christopher W. and Holte, Leonore A.: Internal Speech Representations in Normal and Hearing-Impaired Subjects, 324-327
Celmer, Robert D. and Bienvenue, Gordon R.: Critical Bands in the Perception of Speech Signals by Normal and Sensorineural Hearing Loss Listerners, 328-331
Revoile, S. G.; Holden-Pitt, L.; Edward, D. and Pickett, J. M.: Speech Cue Enhancement for the Hearing Impaired: III. Amplification of Friction for Improved Perception of Final Fricative Voicing, 332-335
Abberton, Evelyn; Hazan, Valerie and Fourcin, Adrian: Speech Pattern Acquisition in Profoundly Hearing Impaired Children, 336-339
Frank, Yael:
From Syllables to Sentences, 340-343
The Relationship Between Phonetics and Natural Phonology
Angenot, Jean-Pierre; Landercy, Albert and Mondl, Ulf Hermann: Instrumental Quantification of the "Over-All Amplitude" Feature, 344-348
Basbøll, Hans: Natural Phonology and Some Competing Paradigms, with Particular Reference to Syllabification, 349-354
Bertinetto, Pier Marco: Phonetics, Phonology, and the Natural of it, 355,359
Dogil, Grzegorz: Prototypical Speech Events and Speech Perception, 360-365
Dressler, Wolfgang U.:
Phonetics and Natural Phonology, 366-370
Interaction Phenomena in Speech Production Modelling
Carre, R.: Review of French Work on Vocal Source - Vocal Tract Interaction, 371-375
Fant, Gunnar: Interactive Phenomena in Speech Production, 376-381
Sorokin, Victor: Coordination of Muscles and Articulators, 382-384
Stevens, Kenneth N.: Interaction Between Acoustic Sources and Vocal-Tract Configurations for Consonants, 385-389
Zhang, Jialu:
The Intrinsic Fundamental Frequency of Vowels and the Effect of Speech Modes on Formants, 390-393
Volume 4
Volume 4 as single PDF-document
Lehiste, Ilse:
Duration: Measurements, Phonological Functions, Theoretical Implications, 9-15
Control of Articulatory Events 2; Coarticulation
Hoole, Philip: Bite-Block Speech in the Absence of Oral Sensibility, 16-19
Bonnot, Jean-Francois P.: Electromyographical Correlates of Shouted and Whispered Voice, 20-23
Vayra, Mario, Fowler, Carol A.: The Word Level Interplay of Stress, Coarticulation, Vowel Height and Vowel Position in Italian, 24-27
Rietveld, A. C. M. and Frauenfelder, U. H.: The Effect of Syllable Structure on Vowel Duration, 28-31
Skalozud, L. G.:
Articulatory Dynamic Organization of Word Production According to Cinema X-Ray Photography Data (Methods of Investigation and Results of Application), 32-35
Acoustic Features 2
Sepp, Arvi: Acoustic Variation and Types of Palatalization, 36-39
Jaques, Benoit: Les indices acoustiques du trait de voisement dans les occlusives du français parlé à Montréal, 40-43
Llisterri, Joaquim and West, Martin: Invariant Acoustic Correlates for Place of Articulation in Catalan Voiceless Stops, 44-47
Poch-Olivé, Dolors:
Acoustic Correlates for Places of Articulation in Spanish Stop Consonants, 48-51
Methods of Speech Signal Analysis 3
Howard, David M. and Howard, Ian S.: Quantitative Comparison of Speech Fundamental Period Estimation Devices, 52-55
Martin, Philippe: A Logarithmic Spectral Comb Method for Fundamental Frequency Detection, 56-58
Kanter, Leonid A.; Chizhov, Alexander P. and Guskova, Ksenia G.: A Cluster-Seeking Technique for Prosodic Analysis (with Special Reference to Russian Sentence Intonation), 59-61
Людoвик, E. K.:
Bыделение ocновного тона, ocнованнoe на мapкoвcкoй мoдeли, 62-65
Speech Perception: Research Methods; Speaker Recognition and Normalization 2
Ventsov, Anatoly: How to Get Parameters of the Speech Perception Model from the Results of Psychoacoustic Experiments?, 66-69
Myślecki, Wojciech and Majewski, Wojiciech: N-Dimensional Metrical Formalism of the Perceptual Space of Polish Phonemes, 70-73
Tuffelli, Denis and Ye, Haiyan: Can We Predict F'2 by Means of a Similarity Measure?, 74-77
Damper, R. I.; Bladon, R. A. W.; Hukin, R. W. and Irvine, G. N. A.: Resynthesis and Matching Experiments of an Auditory Theroy of Male/Female Normalisation, 78-81
Гитлин, B. Б.:
Идeнтификация диктopa пo чacтoтaм фopмaнт, измеpeнным cинxpoннo c ocнoвным тoнoм, 82-85
Perception of Speech Rate; Phrasing
Halle, Pierre: A Preliminary Study of Speech Rate Perception, 86-89
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd; Tillmann, Hans G.; Grosser, Wolfgang and Hubmayer, Karl: Articulatory Complexity and the Perception of Speech Rate, 90-93
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd; Tillmann, Hans G. and Kühnert, Barbara: P-Centers and the Perception of 'Momentary Tempo', 94-97
Bacri, N. and Nicaise, A.: Perception of a Prosodic Break: The Case of Incidental Phrases in French, 98-101
Forstner, Stephan:
Disambiguierung gleicher Wortfolgen im Deutschen durch prosodische Veränderungen, 102-104
Speech Perception: Context and Order Effects 1
Frauenfelder, Uli H.; Segui, Juan and Dijkstra, Ton: Lexical Effects in Phoneme Monitoring: Facilitatory or Inhibitory?, 105-107
Dermody, Philip; Mackie, Kerrie and Katsch, Richard: Initial Speech Sound Processing in Spoken Word Recognition, 108-111
Magnusson, Eva and Nauclér, Kerstin: Speech Perception in Predictable and Non-Predictable Contexts, 112-115
Damen, Laurens W. M. and Pols, Louis C. W.: The Use of the Gating Paradigm for Studying the Long - Short Vowel Opposition, 116-119
Ohala, John J. and Feder, Deborah:
Listeners' Identification of Speech Sounds is Influenced by Adjacent "Restored" Phonemes, 120-123
Phonotactics 2
Rannut, Mart: Consonant Combinatorics in German, 124-127
Nykiel-Herbert, Barbara: Vocalic Clusters and the Nativization of Loanwords in Polish, 128-131
Guirao, Miguelina and Garcia Jurado, Maria A.: A Statistical Approach to Spanish American Phonological Units, 132-135
Veenker, Wolfgang: Daten der phonologischen Statistik als Indiz für den Grad der Sprachverwandtschaft (am Beispiel uralischer Sprachen), 136-138
Falaschi, Alessandro:
Phonotactical Constraints Strenght Changes as Function of Inside Word Syllable Position, 139-142
Features and Universals
Greenlee, Mel; Ferguson, Charles A. and Huntington, Dorothy: The Feature [Flat] in Cross-Language Perception, 143-145
Melikischvili, Irina Universelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Einheiten mit sonantischen Merkmalen, 146-149
Бpoмлeй, C. B.: Moдификaции coнopныx coглacныx, cвязaнныe c paзлиями фoнeтичecких cиcтeм пo пpизнaку "вокальность - кoнcoнaнтнocть"", 150-153
Jguenti, Irene:
Universaux des nasales, 154-156
Descriptive Phonetics: Vowels and Sonants
Nord, Lennart: Acoustic Studies of Vowel Reduction in Swedish, 157-160
Iivonen, Anti: Regional Differences in the Realization of Standard German Vowels, 161-164
Dantsuji, Masatake: Some Acoustic Observations on Half Nasals in Sinhalese, 165-168
Jianfen, Cao:
The Ancient Initial "Voiced" Consonants in Modern Wu Dialects, 169-172
Speech of Hearing-Impaired Subjects: Production and Perception 2
McGarr, Nancy S.; Löfqvist, Anders and Story, Robin Seider: Jaw Kinematics in Hearing-Impaired Speakers, 173-176
Öster, Anne-Marie Some Effects of Cochlear Implantation on Speech Production, 177-180
Agelfors, Eva and Risberg, Arne: The Identification of Synthetic Vowels by Patients Using a Single-Channel Cochlear Implant, 181-184
Gósy, Mária; Olaszy, Gábor; Hirschberg, Jenó and Farkas, Zsolt:
Phonetically Based New Method for Audiometry: The G_O_H Measuring System Using Synthetic Speech, 185-188
Typology and Universals Phonic Iconism
Wescott, Roger W.: Encoding Without Grammar: Phonic Iconism in English, 189-192
Veldi, Enn: Estonian Onomatopoeia: A Typological Approach, 193-196
Voronin, Stanislav V.
The Phonemotype: A New Linguistic Notion (Implications for Typological Phonosemantics), 197-200
Spontaneous Speech 2
Bardina, Natalia: Principles of Intonational Structuring of the Spontaneous Monologue, 201-204
Бaгмут, A. И.: Aкycтичecкoe выpaжeниe "блoчнoгo" xapaктepa cпoнтaннoй peчи, 205-208
Ganiyev, Zh. V.:
Attribution of Russian Literary Paraphonetics, 209-212
Kukolshchikova, L. Y. and Pankova, I. V.: Perception of English Word Accentual Patterns in the Speech of L2 Learners of English, 213-216
Svecevičius, Bronius: An Experiment on Perception of Lithuanian Vowels by English Subjects, 217-218
Kullová, Jana: On Some Pedagogical Aspects of the Vowel System in Spanish, Regarding Czech Language as the Mother Tongue, 219-220
Hirschfeld, Ursula: Faktoren der phonetischen (Wort-)Verständlichkeit in der Fremdsprache (Deutsch), 221-224
Krasnova, Y. V.: The Danish "stød". The Problem of Phonetic Realization and Perception, 225-227
Ozga, Janina: The Role of Articulatory Empathy in the Teaching of Pronunciation, 228-231
Keller, Kathryn C.: Teaching Phonetics for Linguistic Field Work, 232-235
Янкoвa, Д. C.: Moдeлиpoвaниe звyчaщeй cтopoны инocтpaннoгo языкa в цeляx oбyчeния, 236-239
Brown, Adam:
Functional Load and the Teaching of Pronunciation, 240-242
Sociophonetics 2
Esling, John H.: Vowel Shift and Long-Term Average Spectra in the Survey of Vancouver English, 243-246
Herbert, Robert K. Phonetic Inventory and Taboo, 247-250
Wright, Susan and Kerswill, Paul: Connected Speech Processes: A Sociophonetic Approach, 251-254
Kori, Shiro:
Perceptual Dimensions of Laughter and their Acoustic Correlates, 255-258
Sentencs Prosody: Modality
Nikov, Michel: Des mécanismes de constitution du contour mélodique dans les questions "oui-non" en français, 259-262
Fretheim, Thorstein: The Role of Sentence Intonation in Semantic Interpretation of Norwegian Negative Declaratives, 263-266
Petryankina, V. I.: Types of Semantic Relations Between Intonation and Lexico-Grammatical Means (LGM) of Language, 267-270
Coкoлoвa, M. A. and Maxмypян, K. C.:
Пoиcк вapиaтнвных и инваpиантных просодичecких сpeдств диффepeнциaции побyдительной модальноcти в английcкой диалогичecкой peчи, 271-274
Intonational Aspects of Various Languages 2
Nadeina, Tatiana: Principles of Prosodic Prominence Formation of Words in Russian Utterances, 275-278
Skorikova, Tatiana: Functions of Accent Prominence in Speech, 279-282
Baн, Ч. and Пaнь, X.: Интoнациoнныe cpeдcтва aктуaльнoгo члeнения pyccких пpocтых пpeдлoжeний, 283-286
Wenk, R.:
Влияниe aктуaльного члeнeния нa интонациoннoe oфopмлeниe pyccкoгo чacтнoгo вoпpoca, 287-290
Child Speech 3; Dysarthria
Shaknhnarovich, A. M. and Ivanova, Galina: The Phonological Component of Language Competence: Speech Production and Perception in Ontogenisis, 291-293
Losik, George: The Sensor-Motor Theory of Constant Speech Perception, 294-295
Pedersen, M. F. and Moeller, S.: A Transport Globulin, Serum Hormone Binding Globulin, as a Predicting Factor of Voice Change in Puberty?, 296-299
Arabia-Guidet, C.; Mantoy, A. and Chevrie-Muller, C.: Analyse spectrale des voyelles chez les sujets atteints de maladie de Parkinson, 300-303
Vinarskaya, E. N. and Babkina, T. I.:
Ataxic Disarthria, 304-307
Borden, Gloria J.: Phonetics of Stuttering, 306-309
Ivanov, Leonid V.: Phonology of Stuttering, 310-312
Krushevskaya, Iraida: Dysphasia (Speech Disturbances), Caused by the Functional Stammering (Phoniatric Aspects), 313-314
Harrington, Jonathan:
A Technique for the Phonetic Transcription of Stuttering, 315-318
Cooperative and Interactive Models of Hearing
Bladon, Anthony: The Auditory Modelling Dilemma, and a Phonetic Response, 319-324
Houtsma, Adrianus J. M. and Beerends, John G.: An Optimum Pitch Processing Model for Simultaneous Complex Tones, 325-330
Kohlrausch, Armin: The Influence of Interaural Phase Uncertainty on Binaural Signal Detection, 331-336
Marslen-Wilson, William D. and Frauenfelder, Uli H.: The Interface Between Acoustic-Phonetic and Lexical Processes, 337-343
Revoile, S. G.; Bunnell, H. T. and Pickett, J. M.: On the Prediction of Phoneme Recognition by the Hearing Impaired, 344-349
Schroeder, Manfred R.: Cooperative and Interactive Models of Hearing. An Introduction, 350-351
Stevens, Kenneth N.:
Relational Properties as Perceptual Correlates of Phonetic Features, 352-356
Roman Jakobson and Contemporary Phonology
Andersen, Henning: Roman Jakobson and the Semiotic Foundations of Phonology, 357-361
Paducheva, E. V.: Towards a Calculus of Intonation Contours for Sentences of Arbitrary Syntactic Complexity, 362-367
Wiik, Kalevi:
On the Tonal and Prosodic Accents of the Baltic Sea Area, 368
Volume 5
Volume 5 as single PDF-document
Relations Between Vocal Tract and Acoustics 2
Maeda, Shinji: Articulatory-Acoustic Relationships in Unvoiced Stops: A Simulation Study, 11-14
Bickley, Corine: Modeling the Acoustic Characteristics of Children's Speech: Fundamental Frequency, 15-18
Laine, U. K. and Vilkman, E.: Acoustic Mechanical Feedback in Vocal Source-Tract Interaction, 19-22
Vlasov, Yevgeni and Isayeva, Natali:
The Method for Solving Inverse Problem of Speech Production and Articulatory Portray of a Speaker, 23-26
Text-To-Speech Synthesis 2; Other Synthesis Methods
Auberge, V.; Contini, M.; Maret, D.; Schnabel, B. and Zingle H.: Un outil de Phonetisation multilangue, 27-30
Bimbot, Frédéric; Ahlbom, Gunnar and Chollet, Gérard From Segmental Synthesis to Acoustic Rules Using Temporal Decomposition, 31-34
Hadersbeck, Maximilian: A New Programm for Manipulation of Speech, 35-38
Mantoy, Agnes:
Synthèse de la parole par points-clés: prémiers resultats, 39-42
Speech Perception: Context and Order Effects 2
Scharpff, Peter J.: Effects of Context and Lexical Redundancy on Continuous Word Recognition, 43-45
Batliner, Anton and Schiefer, Lieselotte: Stimulus Category, Reaction Time, and Order Effect - an Experiment on Pitch Discrimination, 46-49
Piroth, Hans Georg and Tillmann, Hans G.: An Order Effect in Pulse Train Discrimination as a Case of Time Order Error, 50-53
Kohno, Morio:
Perception of Rhythm and its Role in the Process of Language Acquisition, 54-55
Speech Signal Processing: Workstations; Phonetic Data Bases 1
Crump, John M.: The Design of a Speech Analysis Workstation, 56-59
Sedivy, Jan and Uhlir, Jan: The Speech Lab, 60-62
Гoнчapoв, C. Л. and Чyчyпaл, B. Я.: Интepaктивнaя для aнaлизa и oбpaбoтки peчeвых cигнaлoв, 63-67
Puech, Gilbert and Bancel, Pierre:
Phonetic Coding for Data Bases and Expert Systems, 68-71
Phoneme Classes and Subclasses
Maddieson, Ian and Hess, Susan A.: The Effect on F0 of the Linguistic Use of Phonation Type, 72-75
Kasatkin, Leonid and Kasatkina, Rosalia: The Correlation of the Tense-Lax Consonants in Some Russian Dialects and in Other Slavic Languages, 76-79
Radchenko, Galina: On the Pharyngealization in Tungus-Manchu Languages, 80-82
Beltjukowa, Natali: Das Konsonantensystem der Dolganischen Sprache (nach experimentalen Angaben), 83-86
Aкчeкeeвa, M. C.:
Фoнoлoгичecкaя интepпpeтaция звукoв "cлaбoй" позиции (нa мaтеpиaлe бeзyдapныx гласных фpaнцyзcкoгo языка), 87-90
Baltic Accents
Гиpдeнис, A. and Kaчюшкeнe, Г.: Bтopичныe тнпы cлoгoвыx интoнaций в литoвcких диалeктax, 91-94
Гpyмaдeнe, Л. and Cтyнджя, Б.: Динaмикa oппoзиций cлoгoвыx интoнaций в фoнoлoгичecкиx cиcтeмax диалeктной и гopoдcкoй peчи (на матеpиале литoвcкoгo языкa), 95-98
Anusienè, Lilija: Duration of Long Stressed Vowels in Present-Day Lithuanian Utterances, 99-102
Vaitkevičiué, Valerija: Pitch Accents in Standard Lithuanian, 103-106
Markus, Dace:
Types of Syllable Toneme in the Ziemeri Variant of High Latvian Dialect, 107-110
Durational Aspects of Sentence Prosody 1
Carlson, Rolf and Granström, Björn: Modelling Swedish Segment Duration, 111-114
Meinhold, Gottfried: Statische Zeitparamater der gesprochenen Sprache, 115-117
Lyberg, Bertil: Some Observations on the Timing of F0-Events, 118-121
Krivnova, Olga: Durational Pattern of Russian Syntagma: The Standard Scheme and its Modifications, 122-125
Santerre, Laurent:
Systematique des durées segmentales dans les rimes syllabiques a voyelles longues et brèves par nature, 126-129
Interference 1
Metlyuk, Anna A.: Prosodic Interference: A Typological Approach, 130-133
Llisterri, Joaquim and Poch-Olivé, Dolors: Phonetic Interference in Bilinguals' Learning of a Third Language, 134-137
Webster, J. C.; Cave, C. and Rossi, M.: A Speech Discrimination Test Using Bilingual Competing Messages, 138-141
Feodorov, Anatoly M.: Native or Alien: Verification of Foreign Accent in the Speech of Russian Learners of English, 142-145
Cruz-Ferreira, Madalena:
Difficulties in Comprehension of L2 Intonation: Diagnosis and Prediction in English, 146-148
Speech Disorders 3
Chobor, Karen L. and Brown, Jason W.: Phoneme and Timbre Monitoring in Left and Right Cerebrovascular Accident Patients, 149-152
Bhatt, Parth M.: Sentence Intonation Following Unilateral Left and Right Hemisphere Lesion, 153-156
Amorosa, Hedwig; Von Benda, Ursula and Scheimann, Gerd: Burst Intensity as a Means of Assessing Speech Motor Performance in Unintelligible Children, 157-159
Von Benda, Ursula and Amorosa, Hedwig: Intonation as a Potential Diagnostic Tool in Developmental Disorders of Speech Communication, 160-163
Romanenko, Y. V.
Speech Pathology in Infants Suffering from Infantile Cerebral Palsy, 164-165
Howard, David M. and Lindsey, Geoffrey A.: New Laryngograms of the Singing Voice, 166-169
Scotto di Carlo, Nicole and Autesserre, Denis: Les mouvements du voile du palais dans le chant, 170-173
Ross, Jaan: The Pitch of Glide-Like F0 Curves in Votic Folk Songs, 174-177
Medonis, Artūras and Sinkevičiūte, Biruté: Application of Automated Identification Methods of Bow Strokes to Musical Folklore Research, 178-182
Klyuchevsky, Aleksej and Sheikin, Yurij:
On the Application of Yakut Folk Chants, 183-185
Speech Perception: Formants and Spectral Peaks
Javkin, Hector Raul; Hermansky, Hynek and Wakita, Hisashi: Interaction Between Formant and Harmonic Peaks in Vowel Perception, 186-189
Lyublinskaya, V. V.; Stolyarova, E. I. and Zhukov, S. Y.: The Study of Auditory Detection of the Jump of Formant Frequency and Amplitude as a Consonant, 190-193
Huang, Caroline B.
Perception of First and Second Formant Frequency Trajectories in Vowels 194-197
Acoustical Features as Perceptual Cues 2
Di Benedetto, Maria-Gabriella: On Vowel Height: Acoustic and Perceptual Representation by the Fundamental and the First Formant Frequency, 198-201
Casablanca, Carlos A.: Perception de voyelles en contexte nasal dans l'espagnol parlé a Porto-Rico, 202-204
Traunmüller, Hartmut and Krull, Diana: An Experiment on the Cues to the Identification of Fricatives, 205-208
Wu, Zong-Ji and Xu, Yi: Aspirated vs. Nonaspirated Stops and Affricates in Standard Chinese, 209-212
Hlaváč, Sáva;
Perzeptive Bewertung der tschechischen Explosivlaute, 213-216
Segmentation and Labelling 1
Roach, Peter; Dew, Andrea and Rowlands, Paul: Automatic Assessment of Machine Transcriptions, 217-220
Desi, M.; Ringot, F. and Andreewsky, A.: Étiquetage automatique du signal de parole continue a l'aide de la variation relative d'energie des sequences de phonèmes, 221-224
Ringot, P.; Andreewsky, M.; Devilliers, L.; Desi M. and Parisse, C.: Segmentation et reconnaissance en parole continue a l'aide des references issues du système VARAP, 225-227
Chuchupal, Vladimir:
The Algorithm for the Phonemic Labelling and Segmentation of Speech Waveforms Using Feature Maps, 228-231
Phonetic Data Bases 2; Speech Sound Recognition 2
Christov, Philip: A Large Bulgarian Central Allophones Data Base, 232-235
Caнникoв, B. Г.; Пpoxopoв, Ю. H. and Жypaвcкий, Ю. И.: Фopмиpoвaниe банка aпpиopныx дaнныx o peчи диктopa, 236-239
Philips, Michael S.: Speaker Independent Classification of Vowels and Diphthongs in Continuous Speech, 240-243
Bartkova, K. and Jouvet, D.: Speaker-Independent Speech-Recognition Using Allophones, 244-247
Людoвик, E. K.:
Taблчный мeтoд выдeлeния пpизнaкoв peчeвoгo cигнaлa и пoфoнемное pacпознаваниe peчи, 248-250
Word Recognition
Kuhn, G. and Ojamas, K.: Automatic Recognition of Words Differing in Distinctive Quantity, 251-254
Rudžionis, Algimantas: Computer Recognition of Isolated Words in Fixed Length Feature Space, 255-258
Kuznetsova, Valeria: The Principles of Phonetical Structuring of Vocabulary for Speech Recognition System, 259-262
Vicsi, K.; Lugosi, G. and Linder, T.:
Search for Optimal Teaching Procedure and Warping Algorithms for on Isolated Word Recognition Device, 263
Normative Phonetics and Phonostylistics
Rajewski, M. W.: Grundbegriffe einer Theorie der Aussprachenorm, 264-267
Krech, Eva-Maria: Zur Frage von stilistischen Varianten in der deutschen Standardaussprache und ihrer Berücksichtigung bei der Normkodifizierung, 268-271
Verbitskaya, L. A.: Urban Speech as a Product of Standard, Colloquial and Dialectal Speech, 272-275
Torsuyeva-Leontyeva, Irina G.:
L'objet et les fins de la phonostylistique, 276-278
Attitudinal-Emotional Variations in Sentence Prosody 2
Dubovsky, Yuri and Yermolenko, Galina: Attitudinal Semantics of Prosody and its Metalanguage, 279-282
Hind, Antony: Attitudinal and Dialectal Variation in Intonation, 283-286
Tio, Jaume: Die Rolle der Tonhöhe in der Emphase am Beispiel des Katalanischen, 287-290
Laur, Mall:
Perceptual Aspects of Emotional Speech, 291-294
Technical Aids in Teaching Phonetics 1
Weiss, Rudolf: Computer Assisted Diagnosis of Perceptual Errors, 295-297
Esling, John H.: Teaching Phonetics Using the Phonetic Data Base on Microcomputer, 298-301
Lindner, Gerhart: Grafische Modellierung der Sprechbewegungen mit Hilfe eines Kleincomputers, 302-305
Thomas, R.:
For an Up-To-Date Visual Representation of Speech, 306-309
Speech Coding
Copperi, Maurizio and Perosino, Franco: Perception of Phonetic Features in Speech Coders for Mobile Communications, 310-313
Ratkevičius, Kastytis and Rudžionis, Algimantas: A Relationship Between the Quality of Vocoded Speech and its Compression Ratio, 314-317
Лecoгop, Л. B.: Koдиpoвaние peчевых cигнaлoв для целeй элeктpoднoгo пpoтeзиpoвания cлyxa, 318-321
Лиxaчeв, C. Ф.; Haзapoв, M. B. and Пpoxopoв, Ю. H.:
Meтoд пoвышeния кaчecтвa звyчaния cинтeзиpoваннoгo peчeвoгo cигнaлa в цифpoвoм вoкoдеpe c пpeдcкaзaниeм, 322-326
Models of Speech Perception 3
Ogorodnikova, K. S.: On Universal and Specific Features in Vowel Perception, 327-330
Kohler, Klaus J.: Categorical Pitch Perception, 331-333
Massaro, Dominic W.: A Fuzzy Logical Model of Speech Perception, 334-337
Шyплякoв, B. C.:
Heлинeйнocть пepифepичecкoгo oтдeлa opгaнa cлyxa и явлeниe мacкиpoвки, 338-341
Acoustic Features as Perceptual Cues 3
Hawkins, Sarah and Stevens, Kenneth N.: Perceptual and Acoustical Analyses of Velar Stop Consonants, 342-345
Van den Berg, R. J. H.: The Perception of Voicing in Dutch Two-Obstruent Sequences, 346-349
Slis, I. H.; Van den Berg, R. J. H.: Assimilation of Voice and Perception of Voicing: Effects of Phonetic Context, 350-353
Thein-Tun, U.: Cue-Trading Relations for Inital Stop Voicing Contrast at Different Linguistic Levels, 354-357
Hazan, Valerie; Holden-Pitt, Lisa; Revoile, Sally and Edward, Donna:
Perception of Cues to a Stop Voicing Contrast by Normal-Hearing Children and Adults, 358-361
Speech Production and Perception
Schiefer, Lieselotte: The Role of Intensity in Breathy Voiced Stops: A Close Link Between Production and Perception, 362-365
Kuznetsov, Vladimir B.; Ott, Arvo and Ventsov, Anatoly V.: Inherent Vowel Duration in Russian: Production and Perception Data, 366-369
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd and Tillmann, Hans G.: On the Multiplicity of Factors Affecting P-Center Location, 370-373
Michurina, Kaleria A.:
The Role of Auditory Control in Speech Monitoring, 374-377
Segmentation and Labelling 2
Pyдaкoв, B. Г. and Tpyнин-Дoнcкoй, B. H.: Mикpoceгмeнты кaк ocнoвныe элeмeнты пepвичной ceгмeнтaции, 378-380
Дoмaгaлa, П.: Aвтoмaтичecкaя ceгмeнтaция coчeтaний звчкoв (диад), 381-384
Potapova, Rodmonga: On the Methods of Automatic Syllable Segmentation for Connected Speech, 385-387
Barrera, Charles and Caelam, Jean:
Towards an Automatic Labelling System, 388-391
Speech Sound Recognition 3
Seneff, Stephanie: Vowel Recognition Based on "Line-Formants" Derived from an Auditory-Based Spectral Representation, 392-395
Greisbach, Reinhold: Reliabilitätsmaße für die automatische Transkription, 396-399
Warkentyne, H. J. and Dickson, B. C.: Automatic Isolation of Nasal Murmurs, 400-402
Espy-Wilson, Carol Y. A Semivowel Recognition System, 403-406
Vintsyuk, Taras:
Phoneme-by-Phoneme Recognition and Semantic Interpretation of Multi-Speaker Speech (the HCDP-Approach), 407-410
Descriptive Phonetics: Consonants 3
Nolan, Francis: The Limits of Segmental Description, 411-414
Kurlova, Radka: Some Aspects of 21 Spoken Bulgarian Consonants Perception, 415-418
Sawashima, Masayuki and Kiritani, Shigeru: Electro-Palatographic Studies on Japanese Intervocalic /r/ and /d/, 419-422
Stock, Eberhard and Hollmach, Uwe: Objektive Bewertung von /s/-Allophonen, 423-426
Annan, Brian:
Prosodies of Initials in English, 427-428
Typology and Universals: Change of Phonological Type
Kuzmenko, Y.: The Change of the Phonological Type of a Language, 429-432
Vinogradov, V. A.: Phonological Type in Movement, 433-435
Lekomtseva, M. I.: Spatial Configuration of Types of Phonological Systems of Central and South-European Languages, 436-439
Brodovich, Olga:
English in the Continuum of Syllabic - Non-Syllabic (Phonemic) Languages (RP and Dialect Data), 440-443
Rhythm and Metrics
Antipova, Antonina M.: Speech Rhythm (Main Approaches and Definitions), 443-446
Dauer, Rebecca M.: Phonetic and Phonological Components of Language Rhythm, 447-450
Goncharenko, Sergei F.: Metro-Rhythmic and Phonic Structures of Spanish Poetic Speech, 451-454
Ivanova-Lukyanova, Galina N.: How the Author Conveys the Rhythm of Prose, 456-459
Klimov, Nikolai: Irregular Rhythms, 460-464
Loots, Marijke: The Study of Rhythm in Relation to Metrics, 465-467
Smirnitskaya, Olga: The Evolution of Old Germanic Metrics: From the Scop to the Scald, 468-473
Злaтoycтoвa, Л. B.:
Kpитepии opгaнизaции pитмa xyдoжecтвeнной пpoзы, вepлибpa и cиллaбo-тoничecкoгo cтихa, 474-479
Volume 6
Volume 6 as single PDF-document
Sorokin, Victor: Wave Mechanics of the Speech Signal, 7-9
Fujimura, Osamu:
Fundamentals and Applications in Speech Production Research, 10-27
Laryngeal Control 2
Chasaide, Ailbhe Ni: Glottal Control of Aspiration and of Voicelessness, 28-31
Strik, Helmer and Boves, Louis: Regulation of Intensity and Pitch in Chest Voice, 32-35
Smetanin, A. M.: Investigation of the Voice Source Models, 36-39
Chernov, Boris and Maslov, Valentin: Larynx - Double-Sound Generator, 40-43
Kiritani, Shigeru; Imagawa, Hiroshi and Hirose, Hajime:
High-Speed Digital Image Recording for the Observation of the Vocal Cord Vibration, 44-47
High Quality Speech Synthesis
Lukaszewicz, Konrad and Karjalainen, Matti: Microphonemics - High Quality Speech Synthesis by Waveform Concatenation, 48-51
Hess, Wolfgang: High-Quality Speech Synthesis Using Demisyllables and a Variable-Frame-Rate Vocoder, 52-55
Chudnovsky, Leonid and Ageyev, Vecheslav: High Quality Synthesis of Vowels, 56-58
Gorodnikov, Alexandre; Mihkla, Meelis and Tago, Toomas: A Hardware-Software System for Designing High-Quality Speech Compiling Synthesizers, 59-62
Frolov, G. D. and Yefremova, I. M.:
Compilation Synthesis of Speech Based on Clipped Signals, 63-65
Acoustic Features as Perceptual Cues 4
Lisker, Leigh: Orchestrating Acoustic Cues to Linguistic Effect, 66-67
Abramson, Arthur S.: Word-Initial Consonant Length in Pattani Malay, 68-70
Shimizu, Katsumasa and Dantsuji, Masatake: A Cross-Language Study on the Perception of Synthetic Speech Sounds of /r - l/, 71-74
Lozhkin, V. N.: Formant Transitions and Release Bursts as Perceptual Cues for Russian Voiceless Plosives, 75-78
Quené, Hugo:
Perceptual Relevance of Acoustical Word Boundary Markers, 79-82
Historical Phonetics and Phonology 4
Viitso, Tilt-Rein: On Foundations of Historical Phonology, 83-86
Penzl, Herbert: Zur Bewertung von phonetisch-phonologischer Rekonstruktion, 87-90
Galton, Herbert: Syntagmatic Versus Paradigmatic Approach in Phonological Evolution, 91-94
Ivanov, Vyacheslav Vs.:
Relation Between Segmental Phonemes and Tones in Diachrony, 95-97
Problems of Sentence Prosody
Pilch, Herbert: Prosodie als linguistische Gestalt, 98-101
Fant, Gunnar; Nord, Lennart and Kruckenberg, Anita: Segmental and Prosodic Variabilities in Connected Speech. An Applied Data-Bank Study, 102-105
Nikolayeva, Tatjana: The Typology of Sentence Intonation Systems, 106-109
Svetozarova, N. D.: Linguistic Factors in Sentence Stress (Evidence from Russian), 110-113
Slootweg, A. M.:
Word Stress in Prosodic Context, 114-117
Contrastive Studies 2
Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, Katarzyna: English in Native and Foreign Mouth - A Laryngographic Study of Polish-English Contrasts, 118-121
Aiba, Satoru; Guirao, Miguelina and Abe, Jun-Ichi: On the Perceptual Equivalence Between Japanese and Spanish Sounds, 122-123
De Graaf, Tjeerd: A Contrastive Phonetic Study of Japanese and Dutch, 124-127
Стоева, T.:
Явления caндхи и ритмическая организация синтагмы в русском и болгарском языках, 128-131
Voice Disorders
Nieboer, G. L. J.; Schutte, H. K. and De Graaf, T.: Voice Quality Judgements and Physiological Measurements in Esophageal Speakers with and without a Groningen Button, 132-135
Hurme, Pertti: Perceptual Consequences of Equalizing Loudness Differences of Vowels Varying in Voice Quality, 136-139
Taptapova, S. L. and Yermakova, I. I.: Post Larynx Resection Voice Acoustic Analysis, 139-141
Krushevskaya, Iraida and Nadeina, Nina: Dysphasia (Speech Disturbances), Caused by Hypoacusis (Phoniatric Aspects), 142-145
Пешак, И. and Пойтелшмдова, A.: Электроакустическая диагностика патофизиологической функции голосовых связок, 146-149
Пойтелшмидова, A. and Пешак, И.:
Влияние патофизиологического состояния голосовых связок на речевую способность индивида, 150-152
Interference 2
Tătaru, Ana: On a Strange Fashion of Rumanian Accentuation Abroad. A Contrastive Sketch with German and English, 153-156
Lebedeva, G. N.: Foreign Language Vowel Perception and Perceptual System of Vowels, 157-160
Belikov, Vladimir I.: Some Observations on Phonetical History of Melanesian Pidgins, 161-164
Yeloyeva, Fatima and Perekhvalskaya, Yelena: Phonetic Peculiarities of the Far East Pidgin Russian, 165-168
Faraclas, Nicholas: Prosody and Creolization in Tok Pisin, 169-171
Golovko, Yevgeni V. and Vakhtin, Nikolai B.: The Convergence of Contacting Phonological Systems: The Aleut Dialect of Copper Island, 172-175
Zhumagaly, Abuov and Shcherbakova, L. P.: The Problem of Bilinguism and Phonetic Peculiarities of Russian Spoken by the Kazakh, 175-178
Kashchayeva, Svetlana: The Prosody of a Word in Russian Spoken by Mongols, 179-180
Tsiptsura, L. F.: Phonetic Interference in the Conditions of Russian-Ukrainian Bilinguism, 181-183
Capджaeвa, Д. K.: Фyнкционирование звуковой cиcтeмы pyccкoгo языка в условиях туркменско-pyccкoгo двуязычия, 184-187
Cмирнова, B. Г.:
Болгаpcкий акцент в pyccкoм пpoизношeнии y носителей pyccкoгo языка, пocтoяннo пpoживающих в Болгарии, 188-189
Technical Aids in Teaching Phonetics 2
Nossenko, E. L.: The Effects of Foreign Languages Proficiency and Cognitive Processing on Temporal Structure of Speech, 190-193
Dashko, Yelena Y.: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Computer-Based English Teaching: A Tutorial Speech Recognition, 194-196
Aнтонова, Д. H. and Kpacнoва, Л. C.: Испoльзование автоматизиpoванных oбучающих cиcтeм (AOC) для oвладeния звyковым строем неродного языка, 197-199
Vende, Kullo: The Absolute Semitone Scale, 200-203
Appendix: Xacкaшeв, T.: Moрфoлoгичеcкaя гpaница кaк cpeдcтвo cлoгoвoй ceгмeнтaции в зaпaдно-иpaнcкиx языкax, 205-209
Misheva, Anastasia: Delimitation and Focussing Functions of Intonation in Bulgarian, 210-213
Гacпapoв, M. Л.: Bepoятноcтнaя мoдeль стиxa, 214-217
Eek, Arvo and Help, Toomas: The Interrelationship Between Phonological and Phonetic Sound Changes: A Great Rhythm Shift of Old Estonian, 218-233
General Index of Authors, 235-242