Witold Abramowicz and
Jakub Piskorski. Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents. In Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22, Seattle, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Abramowicz, Witold and Piskorski, Jakub},
TITLE = {Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Seattle},
ABSTRACT = {One of the most difficult aspects of using search technology is the process of getting information in shape for searching. The objective of this paper is an investigation of the applicability of information extraction techniques in real-world business applications dealing with textual data since business relevant data is mainly transmitted through free-text documents. Further, we demonstrate an enormous indexing potential of lightweight linguistic text processing techniques applied in information extraction systems in other closely related fields of information technology which concern processing vast amounts of textual data.} }
Irene Albrecht,
Jörg Haber,
Kolja Kähler,
Marc Schröder and
Hans-Peter Seidel. May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text. In
Sabine Coquillart,
Heung-Yeung Shum and
Shi-Min Hu editors, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Albrecht, Irene and Haber, Jörg and Kähler, Kolja and Schröder, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
TITLE = {May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11},
EDITOR = {Coquillart, Sabine and Shum, Heung-Yeung and Hu, Shi-Min},
ADDRESS = {Tsinghua University, Beijing},
URL = {http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/resources/FAM/publ/pg2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a facial animation system that produces real-time animation sequences including speech synchronization and non-verbal speech-related facial expressions from plain text input. A state-of-the-art text-to-speech synthesis component performs linguistic analysis of the text input and creates a speech signal from phonetic and intonation information. The phonetic transcription is additionally used to drive a speech synchronization method for the physically based facial animation. Further high-level information from the linguistic analysis such as different types of accents or pauses as well as the type of the sentence is used to generate non-verbal speech-related facial expressions such as movement of head, eyes, and eyebrows or voluntary eye blinks. Moreover, emoticons are translated into XML markup that triggers emotional facial expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Albrecht:2002:FAT.pdf} }
Hiyan Alshawi,
Hans Ullrich Block,
David M. Carter,
Björn Gambäck,
Richard Hunze,
Ping Peng,
Manny Rayner,
Stephanie Schachtl and
Ludwig Schmid. Communication multilinguale par forme quasi logique. In Conference on Natural Language Processing and its Applications, Pages 245-252, Avignon, France, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Alshawi, Hiyan and Block, Hans Ullrich and Carter, David M. and Gambäck, Björn and Hunze, Richard and Peng, Ping and Rayner, Manny and Schachtl, Stephanie and Schmid, Ludwig},
TITLE = {Communication multilinguale par forme quasi logique},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Natural Language Processing and its Applications},
PAGES = {245-252},
ADDRESS = {Avignon, France},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/avignon91.ps},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe the experience gained and results obtained through devloping a transferbased interactive translation system which combines two language processing systems. The only part these systems have in common is the level of the semantic representation, for which we chose the quasilogical form.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Alshawi:1991:CMP.pdf Alshawi:1991:CMP.ps} }
Hiyan Alshawi,
David M. Carter,
Björn Gambäck,
Stephen G. Pulman and
Manny Rayner. English-Swedish Translation Dialogue Software. In Conference on Translating and the Computer, London, England, 1992. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Alshawi, Hiyan and Carter, David M. and Gambäck, Björn and Pulman, Stephen G. and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {English-Swedish Translation Dialogue Software},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Translating and the Computer},
ADDRESS = {London, England},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/aslib92.ps},
ABSTRACT = {The paper describes the BCI, a prototype interactive machinetranslation system, constructed by connecting English and Swedish versions of the SRI Core Language Engine through a transfer component. Transfer takes place at the level of Quasi Logical Form (QLF), a contextually sensitive logical form representation which is deep enough for dealing with crosslinguistic differences. Theoretical arguments are presented to support the claim that QLF transfer represents a good compromise between the opposing paradigms of syntactic transfer and semantic interlingua based MT. An annotated example dialogue is shown. A followon project, in which the BCI is used as the core of a spokenlanguage translation system, is briefly described.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Alshawi:1992:EST.pdf Alshawi:1992:EST.ps} }
Hiyan Alshawi,
David M. Carter,
Manny Rayner and
Björn Gambäck. Translation by Quasi Logical Form Transfer. In
ACL editor, 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '91), June 18-21, Pages 161-168, Berkeley, California, USA, 1991. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Alshawi, Hiyan and Carter, David M. and Rayner, Manny and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Translation by Quasi Logical Form Transfer},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '91), June 18-21},
PAGES = {161-168},
ADDRESS = {Berkeley, California, USA},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P91/P91-1021.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The paper describes work on applying a general purpose natural language processing system to transfer-based interactive translation. Transfer takes place at the level of Quasi Logical Form (QLF), a contextually sensitive logical form representation which is deep enough for dealing with cross-linguistic differences. Theoretical arguments and experimental results are presented to support the claim that this framework has good properties in terms of modularity, compositionality, reversibility and monotonicity. QLFs were selected as the appropriate level for transfer because they are far enough removed from surface linguistic form to provide the flexibility required by cross-linguistic differences. On the other hand, the linguistic, unification-based processing involved in creating them can be carried out efficiently and without the need to reason about the domain or context; the QLF language has constructs for explicit representation of contextually sensitive aspects of interpretation.} }
Ernst Althaus,
Denys Duchier,
Alexander Koller,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Joachim Niehren and
Sven Thiel. An Efficient Algorithm for the Configuration Problem of Dominance Graphs. In 12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 7-9, ACM Press, Washington D.C., USA, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Duchier, Denys and Koller, Alexander and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Niehren, Joachim and Thiel, Sven},
TITLE = {An Efficient Algorithm for the Configuration Problem of Dominance Graphs},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 7-9},
ADDRESS = {Washington D.C., USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/dom-graph.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Dominance constraints are logical tree descriptions originating from automata theory that have multiple applications in computational linguistics. The satisfiability problem of dominance constraints is NP-complete. In most applications, however, only emph(normal) dominance constraints are used. The satisfiability problem of normal dominance constraints can be reduced in linear time to the configuration problem of dominance graphs, as shown recently. In this paper, we give a polynomial time algorithm testing configurability of dominance graphs (and thus satisfiability of normal dominance constraints). Previous to our work no polynomial time algorithms were known.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Althaus:2001:EAC.pdf Althaus:2001:EAC.ps} }
Ove Andersen,
Paul Dalsgaard and
William J. Barry. Data-Driven Identification of Poly- and Monophonemes for Four European Languages. In
K. Fellbaum editor, 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH), September 21-23, Vol. 2:759-762, Berlin, Deutschland, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Andersen, Ove and Dalsgaard, Paul and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Data-Driven Identification of Poly- and Monophonemes for Four European Languages},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH), September 21-23},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {759-762},
EDITOR = {Fellbaum, K.},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Deutschland},
ANNOTE = {Andersen:1993:DDI} }
Ove Andersen,
Paul Dalsgaard and
William J. Barry. On the Use of Data-Driven Clustering Techniques for Identification of Poly- and Monophonemes for Four European Languages. In International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'94), April 19-22, Adelaide, Australia, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Andersen, Ove and Dalsgaard, Paul and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {On the Use of Data-Driven Clustering Techniques for Identification of Poly- and Monophonemes for Four European Languages},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'94), April 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Adelaide, Australia} }
Bistra Andreeva and
William J. Barry. Sentence Mode and Emotional Load in Bulgarian: Economy of Intonational Form? In Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon7), June 29 -July 1, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2000. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Sentence Mode and Emotional Load in Bulgarian: Economy of Intonational Form?},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon7), June 29 -July 1},
ADDRESS = {Nijmegen, Netherlands},
ABSTRACT = {An earlier study [1] illuminated the role of F0 contours on the focus accent in differentiating question and sentence mode in the Sofia variety of Bulgarian.The results showed that placement of the low target of the pitch accent at the beginning and the peak at the end of the accented syllable or in the following syllable (L*+H) is critical for the perception of (syntactically and lexically unmarked) checks, which are used to confirm already known information [2]. By shifting the peak leftwards towards the beginning of the accented syllable (H*) the pragmatic category changed from check to statement. Both categories have a L% boundary tone. However, subjects' judgements indicated that the strength of the intonational information was not equal for the two utterance types. The situational pre-context had a strong influence on the interpretation of the utterance as a check or statement. In case the intonation contour diverged from the unmarked contour for a particular function, the category judgement was accompanied by a change in the emotional message. To examine the general validity of these observations a further experiment was carried out. Three checks, three statements with low terminal boundary tones (L%), and three statements with continuation rises (H%) were selected from Map Task recordings made for a number of male and female speakers [3]. From each of these 9 natural utterances three intonational variants were generated, one for each pragmatic category. Firstly, a stylised resynthesized version of the original (e.g. a check) was produced. Then the intonation contours for the other two pragmatic categories (e.g. statement with terminal fall and continuation rise) were derived from the stylised contour. Four repetitions of the stimuli were presented (Roman square design) to 15 native speakers of Sofia Bulgarian in three situational contexts: question, neutral statement and polite statement. The context utterance together with the stimulus form a minimal dialogue. The natural context for the check was a statement, and for the two statement forms it was a question. In the test, each context was offered with each pragmatic category, producing potential tension between context and stimulus. The subjects were required to judge - on a five-point scale - the degree to which each stimulus was suited to its context. The results show that all three intonational contours can be accepted as statements in the context of a preceding question, whereas the change of context cannot shift the interpretation of a statement to a check. The following explanation can be offered for this asymmetry of reinterpretation. The context plays an extremely important role for the interpretation of checks or statements. The context priming a statement (question-answer sequence) provides enough information to uniquely specify the communicative frame. It is a strong enough speech act marker to relegate function of the intonational form to a minor one. Thus the context weakens the distinctive function that intonation has when word sequence and syntactic structure are identical.This does not, however, mean that the intonational form is irrelevant. The shift in the interpretation of the sentence mode (check to statement) can only occur because a compensatory change of modal meaning accompanies it. The check contour cannot be accepted as a neutral statement, it can only be accepted as an emphatic, impatient or angry statement. The statements with a continuation rise were also accepted in the statement context, but the compensatory modal message was of an exaggeratedly polite speaker. Apparently, when a typical (neutral) feature of a particular communicative situation is replaced by a feature typical of another situation, it introduces an additional modal marking. Thus intonation alone, without syntactic and lexical support, can imply a certain shade of modal meaning. This phenomenon is already known at the grammatical level. In Bulgarian, for example, the future tense is the neutral form for referring to events in the future. If the present tense is used, the utterance is immediately modally marked as a firm intention. In English and German the reverse is true.} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Jacques Koreman and
William J. Barry. On the Role of the Burst and Transitions for the Identification of Palatalized and Non-Palatalized Plosives in Bulgarian. In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS'99), August 1-7, San Francisco, USA, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {On the Role of the Burst and Transitions for the Identification of Palatalized and Non-Palatalized Plosives in Bulgarian},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS'99), August 1-7},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koreman/Publications/1999/ICPhS99_BulgPal.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Andreeva:1999:RBT.pdf Andreeva:1999:RBT.ps} }
Lars Asker,
Henrik Boström and
Christer Samuelsson. Dynamic Explanation-Based Generalization. In 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Compilation and Speedup Learning, June, Pages 1-6, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Asker, Lars and Boström, Henrik and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Dynamic Explanation-Based Generalization},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Compilation and Speedup Learning, June},
PAGES = {1-6},
ADDRESS = {Amherst, Massachusetts} }
Lars Asker and
Björn Gambäck. Acquiring a Lexicon by Actively Querying the User. In AAAI Fall Symposium on Active Learning, November 10-12, Cambridge, Massachussetts, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Asker, Lars and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Acquiring a Lexicon by Actively Querying the User},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Fall Symposium on Active Learning, November 10-12},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachussetts},
URL = {www.sics.se/~gam/aaaifall95.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Asker:1995:ALA.pdf} }
Lars Asker,
Björn Gambäck and
Christer Samuelsson. EBL2: An Approach to Automatic Lexical Acquisition. In 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28, Vol. 4:1172-1176, Nantes, France, 1992. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Asker, Lars and Gambäck, Björn and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {EBL2: An Approach to Automatic Lexical Acquisition},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28},
VOLUME = {4},
PAGES = {1172-1176},
ADDRESS = {Nantes, France},
URL = {www.sics.se/~gam/coling92.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Asker:1992:EAA.pdf Asker:1992:EAA.ps} }
Lars Asker and
Christer Samuelsson. Automating Lexical Acquisition. In 10th Annual Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April, Pages 1-3, Uppsala, Sweden, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Asker, Lars and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Automating Lexical Acquisition},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Annual Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April},
PAGES = {1-3},
ADDRESS = {Uppsala, Sweden} }
Tania Avgustinova. Clustering Clitics in Bulgarian Nominal Constituents. In
Peter Kosta and
M. Unger editors, 2nd European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 2), November 20-22, Potsdam, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Clustering Clitics in Bulgarian Nominal Constituents},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 2), November 20-22},
EDITOR = {Kosta, Peter and Unger, M.},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/np-clitics-fdsl2.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:1997:CCB.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova. Gaining the Perspective of Language-Family-Oriented Grammar Design: Predicative Special Clitics in Slavic. In
P. Banski and
Adam Przepiórkowski editors, 1st Conference on Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP-1), November 13-14, Pages 5-14, Warsaw, Poland, 2000.  Note: also in: Selected Topics in Multilingual Grammar Design (Based on Data from Slavic Language Family), DFG-Zwischenbericht, Mai 1998 - April 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Gaining the Perspective of Language-Family-Oriented Grammar Design: Predicative Special Clitics in Slavic},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Conference on Generative Linguistics in Poland (GLiP-1), November 13-14},
PAGES = {5-14},
EDITOR = {Banski, P. and Przepiórkowski, Adam},
ADDRESS = {Warsaw, Poland},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/glip1.pdf},
NOTE = {also in: Selected Topics in Multilingual Grammar Design (Based on Data from Slavic Language Family), DFG-Zwischenbericht, Mai 1998 - April 1999},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:2000:GPL.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova. Arguments, Grammatical Relations, and Diathetic Paradigm. In
Dan Flickinger and
Andreas Kathol editors, 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, July 22-23, Pages 23-42, CSLI Publications, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Arguments, Grammatical Relations, and Diathetic Paradigm},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, July 22-23},
PAGES = {23-42},
EDITOR = {Flickinger, Dan and Kathol, Andreas},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, USA},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/HPSG00/hpsg00avgustinova.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:2000:AGR.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova. Russian Infinitival Existential Constructions from an HPSG Perspective. In 4th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL4), November 28-30, Potsdam, 2001. Note: to appear.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Russian Infinitival Existential Constructions from an HPSG Perspective},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {4th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL4), November 28-30},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam},
NOTE = {to appear} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Bistra Andreeva. Intonational Properties of Bulgarian Replicated Nominal Material. A Study Based on Map Task Dialogues. In 1st Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern Europaen Languages (CLITE-1), April 19-21, Szeged, Hungary, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Intonational Properties of Bulgarian Replicated Nominal Material. A Study Based on Map Task Dialogues},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern Europaen Languages (CLITE-1), April 19-21},
ADDRESS = {Szeged, Hungary} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Bistra Andreeva. Link-Associated Accent Patterns in Bulgarian. In 3rd Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-3), December 1-3, Leipzig, Germany, 1999.  Note: Abstract in URL. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Link-Associated Accent Patterns in Bulgarian},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-3), December 1-3},
ADDRESS = {Leipzig, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/avg-andr-fdsl3.pdf},
NOTE = {Abstract in URL},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:1999:LAA.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Bistra Andreeva. Intonational Aspects of Bulgarian Clitic Replication. In
J. Ohala,
Y. Hasgawa,
M. Ohala,
D. Granville and
A. Bailey editors, The 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 1-7, Pages 1501-1504, San Francisco, USA, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Intonational Aspects of Bulgarian Clitic Replication},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {The 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 1-7},
PAGES = {1501-1504},
EDITOR = {Ohala, J. and Hasgawa, Y. and Ohala, M. and Granville, D. and Bailey, A.},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/1501.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:1999:IAB.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Karel Oliva. Syntactic Description of Free Word Order Languages. In
Hans Karlgren editor, 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25, Vol. 3:311-313, Helsinki, Finland, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {Syntactic Description of Free Word Order Languages},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {311-313},
EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Karel Oliva. The Communicative Nature of the Wackernagel Position. In Prague School Linguistics Conference, Prague, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {The Communicative Nature of the Wackernagel Position},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Prague School Linguistics Conference},
ADDRESS = {Prague} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Karel Oliva. The Proper Treatment of Binding in HPSG (in general) and in Czech (in particular) In 30th Poznan Linguistic Meeting. Workshop on Slavic Languages in HPSG, May 1-3, Poznan, Poland, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {The Proper Treatment of Binding in HPSG (in general) and in Czech (in particular)},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {30th Poznan Linguistic Meeting. Workshop on Slavic Languages in HPSG, May 1-3},
ADDRESS = {Poznan, Poland} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Wojciech Skut. Encoding Common Slavic Linguistic Knowledge in HPSG. In
Peter Kosta and
M. Unger editors, 2nd European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL2), November 20-22, Potsdam, Germany, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Encoding Common Slavic Linguistic Knowledge in HPSG},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL2), November 20-22},
EDITOR = {Kosta, Peter and Unger, M.},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Wojciech Skut. Panslavism Revisited. In 30th Poznan Linguistic Meeting. Workshop on Slavic Languages in HPSG, May 1-3, Poznan, Poland, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Panslavism Revisited},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {30th Poznan Linguistic Meeting. Workshop on Slavic Languages in HPSG, May 1-3},
ADDRESS = {Poznan, Poland} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Hans Uszkoreit. An Ontology of Systematic Relations for a Shared Grammar of Slavic. In 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4, Vol. 1:28-34, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {An Ontology of Systematic Relations for a Shared Grammar of Slavic},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {28-34},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/ta-hu-coling2000.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Sharing portions of grammars across languages greatly reduces the costs of multilingual grammar engineering. Related languages share a much wider range of linguistic information than typically assumed in standard multilingual grammar architectures. Taking grammatical relatedness seriously, we are particularly interested in designing linguistically motivated grammatical resources for Slavic languages to be used in applied and theoretical computational linguistics. In order to gain the perspective of a languagefamily oriented grammar design, we consider an array of systematic relations that can hold between syntactical units. While the categorisation of primitive linguistic entities tends to be languagespecific or even constructionspecific, the relations holding between them allow various degrees of abstraction. On the basis of Slavic data, we show how a domain ontology conceptualising morphosyntactic building blocks can serve as a basis of a shared grammar of Slavic.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:2000:OSR.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Hans Uszkoreit. Towards a Typology of Agreement Phenomena. In
W. Griffin editor, The Role of Agreement in Natural Languages. Texas Linguistic Society Conference (TLS'2001), March 2-4, Lincom Europa, Austin, Texas, USA, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Towards a Typology of Agreement Phenomena},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {The Role of Agreement in Natural Languages. Texas Linguistic Society Conference (TLS'2001), March 2-4},
EDITOR = {Griffin, W.},
ADDRESS = {Austin, Texas, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Lincom Europa},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/TA-HU-TLS-2001-agreement.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Agreement phenomena are instances of co-variation of linguistic forms which is typically realised as feature congruity, i.e. compatibility of values of identical grammatical categories of syntactically combined linguistic items. Agreement is a relatively well-researched topic, especially in Slavic linguistics, cf. (Corbett, 2000a). However, the investigations have mainly concentrated on the linguistic items themselves (as agreement sources) and on the relevant properties of these items (in terms of agreement features and conditions). The nature of the relations holding between the agreeing items has not received proper attention yet.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:2001:TTA.pdf} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Hans Uszkoreit. Reconsidering the Relations in Constructions with Non-Verbal Predicates. In 4th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL4), November 28-30, Potsdam, Germany, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Reconsidering the Relations in Constructions with Non-Verbal Predicates},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {4th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL4), November 28-30},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany} }
Rolf Backofen. On the Decidability of Functional Uncertainty. In
ACL editor, 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), June 22-26, Pages 201-208, Association for Computational Linguistics, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1993. Note: A full version has appeared as Research Report RR-93-17.
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf},
TITLE = {On the Decidability of Functional Uncertainty},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), June 22-26},
PAGES = {201-208},
ADDRESS = {Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {A full version has appeared as Research Report RR-93-17} }
Rolf Backofen. Regular Path Expressions in Feature Logic. In
C. Kirchner editor, 5th International Conference of the Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '93), June 16-18, (690):121-135, Springer, Montreal, Canada, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf},
TITLE = {Regular Path Expressions in Feature Logic},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference of the Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '93), June 16-18},
NUMBER = {690},
PAGES = {121-135},
EDITOR = {Kirchner, C.},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.dvi.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1993:RPEa.pdf Backofen:1993:RPEa.ps Backofen:1993:RPEa.dvi} }
Rolf Backofen,
Lutz Euler and
Günther Görz. Towards the Integration of Functions, Relations and Types in an AI Programming Language. In
H. Marburger editor, 14th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (GWAI '90), September 10-14, Vol. 251:297-306 of Informatik-Fachberichte, Springer, Eringerfeld, Germany, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Euler, Lutz and Görz, Günther},
TITLE = {Towards the Integration of Functions, Relations and Types in an AI Programming Language},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {14th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (GWAI '90), September 10-14},
VOLUME = {251},
PAGES = {297-306},
EDITOR = {Marburger, H.},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
ADDRESS = {Eringerfeld, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Rolf Backofen,
Lutz Euler and
Günther Görz. Distributed Disjunctions for LIFE. In
Harold Boley and
M.M. Richter editors, International Workshop on Processing Declarative Knowledge (PDK '91), July 1-3, Pages 161-170, Springer Verlag, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Euler, Lutz and Görz, Günther},
TITLE = {Distributed Disjunctions for LIFE},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Processing Declarative Knowledge (PDK '91), July 1-3},
PAGES = {161-170},
EDITOR = {Boley, Harold and Richter, M.M.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag} }
Rolf Backofen and
Gert Smolka. A Complete and Recursive Feature Theory. In 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), June 22-26, Pages 193-200, Association for Computational Linguistics, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Smolka, Gert},
TITLE = {A Complete and Recursive Feature Theory},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), June 22-26},
PAGES = {193-200},
ADDRESS = {Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-92-30.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-92-30.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-92-30.ps.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1993:CRF.pdf Backofen:1993:CRF.ps Backofen:1993:CRF.dvi} }
Rolf Backofen and
Ralf Treinen. How to Win a Game with Features. In
J.-P. Jouannaud editor, 1st International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics (CCL'94), September 7-9, Vol. 845:320-335 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, München, Germany, 1994. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Treinen, Ralf},
TITLE = {How to Win a Game with Features},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics (CCL'94), September 7-9},
VOLUME = {845},
PAGES = {320-335},
EDITOR = {Jouannaud, J.-P.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {München, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/FeatureGamesCCL94.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/FeatureGamesCCL94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/FeatureGamesCCL94.ps.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1994:HWG.pdf Backofen:1994:HWG.ps Backofen:1994:HWG.dvi} }
Rolf Backofen,
Harald Trost and
Hans Uszkoreit. Linking Typed Feature Formalisms and Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages in Natural Language Front-Ends. In
W. Brauer and
D. Hernandez editors, 4th Internationaler GI-Kongress Wissenbasierte Systeme. Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und kooperatives Arbeiten, 23.-24. Oktober, Pages 375-383, Springer, München, Germany, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Trost, Harald and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Linking Typed Feature Formalisms and Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages in Natural Language Front-Ends},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Internationaler GI-Kongress Wissenbasierte Systeme. Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und kooperatives Arbeiten, 23.-24. Oktober},
PAGES = {375-383},
EDITOR = {Brauer, W. and Hernandez, D.},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte 291},
ADDRESS = {München, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/ResearchReports/1991/RR-91-28.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this Paper we describe an interface between typed formalisms and terminological languages like KL-ONE. The definition of such an iterface is motivated by the needs of natural language front-ends to AI-systems where information must be transmittes from the front-end to the back-end system and vice versa. We show some minor extensions to the feature formalism allow for a syntactic description of individual concepts in terms of typed feature structures. Namely, we propose to include intervals and a special kind of sets. Partial consistency checks can be made on these concepts descriptions during the unification of feature terms. Type checking on these special involves calling the classifier of the terminological language. The final consistency check is performed only when transferring these concept description into structures of the A-Box of the terminological language.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1991:LTFb.pdf Backofen:1991:LTFb.ps} }
Jason Baldridge and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Coupling CCG with Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), June 7-12, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Baldridge, Jason and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Coupling CCG with Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), June 7-12},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia} }
Lorna Balkan,
Klaus Netter,
Doug Arnold and
Siety Meijer. TNSLP - Test Suites for Language Processing. In CEC Language Engineering Convention, Paris, France, 1994. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Balkan, Lorna and Netter, Klaus and Arnold, Doug and Meijer, Siety},
TITLE = {TNSLP - Test Suites for Language Processing},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {CEC Language Engineering Convention},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {ftp://issco-ftp.unige.ch/pub/publications/tsnlp-coling.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The growing language technology industry needs measurement tools to allow researchers, engineers, managers, and customers to track development, evaluate and assure quality, and assess suitability for a variety of applications. The tsnlp (Test Suites for Natural Language Processing) project (1) has investigated various aspects of the construction, maintenance and application of systematic test suites as diagnostic and evaluation tools for NLP applications. The paper summarizes the motivation and main results of tsnlp: besides the solid methodological foundation of the project, tsnlp has produced substantial (i.e. larger than any existing general test suites) multi-purpose and multi-user test suites for three European languages together with a set of specialized tools that facilitate the construction, extension, maintenance, retrieval, and customization of the test data. The publicly available results of tsnlp represent a valuable linguistic resource that has the potential of providing a wide-spread pre-standard diagnostic and evaluation tool for both developers and users of NLP applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Balkan:1994:TTSb.pdf} }
William J. Barry. Zur Problematik des subphonemischen Ausspracheunterrichts. In Kongressberichte der 3. Jahrestagung der GAL, Pages 293-301, Groos, 1972.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Zur Problematik des subphonemischen Ausspracheunterrichts},
YEAR = {1972},
BOOKTITLE = {Kongressberichte der 3. Jahrestagung der GAL},
PAGES = {293-301},
PUBLISHER = {Groos} }
William J. Barry. Thesen zu: Perzeption und Ausspracheschulung. In Kongressbericht der 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Vol. 1:57-60, Hochschulverlag, 1977.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Thesen zu: Perzeption und Ausspracheschulung},
YEAR = {1977},
BOOKTITLE = {Kongressbericht der 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL)},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {57-60},
PUBLISHER = {Hochschulverlag} }
William J. Barry. On the Perception of Juncture in English. In 10th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Pages 529-536, Utrecht, 1983.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {On the Perception of Juncture in English},
YEAR = {1983},
BOOKTITLE = {10th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
PAGES = {529-536},
ADDRESS = {Utrecht} }
William J. Barry. Regional Accent Identification: Principles, Problems, Results. In European Conference on Speech Technology, Vol. 2:468-471, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1987.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Regional Accent Identification: Principles, Problems, Results},
YEAR = {1987},
BOOKTITLE = {European Conference on Speech Technology},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {468-471},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland} }
William J. Barry. Adaptation to Regional Accents in Automatic Speech Recognition. In 11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 2:89-92, Tallinn, Estonia, 1987.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Adaptation to Regional Accents in Automatic Speech Recognition},
YEAR = {1987},
BOOKTITLE = {11th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {89-92},
ADDRESS = {Tallinn, Estonia} }
William J. Barry. Invited Reply to: Browman and Goldstein: Targetless schwa: An Articulatory Analysis. In 2nd Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Invited Reply to: Browman and Goldstein: Targetless schwa: An Articulatory Analysis},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Conference on Laboratory Phonology},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press} }
William J. Barry. Critical Parameters in the Definition of Speech Recogniser Performance. In 12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 5:426-429, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Critical Parameters in the Definition of Speech Recogniser Performance},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {426-429},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France} }
William J. Barry. Ausspracheschulung. In Tagungsbericht 10. Internationale Deutschlehrertagung, Pages 209-215, Iudicium-Verlag, Leipzig, Germany, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Ausspracheschulung},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Tagungsbericht 10. Internationale Deutschlehrertagung},
PAGES = {209-215},
ADDRESS = {Leipzig, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Iudicium-Verlag} }
William J. Barry. Phonetics and Phonology of Speaking Styles. In
K. Elenius and
P. Branderud editors, 13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 13-19, Vol. 2:4-10, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Phonetics and Phonology of Speaking Styles},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 13-19},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {4-10},
EDITOR = {Elenius, K. and Branderud, P.},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
William J. Barry. Some Fundamental Problems of Looking at Connected Speech. In
Adrian P. Simpson and
Matthias Pätzold editors, Proceedings of the Symposium Sound Patterns of Connected Speech - Description, Models and Explanation, Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik, Universität Kiel (AIPUK 31), 14-15 June, Pages 113-117, Kiel University, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Some Fundamental Problems of Looking at Connected Speech},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Symposium Sound Patterns of Connected Speech - Description, Models and Explanation, Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Phonetik, Universität Kiel (AIPUK 31), 14-15 June},
PAGES = {113-117},
EDITOR = {Simpson, Adrian P. and Pätzold, Matthias},
ADDRESS = {Kiel University} }
William J. Barry. Time as a Factor in the Acoustic Variation of schwa. In The 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processsing (ICSLP '98), November 30 -December 4, Vol. 5, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Time as a Factor in the Acoustic Variation of schwa},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {The 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processsing (ICSLP '98), November 30 -December 4},
VOLUME = {5},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia} }
William J. Barry and
Paul Dalsgaard. Speech Database Annotation. The Importance of a Multi-Lingual Approach. In
K. Fellbaum editor, 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '93), September 21-23, Vol. 1:13-20, Berlin, Germany, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Dalsgaard, Paul},
TITLE = {Speech Database Annotation. The Importance of a Multi-Lingual Approach},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '93), September 21-23},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {13-20},
EDITOR = {Fellbaum, K.},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany} }
William J. Barry,
M. Goldsmith,
Adrian J. Fourcin and
H. Fuller. Stability of Voice Frequency Measures in Speech. In 12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 2:38-41, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Goldsmith, M. and Fourcin, Adrian J. and Fuller, H.},
TITLE = {Stability of Voice Frequency Measures in Speech},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {38-41},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France} }
William J. Barry,
Martine Grice,
Valerie Hazan and
Adrian J. Fourcin. Excitation Distributions for Synthesised Speech. In
J. P. Tubach and
Joseph Mariani editors, 1st European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), Vol. 1:353-356, Paris, France, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Grice, Martine and Hazan, Valerie and Fourcin, Adrian J.},
TITLE = {Excitation Distributions for Synthesised Speech},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {1st European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89)},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {353-356},
EDITOR = {Tubach, J. P. and Mariani, Joseph},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France} }
William J. Barry and
S. Hawkins. Invited Reply to: Hewlett and Shockey: On Types of Coarticulation. In 2nd Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Hawkins, S.},
TITLE = {Invited Reply to: Hewlett and Shockey: On Types of Coarticulation},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Conference on Laboratory Phonology},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press} }
William J. Barry,
Claus Nielsen and
Ove Andersen. Must Diphone Synthesis be so Unnatural? In
Paul Dalsgaard,
Borge Lindberg and
Henrik Benner editors, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '01), September 3-7, Aalborg, Denmark, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Nielsen, Claus and Andersen, Ove},
TITLE = {Must Diphone Synthesis be so Unnatural?},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '01), September 3-7},
EDITOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Lindberg, Borge and Benner, Henrik},
ADDRESS = {Aalborg, Denmark} }
William J. Barry and
Michela Russo. Lamdacismo e Rotacismo in Area Napolitana: Realizzazione Fonetica e Posizione Fonologica. In
Roberto Pompoli,
Eleonora Carletti,
Patrizio Fausti,
Francesca Pedrielli,
Alessandro Peretti,
Francesco Pompoli and
Nicola Prodi editors, Atti 29$^o$, Convegno Nazionale. Associazione Italiana di Acustica (AIA 2002), 12-14 giugno, Pages 377-382, Ferrara, Italia, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Russo, Michela},
TITLE = {Lamdacismo e Rotacismo in Area Napolitana: Realizzazione Fonetica e Posizione Fonologica},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Atti 29$^o$, Convegno Nazionale. Associazione Italiana di Acustica (AIA 2002), 12-14 giugno},
PAGES = {377-382},
EDITOR = {Pompoli, Roberto and Carletti, Eleonora and Fausti, Patrizio and Pedrielli, Francesca and Peretti, Alessandro and Pompoli, Francesco and Prodi, Nicola},
ADDRESS = {Ferrara, Italia} }
John Bateman,
Elke Teich,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Ivana Korbayova,
Serge Sharoff and
Hana Skoumalová. Resources for Multilingual Text Generation in Three Slavic Languages. In 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000), May 31 - June 2, Pages 1763-1768, Athens, Greece, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bateman, John and Teich, Elke and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Korbayova, Ivana and Sharoff, Serge and Skoumalová, Hana},
TITLE = {Resources for Multilingual Text Generation in Three Slavic Languages},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000), May 31 - June 2},
PAGES = {1763-1768},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
URL = {http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/agile/biblio/publications/2000/LREC00.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bateman:2000:RMT.pdf} }
Stefan Baumann,
Martine Grice and
Ralf Benzmüller. GToBI - A Phonological System for the Transcription of German Intonation. In Prosody 2000: Speech Recognition and Synthesis Workshop, October 2-5, Pages 21-28, Kraków, Poland, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Grice, Martine and Benzmüller, Ralf},
TITLE = {GToBI - A Phonological System for the Transcription of German Intonation},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Prosody 2000: Speech Recognition and Synthesis Workshop, October 2-5},
PAGES = {21-28},
ADDRESS = {Kraków, Poland},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Baumann:2000:GPS.pdf} }
Stefan Baumann and
Jürgen Trouvain. On the Prosody of German Telephone Numbers. In
Paul Dalsgaard,
Borge Lindberg and
Henrik Benner editors, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '01), September 3-7, Pages 557-560, Aalborg, Denmark, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {On the Prosody of German Telephone Numbers},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '01), September 3-7},
PAGES = {557-560},
EDITOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Lindberg, Borge and Benner, Henrik},
ADDRESS = {Aalborg, Denmark},
ABSTRACT = {Spoken telephone numbers are prosodically structured. This is reflected on various levels, such as grouping, wording and accenting. Realisation strategies employed by German speakers are used to model the prosody of telephone number production. In a listening preference test using synthetic speech two strategies used by commercial inquiry systems proved to be less acceptable than the versions based on the proposed models. These models are proposed for use in speech-synthesis-based telephone number inquiry services.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Baumann:2001:PGT.pdf} }
Markus Becker. Unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging with Extended Templates. In
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Ivana Korbayova editors, 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98), Student Session, August 17-28, Pages 43-50, Saarbrücken, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Becker, Markus},
TITLE = {Unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging with Extended Templates},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98), Student Session, August 17-28},
PAGES = {43-50},
EDITOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Korbayova, Ivana},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~mbecker/unsup.ps},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe an extension of the unsupervised learning algorithm for automatically training a rule-based part of speech tagger, originally proposed by [Brill,1995]. We claim that the employment of templates with wider contexts will yield both linguistically more satisfying results and also higher precision rates.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:1998:UPS.pdf Becker:1998:UPS.ps} }
Markus Becker,
Witold Drozdzynski,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Jakub Piskorski,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Feiyu Xu. SProUT - Shallow Processing with Typed Feature Structures and Unification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on NLP (ICON 2002). December 18-21, Mumbai, India, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Becker, Markus and Drozdzynski, Witold and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {SProUT - Shallow Processing with Typed Feature Structures and Unification},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on NLP (ICON 2002). December 18-21},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai, India},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/sprout.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We present SProUT, a platform for the development of multilingual shallow text processing systems. A grammar in SProUT consists of a set of rules, where the left-hand side is a regular expression over typed feature structures (TFSs), representing the recognition pattern, and the right-hand side is a sequence of TFSs, specifying how the output structure looks like. The reusable core components fo SProUT are a finite-state machine toolkit, a regular compiler, a typed feature structure package, and a finite-state machine interpreter.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:2002:SSP.pdf} }
Markus Becker and
Anette Frank. A Stochastic Topological Parser of German. In Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Becker, Markus and Frank, Anette},
TITLE = {A Stochastic Topological Parser of German},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~frank/papers/Coling2002_Becker_Frank_245.ps},
ABSTRACT = {We present a new approach to topological parsing for German which is corpus-based, and built on a simple model of probabilistic CFG parsing. The topological field model is a theory-neutral model of clausal syntax that provides a linguistically motivated, but flat macro structure for complex sentences. Topological structures are highly compatible with deep syntactic analysis, thus perfectly suited for seamless integration of shallow and deep NLP. Besides the practical aspect of developing a robust and accurate topological parser, we investigate to what extent topological structures can be handled by context-free probabilistic models, while trying to detect specific phenomena that require more sophisticated models. We discuss experiments with systematic variants of a topological treebank grammar, which yield competitive results.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:2002:STP.pdf Becker:2002:STP.ps} }
Jochen Bedersdorfer,
Karsten Konrad,
Ingo Neis,
Oliver Scherf,
Jörg Steffen and
Michael Wein. Eine Spezifikationssprache für Transformationen auf getypten Merkmalsstrukturen. In
Harold Boley,
François Bry and
Ulrich Geske editors, Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung, September 13-25, (RR-93-35):17-30, Berlin, Germany, 1993. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bedersdorfer, Jochen and Konrad, Karsten and Neis, Ingo and Scherf, Oliver and Steffen, Jörg and Wein, Michael},
TITLE = {Eine Spezifikationssprache für Transformationen auf getypten Merkmalsstrukturen},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung, September 13-25},
NUMBER = {RR-93-35},
PAGES = {17-30},
EDITOR = {Boley, Harold and Bry, François and Geske, Ulrich},
SERIES = {Research Report},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
URL = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~konrad/papers/slant.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The field of declarative AI programming is briefly characterized. Its recent developments in Germany are reflected by a workshop as part of the scientific congress KI-93 at the Berlin Humboldt University. Three tutorials introduce to the state of the art in deductive databases, the programming language Gödel, and the evolution of knowledge bases. Eleven contributed papers treat knowledge revision/program transformation, types, constraints, and type-constraint combinations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bedersdorfer:1993:STG.pdf Bedersdorfer:1993:STG.ps} }
Franz Beil,
Detlef Prescher,
Helmut Schmid and
Sabine Schulte im Walde. Evaluation of the Gramotron Parser for German. In Proceedings of the LREC Workshop: Beyond PARSEVAL, May 29-31, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Beil, Franz and Prescher, Detlef and Schmid, Helmut and Schulte im Walde, Sabine},
TITLE = {Evaluation of the Gramotron Parser for German},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC Workshop: Beyond PARSEVAL, May 29-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Gran Canaria},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~prescher/papers/bib/2002lrec.beil.prescher.schmid.schulte_im_walde.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The paper describes an experiment in inside-outside estimation of a lexicalized probabilistic context free grammar for German. Grammar and formalism features which make the experiment feasible are described. Successive models are evaluated on precision and recall of phrase markup consisting of labels for noun chunks and subcategorization frames. Our approach to parsing is a blend of symbolic and stochastic methods where we use evaluation results in both incremental grammar development and validation of selected output to be used in lexical semantic clustering. Our results are that (i) scrambling-style free phrase order, case morphology, subcategorization, and NP-internal gender, number and case agreement can be dealt within a lexicalized probabilistic context-free grammar formalism, and (ii) inside-outside estimation appears to be beneficial, however relies on a carefully built grammar and an evaluation based on carefully selected linguistic criteria. Additionally, we report experiments on overtraining with inside-outside estimation, especially focusing on comparison of the results of mathematical and linguistic evaluations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Beil:2002:EGP.pdf} }
Ralf Benzmüller and
William J. Barry. Mikrosegmentsynthese - Ökonomische Prinzipien bei der Konkatenation subphonemischer Spracheinheiten. In
Dieter Mehnert editor, 7. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV1996), November 25-27, Pages 86-93, Berlin, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Benzmüller, Ralf and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Mikrosegmentsynthese - Ökonomische Prinzipien bei der Konkatenation subphonemischer Spracheinheiten},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {7. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV1996), November 25-27},
PAGES = {86-93},
EDITOR = {Mehnert, Dieter},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/people/ralf/Mseg.ESSV7-96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Es wird ein KonkatenationsSprachsynthesesystem vorgestellt, in dem das Wissen über sprachliche Kategorien ausgenutzt wird, um die Einschränkungen, die das System vorgibt, zu überwinden. Dazu werden die Konkatenationseinheiten, Mikrosegmente genannt, so häufig benutzt wie möglich. Konsonanten werden dabei in einer weitgehend kontextfreien Weise verwendet, und Vokale werden aus zwei Vokalhälften zusammengesetzt, die nach der Artikulationsstelle des folgenden bzw. vorhergehenden Konsonanten in drei Kontextkategorien eingeteilt werden. Außerdem werden quasistationäre Vokalteile an unterschiedlichen Positionen eingesetzt. Prosodische Variationen werden ausschließlich im Zeitbereich durchgeführt, um die natürliche Sprachqualität zu bewahren. Die Dauer der Mikrosegmente ist in 6 Stufen veränderbar, und deren Tonhöhe wird bei sonoranten Lauten durch Manipulationen in der offenen Phase der Stimmgebungsperiode verändert. Die entsprechenden Abschnitte der Mikrosegmente sind durch Markierungen gekennzeichnet.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Benzmuller:1996:MOP.pdf Benzmuller:1996:MOP.ps} }
Ralf Benzmüller and
William J. Barry. Microsegment Synthesis - Economic Principles in a Low-Cost Solution. In 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '96), October 3-6, Vol. 4, Philadelphia, USA, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Benzmüller, Ralf and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Microsegment Synthesis - Economic Principles in a Low-Cost Solution},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '96), October 3-6},
VOLUME = {4},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Benzmuller:1996:MSE.pdf} }
Ralf Benzmüller and
Martine Grice. The Nuclear Accentual Fall in the Intonation of Standard German. In
Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachw ZAS editor, Papers on the Conference The Word as a Phonetic Unit, Pages 79-89, Berlin, Germany, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Benzmüller, Ralf and Grice, Martine},
TITLE = {The Nuclear Accentual Fall in the Intonation of Standard German},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Papers on the Conference The Word as a Phonetic Unit},
PAGES = {79-89},
EDITOR = {ZAS, Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachw},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany} }
Charlotta Berglund and
Björn Gambäck. On Testing Domain Adaptability. In
Kimmo Koskenniemi editor, 10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31, Pages 90-94, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Berglund, Charlotta and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {On Testing Domain Adaptability},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31},
PAGES = {90-94},
EDITOR = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
PUBLISHER = {University of Helsinki},
URL = {www.sics.se/humle/papers/nodalida95_eval.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Berglund:1995:TDA.pdf Berglund:1995:TDA.ps} }
Eberhard Bertsch and
Mark-Jan Nederhof. On the Complexity of some Extensions of RCG Parsing. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'01), October 17-19, Pages 66-77, Beijing, China, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bertsch, Eberhard and Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {On the Complexity of some Extensions of RCG Parsing},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'01), October 17-19},
PAGES = {66-77},
ADDRESS = {Beijing, China},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof01c.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the parsing problem for range concatenation grammars (RCGs). Two new applications of RCG parsing are studied. The first is the parsing of finite automata, the second is string-to-string transduction, with an extension of RCGs. We show that these problems are undecidable in general, but become tractable for subclasses of the formalism.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bertsch:2001:CSE.pdf Bertsch:2001:CSE.ps} }
Patrick Blackburn and
Claire Gardent. A Specification Language for Lexical Functional Grammars. In 7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '91), Pages 39-44, Dublin, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {A Specification Language for Lexical Functional Grammars},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '91)},
PAGES = {39-44},
ADDRESS = {Dublin} }
Patrick Blackburn and
Claire Gardent. A Description Language for Discourse Semantics. In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '98), December 14-16, Grenoble, France, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {A Description Language for Discourse Semantics},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '98), December 14-16},
ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France} }
Patrick Blackburn,
Wilfried Meyer-Viol and
Maarten de Rijke. A Proof System for Finite Trees. In
H. Kleine Büning editor, Computer Science Logic. 9th International Workshop (CSL '95), (1092):86-105, Springer, Berlin, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and Meyer-Viol, Wilfried and de Rijke, Maarten},
TITLE = {A Proof System for Finite Trees},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Computer Science Logic. 9th International Workshop (CSL '95)},
NUMBER = {1092},
PAGES = {86-105},
EDITOR = {Kleine Büning, H.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Manuel Bodirsky,
Katrin Erk,
Alexander Koller and
Joachim Niehren. Beta Reduction Constraints. In
Aart Middeldorp editor, 12th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'01), May 22-24, Pages 31-46, Springer-Verlag, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bodirsky, Manuel and Erk, Katrin and Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Beta Reduction Constraints},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'01), May 22-24},
PAGES = {31-46},
EDITOR = {Middeldorp, Aart},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Utrecht, The Netherlands},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/beta.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The constraint language for lambda structures (CLLS) can model lambda terms that are known only partially. In this paper, we introduce beta reduction constraints to describe beta reduction steps between partially known lambda terms. We show that beta reduction constraints can be expressed in an extension of CLLS by group parallelism. We then extend a known semi-decision procedure for CLLS to also deal with group parallelism and thus with beta-reduction constraints.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bodirski:2001:BRC.pdf Bodirsky:2001:BRC.ps} }
Manuel Bodirsky,
Katrin Erk,
Alexander Koller and
Joachim Niehren. Underspecified Beta Reduction. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL'01), July 6-11, Pages 74-81, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bodirsky, Manuel and Erk, Katrin and Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Underspecified Beta Reduction},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL'01), July 6-11},
PAGES = {74-81},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/usp-beta.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/usp-beta.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {For ambiguous sentences, traditional semantics construction produces large numbers of higher-order formulas, which must then be beta-reduced individually. Underspecified versions can produce compact descriptions of all readings, but it is not known how to perform beta reduction on these descriptions. We show how to do this using beta reduction constraints in the constraint language for $lambda$-structures (CLLS).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bodirski:2001:UBR.pdf Bodirsky:2001:UBR.ps} }
Johan Bos. Focusing Particles and Ellipsis Resolution. In
P. Bosch editor, Focus and Natural Language Processing: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Schloss Wolfsbrunnen, Germany, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan},
TITLE = {Focusing Particles and Ellipsis Resolution},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Focus and Natural Language Processing: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives},
EDITOR = {Bosch, P.},
ADDRESS = {Schloss Wolfsbrunnen, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press} }
Johan Bos. Presupposition and VP-Ellipsis. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:1184-1190, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan},
TITLE = {Presupposition and VP-Ellipsis},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1184-1190},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} }
Johan Bos. DORIS 2001: Underspecification, Resolution and Inference for Discourse Representation Structures. In
Patrick Blackburn and
Michael Kohlhase editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Inference in Compuational Semantics (ICoS-3), June 18-19, Siena, Italy, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan},
TITLE = {DORIS 2001: Underspecification, Resolution and Inference for Discourse Representation Structures},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Inference in Compuational Semantics (ICoS-3), June 18-19},
EDITOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and Kohlhase, Michael},
ADDRESS = {Siena, Italy},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~bos/doris2001.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:2001:DUR.pdf} }
Johan Bos,
Paul Buitelaar and
Anne-Marie Mineur. Bridging as Coercive Accomodation. In
Suresh Manandhar editor, Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing (CLNLP '95) - Workshop Proceedings, April 3-5, South Queensferry, Scotland, 1995.  Note: A shorter version also appeared in the Lecture Notes of a workshop on The Computational Lexicon, at the 6th ESSLLI, Barcelona 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Buitelaar, Paul and Mineur, Anne-Marie},
TITLE = {Bridging as Coercive Accomodation},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing (CLNLP '95) - Workshop Proceedings, April 3-5},
EDITOR = {Manandhar, Suresh},
ADDRESS = {South Queensferry, Scotland},
URL = {http://www.elsnet.org/publications/clnlp95/Bos-Mineur.ps.gz},
NOTE = {A shorter version also appeared in the Lecture Notes of a workshop on The Computational Lexicon, at the 6th ESSLLI, Barcelona 1995},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1995:BCAa.pdf Bos:1995:BCAa.ps} }
Johan Bos,
Paul Buitelaar and
Anne-Marie Mineur. Bridging as Coercive Accomodation. In 6th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI'95). Workshop on The Computational Lexicon, August 13-25, Barcelona, Spain, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Buitelaar, Paul and Mineur, Anne-Marie},
TITLE = {Bridging as Coercive Accomodation},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {6th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI'95). Workshop on The Computational Lexicon, August 13-25},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain} }
Johan Bos,
Bianka Buschbeck-Wolf,
Michael Dorna and
Christopher J. Rupp. Managing Information at Linguistic Interfaces. In
ACL editor, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'98), August 10-14, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka and Dorna, Michael and Rupp, Christopher J.},
TITLE = {Managing Information at Linguistic Interfaces},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'98), August 10-14},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada} }
Johan Bos and
Malte Gabsdil. First-Order Inference and the Semantics of Questions and Answers. In
Massimo Poesio and
David Traum editors, Götalog 2000: 4th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, June 15-17, Pages 43-50, Gothenburg Papers in Computational Linguistics 00-5, Göteborg, Sweden, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Gabsdil, Malte},
TITLE = {First-Order Inference and the Semantics of Questions and Answers},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Götalog 2000: 4th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, June 15-17},
PAGES = {43-50},
EDITOR = {Poesio, Massimo and Traum, David},
ADDRESS = {Göteborg, Sweden},
PUBLISHER = {Gothenburg Papers in Computational Linguistics 00-5},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~gabsdil/papers/goetalog00.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:2000:FOI.pdf Bos:2000:FOI.ps} }
Johan Bos,
Björn Gambäck,
Christian Lieske,
Yoshiki Mori,
Manfred Pinkal and
Karsten Worm. Compositional Semantics in Verbmobil. In
ACL editor, 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9, Vol. 1:131-136, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Gambäck, Björn and Lieske, Christian and Mori, Yoshiki and Pinkal, Manfred and Worm, Karsten},
TITLE = {Compositional Semantics in Verbmobil},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {131-136},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
URL = {http://lanl.arxiv.org/PS_cache/cmp-lg/pdf/9607/9607031.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1996:CSV.pdf} }
Johan Bos,
Elsbeth Mastenbroek,
Scott McGlashan,
Sebastian Millies and
Manfred Pinkal. A Compositional DRS-Based Formalism for NLP-Applications. In 1st International Workshop on Computational Semantics, Pages 21-31, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1994. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Mastenbroek, Elsbeth and McGlashan, Scott and Millies, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {A Compositional DRS-Based Formalism for NLP-Applications},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Workshop on Computational Semantics},
PAGES = {21-31},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1994:CDB.pdf} }
António Branco and
Berthold Crysmann. Negative Concord and Linear Constraints on Quantification. In
Y. d'Hulst,
J. Rooryck and
J. Schroten editors, Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1999.Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 1999, December 9-11, John Benjamins Publishing, Leiden, 1999. 
AUTHOR = {Branco, António and Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Negative Concord and Linear Constraints on Quantification},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1999.Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 1999, December 9-11},
EDITOR = {d'Hulst, Y. and Rooryck, J. and Schroten, J.},
ADDRESS = {Leiden},
PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins Publishing},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~crysmann/papers/NC.html} }
Sabine Brants,
Stefanie Dipper,
Silvia Hansen,
Wolfgang Lezius and
George Smith. The TIGER Treebank. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, September 20-21, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Sabine and Dipper, Stefanie and Hansen, Silvia and Lezius, Wolfgang and Smith, George},
TITLE = {The TIGER Treebank},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, September 20-21},
ADDRESS = {Sozopol, Bulgaria},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~sabine/tigertreebank.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper reports on the TIGER Treebank, a corpus of currently 35.000 syntactically annotated German newspaper sentences. We describe what kind of information is encoded in the treebank and introduce the different representation formats that are used for the annotation and exploitation of the treebank. We explain the different methods used for the annotation: interactive annotation, using the tool (em Annotate), and LFG parsing. Furthermore, we give an account of the annotation scheme used for the TIGER treebank. This scheme is an extended and improved version of the NEGRA annotation scheme and we illustrate in detail the linguistic extensions that were made concerning the annotation in the TIGER project. The main differences are concerned with coordination, verb-subcategorization, expletives as well as proper nouns. In addition, the paper also presents the query tool TIGERSearch that was developed in the project to exploit the treebank in an adequate way. We describe the query language which was designed to facilitate a simple formulation of complex queries; furthermore, we shortly introduce TIGERin, a graphical user interface for query input. The paper concludes with a summary and some directions for future work.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2002:TT.pdf} }
Sabine Brants and
Silvia Hansen. Developments in the TIGER Annotation Scheme and their Realization in the Corpus. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2002), May 29-31, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Sabine and Hansen, Silvia},
TITLE = {Developments in the TIGER Annotation Scheme and their Realization in the Corpus},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2002), May 29-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~sabine/brants-hansen.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents the annotation of the German TIGER Treebank. First, issues concerning the annotation, representation as well as querying of the treebank are discussed. Within this context, the annotation tool ANNOTATE, the export and XML formats of the TIGER Treebank and the TIGER search tool are briefly introduced. Secondly, the developments of the TIGER annotation scheme and their realization in the corpus are introduced focussing on the differences between the underlying NEGRA annotation scheme and the further developed TIGER annotation scheme. The main differences are concerned with verb-subcategorization, coordination, appositions and parentheses as well as proper nouns. Thirdly, the annotation scheme is assessed through an evaluation and a problem discussion of the above mentioned changes. For this purpose, inter- annotator agreement in the TIGER project has been analyzed focussing on exactly these changes. This analysis shows where the annotators' decision problems are. These difficulties are discussed in greater detail on the basis of annotation examples. The paper concludes with some suggestions for the improvement of the TIGER annotation scheme.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2002:DTA.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants. Parameteroptimierung für ein Statistisches Sprachmodell. In 1. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, 13.-15. Oktober, Pages 13-17, Freiburg, Germany, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Parameteroptimierung für ein Statistisches Sprachmodell},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {1. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, 13.-15. Oktober},
PAGES = {13-17},
ADDRESS = {Freiburg, Germany} }
Thorsten Brants. Tagset Reduction Without Information Loss. In 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL'95), Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Tagset Reduction Without Information Loss},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL'95)},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1995:TRI.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants. Estimating HMM Topologies. In Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation, October 19-22, Tbilisi, Georgia, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Estimating HMM Topologies},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation, October 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Tbilisi, Georgia} }
Thorsten Brants. Better Language Models with Model Merging. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP '96), May 17-18, Philadelphia, USA, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Better Language Models with Model Merging},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP '96), May 17-18},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1996:BLM.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants. Estimating Markov Model Structures. In
H. T. Bunnell and
W. Idsardi editors, 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'96), October 3-6, Vol. 2:893-896, Philadelphia, USA, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Estimating Markov Model Structures},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'96), October 3-6},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {893-896},
EDITOR = {Bunnell, H. T. and Idsardi, W.},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA} }
Thorsten Brants. Internal and External Tagsets in Part-of-Speech Tagging. In
G. Kokkinakis,
N. Fakotakis and
E. Dermatas editors, 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'97), September 22-25, Vol. 5:2787-2790, Rhodes, Greece, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Internal and External Tagsets in Part-of-Speech Tagging},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'97), September 22-25},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {2787-2790},
EDITOR = {Kokkinakis, G. and Fakotakis, N. and Dermatas, E.},
ADDRESS = {Rhodes, Greece},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/eurospeech97/},
ABSTRACT = {We present an approach to statistical part-of-speech tagging that uses two different tagsets, one for its internal and one for its external representation. The internal tagset is used in the underlying Markov model, while the external tagset constitutes the output of the tagger. The internal tagset can be modified and optimized to increase tagging accuracy (with respect to the external tagset). We evaluate this approach in an experiment and show that it performs significantly better than approaches using only one tagset.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1997:IET.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants. Cascaded Markov Models. In 9th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '99), June 8-12, Bergen, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Cascaded Markov Models},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '99), June 8-12},
ADDRESS = {Bergen},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Brants-EACL99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents a new approach to partial parsing of context-free structures. The approach is based on Markov Models. Each layer of the resulting structure is represented by its own Markov Model, and output of a lower layer is passed as input to the next higher layer. An empirical evaluation of the method yields very good results for NP/PP chunking of German newspaper texts.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1999:CMM.pdf Brants:1999:CMM.ps} }
Thorsten Brants. Inter-Annotator Agreement for a German Newspaper Corpus. In 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000), May 31 - June 2, Athens, Greece, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Inter-Annotator Agreement for a German Newspaper Corpus},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000), May 31 - June 2},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Brants-LREC00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents the results of an investigation on inter-annotator agreement for the NEGRA corpus, consisting of German newspaper texts. The corpus is syntactically annotated with part-of-speech and structural information. Agreement for part-of-speech is 98.6%, the labeled F-score for structures is 92.4%. The two annotations are used to create a common final version by discussing differences and by several iterations of cleaning. Initial and final versions are compared. We identify categories causing large numbers of differences and categories that are handled inconsistently.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2000:IAA.pdf Brants:2000:IAA.ps} }
Thorsten Brants. TnT - A Statistical Part-of-Speech Tagger. In 6th Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP '00), April 29 - May 4, Pages 224-231, Association for Computational Lingusitics, Seattle, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {TnT - A Statistical Part-of-Speech Tagger},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP '00), April 29 - May 4},
PAGES = {224-231},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computational Lingusitics},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Brants-ANLP00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Trigrams'n'Tags (TnT) is an efficient statistical part-of-speech tagger. Contrary to claims found elsewhere in the literature, we argue that a tagger based on Markov models performs at least as well as other current approaches, including the Maximum Entropy framework. A recent comparison has even shown that TnT performs significantly better for the tested corpora. We describe the basic model of TnT, the techniques used for smoothing and for handling unknown words. Furthermore, we present evaluations on two corpora.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2000:TSP.pdf Brants:2000:TSP.ps} }
Thorsten Brants and
Matthew W. Crocker. Probabilistic Parsing and Psychological Plausibility. In 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4, Vol. 1:111-117, Morgan Kaufmannn Publishers, Saarbrücken, Luxembourg, Nancy, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Probabilistic Parsing and Psychological Plausibility},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {111-117},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Luxembourg, Nancy},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmannn Publishers},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Brants-Crocker-COLING00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Given the recent evidence for probabilistic mechanisms in models of human ambiguity resolution, this paper investigates the plausibility of exploiting current wide-coverage, probabilistic parsing techniques to model human linguistic performance. In particular, we investigate the performance of standard stochastic parsers when they are revised to operate incrementally, and with reduced memory resources. We present techniques for ranking and filtering analyses, together with experimental results. Our results confirm that stochastic parsers which adhere to these psychologically motivated constraints achieve good performance. Memory can be reduced down to 1% (compared to exhausitve search) without reducing recall and precision. Additionally, these models exhibit substantially faster performance. Finally, we argue that this general result is likely to hold for more sophisticated, and psycholinguistically plausible, probabilistic parsing models.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2000:PPP.pdf Brants:2000:PPP.ps} }
Thorsten Brants and
Oliver Plaehn. Interactive Corpus Annotation. In
M. Gavrilidou,
G. Carayannis,
S. Markantonatou,
Stelios Piperidis and
G. Steinhaouer editors, 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'00), May 31 - June 2, European Language Resource Association (ELRA), Athens, Greece, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Plaehn, Oliver},
TITLE = {Interactive Corpus Annotation},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'00), May 31 - June 2},
EDITOR = {Gavrilidou, M. and Carayannis, G. and Markantonatou, S. and Piperidis, Stelios and Steinhaouer, G.},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
PUBLISHER = {European Language Resource Association (ELRA)},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/lrec2000.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/lrec2000.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We present an easy-to-use graphical tool for syntactic corpus annotation. This tool, Annotate, interacts with a part-of-speech tagger and a parser running in the background. The parser incrementally suggests single phrases bottom-up based on cascaded Markov models. A human annotator confirms or rejects the parser's suggestions. This semi-automatic process facilitates a very rapid and efficient annotation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2000:ICA.pdf Brants:2000:ICA.ps} }
Thorsten Brants and
Christer Samuelsson. Tagging the Teleman Corpus. In 10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31, Helsinki, Finland, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Tagging the Teleman Corpus},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1995:TTCa.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants and
Wojciech Skut. Automation of Treebank Annotation. In 3rd International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing (NeMLaP'98), January 11-24, Sydney, Australia, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Automation of Treebank Annotation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing (NeMLaP'98), January 11-24},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/nemlap98/},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes applications of stochastic and symbolic NLP methods to treebank annotation. In particular we focus on (1) the automation of treebank annotation, (2) the comparison of conflicting annotations for the same sentence and (3) the automatic detection of inconsistencies. These techniques are currently employed for building a German treebank.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1998:ATA.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants,
Wojciech Skut and
Brigitte Krenn. Tagging Grammatical Functions. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP '97), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Skut, Wojciech and Krenn, Brigitte},
TITLE = {Tagging Grammatical Functions},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP '97)},
ADDRESS = {Providence, Rhode Island, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/emnlp97/},
ABSTRACT = {This paper addresses issues in automated treebank construction. We show how standard part-of-speech tagging techniques extend to the more general problem of structural annotation, especially for determining grammatical functions and syntactic categories. Annotation is viewed as an interactive process where manual and automatic processing alternate. Efficiency and accuracy results are presented. We also discuss further automation steps.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1997:TGF.pdf} }
Thorsten Brants,
Wojciech Skut and
Hans Uszkoreit. Syntactic Annotation of a German Newspaper Corpus. In
Anne Abeillé editor, ATALA sur le Corpus Annotés pour la Syntaxe Treebanks, June 18-19, Pages 69-76, Paris, France, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Syntactic Annotation of a German Newspaper Corpus},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {ATALA sur le Corpus Annotés pour la Syntaxe Treebanks, June 18-19},
PAGES = {69-76},
EDITOR = {Abeillé, Anne},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Brants-ea-ATALA99.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We report on the syntactic annotation of a German newspaper corpus. The annotations consists of context-free structures, additionally allowing crossing branches, with labeled nodes (phrases) and edges (grammatical functions). Furthermore, we present a new, interactive semi-automatic annotation process that allows efficient and reliable annotations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1999:SAG.pdf} }
Bettina Braun,
Jacques Koreman and
Jürgen Trouvain. The Effect of Accentuation on Vowel Recognition. In Prosody 2000 Workshop: Speech Recognition and Synthesis, October 2-5, Kraków, Poland, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Braun, Bettina and Koreman, Jacques and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {The Effect of Accentuation on Vowel Recognition},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Prosody 2000 Workshop: Speech Recognition and Synthesis, October 2-5},
ADDRESS = {Kraków, Poland},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~trouvain/braun_et_al_00.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Braun:2000:EAV.pdf} }
Sascha Brawer. Mechanismen einer kontextfreien Grammatik für des Deutsche. In
A. Sehn and
S. Autexier editors, Studentenprogramm der 18. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz (KI-94), September 21-23, Nr. (D-94-12), Saarbrücken, Germany, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Brawer, Sascha},
TITLE = {Mechanismen einer kontextfreien Grammatik für des Deutsche},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Studentenprogramm der 18. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz (KI-94), September 21-23},
NUMBER = {D-94-12},
EDITOR = {Sehn, A. and Autexier, S.},
SERIES = {DFKI-Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Sascha Brawer. Treating German with a Provable Context-Free Grammar. Coping with Subcategorization, Unbound Dependencies and Partial Free-Word Order. In
Sascha Brawer editor, 5. Tagung der Computerlingustik Studenten (TaCoS), 24.-28. Mai, Pages 5-16, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Brawer, Sascha},
TITLE = {Treating German with a Provable Context-Free Grammar. Coping with Subcategorization, Unbound Dependencies and Partial Free-Word Order},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {5. Tagung der Computerlingustik Studenten (TaCoS), 24.-28. Mai},
PAGES = {5-16},
EDITOR = {Brawer, Sascha},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Andrew Bredenkamp,
Berthold Crysmann and
Mirela Petrea. Building Multilingual Controlled Language Performance Checkers. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Controlled Language Applications (CLAW 2000), April 29-30, Pages 83-89, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Bredenkamp, Andrew and Crysmann, Berthold and Petrea, Mirela},
TITLE = {Building Multilingual Controlled Language Performance Checkers},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Controlled Language Applications (CLAW 2000), April 29-30},
PAGES = {83-89},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA} }
Andrew Bredenkamp,
Berthold Crysmann and
Mirela Petrea. Looking for Errors: A Declarative Formalism for Resource-Adaptive Language Checking. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000), May 31 - June 2, Pages 667-673, Athens, Greece, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bredenkamp, Andrew and Crysmann, Berthold and Petrea, Mirela},
TITLE = {Looking for Errors: A Declarative Formalism for Resource-Adaptive Language Checking},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000), May 31 - June 2},
PAGES = {667-673},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
URL = {http://flag.dfki.de/pdf/LREC.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The paper describes a phenomenonbased approach to grammar checking, which draws on the integration of different shallow NLP technologies, including morphological and POS taggers, as well as probabilistic and rulebased partial parsers. We present a declarative specification formalism for grammar checking and controlled language applications which greatly facilitates the development of checking components.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bredenkamp:2000:LED.pdf} }
Andrew Bredenkamp,
Thierry Declerck,
Frederik Fouvry and
Bradley Music. Efficient Integrated Tagging of Word Constructs. In
Association for Computational Linguistics editor, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9, Pages 1028-1031, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bredenkamp, Andrew and Declerck, Thierry and Fouvry, Frederik and Music, Bradley},
TITLE = {Efficient Integrated Tagging of Word Constructs},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9},
PAGES = {1028-1031},
EDITOR = {Linguistics, Association for Computational},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a robust texthandling component, which can deal with free text in a wide range of formats and can successfully identify a wide range of phenomena, including chemical formulae, dates, numbers and proper nouns. The set of regular expressions used to capture numbers in written form (sechsundzwanzig) in German is given as an example. Proper noun candidates are identified by means of regular expressions, these being then rejected or accepted on the basis of runtime interaction with the user. This tagging component is integrated in a largescale grammar development environment, and provides direct input to the grammatical analysis component of the system by means of lift rules which convert tagged text into partial linguistic structures.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bredenkamp:1996:EIT.pdf} }
Andrew Bredenkamp,
Thierry Declerck,
Frederik Fouvry,
Bradley Music and
Axel Theofilidis. Linguistic Engineering Using ALEP. In Proceedings of Recent Advantages in Natural Language Processing (RANLP '97), September 11-13, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bredenkamp, Andrew and Declerck, Thierry and Fouvry, Frederik and Music, Bradley and Theofilidis, Axel},
TITLE = {Linguistic Engineering Using ALEP},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advantages in Natural Language Processing (RANLP '97), September 11-13},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_ranlp.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_ranlp.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper focuses on the experiences of the LS-GRAM project and some post LS-GRAM activities with the ALEP platform. We see ALEP as an open and generic environment, providing a usable, programmable framework for the integration of various language engineering (LE) components into a powerful NLP environment. Well-defined interfaces ensure the flow of information between distinct phases of language processing.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bredenkamp:1997:LEU.pdf Bredenkamp:1997:LEU.ps} }
Andrew Bredenkamp,
Judith Klein and
Berthold Crysmann. Annotation of Error Types for a German News Corpus. In ATALA sur les Corpus Annotés pour la Syntaxe Treebanks, June 18-19, Paris, France, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bredenkamp, Andrew and Klein, Judith and Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Annotation of Error Types for a German News Corpus},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {ATALA sur les Corpus Annotés pour la Syntaxe Treebanks, June 18-19},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {http://flag.dfki.de/pdf/ErrAnnot.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper will discuss the corpus annotation effort in the FLAG project and its application for assisting in the development of controlled language and grammar checking applications. The main aim of theGerman government funded FLAGproject1 is to develop technologies for controlled language (CL) and grammar checking applications for German. The project work has therefore been divided into two separate but complementary streams of activity. Firstly, the aim was to develop an modular NLP software architecture for quickly developing different kinds of CL and grammar checking applications. Secondly, to validate the first activity, it was seen as important to build up an empirical base for testing and formally evaluating checking components. Given the lack of existing annotated corpora of errors for German (or indeed for any language as far as the authors know), the construction of such a corpus was a high priority task. This would enable us not only to perform quantitative tests, but also to derive an empirically based typology of errors which the project could use for orientation. The corpus was particularly important given the approach which the FLAG project was taking to the task of grammar and controlled language checking, which relies on a phenomenonoriented approach to the problem of identifying errors, using shallow processing techniques. In order to finetune the heuristics which are central to such an approach, i.e. one based on identifying “candidate errors” of increasing probability, it is essential to have good test suites annotated with respect to the phenomena under investigation. The annotation of the corpus was to be carried out in such a way that we could easily access and quantify snapshots of the data, for producing test suites for testing purposes and for producing statistics on the frequency of particular error types. The research community not only lacked an annotated corpus of errors, there was no existing ontology of errors which could be easily translated into an annotation schema. The definition of such a schema based on traditional descriptions of errors (such as Luik, 1993a; Luik, 1993b) thus formed the first major workpackage. Fortunately, tools for the annotation of corpora, and the management thereof are becoming increasingly sophisticated; it was therefore necessary to evaluate a number of tools in the light of our specific needs.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bredenkamp:1999:AET.pdf} }
Ivan Bretan,
Maans Engstedt and
Björn Gambäck. A Multimodal Environment for Telecommunication Specifications. In
N. Nicolov and
R. Mitkov editors, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP '96). Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bretan, Ivan and Engstedt, Maans and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {A Multimodal Environment for Telecommunication Specifications},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP '96). Current Issues in Linguistic Theory},
EDITOR = {Nicolov, N. and Mitkov, R.},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/ranlpbook.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bretan:1996:MET.pdf Bretan:1996:MET.ps} }
Caren Brinckmann and
Ralf Benzmüller. The Relationship Between Utterance Type and F0 Contour in German. In Proceedings 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '99), Vol. 1:21-24, ESCA, Budapest, Hungary, 5 September 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brinckmann, Caren and Benzmüller, Ralf},
TITLE = {The Relationship Between Utterance Type and F0 Contour in German},
YEAR = {1999},
MONTH = {5 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '99)},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {21-24},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~cabr/Eurospeech99/},
ABSTRACT = {In this study we investigate the intonational characteristics of the four utterance types statement, wh-question, yes/no-question and declarative question. Readings of two German scripted dialogues were examined to ascertain characteristic features of the F0 contour for each utterance type. Final boundary tone, nuclear pitch accent, F0 offset, F0 onset, F0 range, and the slopes of a topline and a bottomline were determined for each utterance and compared for the four utterance types. Results show that for an average speaker, the final boundary tone, the F0 range, and the slope of the topline can be used to distinguish between the four utterance types. However, speakers may deviate from this pattern and exploit other intonational means to distinguish certain utterance types or choose not to mark a syntactic difference at all.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brinckmann:1999:RBU.pdf Brinckmann:1999:RBU.ps} }
Caren Brinckmann and
Jürgen Trouvain. On the Role of Duration Prediction and Symbolic Representation for the Evaluation of Synthetic Speech. In Proceedings 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Pages 35--40, Pitlochry, Scotland, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Brinckmann, Caren and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {On the Role of Duration Prediction and Symbolic Representation for the Evaluation of Synthetic Speech},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis},
PAGES = {35--40},
ADDRESS = {Pitlochry, Scotland},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~cabr/ssw4},
ABSTRACT = {In order to determine priorities for the improvement of timing in synthetic speech this study looks at the role of segmental duration prediction and the role of phonological symbolic representation in listeners' preferences. In perception experiments using German speech synthesis, two standard duration models (Klatt rules and CART) were tested. The input to these models consisted of symbolic strings which were either derived from a database or a text-to-speech system. Results of the perception experiments show that different duration models can only be distinguished when the symbolic string is appropriate. Considering the relative importance of the symbolic representation, ``post-lexical'' segmental rules were investigated with the outcome that listeners differ in their preferences regarding the degree of segmental reduction. As a conclusion, before fine-tuning the duration prediction, it is important to calculate an appropriate phonological symbolic representation in order to improve timing in synthetic speech.},
ANNOTE = {Brinckmann:2001:RDP} }
Paul Buitelaar. The Acquisition of Defaults in Lexical Semantic Representations. In Workshop on Lexical Semantic Systems (WLSS '98), April 6-7, Pisa, Italy, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {The Acquisition of Defaults in Lexical Semantic Representations},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Lexical Semantic Systems (WLSS '98), April 6-7},
ADDRESS = {Pisa, Italy},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/wlss98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The paper defends the notion that semantic tagging should be viewed as more than disambiguation between senses. Instead, semantic tagging should be a first step in the interpretation process by assigning each lexical item a representation of all of its systematically related senses, from which further semantic processing steps can derive discourse dependent interpretations. This leads to a new type of semantic lexicon (CoreLex ) that supports underspecified semantic tagging through a design based on systematic polysemous classes and a class-based acquisition of lexical knowledge for specific domains.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1998:ADL.pdf Buitelaar:1998:ADL.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar. Specification and Underspecification in Lexical Semantic Processing for Information Extraction. In Bad Teinach Workshop on Underspecification, May, Bad Teinach, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {Specification and Underspecification in Lexical Semantic Processing for Information Extraction},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Bad Teinach Workshop on Underspecification, May},
ADDRESS = {Bad Teinach, Germany},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/teinach.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The work reported here is part of a research effort to extend an existing information extraction system (SMES) with more sophisticated lexical semantic capabilities, including the use of underspecified representations, in order to make the important step of domain modelling, in porting the system to different application areas, more systematic and generally to increase the accuracy of the system. In general, information extraction (IE) is a rather scaled down version of natural language understanding, in which there is little room for the processing of deep (i.e. lexical semantic) knowledge. However, in obvious ways, underspecified lexical semantic representations can be seen as shallow lexical meanings that have a similar status as chunks in syntactic processing. Therefore, the use of such representations in IE seems an attractive option to extend the semantic capabilities of these systems, although it is not entirely clear where underspecification will be useful and where not. It is the topic of this paper to investigate this into some respect.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1998:SUL.pdf Buitelaar:1998:SUL.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar. CoreLex: An Ontology of Systematic Polysemous Classes. In
Nicola Guarino editor, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS'98), June 6-8, Vol. 46:221-235 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Trento, Italy, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {CoreLex: An Ontology of Systematic Polysemous Classes},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS'98), June 6-8},
VOLUME = {46},
PAGES = {221-235},
EDITOR = {Guarino, Nicola},
SERIES = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/fois98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper is concerned with a unified approach to the systematic polysemy and underspecification of nouns. Systematic polysemy -- senses that are systematically related and therefore predictable over classes of lexical items -- is fundamentally different from homonymy -- senses that are unrelated, non-systematic and therefore not predictable. At the same time, studies in discourse analysis show that lexical items are often left underspecified for a number of related senses. Clearly, there is a correspondence between these phenomena, the investigation of which is the topic of this paper. Acknowledging the systematic nature of polysemy and its relation to underspecified representations, allows one to structure ontologies for lexical semantic processing more efficiently, generating more appropriate interpretations within context. In order to achieve this, one needs a thorough analysis of systematic polysemy and underspecification on a large and useful scale. The paper establishes an ontology and semantic database (CoreLex) of 126 semantic types, covering around 40,000 nouns and defining a large number of systematic polysemous classes that are derived by a careful analysis of sense distributions in WordNet. The semantic types are underspecified representations based on generative lexicon theory.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1998:COS.pdf Buitelaar:1998:COS.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar. Ambiguity in Semantic Annotation Submitted. In Standardizing Lexical Resources Workshop (SIGLEX '99), June 21-22, University of Maryland College Park, USA, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {Ambiguity in Semantic Annotation Submitted},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Standardizing Lexical Resources Workshop (SIGLEX '99), June 21-22},
ADDRESS = {University of Maryland College Park, USA} }
Paul Buitelaar. Reducing Lexical Semantic Complexity with Systematic Polysemous Classes and Underspecification. In
Amit Bagga,
James Pustejovsky and
Wlodek Zadrozny editors, Workshop on Syntactic and Semantic Complexity in Natural Language Processing Systems (ANLP-NAACL'00), April 29 - May 3, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {Reducing Lexical Semantic Complexity with Systematic Polysemous Classes and Underspecification},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Syntactic and Semantic Complexity in Natural Language Processing Systems (ANLP-NAACL'00), April 29 - May 3},
EDITOR = {Bagga, Amit and Pustejovsky, James and Zadrozny, Wlodek},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/anlp00.ps. http://dfki.de/~paulb/anlp00.ps},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents an algorithm for finding systematic polysemous classes in WordNet and similar semantic databases, based on a definition in (Apresjan 1973). The introduction of systematic polysemous classes can reduce the amount of lexical semantic processing, because the number of disambiguation decisions can be restricted more clearly to those cases that involve real ambiguity (homonymy). In many applications, for instance in document categorization, information retrieval, and information extraction, it may be sufficient to know if a given word belongs to a certain class (underspecified sense) rather than to know which of its (related) senses exactly to pick. The approach for finding systematic polysemous classes is based on that of (Buitelaar 1998a, Buitelaar 1998b), while addressing some previous shortcomings.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2000:RLS.pdf Buitelaar:2000:RLS.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar. The SENSEVAL-II Panel on Domains, Topics and Senses. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems (SENSEVAL-II), Toulouse, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {The SENSEVAL-II Panel on Domains, Topics and Senses},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems (SENSEVAL-II)},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/senseval2.ps},
ABSTRACT = {An important aspect of sense disambiguation is the wider semantic space (domain, topic) in which the ambiguous word occurs. This may be most clearly illustrated by some cross-lingual examples, as they would appear in (machine) translation. Consider for instance the English word housing. In a more general 'sense', this translates in German into Wohnung. In an engineering setting however it translates into Gehaeuse. Also verbs may be translated differently (i.e. have a different sense) according to the semantic space in which they occur. For instance, English warming up translates into erhitzen in a more general sense, but into aufwaermen in the sports domain. Because of the apparent relevance then of domains or topics on sense disambiguation, a panel was organized at SENSEVAL-2 to discuss some current and previous work in this area. The paper presents a more extended overview based on the relevant literature, besides giving a summary of the discussion that developed after the panel presentations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2001:SIP.pdf Buitelaar:2001:SIP.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar. Lexical Semantics in the Age of the Semantic Web – Invited Talk. In
Tomaz Erjavec and
Jerneja Gros editors, Proceedings of the Conference of the Slovenian Society for Language Technologies, 14 - 15th October 2002, Pages 6 - 10, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {Lexical Semantics in the Age of the Semantic Web – Invited Talk},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Conference of the Slovenian Society for Language Technologies, 14 - 15th October 2002},
PAGES = {6 - 10},
EDITOR = {Erjavec, Tomaz and Gros, Jerneja},
ADDRESS = {Ljubljana, Slovenia},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/sdjt02.ps},
ABSTRACT = {Lexical semantics is the study of word meaning. The semantic web is a vision of what the web could be if it would foremost consist of knowledge (structured data) rather than text or other unstructured data as it is today. This paper is about the future of word meaning if the semantic web becomes a reality. First, I will therefore briefly clarify what the semantic web vision consists of, followed by a sketch of lexical semantics. Finally, I will speculate on how the inherent semantic standardization process of the semantic web could have a dramatic influence on the study and use of word meaning.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2002:LSA.pdf} }
Paul Buitelaar,
Jan Alexandersson,
Tilman Jaeger,
Stephan Lesch,
Norbert Pfleger,
Diana Raileanu,
Tanja von den Berg,
Kerstin Klöckner,
Holger Neis and
Hubert Schlarb. An Unsupervised Semantic Tagger Applied to German. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'01), September 5-7, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Alexandersson, Jan and Jaeger, Tilman and Lesch, Stephan and Pfleger, Norbert and Raileanu, Diana and von den Berg, Tanja and Klöckner, Kerstin and Neis, Holger and Schlarb, Hubert},
TITLE = {An Unsupervised Semantic Tagger Applied to German},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'01), September 5-7},
ADDRESS = {Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ranlp01.ps ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ranlp01.pdf http://dfki.de/~paulb/ranlp01.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We describe an unsupervised semantic tagger, applied to German, but which could be used with any language for which a corresponding XNet (WordNet, GermaNet, e tc.), POS tagger and morphological analyzer are available. Disambiguation is per formed by comparing co-occurrence weights on pairs of semantic classes (synsets from GermaNet). Precision is around 67% at a recall of around 65% (for all ambig uous words -- 81% for all words at a recall of 80%). Our results show the influe nce of context size and of semantic class frequency in the training corpus.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2001:UST.pdf Buitelaar:2001:UST.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar and
Anne-Marie Mineur. Coercion and Compositionality in Categorial Grammar. In
Paul Dekker and
Martin Stokhof editors, 9th Amsterdam Colloquium, Pages 175-188, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, 1994. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Mineur, Anne-Marie},
TITLE = {Coercion and Compositionality in Categorial Grammar},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Amsterdam Colloquium},
PAGES = {175-188},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
PUBLISHER = {Institute for Logic, Language and Computation},
URL = {Full text in postscript gzipped http://dfki.de/~paulb/ac93.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1994:CCC.pdf Buitelaar:1994:CCC.ps} }
Paul Buitelaar,
Klaus Netter and
Feiyu Xu. Integrating Different Strategies in Cross-Language Information Retrieval in the MIETTA Project. In
Djoerd Hiemstra,
Franciska de Jong and
Klaus Netter editors, Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8, Pages 9-17, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Netter, Klaus and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Integrating Different Strategies in Cross-Language Information Retrieval in the MIETTA Project},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8},
PAGES = {9-17},
EDITOR = {Hiemstra, Djoerd and de Jong, Franciska and Netter, Klaus},
ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn-twlt14-98.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe an integrated approach to cross-language retrieval within the MIETTA project, whose objective is to build a special purpose search engine in the tourism domain that covers information from a number of geographical regions. MIETTA is designed to enable users to search and retrievegeographical regions. MIETTA is designed to enable users to search and retrieve information on the regions covered in their own language preferably. In order to facilitate the user with such functionality, the system includes document translation, cross-language query translation, multilingual generation from information extraction templates and document classification. In addition, query expansion is offered to identify proper query translation and enable template matching for information extraction purposes.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1998:IDS.pdf} }
Paul Buitelaar and
Bogdan Sacaleanu. Ranking and Selecting Synsets by Domain Relevance. In Proceedings of the WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. NAACL Workshop, Pittsburgh, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Sacaleanu, Bogdan},
TITLE = {Ranking and Selecting Synsets by Domain Relevance},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. NAACL Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Pittsburgh},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/lexres.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The paper presents a novel method for domain specific sense assignment. The method determines the domain specific relevance of GermaNet synsets on the basis of the relevance of their constituent terms that co-occur within representative domain corpora. The approach is task independent and completely automatic. Experiments show results on three selected domains: business, soccer and medical.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2001:RSS.pdf} }
Paul Buitelaar and
Bogdan Sacaleanu. Extending Synsets with Medical Terms. In Proceedings of the 1st International WordNet Conference, January 21-25, Mysore, India, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Sacaleanu, Bogdan},
TITLE = {Extending Synsets with Medical Terms},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International WordNet Conference, January 21-25},
ADDRESS = {Mysore, India},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/gwa.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {An important problematic issue with general semantic lexicons like WordNet or GermaNet is that they do not cover many terms and concepts specific to certain domains. Therefore, these resources need to be tuned to a specific domain at hand. This involves selecting those senses that are most appropriate for the domain, as well as extending the sense inventory with novel terms and novel senses that are specific to the domain. In this paper we focus on extending GermaNet synsets with domain specific terms, taking into account the domain relevance of senses (i.e. synsets).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2002:ESM.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Structure-Driven Generation From Seperate Semantic Representations. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL'91), Pages 113-118, Berlin, Germany, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Structure-Driven Generation From Seperate Semantic Representations},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL'91)},
PAGES = {113-118},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1991_SDGFSSR.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {A new approach to structure-driven generation is presented that is based on a separate semantics as input structure. For the first time, a GPSGbased formalism is complemented with a system of pattern-action rules that relate the parts of a semantics to appropriate syntactic rules. This way a front end generator can be adapted to some application system (such as a machine translation system) more easily than would be possible with many previous generators based on modern grammar formalisms.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1991:SDG.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Using Pattern-Action Rules for the Generation of GPSG Structures from MT-Oriented Semantics. In
John Mylopoulos and
Raymond Reiter editors, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'91), August 24-30, Pages 1003-1011, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Sydney, Australia, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Using Pattern-Action Rules for the Generation of GPSG Structures from MT-Oriented Semantics},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'91), August 24-30},
PAGES = {1003-1011},
EDITOR = {Mylopoulos, John and Reiter, Raymond},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1991_UPARFTGOG.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In many tactical NL generators the semantic input structure is taken for granted. In this paper, a new approach to multilingual, tactical generation is presented that keeps the syntax separate from the semantics. This allows for the system to be directly adapted to application-dependent representations. In the case at hand, the semantics is specifically designed for sentence-semantic transfer in a machine translation system. The syntax formalism used is Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG). The mapping from semantic onto syntactic structures is performed by a set of pattern-action rules. Each rule matches a piece of the input structure and guides the GPSG structure-building process by telling it which syntax rule(s) to apply. The scope of each pattern-action rule is strictly local, the actions are primitive, and rules can not call each other. These restrictions render the production rule approach both highly modular and transparent.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1991:UPAb.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Lexical Choice and Knowledge Representation. In
Jochen Heinsohn and
Bernhard Hollunder editors, DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning, February 26, (D-92-08):33-39, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1992. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Lexical Choice and Knowledge Representation},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning, February 26},
NUMBER = {D-92-08},
PAGES = {33-39},
EDITOR = {Heinsohn, Jochen and Hollunder, Bernhard},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_LCAKR.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Recently the problem of choosing communicatively adequate lexemes has attracted much interest in the NL generation community, in general, the task amounts to deciding for a given representation of an intended meaning, which words will most appropriately convey that meaning to the addressee. Whether lexical choice must be exact in the sense that all and only the intended meaning is verbalized, depends on the respective communication situation. In a multimodal discourse, where language is supplemented by gestures or graphics, the linguistic device need not convey everything to the partner. In written discourse without a predefined context, as in DISCO, exact verbalization seems much more in order. In all theories of lexical choice, the convergence problem has to be solved: there is always a decision for exactly one lexical item. We may distinguish the following subtasks of lexical choice: Definite reference, proforms: Events and objects must often be described using words that allow for an unambiguous identification of the referent. The problem subdivides in finding appropriate words for the referents and in describing the relations between them, as deictic and intrinsic readings of The ball is infront of the car suggest. Social jugdement: Some words carry social jugdements with them. German Putzfrau and Raumpflegerin mean both cleaning woman, but only the latter is now used officially.1 The former has a pejorative connotation. See [6]. Collocations: There are different kinds of cooccurrence restrictions between lexemes. Some words cannot be used together with others, some tend to be used together with others and some yield a different meaning when used with certain others (idioms). Choice of open class words: Given a conceptual representation of the intended meaning, an appropriate word for each concept must be identified. In this paper, we assume that for lexical selection the following kinds of knowledge are necessary: • the concepts of the meaning representation language • lexical entries (lemmata and/or phrasal items including semantic and syntactic in formation, among other things ) • knowledge about the reader (including the reader's goals ans beliefs) • knowledge about the linguistic, situational, and social context We will show that lexical choice requires a domain model based on linguistic considerations, and that standard KL-ONE techniques are insufficient for parts of the task at hand.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1992:LCK.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Implicit Relationships between Grammar and Control. In
M. Herweg editor, 4. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Deklarative und prozedurale Aspekte der Sprachverarbeitung, November 17-19, Pages 12-17, Hamburg, Germany, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Implicit Relationships between Grammar and Control},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {4. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Deklarative und prozedurale Aspekte der Sprachverarbeitung, November 17-19},
PAGES = {12-17},
EDITOR = {Herweg, M.},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg, Germany} }
Stephan Busemann. Towards Configurable Generation Systems. Some Initial Ideas. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, (D-93-03):57-64, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Towards Configurable Generation Systems. Some Initial Ideas},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
PAGES = {57-64},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/config.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/config.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/config.ps.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1993:TCG.pdf Busemann:1993:TCG.ps Busemann:1993:TCG.dvi} }
Stephan Busemann. Towards the Configuration of Generation Systems: Some Initial Ideas. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, (D-93-03):57-64, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Towards the Configuration of Generation Systems: Some Initial Ideas},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
PAGES = {57-64},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_DWNLSRM.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper gives some preliminary ideas about configurable generators. After discussing a generic application situation, the idea of configurable system architectures is presented. We then show how both static and dynamic (run-time) configuration can be achieved in the generator of DFKI's (sc Cosma) system, which is involved in multi-agent e-mail dialogues about appointment scheduling.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1993:TCGb.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Towards Classification of Generation Subtasks. In
Wolfgang Hoeppner and
Helmut Horacek editors, Principles of Natural Language Generation. Papers from a Dagstuhl-Seminar, (SI-12):25-32, Duisburg, Germany, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Towards Classification of Generation Subtasks},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Principles of Natural Language Generation. Papers from a Dagstuhl-Seminar},
NUMBER = {SI-12},
PAGES = {25-32},
EDITOR = {Hoeppner, Wolfgang and Horacek, Helmut},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report},
ADDRESS = {Duisburg, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1994_TSOGS.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1995:TCG.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Best-First Surface Realization. In
Donia Scott editor, Proceedings of the 8th International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLG'96), June, Pages 101-110, Sussex, UK, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Best-First Surface Realization},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLG'96), June},
PAGES = {101-110},
EDITOR = {Scott, Donia},
ADDRESS = {Sussex, UK},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tg2.ps.Z http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/cmp-lg/pdf/9605/9605010.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Current work in surface realization concentrates on the use of general, abstract algorithms that interpret large, reversible grammars. Only little attention has been paid so far to the many small and simple applications that require coverage of a small sublanguage at different degrees of sophistication. The system TG/2 described in this paper can be smoothly integrated with deep generation processes, it integrates canned text, templates, and context-free rules into a single formalism, it allows for both textual and tabular output, and it can be parameterized according to linguistic preferences. These features are based on suitably restricted production system techniques and on a generic backtracking regime.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1996:BFSb.pdf Busemann:1996:BFSb.ps} }
Stephan Busemann. Putting Semantic-Head-Driven Generation to the Limits: Experiments with Multi-Purpose Semantic Representations. In
Tilman Becker,
Stephan Busemann and
Wolfgang Finkler editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Generation, April 1997, (D-97-06):8-14, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Putting Semantic-Head-Driven Generation to the Limits: Experiments with Multi-Purpose Semantic Representations},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Generation, April 1997},
NUMBER = {D-97-06},
PAGES = {8-14},
EDITOR = {Becker, Tilman and Busemann, Stephan and Finkler, Wolfgang},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann97.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann97.dvi.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1997:PSH.pdf Busemann:1997:PSH.ps Busemann:1997:PSH.dvi} }
Stephan Busemann. Language Technology for Transnational Web Services. In Proceedings of Advancing the Information Society - European Telematics Conference '98, February 4-6, Pages 101--105, European Commission DG XIII, Barcelona, Spain, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Language Technology for Transnational Web Services},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Advancing the Information Society - European Telematics Conference '98, February 4-6},
PAGES = {101--105},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain},
PUBLISHER = {European Commission DG XIII},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann98.entry},
ABSTRACT = {The growing flood of information on the internet is mostly encoded in language. The increasing need to augment existing technology for searching, extracting, and summarizing information encoded in multiple languages can be met by employing advanced language technology. This paper concentrates on results achieved within the TEMSIS and ongoing MULINEX projects in meeting these needs, and presents key concepts for the exploitation of the web.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1998:LTT.pdf Busemann:1998:LTT.ps} }
Stephan Busemann. A Shallow Formalism for Defining Personalized Text. In Workshop Professionelle Erstellung von Papier- und Online-Dokumenten: Perspektiven für die automatische Textgenerierung. 22nd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI '98), 15.-17. September, Bremen, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {A Shallow Formalism for Defining Personalized Text},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop Professionelle Erstellung von Papier- und Online-Dokumenten: Perspektiven für die automatische Textgenerierung. 22nd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI '98), 15.-17. September},
ADDRESS = {Bremen, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann98b.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann98b.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann98b.dvi.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this workshop note, we sketch techniques suited to generate personalized text within the shallow verbalization system TG/2. In a grammar-engineering phase, alternative formulations of messages corresponding to different user types are encoded into the generation grammar. A set of parameters denoting properties of verbalization alternatives is associated with the respective grammar rules. The user provides to the system the parameter values she desires. During generation, the rules matching the criteria best are preferred, leading to personalized text.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1998:SFD.pdf Busemann:1998:SFD.ps} }
Stephan Busemann. Constraint-Based Techniques for Interfacing Software Modules. In
Chris Mellish and
Donia Scott editors, Proceedings of the AISB'99 Workshop on Reference Architectures and Data Standards for NLP, April 6-9, Pages 48-54, The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Constraint-Based Techniques for Interfacing Software Modules},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the AISB'99 Workshop on Reference Architectures and Data Standards for NLP, April 6-9},
PAGES = {48-54},
EDITOR = {Mellish, Chris and Scott, Donia},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
PUBLISHER = {The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The reuse of standardized software is among the primary goals of application builders. The vision of a building block scenario of pieces of software that can be configured to form a new application is becoming real. However, this vision places strong requirements on the interfaces. Practice dictates that it must be easy to combine building blocks. Hence the interfaces should be flexible and, ideally, adaptable to new tasks or domains. This paper presents a simple method to structurally relate interface languages and to check the syntactic correctness of expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1999:CBT.pdf Busemann:1999:CBT.ps} }
Stephan Busemann. Interfacing Constraint-Based Grammars and Generation Algorithms. In Workshop Analysis for Generation. 1st International Conference on Natural Language Generation, June 12-16, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Interfacing Constraint-Based Grammars and Generation Algorithms},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop Analysis for Generation. 1st International Conference on Natural Language Generation, June 12-16},
ADDRESS = {Mitzpe Ramon, Israel},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann00.ps.gz. http://arXiv.org/abs/cs.CL/0008003},
ABSTRACT = {Constraint-based grammars can, in principle, serve as the major linguistic knowledge source for both parsing and generation. Surface generation starts from input semantics representations that may vary across grammars. For many declarative grammars, the concept of derivation implicitly built in is that of parsing. They may thus not be interpretable by a generation algorithm. We show that linguistically plausible semantic analyses can cause severe problems for semantic-head-driven approaches for generation (SHDG). We use SeReal, a variant of SHDG and the DISCO grammar of German as our source of examples. We propose a new, general approach that explicitly accounts for the interface between the grammar and the generation algorithm by adding a control-oriented layer to the linguistic knowledge base that reorganizes the semantics in a way suitable for generation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:2000:ICB.pdf Busemann:2000:ICB.ps} }
Stephan Busemann. Language Generation for Cross-Lingual Document Summarisation. In
Hyanye Sheng editor, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Innovative Language Technology and Chinese Information Processing (ILT&CIP '01), Science Press, Shanghai, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Language Generation for Cross-Lingual Document Summarisation},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Innovative Language Technology and Chinese Information Processing (ILT&CIP '01)},
EDITOR = {Sheng, Hyanye},
ADDRESS = {Shanghai},
PUBLISHER = {Science Press},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/musi-nlg.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/musi-nlg.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:2001:LGC.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann. Issues in Generating from Interlingua Representations. In
Edmundo Tovar and
Carolina Gallardo editors, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on UNL, other Interlinguas and their Applications, Pages 1-7, Las Palmas, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Issues in Generating from Interlingua Representations},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on UNL, other Interlinguas and their Applications},
PAGES = {1-7},
EDITOR = {Tovar, Edmundo and Gallardo, Carolina},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/interlingua.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/interlingua.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Multi-lingual generation starts from non-linguistic content representations for generating texts in different languages that are equivalent in meaning. In contrast, cross-lingual generation is based on a language-neutral content representation which is the result of a linguistic analysis process. Non-linguistic representations do not reflect the structure of the text. Quite differently, language-neutral representations express functor-argument relationships and other semantic properties found by the underlying analysis process. These differences imply diverse generation tasks. In this contribution, we relate multi-lingual to cross-lingual generation and discuss emergent problems for the definition of an interlingua.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:2002:IGI.pdf} }
Stephan Busemann,
Thierry Declerck,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
Luca Dini,
Judith Klein and
Sven Schmeier. Natural Language Dialogue Service for Appointment Scheduling Agents. In
Paul Jacobs editor, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97), March 31 - April 3, Pages 25-32, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Washington D. C., USA, 1997. [Abstract] Note: HU. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Declerck, Thierry and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Dini, Luca and Klein, Judith and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {Natural Language Dialogue Service for Appointment Scheduling Agents},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97), March 31 - April 3},
PAGES = {25-32},
EDITOR = {Jacobs, Paul},
ADDRESS = {Washington D. C., USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/anlp97-cosma.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/anlp97-cosma.entry http://arXiv.org/abs/cmp-lg/9702007},
ABSTRACT = {Appointment scheduling is a problem faced daily by many people and organizations. Cooperating agent systems have been developed to automate this task partially. In order to extend the circle of participants as far as possible we advocate for the use of natural language transmitted by email. We describe Cosma, a fully implemented German language server for existing appointment scheduling agent systems. Cosma can cope with multiple dialogues in parallel, and accounts for differences in dialogue behaviour between human and machine agents. NL coverage of the sublanguage is achieved through both corpus-based grammar development and the use of message extraction techniques.},
NOTE = {HU},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1997:NLDa.pdf Busemann:1997:NLDa.ps} }
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch. Re-Usability and Modularity. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems, Nr. (D-93-03), Saarbrücken, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
TITLE = {Re-Usability and Modularity},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken} }
Stephan Busemann,
Karin Harbusch and
Stefan Wermter. Hybride konnektionistische, statistische und regelbasierte Ansätze zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache. In
Stephan Busemann,
Karin Harbusch and
Stefan Wermter editors, Workshop auf der 21. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Freiburg, 9.-10. September 1997, Nr. (D-98-03), DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin and Wermter, Stefan},
TITLE = {Hybride konnektionistische, statistische und regelbasierte Ansätze zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop auf der 21. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Freiburg, 9.-10. September 1997},
NUMBER = {D-98-03},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin and Wermter, Stefan},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
Stephan Busemann and
Christa Hauenschild. From FAS Representations to GPSG Structures. In
Stephan Busemann,
Christa Hauenschild and
Carla Umbach editors, Views of the Syntax/ Semantics Interface. Proceedings of the Workshop 'GPSG and Semantics', February 22-24, (74):17-43, TU Berlin, Berlin, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Hauenschild, Christa},
TITLE = {From FAS Representations to GPSG Structures},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {Views of the Syntax/ Semantics Interface. Proceedings of the Workshop 'GPSG and Semantics', February 22-24},
NUMBER = {74},
PAGES = {17-43},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Hauenschild, Christa and Umbach, Carla},
SERIES = {KIT-Report},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {TU Berlin} }
Stephan Busemann and
Helmut Horacek. Generating Air-Quality Reports from Environmental Data. In
Tilman Becker,
Stephan Busemann and
Wolfgang Finkler editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Generation, (D-97-06):15-21, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Horacek, Helmut},
TITLE = {Generating Air-Quality Reports from Environmental Data},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Generation},
NUMBER = {D-97-06},
PAGES = {15-21},
EDITOR = {Becker, Tilman and Busemann, Stephan and Finkler, Wolfgang},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/bus-hor97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/bus-hor97.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/bus-hor97.dvi.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1997:GAQ.pdf Busemann:1997:GAQ.ps Busemann:1997:GAQ.dvi} }
Stephan Busemann and
Helmut Horacek. A Flexible Shallow Approach to Text Generation. In
Eduard Hovy editor, 9th International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLG '98), August 5-7, Pages 238-247, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Horacek, Helmut},
TITLE = {A Flexible Shallow Approach to Text Generation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {9th International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLG '98), August 5-7},
PAGES = {238-247},
EDITOR = {Hovy, Eduard},
ADDRESS = {Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann-horacek98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann-horhacek98.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann-horacek98.dvi.gz. http://arXiv.org/abs/cs.CL/9812018},
ABSTRACT = {In order to support the efficient development of NL generation systems, two orthogonal methods are currently pursued with emphasis: (1) reusable, general, and linguistically motivated surface realization components, and (2) simple, task-oriented template-based techniques. In this paper we argue that, from an application-oriented perspective, the benefits of both are still limited. In order to improve this situation, we suggest and evaluate shallow generation methods associated with increased flexibility. We advise a close connection between domain-motivated and linguistic ontologies that supports the quick adaptation to new tasks and domains, rather than the reuse of general resources. Our method is especially designed for generating reports with limited linguistic variations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1998:FSA.pdf Busemann:1998:FSA.ps Busemann:1998:FSA.dvi} }
Stephan Busemann,
Sven Schmeier and
Roman G. Arens. Message Classification in the Call Center. In
Sergei Nirenburg,
Douglas Appelt,
Fabio Ciravegna and
Robert Dale editors, Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference (ANLP'00), April 29 - May 4, Pages 158-165, ACL, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Schmeier, Sven and Arens, Roman G.},
TITLE = {Message Classification in the Call Center},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference (ANLP'00), April 29 - May 4},
PAGES = {158-165},
EDITOR = {Nirenburg, Sergei and Appelt, Douglas and Ciravegna, Fabio and Dale, Robert},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/bus:sch:are:00.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/bus:sch:are:00.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/bus:sch:are:00.dvi.gz. http://arXiv.org/abs/cs.CL/0003060},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:2000:MCC.pdf Busemann:2000:MCC.ps Busemann:2000:MCC.dvi} }
Andreas Butz. Betty: Planning and Generating Animations for the Visualization of Movements and Spatial Relations. In
T. Catarci,
M. F. Costabile,
S. Levialdi and
G. Santucci editors, 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI '94), June 1-4, Pages 53-58, ACM Press, Bari, Italy, 1994. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Butz, Andreas},
TITLE = {Betty: Planning and Generating Animations for the Visualization of Movements and Spatial Relations},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI '94), June 1-4},
PAGES = {53-58},
EDITOR = {Catarci, T. and Costabile, M. F. and Levialdi, S. and Santucci, G.},
ADDRESS = {Bari, Italy},
URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~butz/work/betty.ps.Z},
ABSTRACT = {In the field of multimodal presentation of information on a computer screen normally the modes Text and (statical) Graphics are used [Feiner'89, Wahlster'90 + '93]. But especially the computer screen yields the possibility to present informations in the form of animated graphics, i.e. animations. [Badler'90, Karp'90]. One advantage of animations is, that the dimension Time (succession, duration) can immediately be expressed. Another advantage is, that in an animation it is much easier to (virtually) cross the border to the third spatial dimension than it is in statical graphics. The problem of synthesizing an animation was regarded in this work as a planning problem and the result is an animation planner that, starting from an visualization goal, plans the whole script for an animation including all low-level camera and object motions. The system takes all decisions about camera positions, zooms, moves and cuts considering the actual context as well as some fundamental filmmaking rules [Karp'90]. The script is then realized by a given animation system which computes the single frames and does the playback. BETTY is part of the multimodal user interface WIP (Knowledge-based Presentation of Information, [Wahlster'93]), that generates instructions for technical devices. At the moment BETTY is able to compute animations to demonstrate movements, to localize parts of a device and to explode constructive groups.} }
Joanne Capstick,
Thierry Declerck,
Gregor Erbach,
Anthony Jameson,
Brigitte Jörg,
Reinhard Karger,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Wolfgang Wahlster and
Tillmann Wegst. COLLATE: Competence Center in Speech and Language Technology. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02), May 28-31, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Capstick, Joanne and Declerck, Thierry and Erbach, Gregor and Jameson, Anthony and Jörg, Brigitte and Karger, Reinhard and Uszkoreit, Hans and Wahlster, Wolfgang and Wegst, Tillmann},
TITLE = {COLLATE: Competence Center in Speech and Language Technology},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02), May 28-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/collate_lrec_2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents the structure and activitities of the recently established Competence Center in Speech and Language Technology in Saarbrücken. The objectives of the Competence Center are to provide a comprehensive information service about speech and language technologies, including live demonstrations of the most important language technology (LT) systems, and to advance the state of the art in the evaluation of LT systems for realworld applications. The Competence Center comprises the following components: 1. the Virtual Information Center Language Technology World (www.ltworld.org), the world's most comprehensive information resource about speech and language technology 2. the Demonstration Center in Saarbrücken, which offers interested parties the possibility to play and experiment with different speech and language technologies, or to attend guided demonstrations, 3. the Evaluation Center, which conducts evaluations of the overall usability of language technology systems and advances knowledge of relevant usability issues and evaluation methods. The work presented in this paper was carried out by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with Saarland University in the context of the project COLLATE (COmputational Linguistics and LAnguage TEchnology for Real Life Applications), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (www.bmbf.de).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Capstick:2002:CCC.pdf} }
Joanne Capstick,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
Gregor Erbach and
Hans Uszkoreit. MULINEX: Multilingual Web Search and Navigation. In Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Capstick, Joanne and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {MULINEX: Multilingual Web Search and Navigation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8},
ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-nlpia98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {MULINEX is a multilingual search engine for the WWW. During the phase of document gathering, the system extracts information about documents by making use of language identification, thematic classification and automatic summarisation. In the search phase, the users' query terms are translated in order to enable search in different languages. Search results are presented with a summary and information about the language and thematic categories to which the document belongs. Summaries and documents are translated on demand by making use of the LOGOS machine translation system. The system is to be deployed in the online services of Bertelsmann Telemedia and Grolier Interactive Europe, and supports French, German and English. The current MULINEX prototype is the first system for translingual information access integrating retrieval, summarisation and translation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Capstick:1998:MMWa.pdf Capstick:1998:MMWa.ps} }
Joanne Capstick,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
Gregor Erbach,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Francesco Cagno,
Giovanni Gadaleta,
Juan A. Hernandez,
René Korte,
Anne Leisenberg,
Manfred Leisenberg and
Oliver Christ. MULINEX :Multilingual Web Search and Navigation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications (NLP+IA'98), August 18-21, Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Capstick, Joanne and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans and Cagno, Francesco and Gadaleta, Giovanni and Hernandez, Juan A. and Korte, René and Leisenberg, Anne and Leisenberg, Manfred and Christ, Oliver},
TITLE = {MULINEX :Multilingual Web Search and Navigation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications (NLP+IA'98), August 18-21},
ADDRESS = {Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-nlpia98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {MULINEX is a multilingual search engine for the WWW. During the phase of document gathering, the system extracts information about documents by making use of language identification, thematic classification and automatic summarisation. In the search phase, the users' query terms are translated in order to enable search in different languages. Search results are presented with a summary and information about the language and thematic categories to which the document belongs. Summaries and documents are translated on demand by making use of the LOGOS machine translation system. The system is to be deployed in the online services of Bertelsmann Telemedia and Grolier Interactive Europe, and supports French, German and English. The current MULINEX prototype is the first system for translingual information access integrating retrieval, summarisation and translation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Capstick:1998:MMWd.pdf Capstick:1998:MMWd.ps} }
Joanne Capstick,
Gregor Erbach and
Hans Uszkoreit. Design and Evaluation of a Psychological Experiment on the Effectivness of Document Summarisation for the Retrieval of Multilingual WWW Documents. In
Eduard Hovy and
Dragomir R. Radev editors, AAAI Spring Symposium Intelligent Text Summarization, Pages 134-136, The AAAI Press, Palo Alto, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Capstick, Joanne and Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Design and Evaluation of a Psychological Experiment on the Effectivness of Document Summarisation for the Retrieval of Multilingual WWW Documents},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Spring Symposium Intelligent Text Summarization},
PAGES = {134-136},
EDITOR = {Hovy, Eduard and Radev, Dragomir R.},
ADDRESS = {Palo Alto},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/aaai98/mulinex-aaai98.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Since for the foreseeable future, retrieval will be an interactive task of the user looking through lists of potentially relevant documents, adequate support through various types of information is very important. A psychological experiment was conducted to examine the extent to which different types of automatically generated summaries aid retrieval and systematically evaluate user needs and behaviour in the area of cross-language retrieval for the WWW.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Capstick:1998:DEP.pdf} }
John Carroll,
Anette Frank,
Dekang Lin,
Detlef Prescher and
Hans Uszkoreit. Introductory pages of the editors. In
John Carroll,
Anette Frank,
Dekang Lin,
Detlef Prescher and
Hans Uszkoreit editors, Beyond PARSEVAL - Towards Improved Evaluation Measures for Parsing Systems. Workshop at the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 28, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Carroll, John and Frank, Anette and Lin, Dekang and Prescher, Detlef and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Introductory pages of the editors},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Beyond PARSEVAL - Towards Improved Evaluation Measures for Parsing Systems. Workshop at the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 28},
EDITOR = {Carroll, John and Frank, Anette and Lin, Dekang and Prescher, Detlef and Uszkoreit, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/intro.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Carroll:2002:IPE.pdf Carroll:2002:IPE.ps} }
Ann Copestake,
John Carroll,
Dan Flickinger,
Robert Malouf and
Stephan Oepen. Using an Open-Source Unification-Based System for CL/ NLP Teaching. In Proceedings of the EACL/ ACL Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources for Research and Education, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Copestake, Ann and Carroll, John and Flickinger, Dan and Malouf, Robert and Oepen, Stephan},
TITLE = {Using an Open-Source Unification-Based System for CL/ NLP Teaching},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EACL/ ACL Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources for Research and Education},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/lab/nlp/carroll/papers/acl01-workshop-lkb.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We demonstrate the opensource LKB system which has been used to teach the fundamentals of constraintbased grammar development to several groups of students.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Copestake:2001:UOS.pdf} }
Roddy Cowie,
Ellen Douglas-Cowie,
Suzie Savvidou,
Edelle McMahon,
Martin Sawey and
Marc Schröder. 'FEELTRACE': An Instrument for Recording Perceived Emotion in Real Time. In
Ellen Douglas-Cowie,
Roddy Cowie and
Marc Schröder editors, Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research, Pages 19-24, Textflow, Belfast, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Cowie, Roddy and Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Savvidou, Suzie and McMahon, Edelle and Sawey, Martin and Schröder, Marc},
TITLE = {'FEELTRACE': An Instrument for Recording Perceived Emotion in Real Time},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research},
PAGES = {19-24},
EDITOR = {Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Cowie, Roddy and Schröder, Marc},
ADDRESS = {Belfast},
PUBLISHER = {Textflow},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~schroed/articles/cowieetal2000.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {FEELTRACE is an instrument developed to let observers track the emotional content of a stimulus as they perceive it over time, allowing the emotional dynamics of speech episodes to be examined. It is based on activation-evaluation space, a representation derived from psychology. The activation dimension measures how dynamic the emotional state is; the evaluation dimension is a global measure of the positive or negative feeling associated with the state. Research suggests that the space is naturally circular, i.e. states which are at the limit of emotional intensity define a circle, with alert neutrality at the centre. To turn those ideas into a recording tool, the space was represented by a circle on a computer screen, and observers described perceived emotional state by moving a pointer (in the form of a disc) to the appropriate point in the circle, using a mouse. Prototypes were tested, and in the light of results, refinements were made to ensure that outputs were as consistent and meaningful as possible. They include colour coding the pointer in a way that users readily associate with the relevant emotional state; presenting key emotion words as ‘landmarks’ at the strategic points in the space; and developing an induction procedure to introduce observers to the system. An experiment assessed the reliability of the developed system. Stimuli were 16 clips from TV programs, two showing relatively strong emotions in each quadrant of activationevaluation space, each paired with one of the same person in a relatively neural state. 24 raters took part. Differences between clips chosen to contrast were statistically robust. Results were plotted in activation-evaluation space as ellipses, each with its centre at the mean co-ordinates for the clip, and its width proportional to standard deviation across raters. The size of the ellipses meant that about 25 could be fitted into the space, i.e. FEELTRACE has resolving power comparable to an emotion vocabulary of 20 non-overlapping words, with the advantage of allowing intermediate ratings, and above all, the ability to track impressions continuously.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Cowie:2000:FIR.pdf} }
Lewis G. Creary,
Jean Mark Gawron and
John Nerbonne. Reference to Locations. In
ACL editor, 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL '89), June 26-29, Pages 42-50, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Creary, Lewis G. and Gawron, Jean Mark and Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Reference to Locations},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL '89), June 26-29},
PAGES = {42-50},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada} }
Matthew W. Crocker and
Thorsten Brants. Incremental Probabilistic Models of Human Linguistic Performance. In 5th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP '99), September 23-26, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Crocker, Matthew W. and Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Incremental Probabilistic Models of Human Linguistic Performance},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {5th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP '99), September 23-26},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
ABSTRACT = {Models of human language processing increasingly advocate probabilistic mechanisms for parsing and disambiguation (e.g. Jurafsky, 1996; MacDonald et al 1994; Crocker and Corley; to appear). These models resolve local syntactic and lexical ambiguity by promoting the analysis which has the greatest probability of being correct. In this talk we will outline a new probabilistic parsing model which is a generalisation of the Hidden Markov Models which have previously been defended as pschological models of lexical category disambiguation (Corley and Crocker, in press). The model uses layered, or cascaded, markov models (CMMs) to build up a syntactic analysis (Brants, 1999). In contrast with many probabilisic parsing models, CMMs can easily be implemented to parse incrementally. Incremental CMMs have the property of generating partial structures including hypothetical continuations after receiving each new word in the input. New material is incorporated into the existing structure and ambiguities are resolved based on local context. Alternative hypotheses are assigned probabilities which are used for ranking, and only a bounded number of parallel alternatives are pursued. Simple bounds on the model straightforwardly predict the recency effects often attributed only to connectionist-based models (Stevenson, 1994; Macdonald et al, 1884; Kempen and Vosse, 1987). In contrast with several current models, the combination of weights in CMMs is motivated directly by probability theory. The parameters of the model are acquired automatically from a corpus, and there are relatively few stipulations about how probabilities are combined (contra Jurafsky, 1996; Tanenhaus et al, in press). An important cognitive parameter concerns the number of analyses which are maintained in parallel. We will present results of experiments which evaluate the performance of the model for both general language processing, and on several critical ambiguities where human performance is well understood. The model is a first step in exploring the role of optimal models of human linguistic performance, as motivated by Chater, Crocker, and Pickering (1998). Recently, Pickering, Traxler and Crocker (to appear) have provided experimental evidence which challenges a pure maximum likelihood model of syntactic ambiguity resolution. As an alternative, they propose a measure, termed Informativity, which they derive from a rational analysis of the parsing and interpretation problem. In the final part of the talk we will outline how the presented model can be adapted to implement Informativity, which combines probability with a newly proposed measure termed Specificity.} }
Matthew W. Crocker and
Thorsten Brants. Incremental Probabilistic Models of Human Linguistic Performance. In 13th Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, March 30 - April 1, La Jolla, California, USA, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Crocker, Matthew W. and Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Incremental Probabilistic Models of Human Linguistic Performance},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, March 30 - April 1},
ADDRESS = {La Jolla, California, USA} }
Richard Crouch,
Anette Frank and
Josef van Genabith. Linear Logic based Transfer and Structural Misalignment. In
Harry Bunt,
Ielka van der Sluis and
Elias Thijsse editors, 4th International Workshop on Comutational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Crouch, Richard and Frank, Anette and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {Linear Logic based Transfer and Structural Misalignment},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Comutational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12},
EDITOR = {Bunt, Harry and van der Sluis, Ielka and Thijsse, Elias},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~frank/papers/iwcs4.ps},
ABSTRACT = {Genabith, Frank and Dorna, 1998) described an approach to ambiguity preserving machine translation, where transfer takes place on the glue language meaning constructors of (Dalrymple et al. 1996). Unfortunately, it did not deal with structural misalignment problems, such as embedded head switching, in a fully satisfactory way. This paper proposes the use of a fragment of linear logic as a transfer formalism, and shows how it provides a more general and satisfactory solution to the difficulties encountered by (Genabith, Frank and Dorna, 1998).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Crouch:2001:LLB.pdf Crouch:2001:LLB.ps} }
Berthold Crysmann. The Conspiracy of Quantification and Linear Precedence in European Portuguese Proclisis. In
J. Austin and
A. Lawson editors, Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (ESCOL '97), November 21-23, CLC Publications, Yale University, New Haven, USA, 1997. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {The Conspiracy of Quantification and Linear Precedence in European Portuguese Proclisis},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (ESCOL '97), November 21-23},
EDITOR = {Austin, J. and Lawson, A.},
ADDRESS = {Yale University, New Haven, USA},
PUBLISHER = {CLC Publications},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~crysmann/papers/Conspire.html},
ABSTRACT = {n this paper, I will address the interaction between quantification and lin-earisation in the grammar of European Portuguese (EP) clitic placement, and suggest that a licensing relation holds between a subset of the natural language quantifiers identified in Generalised Quantifier Theory (GQT) and the order in which the clitic and its host must surface. More specifically, I will argue that the class of proclisis licensors is best described in semantic terms (i.e. in terms of logical entailment), whereas the relation between proclisis licensor and licensee should be conceived of as entirely surface-syntactic. The order domain on which these linearisation constraints operate will be independently motivated by data from negative concord.} }
Berthold Crysmann. Cliticization in European Portuguese Using Parallel Morpho-Syntactic Constraints. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'97), June 19-21, CSLI Publications, University of California, San Diego, USA, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Cliticization in European Portuguese Using Parallel Morpho-Syntactic Constraints},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'97), June 19-21},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy},
ADDRESS = {University of California, San Diego, USA},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/2/crysmann-lfg97.pdf http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/2/crysmann-lfg97.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Crysmann:1997:CEP.pdf Crysmann:1997:CEP.ps} }
Berthold Crysmann. Morphosyntactic Paradoxa in Fox: An Account in Linearization-Based Morphology. In
Gosse Bouma,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Richard T. Oehrle editors, Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Categorial Grammar, Pages 253-255, Saarbrücken, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Morphosyntactic Paradoxa in Fox: An Account in Linearization-Based Morphology},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Categorial Grammar},
PAGES = {253-255},
EDITOR = {Bouma, Gosse and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Oehrle, Richard T.},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~crysmann/papers/ESSLLI-98.ps https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~crysmann/papers/ESSLLI-98.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Paper presented at the Joint Conference on Formal, Head-driven and Categorial Grammar (FHCG '98) August 14-16, Saarbrücken in: Gosse Bouma, Richard Oehrle and Geert-Jan Kruijff, Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Formal Grammars, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Categorial Grammar (FHCG '98), in Proceedings of the Tenth European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 10). A later version of this paper has been published in: Gosse Bouma, Erhard Hinrichs, Geert-Jan Kruijff, and Richard Oehrle (eds.) (1999) ``Constraints and Resources in Natural Language Syntax and Semantics'', Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism, CSLI Publications, Stanford. In this paper, I shall discuss an apparent paradox in the morphology and syntax of Fox (Mesquakie) complex verbs. In Fox, verbs can be modified by one or more of a variety of preverbs including modals, aspectuals, manner adverbials, numerals, quantifiers, as well as preverbs which increase the valence of the main verb (Dahlstrom, 1997a). While preverb and verb can be separated by words, phrases, or even embedded sentences, suggesting a status as syntactically independent words, in ection (cf. Dahlstrom, 1997a) and derivation (cf. Ackerman and LeSourd, 1994) appear to treat preverb-verb complexes as a single morphological unit. Following the basic assumptions of lexicalist syntax, I claim that Fox preverb-verb combinations are indeed morphologically derived and that inflectional affixes are attached to complex morphological objects in the word-formation component already. In order to account for the syntactic effects, I propose an analysis in Linearisation HPSG (Reape, 1994, Kathol, 1995), which builds on the assumption that Fox preverb-verb complexes introduce more than one domain object into syntax (cf. Kathol, 1996 for German, Crysmann, 1997 for European Portuguese). Further morphological material will then be distributed across preverb and verb by imposing partial morphological (order) constraints on PHON-values.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Crysmann:1998:MPF.pdf Crysmann:1998:MPF.ps} }
Berthold Crysmann. Licensing Proclisis in European Portuguese. In
F. Corblin,
J.-M. Marandin and
C. Dobrovie-Sorin editors, Empirical Issues in Formal Syntax and Semantics. Selected papers from the Colloque de Syntaxe et de Sémantique de Paris (CSSP'97), October 16-18, Pages 255-276, Thesus, Paris, France, 1999. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Licensing Proclisis in European Portuguese},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Empirical Issues in Formal Syntax and Semantics. Selected papers from the Colloque de Syntaxe et de Sémantique de Paris (CSSP'97), October 16-18},
PAGES = {255-276},
EDITOR = {Corblin, F. and Marandin, J.-M. and Dobrovie-Sorin, C.},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
PUBLISHER = {Thesus},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, I will address the interaction between quantification and linearisation in the grammar of European Portuguese (EP) clitic placement. In particular, I will suggest that a licensing relation holds between a subset of the natural language quantifiers identified in Generalised Quantifier Theory (GQT) and the order in which the clitic and its host must surface. More specifically, I will argue that the class of proclisis licensors is best described in semantic terms (i.e. in terms of logical entailment), whereas the relation between proclisis licensor and licensee should be conceived of as entirely surface-syntactic. It will be shown that approches which mediate the licensing relation by means of syntactic movement (Barbosa, 1996; Duarte, 1983; Madeira, 1992, cf. e.g.) are faced with both motivational and empirical problems. Instead, I claim that surface-syntactic linearisation constraints will relate clitic placement directly to a class of lexical items, which in turn is defined on the basis of semantic properties. Therefore, an integrated model of syntax and semantics is called for which builds on highly articulate lexical information. The analysis will, thus, be carried out in the framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) (Pollard and Sag, 1987; 1994), using multiple inheritance type hierarchies and linearisation constraints. The paper is organised as follows: in the first section, I shall briefly describe the basic empirical observations regarding EP proclisis. In section two, I shall review the empirical problems faced by previous (mostly syntactic) approaches. Section three provides the details of the proposal, starting with a semantic typology of proclisis licensors. In the remainder of the section, I outline the surface-syntactic constraints which define the phenogrammatical relation between licensor and licensee, analysing EP proclisis in an essentially similar way to English negative polarity items (NPI) (cf. Ladusaw, 1996, and reference cited there).} }
Berthold Crysmann,
Anette Frank,
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Stefan Müller,
Günter Neumann,
Jakub Piskorski,
Ulrich Schäfer,
Melanie Siegel,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. An Integrated Architecture for Shallow and Deep Processing. In Proceedings of ACL-2002, Association for Computational Linguistics 40th Anniversary Meeting, July 7-12, Philadelphia, USA, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold and Frank, Anette and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Müller, Stefan and Neumann, Günter and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Siegel, Melanie and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {An Integrated Architecture for Shallow and Deep Processing},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-2002, Association for Computational Linguistics 40th Anniversary Meeting, July 7-12},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/wb-acl02.pdf http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/wb-acl02.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Crysmann:2002:IAS.pdf} }
Robert Dale,
Wolfgang Finkler,
Richard Kittredge,
Nils Lenke,
Günter Neumann,
Conny Peters and
Manfred Stede. Report from Working Group 2: Lexicalization and Architecture. In
Wolfgang Hoeppner,
Helmut Horacek and
Johanna Moore editors, Principles of Natural Language Generation, (93):30-39, Schloß Dagstuhl, 1994. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Dale, Robert and Finkler, Wolfgang and Kittredge, Richard and Lenke, Nils and Neumann, Günter and Peters, Conny and Stede, Manfred},
TITLE = {Report from Working Group 2: Lexicalization and Architecture},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Principles of Natural Language Generation},
NUMBER = {93},
PAGES = {30-39},
EDITOR = {Hoeppner, Wolfgang and Horacek, Helmut and Moore, Johanna},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report},
ADDRESS = {Schloß Dagstuhl},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Dale_1995_LAA.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This report summarises the results of the discussions held in Working Group 2: The group discussions focussed around three reasonably independent topics, and we have organised the report to reflect this.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Dale:1994:RWG.pdf} }
Paul Dalsgaard,
Ove Andersen and
William J. Barry. Multi-Lingual Label Alignment Using Acoustic-Phonetic Features Derived by Neural-Network Technique. In
IEEE editor, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'91), May 14-17, Toronto, Canada, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Andersen, Ove and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Multi-Lingual Label Alignment Using Acoustic-Phonetic Features Derived by Neural-Network Technique},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'91), May 14-17},
ADDRESS = {Toronto, Canada} }
Paul Dalsgaard,
Ove Andersen and
William J. Barry. The Cross-Language Validity of Acoustic-Phonetic Features in Label Alignment. In 12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 5:382-385, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Andersen, Ove and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {The Cross-Language Validity of Acoustic-Phonetic Features in Label Alignment},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {382-385},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France} }
Paul Dalsgaard,
Ove Andersen and
William J. Barry. Cross-Language Merged Speech Units and Their Descriptive Phonetic Correlates. In 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processsing (ICSLP '98), November 30 - December 4, Pages Paper 482, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Andersen, Ove and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Cross-Language Merged Speech Units and Their Descriptive Phonetic Correlates},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processsing (ICSLP '98), November 30 - December 4},
PAGES = {Paper 482},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia} }
Paul Dalsgaard and
William J. Barry. Acoustic-Phonetic Features in the Framework of Neural-Network Multi-Lingual Label Alignment. In International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, November 19-22, Kobe, Japan, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Acoustic-Phonetic Features in the Framework of Neural-Network Multi-Lingual Label Alignment},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, November 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Kobe, Japan} }
Franciska de Jong,
Jean-Luc Gauvain,
Jurgen den Hartog and
Klaus Netter. OLIVE: Speech-Based Video Retrieval. In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'99), October 25-27, Pages 75-80, Toulouse, France, 1999. [Annote]
@InProceedings{de Jong_et_al:1999,
AUTHOR = {de Jong, Franciska and Gauvain, Jean-Luc and den Hartog, Jurgen and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {OLIVE: Speech-Based Video Retrieval},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the European Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'99), October 25-27},
PAGES = {75-80},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn-cbmi99-final.ps ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn-cbmi99-final.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Jong:1999:OSB.pdf Jong:1999:OSB.ps} }
Franciska de Jong,
Jean-Luc Gauvain,
Djoerd Hiemstra and
Klaus Netter. Language-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Information Access. Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur (RIAO '00), Paris, France, 2000. [Annote]
@InProceedings{de Jong_et_al:2000,
AUTHOR = {de Jong, Franciska and Gauvain, Jean-Luc and Hiemstra, Djoerd and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {Language-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Information Access. Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur (RIAO '00)},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/riao_lbmir_final.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Jong:2000:LBM.pdf Jong:2000:LBM.ps} }
Franciska de Jong and
Klaus Netter. OLIVE: Speech-Based Video Retrieval. In
Djoerd Hiemstra,
Franciska de Jong and
Klaus Netter editors, Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8, Pages 187-188, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{de Jong_Netter:1998,
AUTHOR = {de Jong, Franciska and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {OLIVE: Speech-Based Video Retrieval},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8},
PAGES = {187-188},
EDITOR = {Hiemstra, Djoerd and de Jong, Franciska and Netter, Klaus},
ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn-fj-twlt14.ps},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the Olive project which aims to support automated indexing of video material by use of human language technologies. Olive is making use of speech recognition to automatically derive transcriptions of the sound tracks, generating time-coded linguistic elements which serve as the basis for text-based retrieval functionality. The retrieval demonstrator builds on and extends the architecture from the Pop-Eye project, a system applying human language technology on subtitles for the disclosure of video fragments.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Jong:1998:OSB.pdf Jong:1998:OSB.ps} }
Kordula De Kuthy. On the Extractibility from Subjects in German - An Example for Lexicalized Constraints on UDCs. In
Alice Drewery,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Richard Zuber editors, Proceedings of the 2nd ESSLLI Student Session, August 11-22, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{De Kuthy:1997,
AUTHOR = {De Kuthy, Kordula},
TITLE = {On the Extractibility from Subjects in German - An Example for Lexicalized Constraints on UDCs},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd ESSLLI Student Session, August 11-22},
EDITOR = {Drewery, Alice and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Zuber, Richard},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/De_Kuthy97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In current linguistic theory, subject-object asymmetries in German are a much discussed issue. One of the relevant test cases is the possibility of extraction from subjects. The traditional assumption is that German in this respect behaves parallel to English in the sense that extraction from subjects is be ungrammatical, while extraction out of objects is grammatical. In this paper we show that one can account for all those cases where extraction from subjects is ungrammatical without having to postulate subject-object asymmetries for German. Instead, we argue that mainly lexical properties of the governing head determine the possibility of extraction from its arguments. Finally, we show how lexical constraints in HPSG can capture the observed generalizations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kuthy:1997:ESG.pdf Kuthy:1997:ESG.ps} }
Kordula De Kuthy. Splitting PP Arguments from NPs - An Argument Raising Approach and its Interaction with Lexical Semantics. In
Tibor Kiss and
Detmar Meurers editors, Workshop of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI '98): Current Topics in Constraint-Based Germanic Syntax, August 17-28, Pages 49-64, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Annote]
@InProceedings{De Kuthy:1998,
AUTHOR = {De Kuthy, Kordula},
TITLE = {Splitting PP Arguments from NPs - An Argument Raising Approach and its Interaction with Lexical Semantics},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI '98): Current Topics in Constraint-Based Germanic Syntax, August 17-28},
PAGES = {49-64},
EDITOR = {Kiss, Tibor and Meurers, Detmar},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/De_Kuthy98c.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/De_Kuthy98c.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kuthy:1998:SPA.pdf Kuthy:1998:SPA.ps} }
Kordula De Kuthy and
Detmar Meurers. Towards a General Theory of a Partial Constituent Fronting in German. In
Gosse Bouma,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Richard T. Oehrle editors, Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Categorial Grammar (FHCG '98), August 17-28, Pages 113-124, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{De Kuthy_Meurers:1998,
AUTHOR = {De Kuthy, Kordula and Meurers, Detmar},
TITLE = {Towards a General Theory of a Partial Constituent Fronting in German},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Categorial Grammar (FHCG '98), August 17-28},
PAGES = {113-124},
EDITOR = {Bouma, Gosse and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Oehrle, Richard T.},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/De_Kuthy98b.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we discuss and compare the partial constituents of three different categories (partial APs, NPs, and VPs) and develop an HPSG theory which accounts for the observable similarities and differences in the three sets of data. We show that a generalized argument raising account makes the correct predictions, in particular regarding the observable word order and the interaction in complex fronting phenomena involving topicalized (P)VPs with partial complements. With respect to the theoretical consequences of the partial fronting data, we believe that the reanalysis-like theory we propose provides a concrete basis for a reevaluation of the choice between remnant movement and reanalysis.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kuthy:1998:TGT.pdf Kuthy:1998:TGT.ps} }
Kordula De Kuthy and
Detmar Meurers. Argument Raising Meets Adjuncts-as-Dependents and Traceless Extraction. In 6th International Conference on HPSG, August 4-6, Pages 45-50, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999. [Annote]
@InProceedings{De Kuthy_Meurers:1999,
AUTHOR = {De Kuthy, Kordula and Meurers, Detmar},
TITLE = {Argument Raising Meets Adjuncts-as-Dependents and Traceless Extraction},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Conference on HPSG, August 4-6},
PAGES = {45-50},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
URL = {http://ling.osu.edu/~dm/papers/dekuthy-meurers-hpsg99.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kuthy:1999:ARM.pdf Kuthy:1999:ARM.ps} }
Ralph Debusmann. Topological Dependency Trees: A Constraint-based Account of Linear Precedence. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2001), July 9-11, Pages 180-187, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph},
TITLE = {Topological Dependency Trees: A Constraint-based Account of Linear Precedence},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2001), July 9-11},
PAGES = {180-187},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/rade-acl2001.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Linear precedence in so-called free word order languages remains challenging for modern grammar formalisms. To address this issue, we describe a new framework for dependency grammar, with a modular decomposition of immediate dependency and linear precedence. Our approach distinguishes two orthogonal yet mutually constraining structures: a syntactic dependency tree (ID tree) and a topological dependency tree (LP tree). The ID tree is non-projective, and even non-ordered, and its edges are labeled by syntactic roles. The LP tree is projective, partially ordered, and its edges are labeled by topological fields. The shape of the LP tree is a flattening of the ID tree's obtained by allowing nodes to 'climb up'. Our theory of ID/LP trees is formulated in terms of (a) lexicalized constraints and (b) principles governing e.g. climbing conditions. We illustrate it with a detailed account of word order phenomena in the verbal complex of German verb final sentences.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Debusmann:2001:TDT.pdf Debusmann:2001:TDT.ps} }
Ralph Debusmann. Movement as well-formedness Conditions. In Proceedings of the 13th ESSLLI Student Session, August 13-24, Helsinki, Finland, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph},
TITLE = {Movement as well-formedness Conditions},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th ESSLLI Student Session, August 13-24},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Debusmann-ESSLLI-01.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a new formulation of dependency grammar recently suggested in (Duchier and Debusmann, 2001) (henceforth DD). DD shares with GB (Chomsky, 1986) a notion of movement. In GB, movement is carried out by tree transformations. In DD, it is the effect of well-formedness conditions on dependency trees and does not involve transformations. We illustrate both kinds of movement by showing how both theories analyze German verb-second clauses. Then, we point out the similarities between GB and DD, and raise the question whether GB's transformational notion of movement could be replaced by DD's constraint-based account of movement.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Debusmann:2001:MWF.pdf} }
Thierry Declerck. Modeling Information-Passing within the LFG-Workbench. In Proceedings of the 1st Annual Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference, Grenoble, France, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Modeling Information-Passing within the LFG-Workbench},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st Annual Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference},
ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck96_lfg.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck96_lfg.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1996:MIP.pdf Declerck:1996:MIP.ps} }
Thierry Declerck. Dealing with Cross-Sentential Anaphora Resolution in ALEP. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9, Vol. 1:280-285, Copenhagen, Danmark, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Dealing with Cross-Sentential Anaphora Resolution in ALEP},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {280-285},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Danmark},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Declerck_1996_DCCSARA.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The experiments described here have been done in connection with the LSGRAM project, which is concerned with the development of large scale grammars and thus foreseen the coverage of real life texts''. But in order to deal with such texts, it is also necessary to process linguistic units which are larger than sentences. The resolution of crosssentential anaphora is one of the problems we have to deal with, when we switch towards the analysis of such larger linguistic units. In order to propose an analysis of the crosssentential anaphora, one has to be able to refer back to an antecedent, which is to be found in a preceding sentence. This will be done on the basis of an informationpassing framework. Using also the simple unification technique a resolution of the pronoun can then be tried out: parts of the content information of the pronoun are going to be compared (unified) with specific parts of the content information of the (possible) antecedent.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1996:DCS.pdf} }
Thierry Declerck. Investigation on the Reusability of LFG-Based Grammar Resource. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference, San Diego, USA, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Investigation on the Reusability of LFG-Based Grammar Resource},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference},
ADDRESS = {San Diego, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_lfg.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_lfg.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1997:IRL.pdf Declerck:1997:IRL.ps} }
Thierry Declerck. An Interface between Text Structures and Linguistic Descriptions. In
Ellen Christoffersen and
Bradley Music editors, Proceedings of the Datalingvistisk Forening (DALF'97), June 9-10, Pages 8-22, Kolding, Denmark, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {An Interface between Text Structures and Linguistic Descriptions},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Datalingvistisk Forening (DALF'97), June 9-10},
PAGES = {8-22},
EDITOR = {Christoffersen, Ellen and Music, Bradley},
ADDRESS = {Kolding, Denmark},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_dalf.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes various uses of the Text Handling to Linguistic Structure (TH-LS) component of the Advanced Linguistic Engineering Platform (ALEP). Basically, the Text Handling (TH) subsystem of ALEP performs a conversion of the input string to a SGML text. The TH-LS component consists in a set of so-called 'tsls' rules defining a mapping between textual structures (TS) and (partial) linguistic descriptions (PLS). The instantiated PLS are the input for the linguistic parser, dealing with linguistic structures (LS). I show how an adequate use of the TH-LS interface permits the modularization of the lingware and the definition of subgrammars, from morpheme level to the whole text, taking into consideration both processing steps and levels of grammar descritpion. The TH subsystem of ALEP also foresees the +tag for user-supplied markup. An intensive use of this possibility and also the integration of information delivered by a PoS tagger into the TH component allowed both a substantial extension of the coverage and a significant improvement of the efficiency of the ALEP-based grammars, the parser getting as an input linguistically enriched PLS.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1997:IBT.pdf Declerck:1997:IBT.ps} }
Thierry Declerck. Extending NLP Tools Repositories for the Interaction with Language Data Resources Repositories. In Proceedings of the ACL/ EACL Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources, July 7, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Extending NLP Tools Repositories for the Interaction with Language Data Resources Repositories},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL/ EACL Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources, July 7},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/aclnlp01_dec.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This short paper presents some motivations behind the organization of the ACL/EACL01 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources for Research and Education'', concentrating o n the possible connection of Tools and Resources repositories. Taking some papers print ed in this volume and the ACL Natural Language Software Registry as a basis, we outline some of the steps to be done on the side of NLP tool repositories in order to achieve this goal.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2001:ENT.pdf Declerck:2001:ENT.ps} }
Thierry Declerck,
Alexander Werner Jachmann and
Hans Uszkoreit. The New Edition of the Natural Language Software Registry (an Initiative of ACL hosted at DFKI) In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'00), May 31 - June 2, ELRA, Athens, Greece, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Jachmann, Alexander Werner and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {The New Edition of the Natural Language Software Registry (an Initiative of ACL hosted at DFKI)},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'00), May 31 - June 2},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec00_reg.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec00_reg.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2000:NEN.pdf Declerck:2000:NEN.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Judith Klein. Ein Email-Korpus zur Entwicklung und Evaluierung der Analysekomponente eines Terminvereinbarungssystems. In 6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97): Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik, 08.-10. Oktober, Heidelberg, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Klein, Judith},
TITLE = {Ein Email-Korpus zur Entwicklung und Evaluierung der Analysekomponente eines Terminvereinbarungssystems},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97): Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik, 08.-10. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/klein97_dgfs.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/klein97_dgfs.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1997:EKE.pdf Declerck:1997:EKE.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Judith Klein. Semantic Tagging and NLP Applications. In Proceedings of the SIGLEX Workshop: Tagging Text with Lexical Semantics, April 4-5, Washington D. C., USA, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Klein, Judith},
TITLE = {Semantic Tagging and NLP Applications},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the SIGLEX Workshop: Tagging Text with Lexical Semantics, April 4-5},
ADDRESS = {Washington D. C., USA} }
Thierry Declerck,
Judith Klein and
Günter Neumann. Evaluation of the NLP Components of an Information Extraction System for German. In
Antonio Rubio,
Natividad Gallardo,
Rosa Castro and
Antonio Tejada editors, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'98), May 28-30, Vol. 1:293-297, Granada, Spain, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Klein, Judith and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Evaluation of the NLP Components of an Information Extraction System for German},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'98), May 28-30},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {293-297},
EDITOR = {Rubio, Antonio and Gallardo, Natividad and Castro, Rosa and Tejada, Antonio},
ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec-conf98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec-conf98.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1998:ENC.pdf Declerck:1998:ENC.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Heinz Dieter Maas. The Integration of a Part-of-Speech Tagger into the ALEP Platform. In Proceedings of the 3rd ALEP User Group Workshop, March 6-7, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Maas, Heinz Dieter},
TITLE = {The Integration of a Part-of-Speech Tagger into the ALEP Platform},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd ALEP User Group Workshop, March 6-7},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/dieter_aug_1997.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe how part-of-speech information delivered by a tagger (the Mpro tool) has been integrated into the ALEP (Advanced Language Engineering Platform) system. For this we extended an approach described within the LS-GRAM project, which consisted in defining the Text Handling component of ALEP in such a way that so-called messy details are handled within this subsystem, hence keeping the (linguistic) parser free from such tasks. We just extended the tagging strategy used for this purpose to normal words and modified the default tagging of words proposed by the ALEP system in order to incorporate information delivered by the part-of-speech tagger. The resulting tagging is converted by means of lift rules into partial linguistic descriptions, which provide the direct input to the grammatical analysis. We show that this procedure substantially reduces the parse times of the system.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1997:IPS.pdf Declerck:1997:IPS.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Günter Neumann. Using a Parameterizable and Domain-Adaptive Information Extraction System for Annotating Large-Scale Corpora? In Proceedings of the Pre-Conference Workshop Information Extraction meets Corpus Linguistics, May 30, Athens, Greece, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Using a Parameterizable and Domain-Adaptive Information Extraction System for Annotating Large-Scale Corpora?},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Pre-Conference Workshop Information Extraction meets Corpus Linguistics, May 30},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/IE-Corpus00_dec.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/IE-Corpus00_dec.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2000:UPD.pdf Declerck:2000:UPD.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Günter Neumann. A Cascaded Shallow Approach to Reference Resolution. In Proceedings of the EuroConference on Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP'01), September 5-7, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {A Cascaded Shallow Approach to Reference Resolution},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EuroConference on Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP'01), September 5-7},
ADDRESS = {Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/rrm-ranlp.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2001:CSA.pdf Declerck:2001:CSA.ps} }
Thierry Declerck,
Flora Ramírez Bustamante and
Fernando Sánchez León. Grammar Checking and Preprocessing in ALEP. In 3rd ALEP User Group Workshop, March 6-7, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Sánchez León, Fernando},
TITLE = {Grammar Checking and Preprocessing in ALEP},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd ALEP User Group Workshop, March 6-7},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Thierry Declerck,
Sibylle Rieder,
Paul Schmidt and
Axel Theofilidis. Integration grammatischer Komponenten und Organisation des Lexikons in ALEP. In Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 95), Düsseldorf, Germany, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Rieder, Sibylle and Schmidt, Paul and Theofilidis, Axel},
TITLE = {Integration grammatischer Komponenten und Organisation des Lexikons in ALEP},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 95)},
ADDRESS = {Düsseldorf, Germany} }
Thierry Declerck,
Paul Schmidt,
Sibylle Rieder and
Axel Theofilidis. Lean Formalism, Linguistic Theory, and Applications. Grammar Development in ALEP. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9, Pages 286-291, Copenhagen, Danmark, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Schmidt, Paul and Rieder, Sibylle and Theofilidis, Axel},
TITLE = {Lean Formalism, Linguistic Theory, and Applications. Grammar Development in ALEP},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9},
PAGES = {286-291},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Danmark},
URL = {http://www.iai.uni-sb.de/LS-GRAM/coling.ps.gz http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Declerck_1996_LFLTA.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes results achieved in a project which addresses the issue of how the gap between unificationbased grammars as a scientific concept and real world applications can be narrowed down 1 . Applicationoriented grammar development has to take into account the following parameters: Efficiency: The project chose a so called 'lean' formalism, a termencodable language providing efficient term unification, ALEP. Coverage: The project adopted a corpusbased approach. Completeness: All modules needed from text handling to semantics must be there. The paper reports on a text handling component, Two Level morphology, word structure, phrase structure, semantics and the interfaces between these components. Mainstream approach: The approach claims to be mainstream, very much indebted to HPSG, thus based on the currently most prominent and recent linguistic theory. The relation (and tension) between these parameters are described in this paper.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1996:LFL.pdf Declerck:1996:LFL.ps} }
Thierry Declerck,
Axel Theofilidis and
Paul Schmidt. Grammar Modularization for Efficient Processing: Language Engineering Devices and their Instantiation. In Proceedings of the 6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97): Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik, 8.-10. Oktober, Heidelberg, Germany, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Theofilidis, Axel and Schmidt, Paul},
TITLE = {Grammar Modularization for Efficient Processing: Language Engineering Devices and their Instantiation},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97): Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik, 8.-10. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/dgfs_alep_1997.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes how unification-based grammar development benefits from a modularization methodology resulting in significant efficiency gains without giving up recognized advantages of unification grammars. Gains in efficiency are of such a scale that an industrial deployment of unification grammars seems to become realistic. We introduce a number of devices provided by the ALEP system which support grammar modularization at an operational level, and we illustrate how these devices have been instantiated in the grammatical resources developed in the LS-GRAM project. We conclude with drawing a prospective scenario of modular grammars serving industrial applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1997:GME.pdf Declerck:1997:GME.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Peter Wittenburg. XML and NLP: Their Interaction and their Role for HLT Applications. In Proceedings of the 1st NLP and XML Workshop, November 30, Tokyo, Japan, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Wittenburg, Peter},
TITLE = {XML and NLP: Their Interaction and their Role for HLT Applications},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st NLP and XML Workshop, November 30},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nlprs01_dec.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nlprs01_dec.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2001:XNT.pdf Declerck:2001:XNT.ps} }
Thierry Declerck and
Peter Wittenburg. MUMIS - A Multimedia Indexing and Searching Environment. In 1st International Workshop on MultiMedia Annotation (MMA '01), January 30-31, Tokyo, Japan, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Wittenburg, Peter},
TITLE = {MUMIS - A Multimedia Indexing and Searching Environment},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Workshop on MultiMedia Annotation (MMA '01), January 30-31},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mma01_dec.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mma01_dec.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2001:MMI.pdf Declerck:2001:MMI.ps} }
Thierry Declerck,
Peter Wittenburg and
Hamish Cunningham. The Automatic Generation of Formal Annotations in a Multimedia Indexing and Searching Environment. In Proceedings of the ACL/ EACL Workshop on Human Language Technology and Knowledge Management, July 6-7, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Wittenburg, Peter and Cunningham, Hamish},
TITLE = {The Automatic Generation of Formal Annotations in a Multimedia Indexing and Searching Environment},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL/ EACL Workshop on Human Language Technology and Knowledge Management, July 6-7},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/aclhlt01_dec.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/aclhlt01_dec.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:2001:AGF.pdf Declerck:2001:AGF.ps} }
Lisa Dent,
Jesus Boticario,
John McDermott,
Tom Mitchell and
David Zabowski. A Personal Learning Apprentice. In 10th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 12-16, Pages 96-103, AAAI Press, San Jose, USA, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Dent, Lisa and Boticario, Jesus and McDermott, John and Mitchell, Tom and Zabowski, David},
TITLE = {A Personal Learning Apprentice},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {10th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 12-16},
PAGES = {96-103},
ADDRESS = {San Jose, USA},
Abdel Kader Diagne and
John Nerbonne. Flexible Semantics Communication in Integrated Speech/ Language Architectures. In
Günther Görz editor, 1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '92), 7.-9. Oktober, Pages 348-352, Springer, Nürnberg, Germany, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Diagne, Abdel Kader and Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Flexible Semantics Communication in Integrated Speech/ Language Architectures},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '92), 7.-9. Oktober},
PAGES = {348-352},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther},
ADDRESS = {Nürnberg, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Stefanie Dipper,
Thorsten Brants,
Wolfgang Lezius,
Oliver Plaehn and
George Smith. The TIGER Treebank. In 3rd Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '01), August 29, Leuven, Belgium, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Dipper, Stefanie and Brants, Thorsten and Lezius, Wolfgang and Plaehn, Oliver and Smith, George},
TITLE = {The TIGER Treebank},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '01), August 29},
ADDRESS = {Leuven, Belgium},
URL = {http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/projekte/TIGER/paper/linc2001-abstract-tiger.ps.gz http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/projekte/TIGER/paper/linc2001-abstract-tiger.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Dipper:2001:TT.pdf Dipper:2001:TT.ps} }
Jochen Dörre,
Gregor Erbach,
Suresh Manandhar,
Wojciech Skut and
Hans Uszkoreit. A Report on the Draft EAGLES Encoding Standard for HPSG. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN'96), May 22-24, Pages 161-168, Marseille, France, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Dörre, Jochen and Erbach, Gregor and Manandhar, Suresh and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {A Report on the Draft EAGLES Encoding Standard for HPSG},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN'96), May 22-24},
PAGES = {161-168},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/eagles-taln96.ps ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/eagles-taln96.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Dorre:1996:RDE.pdf Dorre:1996:RDE.ps} }
Ellen Douglas-Cowie,
Roddy Cowie and
Marc Schröder. A New Emotion Database: Considerations, Sources and Scope. In
Ellen Douglas-Cowie,
Roddy Cowie and
Marc Schröder editors, Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research, Pages 39-44, Textflow, Belfast, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Cowie, Roddy and Schröder, Marc},
TITLE = {A New Emotion Database: Considerations, Sources and Scope},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research},
PAGES = {39-44},
EDITOR = {Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Cowie, Roddy and Schröder, Marc},
ADDRESS = {Belfast},
PUBLISHER = {Textflow},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~schroed/articles/douglascowieetal2000.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Research on the expression of emotion is underpinned by databases. Reviewing available resources persuaded us of the need to develop one that prioritised ecological validity. The basic unit of the database is a clip, which is an audiovisual recording of an episode that appears to be reasonably selfcontained. Clips range from 10 -- 60 secs, and are captured as MPEG files. They were drawn from two main sources. People were recorded discussing emotive subjects either with each other, or with one of the research team. We also recorded extracts from television programs where members of the public interact in a way that at least appears essentially spontaneous. Associated with each clip are two additional types of file. An audio file (.wav format) contains speech alone, edited to remove sounds other than the main speaker. An interpretation file describes the emotional state that observers attribute to the main speaker, using the FEELTRACE system to provide a continuous record of the perceived ebb and flow of emotion. Clips have been extracted for 100 speakers, with at least two for each speaker (one relatively neutral and others showing marked emotions of different kinds).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Douglas-Cowie:2000:NED.pdf} }
Denys Duchier. Axiomatizing Dependency Parsing using Set Constraints. In 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25, Pages 115-126, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys},
TITLE = {Axiomatizing Dependency Parsing using Set Constraints},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25},
PAGES = {115-126},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, Florida, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/duchier-mol6.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We propose a new formulation of dependency grammar and develop a corresponding axiomatization of syntactic well-formedness with a natural reading as a concurrent constraint program. We demonstrate the expressivity and effectiveness of set constraints, and describe a treatment of ambiguity with wide applicability. Further, we provide a constraint programming account of dependent disjunctions that is both simple and efficient and additionally provides the benefits of constructive disjunctions. Our approach was implemented in Oz and yields parsers with very good performance for our currently middle scale grammars. Constraint propagation can be observed to be remarkably effective in pruning the search space.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:1999:ADP.pdf Duchier:1999:ADP.ps} }
Denys Duchier. Set Constraints in Computational Linguistics - Solving Tree Descriptions. In Workshop on Declarative Programming with Sets (DPS '99), September 28, Pages 91-98, Paris, France, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys},
TITLE = {Set Constraints in Computational Linguistics - Solving Tree Descriptions},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Declarative Programming with Sets (DPS '99), September 28},
PAGES = {91-98},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/duchier-wdps99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe our application of set constraints to the problem of finding solutions of tree descriptions. The encoding that turns a description into a CSP is given here in full in an axiomatic style.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:1999:SCC.pdf Duchier:1999:SCC.ps} }
Denys Duchier. A Model-Eliminative Treatment of Quantifier-Free Tree Descriptions. In
D. Heylen,
Anton Nijholt and
G. Scollo editors, Algebraic Methods in Language Processing (AMILP '00). 16th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 16) and 2nd AMAST Workshop, May 20-22, Pages 55-66, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys},
TITLE = {A Model-Eliminative Treatment of Quantifier-Free Tree Descriptions},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Algebraic Methods in Language Processing (AMILP '00). 16th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 16) and 2nd AMAST Workshop, May 20-22},
PAGES = {55-66},
EDITOR = {Heylen, D. and Nijholt, Anton and Scollo, G.},
ADDRESS = {Iowa City, Iowa, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/duchier-amilp.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Tree descriptions are widely used in computational linguistics for talking and reasoning about trees. For practical applications, it is essential to be able to decide satisfiability and enumerate solutions efficiently. This challenge cannot realistically be met by brute force enumeration. However it can be addressed very effectively by constraint propagation as provided by modern constraint technology. Previously, we studied the conjunctive fragment of tree descriptions and showed how the problem of finding minimal models of a conjunctive tree description could be transformed into a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) on finite set variables. In this paper, we extend our account to the fragment that admits both negation and disjunction, but still leaves out quantification. Again we provide a reduction to a CSP. While our previous encoding introduced the reader to set constraints and disjunctive propagators, we now extend our arsenal with selection propagators.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:2000:MET.pdf Duchier:2000:MET.ps} }
Denys Duchier. Constraint Programming for Natural Language Processing. In European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI '00), August 6-18, Birmingham, England, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys},
TITLE = {Constraint Programming for Natural Language Processing},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI '00), August 6-18},
ADDRESS = {Birmingham, England},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/duchier-esslli2000.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This course demonstrates how constraint programming can be used effectively in practice, for linguistic applications. It shows how many forms of ambiguity arising in linguistic can be represented compactly and elegantly, and processed efficiently with constraints. A key idea to derive the most benefit from constraint propagation is that intended models should be characterized as solutions of emphConstraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) rather than defined inductively or in a generative fashion. We examine several topics in detail: encodings of finite domains, tree descriptions using dominance constraints, and parsing with dependency grammars. In each case, we present a formal characterization of the problem as a CSP and illustrate how to derive a corresponding constraint program. The course includes 4 complete interactive applications written in Oz, with full code supplied. Through these programmatic vignettes the reader is exposed to the practice of constraint programming with emphfinite domain and emphfinite set variables, and introduced to some of the more powerful types of constraints available today, such as reified constraints, disjunctive propagators, and selection constraints.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:2000:CPN.pdf Duchier:2000:CPN.ps} }
Denys Duchier and
Claire Gardent. A Constraint-Based Treatment of Descriptions. In
Harry Bunt and
Elias Thijsse editors, 3rd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS 3), January 13-15, Pages 71-85, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys and Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {A Constraint-Based Treatment of Descriptions},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS 3), January 13-15},
PAGES = {71-85},
EDITOR = {Bunt, Harry and Thijsse, Elias},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/iwcs99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Both in computational linguistics and in formal semantics, tree (or graph) descriptions stated in terms of dominance have become common. Yet the issue of how such descriptions are processed has been little explored. In this paper, we present a constraint-based treatment of descriptions: we develop a formulation in terms of sets, which is simple and declarative, and, at the same time, constitutes an efficient implementation. We further show how the treatement of tree descriptions can be extended to DAG descriptions and apply it to a description-based account of discourse.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:1999:CBT.pdf Duchier:1999:CBT.ps} }
Denys Duchier and
Joachim Niehren. Dominance Constraints with Set Operators. In
J. Lloyd and
V. Dahl editors, 1st International Conference on Computational Logic (CL '00), July 24-28, (1861):326-341, Springer, Imperial College, London, UK, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Dominance Constraints with Set Operators},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Computational Logic (CL '00), July 24-28},
NUMBER = {1861},
PAGES = {326-341},
EDITOR = {Lloyd, J. and Dahl, V.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Imperial College, London, UK},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/dombool.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Dominance constraints are widely used in computational linguistics as a language for talking and reasoning about trees. In this paper, we extend dominance constraints by admitting set operators. Set operators contribute a controlled form of disjunction that is emminently well-suited for constraint propagation. We present a solver for dominance constraints with set operators as a system of abstract propagation and distribution rules, and prove its soundness and completeness. We then derive an efficient implementation in a constraint programming language with finite sets and prove its faithfullness to the abstract inference rules.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:2000:DCS.pdf Duchier:2000:DCS.ps} }
Denys Duchier and
Stefan Thater. Parsing with Tree Descriptions: A Constraint-Based Approach. In 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP '99), December 3-4, Pages 17-32, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Duchier, Denys and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Parsing with Tree Descriptions: A Constraint-Based Approach},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP '99), December 3-4},
PAGES = {17-32},
ADDRESS = {Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/duchier-thater-nlulp99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a grammatical formalism based on tree descriptions and develop a constraint-based treatment of parsing in that framework. We introduce the language of electrostatic tree descriptions to write lexical entries: these are tree descriptions using neutral, as well as positively and negatively charged variables. We develop an appropriate notion of model. We then extend the framework to disjunctive systems of electrostatic descriptions, and we correspondingly extend the notion of model. Then we show how the search for minimal models can be realized by reduction to a CSP solvable by constraint programming and we provide the full encoding in an axiomatic style.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Duchier:1999:PTD.pdf Duchier:1999:PTD.ps} }
Petra Dünges. Eventualities in Time. In
M. Kudlek editor, 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS '98). Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics, August 24-28, Pages 51-60, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Dünges, Petra},
TITLE = {Eventualities in Time},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS '98). Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics, August 24-28},
PAGES = {51-60},
EDITOR = {Kudlek, M.},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
ABSTRACT = {This paper addresses the general question of how eventualities should be localized in time. The answer given here is mainly inspired by the model theory of Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) as presented in From Discourse to Logic by Kamp and Reyle. We show that there is a mathematical problem concerning the localization function used in that book. And we propose a remedy for this problem. The general picture that emerges should be interesting not only for DRT but for other theories using an eventuality-based semantics as well.} }
Antje Düsterhöft,
Günter Neumann,
Markus Becker,
Jochen Bedersdorfer and
Ilvio Bruder. GETESS: Constructing a Linguistic Search Index for an Internet Search Engine. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'00), June, Versailles, France, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Düsterhöft, Antje and Neumann, Günter and Becker, Markus and Bedersdorfer, Jochen and Bruder, Ilvio},
TITLE = {GETESS: Constructing a Linguistic Search Index for an Internet Search Engine},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'00), June},
ADDRESS = {Versailles, France},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/nldb-ohne.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we illustrate how Internet documents can be automatically analyzed in order to capture the content of a document in a more detailed way than usually. The result of the document analysis is called abstract and will be used as a linguistic search index for the Internet search engine GETESS. We show how the linguistic analysis system SMES can be used for a Harvest based search engine for constructing a linguistic search index. Further, we denote how the linguistic index can be exploited for answeringuser search inqueries.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Dusterhoft:2000:GCL.pdf Dusterhoft:2000:GCL.ps} }
Kurt Eberle and
Walter Kasper. Tenses as Anaphora. In
ACL editor, 4th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 10-12, Pages 43-50, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Eberle, Kurt and Kasper, Walter},
TITLE = {Tenses as Anaphora},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 10-12},
PAGES = {43-50},
ADDRESS = {University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK} }
Markus Egg. Aspect and Quantification: An Iterative Approach. In
Paul Dekker and
Martin Stokhof editors, 10th Amsterdam Colloquium, Pages 203-221, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus},
TITLE = {Aspect and Quantification: An Iterative Approach},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Amsterdam Colloquium},
PAGES = {203-221},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands} }
Markus Egg. Conditions on Reinterpretations of aktionsart. In
J. Kolb,
A. v. Stechow and
F. Hamm editors, Workshop on Recent Developments in the Theory of Natural Language Semantics, Nr. (08-95), Tübingen, Germany, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus},
TITLE = {Conditions on Reinterpretations of aktionsart},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Recent Developments in the Theory of Natural Language Semantics},
NUMBER = {08-95},
EDITOR = {Kolb, J. and v. Stechow, A. and Hamm, F.},
SERIES = {SfS-Report},
ADDRESS = {Tübingen, Germany} }
Markus Egg. Derivation and Resolution of Ambiguities in Wieder-Sentences. In
Paul Dekker editor, 12th Amsterdam Colloquium, Pages 109-114, ILLC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus},
TITLE = {Derivation and Resolution of Ambiguities in Wieder-Sentences},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {12th Amsterdam Colloquium},
PAGES = {109-114},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
Markus Egg and
Katrin Erk. A Compositional Account of VP Ellipsis. In
Frank Van Eynde,
Lars Hellan and
Dorothee Beermann editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, August 3-5, Pages 162-179, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus and Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {A Compositional Account of VP Ellipsis},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, August 3-5},
PAGES = {162-179},
EDITOR = {Van Eynde, Frank and Hellan, Lars and Beermann, Dorothee},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/ellhpsg01.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present an approach to VP ellipsis that allows the direct derivation of source and target sentences (the former need not be unique) during semantic construction. Specific syntactic constituent structures are associated with ellipsis potential, which can then be discharged by pro-verbs like 'did (too)'. The determination of source and target sentence, which is done with semantic features in an HPSG framework, is coupled with a comprehensive analysis of ellipsis, which also handles its interaction with scope and anaphora.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Egg:2002:CAV.pdf Egg:2002:CAV.ps} }
Markus Egg and
Michael Kohlhase. Underspecification of Quantifier Scope. In 6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, 08.-10. Oktober, Heidelberg, Germany, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Underspecification of Quantifier Scope},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, 08.-10. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany} }
Markus Egg and
Michael Kohlhase. Dynamic Control of Quantifier Scope. In
Paul Dekker editor, 11th Amsterdam Colloquium, ILLC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Dynamic Control of Quantifier Scope},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {11th Amsterdam Colloquium},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
Markus Egg,
Joachim Niehren,
Peter Ruhrberg and
Feiyu Xu. Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification. In
ACL editor, 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), August 10-14, Vol. 1:353-359, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus and Niehren, Joachim and Ruhrberg, Peter and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), August 10-14},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {353-359},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/CLLS-98.pdf ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/COLING-feiyu-98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/COLING-feiyu-98.entry},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a first-order language for semantic underspecification that we call Constraint Language for Lambda-Structures (CLLS). A lambda-structure can be considered as a lambda-term up to consistent renaming of bound variables (alpha-equality); a constraint of CLLS is an underspecified description of a $lambda$-structure. CLLS solves a capturing problem omnipresent in underspecified scope representations. CLLS features constraints for dominance, lambda binding, parallelism, and anaphoric links. Based on CLLS we present a simple, integrated, and underspecified treatment of scope, parallelism, and anaphora.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Egg:1998:CLSb.pdf Egg:1998:CLSb.ps} }
Martin Eineborg and
Björn Gambäck. Back-Propagation Based Lexical Acquisition Experiments. In 6th Workshop on Neural Networks and their Applications, Pages 169-178, Nimes, France, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Eineborg, Martin and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Back-Propagation Based Lexical Acquisition Experiments},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Workshop on Neural Networks and their Applications},
PAGES = {169-178},
ADDRESS = {Nimes, France} }
Martin Eineborg and
Björn Gambäck. Tagging Experiments using Neural Networks. In
R. Eklund editor, 9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics, June, Pages 71-81, Stockholm, Sweden, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Eineborg, Martin and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Tagging Experiments using Neural Networks},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics, June},
PAGES = {71-81},
EDITOR = {Eklund, R.},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
URL = {www.sics.se/humle/papers/nodalida93_nn_abs.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Eineborg:1993:TEU.pdf Eineborg:1993:TEU.ps} }
Andreas Eisele and
Dorothea Ziegler-Eisele. Towards a Road Map on Human Language Technology: Natural Language Processing. Report on the Second Elsnet Roadmap Workshop. 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Eisele, Andreas and Ziegler-Eisele, Dorothea},
TITLE = {Towards a Road Map on Human Language Technology: Natural Language Processing. Report on the Second Elsnet Roadmap Workshop},
YEAR = {2001},
URL = {http://utrecht.elsnet.org/roadmap/docs/rm-eisele-v2.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This document summarizes contributions and discussions from two workshops that took place in November 2000 and July 2001. It presents some visions of NLP-related applications that may become reality within ten years from now. It investigates the technological requirements that must be met in order to make these visions realistic and sketches milestones that may help to measure our progress towards these goals.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Eisele:2001:TRM.pdf} }
Judith Engelkamp,
Gregor Erbach and
Hans Uszkoreit. Handling Linear Precedence Constraints by Unification. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, June 28 - July 2, Pages 201-208, ACL, Delaware, USA, 1992. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Engelkamp, Judith and Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Handling Linear Precedence Constraints by Unification},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, June 28 - July 2},
PAGES = {201-208},
ADDRESS = {Delaware, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/acl92/eeu-ACL92.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Engelkamp:1992:HLPb.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. Syntactic Processing of Unknown Words. In
P. Jorrand and
V. Sgurev editors, Artificial Intelligence IV - Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA '90), Pages 371-382, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1990. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Syntactic Processing of Unknown Words},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Artificial Intelligence IV - Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA '90)},
PAGES = {371-382},
EDITOR = {Jorrand, P. and Sgurev, V.},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1990:SPUb.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. An Environment for Experimenting with Parsing Strategies. In
John Mylopoulos and
Raymond Reiter editors, 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30, Vol. 2:931-936, Morgan Kaufmann, Sydney, Australia, 1991. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {An Environment for Experimenting with Parsing Strategies},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {931-936},
EDITOR = {Mylopoulos, John and Reiter, Raymond},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1991:EEPb.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. Ambiguity and Linguistic Preferences. In
Harald Trost and
Rolf Backofen editors, Workshop of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence W2 (ECAI '92). Coping with Ambiguity in Typed Feature Formalisms, August 3-7, John Wiley and Sons, Vienna, Austria, 1992. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Ambiguity and Linguistic Preferences},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence W2 (ECAI '92). Coping with Ambiguity in Typed Feature Formalisms, August 3-7},
EDITOR = {Trost, Harald and Backofen, Rolf},
ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley and Sons},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/ecai92/erbach-ecai92.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1992:ALPa.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. Head-Driven Lexical Representation of Idioms in HPSG. In
M. Everaert,
E.-J. van der Linden,
A. Schenk and
R. Schreuder editors, International Conference on Idioms, September, Pages 11-24, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1992. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Head-Driven Lexical Representation of Idioms in HPSG},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Idioms, September},
PAGES = {11-24},
EDITOR = {Everaert, M. and van der Linden, E.-J. and Schenk, A. and Schreuder, R.},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1992:HDLa.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. Tools for Grammar Engineering. In
ACL editor, 3rd Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, April 1-3, ACL, Trento, Italy, 1992. Note: Poster. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Tools for Grammar Engineering},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, April 1-3},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
NOTE = {Poster},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1992:TGE.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. Toward a Theory of Degrees of Grammaticality. In
C. Martin-Vide editor, 1st International Conference on Mathematical Linguistics, Pages 15-16, Tarragona, Spain, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Toward a Theory of Degrees of Grammaticality},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Mathematical Linguistics},
PAGES = {15-16},
EDITOR = {Martin-Vide, C.},
ADDRESS = {Tarragona, Spain} }
Gregor Erbach. Bottom-Up Earley Deduction. In
Association for Computational Linguistics editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:796-802, ACL, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Bottom-Up Earley Deduction},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {796-802},
EDITOR = {Linguistics, Association for Computational},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan},
Gregor Erbach. Multi-Dimensional Inheritance. In
Harald Trost editor, 2. Konferenz Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '94), 28.-30. September, Pages 102-111, Springer Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Multi-Dimensional Inheritance},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {2. Konferenz Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '94), 28.-30. September},
PAGES = {102-111},
EDITOR = {Trost, Harald},
ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag} }
Gregor Erbach. Why NLP needs Oz. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Oz Programming (WOz'95), November 29 - December 1, Pages 51-54, Martigny, Switzerland, 1995. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Why NLP needs Oz},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Oz Programming (WOz'95), November 29 - December 1},
PAGES = {51-54},
ADDRESS = {Martigny, Switzerland},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/woz/woz-erbach.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The purpose of this paper is to survey the requirements that natural language processing (NLP) has on a programming language, evaluate to what extent they are satisfied by various programming logic programming languages, and in particular by the Oz language. It turns out that Oz appers to be a promising candidate for NLP implementations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1995:WNN.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach. ProFit - Prolog with Features, Inheritance, and Templates. In Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'95), March 27-31, Pages 180-187, University College Dublin, Ireland, 1995. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {ProFit - Prolog with Features, Inheritance, and Templates},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'95), March 27-31},
PAGES = {180-187},
ADDRESS = {University College Dublin, Ireland},
ABSTRACT = {ProFIT is an extension of Standard Prolog with Features, Inheritance and Templates. ProFIT allows the programmer or grammar developer to declare an inheritance hierarchy, features and templates. Typed feature terms can be used in ProFIT programs together with Prolog terms to provide a clearer description language for linguistic structures. ProFIT compiles all typed feature terms into a Prolog term representation, so that the built-in Prolog term unification can be used for the unification of typed feature structures, and no special unification algorithm is needed. ProFIT programs are compiled into Prolog programs, so that no meta-interpreter is needed for their execution. ProFIT thus provides a direct step from grammars developed with typed feature terms to Prolog programs usable for applications.} }
Gregor Erbach and
Roman G. Arens. Evaluation von Grammatiken für die Analyse natürlicher Sprache durch Generierung einer repräsentstiven Satzmenge. In
T. Christaller editor, 15. Fachtagung für Künstliche Intelligenz (GWAI '91), 16.-20. September, Vol. 285:126-129, Springer Verlag, Bonn, Germany, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Arens, Roman G.},
TITLE = {Evaluation von Grammatiken für die Analyse natürlicher Sprache durch Generierung einer repräsentstiven Satzmenge},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {15. Fachtagung für Künstliche Intelligenz (GWAI '91), 16.-20. September},
VOLUME = {285},
PAGES = {126-129},
EDITOR = {Christaller, T.},
ADDRESS = {Bonn, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag} }
Gregor Erbach and
Suresh Manandhar. Visions for the Future of Logic-Based Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the ILPS'95 Workshop Visions for the Future of Logic Programming - Laying the Foundations for a Modern Successor to Prolog, December 8, Portland, USA, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Manandhar, Suresh},
TITLE = {Visions for the Future of Logic-Based Natural Language Processing},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ILPS'95 Workshop Visions for the Future of Logic Programming - Laying the Foundations for a Modern Successor to Prolog, December 8},
ADDRESS = {Portland, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ilps95.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ilps95.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1995:VFL.pdf Erbach:1995:VFL.ps} }
Gregor Erbach,
Günter Neumann and
Hans Uszkoreit. MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web. In Proceedings of the 3rd DELOS Workshop - Cross-Language Information Retrieval, March 5-7, Pages 17-24, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Zurich, Switzerland, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Neumann, Günter and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd DELOS Workshop - Cross-Language Information Retrieval, March 5-7},
PAGES = {17-24},
ADDRESS = {Zurich, Switzerland},
PUBLISHER = {European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-aaai97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-aaai97.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1997:MMIa.pdf Erbach:1997:MMIa.ps} }
Gregor Erbach,
Günter Neumann and
Hans Uszkoreit. MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web. In
J. Ginzburg,
Y. Khasidashvili,
K. Vogel,
J.-J. Lévy and
E. Vallduví editors, 2nd Tbilisi Symposium in Language, Logic and Computation, CSLI Publications, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Neumann, Günter and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Tbilisi Symposium in Language, Logic and Computation},
EDITOR = {Ginzburg, J. and Khasidashvili, Y. and Vogel, K. and Lévy, J.-J. and Vallduví, E.},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1997:MMIb.pdf} }
Gregor Erbach,
Günter Neumann and
Hans Uszkoreit. MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web. In
David Hull and
Doug Oard editors, Cross-Language Text and Speech Retrieval - Papers from the 1997 AAAI Spring Symposium, Pages 22-28, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Neumann, Günter and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing, Navigation and Editing Extensions for the World Wide Web},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Cross-Language Text and Speech Retrieval - Papers from the 1997 AAAI Spring Symposium},
PAGES = {22-28},
EDITOR = {Hull, David and Oard, Doug},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-aaai97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-aaai97.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1997:MMIc.pdf Erbach:1997:MMIc.ps} }
Gregor Erbach,
Günter Neumann and
Hans Uszkoreit. MULINEX: Design and Evaluation of a Psychological Experiment on the Effectiveness of Document Summarisation for the Retrieval of Multilingual WWW Documents. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium Intelligent Text Summarisation'', AAAI Press, Stanford, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Neumann, Günter and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {MULINEX: Design and Evaluation of a Psychological Experiment on the Effectiveness of Document Summarisation for the Retrieval of Multilingual WWW Documents},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium Intelligent Text Summarisation''},
SERIES = {Cross-Language Text and Speech Retrieval},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mulinex-aaai98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Since for the foreseeable future, retrieval will be an interactive task of the user looking through lists of potentially relevant documents, adequate support through various types of information is very important. A psychological experiment was conducted to examine the extent to which different types of automatically generated summaries aid retrieval and systematically evaluate user needs and behaviour in the area of cross-language retrieval for the WWW.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1997:MDE.pdf Erbach:1997:MDE.ps} }
Gregor Erbach,
Mark van der Kraan,
Suresh Manandhar,
Herbert Ruessink,
Craig Thiersch and
Wojciech Skut. Extending Unification Formalisms. In Proceedings of the 2nd Language Engineering Convention, October 16-18, London, UK, 1995. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and van der Kraan, Mark and Manandhar, Suresh and Ruessink, Herbert and Thiersch, Craig and Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Extending Unification Formalisms},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Language Engineering Convention, October 16-18},
ADDRESS = {London, UK},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes some of the results of the project LRE-61-061: The Reusability of Grammatical Resources. The aim of the project is to extend unification formalisms with notational devices and constraint solvers in order to facilitate the development of reusable grammars. Work covers both the theoretical description of the extensions as well as the practical implementation. The project took the Advanced Linguistic Engineering Platform (ALEP) as its starting point. ALEP was designed to allow for two levels of extension: additional syntactic expressions syntactic sugar and external specialised constraint solvers. The syntactic additions to ALEP comprise LFG coherence and completeness and an extended notation for phrase-structure rules. The project has developed solvers for set constraints and set operations, linear precedence constraints and for implicational or guarded constraints.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1995:EUFa.pdf} }
Katrin Erk. Simulating Boolean Circuits by Finite Splicing. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC '99), July 16-19, Pages 1279-1285, La Jolla Marriott, San Diego, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {Simulating Boolean Circuits by Finite Splicing},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC '99), July 16-19},
PAGES = {1279-1285},
ADDRESS = {La Jolla Marriott, San Diego, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/ErkBoolCirc99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {As a computational model to be simulated in a DNA computing context, Boolean circuits are especially interesting because of their parallelism. Simulations in concrete biochemical computing settings have been given by [Ogihara/Ray 96] and [Amos/Dunne97]. In this paper, we show how to simulate Boolean circuits by finite splicing systems, an abstract model of enzymatic recombination. We argue that using an abstract model of DNA computation as a basis leads to simulations of greater clarity and generality. In our construction, the running time of the simulating system is proportional to the depth, and the use of material is proportional to the size of the Boolean circuit simulated. However, the rules of the simulating splicing system depend on the size of the Boolean circuit, but not on the connectives used.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erk:1999:SBC.pdf Erk:1999:SBC.ps} }
Katrin Erk. Die Verarbeitung von Parallelismus-Constraints. In
Kurt Mehlhorn and
G. Snelting editors, Informatik 2000 - 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 19.-22. September, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {Die Verarbeitung von Parallelismus-Constraints},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Informatik 2000 - 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 19.-22. September},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Snelting, G.},
SERIES = {Informatik Aktuell},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/GI00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Parallelismus-Constraints sind partielle Beschreibungen von Bäumen. Wir verwenden sie als Repräsentationsformalismus in der unterspezifizierten natürlichsprachlichen Semantik. Parallelismus-Constraints sind gleichmächtig wie Kontext-Unifikation, deren Entscheidbarkeit ein bekanntes offenes Problem ist. Dieser Text beschreibt ein Semi-Entscheidungs-Verfahren für Parallelismus-Constraints und eine erste Implementierung. Anders als alle bekannten Verfahren für Kontext-Unifikation terminiert diese Prozedur für Dominanz-Constraints, eine für die linguistische Anwendung wichtige Teilklasse.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erk:2000:VPC.pdf Erk:2000:VPC.ps} }
Katrin Erk and
Alexander Koller. VP Ellipsis by Tree Surgery. In Proceedings of the 13th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-19, Amsterdam, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {VP Ellipsis by Tree Surgery},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-19},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/jigsaw.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present jigsaw parallelism constraints, a flexible formal tool for replacing parts of trees with other trees. Jigsaw constraints extend the Constraint Language for Lambda Structures, a language used in underspecified semantics to declaratively describe scope, ellipsis, and their interaction, and can be used to improve the coverage of ellipses represented by CLLS.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erk:2001:VET.pdf Erk:2001:VET.ps} }
Katrin Erk and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. A Constraint-Programming Approach to Parsing with Resource-Sensitive Categorial Grammar. In
Shuly Wintner editor, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP'02), July 28, Computer Science Department, Roskilde University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {A Constraint-Programming Approach to Parsing with Resource-Sensitive Categorial Grammar},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP'02), July 28},
EDITOR = {Wintner, Shuly},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
PUBLISHER = {Computer Science Department, Roskilde University},
URL = {http://www.cs.haifa.ac.il/~shuly/nlulp02/papers/ErkKruijff.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Parsing with resource-sensitive categorial grammars (up to the Lambek-Van Benthem calculus LP) is an NP-complete problem. The traditional approach to parsing with such grammars is based on generate & test and cannot avoid this high worst-case complexity. This paper proposes an alternative approach, based on constraint programming: Given a grammar, constraints formulated on an abstract interpretation of the grammar's logical structure are used to prune the search space during parsing. The approach is provably sound and complete, and reduces the search space in steps that are mostly linear or low-polynomial.},
ANNOTE = {Erk:2002:CPA} }
Katrin Erk and
Joachim Niehren. Parallelism Constraints. In
L. Bachmair editor, 11th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '00), July 10-12, Springer, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Parallelism Constraints},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {11th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '00), July 10-12},
EDITOR = {Bachmair, L.},
ADDRESS = {University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/parallelism.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Parallelism constraints are logical desciptions of trees. They are as expressive as context unification, i.e. second-order linear unification. We present a semi-decision procedure enumerating all most general unifiers of a parallelism constraint and prove it sound and complete. In contrast to all known procedures for context unification, the presented procedure terminates for the important fragment of dominance constraints and performs reasonably well in a recent application to underspecified natural language semantics.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erk:2000:PC.ps} }
Armin Fiedler and
Malte Gabsdil. Supporting Progressive Refinement of Wizard-of-Oz Experiments. In
Carolyn Penstein Rose and
Vincent Aleven editors, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS '02). Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue, June 4, Pages 62-69, San Sebastian, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Fiedler, Armin and Gabsdil, Malte},
TITLE = {Supporting Progressive Refinement of Wizard-of-Oz Experiments},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS '02). Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue, June 4},
PAGES = {62-69},
EDITOR = {Rose, Carolyn Penstein and Aleven, Vincent},
ADDRESS = {San Sebastian, Spain},
URL = {http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~afiedler/pubs/papers/its-02-ws.ps.gz http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~afiedler/pubs/papers/its-02-ws.pdf http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~afiedler/pubs/papers/its-02-ws.bib},
ABSTRACT = {We present the architecture of DiaWoZ, a system supporting the design and execution of Wizard-of-Oz experiments to collect data from tutorial dialogues. The architecture is highly modular and allows for the progressive refinement of the experiments by both designing increasingly sophisticated dialogues and successively replacing simulated components of the tutoring system by actual implementations. The dialogues to be examined are specified in a language that combines finite-state approaches with information states, thereby allowing for great flexibility. Therefore, the architecture should also be appropriate for examining dialogues in general.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Fiedler:2002:SPR.pdf Fiedler:2002:SPR.ps} }
Wolfgang Finkler and
Günter Neumann. POPEL-HOW: A Distributed Parallel Model for Incremental Natural Language Production with Feedback. In
N. S. Sridharan editor, 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '89), August, Vol. 2:1518-1523, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Finkler, Wolfgang and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {POPEL-HOW: A Distributed Parallel Model for Incremental Natural Language Production with Feedback},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '89), August},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1518-1523},
EDITOR = {Sridharan, N. S.},
ADDRESS = {Detroit, Michigan, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} }
Gerhard Fliedner. A System for Checking NP Agreement in German Texts. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), July 6-12. Companion Volume of the Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the Student Workshop, Demonstration Abstracts and Tutorial Abstracts, Pages 12-17, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Fliedner, Gerhard},
TITLE = {A System for Checking NP Agreement in German Texts},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), July 6-12. Companion Volume of the Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the Student Workshop, Demonstration Abstracts and Tutorial Abstracts},
PAGES = {12-17},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/acl2002/STUDENT/pdfs/Student887.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we describe the design, implementation, and evalutation of a system for checking NP agreement in German texts. We use shallow parsing based on finite state automata in combination with constraint relaxation and a method for parse ranking based on optimality theory. The system's grammar was developed and tested over a reference corpus of about 800,000 words to ensure robustness and broad coverage. When evaluated against a corpus of approximately 200,000 words, the system reached recall and precision values around the 67,\% mark.} }
Anette Frank. Treebank Conversion. Converting the NEGRA Treebank to an LTAG Grammar. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis. Workshop held as part of the EUROLAN 2001 Summer Institute on Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources, July 30 - August 11, Iasi, Romania, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette},
TITLE = {Treebank Conversion. Converting the NEGRA Treebank to an LTAG Grammar},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis. Workshop held as part of the EUROLAN 2001 Summer Institute on Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources, July 30 - August 11},
ADDRESS = {Iasi, Romania},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~frank/papers/tbc-eurolan01.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We present a method for rule-based structure conversion of existing treebanks, which aims at the extraction of linguistically sound, corpus-based grammars in a specific grammatical framework. We apply this method to the NEGRA treebank to derive an LTAG grammar of German. We describe the methodology and tools for structure conversion and LTAG extraction. The conversion and grammar extraction process imports linguistic generalisations that are missing the in original treebank. This supports the extraction of a linguistically sound grammar with maximal generalisation, as well as grammar induction techniques to capture unseen data in stochastic parsing. We further illustrate the flexibility of our conversion method by deriving an alternative representation in terms of topological field marking from the NEGRA treebank, which can be used as input for stochastic topological parsing approaches. On a broader perspective our approach contributes to a better understanding on where corpuslinguistics and theoretical linguistics can meet and enrich each other.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Frank:2001:TCC.pdf} }
Anette Frank. A (Discourse) Functional Analysis of Asymmetric Coordination. In Proceedings of the 7th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'02), July 3-5, Athens, Greece, 2002. [Abstract] Note: in October.
AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette},
TITLE = {A (Discourse) Functional Analysis of Asymmetric Coordination},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'02), July 3-5},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
ABSTRACT = {A long-standing puzzle in coordination is the so-called SGF-coordination (Subject Gap in Finite/Fronted constructions) in German (1), first discussed b y (Hoehle 1983). Its syntactic analysis is challenging, since the subject (Jaeger, man) is realised in the middle field in the left conjunct, and is thus - under standard analyses of constituent coordination - not accessible from within the second conjunct, which is missing a subject (hence subject gap). (1) a. In den Wald ging der Jaeger und fing einen Hasen. Into the forest went the hunter and caught a rabbit The hunter went into the forest and caught a rabbit (1) b. Nimmt man den Deckel ab und ruehrt die Fuellung um, steigen Daempfe auf. Takes one the cover off and stirrs the stuffing, steam rises. If one takes the cover off and stirrs the stuffing, steam will rise. SGF constructions have been analysed in terms of asymmetrically embedded conjuncts (Wunderlich 1988, Hoehle 1990, Heycock and Kroch 1993, Buering und Hartmann 1998) or symmetric conjuncts (Steedman 1990, Kathol 1995,1999). Asymmetric embedding is problematic as it involves extraction asymmetries, or a doubtful analysis of coordination as adjunction. Symmetric analyses assume special licensing conditions which are not independently motivated. Especially the word order conditions of Kathol's analysis lack any independent syntactic motivation, and fail to account for related asymmetric coordinations of verb-last and verb-fronted (VL/VF) sentences (2). (2) Wenn Du in ein Kaufhaus kommst und (Du) hast kein Geld, kannst Du nichts kaufen. if you in a shop come and you have no money can you nothing buy If you enter a shop and (you) don't have any money, you can't buy anything. We present a multi-factorial LFG analysis of asymmetric constructions (1) and (2), which relies on independently motivated principles of the correspondences between c-structure, f-structure, and i-structure (information structure). SGF coordination is analysed as symmetric coordination in c-structure. Binding of the (prima facie) inaccessible subject of the first conjunct is enabled, at the level of f-structure, by asymmetric projection of a grammaticalised discourse function GDF, a topic or subject function (Bresnan, 2001). Asymmetric GDF projection is motivated by relating the semantic and discourse-functional properties of asymmetric coordination to well-known discourse subordination effects of modal subordination. In conjunction with word order constraints in the optimality model of (Choi 1999, 2001), our analysis explains some mysterious word order constraints as well as some puzzling scoping properties.},
NOTE = {in October} }
Anette Frank and
Josef van Genabith. LL-based Semantics for LTAG - and what it teaches us about LFG and LTAG. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'01), June 25-27, CSLI Online Publications, Hong Kong, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{Frank_van Genabith:2001,
AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {LL-based Semantics for LTAG - and what it teaches us about LFG and LTAG},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'01), June 25-27},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Online Publications},
URL = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/6/lfg01frankgenabith.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We review existing appoaches to semantics construction in LTAG (Lexicalised Tree Adjoining Grammar) based on the notion of derivation (tree)s. We argue that derivation structures in LTAG are not appropriate to guide semantic composition, due to a non-isomorphism, in LTAG between the syntactic operation of adjunction on the one hand, and the semantic operations of complementation and modifcation, on the other. Linear Logic based glue semantics, as developed within the LFG framework (cf. Dalrymple (1999)), allows for flexible coupling of syntactic and semantic structure. We investigate application of glue semantics to LTAG syntax, using as underlying structure the derived tree, which is more appropriate for principle-based semantics construction. We show how Linear Logic based semantics construction helps to bridge the non-isomorphism between syntactic and semantic operations in LTAG. The glue approach captures non-tree local dependencies in control and modifcation structures, and extends to the treatment of scope ambiguity with quantified NPs and VP modifers. Finally, glue semantics applies successfully to the adjunction-based analysis of long-distance dependencies in LTAG, which differs signifcantly from the f-structure based analysis in LFG.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Frank:2001:LBS.pdf} }
Malte Gabsdil,
Alexander Koller and
Kristina Striegnitz. Building a Text Adventure on Description Logic. In
Günther Görz,
V. Haarslev,
C. Lutz and
R. Möller editors, KI-2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics, September 18, Vol. 44, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte and Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Building a Text Adventure on Description Logic},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {KI-2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics, September 18},
VOLUME = {44},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther and Haarslev, V. and Lutz, C. and Möller, R.},
ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria},
PUBLISHER = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
URL = {http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-44/Gabsdil-et-al.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe an engine for a computer game which employs techniques from computational linguistics and theorem proving based on description logic. We show how we represent a world model as a DL knowledge base and then illustrate how we use it in the computational linguistics modules with the examples of analyzing and generating referring expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gabsdil:2001:BTA.pdf Gabsdil:2001:BTA.ps} }
Malte Gabsdil,
Alexander Koller and
Kristina Striegnitz. Playing with Description Logic. In 2nd Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M). Application Description, November 29-30, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte and Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Playing with Description Logic},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M). Application Description, November 29-30},
ADDRESS = {University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kris/papers/m4m2.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe an engine for a computer game which has at its core a description logic knowledge base and employs techniques from computational linguistics for its natural language user interface. We show how we represent the state of the game as a DL knowledge base, how we model changes in the world, and how the computational linguistics modules access the knowledge base to analyze the input wrt. the context and produce contextually appropriate output.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gabsdil:2001:PDL.pdf Gabsdil:2001:PDL.ps} }
Malte Gabsdil,
Alexander Koller and
Kristina Striegnitz. Natural Language and Inference in a Computer Game. In 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '02), August 24 - September 1, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte and Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Natural Language and Inference in a Computer Game},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '02), August 24 - September 1},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/game-nl.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present an engine for text adventures -- computer games with which the player interacts using natural language. The system employs current methods from computational linguistics and an efficient inference system for description logic to make the interaction more natural. The inference system is especially useful in the linguistic modules dealing with reference resolution and generation and we show how we use it to rank different readings in the case of referential and syntactic ambiguities. It turns out that the player's utterances are naturally restricted in the game scenario, which simplifies the language processing task.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gabsdil:2002:NLI.pdf Gabsdil:2002:NLI.ps} }
Malte Gabsdil and
Kristina Striegnitz. Classifying Scope Ambiguities. In
Christof Monz and
Maarten de Rijke editors, 1st Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-1), August 15, Pages 125-131, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Classifying Scope Ambiguities},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-1), August 15},
PAGES = {125-131},
EDITOR = {Monz, Christof and de Rijke, Maarten},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kris/papers/icos99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe the architecture and implementation of a system which compares semantic representations of natural language input w.r.t. equivalence of logical content and context change potential. Giving a clear graphical representation of the relationship between different readings, the stand-alone version of the system can be used as a classroom tool. Furthermore the core system can be incorporated into other discourse processing systems (e.g. Johan Bos' DORIS system (Bos 1998) where one might want to ignore logically equivalent readings in order to keep the number of readings small and thus improve efficiency. The system relies heavily on existing implementations and code available via the internet. These are integrated and put to the desired use by a Prolog interface. By illustrating the architecture of this system, we want to argue that it is possible to build rather complex systems involving multiple levels of linguistic processing without having to spend an unreasonably large amount of time on the implementation of basic functionalities.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gabsdil:1999:CSA.pdf Gabsdil:1999:CSA.ps} }
Björn Gambäck. Lexical Acquisition: the Swedish VEX System. In Papers from the 3rd Nordic Conference on Text Comprehension in Man and Machine, Pages 59-70, Linköping, Sweden, 1992. 
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Lexical Acquisition: the Swedish VEX System},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Papers from the 3rd Nordic Conference on Text Comprehension in Man and Machine},
PAGES = {59-70},
ADDRESS = {Linköping, Sweden},
URL = {ftp://ftp.sics.se/pub/SICS-reports/Reports/SICS-R--92-12--SE.ps.Z} }
Björn Gambäck. Developer Oriented NL-System Evaluation: Two Experiments. In Record of the Workshop on the Strategic Rule of Evaluation in Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology, Pages 109-116, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1992. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Developer Oriented NL-System Evaluation: Two Experiments},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Record of the Workshop on the Strategic Rule of Evaluation in Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology},
PAGES = {109-116},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/evaluation.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gamback:1992:DON.pdf Gamback:1992:DON.ps} }
Björn Gambäck. On Implementing Swedish Tense and Aspect. In 1st Nordic Doctoral Symposium on Computational Linguistics, March, Pages 145-146, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {On Implementing Swedish Tense and Aspect},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Nordic Doctoral Symposium on Computational Linguistics, March},
PAGES = {145-146},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark} }
Björn Gambäck. On Implementing Swedish Tense and Aspect. In
R. Eklund editor, 9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Pages 97-109, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {On Implementing Swedish Tense and Aspect},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {97-109},
EDITOR = {Eklund, R.},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden},
URL = {www.sics.se/humle/papers/nodalida93_ta_full.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gamback:1993:ISTb.pdf Gamback:1993:ISTb.ps} }
Björn Gambäck. Towards a Uniform Treatment of Swedish Verb Syntax and Semantics. In 14th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics and the 8th Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics, August, Vol. 1:123-134, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Towards a Uniform Treatment of Swedish Verb Syntax and Semantics},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {14th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics and the 8th Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics, August},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {123-134},
ADDRESS = {Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/scl93.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gamback:1993:TUT.pdf Gamback:1993:TUT.ps} }
Björn Gambäck. Swedish Language Processing in the Spoken Language Translator. In
Kimmo Koskenniemi editor, 10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31, Pages 37-49, Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Swedish Language Processing in the Spoken Language Translator},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31},
PAGES = {37-49},
EDITOR = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
PUBLISHER = {Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki},
URL = {www.sics.se/humle/papers/nodalida95_slt.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gamback:1995:SLP.pdf Gamback:1995:SLP.ps} }
Björn Gambäck,
Hiyan Alshawi,
David M. Carter and
Manny Rayner. Measuring Compositionality of Transfer. In
Kirsten Falkedal editor, Evaluators' Forum, April 21-24, Pages 181-184, ISSCO Publications, Les Rasses, Switzerland, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Alshawi, Hiyan and Carter, David M. and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {Measuring Compositionality of Transfer},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Evaluators' Forum, April 21-24},
PAGES = {181-184},
EDITOR = {Falkedal, Kirsten},
ADDRESS = {Les Rasses, Switzerland},
PUBLISHER = {ISSCO Publications} }
Björn Gambäck,
Hiyan Alshawi,
David M. Carter and
Manny Rayner. Measuring Compositionality in Transfer-Based Machine Translation Systems. In
J. G. Neal and
Stefan Walter editors, Natural Language Processing Systems Evaluation Workshop, June, (RL-TR-91-362):141-145, ACL, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1991. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Alshawi, Hiyan and Carter, David M. and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {Measuring Compositionality in Transfer-Based Machine Translation Systems},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Natural Language Processing Systems Evaluation Workshop, June},
NUMBER = {RL-TR-91-362},
PAGES = {141-145},
EDITOR = {Neal, J. G. and Walter, Stefan},
SERIES = {Technical Report},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, California},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/nlp_eval91.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gamback:1991:MCTa.pdf Gamback:1991:MCTa.ps} }
Björn Gambäck,
Martin Eineborg,
Michael Eriksson,
Barbro Ekholm,
Bertil Lyberg and
Tomas Svensson. A Language Interface to a Polyphone-Based Speech Synthesizer. In 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, September, Vol. 2:1219-1222, Madrid, Spain, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Eineborg, Martin and Eriksson, Michael and Ekholm, Barbro and Lyberg, Bertil and Svensson, Tomas},
TITLE = {A Language Interface to a Polyphone-Based Speech Synthesizer},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, September},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1219-1222},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/eurospeech95.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gamback:1995:LIP.pdf Gamback:1995:LIP.ps} }
Björn Gambäck and
Manny Rayner. A Micro-World for Reasoning about Communicating Agents. In 9th Annual Workshop and Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April, Pages 35-39, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {A Micro-World for Reasoning about Communicating Agents},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Annual Workshop and Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April},
PAGES = {35-39},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
Björn Gambäck,
Manny Rayner and
Barney Pell. Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence. In
D. N. L. Levy and
D. F. Beal editors, 2nd London Conference on Computer Games, Pages 87-107, Ellis Horwood, London, England, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Rayner, Manny and Pell, Barney},
TITLE = {Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd London Conference on Computer Games},
PAGES = {87-107},
EDITOR = {Levy, D. N. L. and Beal, D. F.},
ADDRESS = {London, England},
PUBLISHER = {Ellis Horwood} }
Claire Gardent. Ellipses, Pronouns and Parallelism. In 1st International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '96), April 23-25, Nancy, France, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {Ellipses, Pronouns and Parallelism},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '96), April 23-25},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, France} }
Claire Gardent and
Joke Dorrepaal. Reversible Discourse Processing. In International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-1), December 19-21, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Dorrepaal, Joke},
TITLE = {Reversible Discourse Processing},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-1), December 19-21},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands} }
Claire Gardent and
Michael Kohlhase. Higher-Order Coloured Unification and Natural Language Semantics. In
ACL editor, 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, June 24-27, Santa Cruz, California, USA, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Higher-Order Coloured Unification and Natural Language Semantics},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, June 24-27},
ADDRESS = {Santa Cruz, California, USA} }
Claire Gardent and
Michael Kohlhase. Focus and Higher-Order Unification. In
ACL editor, 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9, Vol. 1:430-435, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Focus and Higher-Order Unification},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {430-435},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark} }
Claire Gardent and
Michael Kohlhase. Computing Parallelism in Discourse. In 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '97), August 23-29, Vol. 2:1016-1021, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Nagoya, Japan, 1997. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Computing Parallelism in Discourse},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '97), August 23-29},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1016-1021},
ADDRESS = {Nagoya, Japan},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
ABSTRACT = {Although much has been said about parallelism in discourse, a formal, computational theory of parallelism structure is still outstanding. In this paper, we present a theory which given two parallel utterances predicts which are the parallel elements. The theory consists of a sorted, higher-order abductive calculus and we show that it reconciles the insights of discourse theories of parallelism with those of Higher-Order Unification approaches to discourse semantics, thereby providing a natural framework in which to capture the effect of parallelism on discourse semantics.} }
Claire Gardent,
Michael Kohlhase and
Noor van Leusen. Corrections and Higher-Order Unification. In 3. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '96), 7.-9. Oktober, Pages 268-279, de Gruyter, Bielefeld, Germany, 1996. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Kohlhase, Michael and van Leusen, Noor},
TITLE = {Corrections and Higher-Order Unification},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {3. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '96), 7.-9. Oktober},
PAGES = {268-279},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter},
ABSTRACT = {We propose an analysis of corrections which models some of the requirements corrections place on context. We then show that this analysis naturally extends to the interaction of corrections with pronominal anaphora on the one hand, and (in)definiteness on the other. The analysis builds on previous unification--based approaches to NL semantics and relies on Higher--Order Unification with Equivalences, a form of unification which takes into account not only syntactic beta-eta-identity but also denotational equivalence.} }
Claire Gardent and
Kristina Striegnitz. Generating Indirect Anaphora. In 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Generating Indirect Anaphora},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/cl/projects/indigen/papers/iwcs4.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Much information in natural language can be left implicit. From the generation perspective, this raises the problem of how to model the processes and in particular, the reasoning, underlying such implicitness. In this paper, we concentrate on the generation of one of the many natural language constructs supporting implicitness namely, indirect anaphora. We first summarize the inferences governing the use of indirect anaphors. We then show how indirect anaphors can be generated within a generation architecture which interleaves sentence realization with contextual reasoning.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gardent:2001:GIA.pdf Gardent:2001:GIA.ps} }
Claire Gardent and
Stefan Thater. Generating with a Grammar Based on Tree Descriptions: a Constraint-Based Approach. In
Steven Bird editor, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'01), July 9-11, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Generating with a Grammar Based on Tree Descriptions: a Constraint-Based Approach},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'01), July 9-11},
EDITOR = {Bird, Steven},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/people/claire/eacl01.ps},
ABSTRACT = {While the generative view of language processing builds bigger units out of smaller ones by means of rewriting steps, the axiomatic view eliminates in-valid linguistic structures out of a set of possible structures by means of well-formedness principles. We present a generator based on the axiomatic view and argue that when combined with a TAG-like grammar and a flat seman-tics, this axiomatic view permits avoiding drawbacks known to hold either of top-down or of bottom-up generators.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gardent:2001:GGB.pdf Gardent:2001:GGB.ps} }
Claire Gardent and
Bonnie Webber. Describing Discourse Semantics. In 4th International Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+), August 1-3, Philadelphia, USA, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Webber, Bonnie},
TITLE = {Describing Discourse Semantics},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+), August 1-3},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA} }
Winfried Graf and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Bedeutung multimodaler Benutzerschnittstellen am Beispiel eines Expertensystems in der MRI-Diagnostik. In
G. Giani and
R. Repges editors, Biometrie und Informatik - Neue Wege zur Erkenntnisgewinnung in der Medizin. 34. Jahrestagung der GMDS, September 1989, Vol. 71:257-260 of Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Springer, Aachen, Germany, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Graf, Winfried and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Bedeutung multimodaler Benutzerschnittstellen am Beispiel eines Expertensystems in der MRI-Diagnostik},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Biometrie und Informatik - Neue Wege zur Erkenntnisgewinnung in der Medizin. 34. Jahrestagung der GMDS, September 1989},
VOLUME = {71},
PAGES = {257-260},
EDITOR = {Giani, G. and Repges, R.},
SERIES = {Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie},
ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Martine Grice and
William J. Barry. Problems of Transcription and Labelling in the Specification of Segmental and Prosodic Structure. In 12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 5:66-69, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Grice, Martine and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Problems of Transcription and Labelling in the Specification of Segmental and Prosodic Structure},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {66-69},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France} }
Martine Grice,
Ralf Benzmüller,
Michelina Savino and
Bistra Andreeva. The Intonation of Queries and Checks across Languages: Data from Map Task Dialogues. In 13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Pages 648-651, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Grice, Martine and Benzmüller, Ralf and Savino, Michelina and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {The Intonation of Queries and Checks across Languages: Data from Map Task Dialogues},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
PAGES = {648-651},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
Martine Grice,
Matthias Reyelt,
Ralf Benzmüller,
Jörg Mayer and
Anton Batliner. Consistency in Transcription and Labelling of German Intonation with GToBI. In 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '96), October 3-6, Pages 1716-1719, Philadelphia, USA, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Grice, Martine and Reyelt, Matthias and Benzmüller, Ralf and Mayer, Jörg and Batliner, Anton},
TITLE = {Consistency in Transcription and Labelling of German Intonation with GToBI},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '96), October 3-6},
PAGES = {1716-1719},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA} }
Martine Grice and
Michelina Savino. Low Tone versus 'sag' in Bari Italian Intonation; A Perceptual Experiment. In 13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS '95), August 13-19, Pages 658-661, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Grice, Martine and Savino, Michelina},
TITLE = {Low Tone versus 'sag' in Bari Italian Intonation; A Perceptual Experiment},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS '95), August 13-19},
PAGES = {658-661},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
Martine Grice and
Michelina Savino. Intonation and Communicative Function in a Regional Variety of Italian. In 4th International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics Congress Psycholinguistics as a Multi-Disciplinarily Connected Science'', Bologna, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Grice, Martine and Savino, Michelina},
TITLE = {Intonation and Communicative Function in a Regional Variety of Italian},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics Congress Psycholinguistics as a Multi-Disciplinarily Connected Science''},
ADDRESS = {Bologna} }
Martine Grice,
Michelina Savino and
Mario Refice. Can Pitch Accent Type Convey Information-Status in yes-no Questions. In 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '97). Workshop on Concept to Speech Generation Systems, July 7-12, Pages 29-38, Madrid, Spain, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Grice, Martine and Savino, Michelina and Refice, Mario},
TITLE = {Can Pitch Accent Type Convey Information-Status in yes-no Questions},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '97). Workshop on Concept to Speech Generation Systems, July 7-12},
PAGES = {29-38},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain} }
Evelina Grigorova,
Vladimir Filipov and
Bistra Andreeva. A Contrastive Investigation of Discourse Intonational Characteristic Features of Sofia Bulgarian and Hamburg German in MAP Task Dialogues. In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH 99), September 5-9, Vol. 1:25-28, Budapest, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Grigorova, Evelina and Filipov, Vladimir and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {A Contrastive Investigation of Discourse Intonational Characteristic Features of Sofia Bulgarian and Hamburg German in MAP Task Dialogues},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH 99), September 5-9},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {25-28},
ADDRESS = {Budapest},
URL = {http://www.telecom.tuc.gr/paperdb/eurospeech99/PAPERS/S1O2/G002.PDF},
ABSTRACT = {Ten MAP Task dialogues for Sofia Bulgarian (SB) and six for Hamburg German (HG) are recorded and analyzed by means of X-Waves Software Package. The discourse intonation features focused on are denial and convergence. It has been observed that for German denial can be integrated into discourse-listing through intonation: Ja-acknowledge and Nein-/Ne-denial moves are both manifested by intonation rises. For Bulgarian, intonation rises in answering moves occur only in the acknowledge subtype: rises in denials (Ne-) are associated with uncertainty and surprise. The HG Ne- and SB Ne-moves are resynthesized by means of PSOLA, twelve stimuli being obtained for SB and sixteen for HG. Two appropriate contexts marked for discourse-listing and follow-up moves are excerpted from the MAP Task and are included in perceptual tests whereby native speakers are asked to determine the appropriateness of each stimulus in relation to each context. 'The results for Bulgarian contradict our preliminary observations. Convergence is defined as the matching of corresponding movements in pitch ranges and signals sympathetic agreement with the other speaker’s point of view. The check: answer move sequence can be viewed as instantiating convergence and exemplifies both lexical and Fo movement repetition, especially where ellipted moves are concerned. The two resynthesized sequences for HG and SB respectively are ”Im Westen” and ”Pravo nagore” as manifested in check and answering contexts. As above, native speakers are expected to determine the appropriateness of each stimulus in relation to each context. It has been observed that the differences between checks and answering moves for both HG and SB are phonetically manifested and are also established as being relevant by the perceptual tests, yet they cannot be accounted for phonologically by tone alignment: convergence seems to attenuate the phonological differentiation between checks and answering moves.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Grigorova:1999:CID.pdf} }
Eva Hajicová,
Ivana Korbayova and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Salience in Dialogues. In
S. Cmejrková,
J. Hoffmannová,
O. Müllerová and
J. Svetlá editors, 5th International Congress of the International Association of Dialogue Analysis, April 17-20, Vol. 1:381-393, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Prague, Czech Republic, 1998. 
AUTHOR = {Hajicová, Eva and Korbayova, Ivana and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Salience in Dialogues},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Congress of the International Association of Dialogue Analysis, April 17-20},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {381-393},
EDITOR = {Cmejrková, S. and Hoffmannová, J. and Müllerová, O. and Svetlá, J.},
ADDRESS = {Prague, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Max Niemeyer Verlag},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/dialog.ps.gz} }
Silvia Hansen and
Elke Teich. The creation and exploitation of a translation reference corpus. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Language Resources for Translation Work and Research (3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2002)), May 28, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Hansen, Silvia and Teich, Elke},
TITLE = {The creation and exploitation of a translation reference corpus},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Language Resources for Translation Work and Research (3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2002)), May 28},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansen/hansen-teich.zip},
ABSTRACT = {While in many branches of linguistics monolingual reference corpora are widely used, e.g., in lexicography, in the construction of grammars and generally in empirical linguistic studies, in translation research as well as translation practice the concept of a parallel refernce corpus has not yet assumed a similarly important role. In our view, this is partly due to a lack of interaction of researchers involved in the development of corpus tools (computational linguistics, humanities computing) and the potential users of such tools in the area of translation (translatology, translation practice). The goal of the present paper is to initiate such an interaction. We present the design of an German-English and French-English translation corpus and explore its use as a reference corpus for translatologists as well as translators. First, we introduce the the basic computational techniques needed to build such a translation reference corpus. These techniques cover the preparation of the corpus as well as its linguistic annotation. In the preparatory step the corpus has to be aligned and encoded. To enrich the corpus with linguistic information, part-of-speech tagging and syntactic parsing have to be carried out for the different languages. Furthermore, to make the parallel reference corpus usable for translation scholars and translators, it has to be searchable, i.e., appropriate query facilities must be provided. We show how to extract instances of linguistic phenomena that are of interest from a translation point of view using a multilingual English-German-French corpus. We explain possible translation procedures for perfect aspect, reduced relative clauses and cleft constructions from English into German and French on the basis of parallel concordances extracted from the translation reference corpus. Finally, we specify some additional requirements to improve the usability of translation corpora in both translation studies and translation practice.} }
Seif Haridi,
Peter Van Roy and
Gert Smolka. An Overview of the Design of Distributed Oz. In 2nd International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO '97), July 20-22, Pages 176-187, ACM Press, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Haridi, Seif and Van Roy, Peter and Smolka, Gert},
TITLE = {An Overview of the Design of Distributed Oz},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO '97), July 20-22},
PAGES = {176-187},
ADDRESS = {Maui, Hawaii, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/PASCO97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a design for a distributed programming system, Distributed Oz, that abstracts away the network. This means that all network operations are invoked implicitly by the system as an incidental result of using particular language constructs. However, since network operations are expensive, the programmer must retain control over network communication patterns. This control is provided through the language constructs. While retaining their centralized semantics, they are extended with a distributed semantics. Distributed Oz is an extension of Oz, a concurrent state-aware language with first-class procedures. Distributed Oz extends Oz with just two concepts: mobility control and asynchronous ordered communication. Mobility control provides for truly mobile objects in a simple and clean way. Asynchronous ordered communication allows to conveniently build servers. These two concepts give the programmer a control over network communications that is both simple and predictable. We give scenarios to show how common distributed programming tasks can be implemented efficiently. There are two reasons for the simplicity of Distributed Oz. First, Oz has a simple formal semantics. Second, the distributed extension is built using network protocols that are natural extensions to the centralized language operations. We discuss the operational semantics of Oz and Distributed Oz and the architecture of the distributed implementation. We give an overview of the basic network protocols for communication and mobility.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Haridi:1997:ODD.pdf Haridi:1997:ODD.ps} }
Julia Heine. Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases. In
ACL editor, 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montreal, Canada, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Heine, Julia},
TITLE = {Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P98/P98-1085.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Heine:1998:DPJ.pdf} }
Johannes Heinecke and
Karsten Worm. A Lexical Semantic Database for Verbmobil. In
F. Kiefer,
G. Kiss and
J. Pajzs editors, 4th Conference on Computational Lexicography and Text Research (COMPLEX '96), September 18-21, Budapest, Hungary, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Heinecke, Johannes and Worm, Karsten},
TITLE = {A Lexical Semantic Database for Verbmobil},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Conference on Computational Lexicography and Text Research (COMPLEX '96), September 18-21},
EDITOR = {Kiefer, F. and Kiss, G. and Pajzs, J.},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Heinecke:1996:LSD.pdf} }
Martin Henz. Don't Be Puzzled! In Workshop on Constraint Programming Applications: An Inventory and Taxonomy. In conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '96), August 19, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Henz, Martin},
TITLE = {Don't Be Puzzled!},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Constraint Programming Applications: An Inventory and Taxonomy. In conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '96), August 19},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/puzzle96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper is about how to solve a class of puzzles, called self-referential quizzes ( extitsrq), with constraint programming. An extitsrq is a sequence of multiple choice questions that are about the puzzle itself. extitsrqs are an attractive pastime, when they provide the possibility of drawing non-trivial conclusions on the way to the solution. We introduce a typical extitsrq, and represent it as a propositional satisfiability problem. Its straightforward clausal representation is too big for effective treatment using standard methods. Instead, we solve it with finite domain constraint programming. For this application of constraint programming, support of logic connectives such as conjunction and disjunction is crucial. With their small problem descriptions, extitsrqs are ideal candidates for benchmarks covering the implementation of 0/1 variables in constraint programming languages.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Henz:1996:DP.pdf Henz:1996:DP.ps} }
Martin Henz,
Stefan Lauer and
Detlev Zimmermann. COMPOzE - Intention-Based Music Composition through Constraint Programming. In
IEEE Computer Society editor, 8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI '96), November 16-19, Pages 118-121, Toulouse, France, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Henz, Martin and Lauer, Stefan and Zimmermann, Detlev},
TITLE = {COMPOzE - Intention-Based Music Composition through Constraint Programming},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI '96), November 16-19},
PAGES = {118-121},
EDITOR = {Society, IEEE Computer},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/COMPOzE96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The goal of this work is to derive four-voice music pieces from given musical plans, which describe the harmonic flow and the intentions of a desired composition. We developed the experimentation platform COMPOzE for intention-based composition. COMPOzE is based on constraint programming over finite domains of integers. We argue that constraint programming provides a suitable technology for this task and that the libraries and tools available for the constraint programming system Oz effectively support the implementation of COMPOzE. This work links the research areas of of automatic music composition on one hand and finite domain constraint programming on the other, and contributes the tool COMPOzE, which practically demonstrates the potential of constraint programming to open up new areas of application for automatic music composition.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Henz:1996:CIB.pdf Henz:1996:CIB.ps} }
Martin Henz and
Tobias Müller. An Overview of Finite Domain Constraint Programming. In 5th Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operations Research Societies (APORS '00), July 5-7, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Henz, Martin and Müller, Tobias},
TITLE = {An Overview of Finite Domain Constraint Programming},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {5th Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operations Research Societies (APORS '00), July 5-7},
ADDRESS = {Singapore, Republic of Singapore},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/amai2000.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In recent years, the repertoire of available techniques for solving combinatorial problems has seen a significant addition: constraint programming. Constraint programming is best seen as a framework for combining software components to achieve problem-specific solvers. The strength of constraint programming depends on the synergy that can be achieved between these components. In this tutorial introduction, we give an overview of constraint programming for solving combinatorial problems.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Henz:2000:OFD.pdf Henz:2000:OFD.ps} }
Martin Henz,
Tobias Müller and
Ka Boon Ng. Figaro: Yet another Constraint Programming Library. In Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, December 1, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Henz, Martin and Müller, Tobias and Boon Ng, Ka},
TITLE = {Figaro: Yet another Constraint Programming Library},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, December 1},
ADDRESS = {Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/figaro-parimplws99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Existing libraries and languages for finite domain constraint programming usually have depth-first search (with branch and bound) built-in as the only search algorithm. Exceptions are the languages CLAIRE and Oz, which support the programming of different search algorithms through special purpose programming language constructs. The goal of this work is to make abstractions for programming search algorithms available in a language-independent setting by using the concept of a room. Figaro is an experimentation platform being designed to study non-standard search algorithms, different memory policies for search (trailing vs copying), consistency algorithms, failure handling and support for modeling. Figaro is conceived as a C++ library providing abstractions based on the concept of a room. This paper focuses on the use and implementation of such abstractions for investigating programmable search algorithms and memory policies in a C++ constraint programming library.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Henz:1999:FYA.ps} }
Elizabeth Hinkelman. Abuction, Beliefs and Context. In Proceedings of the 2nd ESPRIT PLUS Workshop in Computational Pragmatics, September 14-18, Alghero, Sardaigne, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth},
TITLE = {Abuction, Beliefs and Context},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd ESPRIT PLUS Workshop in Computational Pragmatics, September 14-18},
ADDRESS = {Alghero, Sardaigne} }
Elizabeth Hinkelman. Intonation and the Request/ Question Distinction. In 2nd International Conference on Spoken-Language Processing, October, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth},
TITLE = {Intonation and the Request/ Question Distinction},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Conference on Spoken-Language Processing, October},
ADDRESS = {Banff, Alberta, Canada} }
Elizabeth Hinkelman and
James F. Allen. Two Constraints on Speech Act Ambiguity. In
ACL editor, 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '89), June 26-29, Pages 212-219, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Allen, James F.},
TITLE = {Two Constraints on Speech Act Ambiguity},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '89), June 26-29},
PAGES = {212-219},
ADDRESS = {University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada} }
Elizabeth Hinkelman and
Stephen P. Spackman. Abductive Speech Act Recognition, Corporate Agents and the COSMA System. In
William Black,
Gérard Sabah and
Tom Wachtel editors, Proceedings of the 2nd ESPRIT PLUS Workshop on Computational Pragmatics: Abduction, Beliefs and Context, Alghero, Sardaigne, 1992. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Spackman, Stephen P.},
TITLE = {Abductive Speech Act Recognition, Corporate Agents and the COSMA System},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd ESPRIT PLUS Workshop on Computational Pragmatics: Abduction, Beliefs and Context},
EDITOR = {Black, William and Sabah, Gérard and Wachtel, Tom},
ADDRESS = {Alghero, Sardaigne},
URL = {http://www.cs.tufts.edu/~elizh/sard.ps},
ABSTRACT = {This chapter presents an overview of the DISCO project's solutions to several problems in natural language pragmatics. Its central focus is on relating utterances to intentions through speech act recognition. Subproblems include the incorporation of linguistic cues into the speech act recognition process, precise and efficient multiagent belief attribution models (Corporate Agents), and speech act representation and processing using Corporate Agents. These ideas are being tested within the COSMA appointment scheduling system, one application of the DISCO natural language interface. Abductive speech act processing in this environment is not far from realizing its potential for fully bidirectional implementation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Hinkelman:1992:ASA.pdf Hinkelman:1992:ASA.ps} }
Elizabeth Hinkelman and
Stephen P. Spackman. Communicating with Multiple Agents. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:1191-1197, Kyoto, Japan, 1994. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Spackman, Stephen P.},
TITLE = {Communicating with Multiple Agents},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1191-1197},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/Hin_Spa_Coling94.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/Hin_Spa_Coling94.entry},
ABSTRACT = {Previous dialogue systems have focussed on dialogues between two agents. Many applications, however, require conversations between several participants. This paper extends speech act definitions to handle multi-agent conversations, based on a model of multi-agent belief attribution with some unique properties. Our approach has the advantage of capturing a number of interesting phenomena in a straightforward way.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Hinkelman:1994:CMA.pdf Hinkelman:1994:CMA.ps} }
Tracy Holloway King,
Stefanie Dipper,
Anette Frank,
Jonas Kuhn and
John Maxwell. Ambiguity Management in Grammar Writing. In
Erhard Hinrichs,
Detmar Meurers and
Shuly Wintner editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation (ESSLLI-2000), Pages 5-19, Birmingham, UK, 2000. [Abstract] Note: Revised and extended version to appear 2002 in: Special issue of the Journal of Language and Computation. [Annote]
@InProceedings{Holloway King_et_al:2000,
AUTHOR = {Holloway King, Tracy and Dipper, Stefanie and Frank, Anette and Kuhn, Jonas and Maxwell, John},
TITLE = {Ambiguity Management in Grammar Writing},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation (ESSLLI-2000)},
PAGES = {5-19},
EDITOR = {Hinrichs, Erhard and Meurers, Detmar and Wintner, Shuly},
ADDRESS = {Birmingham, UK},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~frank/papers/ESSLLI00-Dipperetal.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {When lingusitically motivated grammars are implemented on a larger scale, and applied toreal-life corpora, keeping track of ambiguity sources becomes a difficult task. Yet it is of great importance, since unintended ambiguities arising from underrestricted rules or interactions haveto be distinguished from linguistically warranted ambiguities. In this paper we report on various tools in the XLE grammar development platform which can be used for ambiguity managementin grammar writing. In particular, we look at packed representations of ambiguities that allow the grammar writer to view sorted descriptions of ambiguity sources. Also discussed are tools forspecifying desired tree structures and for cutting down the solution space prior to parsing.},
NOTE = {Revised and extended version to appear 2002 in: Special issue of the Journal of Language and Computation},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : King:2000:AMG.pdf King:2000:AMG.ps} }
Helmut Horacek and
Stephan Busemann. Towards a Methodology for Developing Application-Oriented Report Generation. In
Otthein Herzog and
Andreas Günther editors, KI-98: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 22nd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 15-17, (1504):189-200, Springer, Bremen, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Horacek, Helmut and Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Towards a Methodology for Developing Application-Oriented Report Generation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {KI-98: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 22nd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 15-17},
NUMBER = {1504},
PAGES = {189-200},
EDITOR = {Herzog, Otthein and Günther, Andreas},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Bremen},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/horacek-busemann98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Although research in natural language generation has led to the development of numerous methods and reusable software tools, we feel that building comparably simple application systems still involves more hand-crafted skills than systematic methodology. In our view, this is due to the fact that most available tools are oriented towards contributing to a general purpose generation system rather than supporting the economic development of dedicated applications. In order to improve this situation, we present a methodology for developing application-oriented report generation with limited effort, emphasizing domain- and user-specific preferences over general-purpose communicative principles. Key parts in our approach comprise building an ontologically minimal initial representation on the basis of user parameters and associated domain data, the successive refinement of this initial representation by making implicit information explicit enough for fleshing out selected text and sentence patterns, and the opportunistic combination of linguistically motivated methods with template-based generation. This methodology should enable system developers to build application-oriented report generators more systematically and with reduced effort.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Horacek:1998:TMD.pdf Horacek:1998:TMD.ps} }
Mark A. Huckvale,
I. S. Howard and
William J. Barry. Automatic Phonetic Feature Labelling of Continuous Speech. In
J. P. Tubach and
Joseph Mariani editors, European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), Vol. 2:565-568, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Huckvale, Mark A. and Howard, I. S. and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Automatic Phonetic Feature Labelling of Continuous Speech},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89)},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {565-568},
EDITOR = {Tubach, J. P. and Mariani, Joseph},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland} }
Dieter Hutter and
Michael Kohlhase. A Coloured Version of the Lambda-Calculus. In
W. McCune editor, 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14), July 13-17, (1249):291-305, Springer, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Hutter, Dieter and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {A Coloured Version of the Lambda-Calculus},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14), July 13-17},
NUMBER = {1249},
PAGES = {291-305},
EDITOR = {McCune, W.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {James Cook University, Townsville, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Masayo Iida,
John Nerbonne,
Derek Proudian and
Diana Roberts. Accommodating Complex Applications. In
U. Zernik editor, 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '89). 1st International Workshop on Lexical Acquisition, August, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Iida, Masayo and Nerbonne, John and Proudian, Derek and Roberts, Diana},
TITLE = {Accommodating Complex Applications},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '89). 1st International Workshop on Lexical Acquisition, August},
EDITOR = {Zernik, U.},
ADDRESS = {Detroit, Michigan, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} }
Jan Jaspars and
Alexander Koller. A Calculus for Direct Deduction with Dominance Constraints. In 12th Amsterdam Colloquium (AC '99), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Jaspars, Jan and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {A Calculus for Direct Deduction with Dominance Constraints},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {12th Amsterdam Colloquium (AC '99)},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/domded.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Underspecification has recently been a popular approach to dealing with ambiguity. An important operation in this context is direct deduction, deduction on underspecified descriptions which is justified by the meaning of the described formulae. Here we instantiate an abstract approach to direct deduction to dominance constraints, a concrete underspecification formalism, and obtain a sound and complete calculus for this formalism.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Jaspars:1999:CDD.pdf Jaspars:1999:CDD.ps} }
Ronald Kaplan,
Klaus Netter,
Jürgen Wedekind and
Annie Zaenen. Translation by Structural Correspondences. In
ACL editor, 4th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLEUROPE '89), Pages 272-281, Manchester, England, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Kaplan, Ronald and Netter, Klaus and Wedekind, Jürgen and Zaenen, Annie},
TITLE = {Translation by Structural Correspondences},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLEUROPE '89)},
PAGES = {272-281},
ADDRESS = {Manchester, England} }
Elena Karagjosova. A Unified Approach to the Meaning and Function of Modal Particles in Dialogue. In
Catherine Pilire editor, Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2000 Student Session, August 6-18, University of Birmingham, UK, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karagjosova, Elena},
TITLE = {A Unified Approach to the Meaning and Function of Modal Particles in Dialogue},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2000 Student Session, August 6-18},
EDITOR = {Pilire, Catherine},
ADDRESS = {University of Birmingham, UK},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~elka/Papers/karagjosova.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Karagjosova:2000:UAM.pdf Karagjosova:2000:UAM.ps} }
Elena Karagjosova. Interpreting Utterances with Modal Particles. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karagjosova, Elena},
TITLE = {Interpreting Utterances with Modal Particles},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
URL = {http://coli.uni-sb.de/~elka/Papers/Tilburg_final.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Karagjosova:2001:IUM.pdf Karagjosova:2001:IUM.ps} }
Elena Karagjosova. Modal Particles and the Common Ground: Meaning and Functions of German ja, doch, eben/halt and auch. In
Peter Kühnlein,
Hannes Rieser and
Henk Zeevat editors, Proceedings 5th Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (BI-DIALOG), June 14-16, Bielefeld, Germany, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karagjosova, Elena},
TITLE = {Modal Particles and the Common Ground: Meaning and Functions of German ja, doch, eben/halt and auch},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 5th Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (BI-DIALOG), June 14-16},
EDITOR = {Kühnlein, Peter and Rieser, Hannes and Zeevat, Henk},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld, Germany},
URL = {http://coli.uni-sb.de/~elka/Papers/bi-dial-final.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Karagjosova:2001:MPC.pdf Karagjosova:2001:MPC.ps} }
Elena Karagjosova. Towards a Comprehensive Meaning of German doch. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2001 Student Session, August 13-24, Helsinki, Finland, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karagjosova, Elena},
TITLE = {Towards a Comprehensive Meaning of German doch},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2001 Student Session, August 13-24},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
URL = {http://coli.uni-sb.de/~elka/Papers/elena_karagjosova.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Karagjosova:2001:TCM.pdf Karagjosova:2001:TCM.ps} }
Elena Karagjosova and
Ivana Korbayova. An Analysis of Conditional Responses in Dialogue. In
Petr Sojka,
Ivan Kopecek and
Karel Pala editors, 5th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2002), September 9-12, Pages 317-320, Springer Verlag, Brno, Czech Republic, 2002.  Note: forthcoming. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karagjosova, Elena and Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {An Analysis of Conditional Responses in Dialogue},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2002), September 9-12},
PAGES = {317-320},
EDITOR = {Sojka, Petr and Kopecek, Ivan and Pala, Karel},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNCS/LNAI 2448},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {http://coli.uni-sb.de/~elka/Papers/tsd02-final.ps},
NOTE = {forthcoming},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Karagjosova:2002:ACR.pdf Karagjosova:2002:ACR.ps} }
Elena Karagjosova and
Ivana Korbayova. Conditional Responses in Information Seeking Dialogues. In
Kristiina Jokinen and
Susan McRoy editors, 3rd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, July 11-12, Pages 84-87, ACL,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2002.  Note: forthcoming. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karagjosova, Elena and Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Conditional Responses in Information Seeking Dialogues},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, July 11-12},
PAGES = {84-87},
EDITOR = {Jokinen, Kristiina and McRoy, Susan},
ADDRESS = {ACL,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA},
URL = {http://coli.uni-sb.de/~elka/Papers/sigdial-final.ps},
NOTE = {forthcoming},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Karagjosova:2002:CRI.pdf Karagjosova:2002:CRI.ps} }
Jussi Karlgren,
Björn Gambäck and
Christer Samuelsson. Clustering Sentences. In 9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Pages 143-154, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Karlgren, Jussi and Gambäck, Björn and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Clustering Sentences},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {143-154},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden},
URL = {www.sics.se/humle/papers/nodalida93_cluster.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kalgren:1993:CS.pdf Kalgren:1993:CS.ps} }
Robert Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer,
Klaus Netter and
Vijay K. Shanker. Compilation of HPSG to TAG. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'95), June 26-30, Pages 92-99, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1995. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Robert and Kiefer, Bernd and Netter, Klaus and Shanker, Vijay K.},
TITLE = {Compilation of HPSG to TAG},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'95), June 26-30},
PAGES = {92-99},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knacl95.ps.Z},
ABSTRACT = {We present an implemented compilation algorithm that translates HPSG into lexicalized feature-based TAG, relating concepts of the two theories. While HPSG has a more elaborated principle-based theory of possible phrase structures, TAG provides the means to represent lexicalized structures more explicitly. Our objectives are met by giving clear definitions that determine the projection of structures from the lexicon, and identify maximal projections, auxiliary trees and foot nodes.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1995:CHTa.pdf Kasper:1995:CHTa.ps} }
Robert Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer,
Klaus Netter and
Krishnamurti Vijay-Shanker. Compilation of HPSG to TAG. In
ACL editor, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL '95), June 26-30, Pages 92-99, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Robert and Kiefer, Bernd and Netter, Klaus and Vijay-Shanker, Krishnamurti},
TITLE = {Compilation of HPSG to TAG},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL '95), June 26-30},
PAGES = {92-99},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knacl95.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knacl95.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knacl95.dvi.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1995:CHT.pdf Kasper:1995:CHT.ps Kasper:1995:CHT.dvi} }
Walter Kasper. Integration of Syntax and Semantics in Feature Structures. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, Proceedings of the DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, Nr. (D-93-03), DFKI Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter},
TITLE = {Integration of Syntax and Semantics in Feature Structures},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {DFKI Saarbrücken},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_DWNLSRM.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1993:ISS.pdf} }
Walter Kasper,
Kurt Eberle and
Christian Rohrer. Contextual Constraints for MT. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI'92), Pages 213-224, Montreal, Canada, 1992. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Eberle, Kurt and Rohrer, Christian},
TITLE = {Contextual Constraints for MT},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI'92)},
PAGES = {213-224},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Canada},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Kasper_1992_CCM.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We outline an experimental machine translation system currently under development at the Institute for Computational Linguistics which aims at flexibility with respect to the level of transfer. The core of the system is a bidirectional transfer system using LFG-grammars for source and target languages. If translation is not possible on the basis of the linguistic information provided by the core system, i.e. in the case of translation mismatches, the system makes selective use of contextual and background knowledge. To this end we developed the concept of contextual constraints which are the interface between the core system and a module that we call the contextual resolver which deals among other things with the contextual information provided by the preceding text using Discourse Representation Theory. We concentrate on problems such as the translation of tense and anaphoric expressions between German and French.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1992:CCM.pdf} }
Walter Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Christopher J. Rupp and
Karsten Worm. Charting the Depths of Robust Speech Parsing. In
ACL editor, 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '99), June 20-26, Pages 405-412, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 1999. 
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Rupp, Christopher J. and Worm, Karsten},
TITLE = {Charting the Depths of Robust Speech Parsing},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '99), June 20-26},
PAGES = {405-412},
ADDRESS = {University of Maryland, College Park, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/131.entry} }
Walter Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Christopher J. Rupp and
Karsten L. Worm. Charting the Depths of Robust Speech Parsing. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'99), June 20-26, Pages 405-412, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Rupp, Christopher J. and Worm, Karsten L.},
TITLE = {Charting the Depths of Robust Speech Parsing},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'99), June 20-26},
PAGES = {405-412},
ADDRESS = {University of Maryland, College Park, USA},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P99/P99-1052.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a novel method for coping with ungrammatical input based on the use of chart-like data structures, which permit anytime processing. Priority is given to deep syntactic analysis. Should this fail, the best partial analyses are selected, according to a shortest-paths algorithm, and assembled in a robust processing phase. The method has been applied in a speech translation project with large HPSG grammars.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1999:CDRb.pdf} }
Walter Kasper and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars for Efficient Parsing. In
ACL editor, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9, Pages 628-633, Copenhagen, Danmark, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars for Efficient Parsing},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9},
PAGES = {628-633},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Danmark},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coling96.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coling96.entry},
ABSTRACT = {Unification-based theories of grammar allow to integrate different levels of linguistic descriptions in the common framework of typed feature structures. Dependencies among the levels are expressed by coreferences. Though highly attractive theoretically, using such codescriptions for analysis creates problems of efficiency. We present an approach to a modular use of codescriptions on the syntactic and semantic level. Grammatical analysis is performed by tightly coupled parsers running in tandem, each using only designated parts of the grammatical description. In the paper we describe the partitioning of grammatical information for the parsers and present results about the performance.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1996:MCGa.pdf Kasper:1996:MCGa.ps} }
Walter Kasper and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Integration of Prosodic and Grammatical Information in the Analysis of Dialogs. In
Günther Görz and
Steffen Hölldobler editors, Proceedings of the 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence. KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, September 17-19, (1137):163-174, Springer Verlag, Dresden, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Integration of Prosodic and Grammatical Information in the Analysis of Dialogs},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence. KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, September 17-19},
NUMBER = {1137},
PAGES = {163-174},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther and Hölldobler, Steffen},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Dresden, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ki96.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ki96.entry},
ABSTRACT = {The analysis of spoken dialogs requires the analysis of complete multi-sentence turns. Especially, the segmentation of turns in sentential or phrasal segments is a problem. In this paper we present a system for turn analysis. It is based on an extension of HPSG grammar for turns and takes into account extra-linguistic prosodic information. We show how this information can be integrated and represented in the grammar, and how it is used to reduce the search space in parsing.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1996:IPGa.pdf Kasper:1996:IPGa.ps} }
Walter Kasper,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Abdel Kader Diagne. Distributed Parsing with HPSG Grammars. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'95), September 20-24, Pages 79-86, Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Diagne, Abdel Kader},
TITLE = {Distributed Parsing with HPSG Grammars},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'95), September 20-24},
PAGES = {79-86},
ADDRESS = {Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/iwpt95.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/iwpt95.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1995:DPH.pdf Kasper:1995:DPH.ps} }
Walter Kasper,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Jörg Spilker and
Hans Weber. From Word Hypotheses to Logical Form: An Efficient Interleaved Approach. In
Dafydd Gibbon editor, Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology: Results of the 3rd KONVENS Conference, October 7-9, Pages 77-88, Mouton de Gruyter, Bielefeld, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Spilker, Jörg and Weber, Hans},
TITLE = {From Word Hypotheses to Logical Form: An Efficient Interleaved Approach},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology: Results of the 3rd KONVENS Conference, October 7-9},
PAGES = {77-88},
EDITOR = {Gibbon, Dafydd},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Mouton de Gruyter},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/konvens96.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/konvens96.entry},
ABSTRACT = {This paper revisits word lattice parsing whose task is to find a plausible semantic interpretation for a given utterance. Our approach of interleaved search and analysis is designed to break the frontier of toy applications. The framework is implemented in two interacting modules, running in parallel. Instead of simply parsing a word lattice, we rather do tree decoding with a probabilistic approximation of a given grammar, employing a beam search strategy. Logical form is build up in tandem according to the decoded derivation histories, using a codescriptive HPSG grammar for dialog turns. In diesem Papier betrachten wir auf neue Weise Wortgraphenparsing, dessen Aufgabe es ist, eine plausible semantische Interpretation fuer eine gegebene Aufforderung zu finden. Unser Ansatz von ueberlagerter Suche und Analyse ist mit dem Ziel entwickelt worden, die Grenzen von Spielapplikationen zu durchbrechen. Das System ist in zwei interagierenden, parallel arbeitenden Modulen implementiert. Anstatt einen Wortgraphen direkt zu parsen, dekodieren wir Baeume mit einer probabilistischen Approximation einer gegebene Grammatik unter Verwendung einer Strahlensuche. Logische Form wird gemaess den Ableitungshistorien gleichzeitig mit aufgebaut, wobei eine HPSG Grammatik fuer Dialoge eingesetzt wird.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:1996:WHLa.pdf Kasper:1996:WHLa.ps} }
Walter Kasper and
Jörg Steffen. Multilingual flexible and robust summarization. In
Stephan Busemann editor, Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober, Pages 215-218, German Research Center for AI (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Steffen, Jörg},
TITLE = {Multilingual flexible and robust summarization},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober},
PAGES = {215-218},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
SERIES = {DFKI Document D-02-01},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {German Research Center for AI (DFKI)},
URL = {http://konvens2002.dfki.de/cd/pdf/44P-steffen.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {SumEx is multilingual, flexible and robust system for automatic text summarization following a sentence extraction approach. The paper presents an overview of this system.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kasper:2002:MFR.pdf} }
Frank Keller,
Martin Corley,
Steffan Corley,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Shari Trewin. GSEARCH: A Tool for Syntactic Investigation of Unparsed Corpora. In The EACL Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '99), June 12, Bergen, Norway, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Keller, Frank and Corley, Martin and Corley, Steffan and Crocker, Matthew W. and Trewin, Shari},
TITLE = {GSEARCH: A Tool for Syntactic Investigation of Unparsed Corpora},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {The EACL Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '99), June 12},
ADDRESS = {Bergen, Norway} }
Frank Keller,
Mirella Lapata and
Olga Ourioupina. Using the Web to Overcome Data Sparseness. In
Jan Hajic and
Yuji Matsumoto editors, Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Pages 230-237, Philadelphia, USA, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Keller, Frank and Lapata, Mirella and Ourioupina, Olga},
TITLE = {Using the Web to Overcome Data Sparseness},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
PAGES = {230-237},
EDITOR = {Hajic, Jan and Matsumoto, Yuji},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {http://www.iccs.informatics.ed.ac.uk/~keller/papers/emnlp02.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper shows that the web can be employed to obtain frequencies for bigrams that are unseen in a given corpus. We describe a method for retrieving counts for adjective-noun, noun-noun, and verb-object bigrams from the web by querying a search engine. We evaluate this method by demonstrating that web frequencies and correlate with frequencies obtained from a carefully edited, balanced corpus. We also perform a task-based evaluation, showing that web frequencies can reliably predict human plausibility judgments.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Keller:2002:UWO.pdf} }
Christel Kemke. Modelling Neural Networks by Networks of Finite Automata. In
S. K. Rogers and
D. W. Ruck editors, Proceedings of SPIE: Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, April 21-24, Pages 116-122, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Kemke, Christel},
TITLE = {Modelling Neural Networks by Networks of Finite Automata},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of SPIE: Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, April 21-24},
PAGES = {116-122},
EDITOR = {Rogers, S. K. and Ruck, D. W.},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, Florida, USA} }
Christel Kemke and
Habibatou Kone. INCOPA - An Incremental Connectionist Parser. In World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN '93), 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), July 11-15, Vol. 3:41-44, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Kemke, Christel and Kone, Habibatou},
TITLE = {INCOPA - An Incremental Connectionist Parser},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN '93), 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), July 11-15},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {41-44},
ADDRESS = {Portland, Oregon, USA} }
Christel Kemke and
Christoph Schommer. PAPADEUS - Parallel Parsing of Ambiguous Sentences. In World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN '93), 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), July 11-15, Vol. 3:79-82, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Kemke, Christel and Schommer, Christoph},
TITLE = {PAPADEUS - Parallel Parsing of Ambiguous Sentences},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN '93), 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), July 11-15},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {79-82},
ADDRESS = {Portland, Oregon, USA} }
Christel Kemke and
Andreas Wiechert. Hierarchical Self-Organizing Feature Maps for Speech Recognition. In World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN '93), 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), July 11-15, Vol. 3:45-47, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Kemke, Christel and Wiechert, Andreas},
TITLE = {Hierarchical Self-Organizing Feature Maps for Speech Recognition},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN '93), 1993 Annual Meeting of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), July 11-15},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {45-47},
ADDRESS = {Portland, Oregon, USA} }
Manfred Kerber and
Michael Kohlhase. A Resolution Calculus for Presuppositions. In
Wolfgang Wahlster editor, 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI '96), August 12-16, Pages 375-379, John Wiley & Sons, Budapest, Hungary, 1996. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Kerber, Manfred and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {A Resolution Calculus for Presuppositions},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI '96), August 12-16},
PAGES = {375-379},
EDITOR = {Wahlster, Wolfgang},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley & Sons},
ABSTRACT = {The semantics of everyday language and the semantics of its naive translation into classical first-order language considerably differ. An important discrepancy that is addressed in this paper is about the implicit assumption what exists. For instance, in the case of universal quantification natural language uses restrictions and presupposes that these restrictions are non-empty, while in classical logic it is only assumed that the whole universe is non-empty. On the other hand, all constants mentioned in classical logic are presupposed to exist, while it makes no problems to speak about hypothetical objects in everyday language. These problems have been discussed in philosophical logic and some adequate many-valued logics were developed to model these phenomena much better than classical first-order logic can do. An adequate calculus, however, has not yet been given. Recent years have seen a thorough investigation of the framework of many-valued truth-functional logics. Unfortunately, restricted quantifications are not truth-functional, hence they do not fit the framework directly. We solve this problem by applying recent methods from sorted logics.} }
Bernd Kiefer and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. A Context-Free Approximation of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'00), February 23-25, Pages 135-146, Trento, Italy, 2000. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {A Context-Free Approximation of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'00), February 23-25},
PAGES = {135-146},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
ABSTRACT = {We present a context-free approximation of unification-based grammars, such as HPSG or PATR-II. The theoretical underpinning is established through a least fixpoint construction over a certain monotonic function. In order to reach a finite fixpoint, the concrete implementation can be parameterized in several ways, either by specifying a finite iteration depth, by using different restrictors, or by making the symbols of the CFG more complex adding annotations à la GPSG. We also present several methods that speed up the approximation process and help to limit the size of the resulting CF grammar.} }
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
John Carroll and
Robert Malouf. A Bag of Useful Techniques for Efficient and Robust Parsing. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'99), June 20 - 26, Pages 473-480, ACL, College Park, Maryland, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Carroll, John and Malouf, Robert},
TITLE = {A Bag of Useful Techniques for Efficient and Robust Parsing},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'99), June 20 - 26},
PAGES = {473-480},
ADDRESS = {College Park, Maryland, USA},
URL = {http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/lab/nlp/carroll/papers/acl99.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes new and improved techniques which help a unification based parser to process input efficiently and robustly. In combination these methods result in a speed up in parsing time of more than an order of magnitude. The methods are correct in the sense that none of them rule out legal rule applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kiefer:1999:BUT.pdf} }
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Detlef Prescher. A Novel Disambiguation Method For Unification-Based Grammars Using Probabilistic Context-Free Approximations. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {A Novel Disambiguation Method For Unification-Based Grammars Using Probabilistic Context-Free Approximations},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/paper-alternative-font2},
ABSTRACT = {We present a novel disambiguation method for unificationbased grammars (UBGs). In contrast to other methods, our approach obviates the need for probability models on the UBG side in that it shifts the responsibility to simpler contextfree models, indirectly obtained from the UBG. Our approach has three advantages: (i) training can be effectively done in practice, (ii) parsing and disambiguation of contextfree readings requires only cubic time, and (iii) involved probability distributions are mathematically clean. In an experiment for a midsize UBG, we show that our novel approach is feasible. Using unsupervised training, we achieve 88% accuracy on an exactmatch task.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kiefer:2002:NDM.pdf Kiefer:2002:NDM.ps} }
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Melanie Siegel. An HPSG-to-CFG Approximation of Japanese. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'00), July 31 - August 4, Vol. 2:1046-1050, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {An HPSG-to-CFG Approximation of Japanese},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'00), July 31 - August 4},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1046-1050},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Deutschland},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/coling00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a simple approximation method for turn- ing a Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar into a context-free grammar. The approximation method can be seen as the construction of the least fixpoint of a certain monotonic function. We discuss an ex- periment with a large HPSG for Japanese.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kiefer:2000:HCA.pdf Kiefer:2000:HCA.ps} }
Judith Klein,
Stephan Busemann and
Thierry Declerck. Diagnostic Evaluation of Shallow Parsing Through an Annotated Reference Corpus. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology (SALT) on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology, June 17-18, Pages 121-128, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Busemann, Stephan and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Diagnostic Evaluation of Shallow Parsing Through an Annotated Reference Corpus},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology (SALT) on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology, June 17-18},
PAGES = {121-128},
ADDRESS = {University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_salt.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/declerck97_salt.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1997:DES.pdf Klein:1997:DES.ps} }
Judith Klein and
Thierry Declerck. Annotating German Language Data for Shallow Processing. In Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI '98), August 17-28, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Annotating German Language Data for Shallow Processing},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI '98), August 17-28},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/esslli98_klein.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/esslli98_klein.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1998:AGL.pdf Klein:1998:AGL.ps} }
Judith Klein,
Thierry Declerck and
Günter Neumann. Evaluation of the Syntactic Analysis Component of an Information Extraction System for German. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC '98). Workshop on Evaluation of Parsing Systems, May 28-30, Granada, Spain, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Declerck, Thierry and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Evaluation of the Syntactic Analysis Component of an Information Extraction System for German},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC '98). Workshop on Evaluation of Parsing Systems, May 28-30},
ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec-ws98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec-ws98.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1998:ESA.pdf Klein:1998:ESA.ps} }
Judith Klein,
Ludwig Dickmann,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
John Nerbonne and
Klaus Netter. DiTo - Ein Diagnostikwerkzeug für die deutsche Syntax. In
Günther Görz editor, 1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '92), 7.-9. Oktober, Pages 380-384, Springer Verlag, Nürnberg, Germany, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Dickmann, Ludwig and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {DiTo - Ein Diagnostikwerkzeug für die deutsche Syntax},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '92), 7.-9. Oktober},
PAGES = {380-384},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther},
SERIES = {Informatik Aktuell},
ADDRESS = {Nürnberg, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag} }
Judith Klein,
Ludwig Dickmann,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
John Nerbonne and
Klaus Netter. DiTo - Ein Diagnostik-Werkzeug für die syntaktische Analyse. In
Günther Görz editor, Proceedings of the 1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS'92), 7.-9. Oktober, Pages 380-384, Springer Verlag, Nürnberg, Germany, 1992. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Dickmann, Ludwig and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {DiTo - Ein Diagnostik-Werkzeug für die syntaktische Analyse},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS'92), 7.-9. Oktober},
PAGES = {380-384},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther},
SERIES = {Informatik Aktuell},
ADDRESS = {Nürnberg, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Klein_1992_DEDDS.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a testing tool for the diagnosis of errors in NLP Systems. We discuss briefly the relevance of testing tools for NLP Systems and advocate the idea of modular testing tools. liere we present an approach for the syntax component of NLP Systems. Our diagnostic tool for German syntax is an effort to construct a catalogue of syntactic data exemplifying the major syntactic patterns of German that Supports the diagnosis of errors. Up to now, the catalogue contains the areas verbal government, coordination and - although not yet completed - fixed verbal structures.We cooperate with other groups2 that work on further syntactic phenomena according to the ideas of DiTo. To allow systematic testing of specific areas of syntax the data are organised into a relational database.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1992:DDWa.pdf} }
Judith Klein,
Ludwig Dickmann,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
John Nerbonne and
Klaus Netter. A Diagnostic Tool for German Syntax. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, Proceedings of the DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, Nr. (D-93-03), DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Dickmann, Ludwig and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {A Diagnostic Tool for German Syntax},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_DWNLSRM.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe an effort to construct a catalogue of syntactic data, exemplifying the major syntactic patterns of German. The purpose of the corpus is to support the diagnosis of errors in the syntactic components of natural language processing (NLP) systems. Two secondary aims are the evaluation of NLP systems components and the support of theoretical and empirical work on German syntax. The data consist of artificially and systematically constructed expressions, including also negative (ungrammatical) examples. The data are organized into a relational data base and annotated with some basic information about the phenomena illustrated and the internal structure of the sample sentences. The organization of the data supports selected systematic testing of specific areas of syntax, but also serves the purpose of a linguistic data base. The paper first gives some general motivation for the necessity of syntactic precision in some areas of NLP and discusses the potential contribution of a syntactic data base to the field of component evaluation. The second part of the paper describes the set up and control methods applied in the construction of the sentence suite and annotations to the examples. We illustrate the approach with the example of verbal government. The section also contains a description of the abstract data model, the design of the data base and the query language used to access the data. The final sections compare our work to existing approaches and sketch some future extensions. We invite other research groups to participate in our effort, so that the diagnostics tool can eventually become public domain.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1993:DTG.pdf} }
Judith Klein,
Sabine Lehmann,
Klaus Netter and
Tillmann Wegst. DiET in the Context of MT Evaluation. In
R. Nübel and
U. Seewald-Heeg editors, Evaluation of the Linguistic Performance of Machine Translation Systems. Proceedings of the KONVENS '98 Workshop in Bonn, October 5-7, Pages 107-126, Gardez!-Verlag, Universität Bonn, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Lehmann, Sabine and Netter, Klaus and Wegst, Tillmann},
TITLE = {DiET in the Context of MT Evaluation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Evaluation of the Linguistic Performance of Machine Translation Systems. Proceedings of the KONVENS '98 Workshop in Bonn, October 5-7},
PAGES = {107-126},
EDITOR = {Nübel, R. and Seewald-Heeg, U.},
ADDRESS = {Universität Bonn},
PUBLISHER = {Gardez!-Verlag},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/diet-konvens98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/diet-konvens98.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/diet-konvens98.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1998:DCM.pdf Klein:1998:DCM.ps} }
Judith Klein and
Klaus Netter. DiTo - Ein Diagnostik-Werkzeug für die syntaktische Analyse. In
A. Raasch editor, 23. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), 1. Oktober, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1992. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Klein, Judith and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {DiTo - Ein Diagnostik-Werkzeug für die syntaktische Analyse},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {23. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), 1. Oktober},
EDITOR = {Raasch, A.},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Klein_1992_DDWSA.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Klein:1992:DDW.pdf} }
Michael Kohlhase and
Alexander Koller. Towards a Tableaux Machine for Language Understanding (ICoS '00) In 2nd Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-2), July 30, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kohlhase, Michael and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Towards a Tableaux Machine for Language Understanding (ICoS '00)},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-2), July 30},
ADDRESS = {Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/txm.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We outline an abstract inference machine for producing discourse models in natural language understanding. This machine has tableaux as its central data structure and can operate in model generation and theorem proving modes. Search spaces are controlled by keeping track of NP saliences and equipping proof rules with costs.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kohlhase:2000:TTM.pdf Kohlhase:2000:TTM.ps} }
Michael Kohlhase and
Susanna Kuschert. Dynamic Lambda Calculus. In 5th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL5), August 25-28, Pages 85-92, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kohlhase, Michael and Kuschert, Susanna},
TITLE = {Dynamic Lambda Calculus},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {5th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL5), August 25-28},
PAGES = {85-92},
ADDRESS = {Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/events/mol/papers/kuschert.ps},
ANNOTE = {Kohlhase:1997:DLC} }
Michael Kohlhase,
Susanna Kuschert and
Manfred Pinkal. A Type-Theoretic Semantics for Lambda-DRT. In
Paul Dekker and
Martin Stokhof editors, 10th Amsterdam Colloquium, Pages 479-498, De Gruyter, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Kohlhase, Michael and Kuschert, Susanna and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {A Type-Theoretic Semantics for Lambda-DRT},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Amsterdam Colloquium},
PAGES = {479-498},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
PUBLISHER = {De Gruyter} }
Alexander Koller. Evaluating Context Unification for Semantic Underspecification. In
Ivana Korbayova editor, 3rd ESSLLI Student Session (ESSLLI '98), August 17-28, Pages 188-199, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Evaluating Context Unification for Semantic Underspecification},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd ESSLLI Student Session (ESSLLI '98), August 17-28},
PAGES = {188-199},
EDITOR = {Korbayova, Ivana},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
ABSTRACT = {Context unification has been proposed as a powerful formalism for the uniform and underspecified treatment of scope ambiguities and parallelism. We develop an algorithm for context unification that alleviates the enormous computational and overgeneration problems of earlier algorithms. It is incomplete for full context unification, but finds all linguistically relevant solutions. We apply an implementation of the new algorithm to evaluate context unification as a tool for semantic analysis.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:1998:ECU.pdf} }
Alexander Koller,
Kurt Mehlhorn and
Joachim Niehren. A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints. In 38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL '00), October 1-8, Hong Kong, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL '00), October 1-8},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/poly-dom.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Dominance constraints are a logical language for describing trees that is widely used in computational linguistics. Their general satisfiability problem is known to be NP-complete. Here we identify emphnormal dominance constraints, a natural fragment whose satisfiability problem we show to be in polynomial time. We present a quadratic satisfiability algorithm and use it in another algorithm that enumerates solutions efficiently. Our result is useful for various applications of dominance constraints and related formalisms.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:2000:PTF.pdf Koller:2000:PTF.ps} }
Alexander Koller and
Joachim Niehren. Constraint Programming in Computational Linguistics. In
Dave Barker-Plummer,
D. Beaver,
Johan van Benthem and
P. Scotto di Luzio editors, 8th CSLI Workshop on Logic Language and Computation, May 30, CSLI, Stanford, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Constraint Programming in Computational Linguistics},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {8th CSLI Workshop on Logic Language and Computation, May 30},
EDITOR = {Barker-Plummer, Dave and Beaver, D. and van Benthem, Johan and Scotto di Luzio, P.},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
URL = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/Papers/abstracts/CP-NL.html ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/CP-NL.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Constraint programming is a programming paradigm that was originally invented in computer science to deal with hard combinatorial problems. Recently, constraint programming has evolved into a technology which permits to solve hard industrial scheduling and optimization problems. We argue that existing constraint programming technology can be useful for applications in natural language processing. Some problems whose treatment with traditional methods requires great care to avoid combinatorial explosion of (potential) readings seem to be solvable in an efficient and elegant manner using constraint programming. We illustrate our claim by two recent examples, one from the area of underspecified semantics and one from parsing.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:2000:CPC.pdf Koller:2000:CPC.ps} }
Alexander Koller and
Joachim Niehren. On Underspecified Processing of Dynamic Semantics. In 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4, Pages 460-466, Morgan Kaufmann, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {On Underspecified Processing of Dynamic Semantics},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4},
PAGES = {460-466},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/dynamic.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We propose a new inference system which operates on underspecified semantic representations of scope and anaphora. This inference system exploits anaphoric accessibility conditions known from dynamic semantics to decide scope ambiguities if possible. The main feature of the system is that it deals with underspecified descriptions directly, i.e. without enumerating readings.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:2000:UPD.pdf Koller:2000:UPD.ps} }
Alexander Koller,
Joachim Niehren and
Kristina Striegnitz. Relaxing Underspecified Semantic Representations for Reinterpretation. In 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25, Pages 74-87, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Relaxing Underspecified Semantic Representations for Reinterpretation},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25},
PAGES = {74-87},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, Florida, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Relax99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Type and sort conflicts in semantics are usually resolved by a process of reinterpretation. Recently, Egg (1999) has proposed an alternative account in which conflicts are avoided by underspecification. The main idea is to derive sufficiently relaxed underspecified semantic representations; addition of reinterpretation operators then simply is further specialization. But in principle, relaxing underspecified representations bears the danger of overgeneration. In this paper, we investigate this problem in the framework of CLLS, where underspecified representations are expressed by tree descriptions subsuming dominance constraints. We introduce some novel properties of dominance constraints and present a safety criterion that ensures that an underspecified description can be relaxed without adding unwanted readings. We then apply this criterion systematically to Egg's analysis and show why its relaxation operation does not lead to overgeneration.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:1999:RUS.pdf Koller:1999:RUS.ps} }
Alexander Koller,
Joachim Niehren and
Ralf Treinen. Dominance Constraints: Algorithms and Complexity. In 3rd International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '98), December 14-16, Grenoble, France, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim and Treinen, Ralf},
TITLE = {Dominance Constraints: Algorithms and Complexity},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '98), December 14-16},
ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/DominanceNP98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Dominance constraints for finite tree structures are widely used in several areas of computational linguistics including syntax, semantics, and discourse. In this paper, we investigate algorithmic and complexity questions for dominance constraints and their first-order theory. We present two NP algorithms for solving dominance constraints, which have been implemented in the concurrent constraint programming language Oz. The main result of this paper is that the satisfiability problem of dominance constraints is NP-complete. Despite this intractability result, the more sophisticated of our algorithms performs well in an application to scope underspecification. We also show that the existential fragment of the first-order theory of dominance constraints is NP-complete and that the full first-order theory has non-elementary complexity.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:1998:DCA.pdf Koller:1998:DCA.ps} }
Alexander Koller and
Kristina Striegnitz. Generation as Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL2002), July 6-12, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Generation as Dependency Parsing},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL2002), July 6-12},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/cl/projects/indigen/papers/acl2002.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~koller/papers/gen-dg.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Natural-Language Generation from flat semantics is an NP-complete problem. This makes it necessary to develop algorithms that run with reasonable efficiency in practice despite the high worst-case complexity. We show how to convert TAG generation problems into dependency parsing problems, which is useful because optimizations in recent dependency parsers based on constraint programming tackle exactly the combinatorics that make generation hard. Indeed, initial experiments display promising runtimes.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koller:2002:GDP.pdf Koller:2002:GDP.ps} }
Karsten Konrad,
Holger Maier,
David Milward and
Manfred Pinkal. An Education and Research Tool for Computational Linguistics. In
ACL editor, 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9, Vol. 2:1098-1101, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Konrad, Karsten and Maier, Holger and Milward, David and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {An Education and Research Tool for Computational Linguistics},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1098-1101},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark} }
Valia Kordoni. Linking Experiencer-Subject Psych Verb Constructions in Modern Greek. In
Dan Flickinger and
Andreas Kathol editors, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG'00), July 22-23, Pages 198-213, CSLI Publications, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Linking Experiencer-Subject Psych Verb Constructions in Modern Greek},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG'00), July 22-23},
PAGES = {198-213},
EDITOR = {Flickinger, Dan and Kathol, Andreas},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, USA},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/HPSG00/hpsg00kordoni.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper focuses on the semantic properties and the syntactic behaviour of Modern Greek (hence MG) Experiencer-Subject Psych Verb Constructions (hence ESPVCs). MG ESPVCs include verbs like miso (hate), agapo (love), or latrevo (adore), which feature a nominative experiencer in agreement with the verb and an accusative theme (see examples (1)-(3)). MG ESPVCs include also predicates like fovame (fear), which feature an experiencer-subject in agreement with the verb and either an accusative theme (example (4)), or a theme as the object of a prepositional phrase (example (5)). We should underline here that examples (4) and (5) below convey the same meaning. That is, they do NOT differ semantically. 1. O Gianis misi to sholio. 2. the Gianis.N hate.3S the school.A 3. John hates school. 4. 5. O Gianis agapa tin Maria. 6. the Gianis.N loves.3S the Maria.A 7. John loves Mary. 8. 9. O Gianis latrevi tin musiki. 10. the Gianis.N adore.3S the music.A 11. John adores music. 12. 13. I Maria fovate tis kategides. 14. the Maria.N fear.3S the storms.A 15. Mary is afraid of the storms. 16. 17. I Maria fovate me tis kategides. 18. the Maria.N fear.3S with the storms.A 19. Mary is afraid of the storms. 20. The challenge that constructions like the ones in (4) and (5) pose lies on the split syntactic realization of the experienced (hence EXPD) semantic role (i.e., the theme), which in constructions like (4) is syntactically realized as the object of the sentence, while in constructions like (5) it is syntactically realized as the object of a prepositional phrase. Our aim is to propose a unified linking account of the MG ESPVCs. This unified account 1. is based on the assumption that the individual denoted by the object NP (or PP) of the MG ESPVCs is entailed to be semantically underspecified, and 2. makes use of Wechsler's (1995) Notion Rule, Davis and Koenig's (2000) linking theory, as well as Markantonatou and Sadler's (1996) proposal for the linking of indirect arguments.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kordoni:2001:LES.pdf} }
Valia Kordoni. Optimal Linking for Modern Greek Psych Verb Constructions. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'01), June 25-27, Pages 184-200, CSLI Publications, Hong Kong, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Optimal Linking for Modern Greek Psych Verb Constructions},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'01), June 25-27},
PAGES = {184-200},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/LFG/6/lfg01kordoni.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper focuses on the semantic properties and the syntactic behaviour of MG ESPVCs like the following: I Maria fovate tis kategides. the Maria.N fear.3S the storms.A Mary is afraid of the storms. I Maria fovate me tis kategides. the Maria.N fear.3S with the storms Mary is afraid of the storms. I Maria.N fovate ton Giani. the Maria.N fear.3S the John.A Mary is afraid of John. I Maria.N fovate me ton Giani. the Maria.N fear.3S with the John.A Mary is afraid of John. We account for the semantic and syntactic properties of the constructions in (1)-(4) by relying on the linking architecture that Butt, Dalrymple, and Frank (1997) have proposed as an alternative to the fully deterministic principles of standard LMT. We show that the optimal linking theory makes the correct predictions for the linking of the EXPR (experiencer) and the EXPD (experienced) semantic arguments of Modern Greek (MG) Experiencer-Subject Psych Verb Constructions (ESPVCs) and predicts that the variant of MG ESPVCs which realizes syntactically the EXPD (experienced) semantic argument as an accusative NP (examples (1) and (3)) ranks higher (is more optimal) than the variant which realizes syntactically the EXPD (experienced) semantic argument as the complement of a PP phrase (examples (2) and (4)). This ranking reflects in a way the fact that in order to express the meaning Mary is afraid of the storms native speakers prefer the construction in (1), rather than the one in (2), which is also mirrored in the rate of the marked variant of MG ESPVCs ((2) and (4)) in the Greek ECI corpus (5,568%).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kordoni:2001:OLM.pdf} }
Valia Kordoni. Valence Alternations in Modern Greek: an MRS Analysis. In
Jong-Bok Kim and
Stephen Wechsler editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2002), August 8-9, CSLI Publications. Stanford (ISSN 1535-1793), Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, 2003. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Valence Alternations in Modern Greek: an MRS Analysis},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2002), August 8-9},
EDITOR = {Kim, Jong-Bok and Wechsler, Stephen},
ADDRESS = {Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications. Stanford (ISSN 1535-1793)},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kordoni/papers/HPSG02Kordoni_main.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kordoni:2002:VAM.pdf} }
Valia Kordoni. Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Proceedings of the 7th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'02), July 3-5, Pages 220-238, CSLI Publications. Stanford (ISSN 1098-6782), National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'02), July 3-5},
PAGES = {220-238},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway},
ADDRESS = {National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications. Stanford (ISSN 1098-6782)},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kordoni/papers/lfg02kordoni-num.pdf},
ANNOTE = {Kordoni:2002:PAF} }
Jacques Koreman and
Bistra Andreeva. Phonetic features in ASR: A linguistic solution to acoustic variation? In Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon7), June 29 -July 1, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2000. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Phonetic features in ASR: A linguistic solution to acoustic variation?},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon7), June 29 -July 1},
ADDRESS = {Nijmegen, Netherlands},
ABSTRACT = {In most phonological theories, phonemes are considered as a set (or hierarchy) of (possibly underspecified) phonetic features, which are the minimal number of formal properties needed to distinguish the phonemes in the language system from each other. In most state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, however, phonetic features do not play any role. The statistical models for each phone or phoneme are based on a spectral parameterisation of the signals, like mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC's) and energy. Three questions are dealt with in this paper: Can we successfully bridge this gap between phonological theory and ASR by using phonetic features in ASR? Which phonetic feature set is most appropriate for ASR? Can we attain the same result by using more complex non-linguistic modelling? 1. PHONETIC FEATURES IN ASR To bridge the gap between phonologists' formal representation of the phoneme and the almost purely acoustic description of the signal used in ASR systems, we have used phonetic features to create statistical phone models for automatic speech recognition. The phonetic features were derived from the spectral representation of the signal used in most standard ASR systems (MFCC's + energy) by means of a neural network. Not only do we find a clear increase in the phoneme identification rate (see under 2 below) [1], the confusions between phonemes are also much easier to interpret, since phonemes which are confused are usually very similar in terms of the phonetic features they are made up of. This is not the case when acoustic parameters are used to create phoneme models [2]. 2. DIFFERENT PHONETIC FEATURE SETS It is not self-evident which set of phonetic features is most appropriate to describe phonological categories and the processes that operate on them, since the various feature theories have different phonological implications. To evaluate how appropriate the different feature sets are for application in an ASR system, we have used several different feature sets, both articulatory-phonetic (IPA) and phonological (SPE) [3]. We have so far compared the phoneme identification results for both underspecified and fully specified SPE features with those for the set of features used in the IPA to distinguish all phonemes. In addition, the results were compared to those in a standard ASR system using acoustic parameters (MFCC's) directly to create phone models. We found a clear improvement in the phoneme identification rate when phonetic features were used to model the phones, in comparison to directly using acoustic parameters. Underspecified SPE features led to the best performance (for multi-language Eurom0 data, without the use of a lexicon or language model) of all: acoustic parameters: 15.6% IPA features: 42.6% SPE features: 36.2% Underspecified SPE features: 46.1% In addition to the features sets reported so far, the phoneme identification results for articulatory features [4] will be reported and their relative merits will be discussed. 3. VARIATION MODELLING VERSUS LINGUISTIC MODELLING The acoustic-phonetic mapping in a neural network combines two advantages, namely 1) variation modelling: different acoustic realisations of the same phoneme (e.g. allophonic variants) can be discerned by the neural network 2) linguistic modelling: these different realisations are mapped onto more homogeneous, distinctive features Even if the neural network can reduce the variation in the input parameters for statistical modelling by mapping different acoustic realisations of a phoneme onto phonetic features, the question remains whether the same result can be reached by using a non-linguistic approach. Variation modelling can also be achieved by using more complex acoustic phoneme models (multiple mixtures per state in HMM), so that we do not necessarily have to make a mapping onto phonetic features to achieve this goal. A comparison of the performance of a standard system which does not use phonetic features with the performance of a system in which phonetic features are used to train the phoneme models shows the merits of using a signal representation derived from phonological theory.} }
Jacques Koreman,
Bistra Andreeva and
William J. Barry. Die Abbildung Akustischer Parameter auf phonetische Merkmale in der automatischen Spracherkennung. In
Bernhard Schröder,
Winfried Lenders,
Wolfgang Hess and
Thomas Portele editors, Computer, Linguistik und Phonetik zwischen Sprache und Sprechen : Tagungsband der 4. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 98), 5. - 7. Oktober, Vol. 1:153-158 of Sprache, Sprechen und Computer, Lang, Peter, Universität Bonn, Germany, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Die Abbildung Akustischer Parameter auf phonetische Merkmale in der automatischen Spracherkennung},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Computer, Linguistik und Phonetik zwischen Sprache und Sprechen : Tagungsband der 4. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 98), 5. - 7. Oktober},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {153-158},
EDITOR = {Schröder, Bernhard and Lenders, Winfried and Hess, Wolfgang and Portele, Thomas},
SERIES = {Sprache, Sprechen und Computer},
ADDRESS = {Universität Bonn, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Lang, Peter} }
Jacques Koreman,
Bistra Andreeva and
William J. Barry. Do Phonetic Features Help to Improve Consonant Identification in ASR? In 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '98), November 30 - December 4, Pages paper 549, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Do Phonetic Features Help to Improve Consonant Identification in ASR?},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '98), November 30 - December 4},
PAGES = {paper 549},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia} }
Jacques Koreman,
Bistra Andreeva and
William J. Barry. Exploiting Transitions and Focussing on Linguistic Properties for ASR. In 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '98), November 30 - December 4, Pages paper 548, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Exploiting Transitions and Focussing on Linguistic Properties for ASR},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP '98), November 30 - December 4},
PAGES = {paper 548},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia} }
Jacques Koreman,
Bistra Andreeva and
Helmer Strik. Acoustic Parameters Versus Phonetic Features in ASR. In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS'99), August 1-7, San Francisco, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Strik, Helmer},
TITLE = {Acoustic Parameters Versus Phonetic Features in ASR},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS'99), August 1-7},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, USA},
URL = {http://lands.let.kun.nl/literature/strik.1999.2.ps},
ABSTRACT = {By mapping acoustic parameters onto phonetic features, it is possible to explicitly address the linguistic information in the signal. For the experiments presented in this paper, we mapped cepstral parameters onto two sets of phonetic features, one based on the IPA chart and the other on SPE. As a result, the phoneme identification rates in a hidden Markov modelling framework increase from 15.6% for the cepstral parameters to 42.3% and 31.7% for the IPA and SPE features, respectively. Furthermore, for phonetic features the resulting confusions between phonemes are often less severe from a phonetic point of view. The theoretical implications of the differences are addressed.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koreman:1999:APV.pdf Koreman:1999:APV.ps} }
Jacques Koreman,
Manfred Pützer and
Manfred Just. Acoustic, Electroglottographic and Perceptual Correlates of Vocal Fold Adduction Deficiensies. Poster Presentation. In Workshop on Non-Modal Vocal-Fold Vibration and Voice Quality, Satellite Meeting of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS '99). July 31, UC Berkeley, San Francisco, USA, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Pützer, Manfred and Just, Manfred},
TITLE = {Acoustic, Electroglottographic and Perceptual Correlates of Vocal Fold Adduction Deficiensies. Poster Presentation},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Non-Modal Vocal-Fold Vibration and Voice Quality, Satellite Meeting of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS '99). July 31},
ADDRESS = {UC Berkeley, San Francisco, USA} }
Christian Korthals. Self Embedded Relative Clauses in a Corpus of German Newspaper Texts. In
Kristina Striegnitz editor, 6th ESSLLI Student Session, August 13-24, Pages 179-190, Helsinki, Finland, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korthals, Christian},
TITLE = {Self Embedded Relative Clauses in a Corpus of German Newspaper Texts},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {6th ESSLLI Student Session, August 13-24},
PAGES = {179-190},
EDITOR = {Striegnitz, Kristina},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kris/esslli/proc.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The distribution of center self-embeddings and extrapositions in German is assumed to minimize memory load during parsing. Self-embedded relative clauses were semi-automatically analysed in a treebank of German newspaper texts. Clause length and especially extraposition distance are found as the main distinctive parameters.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Korthals:2001:SER.pdf Korthals:2001:SER.ps} }
Christian Korthals and
Ralph Debusmann. Linking Syntactic and Semantic Arguments in a Dependency-based formalism. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korthals, Christian and Debusmann, Ralph},
TITLE = {Linking Syntactic and Semantic Arguments in a Dependency-based formalism},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~rade/papers/coling02.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Korthals:2002:LSS.pdf} }
Brigitte Krenn. A Representation Scheme and Database for German Support-Verb Constructions. In
Bernhard Schröder,
Winfried Lenders,
Wolfgang Hess and
Thomas Portele editors, 4. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '98), 5.-7. Oktober, Pages 33-42, Peter Lang, Bonn, Germany, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte},
TITLE = {A Representation Scheme and Database for German Support-Verb Constructions},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {4. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '98), 5.-7. Oktober},
PAGES = {33-42},
EDITOR = {Schröder, Bernhard and Lenders, Winfried and Hess, Wolfgang and Portele, Thomas},
ADDRESS = {Bonn, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Peter Lang} }
Brigitte Krenn. Acquisition of Phraseological Units from Linguistically Interpreted Corpora. A Case Study on German PP-Verb Collocations. In Industrielle Software Produktion (ISP '98), 12.-13. November, Stuttgart, Germany, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte},
TITLE = {Acquisition of Phraseological Units from Linguistically Interpreted Corpora. A Case Study on German PP-Verb Collocations},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Industrielle Software Produktion (ISP '98), 12.-13. November},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany} }
Brigitte Krenn. Empirical Implications on Lexical Association Measures. In 9th EURALEX International Conference, August 8-12, Stuttgart, Germany, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte},
TITLE = {Empirical Implications on Lexical Association Measures},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {9th EURALEX International Conference, August 8-12},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany} }
Brigitte Krenn. CDB - A Database of Lexical Collocations. In 2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation (LREC '00), May 31 - June 2, ELRA, Athens, Greece, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte},
TITLE = {CDB - A Database of Lexical Collocations},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Conference on Language Resources & Evaluation (LREC '00), May 31 - June 2},
ADDRESS = {Athens, Greece},
Brigitte Krenn. Collocation Mining: Exploiting Corpora for Collocation Identification and Representation. In 5. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '00), 9.-10. Oktober, Ilmenau, Germany, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte},
TITLE = {Collocation Mining: Exploiting Corpora for Collocation Identification and Representation},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {5. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '00), 9.-10. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Ilmenau, Germany} }
Brigitte Krenn,
Thorsten Brants,
Wojciech Skut and
Hans Uszkoreit. Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation. In Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Workshop on Automated Acquisition of Syntax and Parsing, August 17-28, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte and Brants, Thorsten and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Workshop on Automated Acquisition of Syntax and Parsing, August 17-28},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Krenn_1998_RACA.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krenn:1998:RAC.pdf} }
Brigitte Krenn,
Martine Grice,
Paul Piwek,
Marc Schröder,
Martin Klesen,
Stefan Baumann,
Hannes Pirker,
Kees van Deemter and
Erich Gstrein. Generation of Multi-Modal Dialogue for Net Environments. In
Stephan Busemann editor, Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober, Pages 91-98, German Research Center for AI (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte and Grice, Martine and Piwek, Paul and Schröder, Marc and Klesen, Martin and Baumann, Stefan and Pirker, Hannes and van Deemter, Kees and Gstrein, Erich},
TITLE = {Generation of Multi-Modal Dialogue for Net Environments},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober},
PAGES = {91-98},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
SERIES = {DFKI Document D-02-01},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {German Research Center for AI (DFKI)} }
Brigitte Krenn,
Erich Gstrein,
Barbara Neumayr and
Martine Grice. What Can We Learn from Users of Avatars in Net Environments? In Proceedings of AAMAS 2002 Workshop:Embodied Conversational Agents - Let's Specify and Evaluate Them!, July 15-16, Bologna, Italy, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte and Gstrein, Erich and Neumayr, Barbara and Grice, Martine},
TITLE = {What Can We Learn from Users of Avatars in Net Environments?},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of AAMAS 2002 Workshop:Embodied Conversational Agents - Let's Specify and Evaluate Them!, July 15-16},
ADDRESS = {Bologna, Italy},
URL = {http://www.vhml.org/workshops/AAMAS/papers/krenn.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe a commercial application of a net environment, and present the user data we have collected so far from three launches of this application. A net environment in our definition is a virtual space inhabited by avatars which have been created and are subsequently visited and instructed by users via the internet. Net environments are a useful means for studying user behaviour in general, and they are particularly well suited for presentation of multimedia content and systematic gathering of user responses on the appropriateness or effectiveness of the different presentations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krenn:2002:WCW.pdf} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Derivation Without Lexical Rules. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraint Propagation, Linguistic Description, and Computation, November, Nr. (5), Lugano, Switzerland, 1991. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Derivation Without Lexical Rules},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraint Propagation, Linguistic Description, and Computation, November},
NUMBER = {5},
SERIES = {IDSIA Working Paper},
ADDRESS = {Lugano, Switzerland},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/paper.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/paper.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1991:DLRb.pdf Krieger:1991:DLRb.ps} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Feature-Based Inheritance Networks for Computational Lexicons. In
Ted Briscoe,
Ann Copestake and
Valeria de Paiva editors, ACQUILEX Workshop on Default Inheritance in the Lexicon, April 15, Nr. (238), Cambridge, England, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Feature-Based Inheritance Networks for Computational Lexicons},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {ACQUILEX Workshop on Default Inheritance in the Lexicon, April 15},
NUMBER = {238},
EDITOR = {Briscoe, Ted and Copestake, Ann and de Paiva, Valeria},
SERIES = {Technical Report},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, England} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Typed Feature Structures, Definite Equivalences, Greatest Model Semantics, and Nonmonotonicity. In Proceedings of the 4th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL4), October 26-28, Philadelphia, USA, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Typed Feature Structures, Definite Equivalences, Greatest Model Semantics, and Nonmonotonicity},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL4), October 26-28},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/GFS4TFS.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/GFS4TFS.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1995:TFSa.pdf Krieger:1995:TFSa.ps} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Classification and Representation of Types in TDL. In Proceedings of the International KRUSE Symposium, Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency, August 11-13, Pages 74-85, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, 1995. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Classification and Representation of Types in TDL},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International KRUSE Symposium, Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency, August 11-13},
PAGES = {74-85},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Santa Cruz, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kruse-llncs.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kruse-llncs.entry},
ABSTRACT = {TDL is a typed feature-based representation language and inference system, specifically designed to support highly lexicalized constraint-based grammar theories. Type definitions in TDL consist of type and feature constraints over the full Boolean connectives together with coreferences, thus making TDL Turing-complete. TDL provides open- and closed-world reasoning over types. Working with partially as well as with fully expanded types is possible. Efficient reasoning in tdl is accomplished through specialized modules. In this paper, we will highlight the type/inheritance hierarchy module of TDL and show how we represent conjunctively and disjunctively defined types. Negated types and incompatible types are handled by specialized bottom symbols. Redefining a type only leads to the redefinition of the dependent types, and not to the redefinition of the whole grammar/lexicon. Undefined types are nothing special. Reasoning over the type hierarchy is partially realized by a bit vector encoding of types, similar to the one used in Ait-Kaci's LOGIN. However, the underlying semantics does not harmonize with the open-world assumption of TDL. Thus, we have to generalize the GLB/LUB operation to account for this fact. The system, as presented in the paper, has been fully implemented in Common Lisp and is an integrated part of a large NL system. It has been installed and successfully employed at other sites and runs on various platforms.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1995:CRTb.pdf Krieger:1995:CRTb.ps} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Typed Feature Formalisms as a Common Basis for Linguistic Specification. In
Petra Steffens editor, Proceedings of the 3rd International EAMT Workshop, April 26-28, Pages 101-119, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1995. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Typed Feature Formalisms as a Common Basis for Linguistic Specification},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International EAMT Workshop, April 26-28},
PAGES = {101-119},
EDITOR = {Steffens, Petra},
SERIES = {Machine Translation and the Lexicon},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/ResearchReports/1994/RR-94-39.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-39.ps.Z},
ABSTRACT = {Typed feature formalisms (TFF) play an increasingly important role in CL and NLP. Many of these systems are inspired by Pollard and Sag's work on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), which has shown that a great deal of syntax and semantics can be neatly encoded within TFF. However, syntax and semantics are not the only areas in which TFF can be beneficially employed. In this paper, I will show that TFF can also be used as a means to model finite automata (FA) and to perform certain types of logical inferencing. In particular, I will (i) describe how FA can be defined and processed within TFF and (ii) propose a conservative extension to HPSG, which allows for a restricted form of semantic processing within TFF, so that the construction of syntax and semantics can be intertwined with the simplification of the logical form of an utterance. The approach which I propose provides a uniform, HPSG-oriented framework for different levels of linguistic processing, including allomorphy and morphotactics, syntax, semantics, and logical form simplification.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1995:TFF.pdf Krieger:1995:TFF.ps} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Typed Feature Structures, Definite Equivalences, Greatest Model Semantics, and Nonmonotonicity. In 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS '98). Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics, August 24-28, Pages 85-95, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998. 
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Typed Feature Structures, Definite Equivalences, Greatest Model Semantics, and Nonmonotonicity},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS '98). Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics, August 24-28},
PAGES = {85-95},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/130.entry} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Hannes Pirker and
John Nerbonne. Feature-Based Allomorphy. In
ACL editor, 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '93), June 22-26, Pages 140-147, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Pirker, Hannes and Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Feature-Based Allomorphy},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '93), June 22-26},
PAGES = {140-147},
ADDRESS = {Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-93-28.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-93-28.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-93-28.ps.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1993:FBA.pdf Krieger:1993:FBA.ps Krieger:1993:FBA.dvi} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Ulrich Schäfer. TDL - A Type Description Language for Unification-Based Grammars. In
Harold Boley,
François Bry and
Ulrich Geske editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung, (RR-93-35):67-82, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {TDL - A Type Description Language for Unification-Based Grammars},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung},
NUMBER = {RR-93-35},
PAGES = {67-82},
EDITOR = {Boley, Harold and Bry, François and Geske, Ulrich},
SERIES = {DFKI Research Report},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/long_version.ps},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents TDL, a typed feature-based representation language and inference system. Type definitions in TDL consist of type and feature constraints over the boolean connectives. TDL supports open- and closed-world reasoning over types and allows for partitions and incompatible types. Working with partially as well as with fully expanded types is possible. Efficient reasoning in TDL is accomplished through specialized modules.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1993:TTD.pdf Krieger:1993:TTD.ps} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Ulrich Schäfer. TDL - A Type Description Language for Constraint-Based Grammars. In
ACL editor, Proceedings of the15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:893-899, Kyoto, Japan, 1994. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {TDL - A Type Description Language for Constraint-Based Grammars},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {893-899},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tdl-coli94.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tdl-coli94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tdl-coli94.ps.Z},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1994:TTDa.pdf Krieger:1994:TTDa.ps Krieger:1994:TTDa.dvi} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Ulrich Schäfer. Efficient Parameterizable Type Expansion for Typed Feature Formalisms. In 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '95), August 20-25, Pages 1428-1434, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {Efficient Parameterizable Type Expansion for Typed Feature Formalisms},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '95), August 20-25},
PAGES = {1428-1434},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ijcai.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ijcai.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1995:EPTa.pdf Krieger:1995:EPTa.ps} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Categorial-Hybrid Logical Grammar. In
Robert Van Rooy and
Martin Stokhof editors, Proceedings of the 13th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-19, Pages 138-143, Amsterdam, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Categorial-Hybrid Logical Grammar},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-19},
PAGES = {138-143},
EDITOR = {Van Rooy, Robert and Stokhof, Martin},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Ivana Korbayova,
John Bateman and
Elke Teich. Linear Order as Higher-Level Decision: Information Structure in Strategic and Tactical Generation. In
Helmut Horacek editor, 8th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ACL/EACL 2001 Workshop), July 6-7, Pages 74-83, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Korbayova, Ivana and Bateman, John and Teich, Elke},
TITLE = {Linear Order as Higher-Level Decision: Information Structure in Strategic and Tactical Generation},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {8th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ACL/EACL 2001 Workshop), July 6-7},
PAGES = {74-83},
EDITOR = {Horacek, Helmut},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/enlg-01.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/enlg-01.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff:2001:LOH.pdf Kruijff:2001:LOH.ps} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Elke Teich,
John Bateman,
Ivana Korbayova,
Hana Skoumalová,
Serge Sharoff,
Lena Sokolova,
Tony Hartley,
Kamy Staykova and
Jirí Hana. A Multilingual System for Text Generation in Three Slavic Languages. In 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4, Vol. 2:474-480, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Teich, Elke and Bateman, John and Korbayova, Ivana and Skoumalová, Hana and Sharoff, Serge and Sokolova, Lena and Hartley, Tony and Staykova, Kamy and Hana, Jirí},
TITLE = {A Multilingual System for Text Generation in Three Slavic Languages},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '00), July 31 - August 4},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {474-480},
ADDRESS = {Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/agile-coling00.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff:2000:MST.pdf Kruijff:2000:MST.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova. Czech Noun Phrases in File Change Semantics. In
Alice Drewery,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Richard Zuber editors, 9th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI '97), Student Session, August 11-22, Pages 107-118, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Czech Noun Phrases in File Change Semantics},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {9th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI '97), Student Session, August 11-22},
PAGES = {107-118},
EDITOR = {Drewery, Alice and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Zuber, Richard},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France} }
Ivana Korbayova. Generation of Instructions in a Multilingual Environment. In 1st Workshop on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD'98), September 23-26, Pages 67-72, Masaryk University Press, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Generation of Instructions in a Multilingual Environment},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Workshop on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD'98), September 23-26},
PAGES = {67-72},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Masaryk University Press},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:1998:GIM.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:1998:GIM.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova. Information Structure and the Semantics of otherwise. In
Ivana Korbayova and
Mark Steedman editors, Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics, ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24, Pages 61-78, The University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Information Structure and the Semantics of otherwise},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics, ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24},
PAGES = {61-78},
EDITOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Steedman, Mark},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
PUBLISHER = {The University of Helsinki},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/esslli01-wsh/Proceedings/24-Korbay-Webber.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:2001:ISS.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:2001:ISS.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova,
Elena Karagjosova and
Staffan Larsson. Enhancing Collaboration with Conditional Responses in Information Seeking Dialogues. In
Johan Bos,
Mary Ellen Foster and
Colin Matheson editors, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, September 4-6, Pages 93-100, Edinburgh University, UK, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Karagjosova, Elena and Larsson, Staffan},
TITLE = {Enhancing Collaboration with Conditional Responses in Information Seeking Dialogues},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, September 4-6},
PAGES = {93-100},
EDITOR = {Bos, Johan and Foster, Mary Ellen and Matheson, Colin},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh University, UK},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:2002:ECC.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:2002:ECC.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Identification of Topic-Focus Chains. In
S. Botley,
J. Glass,
T. McEnery and
Andrew Wilson editors, Approaches to Discourse Anaphora: Proceedings of the Discourse Anaphora and Anaphora Resolution Colloquium (DAARC96), July 17-18, Vol. 8:165-179 of Technical papers, University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language, University of Lancaster, UK, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Identification of Topic-Focus Chains},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Approaches to Discourse Anaphora: Proceedings of the Discourse Anaphora and Anaphora Resolution Colloquium (DAARC96), July 17-18},
VOLUME = {8},
PAGES = {165-179},
EDITOR = {Botley, S. and Glass, J. and McEnery, T. and Wilson, Andrew},
SERIES = {Technical papers},
ADDRESS = {University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language, University of Lancaster, UK},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/daarc96.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:1996:ITF.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:1996:ITF.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Topic-Focus articulation in SDRT. In
Paul Dekker,
Martin Stokhof and
Yde Venema editors, Proceedings of the 11th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-20, Pages 43-48, Universiteit van Amsterdam, ILLC/ Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Topic-Focus articulation in SDRT},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-20},
PAGES = {43-48},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin and Venema, Yde},
ADDRESS = {ILLC/ Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam},
PUBLISHER = {Universiteit van Amsterdam},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:1997:TFS.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:1997:TFS.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Contextually Appropriate Ordering of Nominal Expressions. In
Rodger Kibble and
Kees van Deemter editors, 11th European Summer School Logic Linguistics and Information (ESSLLI '99). Workshop on Generating Nominal Expressions, August 9-20, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Contextually Appropriate Ordering of Nominal Expressions},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {11th European Summer School Logic Linguistics and Information (ESSLLI '99). Workshop on Generating Nominal Expressions, August 9-20},
EDITOR = {Kibble, Rodger and van Deemter, Kees},
ADDRESS = {Utrecht University, The Netherlands},
PUBLISHER = {European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/gennom99.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:1999:CAO.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:1999:CAO.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova and
Bonnie Webber. Discourse Connectives, Inference and Information Structure. In
Johan Bos and
Michael Kohlhase editors, Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-2), July 29-30, Pages 105-120, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Webber, Bonnie},
TITLE = {Discourse Connectives, Inference and Information Structure},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-2), July 29-30},
PAGES = {105-120},
EDITOR = {Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael},
ADDRESS = {International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~bos/icos/kruijff.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:2000:DCI.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:2000:DCI.ps} }
Ivana Korbayova and
Bonnie Webber. Information Structure and the Interpretation of Discourse Connectives in English and Czech. In
Kasia Jaszcolt and
Ken Turner editors, 2nd International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics (SIC-CSP 2000), September 11-13, Cambridge, UK, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Webber, Bonnie},
TITLE = {Information Structure and the Interpretation of Discourse Connectives in English and Czech},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics (SIC-CSP 2000), September 11-13},
EDITOR = {Jaszcolt, Kasia and Turner, Ken},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, UK} }
Ivana Korbayova and
Bonnie Webber. Concession, Implicature, and Alternative Sets. In
Harry Bunt editor, 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12, Pages 227-248, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Webber, Bonnie},
TITLE = {Concession, Implicature, and Alternative Sets},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), January 10-12},
PAGES = {227-248},
EDITOR = {Bunt, Harry},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/iwcs-2001.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:2001:CIA.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:2001:CIA.ps} }
Daniela Kurz. A Statistical Account on Word Order Variation in German. In COLING Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '00), August 6, Luxembourg, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kurz, Daniela},
TITLE = {A Statistical Account on Word Order Variation in German},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {COLING Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '00), August 6},
ADDRESS = {Luxembourg},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kurz/linc00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a corpus-based study involving the linear order of subject, indirect object and direct object in German. The aim was to examine several hypotheses derived from Hawkins' (1994) performance theory. In this context it was crucial to examine whether and to which extend length influences the order of subject and objects. The analysis was based on data extracted from the annotated NEGRA corpus (Skut et al., 1998) and the untagged Frankfurter Rundschau corpus. We developed an analysis system operating on the untagged corpus that facilitates the acquisition of data and subsequent statistical analysis. We describe this system and discuss the results drawn from the analysis of the data. These results do not support the theoretical assumptions made by Hawkins. Furthermore, they suggest the investigation of other factors than length.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kurz:2000:SAW.pdf Kurz:2000:SAW.ps} }
Daniela Kurz,
Wojciech Skut and
Hans Uszkoreit. German Factors Constraining Word Order Variation. In 13th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Poster presentation (CUNY 2000), March 30 - April 1, La Jolla, California, USA, 2000. Note: poster presentation.
AUTHOR = {Kurz, Daniela and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {German Factors Constraining Word Order Variation},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Poster presentation (CUNY 2000), March 30 - April 1},
ADDRESS = {La Jolla, California, USA},
NOTE = {poster presentation} }
Daniela Kurz and
Feiyu Xu. Text Mining for the Extraction of Domain Relevant Terms and Term Collocations. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Collocations, Vienna, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Kurz, Daniela and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Text Mining for the Extraction of Domain Relevant Terms and Term Collocations},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Collocations},
ADDRESS = {Vienna},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Kurz_2002_TMEDRTTC.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper provides a system which combines classification-based term extraction method with the statistical collocation calculations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kurz:2002:TME.pdf} }
Sabine Lehmann,
Dominique Estival and
Stephan Oepen. TSNLP - Des jeux de phrases-test pour l'évaluation d'application dans le domaine du TALN. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN'96), May 22-24, Marseille, France, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Lehmann, Sabine and Estival, Dominique and Oepen, Stephan},
TITLE = {TSNLP - Des jeux de phrases-test pour l'évaluation d'application dans le domaine du TALN},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN'96), May 22-24},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
URL = {http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/group/projects/tsnlp/papers/tsnlp-taln96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Le nombre d'applications dans le domaine du TALN n'a cessé d'augmenter lors de ces dernières années. Ce développement va de pair avec une demande croissante d'outils pour évaluer ces applications. Le projet TSNLP répond à cette demande en proposant une méthodologie et des outils pour l'évaluation à l'aide de jeux de phrases-test. Mis à part une méthodologie élaborée pour la construction de matériel de test, TSNLP a créé la plus grand base de données de jeux de phrases-test actuellement disponible pour le français, l'anglais et l'allemand. En outre, ce projet a développé des outils qui facilitent la construction, le stockage et l'accès aux données. Les résultats de TSNLP seront publiques. Le projet propose ainsi des ressources linguistiques qui pourraient devenir une proposition de standard pour un modèle d'evaluation pour tout utilisateur d'applications dans le domaine du TALN.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Lehmann:1996:TJP.pdf Lehmann:1996:TJP.ps} }
Sabine Lehmann,
Stefan Oepen,
Sylvie Regnier-Prost,
Klaus Netter,
Veronika Lux,
Judith Klein,
Kirsten Falkedal,
Frederik Fouvry,
Dominique Estival,
Eva Dauphin,
Hervé Compagnion,
Judith Baur,
Lorna Balkan and
Doug Arnold. TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9, Pages 711-716, Copenhagen, Danmark, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Lehmann, Sabine and Oepen, Stefan and Regnier-Prost, Sylvie and Netter, Klaus and Lux, Veronika and Klein, Judith and Falkedal, Kirsten and Fouvry, Frederik and Estival, Dominique and Dauphin, Eva and Compagnion, Hervé and Baur, Judith and Balkan, Lorna and Arnold, Doug},
TITLE = {TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9},
PAGES = {711-716},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Danmark},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tsnlp-coling96.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tsnlp-coling96.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Lehmann:1996:TTS.pdf Lehmann:1996:TTS.ps} }
Alessandro Lenci,
Roberto Bartolini,
Nicoletta Calzolari,
Ana Agua,
Stephan Busemann,
Emmanuel Cartier,
Karine Chevreau and
José Coch. Multilingual Summarization by Integrating Linguistic Resources in the MLIS-MUSI Project. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Lenci, Alessandro and Bartolini, Roberto and Calzolari, Nicoletta and Agua, Ana and Busemann, Stephan and Cartier, Emmanuel and Chevreau, Karine and Coch, José},
TITLE = {Multilingual Summarization by Integrating Linguistic Resources in the MLIS-MUSI Project},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/MUSI_paper_LREC2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we will illustrate the approach to multilingual automatic abstract production adopted by the EUsponsored project MLIS MUSI. Although a small scale research project, MUSI has tried to tackle the challenges set by multilingual summarization by adopting an original approach based on the definition of a shared ontology and representation language, and on the reuse of existing linguistic resources. MUSI combines a statisticbased module for relevant sentence extraction and a conceptbased component to generate multilingual summaries.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Lenci:2002:MSI.pdf} }
Jean-Yves Lerner and
Manfred Pinkal. Comparative Ellipsis and Variable Bindings. In
M. Simons and
T. Galloway editors, Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT V), February 24-26, DMLL Publications, University of Texas, Austin, USA, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Lerner, Jean-Yves and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Comparative Ellipsis and Variable Bindings},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT V), February 24-26},
EDITOR = {Simons, M. and Galloway, T.},
ADDRESS = {University of Texas, Austin, USA},
PUBLISHER = {DMLL Publications} }
Christian Lieske,
Johan Bos,
Björn Gambäck,
Martin Emele and
Christopher J. Rupp. Giving Prosody a Meaning. In
G. Kokkinakis,
N. Fakotakis and
E. Dermatas editors, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Vol. 3:1431-1434, Rhodes, Greece, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Lieske, Christian and Bos, Johan and Gambäck, Björn and Emele, Martin and Rupp, Christopher J.},
TITLE = {Giving Prosody a Meaning},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {1431-1434},
EDITOR = {Kokkinakis, G. and Fakotakis, N. and Dermatas, E.},
ADDRESS = {Rhodes, Greece} }
Andreas Lux,
Frank Bomarius and
Donald Steiner. A Model for Supporting Human Computer Cooperation. In
Meni Adler,
E. Simoudis,
E. Durfee and
M. Huhns editors, AAAI Workshop on Cooperation among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, July, MIT Press, San Jose, California, USA, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Lux, Andreas and Bomarius, Frank and Steiner, Donald},
TITLE = {A Model for Supporting Human Computer Cooperation},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Workshop on Cooperation among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, July},
EDITOR = {Adler, Meni and Simoudis, E. and Durfee, E. and Huhns, M.},
ADDRESS = {San Jose, California, USA},
Krzysztof Marasek and
Manfred Pützer. Electroglotto-Graphical Differentiation of Pathological Voice Qualities. In Proceedings of Larynx, June 16-18, Pages 91-94, Marseille, France, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Marasek, Krzysztof and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Electroglotto-Graphical Differentiation of Pathological Voice Qualities},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Larynx, June 16-18},
PAGES = {91-94},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France} }
Montserrat Marimon,
Axel Theofilidis,
Thierry Declerck and
Andrew Bredenkamp. Natural Language Understanding for Natural Language Interfaces. In Proceedings of the Processamiento del Lenguaje Natural, September 8-10, Vol. 25, Lleida, Spain, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Marimon, Montserrat and Theofilidis, Axel and Declerck, Thierry and Bredenkamp, Andrew},
TITLE = {Natural Language Understanding for Natural Language Interfaces},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Processamiento del Lenguaje Natural, September 8-10},
VOLUME = {25},
ADDRESS = {Lleida, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/sepln99_mel.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present the linguistic resources - the text handling and the linguistic processing modules - which have been developed for the MELISSA project using the ALEP platform. In particular, we will see how generic (large scale) grammars involving deep linguistic analysis can be efficiently used for NL interfaces, and how a modularized design of the linguistic resources allows us to deal with the peculiarities of sub-languages, while at the same time keeping the resources as general as possible.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Marimon:1999:NLU.pdf Marimon:1999:NLU.ps} }
Miroslav Martinovic and
Tomek Strzalkowski. Comparing Two Grammar-Based Generation-Algorithms: A Case Study. In
ACL editor, 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '92), June 28 - July 2, Pages 81-88, ACL, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Martinovic, Miroslav and Strzalkowski, Tomek},
TITLE = {Comparing Two Grammar-Based Generation-Algorithms: A Case Study},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '92), June 28 - July 2},
PAGES = {81-88},
ADDRESS = {University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA},
Georg Meyer,
William J. Barry and
Jacques Koreman. Vowel Pre-Nasalization as a Cue for Auditory Scene Analysis. In NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computational Hearing, July 1 - July 12, Pages 233-238, Il Ciocco, Italy, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Meyer, Georg and Barry, William J. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Vowel Pre-Nasalization as a Cue for Auditory Scene Analysis},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computational Hearing, July 1 - July 12},
PAGES = {233-238},
ADDRESS = {Il Ciocco, Italy} }
Sebastian Millies. Modularity, Parallelism and Licensing in a Principle-Based Parser for German. In
ICCL editor, 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28, Vol. 1:163-169, Nantes, France, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Millies, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Modularity, Parallelism and Licensing in a Principle-Based Parser for German},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {163-169},
ADDRESS = {Nantes, France} }
Sebastian Millies. Design Requirements for Principle-Based Parsers as Flexible Research Tools. In
J. van Eijck and
Wilfried Meyer-Viol editors, Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN '91), Papers from the Second CLIN-meeting, November 29, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Millies, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Design Requirements for Principle-Based Parsers as Flexible Research Tools},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN '91), Papers from the Second CLIN-meeting, November 29},
EDITOR = {van Eijck, J. and Meyer-Viol, Wilfried},
ADDRESS = {CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands} }
David Milward. Dynamics, Dependency Grammar and Incremental Interpretation. In
ICCL editor, 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28, Pages 1095-1099, Nantes, France, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Milward, David},
TITLE = {Dynamics, Dependency Grammar and Incremental Interpretation},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28},
PAGES = {1095-1099},
ADDRESS = {Nantes, France} }
David Milward. On-Constituent Coordination: Theory and Practice. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:935-941, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Milward, David},
TITLE = {On-Constituent Coordination: Theory and Practice},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {935-941},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} }
David Milward. Incremental Interpretation of Categorial Grammar. In 7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '95), March 27-31, Pages 119-126, University College Dublin, Ireland, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Milward, David},
TITLE = {Incremental Interpretation of Categorial Grammar},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {7th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '95), March 27-31},
PAGES = {119-126},
ADDRESS = {University College Dublin, Ireland} }
David Milward and
Robin Cooper. Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory and Relationship to Dynamic Semantics. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:748-754, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Milward, David and Cooper, Robin},
TITLE = {Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory and Relationship to Dynamic Semantics},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {748-754},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} }
Yoshiki Mori. Multiple Discourse Relations on the Sentential Level in Japanese. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9, Vol. 2:788-793, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Mori, Yoshiki},
TITLE = {Multiple Discourse Relations on the Sentential Level in Japanese},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {788-793},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark} }
Andrew C. Morris,
Gerrit Bloothooft,
William J. Barry,
Bistra Andreeva and
Jacques Koreman. Human and Machine Identification of Consonantal Place of Articulation from Vocalic Transition Segments. In
G. Kokkinakis,
N. Fakotakis and
E. Dermatas editors, 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '97), September 22-25, Vol. 4:2123-2126, Rhodes, Greece, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Morris, Andrew C. and Bloothooft, Gerrit and Barry, William J. and Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Human and Machine Identification of Consonantal Place of Articulation from Vocalic Transition Segments},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '97), September 22-25},
VOLUME = {4},
PAGES = {2123-2126},
EDITOR = {Kokkinakis, G. and Fakotakis, N. and Dermatas, E.},
ADDRESS = {Rhodes, Greece} }
Karin Müller. Evaluating Syllabification: One Category Shared by Many Grammars. In
Andrea Setzer and
Robert Gaizauskas editors, Proceedings of the Workshop of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2002), May 29-31, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Karin},
TITLE = {Evaluating Syllabification: One Category Shared by Many Grammars},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2002), May 29-31},
EDITOR = {Setzer, Andrea and Gaizauskas, Robert},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kmueller/Onlinepapers/LREC02.ps},
ABSTRACT = {We apply a series of contextfree grammars to syllabification by using a supervised training method. In our experiments, we investigate various phonological grammars, which strongly differ in structure. A simple evaluation metric word accuracy supports grammar development by denoting an increasing performance for grammars enriched with linguistic structure. This evaluation, judging one single category shared by all grammars, is in strong contrast to PARSEVAL, which is designed for a single grammar evaluating (almost) all categories. Using a toytreebank, we show that the PARSEVAL measures are hard to interpret, since the results are inconsistent with one another. It turns out that evaluating only a limited number of categories (here only one single category) is a harder evaluation measure than measuring the precision of all occurring substructures of a grammar.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2002:ESO.pdf Muller:2002:ESO.ps} }
Karin Müller. Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars for Phonology. In Workshop on Morphological and Phonological Learning at Association for Computational Linguistics 40th Anniversary Meeting (ACL-02), July 6-12, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Karin},
TITLE = {Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars for Phonology},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Morphological and Phonological Learning at Association for Computational Linguistics 40th Anniversary Meeting (ACL-02), July 6-12},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kmueller/Onlinepapers/SIGPHON02.ps},
ABSTRACT = {We present a phonological probabilistic context free grammar, which describes the word and syllable structure of German words. The grammar is trained on a large corpus by a simple supervised method, and evaluated on a syllabification task achieving 96.88% word accuracy on word to kens, and 90.33% on word types. We added rules for English phonemes to the grammar, and trained the enriched grammar on an English corpus. Both grammars are evaluated qualitatively showing that probabilistic contextfree grammars can contribute linguistic knowledge to phonology. Our formal approach is multilingual, while the training data is languagedependent.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2002:PCF.pdf Muller:2002:PCF.ps} }
Martin Müller and
Joachim Niehren. Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees Expressed in Second-Order Monadic Logic. In
T. Nipkow editor, 9th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '98), March 30 - April 1, (1379):196-210, Springer-Verlag, Tsukuba, Japan, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Martin and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees Expressed in Second-Order Monadic Logic},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {9th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '98), March 30 - April 1},
NUMBER = {1379},
PAGES = {196-210},
EDITOR = {Nipkow, T.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Tsukuba, Japan},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/SWS97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The system FT$_lt$ of ordering constraints over feature trees has been introduced as an extension of the system FT of equality constraints over feature trees. We investigate decidability and complexity questions for fragments of the first-order theory of FT$_lt$. It is well-known that the first-order theory of FT$_lt$ is decidable and that several of its fragments can be decided in quasi-linear time, including the satisfiability problem of FT$_lt$ and its entailment problem with existential quantification $$phimodels E x1 ... E xn ( phi' )$$ Much less is known on the first-order theory of FT$_lt$. The satisfiability problem of FT$_lt$ can be decided in cubic time, as well as its entailment problem without existential quantification. Our main result is that the entailment problem of FT$_lt$ with existential quantifiers is decidable but PSPACE-hard. Our decidability proof is based on a new technique where feature constraints are expressed in second-order monadic logic with countably many successors SwS. We thereby reduce the entailment problem of FT$_lt$ with existential quantification to Rabin's famous theorem on tree automata.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1998:OCF.pdf Muller:1998:OCF.ps} }
Martin Müller,
Joachim Niehren and
Andreas Podelski. Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees. In
Gert Smolka editor, 3rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '97), October 29 - November 1, (1330):297-311, Springer, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Martin and Niehren, Joachim and Podelski, Andreas},
TITLE = {Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '97), October 29 - November 1},
NUMBER = {1330},
PAGES = {297-311},
EDITOR = {Smolka, Gert},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Schloss Hagenberg, Austria},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/FTSub97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Feature trees have been used to accommodate records in constraint programming and record like structures in computational linguistics. Feature trees model records, and feature constraints yield extensible and modular record descriptions. We introduce the constraint system FT$<$ of ordering constraints interpreted over feature trees. Under the view that feature trees represent symbolic information, the relation $<$ corresponds to the information ordering (carries less information than). We present a polynomial algorithm that decides the satisfiability of conjunctions of positive and negative information ordering constraints over feature trees. Our results include algorithms for the satisfiability problem and the entailment problem of FT$<$ in time $O(n^3)$. We also show that FT$<$ has the independence property and are thus able to handle negative conjuncts via entailment. Furthermore, we reduce the satisfiability problem of Dörre's weak-subsumption constraints to the satisfiability problem of FT$<$. This improves the complexity bound for solving weak subsumption constraints from $O(n^5)$ to $O(n^3)$.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1997:OCF.pdf Muller:1997:OCF.ps} }
Martin Müller,
Joachim Niehren and
Ralf Treinen. The First-Order Theory of Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees. In 13th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Sience (LICS '98), June 21 - 24, Pages 432-443, IEEE Press, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Martin and Niehren, Joachim and Treinen, Ralf},
TITLE = {The First-Order Theory of Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Sience (LICS '98), June 21 - 24},
PAGES = {432-443},
ADDRESS = {Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
URL = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/Papers/abstracts/FTSubTheory-Long:99.html ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/FTSubTheory-Long:99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The system FT$_leq$ of ordering constraints over feature trees has been introduced as an extension of the system FT of equality constraints over feature trees. We investigate the first-order theory of FT$_leq$ and its fragments in detail, both over finite trees and over possibly infinite trees. We prove that the first-order theory of FT$_leq$ is undecidable, in contrast to the first-order theory of FT which is well-known to be decidable. We show that the entailment problem of FT$_leq$ with existential quantification is PSPACE-complete. So far, this problem has been shown decidable, coNP-hard in case of finite trees, PSPACE-hard in case of arbitrary trees, and cubic time when restricted to quantifier-free entailment judgments. To show PSPACE-completeness, we show that the entailment problem of FT$_leq$ with existential quantification is equivalent to the inclusion problem of non-deterministic finite automata.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1998:FOT.pdf Muller:1998:FOT.ps} }
Martin Müller and
Susumu Nishimura. Type Inference for First-Class Messages with Feature Constraints. In
J. Hsiang and
A. Ohori editors, Asian Computer Science Conference (ASIAN '98), December 8-10, (1538):169-187, Springer, Manila, The Philippines, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Martin and Nishimura, Susumu},
TITLE = {Type Inference for First-Class Messages with Feature Constraints},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Asian Computer Science Conference (ASIAN '98), December 8-10},
NUMBER = {1538},
PAGES = {169-187},
EDITOR = {Hsiang, J. and Ohori, A.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Manila, The Philippines},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/FirstClass98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a constraint system OF of feature trees that is appropriate to specify and implement type inference for first-class messages. OF extends traditional systems of feature constraints by a selection constraint by first-class feature tree $x langle y
angle z$, in contrast to the standard selection constraint $x[f]y$ by fixed feature $f$. We investigate the satisfiability problem of OF and show that it can be solved in polynomial time, and even in quadratic time in an important special case. We compare OF with Treinen's constraint system EF of feature constraints with first-class features, which has an NP-complete satisfiability problem. This comparison yields that the satisfiability problem for OF with negation is NP-hard. Based on OF we give a simple account of type inference for first-class messages in the spirit of Nishimura's recent proposal, and show that it has polynomial time complexity: We also highlight an immediate extension that is desirable but makes type inference NP-hard.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1998:TIF.pdf Muller:1998:TIF.ps} }
Stefan Müller. Subsumption or Unification - An HPSG-Analysis for Free Relative Clauses in German. In 6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97): Sektion Computerlinguistik, 08.-10. Oktober, Heidelberg, Germany, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Subsumption or Unification - An HPSG-Analysis for Free Relative Clauses in German},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97): Sektion Computerlinguistik, 08.-10. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany} }
Stefan Müller. An HPSG-Analysis for Free Relative Clauses in German. In Proceedings of the Formal Grammar 1997. Linguistic Aspects of Logical and Computational Perspectives on Language, August 9-10, Pages 179-188, Kruijff,Geert-Jan Morrill, Glyn V. Oehrle, Richard T., Aix-En-Provence, France, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {An HPSG-Analysis for Free Relative Clauses in German},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Formal Grammar 1997. Linguistic Aspects of Logical and Computational Perspectives on Language, August 9-10},
PAGES = {179-188},
ADDRESS = {Aix-En-Provence, France},
PUBLISHER = {Kruijff,Geert-Jan Morrill, Glyn V. Oehrle, Richard T.},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/fg.ps},
ABSTRACT = {Aus der GB-Literatur (Bausewein, 1990) über freie Relativsätze ist bekannt, daß sich diese teilweise wie ihre Relativphrasen verhalten. Sie können Argumentpositionen des Verbs füllen. (1) a. Was er nicht kennt, ißt er nicht. b. Die da stehen, kennen wir nicht. c. Ich denke nach, über was ich nachdenken will. Obwohl freie Relativsätze finite Sätze sind, werden sie entsprechend der syntaktischen Eigenschaften ihrer Relativphrase im Mittelfeld angeordnet. (2) Er hat, was er geschenkt bekommen hat, sofort in den Schrank gestellt. Freie Relativsätze können nicht nur wie in (1)-(2) als Komplemente auftreten. In Abhängigkeit von den Eigenschaften der Relativphrase können sie auch - wie in (3) - als Modifikator fungieren. (3) Wo du schläfst, ist es laut. Ich zeige, daß freie Relativsätze zu einer Kategorie projizieren, die in einer engen Beziehung zu den lokalen Eigenschaften der Relativphrase steht. Diese Beziehung wird durch eine Relation, die im wesentlichen einer komplexen Disjunktion entspricht, implementiert. Die Relation beschreibt sowohl die syntaktischen als auch die semantischen Regelmäßigkeiten, die sich bei freien Relativsätzen beobachten lassen. Entsprechend bestimmter Argumenthierarchien können auch Argumentpositionen gefüllt werden, die von der syntaktischen Kategorie der Relativphrase abweichen. (4) Wen solche Lehren nicht erfreun, verdienet nicht, ein Mensch zu sein. (Zauberflöte) Wie Ingria (1990) gezeigt hat, stellt die unterschiedliche Kasuszuweisung im Relativsatz und im Matrixsatz, wie sie z.B. in (1b) vorliegt, ein Problem für Unifikationsgrammatiken dar. Ich zeige, daß Ingrias Ansatz nicht mit anderen Annahmen innerhalb der HPSG-Theorie vereinbar ist und schlage eine andere Lösung für das Problem vor. Im Allgemeinen gibt es drei Möglichkeiten, Sätze wie (1)-(3) zu analysieren: einen leeren Kopf, ein unäres Schema und eine lexikalische Regel. Im Aufsatz wird gezeigt, daß die Daten gegen die lexikalische Regel sprechen und es wird erklärt, wo die Vorteile des unären Schemas gegenüber dem leeren Kopf liegen. Zum Abschluß noch ein Beispielsatz, der auch in Deutsche Syntax Deklarativ vorkommt: (5) Was bei Ingria ein Subsumptionstest ist, ist bei Dalrymple und Kaplan ein Enthaltenseinstest.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1997:HAF.pdf Muller:1997:HAF.ps} }
Stefan Müller. Case in German - An HPSG-Analysis. In ESSLLI '98 Workshop on Current Topics in Constraint-Based Theories of Germanic Syntax, August 17-21, Pages 113-132, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Case in German - An HPSG-Analysis},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {ESSLLI '98 Workshop on Current Topics in Constraint-Based Theories of Germanic Syntax, August 17-21},
PAGES = {113-132},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/esslli98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/esslli98.entry http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/esslli98-pic.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1998:CGH.pdf Muller:1998:CGH.ps} }
Stefan Müller. Restricting Discontinuity. In Proceedings of the 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium 1999 (NLPRS '99), November 5-7, Pages 85-90, Beijing, China, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Restricting Discontinuity},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium 1999 (NLPRS '99), November 5-7},
PAGES = {85-90},
ADDRESS = {Beijing, China},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/restricting.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1999:RD.pdf Muller:1999:RD.ps} }
Stefan Müller. Syntactic Properties of German Particle Verbs. In 6th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG '99), August 4-6, Pages 83-87, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Syntactic Properties of German Particle Verbs},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG '99), August 4-6},
PAGES = {83-87},
ADDRESS = {University of Edinburgh, Scotland} }
Stefan Müller. Parsing of an HPSG Grammar for German: Word Order Domains and Discontinuous Constituents. In
Jost Gippert and
Peter Olivier editors, Proceedings of the 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung. Multilinguale Corpora: Codierung, Strukturierung, Analyse, Enigma corporation, Frankfurt a. M., 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Parsing of an HPSG Grammar for German: Word Order Domains and Discontinuous Constituents},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung. Multilinguale Corpora: Codierung, Strukturierung, Analyse},
EDITOR = {Gippert, Jost and Olivier, Peter},
ADDRESS = {Frankfurt a. M.},
PUBLISHER = {Enigma corporation},
URL = {http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/curric/gldv99/paper/mueller/Muellerx.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1999:PHG.pdf} }
Stefan Müller. Continuous or Discontinuous Constituents. In
Erhard Hinrichs,
Detmar Meurers and
Shuly Wintner editors, Proceedings of the ESSLLI'00 Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation, August 6-18, Pages 133-152, Birmingham, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Continuous or Discontinuous Constituents},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI'00 Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation, August 6-18},
PAGES = {133-152},
EDITOR = {Hinrichs, Erhard and Meurers, Detmar and Wintner, Shuly},
ADDRESS = {Birmingham},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/esslli00.ps},
ABSTRACT = {In diesem Aufsatz diskutiere ich verschiedene HPSG-Ansätze zur Beschreibung der Konstituentenstellung im Deutschen. Ansätze, die von kontinuierlichen Konstituenten ausgehen, werden mit einem Ansatz, der diskontinuierliche Konstituenten annimmt, verglichen. Die Anzahl der passiven Kanten, die beim Parsen von 24.602 Äußerungen aus dem Verbmobil-Korpus von der Verbmobil-Grammatik erzeugt werden, werden mit der Anzahl der passiven Kanten verglichen, die die Babel-Grammatik erzeugt In this paper I discuss several possibile analyses for constituent order in German. Approaches that assume continuous constituents are compared with an approach that assumes discontinuous constituents. I will show that certain proposals that have been made to analyze constituent order are either not adequate or cannot be implemented with currently availible systems. For the proposals that can be implementd I will discuss the amount of work a parser has to do. I then compare two implementations of larger fragments of German: the Verbmobil grammar and the Babel grammar. It is shown that the amount of work to be done to parse the Verbmobil grammar is significantly higher then the work that has to be done parsing with the Babel grammar.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2000:CDC.pdf Muller:2000:CDC.ps} }
Stefan Müller. Object-to-Subject Raising or Lexical Rule - An HPSG Analysis of the German Passive. In
Werner Zühlke and
Ernst G. Schukat-Talamazzini editors, Proceedings of the 5. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS'00) Sprachkommunikation, Pages 157-162, VDE Verlag, Ilmenau, Deutschland, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Object-to-Subject Raising or Lexical Rule - An HPSG Analysis of the German Passive},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS'00) Sprachkommunikation},
PAGES = {157-162},
EDITOR = {Zühlke, Werner and Schukat-Talamazzini, Ernst G.},
ADDRESS = {Ilmenau, Deutschland},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/konvens2000.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In dem Aufsatz zeige ich, daß Objekt-zu-Subjektanhebungsansätze wie der von Pollard (1994) und mir (1999) vorgeschlagene problematisch sind, weil sie die Adjektivbildung nicht zufriedenstellend erklären können. Der Ansatz von Heinz und Matiasek (1994) kommt mit modalen Infinitiven und Kontrolle nicht klar. Ich entwickle dann eine auf Lexikonregeln basierende Analyse, die auch komplizierte Fälle des Fernpassivs erklären kann.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2000:OSR.pdf Muller:2000:OSR.ps} }
Stefan Müller. The Passive as a Lexical Rule. In
Dan Flickinger and
Andreas Kathol editors, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG'00), July 22-23, Pages 247-266, CSLI, Berkeley, University of California, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {The Passive as a Lexical Rule},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG'00), July 22-23},
PAGES = {247-266},
EDITOR = {Flickinger, Dan and Kathol, Andreas},
ADDRESS = {Berkeley, University of California, USA},
URL = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/1/hpsg00mueller.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper I show that object to subject raising approaches as suggested by Pollard (1994) and Müller (1999) are problematic since they cannot account for adjective formation in a satisfying way. The approach by Heinz and Matiasek (1994), which is a formalization of Haider's (1986) ideas, cannot account for modal infinitives and control. I develop a lexical rule based approach and it will be shown that this approach also extends to tricky cases of remote passive.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2000:PLR.pdf} }
Stefan Müller. The Morphology of German Particle Verbs: Solving the Bracketing Paradox. In
Frank Van Eynde,
Lars Hellan and
Dorothee Beermann editors, Proceedings of the HPSG-2001 Conference, Norwegian University of Science andTechnology, August 3-5, Pages 247-266, CSLI Publications, Trondheim, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {The Morphology of German Particle Verbs: Solving the Bracketing Paradox},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the HPSG-2001 Conference, Norwegian University of Science andTechnology, August 3-5},
PAGES = {247-266},
EDITOR = {Van Eynde, Frank and Hellan, Lars and Beermann, Dorothee},
ADDRESS = {Trondheim},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2/Mueller-pn.pdf http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/paradox.ps.gz http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/paradox.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Inflectional affixes are sensitive to morphological properties of the elements they attachto. Therefore Bierwisch (1987) suggested that the inflectional material is combinedwith both the verbal stem of simplex verbs and the verbal stem of particle verbs. Heargued that this leads to the bracketing paradox in the case of particle verbs since thesemantic contribution of the inflectional information scopes over the semantic contri-bution of the complete particle verb. This paradox will be discussed in section 2.1.In section 2.2, I will discuss nominalizations and adjective derivation, which are alsoproblematic because of various bracketing paradoxes. In section 3 I will suggest a solu-tion to these apparent paradoxes that assumes that inflectional and derivational prefixesand suffixes always attach to a form of a stem that contains the information about a pos-sible particle already, but without containing a phonological realization of the particle.The particle is a dependent of the verb and is combined with its head after inflectionand derivation. With such an approach no rebracketing for the analysis of particle verbsmechanisms are necessary.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2002:MGP.pdf Muller:2002:MGP.ps} }
Stefan Müller. Multiple Constituents in the Vorfeld. In
Gerhard Jäger,
Paola Monachesi,
Gerald Penn and
Shuly Winter editors, The 7th conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2002), 3-4 August, Pages 113-124, Trento, Italy, 2002.  Note: URL Vorentwurf in deutscher Sprache. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Multiple Constituents in the Vorfeld},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The 7th conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2002), 3-4 August},
PAGES = {113-124},
EDITOR = {Jäger, Gerhard and Monachesi, Paola and Penn, Gerald and Winter, Shuly},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/mehr-vf.pdf},
NOTE = {URL Vorentwurf in deutscher Sprache},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2002:MCV.pdf} }
Stefan Müller. Mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung. In
Stephan Busemann editor, Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober, Pages 115-122, German Research Center for AI (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober},
PAGES = {115-122},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
SERIES = {DFKI Document D-02-01},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {German Research Center for AI (DFKI)},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/PS/konvens2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In diesem Aufsatz wird gezeigt, daß das Voranstellen von mehreren Konstituenten vor das finite Verb im Deutschen möglich ist, obwohl das Deutsche normalerweise als Verbzweitsprache klassifiziert wird. Es wird eine HPSG-Analyse entwickelt, die die Konstituenten im Vorfeld als zusammengehörige Einheit analysiert und diese Einheit in Bezug zu einem Verb setzt.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2002:MV.pdf} }
Tobias Müller. Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views. In
K. Sagonas and
P. Tarau editors, International Workshop on Implementation of Declarative Languages (IDL'99), September 27-28, Paris, France, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Tobias},
TITLE = {Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Implementation of Declarative Languages (IDL'99), September 27-28},
EDITOR = {Sagonas, K. and Tarau, P.},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {http://www.cs.unt.edu/~idl99/Proceedings/ProceedingsIDL99.html ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Mueller:99b.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Combinatorial problems can be efficiently tackled with constraint programming systems. The main tasks of the development of a constraint-based application are modeling the problem at hand and subsequently implementing that model. Typically, erroneous behavior of a constraint-based application is caused by either the model or the implementation (or both of them). Current constraint programming systems provide limited debugging support for modeling and implementing a problem. This paper proposes the Constraint Investigator, an interactive tool for debugging the model and the implementation of a constraint-based application. In particular, the Investigator is targeted at problems like wrong, void, or partial solutions. A graph metaphor is used to reflect the constraints in the solver and to present them to the user. The paper shows that this metaphor is intuitive and that it scales up to real-life problem sizes. The Constraint Investigator has been implemented in Mozart Oz. It complements other constraint debugging tools as an interactive search tree visualizer, forming the base for an integrated constraint debugging environment.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1999:PIC.pdf Muller:1999:PIC.ps} }
Tobias Müller. Promoting Constraints to First-Class Status. In
J. Lloyd,
V. Dahl,
U. Furbach,
Manfred Kerber,
K.-K. Lau,
C. Palamidessi,
L. M. Pereira,
Y. Sagiv and
P.J. Stuckey editors, 1st International Conference on Computational Logic (CL '00), July 24-28, (1861):429-447, Springer, Imperial College, London, UK, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Tobias},
TITLE = {Promoting Constraints to First-Class Status},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Computational Logic (CL '00), July 24-28},
NUMBER = {1861},
PAGES = {429-447},
EDITOR = {Lloyd, J. and Dahl, V. and Furbach, U. and Kerber, Manfred and Lau, K.-K. and Palamidessi, C. and Pereira, L. M. and Sagiv, Y. and Stuckey, P.J.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Imperial College, London, UK},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Mueller-00a.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper proposes to promote constraints to first-class status. In contrast to constraint propagation, which performs inference on values of variables, first-class constraints allow reasoning about the constraints themselves. This lets the programmer access the current state of a constraint and control a constraint's behavior directly, thus making powerful new programming and inference techniques possible, as the combination of constraint propagation and rewriting constraints à la term rewriting. First-class constraints allow for meta constraint programming. Promising applications in the field of combinatorial optimization include early unsatisfiability detection, constraint reformulation to improve propagation, garbage collection of redundant but not yet entailed constraints, and finding minimal inconsistent subsets of a given set of constraints for debugging immediately failing constraint programs. We demonstrate the above-mentioned applications by means of examples. The experiments were done with Mozart Oz but can be easily ported to other constraint solvers.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2000:PCF.pdf Muller:2000:PCF.ps} }
Tobias Müller. Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views. In
R. Dechter editor, 6th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '00), September 18-22, (1984):320-336, Springer, Singapore, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Tobias},
TITLE = {Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '00), September 18-22},
NUMBER = {1984},
PAGES = {320-336},
EDITOR = {Dechter, R.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Singapore},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Mueller00b.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Combinatorial problems can be efficiently tackled with constraint programming systems. The main tasks of the development of a constraint-based application are modeling the problem at hand and subsequently implementing that model. Typically, erroneous behavior of a constraint-based application is caused by either the model or the implementation (or both of them). Current constraint programming systems provide limited debugging support for modeling and implementing a problem. This paper proposes the Constraint Investigator, an interactive tool for debugging the model and the implementation of a constraint-based application. In particular, the Investigator is targeted at problems like wrong, void, or partial solutions. A graph metaphor is used to reflect the constraints in the solver and to present them to the user. The paper shows that this metaphor is intuitive and proposes appraoches to deal with real-life problem sizes. The Investigator has been implemented in Mozart Oz and complements other constraint programming tools as an interactive visual search engine, forming the base for an integrated constraint debugging environment.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2000:PIC.ps} }
Tobias Müller and
Martin Müller. Finite Set Constraints in Oz. In
François Bry,
B. Freitag and
D. Seipel editors, 12. Workshop Logische Programmierung (WLP '97), 17.-19. September, Pages 104-115, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Tobias and Müller, Martin},
TITLE = {Finite Set Constraints in Oz},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {12. Workshop Logische Programmierung (WLP '97), 17.-19. September},
PAGES = {104-115},
EDITOR = {Bry, François and Freitag, B. and Seipel, D.},
ADDRESS = {Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/TMMM97a.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We report on the extension of the concurrent constraint language Oz by constraints over finite sets of integers. Set constraints are an important addition to the constraint programming system Oz and are very employable in natural language processing and general problem solving. This extension profits much from its integration with the existing constraint systems over finite domains and feature trees, as well as from the availability of first-class procedures. This combination of features is unique to Oz. This paper focuses on the expressiveness gained by set constraints and on the benefits of the integration with finite domain constraints. A number of case studies demonstrates programming techniques exploring these advantages.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1997:FSC.pdf Muller:1997:FSC.ps} }
Tobias Müller and
Jörg Würtz. Interfacing Propagators with a Concurrent Constraint Language. In Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (JICSLP '96). Post-Conference Workshop and Compulog Net Meeting on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, September 5-6, Pages 195-206, Bonn, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Tobias and Würtz, Jörg},
TITLE = {Interfacing Propagators with a Concurrent Constraint Language},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (JICSLP '96). Post-Conference Workshop and Compulog Net Meeting on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, September 5-6},
PAGES = {195-206},
ADDRESS = {Bonn, Germany},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/interfacing96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes a C++ interface for the concurrent constraint language Oz to implement non-basic constraints as propagators. The programmer benefits from the advantages of a high-level language, like elegant and concise coding, in conjunction with efficiency. For the user it is transparent whether a constraint is implemented by an Oz procedure or through the interface. The interface is completely separated from the underlying Oz implementation. Moreover, it frees the user from tedious tasks like suspending and waking up constraints. The overall efficiency of the resulting system is comparable to existing finite domain systems. For scheduling applications we demonstrate how algorithms from Operations Research can be incorporated, which allows to obtain results comparable to commercially available systems.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1996:IPC.pdf Muller:1996:IPC.ps} }
Tobias Müller and
Jörg Würtz. Extending a Concurrent Constraint Language by Propagators. In
J. Maluszynski editor, International Logic Programming Symposium (ILPS '97), October 12-17, Pages 149-163, MIT Press, Port Jefferson, Long Island N.Y., USA, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Tobias and Würtz, Jörg},
TITLE = {Extending a Concurrent Constraint Language by Propagators},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {International Logic Programming Symposium (ILPS '97), October 12-17},
PAGES = {149-163},
EDITOR = {Maluszynski, J.},
ADDRESS = {Port Jefferson, Long Island N.Y., USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/mueller97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the extension of a concurrent constraint programming (CCP) language with an interface to define new finite domain constraints efficiently. While the extension is implemented for the CCP language Oz, the described interface is well-suited to be also applied to other CCP languages and even to Prolog-based implementations with coroutining. The interface is easily extendable to other constraint systems as done for set constraints. Constraints are implemented as instances of C++ classes, so-called propagators. Propagators are completely separated from the runtime system. The supplied abstractions are as high-level as to hide away issues like suspension handling but provide an expressiveness adequate to implement global constraints employing advanced algorithmic techniques. This allows to solve demanding combinatorial problems, as for instance scheduling problems. The presented interface exploits specific features of Oz, like equality constraints and local computation spaces, but avoids to bother the programmer with implementation details of these features.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:1997:ECC.pdf Muller:1997:ECC.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Regular Approximations of CFLs: A Grammatical View. In International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '97), September 17-20, Boston, USA, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Regular Approximations of CFLs: A Grammatical View},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '97), September 17-20},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. An Alternative LR Algorithm for TAGs. In
ACL editor, 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14, Vol. 2:946-952, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {An Alternative LR Algorithm for TAGs},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {946-952},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98b.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98b.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1998:ALA.pdf Nederhof:1998:ALA.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Linear Indexed Automata and Tabulation of TAG Parsing. In Premières Journées sur la Tabulation en Analyse Syntaxique et Déduction/ 1st Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD '98), April 2-3, Pages 1-9, Paris, France, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Linear Indexed Automata and Tabulation of TAG Parsing},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Premières Journées sur la Tabulation en Analyse Syntaxique et Déduction/ 1st Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD '98), April 2-3},
PAGES = {1-9},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/nederhof98e.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1998:LIA.pdf Nederhof:1998:LIA.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Context-Free Parsing Through Regular Approximation. In 1st International Workshop on Finite State Methods in Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP '98), June 29 - July 1, Pages 13-24, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Context-Free Parsing Through Regular Approximation},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Workshop on Finite State Methods in Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP '98), June 29 - July 1},
PAGES = {13-24},
ADDRESS = {Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98a.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98a.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1998:CFP.pdf Nederhof:1998:CFP.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Models of Tabulation for TAG Parsing. In Proceedings of the 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25, Pages 143-158, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Models of Tabulation for TAG Parsing},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL6), July 23-25},
PAGES = {143-158},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, Florida, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mol99.ps ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/mol99.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1999:MTT.pdf Nederhof:1999:MTT.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Preprocessing for Unification Parsing of Spoken Language. In
Dimitris Christodoulakis editor, Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing - NLP 2000, June 2-4, (1835):118-129, Springer, Patras, Greece, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Preprocessing for Unification Parsing of Spoken Language},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing - NLP 2000, June 2-4},
NUMBER = {1835},
PAGES = {118-129},
EDITOR = {Christodoulakis, Dimitris},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Patras, Greece},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof00a.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof00a.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2000:PUP.pdf Nederhof:2000:PUP.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Preprocessing for Unification Parsing of Spoken Language. In
Dimitris Christodoulakis editor, Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing - NLP 2000, June 2-4, (1835):118-129, Springer, Patras, Greece, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Preprocessing for Unification Parsing of Spoken Language},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing - NLP 2000, June 2-4},
NUMBER = {1835},
PAGES = {118-129},
EDITOR = {Christodoulakis, Dimitris},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Patras, Greece},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof00a.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Wordgraphs are structures that may be output by speech recognizers. We discuss various methods for turning wordgraphs into smaller structures. One of these methods is novel; this method relies on a new kind of determinization of acyclic weighted finite automata that is language-preserving but not fully weight-preserving, and results in smaller automata than in the case of traditional determinization of weighted finite automata. We present empirical data comparing the respective methods. The methods are relevant for systems in which wordgraphs form the input to kinds of syntactic analysis that are very time consuming, such as unification parsing.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2000:PUPa.pdf Nederhof:2000:PUPa.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Approximating Context-Free by Rational Transduction for Example-Based MT. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting and 10th Conference of the European Chapter, Workshop proceedings: Data-Driven Machine Translation, July 5-11, Pages 25-32, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Approximating Context-Free by Rational Transduction for Example-Based MT},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting and 10th Conference of the European Chapter, Workshop proceedings: Data-Driven Machine Translation, July 5-11},
PAGES = {25-32},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof01.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Existing studies show that a weighted context-free transduction of reasonable quality can be effectively learned from examples. This paper investigates the approximation of such transduction by means of weighted rational transduction. The advantage is increased processing speed, which benefits real-time applications involving spoken language.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2001:ACFa.pdf Nederhof:2001:ACFa.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof. Approximating Context-Free by Rational Transduction for Example-Based MT. In
ACL editor, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting and 10th Conference of the European Chapter, Workshop proceedings: Data-Driven Machine Translation, July 5-11, Pages 25-32, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Toulouse, France, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan},
TITLE = {Approximating Context-Free by Rational Transduction for Example-Based MT},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting and 10th Conference of the European Chapter, Workshop proceedings: Data-Driven Machine Translation, July 5-11},
PAGES = {25-32},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof01.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof01.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2001:ACF.pdf Nederhof:2001:ACF.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof,
Anoop Sarkar and
Giorgio Satta. Prefix Probabilities for Linear Indexed Grammars. In 4th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), August 1-3, (98-12):116-119, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Sarkar, Anoop and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {Prefix Probabilities for Linear Indexed Grammars},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), August 1-3},
NUMBER = {98-12},
PAGES = {116-119},
SERIES = {IRCS Report},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98d.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98d.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1998:PPL.pdf Nederhof:1998:PPL.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof and
Giorgio Satta. Left-To-Right Parsing and Bilexical Context-Free Grammars. In
Sergei Nirenburg,
Douglas Appelt,
Fabio Ciravegna and
Robert Dale editors, Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference and 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ANLP-NAACL '00), April 29 - May 3, Pages 272-279, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {Left-To-Right Parsing and Bilexical Context-Free Grammars},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference and 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ANLP-NAACL '00), April 29 - May 3},
PAGES = {272-279},
EDITOR = {Nirenburg, Sergei and Appelt, Douglas and Ciravegna, Fabio and Dale, Robert},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof-satta00.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof-satta00.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2000:LRP.pdf Nederhof:2000:LRP.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof,
Anoop Sarkar and
Giorgio Satta. Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Tree Adjoining Grammar. In
ACL editor, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14, Vol. 2:953-959, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Sarkar, Anoop and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Tree Adjoining Grammar},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {953-959},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98c.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98c.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1998:PPS.pdf Nederhof:1998:PPS.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof,
Anoop Sarkar and
Giorgio Satta. Prefix Probabilities for Linear Indexed Grammars. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), August 1-3, (98-12):116-119, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Sarkar, Anoop and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {Prefix Probabilities for Linear Indexed Grammars},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), August 1-3},
NUMBER = {98-12},
PAGES = {116-119},
SERIES = {IRCS Report},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof98d.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We show how prefix probabilities can be computed for stochastic linear indexed grammars (SLIGs). Our results apply as well to stochastic tree-adjoining grammars (STAGs), due to their equivalence to SLIGs.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1998:PPLb.pdf Nederhof:1998:PPLb.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof and
Giorgio Satta. A Variant of Earley Parsing. In
Maurizio Lenzerini editor, Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 5th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 97), September 17-19, (1321):84-95, Springer Verlag, Rome, Italy, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {A Variant of Earley Parsing},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 5th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 97), September 17-19},
NUMBER = {1321},
PAGES = {84-95},
EDITOR = {Lenzerini, Maurizio},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Rome, Italy},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {http://lanl.arxiv.org/PS_cache/cmp-lg/pdf/9808/9808017.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:1997:VEP.pdf} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof and
Giorgio Satta. Left-To-Right Parsing and Bilexical Context-Free Grammars. In
Sergei Nirenburg,
Douglas Appelt,
Fabio Ciravegna and
Robert Dale editors, Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference and 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ANLP-NAACL'00), April 29 - May 3, Pages 272-279, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {Left-To-Right Parsing and Bilexical Context-Free Grammars},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference and 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ANLP-NAACL'00), April 29 - May 3},
PAGES = {272-279},
EDITOR = {Nirenburg, Sergei and Appelt, Douglas and Ciravegna, Fabio and Dale, Robert},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/nederhof-satta00.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We compare the asymptotic time complexity of left-to-right and bidirectional parsing techniques for bilexical context-free grammars, a grammar formalism that is an abstraction of language models used in several state-of-the-art real-world parsers. We provide evidence that left-to-right parsing cannot be realised within acceptable time-bounds if the so called correct-prefix property is to be ensured. Our evidence is based on complexity results for the representation of regular languages.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2000:LRPb.pdf Nederhof:2000:LRPb.ps} }
Mark-Jan Nederhof and
Giorgio Satta. Parsing Non-Recursive Context-Free Grammars. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL ANNUAL'02), July 7-12, Pages 112-119, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {Parsing Non-Recursive Context-Free Grammars},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL ANNUAL'02), July 7-12},
PAGES = {112-119},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/nederhof02d.ps},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the problem of parsing nonrecursive contextfree grammars, i.e., contextfree grammars that generate finite languages. In natural language processing, this problem arises in several areas of application, including natural language generation, speech recognition and machine translation. We present two tabular algorithms for parsing of nonrecursive contextfree grammars, and show that they perform well in practical settings, despite the fact that this problem is PSPACE complete.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nederhof:2002:PNR.pdf Nederhof:2002:PNR.ps} }
John Nerbonne. A Feature-Based Syntax/ Semantics Interface. In
A. Manaster-Ramer and
Wlodek Zadrozny editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Mathematics of Language. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {A Feature-Based Syntax/ Semantics Interface},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Mathematics of Language. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
VOLUME = {2},
EDITOR = {Manaster-Ramer, A. and Zadrozny, Wlodek} }
John Nerbonne. Constraint-Based Semantics. In
Paul Dekker and
Martin Stokhof editors, 8th Amsterdam Colloquium, Pages 425-444, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Constraint-Based Semantics},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {8th Amsterdam Colloquium},
PAGES = {425-444},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
PUBLISHER = {Institute for Logic, Language and Computation} }
John Nerbonne. Feature-Based Lexicons - An Example and a Comparison to DATR. In
D. Reimann editor, Beiträge des ASL-Lexikon-Workshops, Pages 36-49, Wandlitz, Germany, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Feature-Based Lexicons - An Example and a Comparison to DATR},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Beiträge des ASL-Lexikon-Workshops},
PAGES = {36-49},
EDITOR = {Reimann, D.},
ADDRESS = {Wandlitz, Germany} }
John Nerbonne. Natural Language Disambiguation and Taxonomic Reasoning. In
Jochen Heinsohn and
Bernhard Hollunder editors, DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning, February 26, Pages 40-47, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Natural Language Disambiguation and Taxonomic Reasoning},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning, February 26},
PAGES = {40-47},
EDITOR = {Heinsohn, Jochen and Hollunder, Bernhard},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
John Nerbonne. Nominal Comparatives and Generalized Quantifieres. In
J. Allgayer editor, Processing Plurals and Quantifiers: Proceedings of the 1990 German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence. Workshop on the Semantics of Plurals and Quantifiers, September 10-14, CSLI, Eringerfeld, Germany, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Nominal Comparatives and Generalized Quantifieres},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Processing Plurals and Quantifiers: Proceedings of the 1990 German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence. Workshop on the Semantics of Plurals and Quantifiers, September 10-14},
EDITOR = {Allgayer, J.},
ADDRESS = {Eringerfeld, Germany},
John Nerbonne. Representing Grammar, Meaning and Knowledge. In
S. Preuß and
Birte Schmitz editors, Berlin Workshop on Text Representation and Domain Modeling: Ideas from Linguistics. KIT FAST 97, Pages 130-147, Berlin, Germany, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John},
TITLE = {Representing Grammar, Meaning and Knowledge},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Berlin Workshop on Text Representation and Domain Modeling: Ideas from Linguistics. KIT FAST 97},
PAGES = {130-147},
EDITOR = {Preuß, S. and Schmitz, Birte},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany} }
John Nerbonne,
Jean Mark Gawron and
Stanley Peters. The Absorption Principle and E-Type Anaphora. In
J. Barwise,
Jean Mark Gawron,
G. Plotkin and
S. Tutiya editors, 2nd Conference on Situation Theory and its Applications, Vol. 2:335-362, CSLI Lecture Notes, Stanford University, USA, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Gawron, Jean Mark and Peters, Stanley},
TITLE = {The Absorption Principle and E-Type Anaphora},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Conference on Situation Theory and its Applications},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {335-362},
EDITOR = {Barwise, J. and Gawron, Jean Mark and Plotkin, G. and Tutiya, S.},
ADDRESS = {Stanford University, USA},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Lecture Notes} }
John Nerbonne,
Masayo Iida and
William Ladusaw. Running on Empty: Null Heads in Head-Driven Grammar. In
J. Fee and
K. Hunt editors, 8th Annual West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Pages 276-288, CSLI, Stanford, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Iida, Masayo and Ladusaw, William},
TITLE = {Running on Empty: Null Heads in Head-Driven Grammar},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {8th Annual West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL)},
PAGES = {276-288},
EDITOR = {Fee, J. and Hunt, K.},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
John Nerbonne,
Masayo Iida and
William Ladusaw. Semantics of Common Noun Phrase Anaphora. In
A. Halpern editor, 9th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Pages 379-394, CSLI, Stanford, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Iida, Masayo and Ladusaw, William},
TITLE = {Semantics of Common Noun Phrase Anaphora},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {9th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL)},
PAGES = {379-394},
EDITOR = {Halpern, A.},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
John Nerbonne,
Joachim Laubsch,
Abdel Kader Diagne and
Stefan Oepen. Software for Applied Semantics. In
C.-R. Huang,
C. H. Chang,
K. J. Chen and
C.-H. Lui editors, 1st Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics, August 30-31, Pages 35-56, Taipei, Taiwan, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Laubsch, Joachim and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Oepen, Stefan},
TITLE = {Software for Applied Semantics},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics, August 30-31},
PAGES = {35-56},
EDITOR = {Huang, C.-R. and Chang, C. H. and Chen, K. J. and Lui, C.-H.},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Nerbonne:1993:SAS.pdf} }
John Nerbonne,
Stefan Oepen,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
Karsten Konrad and
Ingo Neis. NLL - Tools for Meaning Representation. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, (D-93-03):43-50, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Oepen, Stefan and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Konrad, Karsten and Neis, Ingo},
TITLE = {NLL - Tools for Meaning Representation},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
PAGES = {43-50},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Klaus Netter. On Non-Head Non-Movement. In
Günther Görz editor, 1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '92), 7.-9. Oktober, Pages 218-227, Springer Verlag, Nürnberg, Germany, 1992. 
AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {On Non-Head Non-Movement.},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {1. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '92), 7.-9. Oktober},
PAGES = {218-227},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther},
SERIES = {Informatik Aktuell},
ADDRESS = {Nürnberg, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn92konvens.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn92konvens.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn92konvens.ps.Z} }
Klaus Netter. Architecture and Coverage of the DISCO Grammar. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, (D-93-03):1-10, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {Architecture and Coverage of the DISCO Grammar},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
PAGES = {1-10},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kndisco.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kndisco.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kndisco.ps.Z http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_DWNLSRM.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Netter:1993:ACD.pdf} }
Klaus Netter. POP-EYE and OLIVE - Human Language as the Medium for Cross-Lingual Multimedia Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality and Standards in Audiovisual Language Transfer. Languages and the Media, Berlin, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {POP-EYE and OLIVE - Human Language as the Medium for Cross-Lingual Multimedia Information Retrieval},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality and Standards in Audiovisual Language Transfer. Languages and the Media},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/langmed-98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/langmed-98.entry},
ABSTRACT = {Also published in: The ELRA Newsletter. Vol. 3, 1998.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Netter:1998:PEO.pdf Netter:1998:PEO.ps} }
Klaus Netter,
Susan Armstrong,
Tibor Kiss,
Judith Klein,
Sabine Lehmann,
David Milward,
Sylvie Regnier-Prost,
Reinhard Schäler and
Tillmann Wegst. DiET - Diagnostic and Evaluation Tools for Natural Language Application. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 28-30, Pages 573-579, Granada, Spain, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus and Armstrong, Susan and Kiss, Tibor and Klein, Judith and Lehmann, Sabine and Milward, David and Regnier-Prost, Sylvie and Schäler, Reinhard and Wegst, Tillmann},
TITLE = {DiET - Diagnostic and Evaluation Tools for Natural Language Application},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 28-30},
PAGES = {573-579},
ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/granada-diet.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/granada-diet.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Netter:1998:DDE.pdf Netter:1998:DDE.ps} }
Klaus Netter,
Robert Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer and
Vijay K. Shanker. HPSG and TAG. In Proceedings of the 3eme Colloque International sur les Grammaires d'Arbres Adjoints, September, (RT-94-01):77-82, Paris, France, 1994. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus and Kasper, Robert and Kiefer, Bernd and Shanker, Vijay K.},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3eme Colloque International sur les Grammaires d'Arbres Adjoints, September},
NUMBER = {RT-94-01},
PAGES = {77-82},
SERIES = {(TAG+3) Rapport TALANA},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.ps.Z},
ABSTRACT = {We present a compilation algorithm that translates Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammars into lexicalized feature based Tree Adjoining Grammars. Through this exercise we attempt to gain further insights into the nature of the two theories and to identify correlating concepts. While HPSG has a more elaborated lexicalized and principle-based theory of functor argument structures, TAG provides the means to represent lexical-based structural information more explicitly and to factor out recursion. Our objectives are met by giving clear and simple definitions for projecting structure from the lexicon, for determining maximal projections, and for identifying potential auxiliary trees and foot nodes.} }
Klaus Netter,
Robert Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer and
Krishnamurti Vijay-Shanker. HPSG and TAG. In 3eme Colloque International sur les Grammaires d'Arbres Adjoints, September, (RT-94-01):77-82, Paris, France, 1994. 
AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus and Kasper, Robert and Kiefer, Bernd and Vijay-Shanker, Krishnamurti},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {3eme Colloque International sur les Grammaires d'Arbres Adjoints, September},
NUMBER = {RT-94-01},
PAGES = {77-82},
SERIES = {(TAG+3) Rapport TALANA},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.entry} }
Günter Neumann. A Bidirectional Model for Natural Language Processing. In 5th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '91), April, Pages 245-250, Berlin, Germany, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {A Bidirectional Model for Natural Language Processing},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {5th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '91), April},
PAGES = {245-250},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/E/E91/E91-1043.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper* I will argue for a model of grammatical processing that is based on uniform processing and knowledge sources. The main feature of this model is to view parsing and generation as two strongly interleaved tasks performed by a single parametrized deduction process. It will be shown that this view supports flexible and efficient natural language processing.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1991:BMN.pdf} }
Günter Neumann. Reversibility and Modularity in Natural Language Generation. In ACL Workshop on Reversible Grammar in Natural Language Processing, Pages 31-39, Berkeley, California, USA, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Reversibility and Modularity in Natural Language Generation},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL Workshop on Reversible Grammar in Natural Language Processing},
PAGES = {31-39},
ADDRESS = {Berkeley, California, USA} }
Günter Neumann. Design Principles of the Disco System. In
Franciska de Jong and
Anton Nijholt editors, Proceedings of the Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 5). Natural Language Interfaces, June 3-4, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1993. 
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Design Principles of the Disco System},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 5). Natural Language Interfaces, June 3-4},
EDITOR = {de Jong, Franciska and Nijholt, Anton},
ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/disco-archi.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/disco-archi.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/disco-archi.ps.Z http://www.dfki.de/cl/papers/cl-abstracts.html#disco-archi.abstract} }
Günter Neumann. The DISCO Development Shell and its Application in the COSMA System. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, Proceedings of the DFKI Workschop on Natural Languages Systems: Reusability and Modularity, October 23, (D-93-03):65-74, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {The DISCO Development Shell and its Application in the COSMA System},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the DFKI Workschop on Natural Languages Systems: Reusability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
PAGES = {65-74},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Neumann_1992_TDDSACS.pdf http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_DWNLSRM.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the Disco DEVELOPMENT SHELL, which serves as a basic tool for the integration of natural language components in the Disco project, and its application in the COSMA system, a Cooperative Schedule Management Agent. Following an object oriented architectural model we introduce a two-step approach, where in the first phase the architecture is developed independently of specific components to be used and of a particular flow of control. In the second phase the frame system is instantiated by the integration of existing components as well as by defining the particular flow of control between these components. Because of the object-oriented paradigm it is easy to augment the frame system, which increases the flexibility of the whole system with respect to new applications. The development of the COSMA system will serve as an example of this claim.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1993:DDS.pdf} }
Günter Neumann. Application of Explanation-Based Learning for Efficient Processing of Constraint-Based Grammars. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, March 1-4, Pages 208-215, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 1994. 
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Application of Explanation-Based Learning for Efficient Processing of Constraint-Based Grammars},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, March 1-4},
PAGES = {208-215},
ADDRESS = {San Antonio, Texas, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl.ps.Z http://www.dfki.de/cl/papers/cl-abstracts.html#ebl.abstract} }
Günter Neumann. Applying Explanation-Based Learning to Control and Speeding-Up Natural Language Generation. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL/ EACL '97), July 7-12, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Madrid, Spain, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Applying Explanation-Based Learning to Control and Speeding-Up Natural Language Generation},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL/ EACL '97), July 7-12},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/ebl-acl97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl-acl97.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1997:AEB.pdf Neumann:1997:AEB.ps} }
Günter Neumann. Methoden zur intelligenten Informationsextraktion im Internet. In Proceedings of the 20th European Congress Fair for Technical Communication ONLINE'97, Pages 208-215, Hamburg, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Methoden zur intelligenten Informationsextraktion im Internet},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th European Congress Fair for Technical Communication ONLINE'97},
PAGES = {208-215},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/smes-online97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/smes-online97.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1997:MII.gz} }
Günter Neumann. Automatic Extraction of Stochastic Lexicalized Tree Grammars from Treebanks. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), August 1-3, Philadelphia, USA, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Automatic Extraction of Stochastic Lexicalized Tree Grammars from Treebanks},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), August 1-3},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/tag+.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/gn-tag.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/gn-tag.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1998:AES.pdf Neumann:1998:AES.ps} }
Günter Neumann,
Rolf Backofen,
Judith Baur,
Markus Becker and
Christian Braun. An Information Extraction Core System for Real World German Text Processing. In
Paul Jacobs editor, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP '97), March 31 - April 3, Pages 208-215, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Washington D.C., USA, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Backofen, Rolf and Baur, Judith and Becker, Markus and Braun, Christian},
TITLE = {An Information Extraction Core System for Real World German Text Processing},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP '97), March 31 - April 3},
PAGES = {208-215},
EDITOR = {Jacobs, Paul},
ADDRESS = {Washington D.C., USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/smes-anlp97.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/smes-anlp97.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1997:IEC.pdf Neumann:1997:IEC.ps} }
Günter Neumann and
Thierry Declerck. PARADIME Parametrizable Domain-Adaptive Information and Message Extraction. In Les journées d'Etude de l'ATALA, June 18-19, Paris, France, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {PARADIME Parametrizable Domain-Adaptive Information and Message Extraction},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Les journées d'Etude de l'ATALA, June 18-19},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France} }
Günter Neumann and
Thierry Declerck. Domain Adaptive Information Extraction. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Innovative Language Technology and Chinese Information Processing (ILT & CIP '01), April, Shanghai, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Domain Adaptive Information Extraction},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Innovative Language Technology and Chinese Information Processing (ILT & CIP '01), April},
ADDRESS = {Shanghai},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/smes-shanghai2001.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:2001:DAI.pdf Neumann:2001:DAI.ps} }
Günter Neumann and
Wolfgang Finkler. A Head-Driven Approach to Incremental and Parallel Generation of Syntactic Structures. In
Hans Karlgren editor, 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 19-25, Vol. 2:288-293, Helsinki, Finland, 1990. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Finkler, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {A Head-Driven Approach to Incremental and Parallel Generation of Syntactic Structures},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 19-25},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {288-293},
EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the construction of syntactic structures within an incremental multi-level and parallel generation system. Incremental and parallel generation imposes special requirements upon syntactic description and processing. A head-driven grammar represented in a unification-based formalism is introduced which satisfies these demands. Furthermore the basic mechanisms for the parallel processing of syntactic segments are presented.} }
Günter Neumann and
Dan Flickinger. HPSG-DOP: Data-Oriented Parsing with HPSG. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on HPSG (HPSG-2002), August 8-9, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Flickinger, Dan},
TITLE = {HPSG-DOP: Data-Oriented Parsing with HPSG},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on HPSG (HPSG-2002), August 8-9},
ADDRESS = {Kyung Hee University, Seoul},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/hpsg-dop-short.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:2002:HDD.pdf} }
Günter Neumann,
Jakub Piskorski and
Christian Braun. An Intelligent Text Extraction and Navigation System. In
Sergei Nirenburg,
Douglas Appelt,
Fabio Ciravegna and
Robert Dale editors, Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference (ANLP'00). 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'00), April 29 - May 4, Pages 239-246, ACL, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Piskorski, Jakub and Braun, Christian},
TITLE = {An Intelligent Text Extraction and Navigation System},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference (ANLP'00). 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'00), April 29 - May 4},
PAGES = {239-246},
EDITOR = {Nirenburg, Sergei and Appelt, Douglas and Ciravegna, Fabio and Dale, Robert},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/final-acl2000.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/final-acl2000.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:2000:ITE.pdf Neumann:2000:ITE.ps} }
Günter Neumann and
Ulrich Schäfer. Whiteboard - Eine XML-basierte Architektur für die Analyse natürlichsprachlicher Texte. In
Stefan Jänichen editor, Proceedings of Online 2002, 25th European Congress Fair for Technical Communication Düsseldorf, Vol. C:635.01-635.12, Online GmbH Kongresse und Messen für technische Kommunikation, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {Whiteboard - Eine XML-basierte Architektur für die Analyse natürlichsprachlicher Texte},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Online 2002, 25th European Congress Fair for Technical Communication Düsseldorf},
PAGES = {635.01-635.12},
EDITOR = {Jänichen, Stefan},
ADDRESS = {Düsseldorf, Deutschland},
PUBLISHER = {Online GmbH Kongresse und Messen für technische Kommunikation},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/Whiteboard-DFKI-online2002.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:2002:WXB.pdf} }
Günter Neumann and
Sven Schmeier. Combining Shallow Text Processing and Machine Learning in Real World Applications. In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '99). Workshop on Machine Learning for Information Filtering, July 31 - August 6, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {Combining Shallow Text Processing and Machine Learning in Real World Applications},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '99). Workshop on Machine Learning for Information Filtering, July 31 - August 6},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/SchmeierNeumann99.pdf http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/ijcai99-ws.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1999:CST.pdf} }
Günter Neumann and
Gertjan van Noord. Self-Monitoring with Reversible Grammars. In
ICCL editor, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28, Vol. 2:700-706, Nantes, France, 1992. [Annote]
@InProceedings{Neumann_van Noord:1992,
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and van Noord, Gertjan},
TITLE = {Self-Monitoring with Reversible Grammars},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), July 23-28},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {700-706},
ADDRESS = {Nantes, France},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/monitor.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/monitor.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/monitor.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1992:SMR.pdf Neumann:1992:SMR.ps} }
Ka Boon Ng,
Chiu Wo Choi,
Martin Henz and
Tobias Müller. GIFT: A Generic Interface for Reusing Filtering Algorithms. In
N. Beldiceanu,
W. Harvey,
Martin Henz,
F. Laburthe,
E. Monfroy,
Tobias Müller,
L. Perron and
Christian Schulte editors, Workshop on Techniques for Implementing Constraint Programming Systems (TRICS), September, Pages 86-100, Singapore, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Ng, Ka Boon and Choi, Chiu Wo and Henz, Martin and Müller, Tobias},
TITLE = {GIFT: A Generic Interface for Reusing Filtering Algorithms},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Techniques for Implementing Constraint Programming Systems (TRICS), September},
PAGES = {86-100},
EDITOR = {Beldiceanu, N. and Harvey, W. and Henz, Martin and Laburthe, F. and Monfroy, E. and Müller, Tobias and Perron, L. and Schulte, Christian},
ADDRESS = {Singapore},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/KaboonChoiHenzMueller00a.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Many different constraint programming (CP) systems exist today. For each CP system, there are many different filtering algorithms. Researchers and developers usually choose a CP system of their choice to implement their filtering algorithms. To use these filtering algorithms on another system, we have to port the code over. This situation is clearly not desirable. In this paper, we propose a generic C++ interface for writing filtering algorithms called GIFT (Generic Interface for FilTers). By providing the generic interface on different CP systems, we can reuse any filtering algorithms easily. A case study on reusing scheduling filtering algorithms between Mozart and Figaro further highlights the feasibility of this approach.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Ng:2000:GGI.pdf Ng:2000:GGI.ps} }
Joachim Niehren. Functional Computation as Concurrent Computation. In 23rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '96), January 21-24, Pages 333-343, ACM Press, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA, 1996. [Abstract] Note: longer version appeared as DFKI Research Report RR-95-14. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Functional Computation as Concurrent Computation},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {23rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '96), January 21-24},
PAGES = {333-343},
ADDRESS = {St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/POPL96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We investigate functional computation as a special form of concurrent computation. As formal basis, we use a uniformly confluent core of the pi-calculus, which is also contained in models of higher-order concurrent constraint programming. We embed the call-by-need and the call-by-value lambda-calculus into the pi-calculus. We prove that call-by-need complexity is dominated by call-by-value complexity. In contrast to the recently proposed call-by-need lambda-calculus, our concurrent call-by-need model incorporates mutual recursion and can be extended to cyclic data structures by means of constraints.},
NOTE = {longer version appeared as DFKI Research Report RR-95-14},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1996:FCC.pdf Niehren:1996:FCC.ps} }
Joachim Niehren and
Alexander Koller. Dominance Constraints in Context Unification. In
M. Moortgat editor, 3rd International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '98), December 14-16, (2014):199-218, Springer, Grenoble, France, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Dominance Constraints in Context Unification},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL '98), December 14-16},
NUMBER = {2014},
PAGES = {199-218},
EDITOR = {Moortgat, M.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Dominance-98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Tree descriptions based on dominance constraints are popular in several areas of computational linguistics including syntax, semantics, and discourse. Tree descriptions in the language of context unification have attracted some interest in unification and rewriting theory. Recently, dominance constraints and context unification have both been used in different underspecified approaches to the semantics of scope, parallelism, and their interaction. This raises the question whether both description languages are related. In this paper, we show for a first time that dominance constraints can be expressed in context unification. We also prove that dominance constraints extended with parallelism constraints are equal in expressive power to context unification.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1998:DCC.pdf Niehren:1998:DCC.ps} }
Joachim Niehren,
Martin Müller and
Andreas Podelski. Inclusion Constraints over Non-Empty Sets of Trees. In
M. Bidoit and
M. Dauchet editors, 7th International Joint Conference CAAP/ FASE. Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT '97), April 14-18, (1214):217-231, Springer, Lille, France, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Müller, Martin and Podelski, Andreas},
TITLE = {Inclusion Constraints over Non-Empty Sets of Trees},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {7th International Joint Conference CAAP/ FASE. Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT '97), April 14-18},
NUMBER = {1214},
PAGES = {217-231},
EDITOR = {Bidoit, M. and Dauchet, M.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Lille, France},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/ines97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a new constraint system called Ines. Its constraints are conjunctions of inclusions $t_1subseteq t_2$ between first-order terms (without set operators) which are interpreted over non-empty sets of trees. The existing systems of set constraints can express Ines constraints only if they include negation. Their satisfiability problem is NEXPTIME-complete. We present an incremental algorithm that solves the satisfiability problem of Ines constraints in cubic time. We intend to apply Ines constraints for type analysis for a concurrent constraint programming language.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1997:ICN.pdf Niehren:1997:ICN.ps} }
Joachim Niehren,
Martin Müller and
Jean-Marc Talbot. Entailment of Atomic Set Constraints is PSPACE-Complete. In 14th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '99), July 2-5, Pages 285-294, IEEE Press, Trento, Italy, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Müller, Martin and Talbot, Jean-Marc},
TITLE = {Entailment of Atomic Set Constraints is PSPACE-Complete},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {14th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '99), July 2-5},
PAGES = {285-294},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
URL = {www.ps.uni-sb.de/Papers/abstracts/atomic:98.html ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/atomic-lics-99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The complexity of set constraints has been extensively studied over the last years and was often found quite high. At the lower end of expressiveness, there are atomic set constraints which are conjunctions of inclusions t1 $subseteq$ t2 between first-order terms without set operators. It is well-known that satisfiability of atomic set constraints can be tested in cubic time. Also, entailment of atomic set constraints has been claimed decidable in polynomial time. We refute this claim. We show that entailment between atomic set constraints can express validity of quantified boolean formulas and is thus PSPACE hard. For infinite signatures, we also present a PSPACE-algorithm for solving atomic set constraints with negation. This proves that entailment of atomic set constraints is PSPACE-complete for infinite signatures. In case of finite signatures, this problem is even DEXPTIME-hard.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1999:EAS.pdf Niehren:1999:EAS.ps} }
Joachim Niehren,
Manfred Pinkal and
Peter Ruhrberg. On Equality up-to Constraints over Finite Trees, Context Unification and One-Step Rewriting. In
W. McCune editor, 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 14), July 13-17, (1249):34-48, Springer, Townsville, Australia, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Pinkal, Manfred and Ruhrberg, Peter},
TITLE = {On Equality up-to Constraints over Finite Trees, Context Unification and One-Step Rewriting},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 14), July 13-17},
NUMBER = {1249},
PAGES = {34-48},
EDITOR = {McCune, W.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Townsville, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {Full version available from http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/Papers/abstracts/fullContext.html},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce equality up-to constraints over finite trees and investigate their expressiveness. Equality up-to constraints subsume equality constraints, subtree constraints, and one-step rewriting constraints. We establish a close correspondence between equality up-to constraints over finite trees and context unification. Context unification subsumes string unification and is subsumed by linear second-order unification. We obtain the following three new results. The satisfiability problem of equality up-to constraints is equivalent to context unification, which is an open problem. The positive existential fragment of the theory of one-step rewriting is decidable. The $exists^*forall^*exists^*$ fragment of the theory of context unification is undecidable.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1997:ECF.pdf Niehren:1997:ECF.ps} }
Joachim Niehren,
Manfred Pinkal and
Peter Ruhrberg. A Uniform Approach to Underspecification and Parallelism. In
P. R. Cohen and
Wolfgang Wahlster editors, 35th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), July 7-12, Pages 410-417, ACL, Madrid, Spain, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Pinkal, Manfred and Ruhrberg, Peter},
TITLE = {A Uniform Approach to Underspecification and Parallelism},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {35th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), July 7-12},
PAGES = {410-417},
EDITOR = {Cohen, P. R. and Wahlster, Wolfgang},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Ellipses.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We propose a unified framework in which to treat semantic underspecification and parallelism phenomena in discourse. The framework employs a constraint language that can express equality and subtree relations between finite trees. In addition, our constraint language can express the equality up-to relation over trees which captures parallelism between them. The constraints are solved by context unification. We demonstrate the use of our framework at the examples of quantifier scope, ellipses, and their interaction.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1997:UAU.pdf Niehren:1997:UAU.ps} }
Joachim Niehren and
Tim Priesnitz. Entailment of Non-Structural Subtype Constraints. In Asian Computing Science Conference, December 10-12, (1742):251-265, Springer, Phuket, Thailand, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Priesnitz, Tim},
TITLE = {Entailment of Non-Structural Subtype Constraints},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Asian Computing Science Conference, December 10-12},
NUMBER = {1742},
PAGES = {251-265},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Phuket, Thailand},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/SubTypeEntailment:99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Entailment of subtype constraints was introduced for constraint simplification in subtype inference systems. Designing an efficient algorithm for subtype entailment turned out to be surprisingly difficult. The situation was clarified by Rehof and Henglein who proved entailment of structural subtype constraints to be coNP-complete for simple types and PSPACE-complete for recursive types. For entailment of non-structural subtype constraints of both simple and recursive types they proved PSPACE-hardness and conjectured PSPACE-completeness but failed in finding a complete algorithm. In this paper, we investigate the source of complications and isolate a natural subproblem of non-structural subtype entailment that we prove PSPACE-complete. We conjecture (but this is left open) that the presented approach can be extended to the general case.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Niehren:1999:ENS.pdf Niehren:1999:ENS.ps} }
Stephan Oepen,
Emily Bender,
Ulrich Callmeier,
Dan Flickinger and
Melanie Siegel. Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oepen, Stephan and Bender, Emily and Callmeier, Ulrich and Flickinger, Dan and Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {http://www-csli.stanford.edu/~bender/papers/gee13.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Based on a detailed case study of parallel grammar development distributed across two sites, we review some of the requirements for regression testing in grammar engineering, summarize our approach to systematic competence and performance profiling, and discuss our experience with grammar development for a commercial application. If possible, the workshop presentation will be organized around a software demonstration.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oepen:2002:PDG.pdf} }
Stefan Oepen and
Ulrich Callmeier. Measure for Measure: Parser Cross-Fertilization. Towards Increased Component Comparability and Exchange. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technology (IWPT '00), February 23-25, Pages 183-194, Trento, Italy, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oepen, Stefan and Callmeier, Ulrich},
TITLE = {Measure for Measure: Parser Cross-Fertilization. Towards Increased Component Comparability and Exchange},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technology (IWPT '00), February 23-25},
PAGES = {183-194},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/itsdb/publications/fertilization.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~uc/pubs/iwpt00.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Over the past few years significant progress was accomplished in efficient processing with wide-coverage HPSG grammars. HPSG-based parsing systems are now available that can process medium-complexity sentences (of ten to twenty words, say) in average parse times equivalent to real (i.e. human reading) time. A large number of engineering improvements in current HPSG systems were achieved through collaboration of multiple research centers and mutual exchange of experience, encoding techniques, algorithms, and even pieces of software. This article presents an approach to grammar and system engineering, termed competence & performance profiling, that makes systematic experimentation and the precise empirical study of system properties a focal point in development. Adapting the profiling metaphor familiar from software engineering to constraint-based grammars and parsers, enables developers to maintain an accurate record of system evolution, identify grammar and system deficiencies quickly, and compare to earlier versions or between different systems. We discuss a number of exemplary problems that motivate the experimental approach, and apply the empirical methodology in a fairly detailed discussion of what was achieved during a development period of three years. Given the collaborative nature in setup, the empirical results we present involve research and achievements of a large group of people.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oepen:2000:MMP.pdf Oepen:2000:MMP.ps} }
Stefan Oepen and
John Carroll. Ambiguity Packing in Constraint-Based Parsing - Practical Results. In 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (NAACL '00), April 29 - May 3, Pages 162-169, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oepen, Stefan and Carroll, John},
TITLE = {Ambiguity Packing in Constraint-Based Parsing - Practical Results},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (NAACL '00), April 29 - May 3},
PAGES = {162-169},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oepen:2000:APC.pdf} }
Stefan Oepen and
Klaus Netter. TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the Conference on Linguistic Databases, March 23-24, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oepen, Stefan and Netter, Klaus},
TITLE = {TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Conference on Linguistic Databases, March 23-24},
ADDRESS = {Groningen, The Netherlands},
URL = {http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/group/projects/tsnlp/papers/tsnlp-groningen95.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oepen:1995:TTS.pdf Oepen:1995:TTS.ps} }
Karel Oliva. Simple Parser for an HPSG-Style Grammar Implemented in Prolog. In
Hans Karlgren editor, 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25, Vol. 3:434-437, Helsinki, Finland, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {Simple Parser for an HPSG-Style Grammar Implemented in Prolog},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {434-437},
EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} }
Karel Oliva. The Proper Treatment of Word Order in HPSG. In
ICCL editor, 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), August 23-28, Pages 184-190, Nantes, France, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {The Proper Treatment of Word Order in HPSG},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '92), August 23-28},
PAGES = {184-190},
ADDRESS = {Nantes, France} }
Karel Oliva. HPSG Lexicon without Lexical Rules. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Vol. 2:823-826, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {HPSG Lexicon without Lexical Rules},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {823-826},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} }
Karel Oliva. Grammatikbasierte Grammarchecking. In 5th German Student Conference on Computational Linguistics, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {Grammatikbasierte Grammarchecking},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {5th German Student Conference on Computational Linguistics},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Karel Oliva. Techniques for Accelerating a Grammar-Checker. In
Paul Jacobs editor, 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP '97), March 31 - April 3, Pages 155-158, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Washington D.C., USA, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {Techniques for Accelerating a Grammar-Checker},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP '97), March 31 - April 3},
PAGES = {155-158},
EDITOR = {Jacobs, Paul},
ADDRESS = {Washington D.C., USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} }
Karel Oliva. Hovory k sobe/si/sebe/se. In Ceština - univerzália a specifika 2 (sborník konference ve Šlapanicích u Brna 17-19.11.1999), Šlapanice, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {Hovory k sobe/si/sebe/se},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Ceština - univerzália a specifika 2 (sborník konference ve Šlapanicích u Brna 17-19.11.1999)},
ADDRESS = {Šlapanice} }
Karel Oliva. Nekteré aspekty komplexity ceského slovního neporádku (Some Aspects of the Complexity of Word Disorder in Czech) In Ceština - univerzália a specifika 3 (sborník konference v Brne 16-18.11.2000), Brno, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel},
TITLE = {Nekteré aspekty komplexity ceského slovního neporádku (Some Aspects of the Complexity of Word Disorder in Czech)},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Ceština - univerzália a specifika 3 (sborník konference v Brne 16-18.11.2000)},
ADDRESS = {Brno} }
Karel Oliva,
Milena Hnátková,
Vladimir Petkevic and
Pavel Kveton. The Linguistic Basis of a Rule-Based Tagger of Czech. In
Petr Sojka,
Ivan Kopecek and
Karel Pala editors, 3rd International Workshop Text, Speech and Dialogue 2000 (TSD '00), September 13-16, (1902):3-8, Springer, Brno, Czech Republic, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel and Hnátková, Milena and Petkevic, Vladimir and Kveton, Pavel},
TITLE = {The Linguistic Basis of a Rule-Based Tagger of Czech},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop Text, Speech and Dialogue 2000 (TSD '00), September 13-16},
NUMBER = {1902},
PAGES = {3-8},
EDITOR = {Sojka, Petr and Kopecek, Ivan and Pala, Karel},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Karel Oliva,
M. Andrew Moshier and
Sabine Lehmann. Grammar Engineering for the Next Millenium. In Proceedings of the 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium 1999 Closing the Millenium, November 5-7, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel and Moshier, M. Andrew and Lehmann, Sabine},
TITLE = {Grammar Engineering for the Next Millenium},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium 1999 Closing the Millenium, November 5-7},
ADDRESS = {Beijing, China},
PUBLISHER = {Tsinghua University Press},
URL = {http://korterm.kaist.ac.kr/nlprs99/finalpaper/528-10.rtf},
ABSTRACT = {The prevailing current view of a (symbolic, computational) grammar is basically that of a set of rewriting rules using featurestructured categories. However, whenever such a grammar is aimed at development of a real world applied project, at least two disadvantages become clear. First, it breaks with the traditional understanding of a grammar as a network of phenomena (such as agreement, subcategorization, etc.), thus impeding the (direct) incorporation of this knowledge into such grammars. Second, a realistic grammar is inevitably huge and simultaneously contains very complex interdependencies among rules. This makes any modularization of grammar engineering (aka division of labour within a team) and above all maintaining and debugging realistic grammars a virtually impossible task. This paper presents an alternative view of formal (computational) grammars of natural language allowing for smooth modularization of the grammarwriting process and hence for meeting the pressing task of distributed grammardevelopment. The examples of both problems and their solutions are related to grammars in HPSG style, however, the problems discussed are in no way HPSG specific, just on the contrary, they indeed concern any approach making use of feature structured categories.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oliva:1999:GEN.pdf} }
Csaba Oravecz and
Peter Dienes. Efficient Stochastic Part-of-Speech Tagging for Hungarian. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2002), May 29-31, Pages 710-717, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oravecz, Csaba and Dienes, Peter},
TITLE = {Efficient Stochastic Part-of-Speech Tagging for Hungarian},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2002), May 29-31},
PAGES = {710-717},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~dienes/oravecz_dienes_02.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Many of the methods developed for Western European languages and used widespread to produce annotated language resources cannot readily be applied to Central and Eastern European languages, due to the large number of novel phenomena exhibited in the syntax and morphology of these languages, which these methods have to handle but have not been designed to cope with. The process of morphological tagging when applied to Hungarian data to produce corpora annotated at least at the morphosyntactic level is most indicative of this problem: several of the algorithms (either rule-based or statistical) that have been used very successfully in other domains cannot readily be applied to a language exhibiting such a varied morphology and huge number of wordforms as Hungarian. The paper will describe a robust tagging scenario for Hungarian using a relatively simple stochastic system augmented with external morphological processing, which can overcome the two most conspcicuous problems: the complexity of morphosyntactic descriptions and most importantly the huge number of possible wordforms.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oravecz:2002:ESP.pdf Oravecz:2002:ESP.ps} }
Wim J. Peeters and
William J. Barry. Diphthong Dynamics: Production and Perception in Southern British English. In
J. P. Tubach and
Joseph Mariani editors, European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), September, Vol. 1:55-58, Paris, France, 1989.
AUTHOR = {Peeters, Wim J. and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Diphthong Dynamics: Production and Perception in Southern British English},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), September},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {55-58},
EDITOR = {Tubach, J. P. and Mariani, Joseph},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France} }
Markus Pilzecker. Semantically Driven Automatic Hyperlinking. In
Siegfried Handschuh,
Nigel Collier,
Rose Dieng and
Steffen Staab editors, Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002), Workshop 22: Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup, July 22, Pages 99-102, Lyon, France, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Pilzecker, Markus},
TITLE = {Semantically Driven Automatic Hyperlinking},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002), Workshop 22: Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup, July 22},
PAGES = {99-102},
EDITOR = {Handschuh, Siegfried and Collier, Nigel and Dieng, Rose and Staab, Steffen},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~mp/document/publications/ecai_w22.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper sketches some experiences and ideas, how a contemporary automatic hyperlinking system may be advantageously combined with sufficiently powerful methods that extract semantics from human language text.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Pilzecker:2002:SDA.pdf Pilzecker:2002:SDA.ps} }
Manfred Pinkal. On the Syntactic-Semantic Analysis of Bound Anaphora. In 5th EACL Conference, April 9-11, Pages 45-50, Berlin, Germany, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {On the Syntactic-Semantic Analysis of Bound Anaphora},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {5th EACL Conference, April 9-11},
PAGES = {45-50},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/E/E91/E91-1009.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Two well-known phenomena in the area of pronoun binding are considered: Indirect binding of pronouns by indefinite NPs (donkey sentences) and surface-syntactic constraints on binding (weak cross-over). A common treatment is proposed, and general consequences for the relation between syntactic and semantic processing are discussed. It is argued that syntactic and semantic analysis must interact in a complex way, rather than in a simple sequential or strict rule-to-rule fashion.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Pinkal:1991:SSAb.pdf} }
Manfred Pinkal. Radical Underspecification. In
Paul Dekker and
Martin Stokhof editors, 10th Amsterdam Colloquium, Pages 587-606, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Radical Underspecification},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Amsterdam Colloquium},
PAGES = {587-606},
EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
PUBLISHER = {University of Amsterdam} }
Manfred Pinkal. Vagueness, Ambiguity, and Underspecification. In
T. Galloway and
J. Spence editors, Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT VI), Pages 185-201, Cornell University, Rutgers University, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Vagueness, Ambiguity, and Underspecification},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT VI)},
PAGES = {185-201},
EDITOR = {Galloway, T. and Spence, J.},
ADDRESS = {Rutgers University},
PUBLISHER = {Cornell University} }
Manfred Pinkal. Constraints for Semantic Underspecification. In
Hans Kamp and
B. Partee editors, Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning. Proceedings of the Workshops in Prague and Bad Teinach. Volume 2: Comments and Replies, February, Pages 155-166, Bad Teichnach, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Constraints for Semantic Underspecification},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning. Proceedings of the Workshops in Prague and Bad Teinach. Volume 2: Comments and Replies, February},
PAGES = {155-166},
EDITOR = {Kamp, Hans and Partee, B.},
ADDRESS = {Bad Teichnach, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic} }
Manfred Pinkal. On semantic underspecification. In
Harry Bunt and
Reinhard Muskens editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2), January 13-15, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 1999. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {On semantic underspecification},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2), January 13-15},
EDITOR = {Bunt, Harry and Muskens, Reinhard},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg University, The Netherlands},
ABSTRACT = {Underspecification has become fashionable in computational semantics. In this chapter, I will try to give an idea of what semantic underspecification is, what it has been good for, and what the perspective for future application are. I will start with the inspection of specific phenomena and techniques which are usually associated with the notion of underspecification (in Section 1 and 2, respectively). In Sect. 3, I will try to indicate the main motivations for using underspecification techniques. Then, I will point out one important use of the concept in some detail, i.e., direct reasoning with incomplete semantic information, discussing first the appropriate truth-conditional basis (Sect. 4), and second perspectives on efficient reasonig systems (Sect. 5). I will conclude with some remarks about the general status of the semantic underspecification concept, in Sect. 6..} }
Manfred Pinkal and
Michael Kohlhase. Feature Logic for Dotted Types: A Formalism for Complex Word Meanings. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '00), October 1-8, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Hong Kong, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Feature Logic for Dotted Types: A Formalism for Complex Word Meanings},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '00), October 1-8},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase/papers/acl00.ps},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we revisit Pustejovsky's proposal to treat ontologically complex word meaning by so-called dotted pairs. We use a higher-order feature logic based on Ohori's record lambda-calculus to model the semantics of words like book and library, in particular their behavior in the context of quantification and cardinality statements.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Pinkal:2000:FLD.pdf Pinkal:2000:FLD.ps} }
Jakub Piskorski,
Witold Drozdzynski,
Feiyu Xu and
Oliver Scherf. A Flexible XML-based Regular Compiler for Creation and Converting Linguistic Resources. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Piskorski, Jakub and Drozdzynski, Witold and Xu, Feiyu and Scherf, Oliver},
TITLE = {A Flexible XML-based Regular Compiler for Creation and Converting Linguistic Resources},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02)},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/regular_compiler.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Finite-state devices are widely used to compactly model linguistic phenomena, whereas regular expressions are regarded as the adequate level of abstraction for thinking about finite-state languages. In this paper we present a flexible XML-based and Unicode-compatible regular compiler for creating, and integrating existing linguistic resources. Our tool provides user-friendly graphical interface which enables the transparent control of the compilation process and allows for testing generated finite-state grammars with several diagnostic tools. Through the direct database connection, existing linguistic resources can be converted into user-definable finite-state representations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Piskorski:2002:FXB.pdf} }
Jakub Piskorski,
Tilman Jaeger and
Feiyu Xu. A Framework for Domain and Task Adaptive Named-Entity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 5th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, June 3-6, Tallinn, Estonia, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Piskorski, Jakub and Jaeger, Tilman and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {A Framework for Domain and Task Adaptive Named-Entity Recognition},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, June 3-6},
ADDRESS = {Tallinn, Estonia},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/balt.tar.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Robust Named--Entity Recognition software is an essential preprocessing tool for performing more complex text processing tasks in business information systems. In this paper we present a Framework for Domain and Task Adaptive Named--Entity Recognition. It consists of several clear--cut subcomponents which can be flexibly and variably combined together in order to construct a task--specific NE--Recognition tool. Additionally, a diagnostic tool for automatic prediction of best system configuration is provided, which speeds up the development cycle.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Piskorski:2002:FDT.tar} }
Jakub Piskorski and
Günter Neumann. An Intelligent Text Extraction and Navigation System. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval (RIAO'00), Paris, France, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Piskorski, Jakub and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {An Intelligent Text Extraction and Navigation System},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval (RIAO'00)},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/sppc.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present SPPC, a high-performance system for intelligent text extraction and navigation from German free text documents. SPPC consists of a set of domain-independent shallow core components which are realized by means of cascaded weighted finite state machines and generic dynamic tries. All extracted information is represented uniformly in one data structure (called the text chart) in a highly compact and linked form in order to support indexing and navigation through the set of solutions. German text processing includes (among others) compound processing, high performance named entity recognition and chunk parsing based on a divide-and-conquer strategy. SPPC has a good performance (4380 words per second on standard PC environments) and high linguistic coverage.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Piskorski:2000:ITE.pdf Piskorski:2000:ITE.ps} }
Jakub Piskorski and
Wojciech Skut. Intelligent Information Extraction. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Information Systems, April 24-25, Poznan, Poland, 2000. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Piskorski, Jakub and Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Intelligent Information Extraction},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Information Systems, April 24-25},
ADDRESS = {Poznan, Poland},
ABSTRACT = {New developments in Information Technology and an ever-growing amount of unstructured business text documents in digital form require intelligent tools for precisely determining their content and relevance. In this paper we give an overview of the natural language processing approach to information extraction and information retrieval. Our article contains a brief description of efficient linguistic core components.} }
Paul Piwek,
Brigitte Krenn,
Marc Schröder,
Martine Grice,
Stefan Baumann and
Hannes Pirker. RRL: A Rich Represenatation Language for the Description of Agent Behaviour in NECA. In Proceedings of AAMAS 2002 Workshop:Embodied Conversational Agents - Let's Specify and Evaluate Them!, July 15-16, Bologna, Italy, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Piwek, Paul and Krenn, Brigitte and Schröder, Marc and Grice, Martine and Baumann, Stefan and Pirker, Hannes},
TITLE = {RRL: A Rich Represenatation Language for the Description of Agent Behaviour in NECA},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of AAMAS 2002 Workshop:Embodied Conversational Agents - Let's Specify and Evaluate Them!, July 15-16},
ADDRESS = {Bologna, Italy},
URL = {http://www.vhml.org/workshops/AAMAS/papers/piwek.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we describe the Rich Representation Language (RRL) which is used in the NECA system. The NECA system generates interactions between two or more animated characters. The RRL is a formal framework for representing the information that is exchanged at the interfaces between the various NECA system modules.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Piwek:2002:RRR.pdf} }
Oliver Plaehn. Computing the Most Probable Parse for a Discontinuous Phrase Structure Grammar. In
Harry Bunt editor, 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '00), February 23-25, Trento, Italy, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Plaehn, Oliver},
TITLE = {Computing the Most Probable Parse for a Discontinuous Phrase Structure Grammar},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '00), February 23-25},
EDITOR = {Bunt, Harry},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/iwpt2000.ps https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/iwpt2000.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/iwpt2000.html},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents a probabilistic extension of Discontinuous Phrase Structure Grammar (DPSG), a formalism designed to describe discontinuous constituency phenomena adequately and perspicuously by means of trees with crossing branches. We outline an implementation of an agenda-based chart parsing algorithm that is capable of computing the Most Probable Parse for a given input sentence for probabilistic versions of both DPSG and Context-Free Grammar. Experiments were conducted with both types of grammars extracted from the NEGRA corpus. In spite of the much greater complexity of DPSG parsing in terms of the number of (partial) analyses that can be constructed for an input sentence, accuracy results from both experiments are comparable. We also briefly hint at future lines of research aimed at more efficient ways of probabilistic parsing with discontinuous constituents.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Plaehn:2000:CMP.pdf Plaehn:2000:CMP.ps} }
Oliver Plaehn and
Thorsten Brants. Annotate - An Efficient Interactive Annotation Tool. In 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference (ANLP '00), April 29 - May 4, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Plaehn, Oliver and Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Annotate - An Efficient Interactive Annotation Tool},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference (ANLP '00), April 29 - May 4},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/anlp2000.ps.gz https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/anlp2000.pdf https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~plaehn/papers/anlp2000.html},
ABSTRACT = {During the creation of the NEGRA corpus, we developed very efficient interactive annotation tools. An easy-to-use graphical tool, Annotate, is used to manipulate syntactic structures. Annotate interacts with a part-of-speech tagger and a parser running in the background, thus facilitating rapid semi-automatic corpus annotation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Plaehn:2000:AEI.pdf Plaehn:2000:AEI.ps} }
Andreas Podelski,
Witold Charatonik and
Martin Müller. Set-Based Failure Analysis for Logic Programs and Concurrent Constraint Programs. In
S. Doaitse Swierstra editor, 8th European Symposium of Programming (ESOP '99). Programming Languages and Systems, March 22-28, (1576):177-192, Springer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Podelski, Andreas and Charatonik, Witold and Müller, Martin},
TITLE = {Set-Based Failure Analysis for Logic Programs and Concurrent Constraint Programs},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {8th European Symposium of Programming (ESOP '99). Programming Languages and Systems, March 22-28},
NUMBER = {1576},
PAGES = {177-192},
EDITOR = {Swierstra, S. Doaitse},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/esop99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents the first approximation method of the finite-failure set of a logic program by set-based analysis. In a dual view, the method yields a type analysis for programs with ongoing behaviors (perpetual processes). Our technical contributions are (1) the semantical characterization of finite failure of logic programs over infinite trees and (2) the design and soundness proof of the first set-based analysis of logic programs with the greatest-model semantics. Finally, we exhibit the connection between finite failure and the inevitability of the 'inconsistent-store' error in fair executions of concurrent constraint programs where no process suspends forever. This indicates a potential application to error diagnosis for concurrent constraint programs.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Podelski:1999:SBF.pdf Podelski:1999:SBF.ps} }
Andreas Podelski and
Gert Smolka. Situated Simplification. In
U. Montanari editor, 1st Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, September, (976):328-344, Springer, Cassis, France, 1995. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Podelski, Andreas and Smolka, Gert},
TITLE = {Situated Simplification},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, September},
NUMBER = {976},
PAGES = {328-344},
EDITOR = {Montanari, U.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Cassis, France},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/SituSimpliTCS.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Testing satisfaction of guards is the essential operation of concurrent constraint programming (CCP) systems. We present and prove correct, for the first time, an incremental algorithm for the simultaneous tests of entailment and disentailment of rational tree constraints to be used in CCP systems with deep guards (e.g., AKL or Oz). The algorithm is presented as the simplification of the constraints which form the (possibly deep) guards and which are situated at different nodes (or, local computation spaces) in a tree (of arbitrary depth). In this algorithm, each variable may have multiple bindings (representing multiple constraints on the same variable in different nodes). These may be realized by re- and de-installation upon each newly resumed check of the guard in the corresponding node (as done, e.g., in AKL or Oz), or by using look-up tables (with entries indexed by the nodes). We give a simple fixed-point algorithm and use it for proving that the tests implemented by another, practical algorithm are correct and complete for entailment and disentailment. We formulate the results in this paper for rational tree constraints; they can be adapted to finite and feature trees.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Podelski:1995:SS.pdf Podelski:1995:SS.ps} }
Konstantin Popov. A Parallel Abstract Machine for the Thread-Based Concurrent Constraint Language Oz. In
I. de Castro Dutra,
V. Santos Costa,
F. Silva,
E. Pontelli and
G. Gupta editors, Workshop On Parallism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Popov, Konstantin},
TITLE = {A Parallel Abstract Machine for the Thread-Based Concurrent Constraint Language Oz},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop On Parallism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages},
EDITOR = {de Castro Dutra, I. and Santos Costa, V. and Silva, F. and Pontelli, E. and Gupta, G.},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/Others/pamoz.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {A parallel abstract machine for Oz PAMOz is presented in this paper. Oz is a thread-based concurrent constraint programming language with state. Oz is convenient for concurrent programming like modelling multi-agent systems, as well as for solving combinatoric problems. PAMOz models the execution of a sublanguage of Oz without its constraint solving facilities. PAMOz has been implemented in the parallel Oz system, which is derived from the sequential Oz system and inherits its optimizations. PAMOz is targeted to shared-memory multiprocessors. PAMOz executes Oz threads in parallel. PAMOz is derived from AMOz, a sequential abstract machine for Oz. There are two principal differences between PAMOz and AMOz: the architecture of the abstract machine, and the implementation of operations on stateful data. PAMOz can be conservatively extended for full Oz; there is an interface between PAMOz and its constraint solving extension.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Popov:1997:PAM.pdf Popov:1997:PAM.ps} }
Detlef Prescher. Novel Properties and Well-Tried Performance of EM-Based Multivariate Clustering. In Proceedings of the EuroConference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-01), September 5-7, Pages 216-222, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {Novel Properties and Well-Tried Performance of EM-Based Multivariate Clustering},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EuroConference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-01), September 5-7},
PAGES = {216-222},
ADDRESS = {Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~prescher/papers/bib/2001ranlp.prescher.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We present three novel properties for EM-based multivariate clustering: simplified re-estimation formulas, a simple pruning technique, and a novel invariance property preserving the characteristics of the given empirical distribution. Evaluation on two tasks shows: EM-based multivariate clustering models require only twice the storage space of the original sample, and these models yield reliable estimates for unknown data. Moreover we refer to selected experiments showing that EM-based multivariate clustering improves several real-world applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Prescher:2001:NPW.pdf} }
Detlef Prescher. Inside-Outside Estimation Meets Dynamic EM. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-01), October 17-19, Pages 241-244, Beijing, China, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {Inside-Outside Estimation Meets Dynamic EM},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-01), October 17-19},
PAGES = {241-244},
ADDRESS = {Beijing, China},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~prescher/papers/bib/2001iwpt.prescher.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {It is an interesting fact that most of the stochastic models used by linguists can be interpreted as probabilistic context-free grammars. In this paper, this result will be accompanied by the formal proof that the inside-outside algorithm, the standard training method for probabilistic context-free grammars, can be regarded as a dynamic-programming variant of the EM algorithm. Even if this result is considered in isolation this means that most of the probabilistic models used by linguists are trained by a version of the EM algorithm. However, this result is even more interesting when considered in a theoretical context because the well-known convergence behavior of the inside-outside algorithm has been confirmed by many experiments but it seems that it never has been formally proved. Furthermore, being a version of the EM algorithm, the inside-outside algorithm also inherits the good convergence behavior of EM. We therefore contend that the as yet imperfect line of argumentation can be transformed into a coherent proof.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Prescher:2001:IOEb.pdf} }
Manfred Pützer. Cross-Frontier and Interregional Differences in the Production and Perception of Fortis-Lenis Oppositions in Plosives to be Found in the French-German Border Area. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on: Divergence and Convergence of Dialects Across Political Borders, March 13-15, Pages 97-105, Ghent, Belgium, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Cross-Frontier and Interregional Differences in the Production and Perception of Fortis-Lenis Oppositions in Plosives to be Found in the French-German Border Area},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on: Divergence and Convergence of Dialects Across Political Borders, March 13-15},
PAGES = {97-105},
ADDRESS = {Ghent, Belgium} }
Manfred Pützer,
Attilio Erriquez,
William J. Barry and
Manfred Just. Differenzierte Stimmprofile zur männlichen und weiblichen Normalstimme. In 17. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie, 6.-8. Oktober, Tübingen, Germany, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Erriquez, Attilio and Barry, William J. and Just, Manfred},
TITLE = {Differenzierte Stimmprofile zur männlichen und weiblichen Normalstimme},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {17. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie, 6.-8. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Tübingen, Germany} }
Diana Raileanu,
Paul Buitelaar,
Spela Vintar and
Jörg Bay. Evaluation Corpora for Sense Disambiguation in the Medical Domain. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Raileanu, Diana and Buitelaar, Paul and Vintar, Spela and Bay, Jörg},
TITLE = {Evaluation Corpora for Sense Disambiguation in the Medical Domain},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/lrec2002.eval.ps http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/lrec2002.eval.final.pdf http://www2.arnes.si/~svinta/lrec2002.eval.final.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {An important aspect of word sense disambiguation is the evaluation of different methods and parameters. Unfortunately, there is a lack of test sets for evaluation, specifically for languages other than English and even more so for specific domains like medicine. Given that our work focuses on English as well as German text in the medical domain, we had to develop our own evaluation corpora in order to test our disambiguation methods. In this paper we describe the work on developing these corpora, using GermaNet and UMLS as (lexical) semantic resources, next to a description of the annotation tool KiC that we developed for support of the annotation task.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Raileanu:2002:ECS.pdf Raileanu:2002:ECS.ps} }
Flora Ramírez Bustamante,
Thierry Declerck and
Fernando Sánchez León. Integrated Set of Tools for Robust Text Processing. In Proceedings of the Conference Venezia per il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue (VEXTAL), Venice, Italy, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{Ramírez Bustamante_et_al:1999,
AUTHOR = {Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Declerck, Thierry and Sánchez León, Fernando},
TITLE = {Integrated Set of Tools for Robust Text Processing},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Conference Venezia per il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue (VEXTAL)},
ADDRESS = {Venice, Italy},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/vextal99_ram.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes a set of tools for morpho-syntactic annotation of Spanish texts, based both on well known public domain tools (emerging from MULTEXT) and proprietary technologies (as Constraint Grammars). Besides, a complete bunch of new specific modules ranging from morphological analyzers to form, typographical and morphosyntactic checkers have been integrated in this NLP tool.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bustamante:1999:IST.pdf Bustamante:1999:IST.ps} }
Flora Ramírez Bustamante,
Thierry Declerck and
Fernando Sánchez León. Towards a Theory of Textual Errors. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Controlled Language Applications (CLAW'00), April 29-30, Seattle, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{Ramírez Bustamante_et_al:2000,
AUTHOR = {Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Declerck, Thierry and Sánchez León, Fernando},
TITLE = {Towards a Theory of Textual Errors},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Controlled Language Applications (CLAW'00), April 29-30},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, USA},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/claw00_ram.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a discussion on the current state of checking technology (both Controlled Language and Grammar Checking), and we stress the need for a generalized theory of textual errors which leads to a hierarchical organization of errors and illegal structures in relation to linguistic text processing. We then discuss the issue of an integrated checking approach.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bustamante:2000:TTT.pdf Bustamante:2000:TTT.ps} }
Flora Ramírez Bustamante,
Fernando Sánchez León and
Thierry Declerck. Correccion grammatical y preprocesamiento. In Proceedings of the Lenguaje Natural, Revista numero 21, July, Madrid, Spain, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{Ramírez Bustamante_et_al:1997,
AUTHOR = {Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Sánchez León, Fernando and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Correccion grammatical y preprocesamiento},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Lenguaje Natural, Revista numero 21, July},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/sepln1997_dec.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we investigate within the context of grammar checking in which sense the use of pre-processing steps can contribute to the robusteness of the syntactic analysis. Based on the experience done within the GramCheck project, we try to distinguish types of textual errors which could be handled at a lower level of NL processing. (The paper is written in Spanish).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bustamante:1997:CGPa.pdf Bustamante:1997:CGPa.ps} }
Flora Ramírez Bustamante,
Fernando Sánchez León and
Thierry Declerck. CON-TEXT. Un corrector grammatical de bajo nivel. In Proceedings of the Processamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Vol. 23:165-170, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{Ramírez Bustamante_et_al:1998,
AUTHOR = {Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Sánchez León, Fernando and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {CON-TEXT. Un corrector grammatical de bajo nivel},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Processamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
VOLUME = {23},
PAGES = {165-170},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/sepln1998_dec.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present the results of the CON-TEXT project which was concerned with the development of a grammar checker for Spanish texts. The grammar checking procedures are here exclusively based on the use of low level processing tools, such as segmentation and morphological analysis. We describe the tools under usage and the double architecture on the top of which the checker has been implemented. (The paper is written in Spanish).},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bustamante:1998:CTC.pdf Bustamante:1998:CTC.ps} }
Flora Ramírez Bustamante,
Fernando Sánchez León and
Thierry Declerck. Correccion grammatical y preprocesamiento. In Lenguaje Natural, Revista numero 21, July, Madrid, Spain, 1997. [Annote]
@InProceedings{Ramírez Bustamante_et_al:1997_1,
AUTHOR = {Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Sánchez León, Fernando and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Correccion grammatical y preprocesamiento},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Lenguaje Natural, Revista numero 21, July},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/sepln1997_dec.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/sepln1997_dec.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bustamante:1997:CGP.pdf Bustamante:1997:CGP.ps} }
Flora Ramírez Bustamante,
Fernando Sánchez León and
Thierry Declerck. Grammar Checking and Preprocessing in ALEP. In Proceedings of the 3rd ALEP User Group Workshop, March 6-7, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
@InProceedings{Ramírez Bustamante_et_al:1997_2,
AUTHOR = {Ramírez Bustamante, Flora and Sánchez León, Fernando and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Grammar Checking and Preprocessing in ALEP},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd ALEP User Group Workshop, March 6-7},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.iai.uni-sb.de/alep/papers/checking.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bustamante:1997:GCP.pdf Bustamante:1997:GCP.ps} }
Wiebke Ramm and
Claudia Villiger. Global Text Organization and Sentence-Grammatical Realization: Discourse-Level Constraints on Theme Selection. In
B. Boguraev editor, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP '95), September 11-13, European Association of Computational Linguistics, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Ramm, Wiebke and Villiger, Claudia},
TITLE = {Global Text Organization and Sentence-Grammatical Realization: Discourse-Level Constraints on Theme Selection},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP '95), September 11-13},
EDITOR = {Boguraev, B.},
ADDRESS = {Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria},
PUBLISHER = {European Association of Computational Linguistics} }
Manny Rayner,
Hiyan Alshawi,
Ivan Bretan,
David M. Carter,
Vassilios Digalakis,
Björn Gambäck,
Jaan Kaja,
Jussi Karlgren,
Bertil Lyberg,
Stephen G. Pulman,
Patti Price and
Christer Samuelsson. A Speech to Speech Translation System Built from Standard Components. In Workshop on Human Language Technology, March 21-24, Morgan Kaufmann, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 1993. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Rayner, Manny and Alshawi, Hiyan and Bretan, Ivan and Carter, David M. and Digalakis, Vassilios and Gambäck, Björn and Kaja, Jaan and Karlgren, Jussi and Lyberg, Bertil and Pulman, Stephen G. and Price, Patti and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {A Speech to Speech Translation System Built from Standard Components},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Human Language Technology, March 21-24},
ADDRESS = {Princeton, New Jersey, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
URL = {http://www.sics.se/~gamback/publications/hlt93.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Rayner:1993:SSTa.pdf Rayner:1993:SSTa.ps} }
Manny Rayner,
Ivan Bretan,
David M. Carter,
Michael Collins,
Vassilios Digalakis,
Björn Gambäck,
Jaan Kaja,
Jussi Karlgren,
Bertil Lyberg,
Stephen G. Pulman,
Patti Price and
Christer Samuelsson. Spoken Language Translation with Mid-90's Technology: A Case Study. In
K. Fellbaum editor, 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '93), September 21-23, Vol. 2:1299-1302, Berlin, Germany, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Rayner, Manny and Bretan, Ivan and Carter, David M. and Collins, Michael and Digalakis, Vassilios and Gambäck, Björn and Kaja, Jaan and Karlgren, Jussi and Lyberg, Bertil and Pulman, Stephen G. and Price, Patti and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Spoken Language Translation with Mid-90's Technology: A Case Study},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '93), September 21-23},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1299-1302},
EDITOR = {Fellbaum, K.},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany} }
Manny Rayner and
Christer Samuelsson. Using Explanation-Based Learning to Increase Performance in a Large-Scale NL Query Interface. In 3rd DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, June, Pages 251-256, Morgan Kaufmann, Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, USA, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Rayner, Manny and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Using Explanation-Based Learning to Increase Performance in a Large-Scale NL Query Interface},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, June},
PAGES = {251-256},
ADDRESS = {Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann} }
Mario Refice,
Michelina Savino and
Martine Grice. A Contribution to the Estimation of Naturalness in the Intonation of Italian Spontaneous Speech. In 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '97), September 22-25, Pages 783-786, Rhodes, Greece, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Refice, Mario and Savino, Michelina and Grice, Martine},
TITLE = {A Contribution to the Estimation of Naturalness in the Intonation of Italian Spontaneous Speech},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '97), September 22-25},
PAGES = {783-786},
ADDRESS = {Rhodes, Greece} }
Matthias Reyelt,
Martine Grice,
Ralf Benzmüller,
Jörg Mayer and
Anton Batliner. Prosodische Etikettierung des Deutschen mit ToBI. In
Dafydd Gibbon editor, 3. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '96), 7.-9. Oktober, Pages 144-155, Mouton de Gryuter, Bielefeld, Germany, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Reyelt, Matthias and Grice, Martine and Benzmüller, Ralf and Mayer, Jörg and Batliner, Anton},
TITLE = {Prosodische Etikettierung des Deutschen mit ToBI},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {3. Konferenz Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '96), 7.-9. Oktober},
PAGES = {144-155},
EDITOR = {Gibbon, Dafydd},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Mouton de Gryuter} }
Bärbel Ripplinger,
Spela Vintar and
Paul Buitelaar. Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval through Semantic Annotation. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedical Applications (NLPBA'02), March 8-9, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Ripplinger, Bärbel and Vintar, Spela and Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval through Semantic Annotation},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedical Applications (NLPBA'02), March 8-9},
ADDRESS = {Nicosia, Cyprus},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/nlpba.ps},
ABSTRACT = {We present a framework for concept-based, cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) in the medical domain, which is under development in the MUCHMORE project. Our approach is based on using the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) as the primary source of semantic data, whereby documents and queries are annotated with multiple layers of linguistic information. Linguistic processing includes POS-tagging, morphological analysis, phrase recognition and the identification of medical concepts and semantic relations between them. The paper describes experiments in mono- and bilingual document retrieval, performed on a parallel English-German corpus of medical abstracts. Results show on the one hand that linguistic processing, especially lemmatisation and compound analysis, is a crucial step to achieving good baseline performance. On the other hand we show that semantic information, specifically the combined use of concepts and relations, significantly increases performance in cross-lingual retrieval.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Ripplinger:2002:CLI.pdf Ripplinger:2002:CLI.ps} }
Tobias Ruland,
Christopher J. Rupp,
Jörg Spilker,
Hans Weber and
Karsten L. Worm. Making the Most of Multiplicity: A Multi-Parser Multi-Strategy Architecture for the Robust Processing of Spoken Language. In
Robert H. Mannell and
Jordi Robert-Ribes editors, Prceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98), November 30 - December 4, ASSTA, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Ruland, Tobias and Rupp, Christopher J. and Spilker, Jörg and Weber, Hans and Worm, Karsten L.},
TITLE = {Making the Most of Multiplicity: A Multi-Parser Multi-Strategy Architecture for the Robust Processing of Spoken Language},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Prceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98), November 30 - December 4},
EDITOR = {Mannell, Robert H. and Robert-Ribes, Jordi},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
Christer Samuelsson. Avoiding Non-Termination in Unification Grammars. In
Yuji Matsumoto editor, 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP4), September 29 - October 1, Pages 4-16, Nara, Japan, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Avoiding Non-Termination in Unification Grammars},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP4), September 29 - October 1},
PAGES = {4-16},
EDITOR = {Matsumoto, Yuji},
ADDRESS = {Nara, Japan} }
Christer Samuelsson. Notes on LR Parser Design. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Vol. 1:386-390, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Notes on LR Parser Design},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {386-390},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} }
Christer Samuelsson. Explanation-Based Learning of Grammar for Parsing. In ELSNET/MLNET Workshop on Machine Learning of Natural Language and Speech, December 2-3, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Explanation-Based Learning of Grammar for Parsing},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {ELSNET/MLNET Workshop on Machine Learning of Natural Language and Speech, December 2-3},
ADDRESS = {University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands} }
Christer Samuelsson. Grammar Specialization through Entropy Thresholds. In 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '94), June 27-30, Pages 188-195, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Grammar Specialization through Entropy Thresholds},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '94), June 27-30},
PAGES = {188-195},
ADDRESS = {New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} }
Christer Samuelsson. Morphological Tagging Based Entirely on Bayesian Inference. In
R. Eklund editor, 9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Pages 225-238, Stockholm, Sweden, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Morphological Tagging Based Entirely on Bayesian Inference},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {225-238},
EDITOR = {Eklund, R.},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
Christer Samuelsson. A Novel Framework for Reductionistic Statistical Parsing. In 4th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '95), September 20-24, Pages 208-215, Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {A Novel Framework for Reductionistic Statistical Parsing},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '95), September 20-24},
PAGES = {208-215},
ADDRESS = {Prague and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic} }
Christer Samuelsson. An Efficient Algorithm for Surface Generation. In 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '95), August 20-25, Vol. 2:1414-1419, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {An Efficient Algorithm for Surface Generation},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '95), August 20-25},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1414-1419},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} }
Christer Samuelsson. Example-Based Optimization of Surface-Generation Tables. In
B. Boguraev editor, 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, September, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Example-Based Optimization of Surface-Generation Tables},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, September},
EDITOR = {Boguraev, B.},
ADDRESS = {Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria} }
Christer Samuelsson. Handling Sparse Data by Successive Abstraction. In
ACL editor, 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9, Vol. 2:895-900, Copenhagen, Danmark, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Handling Sparse Data by Successive Abstraction},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {895-900},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Danmark},
ABSTRACT = {A general, practical method for handling sparse data that avoids held-out data and iterative reestimation is derived from first principles. It has been tested on a part-of-speech tagging task and outperformed (deleted) interpolation with context-independent weights, even when the latter used a globally optimal parameter setting determined a posteriori.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Samuelsson:1996:HSDa.pdf} }
Christer Samuelsson. Relating Turing's Formula and Zipf's Law. In 4th Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC-4), August 4, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {Relating Turing's Formula and Zipf's Law},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC-4), August 4},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark} }
Christer Samuelsson and
Manny Rayner. Developing an EBL Bypass for a Natural Language System. In 9th Annual Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {Developing an EBL Bypass for a Natural Language System},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Annual Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
Christer Samuelsson and
Manny Rayner. Explanation-Based Learning as a Tuning Tool for Large-Scale Natural Language Interfaces. In AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Workshop on Machine Learning in Natural Language and Ontology, March, Pages 143-145, Stanford, California, USA, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {Explanation-Based Learning as a Tuning Tool for Large-Scale Natural Language Interfaces},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Workshop on Machine Learning in Natural Language and Ontology, March},
PAGES = {143-145},
ADDRESS = {Stanford, California, USA} }
Christer Samuelsson and
Manny Rayner. Quantitative Evaluation of Explanation-Based Learning as an Optimization Tool for a Large-Scale Natural Language System. In
John Mylopoulos and
Raymond Reiter editors, 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30, Pages 609-615, Morgan Kaufmann, Sydney, Australia, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer and Rayner, Manny},
TITLE = {Quantitative Evaluation of Explanation-Based Learning as an Optimization Tool for a Large-Scale Natural Language System},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30},
PAGES = {609-615},
EDITOR = {Mylopoulos, John and Reiter, Raymond},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann} }
Christer Samuelsson,
Pasi Tapanainen and
Atro Voutalainen. Inducing Constraint Grammars. In
L. Miclet and
C. De La Higuera editors, 3rd International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI '96): Grammatical Inference: Learning Syntax from Sentences, September 25-27, (1147):146-155, Springer, Montpellier, France, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer and Tapanainen, Pasi and Voutalainen, Atro},
TITLE = {Inducing Constraint Grammars},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI '96): Grammatical Inference: Learning Syntax from Sentences, September 25-27},
NUMBER = {1147},
PAGES = {146-155},
EDITOR = {Miclet, L. and De La Higuera, C.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, France},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Lena Santamarta,
Nikolaj Lindberg and
Björn Gambäck. Towards Building a Swedish Treebank. In 10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31, Pages 37-40, Helsinki, Finland, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Santamarta, Lena and Lindberg, Nikolaj and Gambäck, Björn},
TITLE = {Towards Building a Swedish Treebank},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, May 30-31},
PAGES = {37-40},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
URL = {www.sics.se/humle/papers/nodalida95_tree.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Santamarta:1995:TBS.pdf Santamarta:1995:TBS.ps} }
Christoph Scheepers and
Martin Corley. Syntactic Priming in German Sentence Production. In
L. R. Gleitman and
A. K. Joshi editors, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2000), August 13-15, Pages 435-440, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Scheepers, Christoph and Corley, Martin},
TITLE = {Syntactic Priming in German Sentence Production},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2000), August 13-15},
PAGES = {435-440},
EDITOR = {Gleitman, L. R. and Joshi, A. K.},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates} }
Christoph Scheepers,
Barbara Hemforth and
Lars Konieczny. Incremental Processing of German Verb-Final Constructions: Predicting the Verb's Minimum (!) Valency. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS/JCSS99), July 27-30, Tokyo, Japan, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Scheepers, Christoph and Hemforth, Barbara and Konieczny, Lars},
TITLE = {Incremental Processing of German Verb-Final Constructions: Predicting the Verb's Minimum (!) Valency},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS/JCSS99), July 27-30},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan} }
Klaus Schild and
Jörg Würtz. Off-Line Scheduling of a Real-Time System. In
K. M. George editor, 1998 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '98), February 27 - March 1, Pages 29-38, ACM Press, Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schild, Klaus and Würtz, Jörg},
TITLE = {Off-Line Scheduling of a Real-Time System},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {1998 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '98), February 27 - March 1},
PAGES = {29-38},
EDITOR = {George, K. M.},
ADDRESS = {Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/sac98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The paper shows how a recently introduced class of applications can be solved by constraint programming. This new type of application is due to the emergence of special real-time systems, enjoying increasing popularity in such diverse areas as automotive electronics and aerospace industry. These real-time systems are time triggered in the sense that their overall behavior is globally controlled by a recurring clock tick. For this off-line scheduling problem a potentially indefinite, periodic processing has to be mapped onto a single time window of a fixed length. We make this new class of applications amenable to constraint programming. We describe which traditional scheduling and real-time computing techniques led to success and which failed when confronted with a large-scale application of this type. Global constraints were used to reduce memory consumption and to speed up computation. An elaborate heuristic, borrowed from Operations Research, was employed to solve the problem. Furthermore, we show that mere serialization is sufficient to find a valid schedule. The actual implementation was done in the concurrent constraint programming language Oz.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schild:1998:LSR.pdf Schild:1998:LSR.ps} }
Paul Schmidt,
M. Groenendijk,
P. Phelan,
H. Schulz,
Sibylle Rieder,
Axel Theofilidis,
Thierry Declerck and
Andrew Bredenkamp. Natural Language Access to Software Applications. In 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguitics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14, Vol. 2:1193-1197, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schmidt, Paul and Groenendijk, M. and Phelan, P. and Schulz, H. and Rieder, Sibylle and Theofilidis, Axel and Declerck, Thierry and Bredenkamp, Andrew},
TITLE = {Natural Language Access to Software Applications},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguitics (COLING-ACL '98), August 10-14},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1193-1197},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/melissa98_col.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/melissa98_col.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schmidt:1998:NLA.pdf Schmidt:1998:NLA.ps} }
Paul Schmidt,
Sibylle Rieder,
Axel Theofilidis and
Thierry Declerck. Lean Formalisms, Linguistic Theory, and Applications. Grammar Development in ALEP. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9, Copenhagen, Danmark, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schmidt, Paul and Rieder, Sibylle and Theofilidis, Axel and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Lean Formalisms, Linguistic Theory, and Applications. Grammar Development in ALEP},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96), August 5-9},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Danmark},
URL = {http://www.iai.uni-sb.de/LS-GRAM/coling.ps.gz http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Declerck_1996_LFLTA.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes results achieved in a project which addresses the issue of how the gap between unificationbased grammars as a scientific concept and real world applications can be narrowed down 1 . Applicationoriented grammar development has to take into account the following parameters: Efficiency: The project chose a so called 'lean' formalism, a termencodable language providing efficient term unification, ALEP. Coverage: The project adopted a corpusbased approach. Completeness: All modules needed from text handling to semantics must be there. The paper reports on a text handling component, Two Level morphology, word structure, phrase structure, semantics and the interfaces between these components. Mainstream approach: The approach claims to be mainstream, very much indebted to HPSG, thus based on the currently most prominent and recent linguistic theory. The relation (and tension) between these parameters are described in this paper.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schmidt:1996:LFL.pdf Schmidt:1996:LFL.ps} }
Marc Schröder. Experimental Study of Affect Bursts. In
Roddy Cowie,
Ellen Douglas-Cowie and
Marc Schröder editors, ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion, Pages 132-137, Textflow, Belfast, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schröder, Marc},
TITLE = {Experimental Study of Affect Bursts},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion},
PAGES = {132-137},
EDITOR = {Cowie, Roddy and Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Schröder, Marc},
ADDRESS = {Belfast},
PUBLISHER = {Textflow},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~schroed/articles/schroeder2000.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The study described here investigates the perceived emotional content of “affect bursts” for German. Affect bursts are defined as short emotional non-speech expressions interrupting speech. This study shows that affect bursts, presented without context, can convey a clearly identifiable emotional meaning. Affect bursts expressing ten emotions were produced by actors. After a pre-selection procedure, “good examples” for each emotion were presented in a perception test. The mean recognition score of 81% indicates that affect bursts seem to be an effective means of expressing emotions. Affect bursts are grouped into classes on the basis of phonetic similarity. Recognition and confusion patterns are examined for these. classes},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schroder:2000:ESA.pdf} }
Marc Schröder. Emotional Speech Synthesis - A Review. In
Paul Dalsgaard,
Borge Lindberg and
Henrik Benner editors, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'01), Vol. 1:561-564, Kommunik Grafiske Losninger A/S, Aalborg, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schröder, Marc},
TITLE = {Emotional Speech Synthesis - A Review},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'01)},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {561-564},
EDITOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Lindberg, Borge and Benner, Henrik},
ADDRESS = {Aalborg},
PUBLISHER = {Kommunik Grafiske Losninger A/S},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~schroed/articles/schroeder2001.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Attempts to add emotion effects to synthesised speech have existed for more than a decade now. Several prototypes and fully operational systems have been built based on different synthesis techniques, and quite a number of smaller studies have been conducted. This paper aims to give an overview of what has been done in this field, pointing out the inherent properties of the various synthesis techniques used, summarising the prosody rules employed, and taking a look at the evaluation paradigms. Finally, an attempt is made to discuss interesting directions for future development.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schroder:2001:ESS.pdf} }
Marc Schröder,
Véronique Aubergé and
Marie-Agnès Cathiard. Can we hear Smiles? In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98), Sydney, Australia, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schröder, Marc and Aubergé, Véronique and Cathiard, Marie-Agnès},
TITLE = {Can we hear Smiles?},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98)},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~schroed/articles/schroederetal1998.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The amusement expression is both visual and audible in speech. After recording comparable spontaneous, acted, mechanical, reiterated and seduction stimuli, five perceptual experiments were held, mainly based on the hypothesis of prosodically controlled effects of amusement on speech. Results show that audio is partially independant from video, which is as performant as audio-video. Spontaneous speech(unvolontary controlled) can be identified in front of acted speech (volontary controlled). Amusement speech can be distinguished from seduction speech.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schroder:1998:CWH.pdf} }
Marc Schröder,
Roddy Cowie,
Ellen Douglas-Cowie,
Machiel Westerdijk and
Stan Gielen. Acoustic Correlates of Emotion Dimensions in View of Speech Synthesis. In
Paul Dalsgaard,
Borge Lindberg and
Henrik Benner editors, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'01), Vol. 1:87--90, Kommunik Grafiske Losninger A/S, Aalborg, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schröder, Marc and Cowie, Roddy and Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Westerdijk, Machiel and Gielen, Stan},
TITLE = {Acoustic Correlates of Emotion Dimensions in View of Speech Synthesis},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'01)},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {87--90},
EDITOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Lindberg, Borge and Benner, Henrik},
ADDRESS = {Aalborg},
PUBLISHER = {Kommunik Grafiske Losninger A/S},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~schroed/articles/schroeder_etal2001.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In a database of emotional speech, dimensional descriptions of emotional states have been correlated with acoustic variables. Many stable correlations have been found. The predictions made by linear regression widely agree with the literature. The numerical form of the description and the choice of acoustic variables studied are particularly well suited for future implementation in a speech synthesis system, possibly allowing for the expression of gradual emotional states.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schroder:2001:ACE.pdf} }
Marc Schröder and
Jürgen Trouvain. The German Text-to-Speech Synthesis System MARY: A Tool for Research, Development and Teaching. In Proceedings of the 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, August 29 - September 1, Pages 131-136, Perthshire, Scotland, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schröder, Marc and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {The German Text-to-Speech Synthesis System MARY: A Tool for Research, Development and Teaching},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, August 29 - September 1},
PAGES = {131-136},
ADDRESS = {Perthshire, Scotland},
URL = {http://www.ssw4.org/papers/112.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The German Text-to-Speech Synthesis system Mary is presented. An interface allowing to access and modify intermediate processing steps without the need for a technical understanding of the system is described, along with examples of how this interface can be put to use in research, development and teaching.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schroder:2001:GTS.pdf Schroder:2001:GTS.ps} }
Christian Schulte. Programming Constraint Inference Engines. In
Gert Smolka editor, 3rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '97), October 29 - November 1, (1330):519-533, Springer, Schloß Hagenberg, Austria, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schulte, Christian},
TITLE = {Programming Constraint Inference Engines},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '97), October 29 - November 1},
NUMBER = {1330},
PAGES = {519-533},
EDITOR = {Smolka, Gert},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Schloß Hagenberg, Austria},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Engines.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Existing constraint programming systems offer a fixed set of inference engines implementing search strategies such as single, all, and best solution search. This is unfortunate, since new engines cannot be integrated by the user. The paper presents first-class computation spaces as abstractions with which the user can program inference engines at a high level. Using computation spaces, the paper covers several inference engines ranging from standard search strategies to techniques new to constraint programming, including limited discrepancy search, visual search, and saturation. Saturation is an inference method for tautology-checking used in industrial practice. Computation spaces have shown their practicability in the constraint programming system Oz.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schulte:1997:PCI.pdf Schulte:1997:PCI.ps} }
Christian Schulte. Oz Explorer: A Visual Constraint Programming Tool. In
L. Naish editor, 14th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP '97), June, Pages 286-300, MIT Press, Leuven, Belgium, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schulte, Christian},
TITLE = {Oz Explorer: A Visual Constraint Programming Tool},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP '97), June},
PAGES = {286-300},
EDITOR = {Naish, L.},
ADDRESS = {Leuven, Belgium},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Explorer.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the Oz Explorer and its implementation. The Explorer is a visual constraint programming tool intended to support the development of constraint programs. It uses the search tree of a constraint problem as its central metaphor. Exploration and visualization of the search tree are user-driven and interactive. The constraints of any node in the tree are available first-class: predefined or user-defined procedures can be used to display or analyze them. The Explorer is a fast and memory efficient tool intended for the development of real-world constraint programs. The Explorer is implemented in Oz using first-class computation spaces. There is no fixed search strategy in Oz. Instead, first-class computation spaces allow to program search engines. The Explorer is one particular example of a user-guided search engine. The use of recomputation to trade space for time makes it possible to solve large real-world problems, which would use too much memory otherwise.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schulte:1997:OEV.pdf Schulte:1997:OEV.ps} }
Christian Schulte. Comparing Trailing and Copying for Constraint Programming. In
D. De Schreye editor, 16th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP '99), November 29 - December 4, Pages 275-289, MIT Press, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schulte, Christian},
TITLE = {Comparing Trailing and Copying for Constraint Programming},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {16th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP '99), November 29 - December 4},
PAGES = {275-289},
EDITOR = {De Schreye, D.},
ADDRESS = {Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/copying.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {A central service of a constraint programming system is search. In almost all constraint programming systems search is based on trailing, which is well understood and known to be efficient. This paper compares trailing to copying. Copying offers more expressiveness as required by parallel and concurrent systems. However, little is known how trailing compares to copying as it comes to implementation effort, runtime efficiency, and memory requirements. This paper discusses these issues. Execution speed of a copying-based system is shown to be competitive with state-of-the-art trailing-based systems. For the first time, a detailed analysis and comparison with respect to memory usage is made. It is shown how recomputation decreases memory requirements which can be prohibitive for large problems with copying alone. The paper introduces an adaptive recomputation strategy that is shown to speedup search while keeping memory consumption low. It is demonstrated that copying with recomputation outperforms trailing on large problems with respect to both space and time.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schulte:1999:CTC.pdf Schulte:1999:CTC.ps} }
Christian Schulte. Programming Deep Concurrent Constraint Combinators. In
E. Pontelli and
V. Santos Costa editors, Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, Second International Workshop, PADL 2000, January 17-18, (1753):215-229, Springer, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schulte, Christian},
TITLE = {Programming Deep Concurrent Constraint Combinators},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, Second International Workshop, PADL 2000, January 17-18},
NUMBER = {1753},
PAGES = {215-229},
EDITOR = {Pontelli, E. and Santos Costa, V.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Boston, Massachusetts, USA},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/combinators.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Constraint combination methods are essential for a flexible constraint programming system. This paper presents deep concurrent constraint combinators based on computation spaces as combination mechanism. It introduces primitives and techniques needed to program constraint combinators from computation spaces. The paper applies computation spaces to a broad range of combinators: negation, generalized reification, disjunction, and implication. Even though computation spaces have been conceived in the context of Oz, they are mainly programming language independent. This point is stressed by discussing them here in the context of Standard ML with concurrency features.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schulte:2000:PDC.pdf Schulte:2000:PDC.ps} }
Scott A. Schwenter and
Shravan Vasishth. Absolute and Relative Scalar Particles in Spanish and Hindi. In 26th Berkeley Linguistics Society Conference (BLS 26), February 18-21, Pages 225-233, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2000. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Schwenter, Scott A. and Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Absolute and Relative Scalar Particles in Spanish and Hindi},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {26th Berkeley Linguistics Society Conference (BLS 26), February 18-21},
PAGES = {225-233},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/BLS2000/BLS00paper.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Schwenter:2000:ARS.pdf} }
Sandip Sen and
Edmund H. Durfee. Automated Meeting Scheduling among Heterogeneous Agents. In AAAI Workshop on Cooperation among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, June, San Jose, California, USA, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Sen, Sandip and Durfee, Edmund H.},
TITLE = {Automated Meeting Scheduling among Heterogeneous Agents},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Workshop on Cooperation among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, June},
ADDRESS = {San Jose, California, USA} }
Melanie Siegel. Problems of Automatic Translation of Japanese Dialogues into German. In
Walther von Hahn,
S. Jekat and
I. Maleck editors, Machine Translation and Machine Interpretation. Proceedings of the VERBMOBIL Workshop at the University of Hamburg, October, Computer Science Department, University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {Problems of Automatic Translation of Japanese Dialogues into German},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Machine Translation and Machine Interpretation. Proceedings of the VERBMOBIL Workshop at the University of Hamburg, October},
EDITOR = {von Hahn, Walther and Jekat, S. and Maleck, I.},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Computer Science Department, University Hamburg},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/hamburg.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:1995:PAT.pdf Siegel:1995:PAT.ps} }
Melanie Siegel. Preferences and Defaults for Definiteness and Number in Japanese to German Machine Translation. In
Byung-Soo Park and
Jong-Bok Kim editors, Selected Papers from the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 11), December 20-22, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {Preferences and Defaults for Definiteness and Number in Japanese to German Machine Translation},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Selected Papers from the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 11), December 20-22},
EDITOR = {Park, Byung-Soo and Kim, Jong-Bok},
ADDRESS = {Kyung Hee University, Seoul},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/paclic.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:1996:PDD.pdf Siegel:1996:PDD.ps} }
Melanie Siegel. The Syntactic Processing of Participles in Japanese Spoken Language. In
Jhing-Fa Wang and
Chung-Hsien Wu editors, Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 13), February 10-12, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {The Syntactic Processing of Participles in Japanese Spoken Language},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 13), February 10-12},
EDITOR = {Wang, Jhing-Fa and Wu, Chung-Hsien},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/paclic99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Particles fullfill several distinct central roles in the Japanese language. They can mark arguments as well as adjuncts, can be functional or have semantic funtions. There is, however, no straightforward matching from particles to functions, as, e.g., ga can mark the subject, the object or an adjunct of a sentence. Particles can cooccur. Verbal arguments that could be identified by particles can be eliminated in the Japanese sentence. And finally, in spoken language particles are often omitted. A proper treatment of particles is thus necessary to make an analysis of Japanese sentences possible. Our treatment is based on an empirical investigation of 800 dialogues. We set up a type hierarchy of particles motivated by their subcategorizational and modificational behaviour. This type hierarchy is part of the Japanese syntax in VERBMOBIL.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:1999:SPP.pdf Siegel:1999:SPP.ps} }
Melanie Siegel. Japanese Honorification in an HPSG Framework. In
Akira Ikeya and
Masahito Kawamori editors, Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, February 15-17, Pages 289-300, Waseda University International Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {Japanese Honorification in an HPSG Framework},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, February 15-17},
PAGES = {289-300},
EDITOR = {Ikeya, Akira and Kawamori, Masahito},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan},
PUBLISHER = {Waseda University International Conference Center},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/paclic2000.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a solution for the representation of Japanese honorificational information in the HPSG framework. Basically, there are three dimensions of honorification. We show that a treatment is necessary that involves both the syntactic and the contextual level of information. The Japanese grammar is part of a machine translation system.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:2000:JHH.pdf Siegel:2000:JHH.ps} }
Melanie Siegel and
Emily Bender. Efficient Deep Processing of Japanese. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Language Resources and International Standardization. COLING 2002 Post-Conference Workshop, August 31, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie and Bender, Emily},
TITLE = {Efficient Deep Processing of Japanese},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Language Resources and International Standardization. COLING 2002 Post-Conference Workshop, August 31},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
URL = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs.CL/0207005.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We present a broad coverage Japanese grammar written in the HPSG formalism with MRS semantics. The grammar is created for use in real world applications, such that robustness and performance issues play an important role. It is connected to a POS tagging and word segmentation tool. This grammar is being developed in a multilingual context, requiring MRS structures that are easily comparable across languages.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:2002:EDP.pdf} }
Melanie Siegel and
Oliver Scherf. Morphological Parsing of Japanese. In Conference Handbook of the 2nd International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese, Pages 116-117, San Francisco State University, USA, 2000. 
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie and Scherf, Oliver},
TITLE = {Morphological Parsing of Japanese},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference Handbook of the 2nd International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese},
PAGES = {116-117},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco State University, USA},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/icplj.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ms2.entry} }
Melanie Siegel,
Feiyu Xu and
Günter Neumann. Customizing GermaNet for the Use in Deep Linguistic Processing. In Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. 2nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL '01), June 2-7, Pages 165-167, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie and Xu, Feiyu and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Customizing GermaNet for the Use in Deep Linguistic Processing},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. 2nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL '01), June 2-7},
PAGES = {165-167},
ADDRESS = {Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/short-Naacl2001.doc http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/NAACL2001.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:2001:CGU.pdf} }
Wojciech Skut. Adjuncts, Ambiguity, Phrase Structure and Scope. In 3rd International Conference on HPSG. Abstracts. May 20-22, Marseille, France, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Adjuncts, Ambiguity, Phrase Structure and Scope},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on HPSG. Abstracts. May 20-22},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France} }
Wojciech Skut. Finite Automata for Processing Word Order. In Workshop on Extended Finite State Models of Language (ECAI '96), August 12-16, von Neumann Society of Computer Science, Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech},
TITLE = {Finite Automata for Processing Word Order},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Extended Finite State Models of Language (ECAI '96), August 12-16},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
PUBLISHER = {von Neumann Society of Computer Science} }
Wojciech Skut and
Thorsten Brants. A Maximum-Entropy Partial Parser for Unrestricted Text. In 6th Workshop on Very Large Corpora, August 15-16, Pages 143-151, Montreal, Canada, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech and Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {A Maximum-Entropy Partial Parser for Unrestricted Text},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Workshop on Very Large Corpora, August 15-16},
PAGES = {143-151},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Canada},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/wvlc98/},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes a partial parser that assigns syntactic structures to sequences of part-of-speech tags. The program uses the maximum entropy parameter estimation method, which allows a flexible combination of different knowledge sources: the hierarchical structure, parts of speech and phrasal categories. In effect, the parser goes beyond simple bracketing and recognises even fairly complex structures. We give accuracy figures for different applications of the parser.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Skut:1998:MEP.pdf} }
Wojciech Skut and
Thorsten Brants. Chunk Tagger - Statistical Recognition of Noun Phrases. In ESSLLI Workshop on Automated Acquisition of Syntax and Parsing, August 17-28, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech and Brants, Thorsten},
TITLE = {Chunk Tagger - Statistical Recognition of Noun Phrases},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {ESSLLI Workshop on Automated Acquisition of Syntax and Parsing, August 17-28},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/esslli98-parsing/},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a stochastic approach to partial parsing, i.e., the recognition of syntactic structures of limited depth. The technique utilises Markov Models, but goes beyond usual bracketing approaches, since it is capable of recognising not only the boundaries, but also the internal structure and syntactic category of simple as well as complex NP's, PP's, AP's and adverbials. We compare tagging accuracy for different applications and encoding schemes.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Skut:1998:CTS.pdf} }
Wojciech Skut,
Thorsten Brants,
Brigitte Krenn and
Hans Uszkoreit. Annotating Unrestricted German Text. In 6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97), 8.-10. Oktober, Heidelberg, Germany, 1997. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech and Brants, Thorsten and Krenn, Brigitte and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Annotating Unrestricted German Text},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {6. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS/CL 97), 8.-10. Oktober},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Skut-ea-DGfS97.pdf https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Skut-ea-DGfS97.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Skut:1997:AUG.pdf Skut:1997:AUG.ps} }
Wojciech Skut,
Thorsten Brants,
Brigitte Krenn and
Hans Uszkoreit. A Linguistically Interpreted Corpus of German Newspaper Text. In
Brigitte Krenn,
Thorsten Brants,
Wojciech Skut and
Hans Uszkoreit editors, Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Workshop on Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation, August 17-28, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech and Brants, Thorsten and Krenn, Brigitte and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {A Linguistically Interpreted Corpus of German Newspaper Text},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Workshop on Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation, August 17-28},
EDITOR = {Krenn, Brigitte and Brants, Thorsten and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Skut-ea-ESSLLI-Corpus98.pdf https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Skut-ea-ESSLLI-Corpus98.ps.gz http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Krenn_1998_RACA},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we report on the development of an annotation scheme an annotation tools for unrestricted German text. Our representation format is based on argument structure, but also permits the extraction of other kinds of representations. We discuss several methodological issues and the analysis of some phenomena. Additional focus is on the tools developed in our project and their applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Skut:1998:LIC.pdf Skut:1998:LIC.ps} }
Wojciech Skut,
Brigitte Krenn,
Thorsten Brants and
Hans Uszkoreit. An Annotation Scheme for Free Word Order Languages. In
Paul Jacobs editor, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97), March 31 - April 3, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Washington D.C., USA, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech and Krenn, Brigitte and Brants, Thorsten and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {An Annotation Scheme for Free Word Order Languages},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97), March 31 - April 3},
EDITOR = {Jacobs, Paul},
ADDRESS = {Washington D.C., USA},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Skut-ea-ANLP97.pdf https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Skut-ea-ANLP97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We describe an annotation scheme and a tool developed for creating linguistically annotated corpora for non-configurational languages. Since the requirements for such a formalism differ from those posited for configurational languages, several features have been added, influencing the architecture of the scheme. The resulting scheme reflects a stratificational notion of language, and makes only minimal assumptions about the interrelation of the particular representational strata.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Skut:1997:ASF.pdf Skut:1997:ASF.ps} }
Wojciech Skut and
Christian Weiß. Modelling Focus Projection with Finite State Automata. In 3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN '96), May 22-24, Marseille, France, 1996.
AUTHOR = {Skut, Wojciech and Weiß, Christian},
TITLE = {Modelling Focus Projection with Finite State Automata},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Conference on HPSG and Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN '96), May 22-24},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France} }
Steffen Staab,
Christian Braun,
Ilvio Bruder,
Antje Düsterhöft,
Andreas Heuer,
Meike Klettke,
Günter Neumann,
Bernd Prager,
Jan Petzel,
Hans-Peter Schnurr,
Rudi Studer,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Burkhard Wrenger. GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts. In
Matthias Klusch,
Onn Shehory and
Gerhard Weiß editors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA'99), July 31 - August 2, (1652):113-124, Springer, Uppsala, Sweden, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Staab, Steffen and Braun, Christian and Bruder, Ilvio and Düsterhöft, Antje and Heuer, Andreas and Klettke, Meike and Neumann, Günter and Prager, Bernd and Petzel, Jan and Schnurr, Hans-Peter and Studer, Rudi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Wrenger, Burkhard},
TITLE = {GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA'99), July 31 - August 2},
NUMBER = {1652},
PAGES = {113-124},
EDITOR = {Klusch, Matthias and Shehory, Onn and Weiß, Gerhard},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Uppsala, Sweden},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/cia99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present an intelligent information agent that uses semantic methods and natural language processing capabilites in order to gather tourist information from theWWWand present it to the human user in an intuitive, user-friendly way. Thereby, the information agent is designed such that as background knowledge and linguistic coverage increase, its benefits improve, while it guarantees state-of-the-art information and database retrieval capabilities as its bottom line.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Staab:1999:GSWa.pdf Staab:1999:GSWa.ps} }
Steffen Staab,
Christian Braun,
Ilvio Bruder,
Antje Düsterhöft,
Andreas Heuer,
Meike Klettke,
Günter Neumann,
Bernd Prager,
Jan Petzel,
Hans-Peter Schnurr,
Rudi Studer,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Burkhard Wrenger. A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search. In Proceedings of the 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN'99), June 2-4, Springer, Alicante, Spain, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Staab, Steffen and Braun, Christian and Bruder, Ilvio and Düsterhöft, Antje and Heuer, Andreas and Klettke, Meike and Neumann, Günter and Prager, Bernd and Petzel, Jan and Schnurr, Hans-Peter and Studer, Rudi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Wrenger, Burkhard},
TITLE = {A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN'99), June 2-4},
ADDRESS = {Alicante, Spain},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/iwann99.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a system that uses semantic methods and natural language processing capabilites in order to provide comprehensive and easy-to-use access to tourist information in the WWW. Thereby, the system is designed such that as background knowledge and linguistic coverage increase, the benefits of the system improve, while it guarantees state-of-the-art information and database retrieval capabilities as its bottom line.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Staab:1999:SFEa.pdf Staab:1999:SFEa.ps} }
Steffen Staab,
Christian Braun,
Ilvio Bruder,
Antje Düsterhöft,
Andreas Heuer,
Meike Klettke,
Günter Neumann,
Bernd Prager,
Jan Pretzel,
Hans-Peter Schnurr,
Rudi Studer,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Burkhard Wrenger. A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search. In 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN '99), June 2-4, Springer, Alicante, Spain, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Staab, Steffen and Braun, Christian and Bruder, Ilvio and Düsterhöft, Antje and Heuer, Andreas and Klettke, Meike and Neumann, Günter and Prager, Bernd and Pretzel, Jan and Schnurr, Hans-Peter and Studer, Rudi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Wrenger, Burkhard},
TITLE = {A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN '99), June 2-4},
ADDRESS = {Alicante, Spain},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/iwann99.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/iwann99.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Staab:1999:SFE.pdf Staab:1999:SFE.ps} }
Steffen Staab,
Christian Braun,
Ilvio Bruder,
Antje Düsterhöft,
Andreas Heuer,
Meike Klettke,
Günter Neumann,
Bernd Prager,
Jan Pretzel,
Hans-Peter Schnurr,
Rudi Studer,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Burkhard Wrenger. GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts. In
Matthias Klusch,
Onn Shehory and
G. Weiss editors, 3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA '99), July 31 - August 2, (1652):113-124, Springer, Uppsala, Sweden, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Staab, Steffen and Braun, Christian and Bruder, Ilvio and Düsterhöft, Antje and Heuer, Andreas and Klettke, Meike and Neumann, Günter and Prager, Bernd and Pretzel, Jan and Schnurr, Hans-Peter and Studer, Rudi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Wrenger, Burkhard},
TITLE = {GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA '99), July 31 - August 2},
NUMBER = {1652},
PAGES = {113-124},
EDITOR = {Klusch, Matthias and Shehory, Onn and Weiss, G.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Uppsala, Sweden},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/cia99.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/cia99.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Staab:1999:GSW.pdf Staab:1999:GSW.ps} }
Mark Steedman and
Ivana Korbayova. Introduction: Two dimensions of Information Structure in Relation to Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics. In
Ivana Korbayova and
Mark Steedman editors, Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics, ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24, Pages 1-6, The University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Steedman, Mark and Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Introduction: Two dimensions of Information Structure in Relation to Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics, ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24},
PAGES = {1-6},
EDITOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Steedman, Mark},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
PUBLISHER = {The University of Helsinki},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/esslli01-wsh/Proceedings/proc-for-cdrom.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Steedman:2001:ITD.pdf} }
P. Steingrimsson,
B. Markussen,
Ove Andersen,
Paul Dalsgaard and
William J. Barry. From Acoustic Signal to Phonetic Features: A Dynamically Constrained Self-Organising Neural Network. In 13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), August 13-19, Vol. 4:316-319, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Steingrimsson, P. and Markussen, B. and Andersen, Ove and Dalsgaard, Paul and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {From Acoustic Signal to Phonetic Features: A Dynamically Constrained Self-Organising Neural Network},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), August 13-19},
VOLUME = {4},
PAGES = {316-319},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} }
Kristina Striegnitz. Model Checking for Contextual Reasoning in NLG. In
Patrick Blackburn and
Michael Kohlhase editors, Proceedings of Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-3), June 18-23, Pages 101-115, Siena, Italy, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Model Checking for Contextual Reasoning in NLG},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-3), June 18-23},
PAGES = {101-115},
EDITOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and Kohlhase, Michael},
ADDRESS = {Siena, Italy},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/cl/projects/indigen/papers/icos3.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Presupposition triggers, such as e.g. 'the', 'too', 'another', impose constraints on the context they are used in. A violation of these constraints results in an infelicitous utterance. A natural language generation system therefore has to reason on the context to check that they are satisfied. We argue that this kind of contextual reasoning is essentially a model checking task and demonstrate this for a variety of presupposition triggers. To account for the influence of some background knowledge, we propose to embed queries to a description logic knowledge base in a first order model checking algorithm.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Striegnitz:2001:MCC.pdf Striegnitz:2001:MCC.ps} }
Volker Strom,
Aanja Elsner,
Wolfgang Hess,
Walter Kasper,
Alexandra Klein,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Jörg Spilker,
Hans Weber and
Günther Görz. On the Use of Prosody in a Speech-to-Speech Translator. In Proceedings of the 5th Biennial European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech'97), September 22-25, Pages 1479-1482, Rhodes, Greece, 1997. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Strom, Volker and Elsner, Aanja and Hess, Wolfgang and Kasper, Walter and Klein, Alexandra and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Spilker, Jörg and Weber, Hans and Görz, Günther},
TITLE = {On the Use of Prosody in a Speech-to-Speech Translator},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Biennial European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech'97), September 22-25},
PAGES = {1479-1482},
ADDRESS = {Rhodes, Greece},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/eurospeech_paper.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/eurospeech97.entry},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper a speech-to-speech translator from German to English is presented. Beside the traditional processing steps it takes advantage of acoustically detected prosodic phrase boundaries and focus. The prosodic phrase boundaries reduce search space during syntactic parsing and rule out analysis trees during semantic parsing. The prosodic focus faciliates a shallow translation based on the best word chain in cases where the deep analysis fails.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Strom:1997:UPS.ps} }
Patrick Sturt,
Christoph Scheepers,
Martin J. Pickering and
Matthew W. Crocker. The Interaction of Structure Preservation and Recency in First- and Second-Pass Ambiguity Resolution. In 6th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP-2000), September 20-23 (AMLaP-2000), Leiden, The Netherlands, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Sturt, Patrick and Scheepers, Christoph and Pickering, Martin J. and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The Interaction of Structure Preservation and Recency in First- and Second-Pass Ambiguity Resolution},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP-2000), September 20-23 (AMLaP-2000)},
ADDRESS = {Leiden, The Netherlands} }
Elke Teich and
Silvia Hansen. Towards an integrated representation of multiple layers of linguistic annotation in multilingual corpora. In Online Proceedings of Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, September 26-28, Sydney, Australia, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Teich, Elke and Hansen, Silvia},
TITLE = {Towards an integrated representation of multiple layers of linguistic annotation in multilingual corpora},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Online Proceedings of Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, September 26-28},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansen/hansen_teich.pdf},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Teich:2001:TIR.pdf} }
Elke Teich,
Silvia Hansen and
Peter Fankhauser. Representing and querying multi-layer annotated corpora. In
Steven Bird,
Peter Buneman and
Mark Liberman editors, Proceedings of IRCS Workshop on Linguistic Databases 2001, December 11-13, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Teich, Elke and Hansen, Silvia and Fankhauser, Peter},
TITLE = {Representing and querying multi-layer annotated corpora},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRCS Workshop on Linguistic Databases 2001, December 11-13},
EDITOR = {Bird, Steven and Buneman, Peter and Liberman, Mark},
ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansen/teich-etal.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The goal of the present paper is to review the methods employed in multi-layer corpus representation and querying and to identify the more fundamental issues involved in the task. Asking questions such as: What are the linguistic requirements on multi-layer corpora? Do the data structures commonly employed mirror the needs of linguistic representation appropriately? Should different layers of annotation be kept separate, or should and can they be merged? How and at which granularity can we align/integrate multiple layers of annotation? If expressively more powerful data structures than trees/forests are required, then what kinds of mechanisms are needed to query such data structures?, we propose an XML-based approach to the representation and querying of multi-layer corpora.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Teich:2001:RQM.pdf} }
Lars Thalmann and
Christer Samuelsson. A Uniform Framework for Grammar Induction and Robust Parsing. In 5th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (SCAI '95), May, Trondheim, Norway, 1995.
AUTHOR = {Thalmann, Lars and Samuelsson, Christer},
TITLE = {A Uniform Framework for Grammar Induction and Robust Parsing},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {5th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (SCAI '95), May},
ADDRESS = {Trondheim, Norway} }
Harald Trost. The Application of Two-Level Morphology to Non-Concatenative German Morphology. In
Hans Karlgren editor, Proceedings of the13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25, Vol. 2:371-376, Helsinki, Finland, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Trost, Harald},
TITLE = {The Application of Two-Level Morphology to Non-Concatenative German Morphology},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {371-376},
EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} }
Harald Trost. X2MORF: A Morphological Component Based on Augmented Two-Level Morphology. In
John Mylopoulos and
Raymond Reiter editors, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30, Vol. 2:1024-1030, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Sydney, Australia, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Trost, Harald},
TITLE = {X2MORF: A Morphological Component Based on Augmented Two-Level Morphology},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1024-1030},
EDITOR = {Mylopoulos, John and Reiter, Raymond},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} }
Jürgen Trouvain. Phonetic Aspects of Speech-Laughs''. In Conference on Orality & Gestuality (ORAGE), June 18-22, Pages 634-639, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Phonetic Aspects of Speech-Laughs''},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Orality & Gestuality (ORAGE), June 18-22},
PAGES = {634-639},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France},
ABSTRACT = {This study examines laughter co-occurring speech, so-called speech-laughs in a corpus of German spontaneous dialogues. Against a common expectation the majority of labelled laughs are speech-laughs. The phonetic characteristics for this type of laughter is an additional aspiration (different for voiced and unvoiced sounds) which is sometimes accompanied by a vibrato voice quality and a duration of two syllables. In a perception test the hypothesis of an acoustic continuum from smile to laugh has been rejected. The results and the problems are discussed in the context of paralinguistic phonetics.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Trouvain:2001:PAS.pdf Trouvain:2001:PAS.ps} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
William J. Barry. The Prosody of Excitement in Horse Race Commentaries. In ISCA-Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research, September 5-7, Pages 86-91, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {The Prosody of Excitement in Horse Race Commentaries},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {ISCA-Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research, September 5-7},
PAGES = {86-91},
ADDRESS = {Belfast, Northern Ireland},
URL = {http://www.qub.ac.uk/en/isca/proceedings/pdfs/trouvain.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This study investigates examples of horse race commentaries and compares the acoustic properties with an auditorily based description of the typical suspense pattern from calm to very excited at the finish and relaxation after the finish. With the exception of tempo, the auditory impressions were basically confirmed. The examination shows further that the results of the investigated prosodic parameters pause duration, pausing and breathing rate, F0 level and range, intensity, and spectral tilt fit well with other forms of excitement such as anger or elation. Additionally, it is discussed how the specific speaking style of horse race commentators can be classified. Finally, the role of prosodic descriptions for modelling those speaking styles and emotions, especially for speech technology, is considered.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Trouvain:2000:PEH.pdf} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
William J. Barry,
Claus Nielsen and
Ove Andersen. Implications of Energy Declinations for Speech Synthesis. In 3rd ESCA/ COCOSDA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, November, Pages 47-52, Jenolan Caves, Australia, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Barry, William J. and Nielsen, Claus and Andersen, Ove},
TITLE = {Implications of Energy Declinations for Speech Synthesis},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd ESCA/ COCOSDA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, November},
PAGES = {47-52},
ADDRESS = {Jenolan Caves, Australia},
ABSTRACT = {This paper examines whether observed phenomena in energy declination can be used to improve the naturalness of synthetic speech. In two production experiments different aspects of intensity fall-off within utterances are analysed including degree of stress, phrase length, phrase boundaries. Energy manipulation was carried out using diphone synthesis as a basis for generating stimuli for perception tests in English and Danish. The results of the listening experiments, in which different versions of a paragraph were ranked for naturalness indicate that amplitude differences can contribute to greater naturalness. However, it is apparent that fine-tuning of amplitude requires good quality synthesis at the more basic prosodic levels.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Trouvain:1998:IED.pdf Trouvain:1998:IED.ps} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Martine Grice. The Effect of Tempo on Prosodic Structure. In 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), August 1-7, Pages 1067-1070, San Francisco, USA, 1999. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Grice, Martine},
TITLE = {The Effect of Tempo on Prosodic Structure},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), August 1-7},
PAGES = {1067-1070},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, USA},
ABSTRACT = {This study investigates the effect of tempo on prosodic structuring at both temporal and melodic levels. Readings of a German text are examined to ascertain to what extent changes in pausing, prosodic phrasing, pitch accent structure and F0 realisations contribute towards strategies for speaking at a faster or slower speed than normal. Furthermore, speeding up strategies are compared to those for slowing down, to investigate how far the speakers' behaviour is symmetrical with respect to each of the parameters examined.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Trouvain:1999:ETP.pdf Trouvain:1999:ETP.ps} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
Jacques Koreman and
Attilio Erriquez. Articulation Rate Measures and their Relations to Phone Classification of Spontaneous and Read German Speech. In ISCA Workshop on ``Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition'', August 29-30, Pages 150-158, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Koreman, Jacques and Erriquez, Attilio},
TITLE = {Articulation Rate Measures and their Relations to Phone Classification of Spontaneous and Read German Speech},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {ISCA Workshop on ``Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition'', August 29-30},
PAGES = {150-158},
ADDRESS = {Sophia Antipolis, France},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~trouvain/trouvain_et_al_01.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper evaluates articulation rate measures and rate characteristics of read and spontaneous speech on the basis of a manually labelled database for German. The results of phone classification experiments for three different articulation rates only partially confirm our expectations. Phonetic explanations are suggested.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Trouvain:2001:ARM.pdfTrouvain:2001:ARM.ps} }
Dimitra Tsovaltzi and
Colin Matheson. Formalising Hinting in Tutorial Dialogues. In
Johan Bos,
Mary Ellen Foster and
Colin Matheson editors, 6th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue (EDILOG 2002), September 4-6, Pages 185-192, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Tsovaltzi, Dimitra and Matheson, Colin},
TITLE = {Formalising Hinting in Tutorial Dialogues},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {6th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue (EDILOG 2002), September 4-6},
PAGES = {185-192},
EDITOR = {Bos, Johan and Foster, Mary Ellen and Matheson, Colin},
ADDRESS = {University of Edinburgh, Scotland},
URL = {http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/edilog/papers/185.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The formalisation of the hinting process in Tutorial Dialogues is undertaken in order to simulate the Socratic teaching method. An adaptation of the BE&E annotation scheme for Dialogue Moves, based on the theory of social obligations, is sketched, and a taxonomy of hints and a selection algorithm is suggested based on data from the BE&E corpus. Both the algorithm and the tutor's reasoning are formalised in the context of the information state theory of dialogue management developed on the trindi project. The algorithm is characterised using update rules which take into account the student model, and the tutor's reasoning process is described in terms of context accommodation.},
ANNOTE = {Tsovaltzi:2002:FHT} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Extraposition and Adjunct Attachment in Categorial Unification Grammar. In
W. Bahner editor, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Linguists, August 10-15 1987, Akademie Verlag Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Extraposition and Adjunct Attachment in Categorial Unification Grammar},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Linguists, August 10-15 1987},
EDITOR = {Bahner, W.},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Akademie Verlag Berlin} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Adding Control Information to Declarative Grammars. In
ACL editor, 29th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '91), June 18-21, Pages 237-245, ACL, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, 1991.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Adding Control Information to Declarative Grammars},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {29th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACLANNUAL '91), June 18-21},
PAGES = {237-245},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, California, USA},
Hans Uszkoreit. Strategies for Adding Control Information to Declarative Grammars. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'91), June 18-21, Pages 237-245, ACL, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, 1991. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Strategies for Adding Control Information to Declarative Grammars},
YEAR = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL'91), June 18-21},
PAGES = {237-245},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, California, USA},
URL = {http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P91/P91-1031.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Strategies are proposed for combining different kinds of constraints in declarative grammars with a detachable layer of control information. The added control information is the basis for parametrized dynamically controlled linguistic deduction, a form of linguistic processing that permits the implementation of plausible linguistic performance models without giving up the declarative formulation of linguistic competence. The information can be used by the linguistic processor for ordering the sequence in which conjuncts and disjuncts are processed, fpr mixing depth-first and breadth-first search, for cutting off undesired derivations, and for contraint-relaxation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Uszkoreit:1991:SAC.pdf} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Sprache ohne Grenzen: Sprache auf dem World Wide Web. In Tagungsband der Konferenz Sprache ohne Grenzen, Pages 7-14, München, Germany, 1997. 
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Sprache ohne Grenzen: Sprache auf dem World Wide Web},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Tagungsband der Konferenz Sprache ohne Grenzen},
PAGES = {7-14},
ADDRESS = {München, Germany},
URL = {http://mulinex.dfki.de/Presentations/sog/sld001.html} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval: From Naive Concepts to Realistic Applications. In 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8, Pages 1-7, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval: From Naive Concepts to Realistic Applications},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8},
PAGES = {1-7},
ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Cross-Language Information Retrieval: From Naive Concepts to Realistic Applications. In Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8, Pages 1-7, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1998. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Cross-Language Information Retrieval: From Naive Concepts to Realistic Applications},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8},
PAGES = {1-7},
ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper I combine an overview of the goals and major approaches in cross-language information retrieval with some observations of current trends and with a report on a CLIR project that differs in many respects from most research activities in the fast growing area. In the overview, I will start from a generic model of an information retrieval system. Then the necessary extensions will be introduced that are needed for allowing queries in a language different from the document language. Several options for adding translation technology will be contrasted. I will then report on the research strategy followed in the EU-funded international project Mulinex. In this project a complete modular CLIR system was developed and integrated as the core software for a number of applications and as a plattform for research and technology development.} }
Hans Uszkoreit. New Chances for Deep Linguistic Processing. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1, Morgan Kauffmann Press, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {New Chances for Deep Linguistic Processing},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kauffmann Press},
ABSTRACT = {The Grammatical analysis with linguistically designed grammars has always been a central topic of investigation in theoretical computational linguistics. However, deep grammatical analysis has played a negligible role in the development of language technology applications. Deep parsers have been lacking efficiently and robustness. Building up coverage has been slow and costly. The few linguistic grammars that truly exhibit large coverage have caused a constant fight with extensive ambiguity. In my talk I will present recent developments that provide new challenges and opportunities for linguistic methods. Increased efficiency of deep parsing and the embedding of a selective deep analysis into a robust shallow regime for information extraction offer ways to employ deep parsing in an environment where it can improve results without ruining robustness. I will argue that such a selective utilization as we have realized it by an integration of HPSG parsing into a hybrid IE system comprised of statistical and FST components, also provides a promising direction for gradual, measurable controlled progress in the development of deep grammars and lexicons.} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Rolf Backofen,
Stephan Busemann,
Abdel Kader Diagne,
Elizabeth Hinkelman,
Walter Kasper,
Bernd Kiefer,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Klaus Netter,
Günter Neumann,
Stephan Oepen and
Stephen P. Spackman. DISCO - An HPSG-Based NLP System and its Application for Appointment Scheduling. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9, Vol. 1:436-440, Kyoto, Japan, 1994. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Backofen, Rolf and Busemann, Stephan and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Kasper, Walter and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Netter, Klaus and Neumann, Günter and Oepen, Stephan and Spackman, Stephen P.},
TITLE = {DISCO - An HPSG-Based NLP System and its Application for Appointment Scheduling},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {436-440},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coli.ps.Z ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/ResearchReports/1994/RR-94-38.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coli.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coli.entry},
ABSTRACT = {The natural language system DISCO is described. It combines - a powerful and flexible grammar development system - linguistic competence for German including morphology, syntax and semantics - new methods for linguistic performance modelling on the basis of high-level competence grammars - new methods for modelling multi-agent dialogue competence - an interesting sample application for appointment scheduling and calendar management},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Uszkoreit:1994:DHBa.pdf Uszkoreit:1994:DHBa.ps} }
Josef van Genabith,
Anette Frank and
Andy Way. Treebank vs. X-bar based Automatic F-Structure Annotation. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'01), June 25-27, CSLI Online Publications, Hong Kong, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{van Genabith_et_al:2001,
AUTHOR = {van Genabith, Josef and Frank, Anette and Way, Andy},
TITLE = {Treebank vs. X-bar based Automatic F-Structure Annotation},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG'01), June 25-27},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Online Publications},
URL = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/6/lfg01genabithfrankway.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Manual, large scale (computational) grammar development is time consuming, expensive and requires lots of linguistic expertise. More recently, a number of alternatives based on treebank resources (such as Penn-II, Susanne, AP treebank) have been explored. The idea is to automatically “induce” or rather read off (P)CFG grammars from the parse annotated treebank resources and to use the treebank grammars thusobtained in (probabilistic) parsing or as a starting point for further grammar development. The approach is cheap, fast, automatic, large scale, “data driven” and based on real language resources. Treebankgrammars typically involve large sets of lexical tags and non-lexical categories as syntactic informationtends to be encoded in monadic category symbols. They feature flat rules (trees) that can “underspecify” attachment possibilities. Treebank grammars do not in general follow Xbar architectural design principles (this is not to say that treebank grammars do not have design principles). As a consequence, treebank grammars tend to have very large CFG rule bases (e.g. Penn-II > 17,000 CFG rules for about 1 million words of text) with often only minimally differing rules. Even though treebank grammars are large, they are still incomplete, exhibiting unabated rule accession rates. From a grammar engineering point of view, the size of the rule base poses problems for maintainability, extendability and, if a treebank grammar is to be used as a CF-base in a LFG grammar, for functional (feature-structure) annotations. From the point of view of theoretical linguistics, flat treebank trees and treebank grammars extracted from such trees do not express linguistic generalisations. From the perspective of empirical and corpus linguistics, flat trees are well-motivated as they allow underspecification of subtle and often time consuming attachment decisions. Indeed, it is sometimes doubted whether highly general Xbar schemata usefully scale to “real” language. In previous work we developed methodologies for automatic feature-structure annotation of grammars extracted from treebanks. Automatic annotation of “raw” treebank grammars is difficult as annotation rules often need to identify subsequences in the RHSs of flat treebank rules as they explicitly encode head, complement and modifier relations. Xbar-based CFG rules should substantially facilitate automatic feature-structure annotation of grammar rules. In the present paper we conduct a number of experiments to explore a space of possible grammars based on a small fragment of the AP treebank resource. Starting with the original treebank fragment we automatically extract a CFG G. We then apply an automatic structure preserving grammar compaction step which generalises categories in the original treebank fragment and reduces the number of rules extracted, resulting in a generalised treebank fragment and in a compacted grammar Gc. The generalised fragment is then manually corrected to catch missed constituents (and the like) resulting in an automatically extracted, compacted and (effectively manually) corrected grammar Gc;m. Manual correction proceeds in the “spirit” of treebank grammars (we do not introduce Xbar analyses). We then explore how many of the manual correction steps on treebank trees can be achieved automatically. We develop, implement and test an automatic treebank “grooming” methodology which is applied to the generalised treebank fragment to yield a compacted and automatically corrected grammar Gc;a. Grammars Gc;m and Gc;a are very similar to compiled out “flat” LFG-82 style grammars. We explore regular expression based compaction (both manual and automatic) to relate Gc;m to a LFG-82 style grammar design. Finally, we manually recode a subsection of the generalised and manually corrected treebank fragment into “vanilla-flavour” Xbar based trees. From these we extract a compacted, manually corrected, Xbar-based grammar Gc;m;x. We evaluate our grammars and methods using standard labelled bracketing measures and according to how well they perform under automatic feature-structure annotation tasks.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Genabith:19xx:TVX.pdf} }
Peter Van Roy,
Michael Mehl and
Ralf Scheidhauer. Integrating Efficient Records into Concurrent Constraint Programming. In
Herbert Kuchen and
S. Doaitse Swierstra editors, 8th International Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics, and Programs (PLILP '96), September 24-27, (1140):438-453, Springer, Aachen, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
@InProceedings{Van Roy_et_al:1996,
AUTHOR = {Van Roy, Peter and Mehl, Michael and Scheidhauer, Ralf},
TITLE = {Integrating Efficient Records into Concurrent Constraint Programming},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {8th International Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics, and Programs (PLILP '96), September 24-27},
NUMBER = {1140},
PAGES = {438-453},
EDITOR = {Kuchen, Herbert and Swierstra, S. Doaitse},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/plilp96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We show how to implement efficient records in constraint logic programming (CLP) and its generalization concurrent constraint programming (CCP). Records can be naturally integrated into CCP as a new constraint domain. The implementation provides the added expressive power of concurrency and fine-grained constraints over records, yet does not pay for this expressivity when it is not used. In addition to traditional record operations, our implementation allows to compute with partially-known records. This fine granularity is useful for natural-language and knowledge-representation applications. The paper describes the implementation of records in the DFKI Oz system. Oz is a higher-order CCP language with encapsulated search. We show that the efficiency of records in CCP is competitive with modern Prolog implementation technology and that our implementation provides improved performance for natural-language applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Roy:1996:IER.pdf Roy:1996:IER.ps} }
Shravan Vasishth. Monotonicity Constraints on Negative Polarity in Hindi. In
Mary Bradshaw,
David Odden and
Derek Wyckoff editors, Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 51:201-220, Ohio State University, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Monotonicity Constraints on Negative Polarity in Hindi},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Working Papers in Linguistics},
VOLUME = {51},
PAGES = {201-220},
EDITOR = {Bradshaw, Mary and Odden, David and Wyckoff, Derek},
PUBLISHER = {Ohio State University},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/OSUWPLVol51-1998/osuwpl51.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Vasishth:1998:MCN.pdf Vasishth:1998:MCN.ps} }
Shravan Vasishth. Word Order, Negation, and Negative Polarity in Hindi. In
Amanda Miller-Ockhuizen,
Robert Levine and
Anthony J. Gonsalves editors, Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 53:108-131, Ohio State University, 1998. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Word Order, Negation, and Negative Polarity in Hindi},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Working Papers in Linguistics},
VOLUME = {53},
PAGES = {108-131},
EDITOR = {Miller-Ockhuizen, Amanda and Levine, Robert and Gonsalves, Anthony J.},
PUBLISHER = {Ohio State University},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/OSUWPLVol53-2000/osuwpl53.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Vasishth:1998:WON.pdf Vasishth:1998:WON.ps} }
Shravan Vasishth. An Empirical Evaluation of Sentence Processing Models: Center Embeddings in Hindi. In
Michael Daniels,
David Dowty,
Anna Feldman and
Vanessa Metcalf editors, Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 56:159-181, Ohio State University, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {An Empirical Evaluation of Sentence Processing Models: Center Embeddings in Hindi},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Working Papers in Linguistics},
VOLUME = {56},
PAGES = {159-181},
EDITOR = {Daniels, Michael and Dowty, David and Feldman, Anna and Metcalf, Vanessa},
PUBLISHER = {Ohio State University},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/OSUWPLVol56-2001/submission1.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Vasishth:2001:EES.pdf Vasishth:2001:EES.ps} }
Shravan Vasishth. Quantificational Elements and Polarity Licensing in Japanese. In
Mineharu Nakayama and
Charles J. Jr. Quinn editors, Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 9, CSLI Publications, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Quantificational Elements and Polarity Licensing in Japanese},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Japanese/Korean Linguistics},
VOLUME = {9},
EDITOR = {Nakayama, Mineharu and Quinn, Charles J. Jr.},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/JapaneseKorean1999/jk99.html},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Vasishth:2001:QEP.pdf} }
Shravan Vasishth and
Brian D. Joseph. Constellations, Polysemy, and Hindi. In Berkeley Linguistics Society Conference (BLS 28), February 15-18, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2002. 
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan and Joseph, Brian D.},
TITLE = {Constellations, Polysemy, and Hindi},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Berkeley Linguistics Society Conference (BLS 28), February 15-18},
ADDRESS = {University of California, Berkeley, USA},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/BLS2002/vasishth.ps} }
Shravan Vasishth and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Processing as Abduction: A Sentence Processing Model. In
Michael Daniels,
David Dowty,
Anna Feldman and
Vanessa Metcalf editors, Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 56:183-207, Ohio State University, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Processing as Abduction: A Sentence Processing Model},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Working Papers in Linguistics},
VOLUME = {56},
PAGES = {183-207},
EDITOR = {Daniels, Michael and Dowty, David and Feldman, Anna and Metcalf, Vanessa},
PUBLISHER = {Ohio State University},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/Students/Vasishth/Published/OSUWPLVol56-2001/submission2.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Vasishth:2001:PAS.pdf Vasishth:2001:PAS.ps} }
Spela Vintar,
Paul Buitelaar,
Bärbel Ripplinger,
Bogdan Sacaleanu,
Diana Raileanu and
Detlef Prescher. An Efficient and Flexible Format for Linguistic and Semantic Annotation. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vintar, Spela and Buitelaar, Paul and Ripplinger, Bärbel and Sacaleanu, Bogdan and Raileanu, Diana and Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {An Efficient and Flexible Format for Linguistic and Semantic Annotation},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/lrec2002.dtd.ps http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/lrec2002.dtd.final.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The paper describes an XML annotation format and tool developed within the MUCHMORE project. The annotation scheme was designed specifically for the purposes of Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in the medical domain so as to allow both efficient and flexible access to layers of information. We use a parallel English-German corpus of medical abstracts and annotate it with linguistic information (tokenisation, part-of-speech tagging, lemmatisation and decomposition, phrase recognition, grammatical functions) as well as semantic information from various sources. The annotation of medical terms/concepts, semantic types and semantic relations is based on the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Additionally, we use EuroWordNet as a general-language resource in annotating word senses and to compare domain-specific and general language use. A major aim of the project is also to complement existing ontological resources by extracting new terms and new semantic relations. We present the annotation scheme, which is conceptually related to stand-off annotation, and describe our tool for automatic semantic annotation.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Vintar:2002:EFF.pdf Vintar:2002:EFF.ps} }
Martin Volk,
Spela Vintar and
Paul Buitelaar. Ontologies in Cross-Language Information Retrieval. In Proceeding of the Workshop Ontologie-basiertes Wissensmanagement (WOW2003). Workshop auf der 2. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen (WM2003), 2.-4. April 2003, Luzern, Schweiz, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Volk, Martin and Vintar, Spela and Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {Ontologies in Cross-Language Information Retrieval},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceeding of the Workshop Ontologie-basiertes Wissensmanagement (WOW2003). Workshop auf der 2. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen (WM2003), 2.-4. April 2003},
ADDRESS = {Luzern, Schweiz} }
Wolfgang Wahlster. VERBMOBIL-Translation of Face-to-Face Dialogs. In
Otthein Herzog,
T. Christaller and
D. Schütt editors, Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. 17. Fachtagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, 13.-16. September, Pages 393-402, Springer, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Wahlster, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {VERBMOBIL-Translation of Face-to-Face Dialogs},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. 17. Fachtagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, 13.-16. September},
PAGES = {393-402},
EDITOR = {Herzog, Otthein and Christaller, T. and Schütt, D.},
SERIES = {Informatik Aktuell},
ADDRESS = {Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Mats Wirén. Incremental Parsing and Reason Maintenance. In
Hans Karlgren editor, 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 19-25, Pages 287-292, Helsinki, Finland, 1990.
AUTHOR = {Wirén, Mats},
TITLE = {Incremental Parsing and Reason Maintenance},
YEAR = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 19-25},
PAGES = {287-292},
EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} }
Mats Wirén. Bounded Incremental Parsing. In 6th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT-6), Pages 145-156, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Wirén, Mats},
TITLE = {Bounded Incremental Parsing},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {6th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT-6)},
PAGES = {145-156},
ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands} }
Mats Wirén. Minimal Change and Bounded Incremental Parsing. In
ACL editor, 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9, Pages 461-467, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
AUTHOR = {Wirén, Mats},
TITLE = {Minimal Change and Bounded Incremental Parsing},
YEAR = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9},
PAGES = {461-467},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} }
Mats Wirén and
Ralph Rönnquist. Fully Incremental Parsing. In 3rd International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '93), August 10-13, Tilburg, The Netherlands and Durbuy, Belgium, 1993.
AUTHOR = {Wirén, Mats and Rönnquist, Ralph},
TITLE = {Fully Incremental Parsing},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT '93), August 10-13},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands and Durbuy, Belgium} }
Karsten Worm and
Johannes Heinecke. The Verbmobil Semantic Database. In
Dafydd Gibbon editor, Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology. Results of the 3rd KONVENS, October 7-9, Mouton de Gruyter, Bielefeld, Germany, 1996. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Worm, Karsten and Heinecke, Johannes},
TITLE = {The Verbmobil Semantic Database},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology. Results of the 3rd KONVENS, October 7-9},
EDITOR = {Gibbon, Dafydd},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Mouton de Gruyter},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Worm:1996:VSD.pdf} }
Karsten L. Worm and
Christopher J. Rupp. Towards Robust Understanding of Speech by Combination of Partial Analyses. In Proceedings of the 13th biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'98), August 23-28, Pages 190-194, Brighton, UK, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Worm, Karsten L. and Rupp, Christopher J.},
TITLE = {Towards Robust Understanding of Speech by Combination of Partial Analyses},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'98), August 23-28},
PAGES = {190-194},
ADDRESS = {Brighton, UK} }
Jörg Würtz. Constraint-Based Scheduling in Oz. In
U. Zimmermann,
U. Derigs,
W. Gaul,
R. Möhrig and
K.-P. Schuster editors, Operations Research Proceedings 1996. Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR '96), September 4-6, Pages 218-223, Springer, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Würtz, Jörg},
TITLE = {Constraint-Based Scheduling in Oz},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Operations Research Proceedings 1996. Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR '96), September 4-6},
PAGES = {218-223},
EDITOR = {Zimmermann, U. and Derigs, U. and Gaul, W. and Möhrig, R. and Schuster, K.-P.},
ADDRESS = {Technical University Braunschweig, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/ConstraintScheduling97.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {It is discussed, how scheduling problems can be solved in the concurrent constraint programming language Oz. Oz is the first high-level constraint language, which offers an interface to invent new constraints in an efficient way using C++. Its multi-paradigm features including programmable search are unique in the field of constraint programming. Through the interface, algorithms from Operations Research and related fields can be incorporated. The algorithms can be combined through encapsulation into constraints and can communicate via shared variables. This is exemplified by the integration of new techniques based on edge-finding for job-shop and multi-capacitated scheduling. The viability of Oz as a platform for problem solving is also exemplified by a graphical scheduling workbench. The performance for job-shop problems is comparable to state-of-the-art scheduling tools.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Wurtz:1996:CBS.pdf Wurtz:1996:CBS.ps} }
Jörg Würtz. Oz Scheduler: A Workbench for Scheduling Problems. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI '96), November 16-19, Pages 132-139, IEEE Computer Society Press, Toulouse, France, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Würtz, Jörg},
TITLE = {Oz Scheduler: A Workbench for Scheduling Problems},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI '96), November 16-19},
PAGES = {132-139},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/scheduler96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the Oz Scheduler, a workbench for scheduling problems. Through a graphical interface, the user can freely combine the elements that define a scheduling strategy. Such elements include constraints with different popagation behavior or distribution and search strategies. Exploring the possible combinations can lead to better solutions. Recent and successful techniques for scheduling are incorporated. Resulting from the selections made, a constraint problem is generated dynamically. For this problem, the solution, statistics and the search can be inspected by several graphical tools. The functionality can be extended by sending messages to the Scheduler. The functionality and the implementation of the Oz Scheduler are discussed. The overall performance of the Scheduler for standard benchmarks is comparable to state-of-the-art special-purpose systems for scheduling. The implementation is based on the concurrent constraint language Oz.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Wurtz:1996:OSW.pdf Wurtz:1996:OSW.ps} }
Jörg Würtz and
Tobias Müller. Constructive Disjunction Revisited. In
Günther Görz and
Steffen Hölldobler editors, KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 17-19, (1137):377-386, Springer, Dresden, Germany, 1996. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Würtz, Jörg and Müller, Tobias},
TITLE = {Constructive Disjunction Revisited},
YEAR = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 17-19},
NUMBER = {1137},
PAGES = {377-386},
EDITOR = {Görz, Günther and Hölldobler, Steffen},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Dresden, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/KI96.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {Finite Domain Programming is a technique for solving combinatorial problems like planning, scheduling, configuration or timetabling. Inevitably, these problems employ disjunctive constraints. A rather new approach to model those constraints is constructive disjunction, whereby common information is lifted from the alternatives, aiming for stronger pruning of the search space. We show where constructive disjunction provides for stronger pruning and where it fails to do so. For several problems, including a real-world college timetabling application, benefits and limitations of constructive disjunction are exemplified. As an experimental platform we use the concurrent constraint language Oz.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Wurtz:1996:CDR.pdf Wurtz:1996:CDR.ps} }
Feiyu Xu. Underspecified Treatment of Verb Phrase Ellipsis. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI '98 Student Session, August 17-28, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Underspecified Treatment of Verb Phrase Ellipsis},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI '98 Student Session, August 17-28},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/esslli.pdf ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ESSLLI-feiyu-98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ESSLLI-feiyu-98.entry},
ABSTRACT = {This paper deals with the underspecified semantic representation of ellipsis and its resolution. We present an analysis to explain the distribution of stict and sloppy readings in the interaction of verb phrase ellipsis and anaphora. The analysis is integrated into a framwork that enables a unified and underspecified treatment of scope, anaphora, and VPE.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:1998:UTV.pdf Xu:1998:UTV.ps} }
Feiyu Xu,
Daniela Kurz,
Jakub Piskorski and
Sven Schmeier. Term Extraction and Mining Term Relations from Free-Text Documents in the Financial Domain. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS'02), April 24-25, Poznan, Poland, 2002. [Abstract] Note: to appear. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Kurz, Daniela and Piskorski, Jakub and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {Term Extraction and Mining Term Relations from Free-Text Documents in the Financial Domain},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS'02), April 24-25},
ADDRESS = {Poznan, Poland},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/Bis2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present an approach to learning domain relevant terms automatically. We took the financial domain as our experiment domain.},
NOTE = {to appear},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2002:TEM.pdf} }
Feiyu Xu,
Daniela Kurz,
Jakub Piskorski and
Sven Schmeier. A Domain Adaptive Approach to Automatic Acquisition of Domain Relevant Terms and their Relations with Bootstrapping. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Kurz, Daniela and Piskorski, Jakub and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {A Domain Adaptive Approach to Automatic Acquisition of Domain Relevant Terms and their Relations with Bootstrapping},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31},
ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain},
URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/LREC_TermExtraction_final.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present an unsupervised hybrid text-mining approach to automatic acquisition of domain relevant terms and their relations. We deploy the TFIDF-based term classification method to acquire domain relevant single-word terms. Further, we apply two strategies in order to learn lexico-syntatic patterns which indicate paradigmatic and domain relevant syntagmatic relations between the extracted terms. The first one uses an existing ontology as initial knowledge for learning lexico-syntactic patterns, while the second is based on different collocation acquisition methods to deal with the free-word order languages like German. This domain-adaptive method yields good results even when trained on relatively small training corpora. It can be applied to different real-world applications, which need domain-relevant ontology, for example, information extraction, information retrieval or text classification.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2002:DAA.pdf} }
Feiyu Xu,
Klaus Netter and
Holger Stenzhorn. MIETTA - A Framework for Uniform and Multilingual Access to Structured Database and Web Information. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL'00), Hong Kong, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Netter, Klaus and Stenzhorn, Holger},
TITLE = {MIETTA - A Framework for Uniform and Multilingual Access to Structured Database and Web Information},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL'00)},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/iral00.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a WWW-based information system called MIETTA, which allows uniform and multilingual access to heterogenous data sources in the tourism domain. The design of the search engine is based on a new crosslingual framework. The framework integrates a crosslingual retrieval strategy with a strategy using natural language techniques: information extraction and multilingual generation. The combination of information extraction and multilingual generation enables the multilingual presentation of the database content and free text crosslingual information retrieval of the structured data entries. We will demonstrate that the new framework is useful for domain specific and multilingual applications.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2000:MFU.pdf} }
Feiyu Xu,
Klaus Netter and
Holger Stenzhorn. A System for Uniform and Multilingual Access to Structured Database and Web Information in a Tourism Domain. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Demo Session (ACL'00), October 3-6, Hong Kong, 2000. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Netter, Klaus and Stenzhorn, Holger},
TITLE = {A System for Uniform and Multilingual Access to Structured Database and Web Information in a Tourism Domain},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Demo Session (ACL'00), October 3-6},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/acl00.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We present an information system, which was developed within the project MIETTA (Multilingual Information Extraction for Tourism and Travel Assistance), a project in the Language Engineering Sector of the Telematics Application Program of the European Commission. MIETTA facilitates multilingual information access in a number of languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Italian) to the tourist information (web documents and database information) provided by three different geographical regions: the German federal state of Saarland, the Finnish region around Turku and the Italian City of Rome. The challenge of the approach is to merge the technologies of crosslingual information retrieval (Jamie Carbonell et al, 1997) and natural language processing to achieve the following goals: · Provide full access to all information independent of the language the information was originally encoded in and independent of the query language; · Provide transparent natural language access to structured database information; · Provide hybrid and flexible query options to enable users to obtain maximally precise information.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2000:SUM.pdf} }
Hui Xu. English-Style and Chinese-Style Topic: A Uniform Semantic Analysis. In
Jhing-Fa Wang Wu and
Chung-Hsien editors, 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 13), February 10-12, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Hui},
TITLE = {English-Style and Chinese-Style Topic: A Uniform Semantic Analysis},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 13), February 10-12},
EDITOR = {Wu, Jhing-Fa Wang and Chung-Hsien},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan} }
Hui Xu. DRT-Analysis for Topic-Comment Constructions in Chinese. In
Harry Bunt editor, 3rd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-3), January 13-15, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1999. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Xu, Hui},
TITLE = {DRT-Analysis for Topic-Comment Constructions in Chinese},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-3), January 13-15},
EDITOR = {Bunt, Harry},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~xu/iwcs_p.ps},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:1999:DAT.pdf Xu:1999:DAT.ps} }
Tianfang Yao,
Feiyu Xu,
Dong-Mo Zhang,
Fang Li,
Qian Wang and
Huan-Ye Sheng. A Multilingual Information Retrieval Model based on Information Extraction and Text Generation. In Proceedings of ICIP 2001, Shanghai, 2001. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Xu, Feiyu and Zhang, Dong-Mo and Li, Fang and Wang, Qian and Sheng, Huan-Ye},
TITLE = {A Multilingual Information Retrieval Model based on Information Extraction and Text Generation},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ICIP 2001},
ADDRESS = {Shanghai},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/YaoXu2001.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {This paper proposes a multilingual information retrieval model which is principally based on information extraction and text generation techniques. The model embodies both the conciseness and accuracy of the retrieval results provided by information extraction technique, and the coherence and standardization of ones supplied by text generation technique. It synthesizes the advantages of both techniques. In this paper, we mainly present the information extraction techniques adopted in the model, including multilingual information extraction, concept based multilingual thesaurus, template automatic development, multilingual information retrieval and index etc. We build the model for providing the multilingual information retrieval means on Internet, which is accurate, quick and convenient and is used in a specific domain. Key words multilingual information retrieval, multilingual information extraction, concept based multilingual thesaurus, template automatic development, multilingual information retrieval and index.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Yao:2001:MIR.pdf} }
Rama Kant Agnihotri,
Anoop Mahajan,
Shravan Vasishth,
Gisbert Fanselow and
Matthias Schleswesky. More isn't always better: A surprising constraint on retrieval cues in human sentence parsing. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference, Glasgow, UK, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Agnihotri, Rama Kant and Mahajan, Anoop and Vasishth, Shravan and Fanselow, Gisbert and Schleswesky, Matthias},
TITLE = {More isn't always better: A surprising constraint on retrieval cues in human sentence parsing},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, UK} }
Ernst Althaus,
Nikiforos Karamanis and
Alexander Koller. Computing Locally Coherent Discourses. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACL, Barcelona, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Karamanis, Nikiforos and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Computing Locally Coherent Discourses},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 42nd ACL},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona} }
Ulrike Baldewein,
Katrin Erk,
Sebastian Pado and
Detlef Prescher. Semantic Role Labelling for Chunk Sequences. In Proceedings of the CoNLL'04 shared task, Boston, MA, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Baldewein, Ulrike and Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian and Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {Semantic Role Labelling for Chunk Sequences},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the CoNLL'04 shared task},
ADDRESS = {Boston, MA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/conll.ps} }
Ulrike Baldewein,
Katrin Erk,
Sebastian Pado and
Detlef Prescher. Semantic Role Labelling with Similarity-Based Generalization Using EM-based Clustering. In Proceedings of Senseval'04, Barcelona, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Baldewein, Ulrike and Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian and Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {Semantic Role Labelling with Similarity-Based Generalization Using EM-based Clustering},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Senseval'04},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/senseval.ps} }
Jason Baldridge and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Multi-Modal Combinatory Categorial Grammar. In Proceedings EACL'03, Budapest Hungary, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Baldridge, Jason and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Multi-Modal Combinatory Categorial Grammar},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings EACL'03},
ADDRESS = {Budapest Hungary},
URL = {Baldridge:2003:MMC} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Jason Baldridge. Generalizing Dimensionality in Combinatory Categorial Grammar. In Proceedings of the 20th COLING, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Baldridge, Jason},
TITLE = {Generalizing Dimensionality in Combinatory Categorial Grammar},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th COLING},
ADDRESS = {Geneva, Switzerland} }
Emily Bender and
Melanie Siegel. Implementing the Syntax of Japanese Numeral Classifiers. In Proceedings of IJCNLP 04, Bender:2004:ISJ, 2004. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bender, Emily and Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {Implementing the Syntax of Japanese Numeral Classifiers},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IJCNLP 04},
ADDRESS = {Bender:2004:ISJ},
ANNOTE = {HOMEPAGE : www.dfki.de/~siegel/mypubs.html} }
Ulrich Callmeier,
Andreas Eisele,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Melanie Siegel. The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework. In Proceedings of LREC 04, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Callmeier, Ulrich and Eisele, Andreas and Schäfer, Ulrich and Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {The DeepThought Core Architecture Framework},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC 04},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon, Portugal},
ANNOTE = {Callmeier:2004:DCA} }
Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Alexander Koller,
Marco Kuhlmann,
Gert Smolka and
Stefan Thater. A Relational Syntax-Semantics Interface Based on Dependency Grammar. In Proceedings of the 20th COLING, Geneva, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph and Duchier, Denys and Koller, Alexander and Kuhlmann, Marco and Smolka, Gert and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {A Relational Syntax-Semantics Interface Based on Dependency Grammar},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th COLING},
ADDRESS = {Geneva} }
Peter Dienes,
Alexander Koller and
Marco Kuhlmann. Statistical A* Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Nancy, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Dienes, Peter and Koller, Alexander and Kuhlmann, Marco},
TITLE = {Statistical A* Dependency Parsing},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface},
ADDRESS = {Nancy} }
Christoph Benzmüller,
Armin Fiedler and
Gabsdil. Language Phenomena in Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Proofs. In
Ivana Korbayova and
Claudia Kosny editors, Proceedings of the 7th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue DiaBruck, Pages 165-166, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Benzmüller, Christoph and Fiedler, Armin and Gabsdil},
TITLE = {Language Phenomena in Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Proofs},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue DiaBruck},
PAGES = {165-166},
EDITOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Kosny, Claudia} }
Christoph Benzmüller,
Armin Fiedler,
Malte Gabsdil,
Helmut Horacek,
Ivana Korbayova,
Dimitra Tsovaltzi,
Bao Quoc Vo and
Magdalena Wolska. Towards a Principled Approach to Tutoring Mathematical Proofs. In
Andreas Harrer and
Katrin Gaßner editors, Proceedings of the KI-03 Workshop on Expressive Media and Intelligent Tools for Learning, Hamburg, Germany, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Benzmüller, Christoph and Fiedler, Armin and Gabsdil, Malte and Horacek, Helmut and Korbayova, Ivana and Tsovaltzi, Dimitra and Vo, Bao Quoc and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Towards a Principled Approach to Tutoring Mathematical Proofs},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the KI-03 Workshop on Expressive Media and Intelligent Tools for Learning},
EDITOR = {Harrer, Andreas and Gaßner, Katrin},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg, Germany} }
Peter Dienes and
Amit Dubey. Antecedent Recovery: Experiments with a Trace Tagger. In In Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2003, Sapporo, Japan, 2003. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Dienes, Peter and Dubey, Amit},
TITLE = {Antecedent Recovery: Experiments with a Trace Tagger},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {In Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2003},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~dienes/dienes_dubey_emnlp03.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper explores the problem of finding non-local dependencies. First, we isolate a set of features useful for this task. Second, we develop both a two-step approach which combines a trace tagger with a state-of-the-art lexicalized parser and a one-step approach which finds non-local dependencies while parsing. We find that the former outperforms the latter because it makes better use of the features we isolate.} }
Katrin Erk,
Andrea Kowalski,
Sebastian Pado and
Manfred Pinkal. Creating a Resource for Lexical Semantics. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Frame Semantics, CIL-17, Prague, Czechia, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Kowalski, Andrea and Pado, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Creating a Resource for Lexical Semantics},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Frame Semantics, CIL-17},
ADDRESS = {Prague, Czechia},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/CIL.ps} }
Gerhard Fliedner. Tools for Building a Lexical Semantic Annotation. In
Denys Duchier editor, Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantic Interface. Lorraine-Saarland Workshop Series., Pages 5-9, Loria, Nancy, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Fliedner, Gerhard},
TITLE = {Tools for Building a Lexical Semantic Annotation},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantic Interface. Lorraine-Saarland Workshop Series.},
PAGES = {5-9},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys},
ADDRESS = {Loria, Nancy} }
Martin Forst,
Nuria Bertomeu,
Berthold Crysmann,
Frederik Fouvry,
Silvia Hansen-Schirra and
Valia Kordoni. Towards a dependency-based gold-standard for German parsers - The TiGer Dependency Bank. In Proceedings of the LINC-04 Workshop, Geneva, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Forst, Martin and Bertomeu, Nuria and Crysmann, Berthold and Fouvry, Frederik and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Towards a dependency-based gold-standard for German parsers - The TiGer Dependency Bank},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LINC-04 Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Geneva} }
Frederik Fouvry. Constraint relaxation with weighted feature structures. In IWPT 03. Proceedings. 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies [...], Pages 103-114, LORIA (INRIA Lorraine), Nancy, France, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Fouvry, Frederik},
TITLE = {Constraint relaxation with weighted feature structures},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {IWPT 03. Proceedings. 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies [...]},
PAGES = {103-114},
ADDRESS = {LORIA (INRIA Lorraine), Nancy, France} }
Silvia Hansen and
Elke Teich. Multi-layer analysis of translation corpora: methodological issues and practical implications. In Proceedings of EUROLAN 2001 Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis, Pages 44-55, lasi, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Hansen, Silvia and Teich, Elke},
TITLE = {Multi-layer analysis of translation corpora: methodological issues and practical implications},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EUROLAN 2001 Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis},
PAGES = {44-55},
ADDRESS = {lasi} }
Silvia Hansen-Schirra. Understanding the translation process: from theoretical assumptions to corpus-based and psycholinguistic evidence. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence - Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives, Tübingen, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
TITLE = {Understanding the translation process: from theoretical assumptions to corpus-based and psycholinguistic evidence},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence - Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives},
ADDRESS = {Tübingen} }
Silvia Hansen-Schirra. Linguistic enrichment and exploitation of the Translational English Corpus. In Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 conference, Lancaster, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
TITLE = {Linguistic enrichment and exploitation of the Translational English Corpus},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 conference},
ADDRESS = {Lancaster} }
Ivana Korbayova. Automatic Document Dispatcher: A system for automatic analysis of document contents. In Deppartment of Computers, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1992.
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Automatic Document Dispatcher: A system for automatic analysis of document contents},
YEAR = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Deppartment of Computers, Faculty of Electrical Engineering},
ADDRESS = {Prague, Czechoslovakia},
PUBLISHER = {Czech Technical University} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova. A Hybrid Logis Fomralization of Information Structure Sensitive Discourse Interpretation. In
Václav Matousek,
Pavel Mautner,
Roman Mouvcek and
Karel Tauser editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD'2001, Pages 31-38, Springer Verlag, Zelezna Ruda, Czech Republic, 2001. 
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {A Hybrid Logis Fomralization of Information Structure Sensitive Discourse Interpretation},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD'2001},
PAGES = {31-38},
EDITOR = {Matousek, Václav and Mautner, Pavel and Mouvcek, Roman and Tauser, Karel},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Zelezna Ruda, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/Publications/tsd01.ps.gz} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Stinaand Ericsson,
Kepa Joseba Rodriguez and
Elena Karagjosova. Producing Contextually Appropriate Intonation is an Information-State Based Dialogue System. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Pages 227-234, ACL, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Ericsson, Stinaand and Rodriguez, Kepa Joseba and Karagjosova, Elena},
TITLE = {Producing Contextually Appropriate Intonation is an Information-State Based Dialogue System},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)},
PAGES = {227-234},
ADDRESS = {ACL, Budapest, Hungary} }
Stella Neumann and
Silvia Hansen-Schirra. The challenge of working with multilingual corpora. In
Stella Neumann and
Silvia Hansen-Schirra editors, Proceedings of the Workshop Multilingual Corpora: Linguistic Requirements and Technical Perspectives, Lancaster, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Stella and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
TITLE = {The challenge of working with multilingual corpora},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop Multilingual Corpora: Linguistic Requirements and Technical Perspectives},
EDITOR = {Neumann, Stella and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
ADDRESS = {Lancaster} }
Stella Neumann and
Silvia Hansen-Schirra. Proceedings of the Workshop Multilingual Corpora: Linguistic Requirements and Technical Perspectives. Lancaster, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Stella and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
TITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop Multilingual Corpora: Linguistic Requirements and Technical Perspectives},
YEAR = {2003},
ADDRESS = {Lancaster} }
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed Corpora. In Proceedings of ACL-03, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed Corpora},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-03},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Brigitte Jörg and
Gregor Erbach. An Ontology-based Knowledge Portal for Language Technology. In Proceedings of ENABLER/ELSNET Workshop International Roadmap for Language Resources, Paris, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Jörg, Brigitte and Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {An Ontology-based Knowledge Portal for Language Technology},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ENABLER/ELSNET Workshop International Roadmap for Language Resources},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/COLLATE-EnablerElsnet03.pdf} }
Stefan Baumann,
Caren Brinckmann,
Silvia Hansen-Schirra,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Stella Neumann,
Erich Steiner,
Elke Teich and
Hans Uszkoreit. The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of information structure in German and English. In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2004, Lisbon, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Brinckmann, Caren and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Neumann, Stella and Steiner, Erich and Teich, Elke and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {The MULI Project: Annotation and Analysis of information structure in German and English},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2004},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon} }
Natasha Warner and
Andrea Weber. Stop epenthesis at syllable boundaries. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Pages 1121-1124, Adam's Mark Hotel, Denver, Colorado, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Warner, Natasha and Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {Stop epenthesis at syllable boundaries.},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing},
PAGES = {1121-1124},
ADDRESS = {Adam's Mark Hotel, Denver, Colorado} }
Andrea Weber. The role of phonotactics in the segmentation of native and non-native continuous speech. In
Anne Cutler,
James McQueen and
R. Zondervan editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Spoken Access Processes, Pages 143-146, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmengen, the Netherlands, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {The role of phonotactics in the segmentation of native and non-native continuous speech.},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Spoken Access Processes},
PAGES = {143-146},
EDITOR = {Cutler, Anne and McQueen, James and Zondervan, R.},
ADDRESS = {Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmengen, the Netherlands} }
Andrea Weber. Listening to non-native language which violates native assimilation rules. In
D. Duez editor, Proceedings of the European Scientific Communication Association workshop: Sound patterns of Spontaneous Speech, Pages 101-104, Aix-en-Provence, France: La Baume-les -Aix, 1998.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {Listening to non-native language which violates native assimilation rules.},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the European Scientific Communication Association workshop: Sound patterns of Spontaneous Speech},
PAGES = {101-104},
EDITOR = {Duez, D.},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France: La Baume-les -Aix} }
Andrea Weber and
Roel Smits. Consonant and vowel confusion patterns by American English listeners. In Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Pages 1437-1440, Palau de Congressos,Barcelone, Spain, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea and Smits, Roel},
TITLE = {Consonant and vowel confusion patterns by American English listeners.},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
PAGES = {1437-1440},
ADDRESS = {Palau de Congressos,Barcelone, Spain} }
Magdalena Wolska and
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova. Issues in the interpretation of input in mathematical dialogs. In
Denys Duchier editor, Prospects and advances in the syntax/semantics interface. Lorraine-Saarland Workshop Series proceedings., Pages 45-50, Nancy, France, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Issues in the interpretation of input in mathematical dialogs},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Prospects and advances in the syntax/semantics interface. Lorraine-Saarland Workshop Series proceedings.},
PAGES = {45-50},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, France} }
Stefan Baumann,
Caren Brinckmann,
Silvia Hansen-Schirra,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Stella Neumann and
Elke Teich. Application of stand off annotation to three heterogeneous layers. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Corpus Annotation 2004: NAACL/HLT Conference Workshop, Boston, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Brinckmann, Caren and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Neumann, Stella and Teich, Elke},
TITLE = {Application of stand off annotation to three heterogeneous layers},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Frontiers in Corpus Annotation 2004: NAACL/HLT Conference Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Boston} }
Frederik Fouvry. Lexicon acquisition with a large-coverage unification-based grammar. In EACL 2003. 10th Conference of The European Chapter. Conference Companion, Pages 87-90, ACL, Budapest, Hungary, 2003. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Fouvry, Frederik},
TITLE = {Lexicon acquisition with a large-coverage unification-based grammar},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2003. 10th Conference of The European Chapter. Conference Companion},
PAGES = {87-90},
ADDRESS = {ACL, Budapest, Hungary},
ABSTRACT = {We describe how unknown lexical entries are processed in a unification-based framework with large-coverage grammars and how from their usage lexical entries are extracted. To keep the time and space usage during parsing within bounds, information from external sources like PoS taggers and morphological analysers is taken into account when information is constructed for unknown words.} }
Katrin Erk,
Andrea Kowalski,
Sebastian Pado and
Manfred Pinkal. Building a Resource for Lexical Semantics. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Frame Semantics, XVII. International Congress of Linguists (CIL), Prague, Czech Republic, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Kowalski, Andrea and Pado, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Building a Resource for Lexical Semantics},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Frame Semantics, XVII. International Congress of Linguists (CIL)},
ADDRESS = {Prague, Czech Republic},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/CIL.ps} }
Peter Dienes and
Amit Dubey. Deep Syntactic Processing by Combining Shallow Methods. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2003, Sapporo, Japan, 2003. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Dienes, Peter and Dubey, Amit},
TITLE = {Deep Syntactic Processing by Combining Shallow Methods},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2003},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~dienes/dienes_dubey_acl03.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {We present a novel approach for finding discontinuities that outperforms previously published results on this task. Rather than using a deeper grammar formalism, our system combines a simple unlexicalized PCFG parser with a shallow pre-processor. This pre-processor, which we call a trace tagger, does surprisingly well on detecting where discontinuities can occur without using phase structure information.} }
Katrin Erk,
Andrea Kowalski,
Sebastian Pado and
Manfred Pinkal. Towards a Resource for Lexical Semantics: A Large German Corpus with Extensive Semantic Annotation. In Proceedings of ACL-03, Sapporo, Japan, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Kowalski, Andrea and Pado, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Towards a Resource for Lexical Semantics: A Large German Corpus with Extensive Semantic Annotation},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-03},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/ACL03.ps} }
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Constructing Vector Space Models from Parsed Corpora. In Proceedings of ACL-03, Sapporo, Japan, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Constructing Vector Space Models from Parsed Corpora},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-03},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~pado/pub/acl03/dv_acl03.pdf} }
Andrea Weber. Help or hindrance: How violation of different assimilation rules affects spoken-language processing. In 137th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Berlin, Germany, 1999.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {Help or hindrance: How violation of different assimilation rules affects spoken-language processing.},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {137th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany} }
Andrea Weber. Phonotactic and acoustic cues for word segmentation in English. In
B. Yuan,
T. Huang and
X. Tang editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Vol. 3:782-785, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 2000.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {Phonotactic and acoustic cues for word segmentation in English.},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {782-785},
EDITOR = {Yuan, B. and Huang, T. and Tang, X.},
ADDRESS = {Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China} }
Helmut Horacek and
Magdalena Wolska. Generating Responses to Formally Flawed Problem-Solving Statements. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-07), Vol. 158 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Horacek, Helmut and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Generating Responses to Formally Flawed Problem-Solving Statements},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-07)},
VOLUME = {158},
SERIES = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
NOTE = {MP} }
Kathrin Eichler,
Holmer Hemsen and
Günter Neumann. Unsupervised and domain-independent extraction of technical terms from scientific articles in digital libraries. In
Thomas Mandl and
Günther Frommholz editors, WIR 2009 : Workshop Information Retrieval 2009. - Darmstadt, Pages 13-18, TU, Informatik, Darmstadt, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Hemsen, Holmer and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Unsupervised and domain-independent extraction of technical terms from scientific articles in digital libraries},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {WIR 2009 : Workshop Information Retrieval 2009. - Darmstadt},
PAGES = {13-18},
EDITOR = {Mandl, Thomas and Frommholz, Günther},
ADDRESS = {Darmstadt},
ORGANIZATION = {TU, Informatik},
NOTE = {HU} }
Christoph Benzmüller,
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Manfred Pinkal and
Magdalena Wolska. Natural language dialog with a tutor system for mathematical proofs. In
Ruqian Lu,
Joerg Siekmann and
Carsten Ullrich editors, Proceedings of the Joint Chinese-German Workshop on Cognitive Systems 2005, Shanghai, China, Vol. 4429:1-14 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Benzmüller, Christoph and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Pinkal, Manfred and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Natural language dialog with a tutor system for mathematical proofs},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Joint Chinese-German Workshop on Cognitive Systems 2005, Shanghai, China},
VOLUME = {4429},
PAGES = {1-14},
EDITOR = {Lu, Ruqian and Siekmann, Joerg and Ullrich, Carsten},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
PUBLISHER = { Springer-Verlag},
NOTE = {MP} }
Michael Ellsworth,
Katrin Erk,
Paul Kingsbury and
Sebastian Pado. PropBank, SALSA, and FrameNet: How Design Determines Product. In Proceedings of the LREC 2004 Workshop on Building Lexical Resources from Semantically Annotated Corpora, Lisbon, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Ellsworth, Michael and Erk, Katrin and Kingsbury, Paul and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {PropBank, SALSA, and FrameNet: How Design Determines Product},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2004 Workshop on Building Lexical Resources from Semantically Annotated Corpora},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/pb-fn.ps} }
Katrin Erk,
Andrea Kowalski and
Manfred Pinkal. A Corpus Resource for Lexical Semantics. In Proceedings of IWCS5, Tilburg, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Kowalski, Andrea and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {A Corpus Resource for Lexical Semantics},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IWCS5},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/LexProj.ps} }
Katrin Erk and
Joachim Niehren. Well-Nested Parallelism Constraints for Ellipsis Resolution. In Proceedings of EACL'03, Budapest, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Niehren, Joachim},
TITLE = {Well-Nested Parallelism Constraints for Ellipsis Resolution},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EACL'03},
ADDRESS = {Budapest},
URL = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/Papers/abstracts/wellnested.html} }
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. A powerful and versatile XML Format for representing role-semantic annotation. In Proceedings of LREC-2004, Lisbon, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {A powerful and versatile XML Format for representing role-semantic annotation},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC-2004},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~pado/pub/lrec04/salsatiger.pdf} }
Anette Frank and
Katrin Erk. Towards an LFG Syntax-Semantics Interface for Frame Semantics Annotation. In Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing-2004), 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette and Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {Towards an LFG Syntax-Semantics Interface for Frame Semantics Annotation},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing-2004)},
URL = {Frank:2004:TLS} }
Ruth Fuchss,
Alexander Koller,
Joachim Niehren and
Stefan Thater. Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints: Translation, Evaluation, and Analysis. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACL, Barcelona, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Fuchss, Ruth and Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints: Translation, Evaluation, and Analysis},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 42nd ACL},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona} }
Malte Gabsdil and
Johan Bos. Combining Acoustic Confidence Scores with Deep Semantic Analysis for Clarification Dialogues. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-5, Tilburg, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte and Bos, Johan},
TITLE = {Combining Acoustic Confidence Scores with Deep Semantic Analysis for Clarification Dialogues},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-5},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg} }
Ulrich Heid,
Holger Voormann,
Jan-Torsten Milde,
Ulrike Gut,
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Querying both time-aligned and hierarchical corpora with NXT search. In Proceedings of LREC-2004, Lisbon, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Heid, Ulrich and Voormann, Holger and Milde, Jan-Torsten and Gut, Ulrike and Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Querying both time-aligned and hierarchical corpora with NXT search},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC-2004},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~pado/pub/lrec04/lrec04nxtsearch.pdf} }
Alexander Koller and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Talking Robots With LEGO MindStorms. In Proceedings of the 20th COLING, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Talking Robots With LEGO MindStorms},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th COLING},
ADDRESS = {Geneva, Switzerland},
URL = {Koller:2004:TRL} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Denys Duchier. Information Structure in Topological Dependency Grammar. In Proceedings EACL'03, Budapest Hungary, 2003. Note: Kruijff:2003:IST.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Duchier, Denys},
TITLE = {Information Structure in Topological Dependency Grammar},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings EACL'03},
ADDRESS = {Budapest Hungary},
NOTE = {Kruijff:2003:IST} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Discourse-Level Annotation for Investigating Information Structure. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Discourse Annotation, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Discourse-Level Annotation for Investigating Information Structure},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Discourse Annotation},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. 3-Phase Grammar Learning. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development, Pages Kruijff:2003:PGL, Vienna Austria, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {3-Phase Grammar Learning},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development},
PAGES = {Kruijff:2003:PGL},
ADDRESS = {Vienna Austria} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Shravan Vasishth. Quantifying word order freedom in natural language: Implications for sentence processing. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference, Pages Kruijff:2003:QWO, Glasgow, UK, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Quantifying word order freedom in natural language: Implications for sentence processing},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference},
PAGES = {Kruijff:2003:QWO},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, UK} }
Stephan Oepen,
Emily Bender,
Uli Callmeier,
Dan Flickinger and
Melanie Siegel. Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Oepen, Stephan and Bender, Emily and Callmeier, Uli and Flickinger, Dan and Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications.},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
ANNOTE = {HOMEPAGE : http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/mypubs.html} }
Shravan Vasishth,
Irene Cramer,
Christoph Scheepers and
Joel Wagner. Can increasing head-dependent distance facilitate processing? In Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing conference, MIT, Boston, 2003. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan and Cramer, Irene and Scheepers, Christoph and Wagner, Joel},
TITLE = {Can increasing head-dependent distance facilitate processing?},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing conference},
ADDRESS = {MIT, Boston},
ANNOTE = {Vasishth:2003:CIH} }
Shravan Vasishth. Distance effects or similarity-based interference?: A model comparison perspective. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference, Pages Vasishth:2002:DES, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Distance effects or similarity-based interference?: A model comparison perspective},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference},
PAGES = {Vasishth:2002:DES},
ADDRESS = {Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain} }
Shravan Vasishth. Processing noncanonical constructions in free word order languages. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference, Glasgow, UK, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Processing noncanonical constructions in free word order languages},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, UK} }
Shravan Vasishth. The role of decay and activation in human sentence processing. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference, Glasgow, UK, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {The role of decay and activation in human sentence processing},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, UK} }
Shravan Vasishth. The referential (in)accessibility of definite/indefinite subjects and objects. In Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing conference, MIT, Boston, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {The referential (in)accessibility of definite/indefinite subjects and objects},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing conference},
ADDRESS = {MIT, Boston} }
Shravan Vasishth. Quantifying processing difficulty in human sentence parsing: The role of decay, activation, and similarity-based interference. In Proceedings of the EucoCogSci conference, Osnabrueck, Germany, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Quantifying processing difficulty in human sentence parsing: The role of decay, activation, and similarity-based interference},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EucoCogSci conference},
ADDRESS = {Osnabrueck, Germany} }
Shravan Vasishth. Discourse context sometimes fails to neutralize default word order preferences: The interaction between working memory constraints and information structure. In Proceedings of the EucoCogSci conference, Osnabrueck, Germany, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Discourse context sometimes fails to neutralize default word order preferences: The interaction between working memory constraints and information structure},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EucoCogSci conference},
ADDRESS = {Osnabrueck, Germany} }
Shravan Vasishth and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Processing as abduction: a sentence processing model. In
Michael Daniels,
David Dowty,
Anna Feldman and
Vanessa Metcalf editors, OSUWPL, Volume 56, Pages 183--207, Ohio State University, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Processing as abduction: a sentence processing model},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {OSUWPL, Volume 56},
PAGES = {183--207},
EDITOR = {Daniels, Michael and Dowty, David and Feldman, Anna and Metcalf, Vanessa},
ADDRESS = {Ohio State University} }
Shravan Vasishth and
Richard Lewis. Sentence processing in ACT-R. In Proceedings of the ACL workshop on incremental parsing, Pages Vasishth:2004:SPA, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan and Lewis, Richard},
TITLE = {Sentence processing in ACT-R},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL workshop on incremental parsing},
PAGES = {Vasishth:2004:SPA},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain} }
Shravan Vasishth. Decay and interference in human sentence processing: Parsing in a unified theory of cognition. In Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing conference, MIT, Boston, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Vasishth, Shravan},
TITLE = {Decay and interference in human sentence processing: Parsing in a unified theory of cognition},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing conference},
ADDRESS = {MIT, Boston} }
William J. Barry,
Bistra Andreeva,
Michela Russo,
Snezhina Dimitrova and
Tanja Kostadinova. Do Rhythm Measures Tell us Anything about Language Type? In
D. Recasens M.J.Solé and
J. Romero editors, Proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Pages 2693-2696, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Andreeva, Bistra and Russo, Michela and Dimitrova, Snezhina and Kostadinova, Tanja},
TITLE = {Do Rhythm Measures Tell us Anything about Language Type?},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)},
PAGES = {2693-2696},
EDITOR = {M.J.Solé, D. Recasens and Romero, J.} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Jacques Koreman and
William J. Barry. Phonatory demarcations of intonation phrases in Bulgarian. In
D. Recasens M.J. Solé and
J. Romero editors, Proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Barcelona, Pages 611-614, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Phonatory demarcations of intonation phrases in Bulgarian},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Barcelona},
PAGES = {611-614},
EDITOR = {M.J. Solé, D. Recasens and Romero, J.} }
Stefan Baumann and
Kerstin Hadelich. On the Perception of Intonationally Marked Givenness after Auditory and Visual Priming. In Proceedings of the AAI workshop Prosodic Interfaces Nantes, Pages 21-26, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Hadelich, Kerstin},
TITLE = {On the Perception of Intonationally Marked Givenness after Auditory and Visual Priming},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the AAI workshop Prosodic Interfaces Nantes},
PAGES = {21-26} }
Stefan Baumann and
Kerstin Hadelich. Accent Type and Givenness: An Experiment with Auditory and Visual Priming. In Proceedings of the 15th ICPhS, Barcelona, Pages 1811-1814, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Hadelich, Kerstin},
TITLE = {Accent Type and Givenness: An Experiment with Auditory and Visual Priming},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th ICPhS, Barcelona},
PAGES = {1811-1814} }
Stefan Baumann and
Martine Grice. Accenting Accessible Information. In SpeechProsody 2004, Nara, Japan, Pages 21-24, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Grice, Martine},
TITLE = {Accenting Accessible Information},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {SpeechProsody 2004, Nara, Japan},
PAGES = {21-24} }
Stefan Baumann,
Caren Brinckmann and
Silvia Hansen-Schirra. Multi-Dimensional Annotation of Linguistic Corpora for Investigating Information Structure. In Frontiers in Corpus Annotation 2004, NAACL/HLT Conference Workshop, Boston, Pages Baumann:2004:MDA, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Baumann, Stefan and Brinckmann, Caren and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
TITLE = {Multi-Dimensional Annotation of Linguistic Corpora for Investigating Information Structure},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Frontiers in Corpus Annotation 2004, NAACL/HLT Conference Workshop, Boston},
PAGES = {Baumann:2004:MDA} }
Bettina Braun and
Robert D. Ladd. Prosodic Correlates of Contrastive and Non-Contrastive Themes in German. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Pages 789-792, Geneva, September 2003.
AUTHOR = {Braun, Bettina and Ladd, Robert D.},
TITLE = {Prosodic Correlates of Contrastive and Non-Contrastive Themes in German},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology},
PAGES = {789-792},
ADDRESS = {Geneva} }
Bettina Braun. Answers to the Perception of Thematic Contrast and Questions Regarding the Perception of Thematic Non-Contrast. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Speech Prosody, Nara, Japan, March 2004.
AUTHOR = {Braun, Bettina},
TITLE = {Answers to the Perception of Thematic Contrast and Questions Regarding the Perception of Thematic Non-Contrast},
YEAR = {2004},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Speech Prosody},
ADDRESS = {Nara, Japan} }
Christian Braun. Parsing German text for syntacto-semantic structures. In
Denys Duchier editor, Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Pages 99--102, Nancy, Frankreich, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Braun, Christian},
TITLE = {Parsing German text for syntacto-semantic structures},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface},
PAGES = {99--102},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys},
SERIES = {Lorraine-Saarland Workshop Series},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, Frankreich} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Hans Uszkoreit. Towards a typology of agreement phenomena. In
W.E. Griffin and
ed. editors, The Role of Agreement in Natural Language: TLS 5 Proceedings., Vol. Texas Linguistics Forum 53:167-180, Austin, TX, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Towards a typology of agreement phenomena.},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Role of Agreement in Natural Language: TLS 5 Proceedings.},
VOLUME = {Texas Linguistics Forum 53},
PAGES = {167-180},
EDITOR = {W.E. Griffin and ed.},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX} }
Ch. Bering,
Witold Drozdzynski,
Gregor Erbach,
C. Guasch,
P. Homola,
Sabine Lehmann,
Hong Li,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Jakub Piskorski,
Ulrich Schäfer,
Atsuko Shimada,
Melanie Siegel,
Feiyu Xu and
Dorothea Ziegler-Eisele. Corpora and Evaluation Tools for Multilingual Named Entity Grammar Development. In
Stella Neumann and
Silvia Hansen-Schirra editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Corpora, Corpus Linguistics Conference, Lancaster, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Bering, Ch. and Drozdzynski, Witold and Erbach, Gregor and Guasch, C. and Homola, P. and Lehmann, Sabine and Li, Hong and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Shimada, Atsuko and Siegel, Melanie and Xu, Feiyu and Ziegler-Eisele, Dorothea},
TITLE = {Corpora and Evaluation Tools for Multilingual Named Entity Grammar Development},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Corpora, Corpus Linguistics Conference},
EDITOR = {Neumann, Stella and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
ADDRESS = {Lancaster} }
Stephan Busemann,
Witold Drozdzynski,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Jakub Piskorski,
Ulrich Schäfer,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. Integrating Information Extraction and Automatic Hyperlinking. In Proceedings of ACL-2003, 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Drozdzynski, Witold and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Integrating Information Extraction and Automatic Hyperlinking},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-2003, 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Witold Drozdzynski,
P. Homola and
Jakub Piskorski. Adapting SproUT to processing Baltic ans Slavonic Languages. In Proceedings of IESL'03 Workshop held in conjunction with the RANLP Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2003 conference, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Drozdzynski, Witold and Homola, P. and Piskorski, Jakub},
TITLE = {Adapting SproUT to processing Baltic ans Slavonic Languages},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IESL'03 Workshop held in conjunction with the RANLP Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2003 conference},
ADDRESS = {Borovets, Bulgaria} }
Olga Ourioupina. Extracting Geographical Knowledge from the Internet. In Proceedings of the ICDM-AM International Workshop on Active Mining 2002, Ourioupina:2002:EGK, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Ourioupina, Olga},
TITLE = {Extracting Geographical Knowledge from the Internet},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ICDM-AM International Workshop on Active Mining 2002},
ADDRESS = {Ourioupina:2002:EGK} }
Christopher J. Rupp. Prototyping Dialogues for Information Access. In Proceedings of the 7th workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DiaBruck 2003), Saarbrücken, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Rupp, Christopher J.},
TITLE = {Prototyping Dialogues for Information Access},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DiaBruck 2003)},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken} }
Olga Uryupina. Semi-supervised learning of Geographical gazetteers from the Internet. In Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL Workshop on the Analysis of Geographic References, Edmonton, Kanada, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Uryupina, Olga},
TITLE = {Semi-supervised learning of Geographical gazetteers from the Internet},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL Workshop on the Analysis of Geographic References},
ADDRESS = {Edmonton, Kanada} }
Tianfang Yao,
W. Ding and
Gregor Erbach. Correcting word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging errors for Chinese named entity recognition. In
Günter Hommel and
Shen Huanye editors, The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications, Pages 29-36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Ding, W. and Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Correcting word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging errors for Chinese named entity recognition},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications},
PAGES = {29-36},
EDITOR = {Hommel, Günter and Huanye, Shen},
ADDRESS = {Dordrecht},
PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} }
Tianfang Yao,
W. Ding and
Gregor Erbach. Repairing Errors for Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-speech Tagging. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2002 (ICMLC 2002), Pages 1881-1886, Yao:2002:RECa, Beijing, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Ding, W. and Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Repairing Errors for Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-speech Tagging},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2002 (ICMLC 2002)},
PAGES = {1881-1886},
ADDRESS = {Beijing},
PUBLISHER = {Yao:2002:RECa} }
Tianfang Yao,
W. Ding and
Gregor Erbach. CHINERS: A Chinese Named Entity Recognition System for the Sports Domain. In Proceedings of the Second SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (ACL 2003 Workshop), Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Ding, W. and Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {CHINERS: A Chinese Named Entity Recognition System for the Sports Domain},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (ACL 2003 Workshop)},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Abdelhadi Soudi and
Andreas Eisele. Generating an Arabic full-form lexicon for bidirectional morphology lookup. In Proceedings of LREC, Lisbon, June 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Soudi, Abdelhadi and Eisele, Andreas},
TITLE = {Generating an Arabic full-form lexicon for bidirectional morphology lookup},
YEAR = {2004},
MONTH = {June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
URL = {Soudi:2004:GAF} }
Ulrich Callmeier,
Andreas Eisele,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Melanie Siegel. The Deep Thought Core Achitecture Framework. In Proceedings of LREC, Lisbon, June 2004.
AUTHOR = {Callmeier, Ulrich and Eisele, Andreas and Schäfer, Ulrich and Siegel, Melanie},
TITLE = {The Deep Thought Core Achitecture Framework},
YEAR = {2004},
MONTH = {June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon} }
Gregor Erbach. Mapping, Measuring, and Modelling the Diffusion of Linguistic Material on the Internet. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication, Kanazawa, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Mapping, Measuring, and Modelling the Diffusion of Linguistic Material on the Internet},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication},
ADDRESS = {Kanazawa},
URL = {http://purl.org/net/gregor/pub/eelc04/Erbach-EELC2004-ExtendedAbstract.pdf} }
Katrin Erk,
Andrea Kowalski and
Sebastian Pado. The SALSA Annotation Tool. In
Denys Duchier and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Nancy, France, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Kowalski, Andrea and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {The SALSA Annotation Tool},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, France},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erk/OnlinePapers/lorrainesaarland.ps} }
Gerhard Fliedner. Tools for Building a Lexical Semantic Annotation. In Proceedings of the Lorraine-Saarland Workshop ``Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface'', Pages 5--9, Nancy, France, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Fliedner, Gerhard},
TITLE = {Tools for Building a Lexical Semantic Annotation},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Lorraine-Saarland Workshop ``Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface''},
PAGES = {5--9},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, France},
URL = {http://www.loria.fr/~duchier/Lorraine-Saarland/fliedner.pdf} }
Gerhard Fliedner. Issues in Evaluating a Question Answering System. In Proceedings of LREC Workshop ``User-Oriented Evaluation of Knowledge Discovery Systems'', Pages 8--12, Lisbon, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Fliedner, Gerhard},
TITLE = {Issues in Evaluating a Question Answering System},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC Workshop ``User-Oriented Evaluation of Knowledge Discovery Systems''},
PAGES = {8--12},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon} }
Gerhard Fliedner. Towards Using FrameNet for Question Answering. In Proceedings of the LREC 2004 Workshop ``Building Lexical Resources from Semantically Annotated Corpora'', Pages 61--65, Lisbon, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Fliedner, Gerhard},
TITLE = {Towards Using FrameNet for Question Answering},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2004 Workshop ``Building Lexical Resources from Semantically Annotated Corpora''},
PAGES = {61--65},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon} }
Olga Uryupina. High-precision Identification of Discourse New and Unique Noun Phrases. In Proceedings of the ACL Student Workshop, Sapporo, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Uryupina, Olga},
TITLE = {High-precision Identification of Discourse New and Unique Noun Phrases},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL Student Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo} }
Malte Gabsdil. Clarification in Spoken Dialogue Systems. In Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium. Workshop on Natural Language Generation in Spoken and Written Dialogue, Pages 28--35, Stanford, CA, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte},
TITLE = {Clarification in Spoken Dialogue Systems},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium. Workshop on Natural Language Generation in Spoken and Written Dialogue},
PAGES = {28--35},
ADDRESS = {Stanford, CA} }
Malte Gabsdil. Classifying Recognition Results for Spoken Dialogue Systems. In Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at the 41st ACL, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte},
TITLE = {Classifying Recognition Results for Spoken Dialogue Systems},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at the 41st ACL},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Malte Gabsdil. Combining Acoustic Confidences and Pragmatic Plausibility for Classifying Spoken Chess Move Instructions. In
Michael Strube and
Candy Sidner editors, Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Pages 27--30, Gabsdil:2004:CAC, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte},
TITLE = {Combining Acoustic Confidences and Pragmatic Plausibility for Classifying Spoken Chess Move Instructions},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue},
PAGES = {27--30},
EDITOR = {Strube, Michael and Sidner, Candy},
ADDRESS = {Gabsdil:2004:CAC} }
Malte Gabsdil and
Oliver Lemon. Combining Acoustic and Pragmatic Features to Predict Recognition Performance in Spoken Dialogue Systems. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04), Pages Gabsdil:2004:CAP, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Gabsdil, Malte and Lemon, Oliver},
TITLE = {Combining Acoustic and Pragmatic Features to Predict Recognition Performance in Spoken Dialogue Systems},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)},
PAGES = {Gabsdil:2004:CAP} }
Ulrich Heid,
Holger Voormann,
Jan-Torsten Milde,
Ulrike Gut,
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Querying both time-aligned and hierarchical corpora with NXT search. In Proceedings of LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Heid, Ulrich and Voormann, Holger and Milde, Jan-Torsten and Gut, Ulrike and Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Querying both time-aligned and hierarchical corpora with NXT search},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC-2004},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon, Portugal},
URL = {Heid:2004:QBTb} }
Valia Kordoni and
Julia Neu. Deep Analysis of Modern Greek. In Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-04), Sanya City, Hainan Island, China, 22 March 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Neu, Julia},
TITLE = {Deep Analysis of Modern Greek},
YEAR = {2004},
MONTH = {22 March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-04)},
ADDRESS = {Sanya City, Hainan Island, China},
URL = {http://www.rcl.cityu.edu.hk/ijcnlp04/} }
Valia Kordoni. Between shifts and alternations: ditransitive constructions. In
Stefan Mueller editor, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2004), CSLI Publications, Stanford, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Between shifts and alternations: ditransitive constructions},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2004)},
EDITOR = {Mueller, Stefan},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {Kordoni:2004:BSA} }
Valia Kordoni. Modern Greek ditransitives in LMT. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG 2004), CSLI Publications, Kordoni:2004:MGD, Stanford, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Modern Greek ditransitives in LMT},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG 2004)},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
ORGANIZATION = {CSLI Publications},
PUBLISHER = {Kordoni:2004:MGD} }
Valia Kordoni. Modelling the semantics of alternating verbs. In
Tatjana Heyde-Zybatow editor, Proceedings of the Workshop on Event Structures in Linguistic Form and Interpretation, Leipzig, 2004. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Modelling the semantics of alternating verbs},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Event Structures in Linguistic Form and Interpretation},
EDITOR = {Heyde-Zybatow, Tatjana},
ADDRESS = {Leipzig},
URL = {http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~event04/} }
Valia Kordoni. The key role of semantics in the development of large-scale grammars of natural language. In Proceedings of EACL 03, 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. Conference Companion:111-114, Budapest, Hungary, 12 April 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {The key role of semantics in the development of large-scale grammars of natural language},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {12 April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EACL 03, 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
VOLUME = {Conference Companion},
PAGES = {111-114},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
URL = {http://www.conferences.hu/EACL03/} }
Valia Kordoni and
Julia Neu. Deep Grammar Development for Modern Greek. In
Emily Bender,
Dan Flickinger,
Frederik Fouvry and
Siegel editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development, ESSLLI 2003 (15th European Summer School in Logic Language and Information), Pages 65-72, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Neu, Julia},
TITLE = {Deep Grammar Development for Modern Greek},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development, ESSLLI 2003 (15th European Summer School in Logic Language and Information)},
PAGES = {65-72},
EDITOR = {Bender, Emily and Flickinger, Dan and Fouvry, Frederik and Siegel},
URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~siegel/esslli/} }
Valia Kordoni. Valence Alternations in German: an LMT Analysis. In
Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King editors, Proceedings of the LFG03 Conference, University at Albany State University of New York, Pages 250-268, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 2003. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Valence Alternations in German: an LMT Analysis},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LFG03 Conference, University at Albany State University of New York},
KEY = {ISSN 1098-6782},
PAGES = {250-268},
EDITOR = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
URL = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/LFG/8/lfg03-toc.html},
ABSTRACT = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/LFG/8/lfg03kordoni-abs.html} }
Valia Kordoni. Strategies for annotation of large corpora of multilingual spontaneous speech data. In
Silvia Hansen-Schirra and
Stella Neumann editors, Proccedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Corpora: Linguistic Requirements and Technical Perspectives, Pages 53-57, Corpus Linguistics 2003, Lancaster, UK, 2003. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Strategies for annotation of large corpora of multilingual spontaneous speech data},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proccedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Corpora: Linguistic Requirements and Technical Perspectives},
PAGES = {53-57},
EDITOR = {Hansen-Schirra, Silvia and Neumann, Stella},
ADDRESS = {Lancaster, UK},
ORGANIZATION = {Corpus Linguistics 2003},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/muco03/Proceedings.htm},
ABSTRACT = {Kordoni:2003:SAL} }
Valia Kordoni and
Julia Neu. Building multi-purpose linguistics resources for Modern Greek: a deep Modern Greek Grammar. In
Vangelis Karkaletsis and
Stelios Piperidis editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools, 1st Balkan Conference on Informatics - BCI 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21 November 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Neu, Julia},
TITLE = {Building multi-purpose linguistics resources for Modern Greek: a deep Modern Greek Grammar},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {21 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools},
EDITOR = {Karkaletsis, Vangelis and Piperidis, Stelios},
ADDRESS = {Thessaloniki, Greece},
PUBLISHER = {1st Balkan Conference on Informatics - BCI 2003},
URL = {http://www.iit.demokritos.gr/skel/bci03_workshop/pages/programme.html} }
Valia Kordoni. Syntax-Semantics Interface in Lexicalist Theories. In
Denys Duchier and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Nancy, 20 October 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Syntax-Semantics Interface in Lexicalist Theories},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {20 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
ADDRESS = {Nancy},
URL = {http://www.loria.fr/~duchier/Lorraine-Saarland/} }
Valia Kordoni. A Robust Deep Analysis of Indirect Prepositional Arguments. In
Patrick Saint-Dizier editor, Proceedings of the ACL-SIGSEM workshop: The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications, Toulouse, France, 4 September 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {A Robust Deep Analysis of Indirect Prepositional Arguments},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {4 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-SIGSEM workshop: The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications},
EDITOR = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France},
URL = {http://www.irit.fr/recherches/ILPL/prepW/prepW.html} }
Valia Kordoni and
Atsuko Shimada. Japanese Verbal Noun and suru Constructions. In
Dorothee Beermann editor, Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-verb Constructions in Constraint-Based Grammar in macro- and micro-typological perspectives (TROSS 03), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 23 June 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Shimada, Atsuko},
TITLE = {Japanese Verbal Noun and suru Constructions},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {23 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-verb Constructions in Constraint-Based Grammar in macro- and micro-typological perspectives (TROSS 03)},
EDITOR = {Beermann, Dorothee},
ADDRESS = {NTNU, Trondheim, Norway},
URL = {http://edvarda.hf.ntnu.no/ling/tross/TROSS03-toc.html} }
Valia Kordoni. Derivational vs. Nonderivational Linguistic Models in the 20th and 21st Centuries. In Proceedings of the International Linguistics Conference Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Perspectives into the 21st Century, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Language and Linguistics, Faculty of English Studies, School of Philosophy, 21 May 2002. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Derivational vs. Nonderivational Linguistic Models in the 20th and 21st Centuries},
YEAR = {2002},
MONTH = {21 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Linguistics Conference Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Perspectives into the 21st Century},
ADDRESS = {Department of Language and Linguistics, Faculty of English Studies, School of Philosophy},
ORGANIZATION = {National and Kapodistrian University of Athens},
URL = {Kordoni:2002:DVN} }
Valia Kordoni. Learning Modern Greek psychological predicates. In Proceedings of CLIN 2001, Twelfth Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands, Department of Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 30 November 2001. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Learning Modern Greek psychological predicates},
YEAR = {2001},
MONTH = {30 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CLIN 2001, Twelfth Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands},
ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands},
ORGANIZATION = {Department of Computer Science, University of Twente},
URL = {http://parlevink.cs.utwente.nl/Conferences/Clin2001/program_schedule.html} }
Valia Kordoni. Modern Greek Negation. In Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2001, University of Washington, Department of Linguistics, Seattle, Washington, USA, 26 October 2001. 
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Modern Greek Negation},
YEAR = {2001},
MONTH = {26 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2001},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
ORGANIZATION = {University of Washington, Department of Linguistics},
URL = {Kordoni:2001:MGN} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Jacques Koreman and
William J. Barry. Phonatory demarcations of intonation phrases in Bulgarian. In
M. J. Solé,
D. Recasens and
J. Romero editors, Proc. of the 15th Int. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Pages 611-614, Andreeva:2003:PDIb, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Phonatory demarcations of intonation phrases in Bulgarian},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 15th Int. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)},
PAGES = {611-614},
EDITOR = {Solé, M. J. and Recasens, D. and Romero, J.},
ADDRESS = {Andreeva:2003:PDIb} }
Jacques Koreman. The perception of articulation rate. In
M. J. Solé,
D. Recasens and
J. Romero editors, Proc. of the 15th Int. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Pages 1711-1714, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {The perception of articulation rate},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 15th Int. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS)},
PAGES = {1711-1714},
EDITOR = {Solé, M. J. and Recasens, D. and Romero, J.} }
Jacques Koreman and
Manfred Pützer. The usability of preceptual ratings of voice quality. In
G. Schade,
F. Müller,
Th. Wittenberg and
M. Hess editors, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL), Pages Koreman:2003:UPR, IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {The usability of preceptual ratings of voice quality},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL)},
PAGES = {Koreman:2003:UPR},
EDITOR = {Schade, G. and Müller, F. and Wittenberg, Th. and Hess, M.},
PUBLISHER = {IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany} }
Antal Van den Bosch,
Caroline Sporleder,
Marieke Van Erp and
Steve Hunt. Automatic Techniques for Generating and Correcting Cultural Heritage Collection Metadata. In Digital Humanities 2007, Urbana-Champaign, USA, 4-8 June 2007. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Van den Bosch, Antal and Sporleder, Caroline and Van Erp, Marieke and Hunt, Steve},
TITLE = {Automatic Techniques for Generating and Correcting Cultural Heritage Collection Metadata},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {4-8 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Digital Humanities 2007, Urbana-Champaign, USA},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Sander Canisius and
Caroline Sporleder. Learning to Segment and Label Semi-Structured Documents with Little or No Supervision. In Proceedings of Benelearn 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 May 2007. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Canisius, Sander and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Learning to Segment and Label Semi-Structured Documents with Little or No Supervision},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {14-15 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Benelearn 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Iris Hendrickx,
Roser Morante,
Caroline Sporleder and
Antal Van den Bosch. Machine learning of semantic relations with shallow features and almost no data. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval 2007), Prague, Czech Republic, 23-24 June 2007. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Hendrickx, Iris and Morante, Roser and Sporleder, Caroline and Van den Bosch, Antal},
TITLE = {Machine learning of semantic relations with shallow features and almost no data},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {23-24 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval 2007), Prague, Czech Republic},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed Corpora. In Proceedings of ACL-03, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed Corpora},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-03},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Sebastian Pado and
Gemma Boleda Torrent. Towards a better understanding of frame element assignment errors. In
Denys Duchier and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Nancy, France, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Torrent, Gemma Boleda},
TITLE = {Towards a better understanding of frame element assignment errors},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, France} }
Kristina Striegnitz. Two Kinds of Alternative Sets and a Marking Principle --- When to Say also. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG04), Striegnitz:2004:TKA, 2004.  Note: Presented in the Student Session of INLG04.
AUTHOR = {Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Two Kinds of Alternative Sets and a Marking Principle --- When to Say also},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG04)},
ADDRESS = {Striegnitz:2004:TKA},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kris/papers/inlg2004.pdf},
NOTE = {Presented in the Student Session of INLG04} }
Alexander Koller,
Joachim Niehren and
Stefan Thater. Bridging the Gap between Underspecification Formalisms: Hole Semantics as Dominance Constraints. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference of The European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 195--202, Budapest, Hungary, 2003. 
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Niehren, Joachim and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Bridging the Gap between Underspecification Formalisms: Hole Semantics as Dominance Constraints},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Conference of The European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {195--202},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
URL = {Koller:2003:BGB} }
Joachim Niehren and
Stefan Thater. Bridging the Gap between Underspecification Formalisms: Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 367--374, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Niehren, Joachim and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Bridging the Gap between Underspecification Formalisms: Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {367--374},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Ruth Fuchss,
Joachim Niehren and
Stefan Thater. Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints: A Preliminary Evaluation. In Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface, Pages 51--55, Nancy, France, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Fuchss, Ruth and Niehren, Joachim and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Minimal Recursion Semantics as Dominance Constraints: A Preliminary Evaluation},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Prospects and Advances in the Syntax/Semantics Interface},
PAGES = {51--55},
ADDRESS = {Nancy, France} }
Zhiping Zheng,
Huiyan Huang and
Sven Schmeier. Deploying Web-based Question Answering System to Local Archive. In Fifth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2002), Zheng:2002:DWB, Brno, Czech Republic., 2002.
AUTHOR = {Zheng, Zhiping and Huang, Huiyan and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {Deploying Web-based Question Answering System to Local Archive},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Fifth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2002)},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic.},
PUBLISHER = {Zheng:2002:DWB} }
Zhiping Zheng and
Erbach. Gregor. Specialized search in linguistics and languages. In XI International Conference on Computing (CIC 2002)., Mexico City, Mexico., 2002.
AUTHOR = {Zheng, Zhiping and Gregor, Erbach.},
TITLE = {Specialized search in linguistics and languages.},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {XI International Conference on Computing (CIC 2002).},
ADDRESS = {Mexico City, Mexico.} }
Zhiping Zheng. Question Answering Using Web News as Knowledge Base. In The Eleventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2003)., Budapest, Hungary., 2003.
AUTHOR = {Zheng, Zhiping},
TITLE = {Question Answering Using Web News as Knowledge Base},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Eleventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2003).},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary.} }
Zhiping Zheng and
Gregor Erbach. Using Specialized Knowledge in Automated Web Document Summarization. In The Fifth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2003)., Angers, France, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Zheng, Zhiping and Erbach, Gregor},
TITLE = {Using Specialized Knowledge in Automated Web Document Summarization},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Fifth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2003).},
ADDRESS = {Angers, France} }
Zhiping Zheng. AnswerBus News Engine. In The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2003), Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Zheng, Zhiping},
TITLE = {AnswerBus News Engine},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2003)},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary} }
Edward James Schofield and
Zhiping Zheng. A Speech Interface for Open-Domain Question-Answering. In 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2003)., 2003, Sapporo, Japan, July 2003.
AUTHOR = {Schofield, Edward James and Zheng, Zhiping},
TITLE = {A Speech Interface for Open-Domain Question-Answering},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2003).},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan},
Kerstin Kunz and
Silvia Hansen-Schirra. Coreference annotation of the TIGER treebank. In Proceedings of the Workshop Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2003, Pages 221-224, Kunz:2003:CAT, Vaxjo, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Kunz, Kerstin and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia},
TITLE = {Coreference annotation of the TIGER treebank},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2003},
PAGES = {221-224},
ADDRESS = {Vaxjo},
ORGANIZATION = {Kunz:2003:CAT} }
Elke Teich and
Silvia Hansen. Methods and techniques for a multi-level analysis of multilingual corpora. In Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 conference, Pages 572-580, Lancaster, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Teich, Elke and Hansen, Silvia},
TITLE = {Methods and techniques for a multi-level analysis of multilingual corpora},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 conference},
PAGES = {572-580},
ADDRESS = {Lancaster} }
R. Abdel Rahman and
Alissa Melinger. Phonological co-activation of semantic competitors and associates in picture naming. In The 13th Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology, Pages Rahman:2003:PCA, Granada, Spain, 2003.
@InProceedings{Abdel Rahman_Melinger:2003,
AUTHOR = {Abdel Rahman, R. and Melinger, Alissa},
TITLE = {Phonological co-activation of semantic competitors and associates in picture naming},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 13th Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology},
PAGES = {Rahman:2003:PCA},
ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain} }
R. Abdel Rahman and
Alissa Melinger. Phonologische Ko-Aktivierung bei Multipler Bild-Wort Interferenz (Phonologial co-activation with picture-multiple-word-interference) (poster) In The 45th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Kiel, Germany, 2003.
@InProceedings{Abdel Rahman_Melinger:2003_1,
AUTHOR = {Abdel Rahman, R. and Melinger, Alissa},
TITLE = {Phonologische Ko-Aktivierung bei Multipler Bild-Wort Interferenz (Phonologial co-activation with picture-multiple-word-interference) (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 45th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP)},
ADDRESS = {Kiel, Germany} }
Amit Dubey and
Frank Keller. Parsing German with Sister-head Dependencies. In ACL, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Dubey, Amit and Keller, Frank},
TITLE = {Parsing German with Sister-head Dependencies},
YEAR = {2003},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Ash Asudeh and
Frank Keller. Experimental Evidence for a Predication-based Binding Theory. In
Mary Andronis,
Christopher Ball and
Elston editors, The 37th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Vol. 1: The Main Session:1-14, Chicago, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Asudeh, Ash and Keller, Frank},
TITLE = {Experimental Evidence for a Predication-based Binding Theory},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {The 37th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society},
VOLUME = {1: The Main Session},
PAGES = {1-14},
EDITOR = {Andronis, Mary and Ball, Christopher and Elston},
ADDRESS = {Chicago} }
Ulrike Baldewein and
Frank Keller. Modelling Attachment Decisions with a Probabilistic Parser: The Case of Head-Final Structures. In CogSci Conference, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Baldewein, Ulrike and Keller, Frank},
TITLE = {Modelling Attachment Decisions with a Probabilistic Parser: The Case of Head-Final Structures},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {CogSci Conference} }
Matthew W. Crocker. Parsing as Prediction: Evidence from SVO and OVS constructions in German. In The 6th Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), Pages 3-6, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Parsing as Prediction: Evidence from SVO and OVS constructions in German},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The 6th Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002)},
PAGES = {3-6},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Matthew W. Crocker. Expectations in incremental language comprehension: The role of context and experience. In The European Society of Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP-2002), Lyon, France, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Expectations in incremental language comprehension: The role of context and experience},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The European Society of Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP-2002)},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France} }
Peter Dienes and
Amit Dubey. Deep Processing by Combining Shallow Methods. In ACL, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Dienes, Peter and Dubey, Amit},
TITLE = {Deep Processing by Combining Shallow Methods},
YEAR = {2003},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
Amit Dubey and
Frank Keller. Probabilistic Parsing for German using Sister-Head Dependencies. In The 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 96-103, Sapporo, Japan, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Dubey, Amit and Keller, Frank},
TITLE = {Probabilistic Parsing for German using Sister-Head Dependencies},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {96-103},
ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} }
S. Fissaha,
D. Olejnik,
R. Kornberger,
Karin Müller and
Detlef Prescher. Experiments in German treebank parsing. In
Václav Matousek and
Pavel Mautner editors, Text, Speech and Dialogue, 6th International Conference, TSD 2003, Vol. 2807:50-57, Springer, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Fissaha, S. and Olejnik, D. and Kornberger, R. and Müller, Karin and Prescher, Detlef},
TITLE = {Experiments in German treebank parsing},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Text, Speech and Dialogue, 6th International Conference, TSD 2003},
VOLUME = {2807},
PAGES = {50-57},
EDITOR = {Matousek, Václav and Mautner, Pavel},
ADDRESS = {Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Kerstin Hadelich,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Powerful pictures: Priming planning or production or both? (poster) In AMLaP-2002, Tenerife, Spain, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Hadelich, Kerstin and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Powerful pictures: Priming planning or production or both? (poster)},
YEAR = {2002},
ADDRESS = {Tenerife, Spain} }
Kerstin Hadelich,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Patients first: Visual versus syntactic priming in German (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, Boston, MA, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Hadelich, Kerstin and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Patients first: Visual versus syntactic priming in German (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {Boston, MA} }
Kerstin Hadelich,
Holly Branigan and
Matthew W. Crocker. Effects of visual and verbal Feedback on Alignment (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, College Park, MD., 2004.
AUTHOR = {Hadelich, Kerstin and Branigan, Holly and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Effects of visual and verbal Feedback on Alignment (poster)},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {College Park, MD.} }
Yuki Kamide,
Christoph Scheepers,
Gerry Altmann and
Matthew W. Crocker. Integration of syntactic and semantic information in predictive processing: Anticipatory eye-movements in German sentence processing. In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, New York, NY, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Kamide, Yuki and Scheepers, Christoph and Altmann, Gerry and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Integration of syntactic and semantic information in predictive processing: Anticipatory eye-movements in German sentence processing},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY} }
Frank Keller and
Ash Asudeh. Constraints on Linguistic Coreference: Structural vs. Pragmatic Factors. In
Johanna D. Moore and
Keith Stenning editors, The 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 483-488, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahawah, NJ, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Keller, Frank and Asudeh, Ash},
TITLE = {Constraints on Linguistic Coreference: Structural vs. Pragmatic Factors},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {The 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {483-488},
EDITOR = {Moore, Johanna D. and Stenning, Keith},
ADDRESS = {Mahawah, NJ},
PUBLISHER = {Lawrence Erlbaum} }
Frank Keller,
Christoph Scheepers,
S. Becker and
C. Foeldesi. Context effects on verb frame bias. In The 8th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP-2002), Tenerife, Spain, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Keller, Frank and Scheepers, Christoph and Becker, S. and Foeldesi, C.},
TITLE = {Context effects on verb frame bias},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The 8th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP-2002)},
ADDRESS = {Tenerife, Spain} }
Frank Keller. A probabilistic parser as a model of global processing difficulty. In The 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 646-651, Erlbaum, Mahawah, NJ, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Keller, Frank},
TITLE = {A probabilistic parser as a model of global processing difficulty},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {646-651},
ADDRESS = {Mahawah, NJ},
PUBLISHER = {Erlbaum} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Anticipatory eye movements in initially ambiguous sentences. In AMLaP-2002, Tenerife, Spain, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Anticipatory eye movements in initially ambiguous sentences},
YEAR = {2002},
ADDRESS = {Tenerife, Spain} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. The interaction of mental representations from linguistic and visual input: A processing account of role assignment in visual worlds. In AMLaP-2003, Glasgow, Scotland, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {The interaction of mental representations from linguistic and visual input: A processing account of role assignment in visual worlds},
YEAR = {2003},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, Scotland} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Eye-movements on Images as a Measure of Disambiguation and Reinterpretation in Online Sentence Comprehension: a cross-linguistic comparison. In European Conference on Eye Movements, Dundee, UK, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Eye-movements on Images as a Measure of Disambiguation and Reinterpretation in Online Sentence Comprehension: a cross-linguistic comparison},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {European Conference on Eye Movements},
ADDRESS = {Dundee, UK} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Actions and Roles: Using depicted events for disambiguation and reinterpretation in German and English. In The 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston, USA, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Actions and Roles: Using depicted events for disambiguation and reinterpretation in German and English},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Visual events, role (re-)assignments, and word-order ambiguity in German and English (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, Boston, MA, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Visual events, role (re-)assignments, and word-order ambiguity in German and English (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {Boston, MA} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. Using Depicted Role-Relations for Rapid Disambiguation and Reinterpretation in Online Sentence Comprehension (poster) In The Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Granada, Spain, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {Using Depicted Role-Relations for Rapid Disambiguation and Reinterpretation in Online Sentence Comprehension (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP)},
ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain} }
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Stored knowledge versus depicted events: what guides auditory sentence comprehension? In The 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, USA, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Stored knowledge versus depicted events: what guides auditory sentence comprehension?},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {The 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {Chicago, USA} }
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. When Linguistic Experience Competes with Scene Information in Sentence Comprehension (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, College Park, MD., 2004.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {When Linguistic Experience Competes with Scene Information in Sentence Comprehension (poster)},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {College Park, MD.} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Christoph Scheepers. The influence of depicted event scenes on written comprehension of locally ambiguous sentences (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, College Park, MD., 2004.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W. and Scheepers, Christoph},
TITLE = {The influence of depicted event scenes on written comprehension of locally ambiguous sentences (poster)},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {College Park, MD.} }
Mirella Lapata,
Frank Keller and
Scott McDonald. Evaluating Smoothing Algorithms against Plausibility Judgments. In The 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 346-353, Toulouse, 2001.
AUTHOR = {Lapata, Mirella and Keller, Frank and McDonald, Scott},
TITLE = {Evaluating Smoothing Algorithms against Plausibility Judgments},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {The 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {346-353},
ADDRESS = {Toulouse} }
Marshall R. Mayberry and
Risto Miikulainen. Incremental nonmonotonic parsing through semantic self-organization. In The 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 798-803, Erlbaum, Mahawah, NJ, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Mayberry, Marshall R. and Miikulainen, Risto},
TITLE = {Incremental nonmonotonic parsing through semantic self-organization},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {798-803},
ADDRESS = {Mahawah, NJ},
PUBLISHER = {Erlbaum} }
Marshall R. Mayberry and
Matthew W. Crocker. Incrementality, prediction, and attention in a scaleable network model of linguistic competence and performance. In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, College Park, MD, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Mayberry, Marshall R. and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Incrementality, prediction, and attention in a scaleable network model of linguistic competence and performance},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {College Park, MD} }
Marshall R. Mayberry. Generating Semantic Graphs through Self-Organization. In AAAI Symposium on Compositional Connectionism in Cognitive Science, Washington, D. C., 2004.
AUTHOR = {Mayberry, Marshall R.},
TITLE = {Generating Semantic Graphs through Self-Organization},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Symposium on Compositional Connectionism in Cognitive Science},
ADDRESS = {Washington, D. C.} }
Alissa Melinger and
Sotaro Kita. Does gesture help processes of speech production?: Evidence for conceptual level facilitation. In The Berkeley Linguistics Society Annual Meeting, Berkeley, USA, 2002.
@InProceedings{Melinger_Kita:2002 (in press),
AUTHOR = {Melinger, Alissa and Kita, Sotaro},
TITLE = {Does gesture help processes of speech production?: Evidence for conceptual level facilitation},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The Berkeley Linguistics Society Annual Meeting},
ADDRESS = {Berkeley, USA} }
Alissa Melinger and
C. Dobel. Lexically driven syntactic priming (poster) In The 6th Symposium on Psycholinguistics, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Melinger, Alissa and Dobel, C.},
TITLE = {Lexically driven syntactic priming (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The 6th Symposium on Psycholinguistics},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain} }
Alissa Melinger and
Sotaro Kita. When input and output diverge: Mismatches in speech gesture and image. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, 2004.
@InProceedings{Melinger_Kita:2004 (in press),
AUTHOR = {Melinger, Alissa and Kita, Sotaro},
TITLE = {When input and output diverge: Mismatches in speech gesture and image},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {Chicago} }
Sandra Muckel,
Christoph Scheepers and
Matthew W. Crocker. Anticipating German particle verb meanings: Effects of lexical frequency and plausibility. In AMLaP-2002, Tenerife, Spain, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Muckel, Sandra and Scheepers, Christoph and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Anticipating German particle verb meanings: Effects of lexical frequency and plausibility},
YEAR = {2002},
ADDRESS = {Tenerife, Spain} }
Christoph Scheepers and
Matthew W. Crocker. Constituent order priming from reading to listening. In AMLaP-2002, Tenerife, Spain, 2002.
AUTHOR = {Scheepers, Christoph and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Constituent order priming from reading to listening},
YEAR = {2002},
ADDRESS = {Tenerife, Spain} }
Christoph Scheepers,
Sandra Muckel and
Matthew W. Crocker. Anticipation of Particle Verb Meanings in Visual Worlds (poster) In European Conference on Eye Movements, Dundee, UK, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Scheepers, Christoph and Muckel, Sandra and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Anticipation of Particle Verb Meanings in Visual Worlds (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {European Conference on Eye Movements},
ADDRESS = {Dundee, UK} }
Christoph Scheepers,
Sandra Muckel and
Matthew W. Crocker. On-line interpretation of German particle verb constructions (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, Boston, MA, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Scheepers, Christoph and Muckel, Sandra and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {On-line interpretation of German particle verb constructions (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {Boston, MA} }
Andrea Weber,
Martine Grice and
Matthew W. Crocker. Effects of prosody on the resolution of word order ambiguities (poster) In AMLaP-2003, Glasgow, Scotland, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea and Grice, Martine and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Effects of prosody on the resolution of word order ambiguities (poster)},
YEAR = {2003},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, Scotland} }
Andrea Weber,
Bettina Braun and
Matthew W. Crocker. Adjectival modifiers and reference resolution: when prosodic focus matters (poster) In The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, College Park, MD., 2004.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea and Braun, Bettina and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Adjectival modifiers and reference resolution: when prosodic focus matters (poster)},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {The Annual CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {College Park, MD.} }
Michela & Barry and
William John. In che misura l’italiano è “iso-sillabico”? Una comparazione quantitativa tra l’italiano e il tedesco. In
Paolo D’Achille editor, Atti del VII Convegno della Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana ; Generi, architetture e forme testuali., Pages 387-401, Firenze: Cesati, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Russo and Barry, Michela & and John, William},
TITLE = {In che misura l’italiano è “iso-sillabico”? Una comparazione quantitativa tra l’italiano e il tedesco},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Atti del VII Convegno della Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana ; Generi, architetture e forme testuali.},
KEY = {entry_type},
PAGES = {387-401},
EDITOR = {D’Achille, Paolo},
PUBLISHER = {Firenze: Cesati} }
William J. Barry and
Michela Russo. Isocronia soggettiva o oggettiva? Relazioni tra tempo articolatorio e quantificazione ritmica. In
Francesco Cutugno,
Massimo Pettorino and
Renata Savy editors, Il Parlato Italiano. Atti del Convegno nazionale di Napoli 13-15 febbraio, 2003, Pages 1-20, Napoli, M. D’Auria Editore – Cirass, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Russo, Michela},
TITLE = {Isocronia soggettiva o oggettiva? Relazioni tra tempo articolatorio e quantificazione ritmica},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Il Parlato Italiano. Atti del Convegno nazionale di Napoli 13-15 febbraio, 2003},
PAGES = {1-20},
EDITOR = {Cutugno, Francesco and Pettorino, Massimo and Savy, Renata},
PUBLISHER = {Napoli, M. D’Auria Editore – Cirass} }
Gerhard Fliedner. A Generalised Similarity Measure for Question Answering. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2005), Vol. 3513:380--383 of LNCS, Alicante, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Fliedner, Gerhard},
TITLE = {A Generalised Similarity Measure for Question Answering},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2005)},
VOLUME = {3513},
PAGES = {380--383},
ADDRESS = {Alicante} }
Gertjan van Noord and
Valia Kordoni. A Raising Analysis of the Dutch Passive. In
Stefan Müller editor, The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, August 23-24, 2005, Pages 410-426, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 2005. [Abstract] Note: ISSN 1535-1793.
AUTHOR = {van Noord, Gertjan and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {A Raising Analysis of the Dutch Passive},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = { The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, August 23-24, 2005},
PAGES = {410-426},
EDITOR = {Müller, Stefan},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
ABSTRACT = {This paper focuses on passive constructions in Dutch.
Specifically, we focus on worden, as well as krijgen
passives in Dutch, for which we propose a uniform, raising
analysis in HPSG. We also show that such an analysis can be
carried over to account for passives cross-linguistically.
Specifically, we look at corresponding structures in German
and show that there is no need for a dual raising and
control analysis for the German ``agentive\'\' (werden) and
the German ``dative\'\' (kriegen) passives, respectively, as
has been proposed in Müller (2002) and Müller (2003)},
NOTE = {ISSN 1535-1793} }
Witold Abramowicz and
Jakub Piskorski. Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents. In Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22, Seattle, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Abramowicz, Witold and Piskorski, Jakub},
TITLE = {Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Seattle},
ABSTRACT = {One of the most difficult aspects of using search technology is the process of getting information in shape for searching. The objective of this paper is an investigation of the applicability of information extraction techniques in real-world business applications dealing with textual data since business relevant data is mainly transmitted through free-text documents. Further, we demonstrate an enormous indexing potential of lightweight linguistic text processing techniques applied in information extraction systems in other closely related fields of information technology which concern processing vast amounts of textual data.} }
Irene Albrecht,
Jörg Haber,
Kolja Kähler,
Marc Schröder and
Hans-Peter Seidel. May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text. In
Sabine Coquillart,
Heung-Yeung Shum and
Shi-Min Hu editors, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Albrecht, Irene and Haber, Jörg and Kähler, Kolja and Schröder, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
TITLE = {May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11},
EDITOR = {Coquillart, Sabine and Shum, Heung-Yeung and Hu, Shi-Min},
ADDRESS = {Tsinghua University, Beijing},
URL = {http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/resources/FAM/publ/pg2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a facial animation system that produces real-time animation sequences including speech synchronization and non-verbal speech-related facial expressions from plain text input. A state-of-the-art text-to-speech synthesis component performs linguistic analysis of the text input and creates a speech signal from phonetic and intonation information. The phonetic transcription is additionally used to drive a speech synchronization method for the physically based facial animation. Further high-level information from the linguistic analysis such as different types of accents or pauses as well as the type of the sentence is used to generate non-verbal speech-related facial expressions such as movement of head, eyes, and eyebrows or voluntary eye blinks. Moreover, emoticons are translated into XML markup that triggers emotional facial expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Albrecht:2002:FAT.pdf} }
Witold Abramowicz and
Jakub Piskorski. Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents. In Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22, Seattle, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Abramowicz, Witold and Piskorski, Jakub},
TITLE = {Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Seattle},
ABSTRACT = {One of the most difficult aspects of using search technology is the process of getting information in shape for searching. The objective of this paper is an investigation of the applicability of information extraction techniques in real-world business applications dealing with textual data since business relevant data is mainly transmitted through free-text documents. Further, we demonstrate an enormous indexing potential of lightweight linguistic text processing techniques applied in information extraction systems in other closely related fields of information technology which concern processing vast amounts of textual data.} }
Irene Albrecht,
Jörg Haber,
Kolja Kähler,
Marc Schröder and
Hans-Peter Seidel. May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text. In
Sabine Coquillart,
Heung-Yeung Shum and
Shi-Min Hu editors, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Albrecht, Irene and Haber, Jörg and Kähler, Kolja and Schröder, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
TITLE = {May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11},
EDITOR = {Coquillart, Sabine and Shum, Heung-Yeung and Hu, Shi-Min},
ADDRESS = {Tsinghua University, Beijing},
URL = {http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/resources/FAM/publ/pg2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a facial animation system that produces real-time animation sequences including speech synchronization and non-verbal speech-related facial expressions from plain text input. A state-of-the-art text-to-speech synthesis component performs linguistic analysis of the text input and creates a speech signal from phonetic and intonation information. The phonetic transcription is additionally used to drive a speech synchronization method for the physically based facial animation. Further high-level information from the linguistic analysis such as different types of accents or pauses as well as the type of the sentence is used to generate non-verbal speech-related facial expressions such as movement of head, eyes, and eyebrows or voluntary eye blinks. Moreover, emoticons are translated into XML markup that triggers emotional facial expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Albrecht:2002:FAT.pdf} }
Witold Abramowicz and
Jakub Piskorski. Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents. In Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22, Seattle, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Abramowicz, Witold and Piskorski, Jakub},
TITLE = {Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Seattle},
ABSTRACT = {One of the most difficult aspects of using search technology is the process of getting information in shape for searching. The objective of this paper is an investigation of the applicability of information extraction techniques in real-world business applications dealing with textual data since business relevant data is mainly transmitted through free-text documents. Further, we demonstrate an enormous indexing potential of lightweight linguistic text processing techniques applied in information extraction systems in other closely related fields of information technology which concern processing vast amounts of textual data.} }
Irene Albrecht,
Jörg Haber,
Kolja Kähler,
Marc Schröder and
Hans-Peter Seidel. May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text. In
Sabine Coquillart,
Heung-Yeung Shum and
Shi-Min Hu editors, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Albrecht, Irene and Haber, Jörg and Kähler, Kolja and Schröder, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
TITLE = {May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11},
EDITOR = {Coquillart, Sabine and Shum, Heung-Yeung and Hu, Shi-Min},
ADDRESS = {Tsinghua University, Beijing},
URL = {http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/resources/FAM/publ/pg2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a facial animation system that produces real-time animation sequences including speech synchronization and non-verbal speech-related facial expressions from plain text input. A state-of-the-art text-to-speech synthesis component performs linguistic analysis of the text input and creates a speech signal from phonetic and intonation information. The phonetic transcription is additionally used to drive a speech synchronization method for the physically based facial animation. Further high-level information from the linguistic analysis such as different types of accents or pauses as well as the type of the sentence is used to generate non-verbal speech-related facial expressions such as movement of head, eyes, and eyebrows or voluntary eye blinks. Moreover, emoticons are translated into XML markup that triggers emotional facial expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Albrecht:2002:FAT.pdf} }
Witold Abramowicz and
Jakub Piskorski. Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents. In Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22, Seattle, 2002. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Abramowicz, Witold and Piskorski, Jakub},
TITLE = {Information Extraction from Free Text Business Documents},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRMA - Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 19-22},
ADDRESS = {Seattle},
ABSTRACT = {One of the most difficult aspects of using search technology is the process of getting information in shape for searching. The objective of this paper is an investigation of the applicability of information extraction techniques in real-world business applications dealing with textual data since business relevant data is mainly transmitted through free-text documents. Further, we demonstrate an enormous indexing potential of lightweight linguistic text processing techniques applied in information extraction systems in other closely related fields of information technology which concern processing vast amounts of textual data.} }
Irene Albrecht,
Jörg Haber,
Kolja Kähler,
Marc Schröder and
Hans-Peter Seidel. May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text. In
Sabine Coquillart,
Heung-Yeung Shum and
Shi-Min Hu editors, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2002. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Albrecht, Irene and Haber, Jörg and Kähler, Kolja and Schröder, Marc and Seidel, Hans-Peter},
TITLE = {May I talk to you? :-) - Facial Animation from Text},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2002), October 9-11},
EDITOR = {Coquillart, Sabine and Shum, Heung-Yeung and Hu, Shi-Min},
ADDRESS = {Tsinghua University, Beijing},
URL = {http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/resources/FAM/publ/pg2002.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a facial animation system that produces real-time animation sequences including speech synchronization and non-verbal speech-related facial expressions from plain text input. A state-of-the-art text-to-speech synthesis component performs linguistic analysis of the text input and creates a speech signal from phonetic and intonation information. The phonetic transcription is additionally used to drive a speech synchronization method for the physically based facial animation. Further high-level information from the linguistic analysis such as different types of accents or pauses as well as the type of the sentence is used to generate non-verbal speech-related facial expressions such as movement of head, eyes, and eyebrows or voluntary eye blinks. Moreover, emoticons are translated into XML markup that triggers emotional facial expressions.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Albrecht:2002:FAT.pdf} }
Sebastian Pado and
Gemma Boleda Torrent. The Influence of Argument Structure on Semantic Role Assignment. In Proceedings of EMNLP-04, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Torrent, Gemma Boleda},
TITLE = {The Influence of Argument Structure on Semantic Role Assignment},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EMNLP-04} }
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. Automated Deep Lexical Acquisition for Robust Open Texts Processing. In Proceedings of LREC-2006,, Pages 275-280, Genoa, Italy, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Automated Deep Lexical Acquisition for Robust Open Texts Processing},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC-2006,},
PAGES = {275-280},
ADDRESS = {Genoa, Italy} }
Antske Fokkens and
Valia Kordoni. Control, raising and case: from the perspective of passives. In 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (poster session), 2006. Note: Presented at HPSG 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, July 24-27, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Fokkens, Antske and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Control, raising and case: from the perspective of passives},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (poster session)},
NOTE = {Presented at HPSG 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, July 24-27, 2006} }
Marina Terkourafi and
Valia Kordoni. Speech act formulae: degrees of conventionalisation in a lexicalist account. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, University of York, UK, 2006. Note: September 8-10, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Terkourafi, Marina and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Speech act formulae: degrees of conventionalisation in a lexicalist account},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Greek Linguistics},
PUBLISHER = {University of York, UK},
NOTE = {September 8-10, 2005} }
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Analysing models for semantic role assignment using confusability. In Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005, Vancouver, BC, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Analysing models for semantic role assignment using confusability},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, BC} }
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Cross-lingual Bootstrapping for Semantic Lexicons: The case of FrameNet. In Proceedings of AAAI-05, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Cross-lingual Bootstrapping for Semantic Lexicons: The case of FrameNet},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of AAAI-05},
ADDRESS = {Pittsburgh, PA} }
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Cross-lingual projection of role-semantic information. In Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005, Vancouver, BC, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Cross-lingual projection of role-semantic information},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, BC} }
Sebastian Pado and
Katrin Erk. To cause or not to cause: Cross-lingual semantic matching for paraphrasemodelling. In Proceedings of the Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {To cause or not to cause: Cross-lingual semantic matching for paraphrasemodelling},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Cluj-Napoca, Romania} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Katrin Erk and
Anette Frank. A WordNet Detour to FrameNet. In
Bernhard Fisseni,
Hans-Christian Schmitz and
Bernhard Schröder editors, Sprachtechnologie, mobile Kommunikation und linguistische Resourcen, Vol. 8 of Computer Studies in Language and Speech, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Erk, Katrin and Frank, Anette},
TITLE = {A WordNet Detour to FrameNet},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Sprachtechnologie, mobile Kommunikation und linguistische Resourcen},
VOLUME = {8},
EDITOR = {Fisseni, Bernhard and Schmitz, Hans-Christian and Schröder, Bernhard},
SERIES = {Computer Studies in Language and Speech},
PUBLISHER = {Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Anette Frank and
Manfred Pinkal. Building Text Meaning Representations from Contextually Related Frames - A Case Study. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Semantics, IWCS-6, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Frank, Anette and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Building Text Meaning Representations from Contextually Related Frames - A Case Study},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Semantics, IWCS-6},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands} }
Katrin Erk. Frame assignment as word sense disambiguation. In Proceedings of IWCS-6, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {Frame assignment as word sense disambiguation},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IWCS-6},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands} }
Sabine Schulte im Walde and
Katrin Erk. A comparison of German semantic verb classifications. In Proceedings of IWCS-6, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Schulte im Walde, Sabine and Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {A comparison of German semantic verb classifications},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IWCS-6},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands} }
John W. Barry and
Michela Russo. Measuring rhythm. Is it separable from speech rate? In
A. Mettouchi and
G. Ferre editors, Actes de Interfaces Prosodiques, Université Nantes 27-29 mars, 2003, Pages 15-20, Université Nantes, a.a.i. (acoustique, aquisition, interprétation), 2003.
AUTHOR = {Barry, John W. and Russo, Michela},
TITLE = {Measuring rhythm. Is it separable from speech rate?},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Actes de Interfaces Prosodiques, Université Nantes 27-29 mars, 2003},
PAGES = {15-20},
EDITOR = {Mettouchi, A. and Ferre, G.},
ORGANIZATION = {Université Nantes, a.a.i. (acoustique, aquisition, interprétation)} }
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. A Statistical Analysis Towards Unknown Word Type Prediction for Deep Grammars. In
Timothy Baldwin,
James Curran and
Menno Van Zaanen editors, Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005, University of Sydney, Australia, 9-11 December 2005.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {A Statistical Analysis Towards Unknown Word Type Prediction for Deep Grammars},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {9-11 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005},
EDITOR = {Baldwin, Timothy and Curran, James and Van Zaanen, Menno},
ORGANIZATION = {University of Sydney, Australia} }
Valia Kordoni,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Vladislav Kubon and
Michael Rosner. Language Technology from a European Perspective. In
Chris Brew and
Dragomir R. Radev editors, Proceedings of the Second ACL Workshop on Effective Tools and Methodologies for Teaching NLP and CL, Pages 43-48, Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL Anthology, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, 2005. Note: June 2005.
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Uszkoreit, Hans and Kubon, Vladislav and Rosner, Michael},
TITLE = {Language Technology from a European Perspective},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second ACL Workshop on Effective Tools and Methodologies for Teaching NLP and CL},
PAGES = {43-48},
EDITOR = {Brew, Chris and Radev, Dragomir R.},
ADDRESS = {University of Michigan - Ann Arbor},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL Anthology},
NOTE = {June 2005} }
Nuria Bertomeu and
Valia Kordoni. Integrating Discourse Information in Grammar. In HPSG 2005, 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 23-24 August 2005. Note: Presented at HPSG 2005.
AUTHOR = {Bertomeu, Nuria and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Integrating Discourse Information in Grammar},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {23-24 August},
BOOKTITLE = {HPSG 2005, 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
PUBLISHER = {University of Lisbon, Portugal},
NOTE = {Presented at HPSG 2005} }
Frederik Fouvry,
Valia Kordoni and
Gertjan van Noord. Object-to-Subject Raising: An Analysis of the Dutch Passive. In HPSG 2005, 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 23-24 August 2005. Note: Presented at HPSG 2005.
AUTHOR = {Fouvry, Frederik and Kordoni, Valia and van Noord, Gertjan},
TITLE = {Object-to-Subject Raising: An Analysis of the Dutch Passive.},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {23-24 August},
BOOKTITLE = { HPSG 2005, 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
PUBLISHER = {University of Lisbon, Portugal},
NOTE = {Presented at HPSG 2005} }
Gregor Erbach,
Marko Grobelnik,
Mitja Jermol and
Brigitte Jörg. Network Approaches to Current Research Information Systems. In Proceedings of e-2005: eChallenges Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19-21 October 2005.
AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Grobelnik, Marko and Jermol, Mitja and Jörg, Brigitte},
TITLE = {Network Approaches to Current Research Information Systems.},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {19-21 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of e-2005: eChallenges Conference},
PUBLISHER = {Ljubljana, Slovenia} }
Anette Frank,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Querying Structured Knowledge Sources. In Proceedings of AAAI-05. Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains, AAAI Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Querying Structured Knowledge Sources},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of AAAI-05. Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains},
ADDRESS = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},
Brigitte Jörg and
Hans Uszkoreit. The Ontology-based Architecture of LT World, a Comprehensive Web Information System for a Science and Technology Discipline. In Leitbild Informationskompetenz: Positionen - Praxis - Perspektiven im europäischen Wissensmarkt, DGI, DGI, 23-25 May 2005. Note: 27. Online Tagung (zugleich 57. Jahrestagung) der DGI. Frankfurt am Main,.
AUTHOR = {Jörg, Brigitte and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {The Ontology-based Architecture of LT World, a Comprehensive Web Information System for a Science and Technology Discipline},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Leitbild Informationskompetenz: Positionen - Praxis - Perspektiven im europäischen Wissensmarkt},
NOTE = {27. Online Tagung (zugleich 57. Jahrestagung) der DGI. Frankfurt am Main,} }
Stephan Walter and
Manfred Pinkal. Computational Linguistic Support for Legal Ontology Construction. In Proceedings of ICAIL, Pages 242-243, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Walter, Stephan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Computational Linguistic Support for Legal Ontology Construction},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ICAIL},
PAGES = {242-243} }
Feiyu Xu,
Jörg Steffen,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Krüger. The COMPASS2008 Smart Dining Service. In Proceedings of intelligent Technologies for interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2005, Berlin, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Steffen, Jörg and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krüger},
TITLE = {The COMPASS2008 Smart Dining Service},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of intelligent Technologies for interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2005},
ADDRESS = {Berlin} }
Tianfang Yao and
Hans Uszkoreit. A Novel Machine Learning Approach for the Identification of Named Entity Relations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing (ACL 2005 Workshop), Michigan, USA, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {A Novel Machine Learning Approach for the Identification of Named Entity Relations},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing (ACL 2005 Workshop)},
ADDRESS = {Michigan, USA} }
Tilman Becker,
Ciprian Gerstenberger,
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova and
Manfred Pinkal. Natural and intuitive multimodal dialogue for in-car appliications: the SAMMIE System. In 4th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Becker, Tilman and Gerstenberger, Ciprian and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Natural and intuitive multimodal dialogue for in-car appliications: the SAMMIE System},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems} }
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Optimal constituent alignment with edge covers for semantic projection. In COLING-ACL 2006: 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,ydney, Australia ydney, Australia, Vol. 2:1161-1168, Stroudsburg, 17-21 July 2006.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Optimal constituent alignment with edge covers for semantic projection},
YEAR = {2006},
MONTH = {17-21 July},
BOOKTITLE = {COLING-ACL 2006: 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,ydney, Australia ydney, Australia},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1161-1168},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg} }
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Shalmaneser - a flexible toolbox for semantic role assignment. In Proceedings of LREC 2006: the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Shalmaneser - a flexible toolbox for semantic role assignment},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC 2006: the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Anette Frank,
Sebastian Pado and
Manfred Pinkal. The SALSA corpus: a German corpus resource for lexical semantics. In Proceedings of LREC 2006 : the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris, Pages 969-974, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Frank, Anette and Pado, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {The SALSA corpus: a German corpus resource for lexical semantics},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of LREC 2006 : the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris},
PAGES = {969-974} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Katrin Erk,
Anette Frank and
Sebastian Pado. SALTO - a versatile multi-level annotation tool. In roceedings of LREC 2006 : the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris, Pages 517-520, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Erk, Katrin and Frank, Anette and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {SALTO - a versatile multi-level annotation tool},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {roceedings of LREC 2006 : the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris},
PAGES = {517-520} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Challenges in lexical semantics : non-compositionality in SALSA corpus annotation. In Abstracts zu den Vorträgen/28. Jahrestagung der Dutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Universität Bielefeld, Pages 192, Bielefeld, 22-24 February 2006.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Challenges in lexical semantics : non-compositionality in SALSA corpus annotation},
YEAR = {2006},
MONTH = {22-24 February},
BOOKTITLE = {Abstracts zu den Vorträgen/28. Jahrestagung der Dutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Universität Bielefeld},
PAGES = {192},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Consistency and coverage: challenges for exhaustive semantic annotation. In Referate/28. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), DGfS, Bielefeld, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Erk, Katrin and Pado, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Consistency and coverage: challenges for exhaustive semantic annotation},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Referate/28. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS)},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld},
Matthew W. Crocker,
Marshall R. Mayberry and
Pia Knoeferle. A neurobehavioral model of situated language comprehension. In The 22nd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing: UC Davis, 26.03.-28.03.2009, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Crocker, Matthew W. and Mayberry, Marshall R. and Knoeferle, Pia},
TITLE = {A neurobehavioral model of situated language comprehension},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {The 22nd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing: UC Davis, 26.03.-28.03.2009},
NOTE = {MC} }
Marshall R. Mayberry,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Pia Knoeferle. A connectionist model of the coordinated interplay of scene, utterance, and world knowledge. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Mayberry, Marshall R. and Crocker, Matthew W. and Knoeferle, Pia},
TITLE = {A connectionist model of the coordinated interplay of scene, utterance, and world knowledge},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the 27th Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada} }
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Accessibility of depicted events influences their priority
in spoken comprehension. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Accessibility of depicted events influences their priority
in spoken comprehension},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society, Vancouver, Canada} }
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Incremental Effects of Mismatch during Picture- Sentence Integration: Evidence from Eye-tracking (Talk) In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Incremental Effects of Mismatch during Picture- Sentence Integration: Evidence from Eye-tracking (Talk)},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society} }
Marshall R. Mayberry,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Pia Knoeferle. A Connectionist Model of Anticipation in Visual Worlds. In
Robert Dale,
Kam-Fai Wong and
Jian Su editors, Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Pages 849-861, Berlin, Springer, 2005.
AUTHOR = {Mayberry, Marshall R. and Crocker, Matthew W. and Knoeferle, Pia},
TITLE = {A Connectionist Model of Anticipation in Visual Worlds},
YEAR = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)},
PAGES = {849-861},
EDITOR = {Dale, Robert and Wong, Kam-Fai and Su, Jian},
PUBLISHER = {Berlin, Springer} }
Sebastian Pado,
Frank Keller and
Matthew W. Crocker. Combining syntax and thematic fit in a probabilistic model of sentence processing. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, Ju, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Keller, Frank and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Combining syntax and thematic fit in a probabilistic model of sentence processing.},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, Ju} }
Igor Farkas and
Matthew W. Crocker. Recurrent networks and natural language: exploiting self-organization. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, July, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Farkas, Igor and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Recurrent networks and natural language: exploiting self-organization},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, July} }
Sebastian Pado,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Frank Keller. Ulrike Pado, Matthew Crocker and Frank Keller. Modelling semantic role plausibility in human sentence processing. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Trento, Italy, April, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Crocker, Matthew W. and Keller, Frank},
TITLE = {Ulrike Pado, Matthew Crocker and Frank Keller. Modelling semantic role plausibility in human sentence processing.},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Trento, Italy, April} }
Pia Knoeferle,
Eric Auer and
Matthew W. Crocker. Scene-sentence congruence and structural ambiguity resolution: eye tracking reading. In Paper presented at the Alfred Yarbus Workshop ”Eye Movements, Communication, and Cognition” at the Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, Russia, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Auer, Eric and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Scene-sentence congruence and structural ambiguity resolution: eye tracking reading},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Paper presented at the Alfred Yarbus Workshop ”Eye Movements, Communication, and Cognition” at the Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, Russia} }
Alissa Melinger,
Sabine Schulte im Walde and
Andrea Weber. Characterizing response types and revealing noun ambiguity in German main clauses: A corpus analysis. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (pp. 41-48). Turin, Italy, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Melinger, Alissa and Schulte im Walde, Sabine and Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {Characterizing response types and revealing noun ambiguity in German main clauses: A corpus analysis.},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (pp. 41-48). Turin, Italy} }
Sabine Schulte im Walde. Can Human Verb Associations help identify Salient Features for Semantic Verb Classification? In Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. New York City, NY, June, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Schulte im Walde, Sabine},
TITLE = {Can Human Verb Associations help identify Salient Features for Semantic Verb Classification?},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning. New York City, NY, June} }
Sabine Schulte im Walde. Human Verb Associations as the Basis for Gold Standard Verb Classes: Validation against GermaNet and FrameNet. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Genoa, Italy, May, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Schulte im Walde, Sabine},
TITLE = {Human Verb Associations as the Basis for Gold Standard Verb Classes: Validation against GermaNet and FrameNet},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Genoa, Italy, May} }
Jacques Koreman,
Andrew C. Morris and
D. Wu. Multi-modal biometric authentication on the SecurePhone PDA. In Second Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication, Toulouse, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Morris, Andrew C. and Wu, D.},
TITLE = {Multi-modal biometric authentication on the SecurePhone PDA},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Second Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication, Toulouse} }
Stephan Walter and
Manfred Pinkal. Automatic Extraction of Definitions from German Court Decisions. In Proceedings of the ACL-2006 Workshop on Information Extraction beyond the Document, Pages 20-28, Sydney, Australia, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Walter, Stephan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Automatic Extraction of Definitions from German Court Decisions},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-2006 Workshop on Information Extraction beyond the Document},
PAGES = {20-28},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia} }
L. Allano,
Andrew C. Morris and
Jacques Koreman. Non intrusive multi-biometrics on a mobile device: a comparison of fusion techniques. In SPIE Conference on Biometric Technology for Human Identification III, Florida., 2006.
AUTHOR = {Allano, L. and Morris, Andrew C. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Non intrusive multi-biometrics on a mobile device: a comparison of fusion techniques},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Conference on Biometric Technology for Human Identification III, Florida.} }
Andrew C. Morris,
S. Jassims,
H. Sellahewa and
Jacques Koreman. Multimodal person authentication on a smartphone under realistic conditions. In SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Morris, Andrew C. and Jassims, S. and Sellahewa, H. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Multimodal person authentication on a smartphone under realistic conditions},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida} }
R. Ricci,
G. Chollet,
G. Crispino and
Jacques Koreman. SecurePhone: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly. In SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Ricci, R. and Chollet, G. and Crispino, G. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {SecurePhone: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida} }
R. Ricci,
G. Chollet,
G. Crispino and
Jacques Koreman. THE SECUREPHONE: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly. In International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT2006), Setubal, Portugal, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Ricci, R. and Chollet, G. and Crispino, G. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {THE SECUREPHONE: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT2006), Setubal, Portugal} }
H. Sellahewa,
Andrew C. Morris,
D. Wu and
Jacques Koreman. Comparison of weighting strategies in early and late fusion approaches to audio-visual person authentication. In SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Sellahewa, H. and Morris, Andrew C. and Wu, D. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Comparison of weighting strategies in early and late fusion approaches to audio-visual person authentication},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida} }
Ulrike Pado. Modelling Semantic Plausibility in Human Sentence Processing using FrameNet and PropBank. In Workshop on Multi-Lingual Semantic Annotation: Theory and Applications, Workshop on Multi-Lingual Semantic Annotation: Theory and Applications, Saarbrücken, Germany,Saarbrücken, Germany, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Ulrike},
TITLE = {Modelling Semantic Plausibility in Human Sentence Processing using FrameNet and PropBank},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Multi-Lingual Semantic Annotation: Theory and Applications, Workshop on Multi-Lingual Semantic Annotation: Theory and Applications, Saarbrücken, Germany,Saarbrücken, Germany} }
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. The influence of the visual environment on spoken language comprehension: evidence from eye-tracking. In Paper presented at La comunicazione parlata, Naples, Italy, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The influence of the visual environment on spoken language comprehension: evidence from eye-tracking},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Paper presented at La comunicazione parlata, Naples, Italy} }
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Effects of “blank screen” and disappearing events on the greater relative importance of depicted events. In Poster presented at the 19th CUNY Conference, New York, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Effects of “blank screen” and disappearing events on the greater relative importance of depicted events},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Poster presented at the 19th CUNY Conference, New York} }
Brigitte Jörg,
Mitja Jermol,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Marko Grobelnik. Analytic Information Services for the European Research Area. In eChallenges2006 e-2006 Conference, October 25-27, 2006. Barcelona, Spain., 2006.
AUTHOR = {Jörg, Brigitte and Jermol, Mitja and Uszkoreit, Hans and Grobelnik, Marko},
TITLE = {Analytic Information Services for the European Research Area},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {eChallenges2006 e-2006 Conference, October 25-27, 2006. Barcelona, Spain.} }
Nuria Bertomeu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Anette Frank and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Contextual phenomena and thematic relations in database QA dialogues: results from a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. In Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2006 Workshop on Interactive Question Answering, New York, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Bertomeu, Nuria and Uszkoreit, Hans and Frank, Anette and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Contextual phenomena and thematic relations in database QA dialogues: results from a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2006 Workshop on Interactive Question Answering, New York} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu,
Jörg Steffen and
I. Aslan. The pragmatic combination of different cross-lingual resources for multilingual information services. In LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Steffen, Jörg and Aslan, I.},
TITLE = {The pragmatic combination of different cross-lingual resources for multilingual information services},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May} }
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Hong Li. Automatic Event and Relation Detection with Seeds of Varying Complexity. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2006 Workshop Event Extraction and Synthesis, Boston, July, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong},
TITLE = {Automatic Event and Relation Detection with Seeds of Varying Complexity},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the AAAI 2006 Workshop Event Extraction and Synthesis, Boston, July} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Stephan Walter and
Manfred Pinkal. MiLCA - Distance Education for Computational Linguistics. In New Challenges and Partnerships in an Enlarged European Union, 2004.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Walter, Stephan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {MiLCA - Distance Education for Computational Linguistics},
YEAR = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {New Challenges and Partnerships in an Enlarged European Union},
SERIES = {Proceedings of the 2004 EDEN conference, Budapest} }
A. Kröner,
D. Heckmann and
Wolfgang Wahlster. Specter: Building, Exploiting, and Sharing Augmented Memories. In Proceedings of KSEL06, Knowledge Sharing for Everyday Life, Pages 9-16, Kyoto, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Kröner, A. and Heckmann, D. and Wahlster, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {Specter: Building, Exploiting, and Sharing Augmented Memories},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of KSEL06, Knowledge Sharing for Everyday Life},
PAGES = {9-16},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
John Kelleher,
Gregor Berginc and
Ales Leonardis. Structural descriptions in human-assisted robot visual learning. In Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Salt Lake City, UT, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Kelleher, John and Berginc, Gregor and Leonardis, Ales},
TITLE = {Structural descriptions in human-assisted robot visual learning},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
ADDRESS = {Salt Lake City, UT} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Hendrik Zender,
Patric Jensfelt and
Henrik Christensen. Clarification dialogues in human-augmented mapping. In Proceedings of the 2st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 06, Salt Lake City UT, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Zender, Hendrik and Jensfelt, Patric and Christensen, Henrik},
TITLE = {Clarification dialogues in human-augmented mapping},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
ADDRESS = {Salt Lake City UT},
Tania Avgustinova. Grammatical Relatedness of Slavic Languages Taken Seriously. In
S. Koeva editor, Proceedings of the 5th Formal Approaches ot South Slavic adn Balkan Languges, Pages 19-22, FASSBL-5, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Grammatical Relatedness of Slavic Languages Taken Seriously},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Formal Approaches ot South Slavic adn Balkan Languges},
PAGES = {19-22},
EDITOR = {Koeva, S.},
Tania Avgustinova. A Functional Typology of Copular be: Towards an HPSG Formalisation. In
Stefan Müller editor, Porceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Pages 27-38, CSLI, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {A Functional Typology of Copular be: Towards an HPSG Formalisation},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Porceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
PAGES = {27-38},
EDITOR = {Müller, Stefan},
Andreas Merkel,
Dan Shen,
Jochen Leidner and
Dietrich Klakow. The Alyssa System at TREC 2006: A Statistically-Inspired Question Answering System (Poster) In US NIST, 2006. Note: Poster.
AUTHOR = {Merkel, Andreas and Shen, Dan and Leidner, Jochen and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The Alyssa System at TREC 2006: A Statistically-Inspired Question Answering System (Poster)},
YEAR = {2006},
NOTE = {Poster} }
Dan Shen,
Jochen Leidner,
Andreas Merkel and
Dietrich Klakow. The Alyssa System at TREC 2006: A Statistically-Inspired Question Answering System, Workshop Notes. In Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Shen, Dan and Leidner, Jochen and Merkel, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The Alyssa System at TREC 2006: A Statistically-Inspired Question Answering System, Workshop Notes},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference} }
M. Hussain,
Andreas Merkel and
Dietrich Klakow. Dedicated Backing-Off Distributions for Language Model Based passage Retrieval. In Hildesheimer Informatik Berichte, Hildesheim, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Hussain, M. and Merkel, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Dedicated Backing-Off Distributions for Language Model Based passage Retrieval},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Hildesheimer Informatik Berichte},
ADDRESS = {Hildesheim} }
Dietrich Klakow. Language Model Adaptation for Tiny Adaptation Corpora. In Proceedings Interspeech, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Language Model Adaptation for Tiny Adaptation Corpora},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Interspeech} }
Dietrich Klakow. Using Regional Information in Language Model Based Automatic Concept Annotation and Retrieval of Video. In ICASSP 2006, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Using Regional Information in Language Model Based Automatic Concept Annotation and Retrieval of Video},
YEAR = {2006},
Irene Cramer,
Jochen Leidner and
Dietrich Klakow. Building an Evaluation Corpus for German Question Answering by Harvesting Wikipedia. In Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC-2006, Genoa, Italy, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Cramer, Irene and Leidner, Jochen and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Building an Evaluation Corpus for German Question Answering by Harvesting Wikipedia},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC-2006},
ADDRESS = {Genoa, Italy} }
Adriana Davidescu,
Andrea Heyl,
Stefan Kazalski and
Dietrich Klakow. Classifying German Questions according to Ontology-Based Question Types. In 30th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society, 2006.
AUTHOR = {Davidescu, Adriana and Heyl, Andrea and Kazalski, Stefan and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Classifying German Questions according to Ontology-Based Question Types},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {30th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society} }
Sebastian Pado,
Ulrike Pado and
Katrin Erk. Flexible, Corpus-Based Modelling of Human Plausibility Judgements. In EMNLP. Prague, 2007. Note: MC, MP.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Pado, Ulrike and Erk, Katrin},
TITLE = {Flexible, Corpus-Based Modelling of Human Plausibility Judgements},
YEAR = {2007},
NOTE = {MC, MP} }
William J. Barry and
Bistra Andreeva. ACOUSTICS vs. PHONEMES IN LEXICAL ACCESS. In Proceedings International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbruecken (August 2007), Pages 1889-1892, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Andreeva, Bistra},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbruecken (August 2007)},
PAGES = {1889-1892},
NOTE = {WB} }
Sander Canisius and
Caroline Sporleder. Bootstrapping Information Extraction from Field Books. In Proceedings of EMNLP-CoNLL 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, 28-30 June 2007. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Canisius, Sander and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Bootstrapping Information Extraction from Field Books},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {28-30 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EMNLP-CoNLL 2007, Prague, Czech Republic},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Caroline Émond,
Jürgen Trouvain and
L. Menard. Perception of smiled French speech by native vs. non-native listeners: A pilot study. In Proceedings Workshop on The Phonetics of Laughter, Saarbrücken, Pages 27-30, Universität des Saarlandes, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Émond, Caroline and Trouvain, Jürgen and Menard, L.},
TITLE = {Perception of smiled French speech by native vs. non-native listeners: A pilot study},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Workshop on The Phonetics of Laughter, Saarbrücken},
PAGES = {27-30},
PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes},
NOTE = {WB} }
Eva Lasarcyk and
Jürgen Trouvain. Imitating conversational laughter with an articulatory speech synthesizer. In Proceedings Workshop on The Phonetics of Laughter, Pages 43-48, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Imitating conversational laughter with an articulatory speech synthesizer.},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings Workshop on The Phonetics of Laughter},
PAGES = {43-48},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes},
NOTE = {WB} }
Anja Moos and
Jürgen Trouvain. Comprehension of ultra-fast speech -- blind vs.
ormally hearing persons. In 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Pages 677-680, Universität des Saarlandes, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Moos, Anja and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Comprehension of ultra-fast speech -- blind vs.
ormally hearing persons},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken},
PAGES = {677-680},
PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jürgen Trouvain. On the comprehension of extremely fast synthetic speech. In Saarland Working Papers in Linguistics 1, Pages 5-13, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {On the comprehension of extremely fast synthetic speech},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Saarland Working Papers in Linguistics 1},
PAGES = {5-13},
NOTE = {WB} }
Dan Shen,
Andreas Merkel,
S. H. Kaszynski and
Dietrich Klakow. The Alyssa System at TREC QA 2007: Do We Need Blog06? In Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference. US NIST, US NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2006. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Shen, Dan and Merkel, Andreas and Kaszynski, S. H. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The Alyssa System at TREC QA 2007: Do We Need Blog06?},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference. US NIST},
ADDRESS = {Gaithersburg, MD, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
J. McDonough,
Emilian Stoimenov and
Dietrich Klakow. An Algorithm for Fast Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers. In IEEE Automatics Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, 2007. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {McDonough, J. and Stoimenov, Emilian and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {An Algorithm for Fast Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE Automatics Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop},
NOTE = {DK} }
Andreas Merkel and
Dietrich Klakow. Improved Methods for Language Model Based Question Classification. In Proceedings of 8th Interspeech Conference, Antwerp, 2007.  Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Merkel, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Improved Methods for Language Model Based Question Classification},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 8th Interspeech Conference, Antwerp},
PDF = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/publications/intern/uploads/pdf/is_2007_amerkel_v4.pdf},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Jochen Leidner and
Dietrich Klakow. Combining term-based and event-based matching for question answering. In Annual ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval archive Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Pages 715 - 716, ACM, 2007. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Leidner, Jochen and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Combining term-based and event-based matching for question answering},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Annual ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval archive Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval},
PAGES = {715 - 716},
NOTE = {DK} }
Andreas Merkel and
Dietrich Klakow. Language Model Based Query Classification. In Proceedings of 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Rome, 2007. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Merkel, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Language Model Based Query Classification},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)},
ADDRESS = {Rome},
NOTE = {DK} }
Andreas Merkel and
Dietrich Klakow. Comparing Improved Language Models for Sentence Retrieval in Question Answering. In Proceedings of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands CLIN, Leuven, 2007. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Merkel, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Comparing Improved Language Models for Sentence Retrieval in Question Answering},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands CLIN, Leuven},
NOTE = {DK} }
Dan Shen and
Mirella Lapata. Using Semantic Roles to Improve Question Answering. In Proceedings EMNLP-CoNLL, 2007. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Shen, Dan and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Using Semantic Roles to Improve Question Answering},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings EMNLP-CoNLL},
NOTE = {DK} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Methods and Applications for Relation Detection. In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Beijing, China, Pages 6-10, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Methods and Applications for Relation Detection},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Beijing, China},
PAGES = {6-10},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu and
Weiquan Liu. Challenges and Solutions of Multilingual and Translingual Information Service Systems. In Proceedings of HCI International 2007, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Liu, Weiquan},
TITLE = {Challenges and Solutions of Multilingual and Translingual Information Service Systems},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of HCI International 2007, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu,
Weiquan Liu,
Jörg Steffen,
Alhan Aslan,
Jin Liu,
Christel Müller,
Bernhard Holtkamp and
Manfred Wojciechowski. A Successful Field Test of a Mobile and Multilingual Information Service System COMPASS2008. In Proceedings of HCI International 2007, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Liu, Weiquan and Steffen, Jörg and Aslan, Alhan and Liu, Jin and Müller, Christel and Holtkamp, Bernhard and Wojciechowski, Manfred},
TITLE = {A Successful Field Test of a Mobile and Multilingual Information Service System COMPASS2008},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of HCI International 2007, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing},
NOTE = {HU} }
Tianfang Yao and
Hans Uszkoreit. Building a Lexical Sports Ontology for Chinese IE Using Reusable Strategy. In FSKD 2007. Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery., Vol. 2:668 - 672, 24-27 August 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Building a Lexical Sports Ontology for Chinese IE Using Reusable Strategy},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {24-27 August},
BOOKTITLE = {FSKD 2007. Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery.},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {668 - 672},
NOTE = {HU} }
Michael Backes,
Markus Dürmuth,
Sebastian Gerling,
Manfred Pinkal and
Caroline Sporleder. Acoustic side-channel attacks on printers (to appear) In Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium, August 11-13, 2010, 2010. Note: MP, CS.
AUTHOR = {Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus and Gerling, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Acoustic side-channel attacks on printers (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium, August 11-13, 2010},
NOTE = {MP, CS} }
Jens Apel,
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model. In Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Society Conference, Delphi, Greece, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Apel, Jens and Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Society Conference, Delphi, Greece},
NOTE = {MC} }
Igor Farkas and
Matthew W. Crocker. Systematicity in sentence processing with a recursive self-organizing neural network. In Proceedings of European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium, April 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Farkas, Igor and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Systematicity in sentence processing with a recursive self-organizing neural network},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium},
NOTE = {MC} }
Aline Villavicencio,
Valia Kordoni,
Yi Zhang,
Marco Idiart and
Carlos Ramisch. Validation and evaluation of automatically acquired multiword expressions for grammar engineering. In Proceedings of the 2007 joint conference on empirical methods in natural language processing and computational natural language learning (EMNLP-CoNLL 2007),Prague, Czech, Pages 1034–1043, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Villavicencio, Aline and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi and Idiart, Marco and Ramisch, Carlos},
TITLE = {Validation and evaluation of automatically acquired multiword expressions for grammar engineering},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2007 joint conference on empirical methods in natural language processing and computational natural language learning (EMNLP-CoNLL 2007),Prague, Czech},
PAGES = {1034–1043},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Stephan Oepen and
John Carroll. Efficiency in unification-based N-best parsing. In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on parsing technologies (IWPT 2007), Prague, Czech, Pages 48–59, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Oepen, Stephan and Carroll, John},
TITLE = {Efficiency in unification-based N-best parsing},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th international conference on parsing technologies (IWPT 2007), Prague, Czech},
PAGES = {48–59},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Timothy Baldwin and
Valia Kordoni. The corpus and the lexicon: standardising deep lexical acquisition evaluation. In Proceedings of ACL 2007 workshop on deep linguistic processing, Prague, Czech, Pages 152–159, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Baldwin, Timothy and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {The corpus and the lexicon: standardising deep lexical acquisition evaluation},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL 2007 workshop on deep linguistic processing, Prague, Czech},
PAGES = {152–159},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Valia Kordoni and
Erin Fitzgerald. Partial parse selection for robust deep processing. In Proceedings of ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing, Prague, Czech, Pages 128–135, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia and Fitzgerald, Erin},
TITLE = {Partial parse selection for robust deep processing},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing, Prague, Czech},
PAGES = {128–135},
NOTE = {HU} }
Anne Cutler and
Andrea Weber. Listening experience and phonetic-to-lexical mapping in L2. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany, Pages 43-48, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Cutler, Anne and Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {Listening experience and phonetic-to-lexical mapping in L2},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany},
PAGES = {43-48},
NOTE = {MC} }
Sabine Schulte im Walde,
Alissa Melinger,
Michael Roth and
Andrea Weber. An empirical characterization of response types in German association norms. In Proceedings of the GLDV workshop on lexical-semantic and ontological resources, Tübingen, Germany, Pages 109-118, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Schulte im Walde, Sabine and Melinger, Alissa and Roth, Michael and Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {An empirical characterization of response types in German association norms},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the GLDV workshop on lexical-semantic and ontological resources, Tübingen, Germany},
PAGES = {109-118},
NOTE = {MC} }
Andrea Weber,
Alissa Melinger and
T. Lara Tapia. The mapping of phonetic information to lexical representations in Spanish: Evidence from eye movements. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany, Pages 1941-1944, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea and Melinger, Alissa and Lara Tapia, T.},
TITLE = {The mapping of phonetic information to lexical representations in Spanish: Evidence from eye movements},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany},
PAGES = {1941-1944},
NOTE = {MC} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. Recognizing Textual Entailment Using a Subsequence Kernel Method. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), July 22-26, Vancouver, Canada, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Recognizing Textual Entailment Using a Subsequence Kernel Method},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), July 22-26, Vancouver, Canada},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. Applying Subsequence Kernels to Recognizing Textual Entailment. In Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing, June 28-29, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Applying Subsequence Kernels to Recognizing Textual Entailment},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing, June 28-29, Prague, Czech Republic},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. DFKI–LT at AVE 2007: Using Recognizing Textual Entailment for Answer Validation. In online proceedings of CLEF 2007 Working Notes, September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {DFKI–LT at AVE 2007: Using Recognizing Textual Entailment for Answer Validation.},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {online proceedings of CLEF 2007 Working Notes, September 2007, Budapest, Hungary},
NOTE = {HU} }
Günter Neumann and
Rui Wang. DFKI–LT at QAST 2007: Adapting QA components to mine answers in speech transcripts. In online proceedings of CLEF 2007 Working Notes, September 2007, Budapest, Hungary., 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {DFKI–LT at QAST 2007: Adapting QA components to mine answers in speech transcripts},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {online proceedings of CLEF 2007 Working Notes, September 2007, Budapest, Hungary.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Koller and
Stefan Thater. Solving unrestricted dominance graphs. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Formal Grammar, Dublin, 2007. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Solving unrestricted dominance graphs},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Formal Grammar, Dublin},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Nils Reiter,
Stefan Thater and
Anette Frank. A Semantic Approach to Textual Entailment: System Evaluation and Task Analysis. In Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing, 2007. Note: MP, HU.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Reiter, Nils and Thater, Stefan and Frank, Anette},
TITLE = {A Semantic Approach to Textual Entailment: System Evaluation and Task Analysis},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing},
NOTE = {MP, HU} }
William J. Barry,
Bistra Andreeva and
Ingmar Steiner. The phonetic exponency of phrasal accentuation in French and German. In Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, Pages 1010-1013, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Andreeva, Bistra and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {The phonetic exponency of phrasal accentuation in French and German},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium},
PAGES = {1010-1013},
NOTE = {WB} }
Peter Birkholz,
Ingmar Steiner and
Stefan Breuer. Control concepts for articulatory speech synthesis. In 6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn, Germany, Pages 5-10, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Birkholz, Peter and Steiner, Ingmar and Breuer, Stefan},
TITLE = {Control concepts for articulatory speech synthesis},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn, Germany},
PAGES = {5-10},
NOTE = {WB} }
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry and
Ingmar Steiner. Producing phrasal prominence in German. In ICPhS 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany, Pages 1209-1212., 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J. and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Producing phrasal prominence in German},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {ICPhS 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany},
PAGES = {1209-1212.},
NOTE = {WB} }
Alissa Melinger and
Andrea Weber. The influence of stimulus preview on phonological competition: Evidence from synonyms in language comprehension. In 15th European Society for Cognitive Psychology conference, Marseille, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Melinger, Alissa and Weber, Andrea},
TITLE = {The influence of stimulus preview on phonological competition: Evidence from synonyms in language comprehension},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {15th European Society for Cognitive Psychology conference, Marseille},
NOTE = {MC} }
Andrea Weber and
Matthew W. Crocker. The influence of the scene on linguistic expectations: evidence from cross-modal priming in visual worlds. In 20th Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, San Diego, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Weber, Andrea and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The influence of the scene on linguistic expectations: evidence from cross-modal priming in visual worlds},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {20th Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, San Diego},
NOTE = {MC} }
Dan Shen,
Michael Wiegand,
Andreas Merkel and
Dietrich Klakow. The Alyssa System at TREC QA 2007: Do We Need Blog06? In Proceedings of the TREC 2007, 2007. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Shen, Dan and Wiegand, Michael and Merkel, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The Alyssa System at TREC QA 2007: Do We Need Blog06?},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the TREC 2007},
NOTE = {DK} }
Irene Cramer,
Rauch B.,
Fuerstenau H. and
Dan Shen. Predicting Classification Decisions with Data Point Based Meta-Learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, 2007.  Note: DK, MP, MC.
AUTHOR = {Cramer, Irene and B., Rauch and H., Fuerstenau and Shen, Dan},
TITLE = {Predicting Classification Decisions with Data Point Based Meta-Learning.},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining},
PDF = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/publications/intern/uploads/pdf/MLDM07_CramerRauchetal.pdf},
PS = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/publications/intern/uploads/ps/mldm2007Poster.pdf},
NOTE = {DK, MP, MC} }
Verena Rieser and
Oliver Lemon. Learning dialogue strategies for interactive database search. In Proc of the 10th International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech/ICSLP), Special Session on Machine Learning for Spoken Dialogue Systems, Antwerp, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Rieser, Verena and Lemon, Oliver},
TITLE = {Learning dialogue strategies for interactive database search},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc of the 10th International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech/ICSLP), Special Session on Machine Learning for Spoken Dialogue Systems, Antwerp},
NOTE = {MP} }
Manfred Pützer and
Wolfgang Wokurek. Correlates of temporal high-resolution first formant analysis and glottal excitation. In Proceedings ICPhS 2007. Saarbrücken, Germanz, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Wokurek, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {Correlates of temporal high-resolution first formant analysis and glottal excitation},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings ICPhS 2007. Saarbrücken, Germanz},
NOTE = {WB} }
Manfred Pützer and
Wolfgang Wokurek. Correlates of temporal high-resolution first formant analysis and glottal excitation in laryngeal distonia before and after botulinum toxin treatment. A case study. In Proceedings MAVEBA2007, December 13-15, 2007 Firenze, Italy, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Wokurek, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {Correlates of temporal high-resolution first formant analysis and glottal excitation in laryngeal distonia before and after botulinum toxin treatment. A case study},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings MAVEBA2007, December 13-15, 2007 Firenze, Italy},
NOTE = {WB} }
Hopkins Mark and
Jonas Kuhn. Mark Hopkins and Jonas Kuhn:
Machine Translation as Tree Labeling. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT/AMTA Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Machine Translation 2007, Rochester, NY, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Mark, Hopkins and Kuhn, Jonas},
TITLE = {Mark Hopkins and Jonas Kuhn:
Machine Translation as Tree Labeling},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of NAACL-HLT/AMTA Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Machine Translation 2007, Rochester, NY},
NOTE = {MP} }
Mark Buckley and
Magdalena Wolska. Towards Modelling and Using Common Ground in Tutorial Dialogue. In
Artstein Ron and
Vieu Laure editors, Proceedings of DECALOG, the 2007 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Rovereto, Italy, Pages 41-48, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Buckley, Mark and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Towards Modelling and Using Common Ground in Tutorial Dialogue},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of DECALOG, the 2007 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Rovereto, Italy},
PAGES = {41-48},
EDITOR = {Ron, Artstein and Laure, Vieu},
NOTE = {MP} }
Dominik Dietrich and
Mark Buckley. Integrating Task Information into the Dialogue Context for Natural Language Mathematics Tutoring. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, Cambridge, UK, 2007., 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Dietrich, Dominik and Buckley, Mark},
TITLE = {Integrating Task Information into the Dialogue Context for Natural Language Mathematics Tutoring.},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, Cambridge, UK, 2007.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Dominik Dietrich and
Mark Buckley. Verification of Proof Steps for Tutoring Mathematical Proofs. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, , Los Angeles, USA, 2007. IOS Press, Pages 560-562, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Dietrich, Dominik and Buckley, Mark},
TITLE = {Verification of Proof Steps for Tutoring Mathematical Proofs},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, , Los Angeles, USA, 2007. IOS Press},
PAGES = {560-562},
NOTE = {MP} }
Yu Chen,
Andreas Eisele,
Christian Federmann,
Eva Hasler,
Michael Jellinghaus and
Silke Theison. Multi-Engine Machine Translation with an Open-Source Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation. In ACL Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Prague, Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 193-196, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Yu and Eisele, Andreas and Federmann, Christian and Hasler, Eva and Jellinghaus, Michael and Theison, Silke},
TITLE = {Multi-Engine Machine Translation with an Open-Source Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Prague, Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {193-196},
NOTE = {HU} }
Irene Cramer,
Barbara Rauch,
Hagen Fürstenau,
Maria Staudte and
Dan Shen. Predicting classification decisions with data point based meta-learning. In Poster Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM 2007). Leipzig, Germany, 2007.  Note: DK, MC, MP.
AUTHOR = {Cramer, Irene and Rauch, Barbara and Fürstenau, Hagen and Staudte, Maria and Shen, Dan},
TITLE = {Predicting classification decisions with data point based meta-learning},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Poster Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM 2007). Leipzig, Germany},
PDF = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/publications/intern/uploads/pdf/Fuemldm07_meta_learning.pdf},
NOTE = {DK, MC, MP} }
Berthold Crysmann. Local Ambiguity Packing and Discontinuity in German. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing, June 28, Prague, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Local Ambiguity Packing and Discontinuity in German},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing, June 28, Prague},
NOTE = {HU} }
Philipp Von Boeselager and
Berthold Crysmann. Prosodic disambiguation from deep syntactic structures. In Proceedings of the International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2007, Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, 6-10 August 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Von Boeselager, Philipp and Crysmann, Berthold},
TITLE = {Prosodic disambiguation from deep syntactic structures},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {6-10 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2007},
ADDRESS = {Saarbruecken},
ORGANIZATION = {Universitaet des Saarlandes},
NOTE = {HU} }
Berthold Crysmann and
Philipp Von Boeselager. Using an HPSG grammar for the generation of prosodic structures. In
Stefan Müller editor, Proceedings of the HPSG 2007 Conference, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 20-22 July 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold and Von Boeselager, Philipp},
TITLE = {Using an HPSG grammar for the generation of prosodic structures},
YEAR = {2007},
MONTH = {20-22 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the HPSG 2007 Conference, CSLI Publications, Stanford},
EDITOR = {Müller, Stefan},
NOTE = {HU} }
E. Paskaleva and
Tania Avgustinova. On the typology of Russian-Bulgarian cognates as statistically extracted from aligned parallel corpora. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-7). Leipzig, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Paskaleva, E. and Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {On the typology of Russian-Bulgarian cognates as statistically extracted from aligned parallel corpora},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-7). Leipzig},
NOTE = {HU} }
Tania Avgustinova. Linguistically Informed Fine Tuning (LIFT) Across Slavic Languages. A Common NLP Paradigm for Balkan Languages. In International Workshop, RANLP-2007. Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Linguistically Informed Fine Tuning (LIFT) Across Slavic Languages. A Common NLP Paradigm for Balkan Languages},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop, RANLP-2007. Borovets, Bulgaria},
NOTE = {HU} }
Tania Avgustinova. Generalized Dependency Theory. In Proceedings of the 19th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop: Data interpretation in linguisitc analysis. Saarbrücken, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Generalized Dependency Theory},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop: Data interpretation in linguisitc analysis. Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {HU} }
Marilisa Amoia and
Claire Gardent. A first order semantic approach to adjectival inference. In Proceedings of ACL-Pascal Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing. Prague, Czech Republic, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Amoia, Marilisa and Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {A first order semantic approach to adjectival inference},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-Pascal Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing. Prague, Czech Republic},
NOTE = {MP} }
Sebastian Pado and
G. Pitel. Annotation precise du francais en semantique de roles par projection cross-linquistique. In Proceedings of TALN, Toulouse, France, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Pitel, G.},
TITLE = {Annotation precise du francais en semantique de roles par projection cross-linquistique},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of TALN, Toulouse, France},
NOTE = {MP} }
Ciprian Gerstenberger. A mereology-based general linearization model for surface realization. In Proceedings of the EUROLAN, Doctoral Consortium, Iasi, Romania, 2007. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Gerstenberger, Ciprian},
TITLE = {A mereology-based general linearization model for surface realization},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EUROLAN, Doctoral Consortium, Iasi, Romania},
NOTE = {MP} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Pierre Lison,
Trevor Benjamin and
Henrik Jacobsson. Incremental, multi-level processing for comprehending situated dialogue in human-robot interaction. In Language and Robots: Proceedings from the Symposium (LangRo'2007). Aveiro, Portugal, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Lison, Pierre and Benjamin, Trevor and Jacobsson, Henrik},
TITLE = {Incremental, multi-level processing for comprehending situated dialogue in human-robot interaction},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Language and Robots: Proceedings from the Symposium (LangRo'2007). Aveiro, Portugal},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hendrik Zender and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Towards Generating Referring Expressions in a Mobile Robot Scenario. In Language and Robots: Proceedings from the Symposium (LangRo'2007). Aveiro, Portugal, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Towards Generating Referring Expressions in a Mobile Robot Scenario.},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Language and Robots: Proceedings from the Symposium (LangRo'2007). Aveiro, Portugal},
NOTE = {HU} }
Oscar Martinez Mozos,
Hendrik Zender,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Wolfram Burgard. An Integrated System for Conceptual Spatial Representations of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots. In Proceedings of the IROS 2007 Workshop: From Sensors to Human Spatial Concepts (FS2HSC). San Diego, CA, USA., 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Mozos, Oscar Martinez and Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Burgard, Wolfram},
TITLE = {An Integrated System for Conceptual Spatial Representations of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IROS 2007 Workshop: From Sensors to Human Spatial Concepts (FS2HSC). San Diego, CA, USA.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Nick Hawes,
A. Sloman,
J. Wyatt,
Michael Zillich,
Henrik Jacobsson,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Michael Brenner,
Gregor Berginc and
D. Skocaj. Towards an integrated robot with multiple cognitive functions. In Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Hawes, Nick and Sloman, A. and Wyatt, J. and Zillich, Michael and Jacobsson, Henrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Brenner, Michael and Berginc, Gregor and Skocaj, D.},
TITLE = {Towards an integrated robot with multiple cognitive functions},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07)},
NOTE = {HU} }
Henrik Jacobsson,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Maria Staudte. Language Acquisition from Neural and Sensorimotor Systems. In PASCAL workshop on Machine Learning and Cognitive Science of Language Acquisition, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Jacobsson, Henrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Staudte, Maria},
TITLE = {Language Acquisition from Neural and Sensorimotor Systems},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {PASCAL workshop on Machine Learning and Cognitive Science of Language Acquisition},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hendrik Zender,
Patric Jensfelt and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Human- and Situation-Aware People Following. In 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2007). August 2007. Jeju Island, Korea, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zender, Hendrik and Jensfelt, Patric and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Human- and Situation-Aware People Following},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2007). August 2007. Jeju Island, Korea},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hendrik Zender,
Patric Jensfelt,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Wolfram Burgard and
Oscar Martinez Mozos. An Integrated Robotic System for Spatial Understanding and Situated Interaction in Indoor Environments. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), Special Track on Integrated Intelligence. July 2007. Vancouver, BC, Canada, Pages 1584-1589, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zender, Hendrik and Jensfelt, Patric and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Burgard, Wolfram and Mozos, Oscar Martinez},
TITLE = {An Integrated Robotic System for Spatial Understanding and Situated Interaction in Indoor Environments},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), Special Track on Integrated Intelligence. July 2007. Vancouver, BC, Canada},
PAGES = {1584-1589},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rosemarijn Looije,
Mark Neerincx and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Ffective Collaborative Robots for Safety & Crisis Management in the Field. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2007). May 2007. Delft, The Netherlands, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Looije, Rosemarijn and Neerincx, Mark and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Ffective Collaborative Robots for Safety & Crisis Management in the Field},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2007). May 2007. Delft, The Netherlands},
NOTE = {HU} }
Mario Fritz,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Bernt Schiele. Cross-Modal Learning Of Visual Categories Using Different Levels of Supervision. In International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2007). March 2007. Bielefeld, Germany, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Fritz, Mario and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Schiele, Bernt},
TITLE = {Cross-Modal Learning Of Visual Categories Using Different Levels of Supervision},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2007). March 2007. Bielefeld, Germany},
NOTE = {HU} }
Henrik Jacobsson,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Maria Staudte. From Rule Extraction to Active Learning Symbol Grounding. In ICRA-07 Workshop on Concept Learning for Embodied Agents. April 2007. Rome, Italy, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Jacobsson, Henrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Staudte, Maria},
TITLE = {From Rule Extraction to Active Learning Symbol Grounding},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {ICRA-07 Workshop on Concept Learning for Embodied Agents. April 2007. Rome, Italy},
NOTE = {HU} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Michael Brenner. Modelling Spatio-Temporal Comprehension in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue as Reasoning about Intentions and Plans. In Symposium on Intentions in Intelligent Systems. AAAI Spring Symposium Series 2007, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. March 2007, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Brenner, Michael},
TITLE = {Modelling Spatio-Temporal Comprehension in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue as Reasoning about Intentions and Plans},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Intentions in Intelligent Systems. AAAI Spring Symposium Series 2007, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. March 2007},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hendrik Zender and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Multi-Layered Conceptual Spatial Mapping for Autonomous Mobile Robots. In Symposium on Control Mechanisms for Spatial Knowledge Processing in Cognitive / Intelligent Systems. AAAI Spring Symposium Series 2007, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. March 2007., 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Multi-Layered Conceptual Spatial Mapping for Autonomous Mobile Robots},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Control Mechanisms for Spatial Knowledge Processing in Cognitive / Intelligent Systems. AAAI Spring Symposium Series 2007, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. March 2007.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Oscar Martinez Mozos,
Patric Jensfelt,
Hendrik Zender,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Wolfram Burgard. From Labels to Semantics: An Integrated System for Conceptual Spatial Representations of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots. In ICRA-07 Workshop on Semantic Information in Robotics. April 2007. Rome, Italy, 2007.  Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Mozos, Oscar Martinez and Jensfelt, Patric and Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Burgard, Wolfram},
TITLE = {From Labels to Semantics: An Integrated System for Conceptual Spatial Representations of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = { ICRA-07 Workshop on Semantic Information in Robotics. April 2007. Rome, Italy},
PDF = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/publications/intern/uploads/pdf/mozos_etal07-icraws.pdf},
NOTE = {HU} }
Bart Cramer. Limitations of Current Grammar Induction Algorithms. In Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Student Research Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, Pages 43-48, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cramer, Bart},
TITLE = {Limitations of Current Grammar Induction Algorithms},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Student Research Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic},
PAGES = {43-48},
NOTE = {HU} }
Jacques Koreman and
A. Morland. Speaker consistency of coarticulatory gestures in clusters of labial and velar plosives. In Proceedings of 16th Int.ernational Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS2007), Saarbrücken, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Morland, A.},
TITLE = {Speaker consistency of coarticulatory gestures in clusters of labial and velar plosives},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 16th Int.ernational Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS2007), Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {WB} }
Andrew C. Morris,
Jacques Koreman,
B. Ly-Van,
H. Sellahewa,
S. Jassim and
R. Llareno Gomez. Global features for rapid identity verification with dynamic biometric data. In Proceedings of 8th Annual Conf. of the Int. Speech. Comm. Assoc. (Interspeech 2007), Antwerp, 2007. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Morris, Andrew C. and Koreman, Jacques and Ly-Van, B. and Sellahewa, H. and Jassim, S. and Llareno Gomez, R.},
TITLE = {Global features for rapid identity verification with dynamic biometric data},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 8th Annual Conf. of the Int. Speech. Comm. Assoc. (Interspeech 2007), Antwerp},
NOTE = {WB} }
Garance Paris,
Andrea Weber and
Matthew W. Crocker. Interference of Lexico-Syntactic Gender in Bilingual Spoken-Word Recognition: An Eye-Tracking Study with Non-Cognate Nouns. In ISB6 2007, 6th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Hamburg, Germany, 2007. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Paris, Garance and Weber, Andrea and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Interference of Lexico-Syntactic Gender in Bilingual Spoken-Word Recognition: An Eye-Tracking Study with Non-Cognate Nouns.},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {ISB6 2007, 6th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Hamburg, Germany},
NOTE = {MC} }
Manuel Alcantara Pla and
Thierry Declerck. Linguistic Analysis of Video Corpora. In Proceeding of Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Vol. 7, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Alcantara Pla, Manuel and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Linguistic Analysis of Video Corpora},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceeding of Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, United Kingdom},
VOLUME = {7},
NOTE = {HU} }
Jan Nemrava,
Paul Buitelaar and
Thierry Declerck. Event Alignment for Cross-Media Feature Extraction in the Football Domain. In Proc. of the International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), Santorini, Greece, Vol. 6, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Nemrava, Jan and Buitelaar, Paul and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Event Alignment for Cross-Media Feature Extraction in the Football Domain},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), Santorini, Greece},
VOLUME = {6},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Bernd Kiefer,
Marcus Spies and
Christian Leibold. Integration of Semantic Resources and Tools for Business Intelligence. In International Workshop on Semantic-Based Software Development, Montreal, Canada, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Kiefer, Bernd and Spies, Marcus and Leibold, Christian},
TITLE = {Integration of Semantic Resources and Tools for Business Intelligence},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Semantic-Based Software Development, Montreal, Canada},
NOTE = {HU} }
Jan Nemrava,
Paul Buitelaar,
Thierry Declerck,
V. Svatek,
J. Petrak,
A. Cobet,
H. Zeiner,
D. Sadlier,
N. O`Connor,
N. Simou and
V. Tzouvaras. An Architecture for Mining Resources Complementary to Audio-Visual Streams. In Proceedings of KAMC - Knowledge Acquisition from Multimedia Content - workshop at SAMT07 (International Conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Online), Vol. 253, 2007. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Nemrava, Jan and Buitelaar, Paul and Declerck, Thierry and Svatek, V. and Petrak, J. and Cobet, A. and Zeiner, H. and Sadlier, D. and O`Connor, N. and Simou, N. and Tzouvaras, V.},
TITLE = {An Architecture for Mining Resources Complementary to Audio-Visual Streams},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of KAMC - Knowledge Acquisition from Multimedia Content - workshop at SAMT07 (International Conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Online)},
VOLUME = { 253},
NOTE = {HU} }
Dennis Spohr,
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Sebastian Pado,
Anette Frank and
Ulrich Heid. Inducing a Computational Lexicon from a Corpus with Syntactic and Semantic Information. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Semantics, IWCS-07 Proceedings of the 7th IWCS 2007, Vol. 1, 2007. Note: HU, MP.
AUTHOR = {Spohr, Dennis and Burchardt, Aljoscha and Pado, Sebastian and Frank, Anette and Heid, Ulrich},
TITLE = {Inducing a Computational Lexicon from a Corpus with Syntactic and Semantic Information},
YEAR = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Semantics, IWCS-07 Proceedings of the 7th IWCS 2007},
VOLUME = {1},
NOTE = {HU, MP} }
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Laura A. Michaelis. A constructional account of genre-based argument omissions. In Abstracts : 11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-17 July 2009, Pages 159, Melbourne, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Michaelis, Laura A.},
TITLE = {A constructional account of genre-based argument omissions},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Abstracts : 11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-17 July 2009},
PAGES = {159},
ADDRESS = {Melbourne},
NOTE = {MP} }
Hendrik Zender,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova. A situated context model for resolution and generation of referring expressions. In ENLG 2009 : 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation ; proceedings of the workshop; March30 & 31, 2009; Athens, Greece, Pages 126-129, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 30-31 March 2009. Note: HU, MP.
AUTHOR = {Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {A situated context model for resolution and generation of referring expressions},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = {30-31 March},
BOOKTITLE = {ENLG 2009 : 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation ; proceedings of the workshop; March30 & 31, 2009; Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {126-129},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {HU, MP} }
Sandra Kübler,
Ines Rehbein and
Josef van Genabith. A testsuite for testing parser performance on complex German grammatical constructions. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories : Groningen, Netherlands, January 23-24, 2009, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Kübler, Sandra and Rehbein, Ines and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {A testsuite for testing parser performance on complex German grammatical constructions},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories : Groningen, Netherlands, January 23-24, 2009},
NOTE = {MP} }
Ines Rehbein,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Caroline Sporleder. Assessing the benefits of partial automatic pre-labeling for frame-semantic annotation. In LAW III : Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop ; proceedings, ACL-IJCNLP, 6-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: MP, CS.
AUTHOR = {Rehbein, Ines and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Assessing the benefits of partial automatic pre-labeling for frame-semantic annotation},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {LAW III : Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop ; proceedings, ACL-IJCNLP, 6-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {MP, CS} }
Danilo Avola,
Andrea Del Buono,
Pierluigi Del Nostro and
Rui Wang. A novel online textual/graphical domain separation approach for sketch-based interfaces. In
Ernesto Damiani editor, New directions in intelligent interactive multimedia systems and services - 2 / [2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (KES IIMSS 2009)], Pages 167-176, Springer, Berlin, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avola, Danilo and Del Buono, Andrea and Del Nostro, Pierluigi and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {A novel online textual/graphical domain separation approach for sketch-based interfaces},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {New directions in intelligent interactive multimedia systems and services - 2 / [2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (KES IIMSS 2009)]},
PAGES = {167-176},
EDITOR = {Damiani, Ernesto},
SERIES = {Studies in computational intelligence 226},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ines Rehbein and
Josef van Genabith. Automatic acquisition of LFG resources for German — as good as it gets. In Proceedings of LFG09: 13-16 July 2009, Cambridge, UK / 14th Lexical Functional Grammar Conference, Pages 480-500, CSLI Publications, Stanford, Ca, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Rehbein, Ines and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {Automatic acquisition of LFG resources for German — as good as it gets},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LFG09: 13-16 July 2009, Cambridge, UK / 14th Lexical Functional Grammar Conference},
PAGES = {480-500},
ADDRESS = {Stanford, Ca},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications},
NOTE = {MP} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. An accuracy-oriented divide-and-conquer strategy for recognizing textual entailment. In Proceedings of the First Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2008): November 17-19, 2008, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2009 [Elektronische Ressource], National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Md., 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {An accuracy-oriented divide-and-conquer strategy for recognizing textual entailment},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2008): November 17-19, 2008, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2009 [Elektronische Ressource]},
ADDRESS = {Gaithersburg, Md.},
ORGANIZATION = {National Institute of Standards and Technology},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu and
Hong Li. Analysis and improvement of minimally supervised machine learning for relation extraction. In Natural language processing and information systems : 14th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems , NLDB 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 24-26, 2009, Pages 8-23, Springer, Berlin, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Li, Hong},
TITLE = {Analysis and improvement of minimally supervised machine learning for relation extraction},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Natural language processing and information systems : 14th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems , NLDB 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 24-26, 2009},
PAGES = {8-23},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 5723},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Laura A. Michaelis. Frames predict null-complement interpretations. In Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium : 23-24 April 2009, Antwerp, Belgium, Antwerp, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Michaelis, Laura A.},
TITLE = {Frames predict null-complement interpretations},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium : 23-24 April 2009, Antwerp, Belgium},
ADDRESS = {Antwerp},
NOTE = {MP} }
Mosha Chen,
Rui Wang,
Xiaojun Zhang,
We Qui,
Yi Zhang,
Tingyu Li,
Wenbo Zhang and
Tianfang Yao. Analysis of the evaluation results for our tasks in COAE2009. In Proceedings of the 2nd Chinese Opinion Analysis Evaluation, Shanghai 2009, Pages 134-143, The Professional Committee of Information Retrieval, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Mosha and Wang, Rui and Zhang, Xiaojun and Qui, We and Zhang, Yi and Li, Tingyu and Zhang, Wenbo and Yao, Tianfang},
TITLE = {Analysis of the evaluation results for our tasks in COAE2009},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Chinese Opinion Analysis Evaluation, Shanghai 2009},
PAGES = {134-143},
ORGANIZATION = {The Professional Committee of Information Retrieval},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hagen Fürstenau and
Mirella Lapata. Graph alignment for semi-supervised semantic role labeling. In EMNLP 2009 : proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ; a meeting of SIGDAT, 6–7 August 2009 Singapore, Pages 11-20, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Fürstenau, Hagen and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Graph alignment for semi-supervised semantic role labeling},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EMNLP 2009 : proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ; a meeting of SIGDAT, 6–7 August 2009 Singapore},
PAGES = {11-20},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. Annotating Wall Street journal texts using a hand-crafted deep linguistic grammar. In LAW III : Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop ; proceedings ... ACL-IJCNLP, 6-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore, Pages 170-173, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Annotating Wall Street journal texts using a hand-crafted deep linguistic grammar},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {LAW III : Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop ; proceedings ... ACL-IJCNLP, 6-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore},
PAGES = {170-173},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ines Rehbein,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Jonas Sunde. MaJo - a toolkit for supervised word sense disambiguation and active learning. In Proceedings of the Eigth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories : Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan 4-5 December 2009, Milan, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Rehbein, Ines and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Sunde, Jonas},
TITLE = {MaJo - a toolkit for supervised word sense disambiguation and active learning},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eigth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories : Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan 4-5 December 2009},
ADDRESS = {Milan},
NOTE = {MP} }
Russell Lee-Goldman,
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Michael Ellsworth and
Collin Baker. Pragmatic factors in null instantiation : beyond definiteness and genre. In Abstracts : 11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-17 July 2009, Pages 113-114, Melbourne, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Lee-Goldman, Russell and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Ellsworth, Michael and Baker, Collin},
TITLE = {Pragmatic factors in null instantiation : beyond definiteness and genre},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Abstracts : 11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-17 July 2009},
PAGES = {113-114},
ADDRESS = {Melbourne},
NOTE = {MP} }
Yi Zhang and
Rui Wang. Classifying textual relatedness with predicate-argument structures. In EMNLP 2009 : Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, August 6-7, 2009, Suntec, Singapore, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Classifying textual relatedness with predicate-argument structures},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EMNLP 2009 : Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, August 6-7, 2009},
ADDRESS = {Singapore},
NOTE = {HU} }
Stefan Thater,
Georgiana Dinu and
Manfred Pinkal. Ranking paraphrases in context. In TextInfer 2009 : 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference ; proceedings of the Workshop, 6 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore ; ACL-IJCNLP 2009, Pages 44-47, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Thater, Stefan and Dinu, Georgiana and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Ranking paraphrases in context},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = { TextInfer 2009 : 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference ; proceedings of the Workshop, 6 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore ; ACL-IJCNLP 2009},
PAGES = {44-47},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Yannick Versley and
Ines Rehbein. Scalable discriminative parsing for German. In IWPT-09 : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, 7-9 October 2009, Paris, France, Pages 134-137, Paris, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Versley, Yannick and Rehbein, Ines},
TITLE = {Scalable discriminative parsing for German},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {IWPT-09 : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, 7-9 October 2009, Paris, France},
PAGES = {134-137},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {MP} }
Rui Wang,
Yi Zhang,
We Qui,
Mosha Chen,
Tingyu Li,
Wenbo Zhang and
Tianfang Yao. Combining data-driven constituent and dependency parsers for CIPS-ParsEval-2009. In Proceedings of CIPS-ParsEval-2009, Chinese Information Processing Society, Beijing, China, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Zhang, Yi and Qui, We and Chen, Mosha and Li, Tingyu and Zhang, Wenbo and Yao, Tianfang},
TITLE = {Combining data-driven constituent and dependency parsers for CIPS-ParsEval-2009},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of CIPS-ParsEval-2009},
ADDRESS = {Beijing, China},
ORGANIZATION = {Chinese Information Processing Society},
NOTE = {HU} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Caroline Sporleder,
Roser Morante,
Collin Baker and
Martha Palmer. SemEval-2010 Task 10 : linking events and their participants in discourse. In SEW-2009 Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions : proceedings of the workshop, June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado ; NAACL HLT 2009, Pages 106–111, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Sporleder, Caroline and Morante, Roser and Baker, Collin and Palmer, Martha},
TITLE = {SemEval-2010 Task 10 : linking events and their participants in discourse},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {SEW-2009 Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions : proceedings of the workshop, June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado ; NAACL HLT 2009},
PAGES = {106–111},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Hagen Fürstenau and
Mirella Lapata. Semi-supervised semantic role labeling. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 220-228, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Fürstenau, Hagen and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Semi-supervised semantic role labeling},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {220-228},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Hendrik Zender,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova. Situated resolution and generation of spatial referring expressions for robotic assistants. In IJCAI-09 : proceedings of the 21. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17 - 18 July 2009, Pasadena, California, US, Pages 1604-1609, Pasadena, Ca., 2009. Note: HU, MP.
AUTHOR = {Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Situated resolution and generation of spatial referring expressions for robotic assistants},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {IJCAI-09 : proceedings of the 21. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17 - 18 July 2009, Pasadena, California, US},
PAGES = {1604-1609},
ADDRESS = {Pasadena, Ca.},
NOTE = {HU, MP} }
Yu Chen,
Michael Jellinghaus,
Andreas Eisele,
Yi Zhang,
Sabine Hunsicker,
Silke Theison,
Christian Federmann and
Hans Uszkoreit. Combining multi-engine translations with Moses. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the ... Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 30 March – 31 March 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, EACL, Athen, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Yu and Jellinghaus, Michael and Eisele, Andreas and Zhang, Yi and Hunsicker, Sabine and Theison, Silke and Federmann, Christian and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Combining multi-engine translations with Moses},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the ... Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 30 March – 31 March 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre},
ADDRESS = {Athen},
NOTE = {HU} }
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. The effect of robot gaze on processing robot utterances. In CogSci 2009 proceedings : [31st annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2009 ; 29 July - 1 August 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands], Pages 431-436, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The effect of robot gaze on processing robot utterances},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {CogSci 2009 proceedings : [31st annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2009 ; 29 July - 1 August 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands]},
PAGES = {431-436},
ADDRESS = {Austin},
PUBLISHER = {Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {MC} }
Bart Cramer and
Yi Zhang. Construction of a German HPSG grammar from a detailed treebank. In GEAF 2009 : Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks ; proceedings ... 6 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore, Pages 37-45, ACL-IJCNLP, Singapore, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cramer, Bart and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Construction of a German HPSG grammar from a detailed treebank},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {GEAF 2009 : Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks ; proceedings ... 6 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore},
PAGES = {37-45},
ADDRESS = {Singapore},
NOTE = {HU} }
Mark Buckley and
Magdalena Wolska. A classification of dialogue actions in tutorial dialogue. In Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Vol. 1:73-80, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Buckley, Mark and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {A classification of dialogue actions in tutorial dialogue},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {73-80},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Mark Buckley and
Magdalena Wolska. A grounding approach to modelling tutorial dialogue structures. In Proceedings of LONDIAL : the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Progmatics of Dialogue, London, UK, June, 2008, Pages 15-22, London, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Buckley, Mark and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {A grounding approach to modelling tutorial dialogue structures},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LONDIAL : the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Progmatics of Dialogue, London, UK, June, 2008},
PAGES = {15-22},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {MP} }
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. Visual attention in spoken human-robot interaction. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : March 11-13, 2009, San Diego, USA., Pages 77-84, ACM, New York, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Visual attention in spoken human-robot interaction},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : March 11-13, 2009, San Diego, USA.},
PAGES = {77-84},
ADDRESS = {New York},
NOTE = {MC} }
Yi Zhang and
Rui Wang. Correlating natural language parser performance with statistical measures of the text. In KI 2009: advances in artificial intelligence : 32nd Annual German Conference on AI, Paderborn, Germany, September 15 - 18, 2009 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5803 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 217-224, Springer, Berlin, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Correlating natural language parser performance with statistical measures of the text},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2009: advances in artificial intelligence : 32nd Annual German Conference on AI, Paderborn, Germany, September 15 - 18, 2009 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5803 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {217-224},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang and
Rui Wang. Cross-domain dependency parsing using a deep linguistic grammar. In Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP : proceedings of the conference, 2-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore, Pages 378-386, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Cross-domain dependency parsing using a deep linguistic grammar},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP : proceedings of the conference, 2-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore},
PAGES = {378-386},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Marilisa Amoia and
Claire Gardent. A test suite for inference involving adjectives. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 631-637, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Amoia, Marilisa and Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {A test suite for inference involving adjectives},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {631-637},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {MP} }
Helmut Horacek and
Magdalena Wolska. Addressing formally - flawed mathematical formulas in tutorial dialogs error analysis for supporting informed reactions. In Cybernetics and systems 2008 : proceedings of the 19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and System Research ; ... University of Vienna, Austria, March 25 - 28, 2008, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Horacek, Helmut and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Addressing formally - flawed mathematical formulas in tutorial dialogs error analysis for supporting informed reactions},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Cybernetics and systems 2008 : proceedings of the 19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and System Research ; ... University of Vienna, Austria, March 25 - 28, 2008},
ADDRESS = {Vienna},
ORGANIZATION = {Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies},
NOTE = {MP} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Yi Zhang. Developing a Russian HPSG based on the Russian National Corpus. In Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG : DELPH-IN Summit, July 20 - 24, 2009, Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Developing a Russian HPSG based on the Russian National Corpus},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG : DELPH-IN Summit, July 20 - 24, 2009, Barcelona, Spain},
NOTE = {HU} }
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. Enabling adaptation of lexicalised grammars to new domains. In Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains (AdaptLRTtoND) : RANLP 2009 Workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, 17 September, 2009., 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Enabling adaptation of lexicalised grammars to new domains},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains (AdaptLRTtoND) : RANLP 2009 Workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, 17 September, 2009.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Berry Claus. Comprehending descriptions of non-factual desired situations : discourse referents and motor actions. In
Anton Benz,
Peter Kühnlein and
Manfred Stede editors, Constraints in Discourse 3 : proceedings of the workshop, University of Potsdam, Germany, July30th - August 1st, 2008, Pages 3-4, Potsdam, 2008. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Claus, Berry},
TITLE = {Comprehending descriptions of non-factual desired situations : discourse referents and motor actions},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Constraints in Discourse 3 : proceedings of the workshop, University of Potsdam, Germany, July30th - August 1st, 2008},
PAGES = {3-4},
EDITOR = {Benz, Anton and Kühnlein, Peter and Stede, Manfred},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam},
NOTE = {MC} }
Marco Pennacchiotti,
Diego De Cao,
Roberto Basili,
Danilo Croce and
Michael Roth. Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units. In Proceedings of the conference / EMNLP 2008, 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : 25 - 27 October 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Pages 457-465, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Pennacchiotti, Marco and De Cao, Diego and Basili, Roberto and Croce, Danilo and Roth, Michael},
TITLE = {Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the conference / EMNLP 2008, 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : 25 - 27 October 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA},
PAGES = {457-465},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Yi Zhang,
Valia Kordoni and
Kostadin Cholakov. Enhancing coverage of multilingual lexicalised grammars. In Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 2009 : the nineteenth CLIN meeting, 22 January 2009.[oral presentation], University of Groningen, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia and Cholakov, Kostadin},
TITLE = {Enhancing coverage of multilingual lexicalised grammars},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 2009 : the nineteenth CLIN meeting, 22 January 2009.[oral presentation]},
ORGANIZATION = {University of Groningen},
NOTE = {HU} }
Verena Rieser and
Oliver Lemon. Automatic learning and evaluation of user-centered objective functions for dialogue system optimisation. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2356-2361, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Rieser, Verena and Lemon, Oliver},
TITLE = {Automatic learning and evaluation of user-centered objective functions for dialogue system optimisation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2356-2361},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {MP} }
Emilia Ellsiepen,
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Incremental syntactic disambiguation using depicted events : plausibility, co-presence and dynamic presentation. In CogSci 2008 : 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ; July 23-26, 2008, Washington, DC, USA, Pages 2398-2403, Austin, TX, 2008. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Ellsiepen, Emilia and Knoeferle, Pia and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Incremental syntactic disambiguation using depicted events : plausibility, co-presence and dynamic presentation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {CogSci 2008 : 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ; July 23-26, 2008, Washington, DC, USA},
PAGES = {2398-2403},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX},
NOTE = {MC} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Yi Zhang. Exploiting the Russian National Corpus in the development of a Russian resource grammar. In Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains (AdaptLRTtoND) : RANLP 2009 Workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, 17 September, 2009., 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Exploiting the Russian National Corpus in the development of a Russian resource grammar},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains (AdaptLRTtoND) : RANLP 2009 Workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, 17 September, 2009.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Nadine Perera,
Michael Pitz and
Manfred Pinkal. CLIoS : cross-lingual induction of speech recognition grammars. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2487-2494, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Perera, Nadine and Pitz, Michael and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {CLIoS : cross-lingual induction of speech recognition grammars},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2487-2494},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {MP} }
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto,
Marco Pennacchiotti and
Alessandro Moschitti. Combining semi-supervised acquisition of corpora and supervised learning of textual entailment rules. In NSF Symposium on Semantic Knowledge Discovery, Organization and Use : November, 14 and 15, 2008, Warren Weaver Hall, New York University, New York, NY, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo and Pennacchiotti, Marco and Moschitti, Alessandro},
TITLE = {Combining semi-supervised acquisition of corpora and supervised learning of textual entailment rules},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {NSF Symposium on Semantic Knowledge Discovery, Organization and Use : November, 14 and 15, 2008, Warren Weaver Hall, New York University},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
NOTE = {MP} }
Diego De Cao,
Danilo Croce,
Marco Pennacchiotti and
Roberto Basili. Combining word sense and usage for modeling frame semantics. In Semantics in text processing : STEP 2008 conference proceedings ; September 22-24, 2008, Venice, Italy, Pages 85-101, London, 2009. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {De Cao, Diego and Croce, Danilo and Pennacchiotti, Marco and Basili, Roberto},
TITLE = {Combining word sense and usage for modeling frame semantics},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Semantics in text processing : STEP 2008 conference proceedings ; September 22-24, 2008, Venice, Italy},
PAGES = {85-101},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {MP} }
Andrew Gargett,
Eleni Gregoromichelaki,
Christine Howes and
Yo Sato. Dialogue-grammar correspondence in dynamic syntax. In Proceedings of LONDIAL : the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Progmatics of Dialogue, London, UK, June, 2008, Pages 43-50, London, 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Gargett, Andrew and Gregoromichelaki, Eleni and Howes, Christine and Sato, Yo},
TITLE = {Dialogue-grammar correspondence in dynamic syntax},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LONDIAL : the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Progmatics of Dialogue, London, UK, June, 2008},
PAGES = {43-50},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Rui Wang,
Shirley W.I. Siu and
Rainer A. Böckmann. Fine-grained protein mutation extraction from biological literature. In Proceedings / 2009 International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology : Macau, China, February 20 - 22, 2009, Pages 401-405, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Siu, Shirley W.I. and Böckmann, Rainer A.},
TITLE = {Fine-grained protein mutation extraction from biological literature},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / 2009 International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology : Macau, China, February 20 - 22, 2009},
PAGES = {401-405},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ruth Kempson,
Andrew Gargett,
Eleni Gregoromichelaki,
Christine Howes and
Yo Sato. Dialogue-grammar correspondence in dynamic syntax. In Workshop What Syntax Feeds Semantics : organised as part of ESSLLI 2008 European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information, Hamburg, Germany, 4-15 August 2008 [Elektronische Ressource], Hamburg, 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Kempson, Ruth and Gargett, Andrew and Gregoromichelaki, Eleni and Howes, Christine and Sato, Yo},
TITLE = {Dialogue-grammar correspondence in dynamic syntax},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop What Syntax Feeds Semantics : organised as part of ESSLLI 2008 European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information, Hamburg, Germany, 4-15 August 2008 [Elektronische Ressource]},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Swapna Somasundaran,
Janyce Wiebe and
Josef Ruppenhofer. Discourse level opinion interpretation. In Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Vol. 1:801-808, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Somasundaran, Swapna and Wiebe, Janyce and Ruppenhofer, Josef},
TITLE = {Discourse level opinion interpretation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {801-808},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Swapna Somasundaran,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Janyce Wiebe. Discourse level opinion relations : an annotation study. In Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue : ACL-08: HLT ; June 19-20, 2008, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 129–137, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Somasundaran, Swapna and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Wiebe, Janyce},
TITLE = {Discourse level opinion relations : an annotation study},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue : ACL-08: HLT ; June 19-20, 2008, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {129–137},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. The role of gaze in spoken human-robot interaction. In Proceedings of Metrics for Human-Robot Interaction : a workshop at the third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI08) ; 12 March 2008, Amsterdam, Pages 43-60, Amsterdam, 2008. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The role of gaze in spoken human-robot interaction},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Metrics for Human-Robot Interaction : a workshop at the third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI08) ; 12 March 2008, Amsterdam},
PAGES = {43-60},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
NOTE = {MC} }
Michaela Regneri,
Markus Egg and
Alexander Koller. Efficient processing of underspecified discourse representations. In ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; June 16 - 17, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 245-248, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and Egg, Markus and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Efficient processing of underspecified discourse representations},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = { ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; June 16 - 17, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {245-248},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Andrew Gargett,
Ruth Kempson,
Eleni Gregoromichelaki,
Christine Howes and
Yo Sato. Ellipsis as a window on context : an integrated account. In Workshop on Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive models II, Brussels, 2008, Brussels, 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Gargett, Andrew and Kempson, Ruth and Gregoromichelaki, Eleni and Howes, Christine and Sato, Yo},
TITLE = {Ellipsis as a window on context : an integrated account},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive models II, Brussels, 2008},
ADDRESS = {Brussels},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Alexander Koller and
Ronald Petrick. Experiences with planning for natural language generation. In Proceedings of SPARK-08 : the ICAPS-08 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop ; Sydney, Australia, September 15, 2008, Sidney, 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Petrick, Ronald},
TITLE = {Experiences with planning for natural language generation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of SPARK-08 : the ICAPS-08 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop ; Sydney, Australia, September 15, 2008},
ADDRESS = {Sidney},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. A combined query expansion technique for retrieving opinions from blogs. In Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009 : ISDA ´09 ; Nov. 30, 2009 - Dec. 2, 2009, Pisa, Italy, Pages 791-796, IEEE, Pisa, Italy, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A combined query expansion technique for retrieving opinions from blogs},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009 : ISDA ´09 ; Nov. 30, 2009 - Dec. 2, 2009, Pisa, Italy},
PAGES = {791-796},
ADDRESS = {Pisa, Italy},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A transformation-based derivation of the Kalman filter and an extensive unscented transform. In IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2009 : SSP ´09 ; Aug. 31, 2009 - Sept. 3, 2009, Cardiff, United Kingdom, Pages 161-164, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A transformation-based derivation of the Kalman filter and an extensive unscented transform},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2009 : SSP ´09 ; Aug. 31, 2009 - Sept. 3, 2009, Cardiff, United Kingdom},
PAGES = {161-164},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems. In CIKM ´09 : proceeding of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management ; Hong Kong, China, November 02 - 06, 2009, Pages 1911-1914, ACM, New York, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {CIKM ´09 : proceeding of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management ; Hong Kong, China, November 02 - 06, 2009},
PAGES = {1911-1914},
ADDRESS = {New York},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel,
J. McDonough and
Dietrich Klakow. Bounded conditional mean imputation with Gaussian mixture models : a reconstruction approach to partly occluded features. In Proceedings / 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : April 19 - 24, 2009, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan. - [7], Pages 3869-3872, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and McDonough, J. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Bounded conditional mean imputation with Gaussian mixture models : a reconstruction approach to partly occluded features},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : April 19 - 24, 2009, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan. - [7]},
PAGES = {3869-3872},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {DK} }
Arnab Ghoshal,
Sanjeev Khundanpur and
Dietrich Klakow. Impact of novel sources on content-based image and video retrieval. In Proceedings / 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : ICASSP 2009 ; April 19 - 24, 2009, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan. - [4], Pages 1937-1940, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Ghoshal, Arnab and Khundanpur, Sanjeev and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Impact of novel sources on content-based image and video retrieval},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : ICASSP 2009 ; April 19 - 24, 2009, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan. - [4]},
PAGES = {1937-1940},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. Language model-based sentence classification for opinion question answering systems. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology : October 12–14, 2009, Mragowo, Poland, Pages 251-255, Warsaw, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Language model-based sentence classification for opinion question answering systems},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology : October 12–14, 2009, Mragowo, Poland},
PAGES = {251-255},
ADDRESS = {Warsaw},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Predictive features in semi-supervised learning for polarity classification and the role of adjectives. In Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2009 : May 14-16, 2009, Odense, Denmark, Vol. 4:198-205 of NEALT proceedings series, NEALT, Tartu, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Predictive features in semi-supervised learning for polarity classification and the role of adjectives},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2009 : May 14-16, 2009, Odense, Denmark},
VOLUME = {4},
PAGES = {198-205},
SERIES = {NEALT proceedings series},
ADDRESS = {Tartu},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. The role of knowledge-based features in polarity classification at sentence level. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference : 19 - 21 May 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, Calif, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The role of knowledge-based features in polarity classification at sentence level},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference : 19 - 21 May 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, Calif},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Topic-Related Polarity Classification of Blog Sentences. In Progress in artificial intelligence : 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, October 12 - 15, 2009, Pages 658-669, Springer, Berlin, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Topic-Related Polarity Classification of Blog Sentences},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Progress in artificial intelligence : 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, October 12 - 15, 2009},
PAGES = {658-669},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 5816 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {DK} }
Mohammad Bahrani,
Hossein Sameti,
Nazila Hafezi and
Saeedah Momtazi. A new word clustering method for building N-Gram language models in continuous speech recognition systems. In New frontiers in applied artificial intelligence : 21th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2008, Wroclaw, Poland, June 18-20, 2008, Pages 286-293, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Bahrani, Mohammad and Sameti, Hossein and Hafezi, Nazila and Momtazi, Saeedah},
TITLE = {A new word clustering method for building N-Gram language models in continuous speech recognition systems},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {New frontiers in applied artificial intelligence : 21th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2008, Wroclaw, Poland, June 18-20, 2008},
PAGES = {286-293},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 5027 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel,
J. McDonough and
Dietrich Klakow. A phase-averaged model for the relationship between noisy speech, clean speech and noise in the log-Mel domain. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2008 incorporating SST 2008 : 22-26 September, 2008, Brisbane, Australia, Pages 720, Brisbane, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and McDonough, J. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A phase-averaged model for the relationship between noisy speech, clean speech and noise in the log-Mel domain},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Interspeech 2008 incorporating SST 2008 : 22-26 September, 2008, Brisbane, Australia},
PAGES = {720},
ADDRESS = {Brisbane},
NOTE = {DK} }
Mohammad Bahrani,
Hossein Sameti,
Saeedah Momtazi and
Nazila Hafezi. Automatic word clustering based on parts of speech for continuous speech recognition systems. In Proceedings of the 13th International CSI Computer Conference, Kish Island, Iran, 2008, Kish Island, Iran, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Bahrani, Mohammad and Sameti, Hossein and Momtazi, Saeedah and Hafezi, Nazila},
TITLE = {Automatic word clustering based on parts of speech for continuous speech recognition systems},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th International CSI Computer Conference, Kish Island, Iran, 2008},
ADDRESS = {Kish Island, Iran},
NOTE = {DK} }
Barbara Rauch,
K. Kumatani,
Friedrich Faubel,
J. McDonough and
Dietrich Klakow. On hidden Markov model maximum negentropy beamforming. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control : IWAENC 2008 ; Seattle, Washington USA, 14–17 September 2008, Pages Paper ID 9083, Seattle, WA, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Rauch, Barbara and Kumatani, K. and Faubel, Friedrich and McDonough, J. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {On hidden Markov model maximum negentropy beamforming},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control : IWAENC 2008 ; Seattle, Washington USA, 14–17 September 2008},
PAGES = {Paper ID 9083},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, WA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Optimizing language models for polarity classification. In Advances in information retrieval : 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008, Glasgow, UK, March 30 - April 3, 2008, Pages 612-616, Springer, Heidelberg, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Optimizing language models for polarity classification},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in information retrieval : 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008, Glasgow, UK, March 30 - April 3, 2008},
PAGES = {612-616},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 4956},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel,
Humza Raja,
J. McDonough and
Dietrich Klakow. Particle filter based soft-mask estimation for missing feature reconstruction. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control : IWAENC 2008 ; Seattle, Washington USA, 14–17 September 2008, Pages Paper ID 9075, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and Raja, Humza and McDonough, J. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Particle filter based soft-mask estimation for missing feature reconstruction},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control : IWAENC 2008 ; Seattle, Washington USA, 14–17 September 2008},
PAGES = {Paper ID 9075},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi,
Somayeh Kafi and
Hamid Beigy. Solving stochastic path problem : particle swarm optimization approach. In New frontiers in applied artificial intelligence : 21th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2008, Wroclaw, Poland, June 18-20, 2008 ; proceedings, Pages 590-600, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Kafi, Somayeh and Beigy, Hamid},
TITLE = {Solving stochastic path problem : particle swarm optimization approach},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {New frontiers in applied artificial intelligence : 21th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2008, Wroclaw, Poland, June 18-20, 2008 ; proceedings},
PAGES = {590-600},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 5027 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Saeedah Momtazi,
Stefan Kazalski,
Fang Xu and
Gzegorz Chrupala. The Alyssa system at TAC QA 2008. In Proceedings of the First Text Analysis Conference : (TAC 2008) ; November 17-19, 2008, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, Gaithersburg, MD, 2008. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Momtazi, Saeedah and Kazalski, Stefan and Xu, Fang and Chrupala, Gzegorz},
TITLE = {The Alyssa system at TAC QA 2008},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First Text Analysis Conference : (TAC 2008) ; November 17-19, 2008, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA},
ADDRESS = {Gaithersburg, MD},
NOTE = {DK} }
Swapna Somasundaran,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Janyce Wiebe. Finding the sources and targets of subjective expressions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2781-2788, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Somasundaran, Swapna and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Wiebe, Janyce},
TITLE = {Finding the sources and targets of subjective expressions},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2781-2788},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {MP} }
Sandra Kübler,
Wolfgang Maier,
Ines Rehbein and
Yannick Versley. How to compare treebanks. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2322-2329, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Kübler, Sandra and Maier, Wolfgang and Rehbein, Ines and Versley, Yannick},
TITLE = {How to compare treebanks},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2322-2329},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {MP} }
Verena Rieser and
Oliver Lemon. Learning effective multimodal dialogue strategies from Wizard-of-Oz data : bootstrapping and evaluation. In ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; proceedings of the conference ; June 15 - 20, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 638–646, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Rieser, Verena and Lemon, Oliver},
TITLE = {Learning effective multimodal dialogue strategies from Wizard-of-Oz data : bootstrapping and evaluation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; proceedings of the conference ; June 15 - 20, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {638–646},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Gzegorz Chrupala,
Georgiana Dinu and
Josef van Genabith. Learning morphology with morfette. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2362-2367, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: DK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Gzegorz and Dinu, Georgiana and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {Learning morphology with morfette},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2362-2367},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {DK, MP} }
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto and
Marco Pennacchiotti. Natural language processing across time : an empirical investigation on Italian. In Advances in natural language processing : 6th international conference, GoTAL 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-27, 2008 ; proceedings, Pages 371-382, Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo and Pennacchiotti, Marco},
TITLE = {Natural language processing across time : an empirical investigation on Italian},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in natural language processing : 6th international conference, GoTAL 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-27, 2008 ; proceedings},
PAGES = {371-382},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 5221 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {MP} }
Carlos Areces,
Alexander Koller and
Kristina Striegnitz. Referring expressions as formulas of description logic. In INLG 2008 : Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference ; proceedings ; June 12–14, 2008 Salt Fork, Ohio, USA, Pages 42-49, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Areces, Carlos and Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Referring expressions as formulas of description logic},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {INLG 2008 : Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference ; proceedings ; June 12–14, 2008 Salt Fork, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {42-49},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Alexander Koller,
Michaela Regneri and
Stefan Thater. Regular tree grammars as a formalism for scope underspecification. In ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; proceedings of the conference ; June 15 - 20, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 218-226, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Regneri, Michaela and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Regular tree grammars as a formalism for scope underspecification},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; proceedings of the conference ; June 15 - 20, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {218-226},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Sabrina Wilske and
Magdalena Wolska. Role-plays for CALL : system architecture and resources. In The future of learning - globalizing in education : Interactive Computer aided Learning (ICL) International Conference ; [September 24 -26, 2008], Villach, Austria, Kassel University Press, Kassel, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wilske, Sabrina and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Role-plays for CALL : system architecture and resources},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {The future of learning - globalizing in education : Interactive Computer aided Learning (ICL) International Conference ; [September 24 -26, 2008], Villach, Austria},
ADDRESS = {Kassel},
PUBLISHER = {Kassel University Press},
NOTE = {MP} }
Sebastian Pado,
Marco Pennacchiotti and
Caroline Sporleder. Semantic role assignment for event nominalisations by leveraging verbal data. In Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Vol. 1:665-672, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Pado, Sebastian and Pennacchiotti, Marco and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Semantic role assignment for event nominalisations by leveraging verbal data},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {665-672},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Verena Rieser and
Oliver Lemon. Simulation-based learning of optimal multimodal presentation strategies from Wizard-of-Oz data. In Proceedings of the AISB 2008 Symposium on Multimodal Output Generation : (MOG 2008) ; 1st-4th April 2008, University of Aberdeen. - Aberdeen, 2008, Vol. 10 of AISB 2008 Convention Communication, Interaction and Social Intelligence, 2008. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Rieser, Verena and Lemon, Oliver},
TITLE = {Simulation-based learning of optimal multimodal presentation strategies from Wizard-of-Oz data},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the AISB 2008 Symposium on Multimodal Output Generation : (MOG 2008) ; 1st-4th April 2008, University of Aberdeen. - Aberdeen, 2008},
VOLUME = {10},
SERIES = {AISB 2008 Convention Communication, Interaction and Social Intelligence},
NOTE = {MP} }
Andrew Gargett. Toward a model of dialogue via an interactive language model. In Abstracts / 2nd UK Postgraduate Conference in Cognitive Linguistics : University of Brighton, 08/08/08, Pages 9-10, Brighton, 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Gargett, Andrew},
TITLE = {Toward a model of dialogue via an interactive language model},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Abstracts / 2nd UK Postgraduate Conference in Cognitive Linguistics : University of Brighton, 08/08/08},
PAGES = {9-10},
ADDRESS = {Brighton},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Andrew Gargett. Toward an interactive model of person reference. In Paper presented at The 3rd Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics : 9 July 2008, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, 2008. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Gargett, Andrew},
TITLE = {Toward an interactive model of person reference},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Paper presented at The 3rd Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics : 9 July 2008, Newcastle University},
ADDRESS = {Newcastle, UK},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Feiyu Xu,
Peter Adolphs,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Xiwen Chen and
Hong Li. Gossip Galore : a conversational web agent for collecting and sharing pop trivia. In
Joaquim Filipe,
Ana Fred and
Bernadette Sharp editors, ICAART 2009 : proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artifical Intelligence ; Porto, Portugal January 19-21, 2009, Pages 115-122, INSTICC, Setúbal, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Adolphs, Peter and Uszkoreit, Hans and Chen, Xiwen and Li, Hong},
TITLE = {Gossip Galore : a conversational web agent for collecting and sharing pop trivia},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {ICAART 2009 : proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artifical Intelligence ; Porto, Portugal January 19-21, 2009},
PAGES = {115-122},
EDITOR = {Filipe, Joaquim and Fred, Ana and Sharp, Bernadette},
ADDRESS = {Setúbal},
NOTE = {HU} }
Xiwen Chen,
Peter Adolphs,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Hong Li. Gossip Galore : a self-learning agent for exchanging pop trivia. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the Demonstrations Session, 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Pages 13-16, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Athens, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Xiwen and Adolphs, Peter and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong},
TITLE = {Gossip Galore : a self-learning agent for exchanging pop trivia},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the Demonstrations Session, 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre},
PAGES = {13-16},
ADDRESS = {Athens},
ORGANIZATION = {European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Rui Wang and
Stephan Oepen. Hybrid multilingual parsing with HPSG for SRL. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado, Pages 31-36, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui and Oepen, Stephan},
TITLE = {Hybrid multilingual parsing with HPSG for SRL},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado},
PAGES = {31-36},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Georgiana Dinu and
Rui Wang. Inference rules and their application to recognizing textual entailment. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 211-219, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Dinu, Georgiana and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Inference rules and their application to recognizing textual entailment},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {211-219},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Georgiana Dinu and
Rui Wang. Inference rules for recognizing textual entailment. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8 : January 7-9, 2009, Tilburg, The Netherlands. - Tilburg, Pages 90-103, Tilburg University, Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Tilburg, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Dinu, Georgiana and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Inference rules for recognizing textual entailment},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8 : January 7-9, 2009, Tilburg, The Netherlands. - Tilburg},
PAGES = {90-103},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg},
ORGANIZATION = {Tilburg University, Department of Communication and Information Sciences},
NOTE = {HU} }
Antske Fokkens,
Laurie Poulson and
Emily Bender. Inflectional morphology in Turkish VP coordination. In
Stefan Müller editor, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, July 16–18, 2009, Pages 110-130, CSLI, Stanford, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Fokkens, Antske and Poulson, Laurie and Bender, Emily},
TITLE = {Inflectional morphology in Turkish VP coordination},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, July 16–18, 2009},
PAGES = {110-130},
EDITOR = {Müller, Stefan},
ADDRESS = {Stanford},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yu Chen,
Martin Kay and
Andreas Eisele. Intersecting multilingual data for faster and better statistical translations. In Human language technologies: the 2009 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; NAACL HLT 2009 ; May 31 - June 5, 2009, Boulder, Colorado., Pages 128-136, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Yu and Kay, Martin and Eisele, Andreas},
TITLE = {Intersecting multilingual data for faster and better statistical translations},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Human language technologies: the 2009 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; NAACL HLT 2009 ; May 31 - June 5, 2009, Boulder, Colorado.},
PAGES = {128-136},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Linguistics in computational linguistics : observations and predictions. In Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous, Vicious or Vacuous : 30 March, 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Pages 22-25, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Linguistics in computational linguistics : observations and predictions},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous, Vicious or Vacuous : 30 March, 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre},
PAGES = {22-25},
NOTE = {HU} }
Tania Avgustinova and
Yi Zhang. Parallel grammar engineering for slavic languages. In GEAF 2009 : proceedings of the ... Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks, 6 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore, ACL-IJCNLP, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Parallel grammar engineering for slavic languages},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {GEAF 2009 : proceedings of the ... Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks, 6 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore},
NOTE = {HU} }
Timothy Baldwin and
Valia Kordoni. Preface [Virtuous, vicious or vacuous] In Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous, Vicious or Vacuous : 30 March, 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Baldwin, Timothy and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Preface [Virtuous, vicious or vacuous]},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous, Vicious or Vacuous : 30 March, 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre},
NOTE = {HU} }
Linlin Li and
Caroline Sporleder. A cohesion graph based approach for unsupervised recognition of literal and nonliteral use of multiword expressions. In TextGraphs-4 : 2009 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing ; proceedings of the workshop, 7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore, Pages 75-83, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Li, Linlin and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {A cohesion graph based approach for unsupervised recognition of literal and nonliteral use of multiword expressions},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {TextGraphs-4 : 2009 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing ; proceedings of the workshop, 7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore},
PAGES = {75-83},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {CS} }
Danilo Avola,
Andrea Del Buono,
Giorgio Gianforme,
Stefano Paolozzi and
Rui Wang. SketchML a representation language for novel sketch recognition approach. In Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments : PETRA 2009, June, 09 - 13, Corfu, Greece, ACM, New York, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avola, Danilo and Del Buono, Andrea and Gianforme, Giorgio and Paolozzi, Stefano and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {SketchML a representation language for novel sketch recognition approach},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments : PETRA 2009, June, 09 - 13, Corfu, Greece},
ADDRESS = {New York},
NOTE = {HU} }
Andrea Gesmundo,
James Henderson,
Paola Merlo and
Ivan Titov. A latent variable model of synchronous syntactic-semantic parsing for multiple languages. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado, Pages 37-42, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Gesmundo, Andrea and Henderson, James and Merlo, Paola and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {A latent variable model of synchronous syntactic-semantic parsing for multiple languages},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado},
PAGES = {37-42},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {IT} }
Linlin Li and
Caroline Sporleder. Classifier combination for contextual idiom detection without labelled data. In EMNLP 2009 : proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ; a meeting of SIGDAT ..., 6–7 August 2009 Singapore, Pages 315–323, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Li, Linlin and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Classifier combination for contextual idiom detection without labelled data},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EMNLP 2009 : proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ; a meeting of SIGDAT ..., 6–7 August 2009 Singapore},
PAGES = {315–323},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {CS} }
Konstantina Garoufi and
Alexander Koller. Controlling the spatio-visual context in situated natural language generation. In Abstracts of the International Conference Space in Language : Pisa, October 8th-10th, 2009 [Elektronische Ressource], Pisa, 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Garoufi, Konstantina and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Controlling the spatio-visual context in situated natural language generation},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Abstracts of the International Conference Space in Language : Pisa, October 8th-10th, 2009 [Elektronische Ressource]},
ADDRESS = {Pisa},
NOTE = {AK} }
Alexander Koller and
Marco Kuhlmann. Dependency trees and the strong generative capacity of CCG. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 460-468, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Kuhlmann, Marco},
TITLE = {Dependency trees and the strong generative capacity of CCG},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {460-468},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Jan Hajic,
Massimiliano Ciaramita,
Richard Johansson,
Daisuke Kawahara,
Maria Antonia Marti,
Lluis Marques,
Adam Meyers,
Joakim Nivre,
Sebastian Pado,
Jan Stepanek,
Pavel Stranak,
Mihai Surdeanu,
Niawen Xue and
Yi Zhang. The CoNLL 2009 shared task : syntactic and semantic dependencies in multiple languages. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado, Pages 1-18, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Hajic, Jan and Ciaramita, Massimiliano and Johansson, Richard and Kawahara, Daisuke and Marti, Maria Antonia and Marques, Lluis and Meyers, Adam and Nivre, Joakim and Pado, Sebastian and Stepanek, Jan and Stranak, Pavel and Surdeanu, Mihai and Xue, Niawen and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {The CoNLL 2009 shared task : syntactic and semantic dependencies in multiple languages},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado},
PAGES = {1-18},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Andreas Eisele,
Christian Federmann and
James Hodson. Towards an effective toolkit for translators. In Translating and the computer 31 : proceedings of the 31. International Conference on Translating and the Computer, 19-20 November 2009, London, Aslib, London, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eisele, Andreas and Federmann, Christian and Hodson, James},
TITLE = {Towards an effective toolkit for translators},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Translating and the computer 31 : proceedings of the 31. International Conference on Translating and the Computer, 19-20 November 2009, London},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {HU} }
Eleni Gregoromichelaki,
Yo Sato,
Ruth Kempson,
Andrew Gargett and
Christine Howes. Dialogue modelling and the remit of core grammar. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8 : January 7-9, 2009, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Pages 128-139, Tilburg University, Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Tilburg, 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Gregoromichelaki, Eleni and Sato, Yo and Kempson, Ruth and Gargett, Andrew and Howes, Christine},
TITLE = {Dialogue modelling and the remit of core grammar},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8 : January 7-9, 2009, Tilburg, The Netherlands},
PAGES = {128-139},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg},
ORGANIZATION = {Tilburg University, Department of Communication and Information Sciences},
NOTE = {AK} }
Christian Federmann,
Silke Theison,
Andreas Eisele,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Yu Chen,
Michael Jellinghaus and
Sabine Hunsicker. Translation combination using factored word substitution. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the ... Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 30 March – 31 March 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 70-74, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Federmann, Christian and Theison, Silke and Eisele, Andreas and Uszkoreit, Hans and Chen, Yu and Jellinghaus, Michael and Hunsicker, Sabine},
TITLE = {Translation combination using factored word substitution},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the ... Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 30 March – 31 March 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {70-74},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ruth Kempson,
Eleni Gregoromichelaki,
Matthew Purver,
Gregory James Mills,
Andrew Gargett and
Christine Howes. How mechanistic can accounts of interaction be? In Proceedings of DiaHolmia : 2009 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue ; 24-26 June 2009, Stockholm, Sweden, Pages 67-74, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Kempson, Ruth and Gregoromichelaki, Eleni and Purver, Matthew and Mills, Gregory James and Gargett, Andrew and Howes, Christine},
TITLE = {How mechanistic can accounts of interaction be?},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of DiaHolmia : 2009 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue ; 24-26 June 2009, Stockholm, Sweden},
PAGES = {67-74},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm},
ORGANIZATION = {Royal Institute of Technology},
NOTE = {AK} }
Ivan Titov,
James Henderson,
Paola Merlo and
Gabriele Musillo. Online graph planarisation for synchronous parsing of semantic and syntactic dependencies. In IJCAI-09 : proceedings of the 21. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17 - 18 July 2009, Pasadena, California, US, Pages 1562-1567, Pasadena, Ca., 2009. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Henderson, James and Merlo, Paola and Musillo, Gabriele},
TITLE = {Online graph planarisation for synchronous parsing of semantic and syntactic dependencies},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {IJCAI-09 : proceedings of the 21. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17 - 18 July 2009, Pasadena, California, US},
PAGES = {1562-1567},
ADDRESS = {Pasadena, Ca.},
NOTE = {IT} }
Donna Byron,
Alexander Koller,
Kristina Striegnitz,
Justine Cassell,
Robert Dale,
Johanna Moore and
Jon Oberlander. Report on the first NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE) In ENLG 2009 : 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation ; proceedings of the workshop ; March30 & 31, 2009; Athens, Greece, Pages 165-173, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Byron, Donna and Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina and Cassell, Justine and Dale, Robert and Moore, Johanna and Oberlander, Jon},
TITLE = {Report on the first NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE)},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {ENLG 2009 : 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation ; proceedings of the workshop ; March30 & 31, 2009; Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {165-173},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Caroline Sporleder. Semantic Argument Structure In DiscoursE : the SEASIDE project. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8 : January 7-9, 2009, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Pages 333-337, Tilburg University, Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Tilburg, 2009. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Semantic Argument Structure In DiscoursE : the SEASIDE project},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8 : January 7-9, 2009, Tilburg, The Netherlands},
PAGES = {333-337},
ADDRESS = {Tilburg},
ORGANIZATION = {Tilburg University, Department of Communication and Information Sciences},
NOTE = {CS} }
Dan Roth,
Kevin Small and
Ivan Titov. Sequential learning of classifiers for structured prediction problems. In AISTATS 2009 : proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ; April 16-18, 2009, Clearwater Beach, Florida USA, Vol. 5:440-447 of JMLR : workshop and conference proceedings, San Diego [u.a.], 2009. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Dan and Small, Kevin and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Sequential learning of classifiers for structured prediction problems},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {AISTATS 2009 : proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ; April 16-18, 2009, Clearwater Beach, Florida USA},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {440-447},
SERIES = {JMLR : workshop and conference proceedings},
ADDRESS = {San Diego [u.a.]},
NOTE = {IT} }
Alexander Koller,
Donna Byron,
Justine Cassell,
Robert Dale,
Kristina Striegnitz,
Johanna Moore and
Jon Oberlander. The software architecture for the first Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 33-36, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Byron, Donna and Cassell, Justine and Dale, Robert and Striegnitz, Kristina and Moore, Johanna and Oberlander, Jon},
TITLE = {The software architecture for the first Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {33-36},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Alexandre Klementiev,
Dan Roth,
Kevin Small and
Ivan Titov. Unsupervised prediction aggregation. In Learning with orderings : NIPS 2009 Workshop ; Hilton Whistler Resort, Diamond Head, Saturday, December 12, 2009, Whistler, Canada, 2009. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Klementiev, Alexandre and Roth, Dan and Small, Kevin and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Unsupervised prediction aggregation},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Learning with orderings : NIPS 2009 Workshop ; Hilton Whistler Resort, Diamond Head, Saturday, December 12, 2009},
ADDRESS = {Whistler, Canada},
NOTE = {IT} }
Alexandre Klementiev,
Dan Roth,
Kevin Small and
Ivan Titov. Unsupervised rank aggregation with domain-specific expertise. In IJCAI-09 : proceedings of the 21. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17 - 18 July 2009, Pasadena, California, US, Pages 1101-1106, Pasadena, Ca., 2009. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Klementiev, Alexandre and Roth, Dan and Small, Kevin and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Unsupervised rank aggregation with domain-specific expertise},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {IJCAI-09 : proceedings of the 21. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17 - 18 July 2009, Pasadena, California, US},
PAGES = {1101-1106},
ADDRESS = {Pasadena, Ca.},
NOTE = {IT} }
Caroline Sporleder and
Linlin Li. Unsupervised recognition of literal and non-literal use of idiomatic expressions. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 754–762, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Sporleder, Caroline and Li, Linlin},
TITLE = {Unsupervised recognition of literal and non-literal use of idiomatic expressions},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = { EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {754–762},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {CS} }
Alexander Koller,
Kristina Striegnitz,
Donna Byron,
Justine Cassell,
Robert Dale,
Sara Dazel-Job,
Johanna Moore and
Jon Oberlander. Validating the web-based evaluation of NLG systems. In Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP : proceedings of the conference, 2-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore ; ACL-IJCNL, Pages 301-304, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina and Byron, Donna and Cassell, Justine and Dale, Robert and Dazel-Job, Sara and Moore, Johanna and Oberlander, Jon},
TITLE = {Validating the web-based evaluation of NLG systems},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP : proceedings of the conference, 2-7 August 2009, Suntec, Singapore ; ACL-IJCNL},
PAGES = {301-304},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Afra Alishahi and
Grzegorz Chrupala. Lexical Category Acquisition as an incremental process. In Proceedings of the CogSci2009 workshop on Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Alishahi, Afra and Chrupala, Grzegorz},
TITLE = {Lexical Category Acquisition as an incremental process},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the CogSci2009 workshop on Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition},
NOTE = {MC} }
Michaela Regneri,
Alexander Koller and
Manfred Pinkal. Learning Script Knowledge with Web Experiments. In Proceedings of ACL, ACL, Uppsala, 2010. Note: MP, AK.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and Koller, Alexander and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Learning Script Knowledge with Web Experiments},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL},
ADDRESS = {Uppsala},
NOTE = {MP, AK} }
Alexander Koller and
Alex Lascarides. A logic of semantic representations for shallow parsing. In EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece, Pages 451-459, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2009. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Lascarides, Alex},
TITLE = {A logic of semantic representations for shallow parsing},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 30 March – 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece},
PAGES = {451-459},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Faisal Mahbub Chowdhury,
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. Using treebanking discriminants as parse disambiguation features. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT09, October 7-9, 2009, Paris, France, Pages 226-229, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Chowdhury, Faisal Mahbub and Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Using treebanking discriminants as parse disambiguation features},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT09, October 7-9, 2009, Paris, France},
PAGES = {226-229},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Michael Brenner and
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova. A continual multiagent planning approach to situated dialogue. In Proceedings of LONDIAL : the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Progmatics of Dialogue, London, UK, June, 2008, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Brenner, Michael and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {A continual multiagent planning approach to situated dialogue},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LONDIAL : the 12th Workshop on the Semantics and Progmatics of Dialogue, London, UK, June, 2008},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck. A framework for standardized syntactic annotation. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 3025-3028, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {A framework for standardized syntactic annotation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {3025-3028},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Bernd Kiefer and
Thierry Declerck. A framework for temporal representation and reasoning in business intelligence applications. In AI meets business rules and process management : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; [held March 26 - 28, 2008 at Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA], AAAI, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, Calif., 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Kiefer, Bernd and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {A framework for temporal representation and reasoning in business intelligence applications},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {AI meets business rules and process management : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; [held March 26 - 28, 2008 at Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA]},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, Calif.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Arif Bramontoro,
Masahiro Tanaka,
Yohei Murakami,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Toru Ishida. A hybrid integrated architecture for language service composition. In IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2008 : ICWS ´08 ; Beijing, China, 23 - 26 Sept. 2008., Pages 345-352, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Bramontoro, Arif and Tanaka, Masahiro and Murakami, Yohei and Schäfer, Ulrich and Ishida, Toru},
TITLE = {A hybrid integrated architecture for language service composition},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2008 : ICWS ´08 ; Beijing, China, 23 - 26 Sept. 2008.},
PAGES = {345-352},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Bernd Kiefer and
Thierry Declerck. A hybrid reasoning architecture for business intelligence applications. In Proceedings of the 2008 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems : Barcelona, Spain, September 10-12, 2008, Pages 843-848, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Kiefer, Bernd and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {A hybrid reasoning architecture for business intelligence applications},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2008 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems : Barcelona, Spain, September 10-12, 2008},
PAGES = {843-848},
ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA},
ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Society},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. A puristic approach for joint dependency parsing and semantic role labeling. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning : CoNLL 2008 ; 16-17 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Pages 213-217, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Volokh, Alexander and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {A puristic approach for joint dependency parsing and semantic role labeling},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning : CoNLL 2008 ; 16-17 August 2008, Manchester, UK},
PAGES = {213-217},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Sarah Schimke,
Pirita Pyykkönen,
P. Järvikivi and
Barbara Hemforth. When and how do children decide whos he? A visual eye-tracking study of information structure in pronoun resolution. In 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Sept. 7-9, 2009, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Schimke, Sarah and Pyykkönen, Pirita and Järvikivi, P. and Hemforth, Barbara},
TITLE = {When and how do children decide whos he? A visual eye-tracking study of information structure in pronoun resolution},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Sept. 7-9, 2009},
NOTE = {MC} }
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Hong Li and
Niko Felger. Adaptation of relation extraction rules to new domains. In Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2446-2450, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong and Felger, Niko},
TITLE = {Adaptation of relation extraction rules to new domains},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2446-2450},
NOTE = {HU} }
Brigitte Jörg,
Jure Ferelez,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Mitja Jermol. Analyzing European research competencies in IST : results from a European SSA project. In Get the good CRIS going : ensuring quality of service for the user in the ERA / 9th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems. - Maribor, 2008, Pages 107-123, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Jörg, Brigitte and Ferelez, Jure and Uszkoreit, Hans and Jermol, Mitja},
TITLE = {Analyzing European research competencies in IST : results from a European SSA project},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Get the good CRIS going : ensuring quality of service for the user in the ERA / 9th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems. - Maribor, 2008},
PAGES = {107-123},
NOTE = {HU} }
Paul Buitelaar,
Thierry Declerck,
Jan Nemrava and
D. Sadlier. Cross-media semantic indexing in the soccer domain. In 2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing : [6th] CBMI 2008 ; London, United Kingdom, 18 - 20 June 2008, Pages 296-301, IEEE Computer Center, Piscataway, NJ, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Declerck, Thierry and Nemrava, Jan and Sadlier, D.},
TITLE = {Cross-media semantic indexing in the soccer domain},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing : [6th] CBMI 2008 ; London, United Kingdom, 18 - 20 June 2008},
PAGES = {296-301},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Center},
NOTE = {HU} }
Henrik Jacobsson,
Nick Hawes,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
J. Wyatt. Crossmodal content binding in information-processing architectures. In Proceedings of the third ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : living with robots ; March 12 - 15, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; HRI 2008, Pages 81-88, ACM Press, New York, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Jacobsson, Henrik and Hawes, Nick and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Wyatt, J.},
TITLE = {Crossmodal content binding in information-processing architectures},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the third ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : living with robots ; March 12 - 15, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; HRI 2008},
PAGES = {81-88},
ADDRESS = {New York},
NOTE = {HU} }
Gil Francopoulo,
Thierry Declerck,
Virach Sornlertlamvanich,
Eric De la Clergerie and
Monica Monachini. Data category registry : morpho-syntactic and syntactic profiles. In Uses and usage of language resource-related standards : LREC 2008 workshop, May 27, 2008 ; proceedings. - [Marrakech], 2008, Pages 31-40, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Francopoulo, Gil and Declerck, Thierry and Sornlertlamvanich, Virach and De la Clergerie, Eric and Monachini, Monica},
TITLE = {Data category registry : morpho-syntactic and syntactic profiles},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Uses and usage of language resource-related standards : LREC 2008 workshop, May 27, 2008 ; proceedings. - [Marrakech], 2008},
PAGES = {31-40},
NOTE = {HU} }
Pirita Pyykkönen,
Roger P.G. Van Gompel and
J. Hyönä. Use of visual environment to facilitate language comprehension. In Interfaces of Language and Vision at the second Swedish Association for Language and Cognition, June 10-12, 2009, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita and Van Gompel, Roger P.G. and Hyönä, J.},
TITLE = {Use of visual environment to facilitate language comprehension},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Interfaces of Language and Vision at the second Swedish Association for Language and Cognition, June 10-12, 2009},
NOTE = {MC} }
Pirita Pyykkönen. Shades of Meaning: What visual world eye-tracking reveals about the role of semantics in language comprehension. In Fictive Moon Workshop, Trondheim, Norway, April 29-30, 2009, 2009. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita},
TITLE = {Shades of Meaning: What visual world eye-tracking reveals about the role of semantics in language comprehension},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Fictive Moon Workshop, Trondheim, Norway, April 29-30, 2009},
NOTE = {MC} }
Bogdan Sacaleanu,
Günter Neumann and
Christian Spurk. DFKI-LT at QA@CLEF 2008. In Working notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop : 17-19 September, Aarhus, Denmark, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sacaleanu, Bogdan and Neumann, Günter and Spurk, Christian},
TITLE = {DFKI-LT at QA@CLEF 2008},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Working notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop : 17-19 September, Aarhus, Denmark},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rebecca Dridan,
Valia Kordoni and
Jeremy Nicholson. Enhancing performance of lexicalised grammars. In ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; proceedings of the conference ; June 15 - 20, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 613-621, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Dridan, Rebecca and Kordoni, Valia and Nicholson, Jeremy},
TITLE = {Enhancing performance of lexicalised grammars},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; proceedings of the conference ; June 15 - 20, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {613-621},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Jeremy Nicholson,
Valia Kordoni,
Yi Zhang,
Timothy Baldwin and
Rebecca Dridan. Evaluating and extending the coverage of HPSG grammars : a case study for German. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 3134-3137, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Nicholson, Jeremy and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi and Baldwin, Timothy and Dridan, Rebecca},
TITLE = {Evaluating and extending the coverage of HPSG grammars : a case study for German},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {3134-3137},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ulrich Schäfer,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Christian Federmann,
Torsten Marek and
Yajing Zhang. Extracting and querying relations in scientific papers. In KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 127-134, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Uszkoreit, Hans and Federmann, Christian and Marek, Torsten and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {Extracting and querying relations in scientific papers},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {127-134},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ulrich Schäfer,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Christian Federmann,
Torsten Marek and
Yajing Zhang. Extracting and querying relations in scientific papers on language technology. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2040-2046, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Uszkoreit, Hans and Federmann, Christian and Marek, Torsten and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {Extracting and querying relations in scientific papers on language technology},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2040-2046},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alejandro Figueroa and
Günter Neumann. Finding distinct answers in web snippets. In WEBIST 2008 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies ; Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 4-7, 2008, Pages 26-33, INSTICC Press, Setúbal, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Figueroa, Alejandro and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Finding distinct answers in web snippets},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {WEBIST 2008 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies ; Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 4-7, 2008},
PAGES = {26-33},
ADDRESS = {Setúbal},
NOTE = {HU} }
Xiwen Cheng and
Feiyu Xu. Fine-grained opinion topic and polarity identification. In Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2710-2714, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cheng, Xiwen and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Fine-grained opinion topic and polarity identification},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2710-2714},
NOTE = {HU} }
Daan Broeder,
Thierry Declerck,
Erhard Hinrichs,
Stelios Piperidis,
Laurent Romary,
Nicoletta Calzolari and
Peter Wittenburg. Foundation of a component-based flexible registry for Llanguage resources and Technology. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 1433-1436, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Broeder, Daan and Declerck, Thierry and Hinrichs, Erhard and Piperidis, Stelios and Romary, Laurent and Calzolari, Nicoletta and Wittenburg, Peter},
TITLE = {Foundation of a component-based flexible registry for Llanguage resources and Technology},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {1433-1436},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Ciprian Gerstenberger,
Olga Kukina and
Jan Schehl. Generation of output style variation in the SAMMIE dialogue system. In NLG 2008 : Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference ; proceedings ; June 12–14, 2008 Salt Fork, Ohio, USA, Pages 129-137, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Gerstenberger, Ciprian and Kukina, Olga and Schehl, Jan},
TITLE = {Generation of output style variation in the SAMMIE dialogue system},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {NLG 2008 : Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference ; proceedings ; June 12–14, 2008 Salt Fork, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {129-137},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Marcus Spies and
Horacio Saggion. Human language and semantic web technologies for business intelligence applications. In Proceedings of LangTech : 28-29 February, 2008, Rome, Italy, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Spies, Marcus and Saggion, Horacio},
TITLE = {Human language and semantic web technologies for business intelligence applications},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LangTech : 28-29 February, 2008, Rome, Italy},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Rui Wang and
Hans Uszkoreit. Hybrid learning of dependency structures from heterogeneous linguistic resources. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning : CoNLL 2008 ; 16-17 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Pages 198-202, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Hybrid learning of dependency structures from heterogeneous linguistic resources},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning : CoNLL 2008 ; 16-17 August 2008, Manchester, UK},
PAGES = {198-202},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Andreas Eisele,
Christian Federmann,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Herve Saint-Amand,
Martin Kay,
Michael Jellinghaus,
Sabine Hunsicker,
Teresa Herrmann and
Yu Chen. Hybrid machine translation architectures within and beyond the EuroMatrix project. In 12th EAMT Conference : European Asscociation for Machine Translation ; proceedings of the Twelfth EAMT Conference 22-23 September 2008, Pages 27-34, HITEC, Hamburg, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eisele, Andreas and Federmann, Christian and Uszkoreit, Hans and Saint-Amand, Herve and Kay, Martin and Jellinghaus, Michael and Hunsicker, Sabine and Herrmann, Teresa and Chen, Yu},
TITLE = {Hybrid machine translation architectures within and beyond the EuroMatrix project},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {12th EAMT Conference : European Asscociation for Machine Translation ; proceedings of the Twelfth EAMT Conference 22-23 September 2008},
PAGES = {27-34},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg},
NOTE = {HU} }
Stephan Busemann and
Yajing Zhang. Identifying foreign person names in Chinese text. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 2556-2563, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {Identifying foreign person names in Chinese text},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {2556-2563},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. Information synthesis for answer validation. In Cross-Language Evaluation Forum : working notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop, 17-19 September, Aarhus, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Information synthesis for answer validation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Cross-Language Evaluation Forum : working notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop, 17-19 September, Aarhus},
NOTE = {HU} }
Kathrin Eichler,
Holmer Hemsen,
Markus Löckelt,
Günter Neumann and
Norbert Reithinger. Interactive dynamic information extraction. In KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 54-61, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Hemsen, Holmer and Löckelt, Markus and Neumann, Günter and Reithinger, Norbert},
TITLE = {Interactive dynamic information extraction},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {54-61},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Sergio Roa,
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. Mapping between compositional semantic representations and lexical semantic resources : towards accurate deep semantic parsing. In CL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; June 16 - 17, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. - [Companion vol.] : Short papers, Pages 189-192, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Roa, Sergio and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Mapping between compositional semantic representations and lexical semantic resources : towards accurate deep semantic parsing},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {CL-08: HLT : 46th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies ; June 16 - 17, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. - [Companion vol.] : Short papers},
PAGES = {189-192},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Walter Kasper,
Jörg Steffen and
Yajing Zhang. News annotations for navigation by semantic similarity. In KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 233-240, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Steffen, Jörg and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {News annotations for navigation by semantic similarity},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {233-240},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Y. Hayashi,
Thierry Declerck,
Paul Buitelaar and
Monica Monachini. Ontologies for a global language infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on global interoperability for language resources : (ICGL-2008), January 9-11, 2008, Hong Kong, China, Pages 105-112, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Hayashi, Y. and Declerck, Thierry and Buitelaar, Paul and Monachini, Monica},
TITLE = {Ontologies for a global language infrastructure},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on global interoperability for language resources : (ICGL-2008), January 9-11, 2008, Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {105-112},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. Ontology-based query construction for GeoCLEF. In Cross-Language Evaluation Forum : working notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop, 17-19 September, Aarhus, Denmark, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Ontology-based query construction for GeoCLEF},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Cross-Language Evaluation Forum : working notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop, 17-19 September, Aarhus, Denmark},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Horacio Saggion and
Marcus Spies. Ontology-driven human language technology for semantic-based business intelligence. In ECAI 2008 : 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21 - 25, 2008, Patras, Greece ... ; proceedings. - Amsterdam, (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 178), Pages 841-843, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Saggion, Horacio and Spies, Marcus},
TITLE = {Ontology-driven human language technology for semantic-based business intelligence},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {ECAI 2008 : 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21 - 25, 2008, Patras, Greece ... ; proceedings. - Amsterdam, (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 178)},
PAGES = {841-843},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Yajing Zhang. Recognizing textual entailment with temporal expressions in natural language texts. In IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Applications, 2008 : IWSCA ´08 ; Incheon, South Korea, 10 - 11 July 2008, Pages 109-116, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {Recognizing textual entailment with temporal expressions in natural language texts},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = { IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Applications, 2008 : IWSCA ´08 ; Incheon, South Korea, 10 - 11 July 2008},
PAGES = {109-116},
ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA},
ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Society},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Günter Neumann. Relation validation via textual entailment. In
Benjamin Adrian,
Günter Neumann,
Alexander Troussov and
Borislav Popov editors, Proceedings 1st International and KI-08 Workshop on Ontology-based Information Extraction Systems : (OBIES 2008) ; 23 September 2008, Kaiserslautern (Germany),(CEUR workshop proceedings; 400), Pages 26-37, Kaiserslautern, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Relation validation via textual entailment},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 1st International and KI-08 Workshop on Ontology-based Information Extraction Systems : (OBIES 2008) ; 23 September 2008, Kaiserslautern (Germany),(CEUR workshop proceedings; 400)},
PAGES = {26-37},
EDITOR = {Adrian, Benjamin and Neumann, Günter and Troussov, Alexander and Popov, Borislav},
ADDRESS = {Kaiserslautern},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. Robust parsing with a large HPSG grammar. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 1888-1893, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Robust parsing with a large HPSG grammar},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {1888-1893},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Walter Kasper,
Jörg Steffen and
Yajing Zhang. Semantic navigation of news. In
Bernadette Sharp and
Michael Zock editors, Natural language processing and cognitive science : proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, NLPCS 2008 ; in conjunction with ICEIS 2008, Barcelona, Spain, June 2008, Pages 42-51, INSTICC Press, Setúbal, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Steffen, Jörg and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {Semantic navigation of news},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Natural language processing and cognitive science : proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, NLPCS 2008 ; in conjunction with ICEIS 2008, Barcelona, Spain, June 2008},
PAGES = {42-51},
EDITOR = {Sharp, Bernadette and Zock, Michael},
ADDRESS = {Setúbal},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ulrich Schäfer. Shallow, deep and hybrid processing with UIMA and heart of gold. In Proceedings of the LREC 2008 Workshop Towards Enhanced Interoperability for Large HLT Systems : UIMA for NLP ; 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 43-50, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {Shallow, deep and hybrid processing with UIMA and heart of gold},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2008 Workshop Towards Enhanced Interoperability for Large HLT Systems : UIMA for NLP ; 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {43-50},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Peter Adolphs,
Stephan Oepen,
Ulrich Callmeier,
Berthold Crysmann,
Dan Flickinger and
Bernd Kiefer. Some fine points of hybrid natural language parsing. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 1380-1387, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Adolphs, Peter and Oepen, Stephan and Callmeier, Ulrich and Crysmann, Berthold and Flickinger, Dan and Kiefer, Bernd},
TITLE = {Some fine points of hybrid natural language parsing},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {1380-1387},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Hong Li. Task driven coreference resolution for relation extraction. In Proceedings / ECAI 2008 : 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21 - 25, 2008, Patras, Greece, Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 178), Pages 328-332, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong},
TITLE = {Task driven coreference resolution for relation extraction},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / ECAI 2008 : 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21 - 25, 2008, Patras, Greece, Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 178)},
PAGES = {328-332},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
NOTE = {HU} }
Jan Nemrava,
Paul Buitelaar,
V. Svatek and
Thierry Declerck. Text mining support for semantic indexing and analysis of A/V streams. In OntoImage 2008 : 2nd Workshop on Language Resources for Content-Based Image Retrieval ; ELDA ; LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, 2008, Pages 37-41, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Nemrava, Jan and Buitelaar, Paul and Svatek, V. and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Text mining support for semantic indexing and analysis of A/V streams},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {OntoImage 2008 : 2nd Workshop on Language Resources for Content-Based Image Retrieval ; ELDA ; LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, 2008},
PAGES = {37-41},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova and
Olga Kukina. The effect of dialogue system output style variation on users evaluation judgements and input style. In Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue : ACL-08: HLT ; June 19-20, 2008, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 190-197, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Kukina, Olga},
TITLE = {The effect of dialogue system output style variation on users evaluation judgements and input style},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue : ACL-08: HLT ; June 19-20, 2008, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {190-197},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Elena Cabrio,
Milena Kouylekov,
Bernardo Magnini,
Matteo Negri,
Laura Hasler,
Constantin Orasan,
David Tomas,
Jose Vicedo,
Günter Neumann and
Corinna Weber. The Qall-ME Benchmark : a multilingual resource of annotated spoken requests for question answering. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cabrio, Elena and Kouylekov, Milena and Magnini, Bernardo and Negri, Matteo and Hasler, Laura and Orasan, Constantin and Tomas, David and Vicedo, Jose and Neumann, Günter and Weber, Corinna},
TITLE = {The Qall-ME Benchmark : a multilingual resource of annotated spoken requests for question answering},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck,
Paul Buitelaar,
Jan Nemrava and
D. Sadlier. Towards cross-media feature extraction. In
Mark Maybury editor, Multimedia information extraction : papers from the AAAI fall symposium ; [November 7 - 9, 2008, in Arlington, Virginia, USA],(Technical report / American Association for Artificial Intelligence : FS ; 2008, 5), Pages 41-46, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, Calif., 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Buitelaar, Paul and Nemrava, Jan and Sadlier, D.},
TITLE = {Towards cross-media feature extraction},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Multimedia information extraction : papers from the AAAI fall symposium ; [November 7 - 9, 2008, in Arlington, Virginia, USA],(Technical report / American Association for Artificial Intelligence : FS ; 2008, 5)},
PAGES = {41-46},
EDITOR = {Maybury, Mark},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, Calif.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Kostadin Cholakov,
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. Towards domain-independent deep linguistic processing : ensuring portability and re-usability of lexicalised grammars. In Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks ; [GEAF 08] ; 24 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Pages 57-64, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cholakov, Kostadin and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Towards domain-independent deep linguistic processing : ensuring portability and re-usability of lexicalised grammars},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks ; [GEAF 08] ; 24 August 2008, Manchester, UK},
PAGES = {57-64},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Kathrin Eichler,
Holmer Hemsen and
Günter Neumann. Unsupervised relation extraction from web documents. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco, Pages 1674-1679, ELRA, Paris, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Hemsen, Holmer and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Unsupervised relation extraction from web documents},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco},
PAGES = {1674-1679},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Andreas Eisele,
Christian Federmann,
Herve Saint-Amand,
Michael Jellinghaus,
Teresa Herrmann and
Yu Chen. Using moses to integrate multiple rule-based machine translation engines into a hybrid system. In Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation : ACL-08: HLT ; proceedings ; June 19, 2008, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, Pages 179-182, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eisele, Andreas and Federmann, Christian and Saint-Amand, Herve and Jellinghaus, Michael and Herrmann, Teresa and Chen, Yu},
TITLE = {Using moses to integrate multiple rule-based machine translation engines into a hybrid system},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation : ACL-08: HLT ; proceedings ; June 19, 2008, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA},
PAGES = {179-182},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa},
NOTE = {HU} }
Walter Kasper,
Jörg Steffen and
Yajing Zhang. Using semantics for news navigation. In ICSC 2008 : IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing 2008 ; 4 - 7 August 2008, Santa Clara, California ; proceedings, Pages 261-267, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Steffen, Jörg and Zhang, Yajing},
TITLE = {Using semantics for news navigation},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {ICSC 2008 : IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing 2008 ; 4 - 7 August 2008, Santa Clara, California ; proceedings},
PAGES = {261-267},
ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA},
ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Society},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Where temporal description logics fall : representing temporally-changing relationships. In KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 249-257, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Where temporal description logics fall : representing temporally-changing relationships},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2008: advances in artificial intelligence : 31st Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2008, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23 - 26, 2008 ; proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5243 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {249-257},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Fang Xu and
Dietrich Klakow. Paragraph Acquisition and Selection for List Question Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. In Proceedings of the International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2010), Mar. 2010, Pages 2340-2345, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Fang and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Paragraph Acquisition and Selection for List Question Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2010), Mar. 2010},
PAGES = {2340-2345},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Predictive Features for Detecting Indefinite Polar Sentences. In Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Pages 795-803, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Predictive Features for Detecting Indefinite Polar Sentences},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)},
PAGES = {795-803},
NOTE = {DK} }
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Combining Wikipedia-Based Concept Models for Cross-Language Retrieval. In Proceedings of the Information Retrieval Facility Conference, May 2010., 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Benjamin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Combining Wikipedia-Based Concept Models for Cross-Language Retrieval.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Information Retrieval Facility Conference, May 2010.},
NOTE = {DK} }
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Cross-Language Retrieval Using Link-Based Language Models. In Proceedings of the Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2010. (poster paper), 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Benjamin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Cross-Language Retrieval Using Link-Based Language Models},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, July 2010. (poster paper)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel,
J. McDonough and
Dietrich Klakow. On Expectation Maximization Based Channel and Noise Estimation Beyond the Vector Taylor Series Expansion. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), Mar. 2010., Pages 4294-4297, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and McDonough, J. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {On Expectation Maximization Based Channel and Noise Estimation Beyond the Vector Taylor Series Expansion.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), Mar. 2010.},
PAGES = {4294-4297},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. An Adaptive Level of Detail Approach to Nonlinear Estimation. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), Mar. 2010., Pages 3958-3961, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {An Adaptive Level of Detail Approach to Nonlinear Estimation.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), Mar. 2010.},
PAGES = {3958-3961},
NOTE = {DK} }
Gzegorz Chrupala and
Dietrich Klakow. A Named Entity Labeler for German: Exploiting Wikipedia and Distributional Clusters. In LREC 2010., 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Gzegorz and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A Named Entity Labeler for German: Exploiting Wikipedia and Distributional Clusters.},
YEAR = {2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Djame Seedah,
Gzegorz Chrupala,
Ozlem Cetinoglu,
Josef van Genabith and
Marie Candito. Lemmatization and Lexicalized Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages: the Case of French. In NAACL SPMRL 2010 workshop., 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Seedah, Djame and Chrupala, Gzegorz and Cetinoglu, Ozlem and van Genabith, Josef and Candito, Marie},
TITLE = {Lemmatization and Lexicalized Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages: the Case of French.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {NAACL SPMRL 2010 workshop.},
NOTE = {DK} }
Gzegorz Chrupala and
Afra Alishahi. Online Entropy-based Model of Lexical Category Acquisition. In CoNLL 2010., 2010. Note: DK, MC.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Gzegorz and Alishahi, Afra},
TITLE = {Online Entropy-based Model of Lexical Category Acquisition.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {CoNLL 2010.},
NOTE = {DK, MC} }
Stefan Thater,
Hagen Fürstenau and
Manfred Pinkal. Contextualizing Semantic Representations Using Syntactically Enriched Vector Models. In Proceedings of ACL, ACL, Uppsala, 2010. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Thater, Stefan and Fürstenau, Hagen and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Contextualizing Semantic Representations Using Syntactically Enriched Vector Models},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL},
ADDRESS = {Uppsala},
NOTE = {MP} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Manfred Pinkal and
Jonas Sunde. Generating FrameNets of various granularities. In The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta, 2010. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Pinkal, Manfred and Sunde, Jonas},
TITLE = {Generating FrameNets of various granularities},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta},
NOTE = {MP} }
Ines Rehbein,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Alexis Palmer. Bringing Active Learning to Life. In The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), August 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China, 2010. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Rehbein, Ines and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Bringing Active Learning to Life},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), August 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Wolfgang Seeker,
Ines Rehbein,
Jonas Kuhn and
Josef van Genabith. Hard Constraints for Grammatical Function Labelling. In The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010). July 11-16, 2010, Uppsala, Finland., 2010. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Seeker, Wolfgang and Rehbein, Ines and Kuhn, Jonas and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {Hard Constraints for Grammatical Function Labelling},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010). July 11-16, 2010, Uppsala, Finland.},
NOTE = {MP} }
Olga Kukina and
Berry Claus. Is an open window the same as an opened one? Evidence that adjectives and adjectival passives differentially affect comprehension. In Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence, Pages 55-58, 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Kukina, Olga and Claus, Berry},
TITLE = {Is an open window the same as an opened one? Evidence that adjectives and adjectival passives differentially affect comprehension.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence},
PAGES = {55-58},
NOTE = {MC} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Caroline Sporleder,
Roser Morante,
Collin Baker and
Martha Palmer. SemEval-2010 Task 10: Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse (to appear) In The ACL Workshop SemEval-2010: 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, July 15-16, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, 2010. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Sporleder, Caroline and Morante, Roser and Baker, Collin and Palmer, Martha},
TITLE = {SemEval-2010 Task 10: Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The ACL Workshop SemEval-2010: 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, July 15-16, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Berry Claus and
K. Vozikaki. Interpreting pronouns referring to the arguments of experiencer/stimulus verbs: reversed antecedent preferences for causal and consecutive connectives. In Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence, Pages 22-25, 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Claus, Berry and Vozikaki, K.},
TITLE = {Interpreting pronouns referring to the arguments of experiencer/stimulus verbs: reversed antecedent preferences for causal and consecutive connectives.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence},
PAGES = {22-25},
NOTE = {MC} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Caroline Sporleder and
Fabian Shirokov. Speaker Attribution in Cabinet Protocols. In The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta, 2010. Note: CS, MP.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Sporleder, Caroline and Shirokov, Fabian},
TITLE = {Speaker Attribution in Cabinet Protocols},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta},
NOTE = {CS, MP} }
Alexander Koller and
Stefan Thater. Computing weakest readings. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010), 2010. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Computing weakest readings},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010)},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Emilia Ellsiepen,
F. Ferreira and
J.M. Henderson. Are language-mediated shifts in visual attention automatic or under volitional control? In 23rd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York, 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Ellsiepen, Emilia and Ferreira, F. and Henderson, J.M.},
TITLE = {Are language-mediated shifts in visual attention automatic or under volitional control?},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {23rd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York},
NOTE = {MC} }
Judith Köhne. Sentence Processing Mechanisms Influence Cross-Situational Word Learning (Talk to be presented ) In 32nd Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Portland, 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Köhne, Judith},
TITLE = {Sentence Processing Mechanisms Influence Cross-Situational Word Learning (Talk to be presented )},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {32nd Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Portland},
NOTE = {MC} }
Alexander Koller and
Stefan Thater. Computing relative normal forms in regular tree languages. In Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA), Edinburgh, 2010. Note: AK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Computing relative normal forms in regular tree languages},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA), Edinburgh},
NOTE = {AK, MP} }
Judith Köhne. Top-down Cues Help to Understand Foreign Language Input and Improve Word Learning (Talk to be presented) In 20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association Conference (EUROSLA), Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Köhne, Judith},
TITLE = {Top-down Cues Help to Understand Foreign Language Input and Improve Word Learning (Talk to be presented)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association Conference (EUROSLA), Reggio Emilia, Italy},
NOTE = {MC} }
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. When Robot Gaze Helps Human Listeners: Attentional versus Intentional Account (to appear) In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, USA, August 2010, 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {When Robot Gaze Helps Human Listeners: Attentional versus Intentional Account (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, USA, August 2010},
NOTE = {MC} }
Helmut Horacek and
Magdalena Wolska. A Joint Model for Resolution and Generation of Referring Expressions in a Restricted Domain. In Proceedings of the 20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR-10), Vienna, Austria, 2010, 2010. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Horacek, Helmut and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {A Joint Model for Resolution and Generation of Referring Expressions in a Restricted Domain},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR-10), Vienna, Austria, 2010},
NOTE = {MP} }
Georgiana Dinu and
Mirella Lapata. Topic models for meaning similarity in context (to appear) In COLING 2010, 2010. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Dinu, Georgiana and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Topic models for meaning similarity in context (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
NOTE = {MP} }
Gzegorz Chrupala and
Georgiana Dinu. Enriched syntax-based meaning representation for answer extraction (to appear) In SIGIR 2010 Workshop: Query Representation and Understanding, 2010. Note: DK, MP.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Gzegorz and Dinu, Georgiana},
TITLE = {Enriched syntax-based meaning representation for answer extraction (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {SIGIR 2010 Workshop: Query Representation and Understanding},
NOTE = {DK, MP} }
Daniel Bauer and
Alexander Koller. Sentence generation as planning with Probabilistic LTAG. In Proceedings of the 10th TAG+ Workshop, New Haven., 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Bauer, Daniel and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Sentence generation as planning with Probabilistic LTAG.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th TAG+ Workshop, New Haven.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Bart Cramer and
Yi Zhang. Constraining robust constructions for broad-coverage parsing with precision grammars. In Proceedings of COLING-2010, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cramer, Bart and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Constraining robust constructions for broad-coverage parsing with precision grammars},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of COLING-2010},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Koller,
Kristina Striegnitz,
Andrew Gargett,
Donna Byron,
Justine Cassell,
Robert Dale,
Johanna Moore and
Jon Oberlander. Report on the Second NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE-2). In Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG), Dublin., 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina and Gargett, Andrew and Byron, Donna and Cassell, Justine and Dale, Robert and Moore, Johanna and Oberlander, Jon},
TITLE = {Report on the Second NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE-2).},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG), Dublin.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Marco Kuhlmann,
Alexander Koller and
Giorgio Satta. The importance of rule restrictions in CCG. In Proceedings of the 48th ACL, Uppsala, 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Kuhlmann, Marco and Koller, Alexander and Satta, Giorgio},
TITLE = {The importance of rule restrictions in CCG.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 48th ACL, Uppsala},
NOTE = {AK} }
Weiwei Sun. Word-based and Character-based Word Segmentation Models: Comparison and Combination (to appear) In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010), 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sun, Weiwei},
TITLE = {Word-based and Character-based Word Segmentation Models: Comparison and Combination (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)},
NOTE = {HU} }
Weiwei Sun. Semantics-Driven Shallow Parsing for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling. In ACL 2010, short papers, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sun, Weiwei},
TITLE = {Semantics-Driven Shallow Parsing for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL 2010, short papers},
NOTE = {HU} }
Konstantina Garoufi and
Alexander Koller. Automated planning for situated natural language generation. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Uppsala, Sweden, 2010., 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Garoufi, Konstantina and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Automated planning for situated natural language generation.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Uppsala, Sweden, 2010.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Alexander Koller,
Andrew Gargett and
Konstantina Garoufi. A scalable model of planning perlocutionary acts. In Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), Poznan, Poland, 2010., 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Gargett, Andrew and Garoufi, Konstantina},
TITLE = {A scalable model of planning perlocutionary acts.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), Poznan, Poland, 2010.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Weiwei Sun. Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Rich Syntactic Features. In ACL 2010, short papers, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sun, Weiwei},
TITLE = {Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Rich Syntactic Features},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {ACL 2010, short papers},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Koller and
Jörg Hoffmann. Waking up a sleeping rabbit: On natural-language generation with FF. In Proceedings of the 20th ICAPS (Short Papers), Toronto., 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Hoffmann, Jörg},
TITLE = {Waking up a sleeping rabbit: On natural-language generation with FF.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th ICAPS (Short Papers), Toronto.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Rui Wang and
Chris Callison-Burch. Cheap Facts and Counter-Facts. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2010 Workshop on Amazon Mechanical Turk, Los Angeles, California, USA., 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Callison-Burch, Chris},
TITLE = {Cheap Facts and Counter-Facts},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2010 Workshop on Amazon Mechanical Turk, Los Angeles, California, USA.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Andrew Gargett,
Konstantina Garoufi,
Alexander Koller and
Kristina Striegnitz. The GIVE-2 Corpus of Giving Instructions in Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Malta., 2010. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Gargett, Andrew and Garoufi, Konstantina and Koller, Alexander and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {The GIVE-2 Corpus of Giving Instructions in Virtual Environments.},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Malta.},
NOTE = {AK} }
Rui Wang and
Caroline Sporleder. Constructing a Textual Semantic Relation Corpus Using a Discourse Treebank. In The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta, 2010. Note: CS, HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Constructing a Textual Semantic Relation Corpus Using a Discourse Treebank},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta},
NOTE = {CS, HU} }
Rui Wang and
Yi Zhang. Hybrid Constituent and Dependency Parsing with Tsinghua Chinese Treebank. In Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Hybrid Constituent and Dependency Parsing with Tsinghua Chinese Treebank},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. Discriminant Ranking for Efficient Treebanking (to appear) In Proceedings of COLING-2010, Beijing, China, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Discriminant Ranking for Efficient Treebanking (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of COLING-2010, Beijing, China},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Timothy Baldwin,
Valia Kordoni,
David Martinez and
Jeremy Nicholson. Chart Mining-based Lexical Acquisition with Precision Grammars. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT-2010, Los Angeles, USA, 2010, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Baldwin, Timothy and Kordoni, Valia and Martinez, David and Nicholson, Jeremy},
TITLE = {Chart Mining-based Lexical Acquisition with Precision Grammars},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of NAACL-HLT-2010, Los Angeles, USA, 2010},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ivan Titov and
Mikhail Kozhevnikov. Bootstrapping Semantic Analyzers from Non-Contradictory Texts. In The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2010). Uppsala, Sweden, 2010., 2010. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Kozhevnikov, Mikhail},
TITLE = {Bootstrapping Semantic Analyzers from Non-Contradictory Texts},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2010). Uppsala, Sweden, 2010.},
NOTE = {IT} }
Minwoo Jeong and
Ivan Titov. 65. Unsupervised Discourse Segmentation of Documents with Inherently Parallel Structure. In The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2010). Uppsala, Sweden, 2010., 2010. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Jeong, Minwoo and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {65. Unsupervised Discourse Segmentation of Documents with Inherently Parallel Structure},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2010). Uppsala, Sweden, 2010.},
NOTE = {IT} }
Xuchen Yao and
Yi Zhang. Question Generation with Minimal Recursion Semantics. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Question Generation: Shared Task Evaluation Challenge, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2010, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Yao, Xuchen and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Question Generation with Minimal Recursion Semantics},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Question Generation: Shared Task Evaluation Challenge, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2010},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ivan Titov,
Alexandre Klementiev,
Kevin Small and
Dan Roth. Unsupervised Aggregation for Classification Problems with Large Numbers of Categories. In Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS-10). Sardegna, Italy, 2010., 2010. Note: IT.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Klementiev, Alexandre and Small, Kevin and Roth, Dan},
TITLE = {Unsupervised Aggregation for Classification Problems with Large Numbers of Categories},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS-10). Sardegna, Italy, 2010.},
NOTE = {IT} }
Danielle Ben-Gera,
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. Semantic Feature Engineering for Enhancing Disambiguation Performance in Deep Linguistic Processing. In Proceedings of LREC-2010, Valetta, Malta, 2010, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Ben-Gera, Danielle and Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Semantic Feature Engineering for Enhancing Disambiguation Performance in Deep Linguistic Processing},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC-2010, Valetta, Malta, 2010},
NOTE = {HU} }
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. Disambiguating Compound Nouns for a Dynamic HPSG Treebank of Wall Street Journal Texts. In Proceedings of LREC-2010, Valetta, Malta, 2010, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Disambiguating Compound Nouns for a Dynamic HPSG Treebank of Wall Street Journal Texts},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC-2010, Valetta, Malta, 2010},
NOTE = {HU} }
Michael Jellinghaus,
Alexandros Poulis and
David Kolovratnik. Exodus - Exploring SMT for EU Institutions. In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Uppsala, Sweden, ACL, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Jellinghaus, Michael and Poulis, Alexandros and Kolovratnik, David},
TITLE = {Exodus - Exploring SMT for EU Institutions},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Uppsala, Sweden},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexis Palmer and
Caroline Sporleder. Evaluating FrameNet-style semantic parsing: the role of coverage gaps in FrameNet (to appear) In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), August, 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China., 2010. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Palmer, Alexis and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Evaluating FrameNet-style semantic parsing: the role of coverage gaps in FrameNet (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), August, 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China.},
NOTE = {CS} }
Linlin Li and
Caroline Sporleder. Linguistic Cues for Distinguishing Literal and Non-Literal Usage (to appear) In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), August, 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China., 2010. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Li, Linlin and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Linguistic Cues for Distinguishing Literal and Non-Literal Usage (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), August, 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China.},
NOTE = {CS} }
Linlin Li,
Benjamin Roth and
Caroline Sporleder. Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection (to appear) In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010), July 11-16, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden., 2010. Note: CS, DK.
AUTHOR = {Li, Linlin and Roth, Benjamin and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection (to appear)},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2010), July 11-16, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden.},
NOTE = {CS, DK} }
Linlin Li and
Caroline Sporleder. Using Gaussian Mixture Models to Detect Figurative Language in Context. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2010) Short Papers, June 1-6, 2010, Los Angeles, 2010. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Li, Linlin and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Using Gaussian Mixture Models to Detect Figurative Language in Context},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2010) Short Papers, June 1-6, 2010, Los Angeles},
NOTE = {CS} }
Caroline Sporleder,
Linlin Li and
Alexis Palmer. Cohesive Links with Literal and Idiomatic Expressions in Discourse: An Empirical and Computational Study. In Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2010 (MAD 2010), March 17-20, 2010, Moissac, FranceMarch 17-20, 2010, Moissac, France., 2010. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Sporleder, Caroline and Li, Linlin and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Cohesive Links with Literal and Idiomatic Expressions in Discourse: An Empirical and Computational Study},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2010 (MAD 2010), March 17-20, 2010, Moissac, FranceMarch 17-20, 2010, Moissac, France.},
NOTE = {CS} }
Caroline Sporleder,
Linlin Li,
Philip Gorinski and
Xaver Koch. Idioms in Context: The IDIX Corpus. In The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta, 2010. Note: CS.
AUTHOR = {Sporleder, Caroline and Li, Linlin and Gorinski, Philip and Koch, Xaver},
TITLE = {Idioms in Context: The IDIX Corpus},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta},
NOTE = {CS} }
Afra Alishahi and
Afsaneh Fazly. Integrating Syntactic Knowledge into a Model of Cross-situational Word Learning. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, Oregon., 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Alishahi, Afra and Fazly, Afsaneh},
TITLE = {Integrating Syntactic Knowledge into a Model of Cross-situational Word Learning},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, Oregon.},
NOTE = {MC} }
Afsaneh Fazly,
Fatemeh Ahmadi-Fakhr,
Afra Alishahi and
Suzanne Stevenson. Cross-situational Learning of Low Frequency Words: The Role of Context Familiarity and Age of Exposure. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, Oregon., 2010. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Fazly, Afsaneh and Ahmadi-Fakhr, Fatemeh and Alishahi, Afra and Stevenson, Suzanne},
TITLE = {Cross-situational Learning of Low Frequency Words: The Role of Context Familiarity and Age of Exposure},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, Oregon.},
NOTE = {MC} }
Max Jakob,
Marketa Lopatkova and
Valia Kordoni. Mapping between Dependency Structures and Compositional Semantic Representations. In Proceedings of LREC 2010, May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta, 2010. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Jakob, Max and Lopatkova, Marketa and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Mapping between Dependency Structures and Compositional Semantic Representations},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC 2010, May 19-21, 2010, Valletta, Malta},
NOTE = {HU} }
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. Estimating Noise from Noisy Speech Features with a Monte Carlo Variant of the Expectation Maximization Algorithm. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2010, Sep. 2010, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Estimating Noise from Noisy Speech Features with a Monte Carlo Variant of the Expectation Maximization Algorithm},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Interspeech 2010, Sep. 2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. Further Improvement of the Adaptive Level of Detail Transform: Splitting in Direction of the Nonlinearity. In Proceedings of the 2010 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), Aug. 2010, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Further Improvement of the Adaptive Level of Detail Transform: Splitting in Direction of the Nonlinearity},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2010 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), Aug. 2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. Within and Across Sentence Boundary Language Model. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Makuhari, Japan, 2010., 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Within and Across Sentence Boundary Language Model},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Interspeech, Makuhari, Japan, 2010.},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi,
Matthew Leave and
Dietrich Klakow. Effective Term Weighting for Sentence Retrieval. In Proceedings of European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL), Glasgow, UK, 2010, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Leave, Matthew and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Effective Term Weighting for Sentence Retrieval},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL), Glasgow, UK, 2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. A Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model for Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model for Information Retrieval},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi,
Sanjeev Khundanpur and
Dietrich Klakow. A Comparative Study on Word Co-occurrence for Term Clustering in Language Model-based Sentence Retrieval. In Proceedings of International Conference of North American Association of Computational Linguistics (NAACL), Los Angeles, USA, 2010, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Khundanpur, Sanjeev and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A Comparative Study on Word Co-occurrence for Term Clustering in Language Model-based Sentence Retrieval},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of International Conference of North American Association of Computational Linguistics (NAACL), Los Angeles, USA, 2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. Yahoo! Answers for Sentence Retrieval in Question Answering. In Proceedings of the LREC Workshop on Web Logs and Question Answering, Valletta, Malta, 2010, 2010. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Yahoo! Answers for Sentence Retrieval in Question Answering},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC Workshop on Web Logs and Question Answering, Valletta, Malta, 2010},
NOTE = {DK} }
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Manfred Pützer. Accelleration sensor measurements of subglottal sound pressure for modal and breathy phonation quality. In
Claudia Manfredi editor, Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications : 6th International workshop, December 14-16, 2009, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Wokurek, Wolfgang and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Accelleration sensor measurements of subglottal sound pressure for modal and breathy phonation quality},
BOOKTITLE = {Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications : 6th International workshop, December 14-16, 2009},
EDITOR = {Manfredi, Claudia},
NOTE = {WB} }
Werner Spiegl,
Georg Stemmer,
Eva Lasarcyk and
Varada Kolhatkar. Analyzing features for automatic age estimation on cross-sectional data. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2009 : 6 - 10 September, 2009, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Spiegl, Werner and Stemmer, Georg and Lasarcyk, Eva and Kolhatkar, Varada},
TITLE = {Analyzing features for automatic age estimation on cross-sectional data},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Interspeech 2009 : 6 - 10 September, 2009},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jacques Koreman,
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry,
Wim A van Dommelen and
Rein-Ove Sikveland. Cross-language differences in the production of phrasal prominence in Norwegian and German. In
Martti Vainio,
Reijo Aulanko and
Olli Aaltonen editors, Nordic prosody : proceedings of the Xth conference, Helsinki 2008, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J. and van Dommelen, Wim A and Sikveland, Rein-Ove},
TITLE = {Cross-language differences in the production of phrasal prominence in Norwegian and German},
BOOKTITLE = {Nordic prosody : proceedings of the Xth conference, Helsinki 2008},
EDITOR = {Vainio, Martti and Aulanko, Reijo and Aaltonen, Olli},
NOTE = {WB} }
Manfred Pützer. Die Rolle kortikaler und subkortikaler Strukturen bei der Initiierung und Produktion artikulatorisch differenzierter CV-Silbenwiederholungen :. In eine fMRT-Studie, Universität des Saarlandes, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Die Rolle kortikaler und subkortikaler Strukturen bei der Initiierung und Produktion artikulatorisch differenzierter CV-Silbenwiederholungen :},
BOOKTITLE = {eine fMRT-Studie},
PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes},
NOTE = {WB} }
Sascha Fagel,
Jürgen Trouvain,
A. v. Stechow and
Eva Lasarcyk. Observing lip and vertical larynx movements during smiled speech (and laughter) In Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Interactional Vocalisation in Speech : Berlin, February 27-28, 2009. - Berlin, 2009, 2009. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Fagel, Sascha and Trouvain, Jürgen and v. Stechow, A. and Lasarcyk, Eva},
TITLE = {Observing lip and vertical larynx movements during smiled speech (and laughter)},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Interactional Vocalisation in Speech : Berlin, February 27-28, 2009. - Berlin, 2009},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Peter Gilles. Phonetische Online-Materialien beim Erlernen von Lautschrift und in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. In Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung : Tagungsband der 20. Konferenz, Dresden, 21. bis 23. September 2009. - Bd. 1. - Dresden : TUDpress, 2009. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 53), S. 388-395, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Gilles, Peter},
TITLE = {Phonetische Online-Materialien beim Erlernen von Lautschrift und in der Fremdsprachendidaktik},
BOOKTITLE = {Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung : Tagungsband der 20. Konferenz, Dresden, 21. bis 23. September 2009. - Bd. 1. - Dresden : TUDpress, 2009. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 53), S. 388-395},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Peter Gilles. PhonLaF - phonetic online material for Luxembourgish as a foreign language. In PTLC 2009 : proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching & Learning Conference, University College London, August 6-8, 2009. - London, 2009, S. 74-77, 2009. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Gilles, Peter},
TITLE = {PhonLaF - phonetic online material for Luxembourgish as a foreign language},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = { PTLC 2009 : proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching & Learning Conference, University College London, August 6-8, 2009. - London, 2009, S. 74-77},
NOTE = {WB} }
Ingmar Steiner and
Korin Richmond. Towards unsupervised articulatory resynthesis of German utterances using EMA data. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2009 : 6 - 10 September, 2009, Brighton, UK. - Brighton, 2009, S. 2055-2058, 2009. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Richmond, Korin},
TITLE = {Towards unsupervised articulatory resynthesis of German utterances using EMA data},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of Interspeech 2009 : 6 - 10 September, 2009, Brighton, UK. - Brighton, 2009, S. 2055-2058},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
Sascha Fagel and
Eva Lasarcyk. Überlegungen zur Messung von Larynxhöhe. In 5. Jahrestreffen Phonetik und Phonologie : 3. März 2009, Köln, 2009. - Köln, 2009, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Fagel, Sascha and Lasarcyk, Eva},
TITLE = {Überlegungen zur Messung von Larynxhöhe},
BOOKTITLE = {5. Jahrestreffen Phonetik und Phonologie : 3. März 2009, Köln, 2009. - Köln, 2009},
NOTE = {WB} }
Eva Lasarcyk. VocalTractLab als adäquates Entdeckungswerkzeug für Phoonetik und Phonologie. In 5. Jahrestreffen Phonetik und Phonologie : 3. März 2009, Köln, 2009. - Köln, 2009, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva},
TITLE = {VocalTractLab als adäquates Entdeckungswerkzeug für Phoonetik und Phonologie},
BOOKTITLE = {5. Jahrestreffen Phonetik und Phonologie : 3. März 2009, Köln, 2009. - Köln, 2009},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jacques Koreman,
Bistra Andreeva and
William J. Barry. Accentuation cues in French and German. In Speech Prosody 2008 : Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody, May 6-9, Campinas, Brazil. - Campinas, 2008, S. 613-616, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Accentuation cues in French and German},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 2008 : Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody, May 6-9, Campinas, Brazil. - Campinas, 2008, S. 613-616},
NOTE = {WB} }
Anja Moos and
Jürgen Trouvain. Einzelfallstudie zu Grenzen der Verständlichkeit ultra-schneller Sprachsynthese. In Tagungsband der 19. Konferenz, Frankfurt am Main, 8. bis 10. September 2008 ; [ESSV 2008]. - Dresden : TUDpress, 2008, S. 207-214, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Moos, Anja and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Einzelfallstudie zu Grenzen der Verständlichkeit ultra-schneller Sprachsynthese},
BOOKTITLE = {Tagungsband der 19. Konferenz, Frankfurt am Main, 8. bis 10. September 2008 ; [ESSV 2008]. - Dresden : TUDpress, 2008, S. 207-214},
NOTE = {WB} }
Ingmar Steiner and
Korin Richmond. Generating gestural timing from EMA data using articulatory resynthesis. In Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 313-316, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Richmond, Korin},
TITLE = {Generating gestural timing from EMA data using articulatory resynthesis},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 313-316},
NOTE = {WB} }
Michela Russo and
William J. Barry. Isochrony reconsidered : objectifying relations between rhythm measures and speech tempo. In Speech Prosody 2008 : Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody, May 6-9, Campinas, Brazil. - Campinas, 2008, S. 419-422, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Russo, Michela and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Isochrony reconsidered : objectifying relations between rhythm measures and speech tempo},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 2008 : Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody, May 6-9, Campinas, Brazil. - Campinas, 2008, S. 419-422},
NOTE = {WB} }
Oliver Dominika and
Bistra Andreeva. Peak alignment in broad and narrow focus in Polish and Bulgarian: a cross-language study. In Formal description of Slavic languages : the fifth conference, Leipzig 2003 ; [... contributions to the Fifth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-5)]. - Frankfurt, M. [u.a.] : Lang, 2008. - (Linguistik international ; 20, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Dominika, Oliver and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Peak alignment in broad and narrow focus in Polish and Bulgarian: a cross-language study},
BOOKTITLE = { Formal description of Slavic languages : the fifth conference, Leipzig 2003 ; [... contributions to the Fifth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-5)]. - Frankfurt, M. [u.a.] : Lang, 2008. - (Linguistik international ; 20},
NOTE = {WB} }
Anja Moos,
Ingo Hertrich,
Susanne Dietrich,
Jürgen Trouvain and
Hermann Ackermann. Perception of ultra fast speech by a blind listener : does he use his visual system? In Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 297-300, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Moos, Anja and Hertrich, Ingo and Dietrich, Susanne and Trouvain, Jürgen and Ackermann, Hermann},
TITLE = {Perception of ultra fast speech by a blind listener : does he use his visual system?},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 297-300},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jacques Koreman,
William J. Barry and
Marte Kristine Lindseth. Preaspiration and perceived vowel duration in Norwegian. In Proceedings Fonetik 2008 : the XXIst Swedish Phonetics Conference ; June 11–13, 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg. - Gothenburg : Dep. of Linguistics, 2008, S. 25-28, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Barry, William J. and Lindseth, Marte Kristine},
TITLE = {Preaspiration and perceived vowel duration in Norwegian},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Fonetik 2008 : the XXIst Swedish Phonetics Conference ; June 11–13, 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg. - Gothenburg : Dep. of Linguistics, 2008, S. 25-28},
NOTE = {WB} }
Eva Lasarcyk and
Jürgen Trouvain. Spread lips + raised larynx + higher F0 = smiled speech? : an articulatory synthesis approach. In Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 345-348, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Spread lips + raised larynx + higher F0 = smiled speech? : an articulatory synthesis approach},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 345-348},
NOTE = {WB} }
Bistra Andreeva and
Jacques Koreman. The status of vowel devoicing in Bulgarian : phonetic or phonological? In Formal description of Slavic languages : the fifth conference, Leipzig 2003 ; [... contributions to the Fifth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-5)]. - Frankfurt, M. [u.a.] : Lang, 2008. - (Linguistik international ; 20),, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {The status of vowel devoicing in Bulgarian : phonetic or phonological?},
BOOKTITLE = {Formal description of Slavic languages : the fifth conference, Leipzig 2003 ; [... contributions to the Fifth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-5)]. - Frankfurt, M. [u.a.] : Lang, 2008. - (Linguistik international ; 20),},
NOTE = {WB} }
Fabian Brackhane and
Jürgen Trouvain. What makes mama and papa acceptable? : experiments with a replica of von Kempelens speaking machine. In Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 329-332, 0. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Brackhane, Fabian and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {What makes mama and papa acceptable? : experiments with a replica of von Kempelens speaking machine},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ISSP 2008, 8th International Seminar on Speech Production : December 8th to 12th 2008, Strasbourg, France. - Strasbourg, 2008, S. 329-332},
NOTE = {WB} }
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry and
Jacques Koreman. Rhythm-typology revisited. In 32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 23.-26.02.2010, 2010. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Rhythm-typology revisited},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 23.-26.02.2010},
NOTE = {WB} }
Hansjörg Mixdorff,
Bistra Andreeva and
Jacques Koreman. Quantitative modeling of Norwegian tonal accents in different focus conditions. In Speech Prosody 2010 : 5th International Conference ; Chicago, Illinois, May 2010., 2010. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Mixdorff, Hansjörg and Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {Quantitative modeling of Norwegian tonal accents in different focus conditions},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 2010 : 5th International Conference ; Chicago, Illinois, May 2010.},
NOTE = {WB} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Snezhina Dimitrova and
William J. Barry. Prosodic transfer in L2 speech : evidence from phrasal prominence and rhythm in English, Bulgarian and German. In Selected papers of the 13th International Conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies : November 7-9, 2008, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria., Pages 9-19, Sofia St Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2010. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Dimitrova, Snezhina and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Prosodic transfer in L2 speech : evidence from phrasal prominence and rhythm in English, Bulgarian and German},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Selected papers of the 13th International Conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies : November 7-9, 2008, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.},
PAGES = {9-19},
PUBLISHER = {Sofia St Kliment Ohridski University Press},
NOTE = {WB} }
Eva Lasarcyk and
Charlotte Wollermann. Do prosodic cues influence uncertainty perception in articulatory speech synthesis? In Proceedings 7th ISCA Worskhop on Speech Synthesis, September 22-24, 2010, Kyoto, Japan., Pages 23, 2010. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva and Wollermann, Charlotte},
TITLE = {Do prosodic cues influence uncertainty perception in articulatory speech synthesis?},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 7th ISCA Worskhop on Speech Synthesis, September 22-24, 2010, Kyoto, Japan.},
PAGES = {23},
NOTE = {WB} }
Jürgen Trouvain. Affektäußerungen in Sprachkorpora. In Electronic speech signal processing 2010 : proceedings of the 21st conference, Berlin, 8 - 10 September, Vol. 58:64-70 of Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, TUDpress, 2010. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Affektäußerungen in Sprachkorpora},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Electronic speech signal processing 2010 : proceedings of the 21st conference, Berlin, 8 - 10 September},
VOLUME = {58},
PAGES = {64-70},
SERIES = {Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation},
NOTE = {WB} }
Eva Lasarcyk. Acoustics vs. articulation in articulatory speech synthesis : one vocal tract target configuration has more than one sound. In Electronic speech signal processing 2010 : proceedings of the 21st conference, Berlin, 8 - 10 September, Vol. 58:104-111 of Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, TUDpress, 2010. Note: WB.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva},
TITLE = {Acoustics vs. articulation in articulatory speech synthesis : one vocal tract target configuration has more than one sound},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Electronic speech signal processing 2010 : proceedings of the 21st conference, Berlin, 8 - 10 September},
VOLUME = {58},
PAGES = {104-111},
SERIES = {Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation},
NOTE = {WB} }
Stefan Thater,
Hagen Fürstenau and
Manfred Pinkal. Word Meaning in Context: A Simple and Effective Vector Model. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011, Pages 1134–1143, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8-13 November 2011. Note: MP,
ISSN 978-974-466-564-5.
AUTHOR = {Thater, Stefan and Fürstenau, Hagen and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Word Meaning in Context: A Simple and Effective Vector Model},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {8-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011},
PAGES = {1134–1143},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai, Thailand},
ISSN 978-974-466-564-5} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Miroslav Janíček. Using doctrines for human-robot collaboration to guide ethical behavior. In Robot-human teamwork in dynamic adverse environment : papers from the 2011 AAAI Fall Symposium, Pages 26-33, AAAI Press, Arlington, Virginia. - Menlo Park, Calif., 4-6 November 2011. Note: HU,
ISSN: 978-1-577-35549-6.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Janíček, Miroslav},
TITLE = {Using doctrines for human-robot collaboration to guide ethical behavior},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {4-6 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Robot-human teamwork in dynamic adverse environment : papers from the 2011 AAAI Fall Symposium},
PAGES = {26-33},
ADDRESS = {Arlington, Virginia. - Menlo Park, Calif.},
ISSN: 978-1-577-35549-6} }
Mario Gianni,
Panagiotis Papadakis,
Fiora Pirri,
Ming Liu,
Francois Pomerleau,
Francis Colas,
Karel Zimmermann,
Tomas Svoboda,
Tomas Petricek,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Harmish Khambhaita and
Hendrik Zender. A unified framework for planning and execution-monitoring of mobile robots. In
Sanem Sariel-Talay,
Stephen F. Smith and
Nilufer Onder editors, Automated action planning for autonomous mobile robots : papers from the 2011 AAAI Workshop (PAMR), Pages 39-44, AAAI Press, San Francisco, Menlo Park, California, 7 August 2011. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Gianni, Mario and Papadakis, Panagiotis and Pirri, Fiora and Liu, Ming and Pomerleau, Francois and Colas, Francis and Zimmermann, Karel and Svoboda, Tomas and Petricek, Tomas and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Khambhaita, Harmish and Zender, Hendrik},
TITLE = {A unified framework for planning and execution-monitoring of mobile robots},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {7 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Automated action planning for autonomous mobile robots : papers from the 2011 AAAI Workshop (PAMR)},
PAGES = {39-44},
EDITOR = {Sariel-Talay, Sanem and Smith, Stephen F. and Onder, Nilufer},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, Menlo Park, California},
Johannes Hoffart,
Mohamed Amir Yosef,
Ilaria Bordino,
Hagen Fürstenau,
Manfred Pinkal,
Marc Spaniol,
Bilyana Taneva,
Stefan Thater,
Michael Wiegand and
Gerhard Weikum. Robust disambiguation of named entities in text. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2011 (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), proceedings of the conference, Pages 782-792, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 27-31 July 2011. Note: MP,
AUTHOR = {Hoffart, Johannes and Yosef, Mohamed Amir and Bordino, Ilaria and Fürstenau, Hagen and Pinkal, Manfred and Spaniol, Marc and Taneva, Bilyana and Thater, Stefan and Wiegand, Michael and Weikum, Gerhard},
TITLE = {Robust disambiguation of named entities in text},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2011 (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), proceedings of the conference},
PAGES = {782-792},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
978-1-937284-11-4} }
Danijel Skočaj,
Matej Kristan,
Alen Vrečko,
Marko Mahnič,
Miroslav Janíček,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Marc Hanheide,
Nick Hawes,
Thomas Keller,
Michael Zillich and
Kai Zhou. A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor. In
Nancy M. Amato editor, 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems : (IROS 2011), Pages 3387-3394, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ / San Francisco, California, USA, 25-30 September 2011. Note: HU,
AUTHOR = {Skočaj, Danijel and Kristan, Matej and Vrečko, Alen and Mahnič, Marko and Janíček, Miroslav and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Hanheide, Marc and Hawes, Nick and Keller, Thomas and Zillich, Michael and Zhou, Kai},
TITLE = {A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {25-30 September},
BOOKTITLE = {2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems : (IROS 2011)},
PAGES = {3387-3394},
EDITOR = {Amato, Nancy M.},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ / San Francisco, California, USA},
978-1-612-84454-1} }
Harmish Khambhaita,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Matei Mancas,
Mario Gianni,
Panagiotis Papadakis,
Fiora Pirri and
Matia Pizzoli. Help me to help you : how to learn intentions, actions and plans. In
Rajiv Mageswaran editor, Help me help you: bridging the gaps in human-agent collaboration : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; [held March 21 - 23, 2011 at Stanford University, Stanford, California USA] Technical report / Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intel, Pages 30-35, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, Calif., 2011. Note: HU,
AUTHOR = {Khambhaita, Harmish and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Mancas, Matei and Gianni, Mario and Papadakis, Panagiotis and Pirri, Fiora and Pizzoli, Matia},
TITLE = {Help me to help you : how to learn intentions, actions and plans},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Help me help you: bridging the gaps in human-agent collaboration : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; [held March 21 - 23, 2011 at Stanford University, Stanford, California USA] Technical report / Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intel},
PAGES = {30-35},
EDITOR = {Mageswaran, Rajiv},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, Calif.},
978-1-577-35497-0} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and
Miroslav Janíček. Planning and realizing questions in situated human-robot interaction. In Question generation : papers from the 2011 AAAI Fall Symposium [held 4 - 6 November 2011, Arlington, Virginia], Technical report / American Association for Artificial Intelligence ; FS-11-04, Pages 31-33, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, Calif., 2011.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Janíček, Miroslav},
TITLE = {Planning and realizing questions in situated human-robot interaction},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Question generation : papers from the 2011 AAAI Fall Symposium [held 4 - 6 November 2011, Arlington, Virginia], Technical report / American Association for Artificial Intelligence ; FS-11-04},
PAGES = {31-33},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, Calif.},
Benoit Larochelle,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Nanja Smets,
Tina Mioch and
Peter Groenewegen. Establishing human situation awareness using a multi-modal operator control unit in an urban search & rescue human-robot team. In 2011 IEEE RO-MAN : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, [20th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication], Pages 229-234, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 31 July - 3 August 2011. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Larochelle, Benoit and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Smets, Nanja and Mioch, Tina and Groenewegen, Peter},
TITLE = {Establishing human situation awareness using a multi-modal operator control unit in an urban search & rescue human-robot team},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {31 July - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {2011 IEEE RO-MAN : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, [20th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication]},
PAGES = {229-234},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Using MT-based metrics for RTE. In Fourth Text Analysis Conference : (TAC 2011) ; Gaithersburg, MD, United States / National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, Gaithersburg, Md., 14-15 November 2011. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Volokh, Alexander and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Using MT-based metrics for RTE},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {14-15 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Fourth Text Analysis Conference : (TAC 2011) ; Gaithersburg, MD, United States / National Institute of Standards and Technology},
ADDRESS = {Gaithersburg, Md.},
NOTE = {HU} }
Günter Neumann and
Sven Schmeier. A mobile touchable application for online topic graph extraction and exploration of web content. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of system demonstrations ; ACL HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, 21 June, Pages 20–25, ACL, Stroudsburg, 2011. Note: HU,
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {A mobile touchable application for online topic graph extraction and exploration of web content},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of system demonstrations ; ACL HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, 21 June},
PAGES = {20–25},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg},
978-1-932432-90-9} }
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Automatic detection and correction of errors in dependency tree-banks. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference ; ACL HLT 2011 ; June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA., Vol. 2: Short Papers:346-350, ACL, Stroudsburg, 2011. Note: HU,
978-1-932432-88-6 .
AUTHOR = {Volokh, Alexander and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Automatic detection and correction of errors in dependency tree-banks},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference ; ACL HLT 2011 ; June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA.},
VOLUME = {2: Short Papers},
PAGES = {346-350},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg},
978-1-932432-88-6 } }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Combining uncertainty and description logic rule-based reasoning in situation-aware robots. In Logical formalizations of commonsense reasoning : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; [held March 21 - 23, 2011 at Stanford University, Stanford, California USA]. (Technical report / Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ; SS-11-0, Pages 147-150, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, Calif., 2011. Note: HU,
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Combining uncertainty and description logic rule-based reasoning in situation-aware robots},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Logical formalizations of commonsense reasoning : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; [held March 21 - 23, 2011 at Stanford University, Stanford, California USA]. (Technical report / Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ; SS-11-0},
PAGES = {147-150},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, Calif.},
978-1-577-35498-7} }
Michaela Regneri,
Alexander Koller,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Manfred Pinkal. Learning script participants from unlabeled data. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Pages 463-470, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and Koller, Alexander and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Learning script participants from unlabeled data},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {12-14 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing},
PAGES = {463-470},
ADDRESS = {Hissar, Bulgaria},
NOTE = {MP} }
Magdalena Wolska,
Ruth Schreiber and
Dietrich Klakow. A comparative study of intention-level user simulations on the Communicator data. In Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics : LTC-11, Pages 269-273, Poznań, Poland, 25-27 November 2011. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Schreiber, Ruth and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A comparative study of intention-level user simulations on the Communicator data},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {25-27 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics : LTC-11},
PAGES = {269-273},
ADDRESS = {Poznań, Poland},
NOTE = {MP} }
Magdalena Wolska,
Ulrich Schäfer,
Nghia Pham The and
Hans Uszkoreit. Bootstrapping a domain-specific terminological taxonomy from scientific text. In 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence : proceedings of the conference: TIA 2011, Pages 17-23, Paris, France, 8-10 November 2011. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Schäfer, Ulrich and Pham The, Nghia and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Bootstrapping a domain-specific terminological taxonomy from scientific text},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {8-10 November},
BOOKTITLE = {9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence : proceedings of the conference: TIA 2011},
PAGES = {17-23},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
NOTE = {MP} }
Magdalena Wolska and
Sabrina Wilske. Assessing the effect of type-written form-focused dialogues on spoken language fluency. In ISCA International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2011): Venice, Italy, Pages 57-60, 24-26 August 2011. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Wilske, Sabrina},
TITLE = {Assessing the effect of type-written form-focused dialogues on spoken language fluency},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {24-26 August},
BOOKTITLE = {ISCA International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2011): Venice, Italy},
PAGES = {57-60},
NOTE = {MP} }
Magdalena Wolska,
Mihai Grigore and
Michael Kohlhase. Using discourse context to interpret object-denoting mathematical expressions. In DML 2011 : Towards a Digital Mathematics Library : Bertinoro, Italy, Pages 85-101, Brno: Masaryk University, 20-21 July 2011. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Grigore, Mihai and Kohlhase, Michael},
TITLE = {Using discourse context to interpret object-denoting mathematical expressions},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-21 July},
BOOKTITLE = {DML 2011 : Towards a Digital Mathematics Library : Bertinoro, Italy},
PAGES = {85-101},
ADDRESS = {Brno: Masaryk University},
NOTE = {MP} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. A temporal extension of the Hayes/ter Horst entailment rules and a detailed comparison with W3C´s N-ary relations. In Research report / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz ; RR-11-02, DFKI, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {A temporal extension of the Hayes/ter Horst entailment rules and a detailed comparison with W3C´s N-ary relations},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Research report / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz ; RR-11-02},
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An efficient direct implementation of equivalence relations in OWL. In Research report / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz ; RR-11-01, DFKI, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {An efficient direct implementation of equivalence relations in OWL},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Research report / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz ; RR-11-01},
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Bernd Kiefer. Converting CCGs into typed feature structure grammars. In Proceedings of the HPSG 2011 Conference : [Seattle, Wash.], University of Washington, August 22–25, 2011 / 18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Pages 109–125, CSLI Publications, Stanford, Calif., 2011.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Kiefer, Bernd},
TITLE = {Converting CCGs into typed feature structure grammars},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the HPSG 2011 Conference : [Seattle, Wash.], University of Washington, August 22–25, 2011 / 18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
PAGES = {109–125},
ADDRESS = {Stanford, Calif.},
PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An efficient direct implementation of equivalence relations in OWL. In Research report / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz ; RR-11-01, Kaiserslautern ; Saarbrücken ; Bremen, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {An efficient direct implementation of equivalence relations in OWL},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Research report / Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz ; RR-11-01},
ADDRESS = {Kaiserslautern ; Saarbrücken ; Bremen} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Georgios Athanasopoulos,
Aryel Beck,
Piero Cosi,
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl,
Tomas Dekens,
Valentin Enescu,
Antoine Hiolle,
Bernd Kiefer,
Hichem Sahli,
Marc Schröder,
Giacomo Sommavilla,
Fabio Tesser and
Werner Verhelst. An event-based conversational system for the Nao robot. In
Ramón López-Cózar Delgado and
Tetsunori Kobayashi editors, Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop, Pages 125-132, Springer, New York [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN 978-1-4614-1334-9 .
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Athanasopoulos, Georgios and Beck, Aryel and Cosi, Piero and Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto and Dekens, Tomas and Enescu, Valentin and Hiolle, Antoine and Kiefer, Bernd and Sahli, Hichem and Schröder, Marc and Sommavilla, Giacomo and Tesser, Fabio and Verhelst, Werner},
TITLE = {An event-based conversational system for the Nao robot},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop},
PAGES = {125-132},
EDITOR = {Delgado, Ramón López-Cózar and Kobayashi, Tetsunori},
ADDRESS = {New York [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN 978-1-4614-1334-9 } }
Rui Wang. Paraphrase fragment extraction from monolingual comparable corpora. In 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web 2011 : BUCC ; proceedings of the workshop ; ACL HLT 2011, Pages 52-60, ACL, Portland, Oregon, USA. - Stroudsburg, PA, 24 June 2011. Note: ISBN: 9781937284015.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Paraphrase fragment extraction from monolingual comparable corpora},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {24 June},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web 2011 : BUCC ; proceedings of the workshop ; ACL HLT 2011},
PAGES = {52-60},
ADDRESS = {Portland, Oregon, USA. - Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {ISBN: 9781937284015} }
Antske Fokkens. Metagrammar engineering : towards systematic exploration of implemented grammars. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference, Pages 1066-1076, ACL HLT, 19-24 June 2011.
AUTHOR = {Fokkens, Antske},
TITLE = {Metagrammar engineering : towards systematic exploration of implemented grammars},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {19-24 June},
BOOKTITLE = {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference},
PAGES = {1066-1076},
Yu Chen,
Rui Wang and
Yi Zhang. Statistical machine transliteration with multi-to-multi joint source channel model. In NEWS 2011 : 2011 Named Entities Workshop : IJCNLP 2011, Pages 101-105, Asian Federation of Natural Language Proceesing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12 November 2011.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Yu and Wang, Rui and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Statistical machine transliteration with multi-to-multi joint source channel model},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {12 November},
BOOKTITLE = {NEWS 2011 : 2011 Named Entities Workshop : IJCNLP 2011},
PAGES = {101-105},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai, Thailand},
PUBLISHER = {Asian Federation of Natural Language Proceesing} }
Yi Zhang,
Rui Wang and
Yu Chen. Engineering a deep HPSG for Mandarin Chinese. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop On Asian Language Resources collocated with IJCNLP 2011 : ALR9, Pages 18-22, Asian Federation of Natural Language Proceesing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12-13 November 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-565-2 .
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui and Chen, Yu},
TITLE = {Engineering a deep HPSG for Mandarin Chinese},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {12-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th Workshop On Asian Language Resources collocated with IJCNLP 2011 : ALR9},
PAGES = {18-22},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai, Thailand},
PUBLISHER = {Asian Federation of Natural Language Proceesing},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-565-2 } }
Christian Federmann,
Yu Chen,
Sabine Hunsicker and
Rui Wang. DFKI system combination using syntactic information at ML4HMT-2011. In International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation LIHMT, Shared Task on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of Labour in Hybrid Machine Translation, Pages 104-109, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, November 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-615-2995-7 .
AUTHOR = {Federmann, Christian and Chen, Yu and Hunsicker, Sabine and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {DFKI system combination using syntactic information at ML4HMT-2011},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {November},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation LIHMT, Shared Task on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of Labour in Hybrid Machine Translation},
PAGES = {104-109},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona},
PUBLISHER = {Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-615-2995-7 } }
Rui Wang and
Yi Zhang. A multi-dimensional classification approach towards recognizing textual semantic relations. In Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing : 12th international conference, CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, 20-26 February 2011. Note: Poster.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {A multi-dimensional classification approach towards recognizing textual semantic relations},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-26 February},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing : 12th international conference, CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
NOTE = {Poster} }
Feiyu Xu,
Li Hong,
Yi Zhang,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Sebastian Krause. Minimally supervised domain-adaptive parse reranking for relation extraction. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT 2011, Pages 118-128, Dublin City University, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 5-7 October 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-04-6 .
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Hong, Li and Zhang, Yi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krause, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Minimally supervised domain-adaptive parse reranking for relation extraction},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {5-7 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT 2011},
PAGES = {118-128},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
ORGANIZATION = {Dublin City University},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-04-6 } }
Yi Zhang and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Large-scale corpus-driven PCFG approximation of an HPSG. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT 2011, Pages 198-208, Dublin City University, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 5-7 October 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-04-6.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Large-scale corpus-driven PCFG approximation of an HPSG},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {5-7 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT 2011},
PAGES = {198-208},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
ORGANIZATION = {Dublin City University},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-04-6} }
Emily Bender,
Dan Flickinger,
Stephan Oepen and
Yi Zhang. Parser evaluation over local and non-local deep dependencies in a large corpus. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2011; proceedings of the conference, Pages 397-408, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 27-31 July 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-937284-11-4.
AUTHOR = {Bender, Emily and Flickinger, Dan and Oepen, Stephan and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Parser evaluation over local and non-local deep dependencies in a large corpus},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2011; proceedings of the conference},
PAGES = {397-408},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-937284-11-4} }
Hans Uszkoreit. Learning relation extraction grammars with minimal human intervention: strategy, results, insights and plans. In
Alexander Gelbukh editor, Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing : 12th international conference ; proceedings / CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan, February 20 - 26, 2011. - Pt. 1., Pages 106-126, Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-19399-6 .
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Learning relation extraction grammars with minimal human intervention: strategy, results, insights and plans},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing : 12th international conference ; proceedings / CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan, February 20 - 26, 2011. - Pt. 1.},
PAGES = {106-126},
EDITOR = {Gelbukh, Alexander},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-19399-6 } }
Tassilo Barth,
Dietrich Klakow and
Magdalena Wolska. Unsupervised learning of dialogue structure in task-oriented dialogues. In Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics : 5th Language & Technology Conference (LTC´11), Pages 279-283, Poznań, Poland, 25-27 September 2011. Note: MP, DK.
AUTHOR = {Barth, Tassilo and Klakow, Dietrich and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Unsupervised learning of dialogue structure in task-oriented dialogues},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {25-27 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics : 5th Language & Technology Conference (LTC´11)},
PAGES = {279-283},
ADDRESS = {Poznań, Poland},
NOTE = {MP, DK} }
Gzegorz Chrupala. Efficient induction of probabilistic word classes with LDA. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011, Pages 363–372, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8-13 November 2011. Note: DK
ISBN 978-974-466-564-5.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Gzegorz},
TITLE = {Efficient induction of probabilistic word classes with LDA},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {8-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011},
PAGES = {363–372},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai, Thailand},
ISBN 978-974-466-564-5} }
Liang Lu,
Arnab Ghoshal and
Steve Renals. Regularized subspace Gaussian mixture models for cross-lingual speech recognition. In 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding : ASRU 2011 proceedings, Pages 365-370, Piscataway, NJ, 11-15 December 2011. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Lu, Liang and Ghoshal, Arnab and Renals, Steve},
TITLE = {Regularized subspace Gaussian mixture models for cross-lingual speech recognition},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {11-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding : ASRU 2011 proceedings},
PAGES = {365-370},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {DK} }
Dan Povey and
Arnab Ghoshal. The Kaldi speech recognition toolkit. In 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding : ASRU 2011 proceedings, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 11-15 December 2011. Note: DK
AUTHOR = {Povey, Dan and Ghoshal, Arnab},
TITLE = {The Kaldi speech recognition toolkit},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {11-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding : ASRU 2011 proceedings},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
} }
Najib Hadir,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A model-based spectral envelope Wiener filter for perceptually motivated speech enhancement. In Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 213-216, ISCA, Baixas, 27-31 August 2011. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Hadir, Najib and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A model-based spectral envelope Wiener filter for perceptually motivated speech enhancement},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {213-216},
ADDRESS = {Baixas},
NOTE = {DK} }
Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. Trained trigger language model for sentence retrieval in QA : bridging the vocabulary gap. In CIKM´11 : proceedings of the 2011 ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management & co-located workshops..., Pages 2005-2008, ACM, New York, NY, 24-28 October 2011. Note: DK
ISSN: 978-1-450-30717-8.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Trained trigger language model for sentence retrieval in QA : bridging the vocabulary gap},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {24-28 October},
BOOKTITLE = {CIKM´11 : proceedings of the 2011 ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management & co-located workshops...},
PAGES = {2005-2008},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
ISSN: 978-1-450-30717-8} }
Barbara Rauch,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. An analysis of nonstationary variance estimates in the maximum negentropy beamformer. In HSCMA : 2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, Pages 201-206, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 30 May - 1 June 0. Note: DK
ISSN: 978-1-4577-0997-5 .
AUTHOR = {Rauch, Barbara and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {An analysis of nonstationary variance estimates in the maximum negentropy beamformer},
MONTH = {30 May - 1 June},
BOOKTITLE = {HSCMA : 2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays},
PAGES = {201-206},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
ISSN: 978-1-4577-0997-5 } }
Friedrich Faubel,
Munir Georges,
Kenichi Kunatami,
Dietrich Klakow and
Andres Bruhn. Improving hands-free speech recognition in a car through audio-visual voice activity detection. In HSCMA : 2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, Pages 70-75, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 30 May - 1 June 0. Note: DK
ISSN: 978-1-4577-0997-5 .
AUTHOR = {Faubel, Friedrich and Georges, Munir and Kunatami, Kenichi and Klakow, Dietrich and Bruhn, Andres},
TITLE = {Improving hands-free speech recognition in a car through audio-visual voice activity detection},
MONTH = {30 May - 1 June},
BOOKTITLE = {HSCMA : 2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays},
PAGES = {70-75},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
ISSN: 978-1-4577-0997-5 } }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. The role of predicates in opinion holder extraction. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Extraction and Knowledge Acquisition, Pages 13-20, INCOMA, Shoumen, 16-16 September 2011. Note: DK
ISSN: 978-954-452018-2.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The role of predicates in opinion holder extraction},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {16-16 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Extraction and Knowledge Acquisition},
PAGES = {13-20},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
ISSN: 978-954-452018-2} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Prototypical opinion holders : what we can learn from experts and analysts. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Pages 282-288, INCOMA, Shoumen, 12-14 September 2011. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Prototypical opinion holders : what we can learn from experts and analysts},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {12-14 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing},
PAGES = {282-288},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Convolution kernels for subjectivity detection. In Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011, Pages 254-261, Tartu, 11-13 May 2011. Note: DK
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Convolution kernels for subjectivity detection},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {11-13 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011},
PAGES = {254-261},
SERIES = {NEALT proceeding series},
ADDRESS = {Tartu},
} }
Fang Xu,
Stefan Kazalski,
Gzegorz Chrupala,
Benjamin Roth,
Xujian Zhao,
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Saarland University Spoken Language Systems Group at TAC KBP 2011. In Fourth Text Analysis Conference, NIST, Gaithersburg, 14-15 November 2011. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Fang and Kazalski, Stefan and Chrupala, Gzegorz and Roth, Benjamin and Zhao, Xujian and Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Saarland University Spoken Language Systems Group at TAC KBP 2011},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {14-15 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Fourth Text Analysis Conference},
ADDRESS = {Gaithersburg},
NOTE = {DK} }
Klüwer Tina,
Peter Adolphs,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. A dialogue system for conversational NPCs. In Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop, Pages 357-363, Springer, New York [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4614-1334-9.
AUTHOR = {Tina, Klüwer and Adolphs, Peter and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {A dialogue system for conversational NPCs},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop},
KEY = {KlüAU2011},
PAGES = {357-363},
ADDRESS = {New York [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4614-1334-9} }
Peter Adolphs,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Dependency graphs as a generic interface between parsers and relation extraction rule learning. In KI 2011: advances in artificial intelligence : 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4 - 7, 2011, Pages 50-62, Springer, Heidelberg [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-24454-4 .
AUTHOR = {Adolphs, Peter and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Dependency graphs as a generic interface between parsers and relation extraction rule learning},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2011: advances in artificial intelligence : 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4 - 7, 2011},
PAGES = {50-62},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-24454-4 } }
Peter Adolphs,
Anton Benz,
Nuria Bertomeu,
Xiwen Cheng,
Tina Klüwer,
Olga Kukina,
Manfred Krifka,
Alexandra Strekalova,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. Conversational agents in a virtual world. In KI 2011: advances in artificial intelligence : 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4 - 7, 2011, Pages S. 38-49, Springer, Heidelberg [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-24454-4 .
AUTHOR = {Adolphs, Peter and Benz, Anton and Bertomeu, Nuria and Cheng, Xiwen and Klüwer, Tina and Kukina, Olga and Krifka, Manfred and Strekalova, Alexandra and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Conversational agents in a virtual world},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2011: advances in artificial intelligence : 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4 - 7, 2011},
PAGES = {S. 38-49},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-24454-4 } }
Li Hong,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. META-DARE : monitoring the minimally supervised ML of relation extraction rules. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September , 2011 [RANLP 2011], Pages 378-384, INCOMA, Shoumen, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Hong, Li and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {META-DARE : monitoring the minimally supervised ML of relation extraction rules},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September , 2011 [RANLP 2011]},
PAGES = {378-384},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
Li Hong,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Minimally supervised rule learning for the extraction of biographic information from various social domains. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011], Pages 17-24, INCOMA, Shoumen, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Hong, Li and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Minimally supervised rule learning for the extraction of biographic information from various social domains},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011]},
PAGES = {17-24},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
Li Hong,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. TechWatchTool : innovation and trend monitoring. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011], Pages 660-665, INCOMA, Shoumen, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Hong, Li and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {TechWatchTool : innovation and trend monitoring},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011]},
PAGES = {660-665},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Christian Federmann and
Hans Uszkoreit. Hybrid machine translation for German in taraXÜ : can translation costs be decreased without degrading quality? In Multilingual resources and multilingual applications : proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. Sonderforschungsbereich Mehrsprachigkeit, (Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit / Folge, Pages 93-98, Univ. Hamburg, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Federmann, Christian and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Hybrid machine translation for German in taraXÜ : can translation costs be decreased without degrading quality?},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Multilingual resources and multilingual applications : proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. Sonderforschungsbereich Mehrsprachigkeit, (Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit / Folge},
PAGES = {93-98},
PUBLISHER = {Univ. Hamburg} }
Xu Jia,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Casey Kennington,
David Vilar and
Xiaojun Zhang. DFKI hybrid machine translation system for WMT 2011 : on the integration of SMT and RBMT. In SixthWorkshop on Statistical Machine Translation : WMT 2011 ; proceedings of the workshop, Pages 485-489, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 30-31 July 2011.
AUTHOR = {Jia, Xu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Kennington, Casey and Vilar, David and Zhang, Xiaojun},
TITLE = {DFKI hybrid machine translation system for WMT 2011 : on the integration of SMT and RBMT},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {30-31 July},
BOOKTITLE = {SixthWorkshop on Statistical Machine Translation : WMT 2011 ; proceedings of the workshop},
PAGES = {485-489},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
Peter Adolphs,
Martin Theobald,
Ulrich Schäfer,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Gerhard Weikum. YAGO-QA : answering questions by structured knowledge queries. In Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2011) : Palo Alto, California, USA, Pages 158-161, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 18-21 September 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7695-4492-2 .
AUTHOR = {Adolphs, Peter and Theobald, Martin and Schäfer, Ulrich and Uszkoreit, Hans and Weikum, Gerhard},
TITLE = {YAGO-QA : answering questions by structured knowledge queries},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {18-21 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2011) : Palo Alto, California, USA},
PAGES = {158-161},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7695-4492-2 } }
Cailing Dong and
Ulrich Schäfer. Ensemble-style self-training on citation classification. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011, Pages 623-631, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8-13 November 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5.
AUTHOR = {Dong, Cailing and Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {Ensemble-style self-training on citation classification},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {8-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011},
PAGES = {623-631},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai, Thailand},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5} }
Ulrich Schäfer and
Bernd Kiefer. Advances in deep parsing of scholarly paper content. In
Raffaella Bernardi,
Sally Chambers,
Björn Gottfried,
Frédérique Segond and
Ilya Zaihrayeu editors, Advanced language technologies for digital libraries : international workshops on NLP4DL 2009, Viareggio, Italy, June 15, 2009 and AT4DL 2009, Trento, Italy, September 8, 2009. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 6699 : Hot topics), Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-23159-9.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Kiefer, Bernd},
TITLE = {Advances in deep parsing of scholarly paper content},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Advanced language technologies for digital libraries : international workshops on NLP4DL 2009, Viareggio, Italy, June 15, 2009 and AT4DL 2009, Trento, Italy, September 8, 2009. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 6699 : Hot topics)},
EDITOR = {Bernardi, Raffaella and Chambers, Sally and Gottfried, Björn and Segond, Frédérique and Zaihrayeu, Ilya},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-23159-9} }
Ulrich Schäfer,
Bernd Kiefer,
Christian Spurk,
Jörg Steffen and
Rui Wang. The ACL Anthology Searchbench. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of system demonstrations ; ACL HLT 2011 ; 21 June 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, Pages 7-13, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-90-9.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Kiefer, Bernd and Spurk, Christian and Steffen, Jörg and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {The ACL Anthology Searchbench},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of system demonstrations ; ACL HLT 2011 ; 21 June 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA},
PAGES = {7-13},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-90-9} }
Tania Avgustinova. Comprehensive minimal dependency approach to lean annotation of morphosyntactic phenomena. In
Julijana Stojanova editor, Psichologija i lingvistika : sbornik statii v čest na prof. Enčo Gerganov, Pages 221-239, Sofija : Prosveta, 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-954-01-2552-7.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Comprehensive minimal dependency approach to lean annotation of morphosyntactic phenomena},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Psichologija i lingvistika : sbornik statii v čest na prof. Enčo Gerganov},
PAGES = {221-239},
EDITOR = {Stojanova, Julijana},
ADDRESS = {Sofija : Prosveta},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-954-01-2552-7} }
Tania Avgustinova. Parallel construction of Slavic grammatical resources. In
A.E. Kibrik and
Et Al editors, Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: DIALOG 2011, Vol. 10(17):41-50, Russian State Humanitarian University, Moscow, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Parallel construction of Slavic grammatical resources.},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: DIALOG 2011},
VOLUME = {10},
NUMBER = {17},
PAGES = {41-50},
EDITOR = {Kibrik, A.E. and Al, Et},
ADDRESS = {Moscow},
PUBLISHER = {Russian State Humanitarian University} }
Kostadin Cholakov,
Gertjan van Noord,
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. An empirical comparison of unknown word prediction methods. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011, Pages 767–775, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8-13 November 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5.
AUTHOR = {Cholakov, Kostadin and Noord, Gertjan van and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {An empirical comparison of unknown word prediction methods},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {8-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011},
PAGES = {767–775},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai, Thailand},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5} }
Kostadin Cholakov,
Gertjan van Noord,
Valia Kordoni and
Yi Zhang. Adaptability of lexical acquisition for large-scale grammars. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria [RANLP 2011], Pages 355-362, INCOMA, Shoumen, 12-14 September 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5.
AUTHOR = {Cholakov, Kostadin and Noord, Gertjan van and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Adaptability of lexical acquisition for large-scale grammars},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {12-14 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria [RANLP 2011]},
PAGES = {355-362},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5} }
Antske Fokkens,
Yi Zhang and
Emily Bender. Spring cleaning and grammar compression : two techniques for detection of redundancy in HPSG grammars. In Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation : PACLIC 25 ; 16-18 December 2011, Singapore, Singapore, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Fokkens, Antske and Zhang, Yi and Bender, Emily},
TITLE = {Spring cleaning and grammar compression : two techniques for detection of redundancy in HPSG grammars},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation : PACLIC 25 ; 16-18 December 2011, Singapore},
ADDRESS = {Singapore} }
Heiner Drenhaus,
Andrea Weber and
Matthew W. Crocker. Visually grounded expectations influence semantic integration : an ERP (event related brain potentials) study on situated language. In XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience : (ICON XI) - Palma, Poster session, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, 25-29 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Drenhaus, Heiner and Weber, Andrea and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Visually grounded expectations influence semantic integration : an ERP (event related brain potentials) study on situated language},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {25-29 September},
BOOKTITLE = {XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience : (ICON XI) - Palma, Poster session},
ADDRESS = {Palma, Mallorca, Spain} }
Florian Niefind,
Heiner Drenhaus and
Matthew W. Crocker. The influence of discourse events on verb integration and noun expectations : an ERP study on German. In XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience : (ICON XI) - Palma, Poster session, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, 25-29 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Niefind, Florian and Drenhaus, Heiner and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The influence of discourse events on verb integration and noun expectations : an ERP study on German},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {25-29 September},
BOOKTITLE = {XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience : (ICON XI) - Palma, Poster session},
ADDRESS = {Palma, Mallorca, Spain} }
Pirita Pyykkönen,
Heiner Drenhaus and
Matthew W. Crocker. Expectations of discourse salience : an ERP study of argument order preferences for ditransitive verbs. In 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France, Paris, 1-3 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita and Drenhaus, Heiner and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Expectations of discourse salience : an ERP study of argument order preferences for ditransitive verbs},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {1-3 September},
BOOKTITLE = {17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Heiner Drenhaus,
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. When gaze makes a difference : a comparative ERP study of gaze and arrow cues during sentence comprehension. In 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France, Paris, 1-3 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Drenhaus, Heiner and Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {When gaze makes a difference : a comparative ERP study of gaze and arrow cues during sentence comprehension},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {1-3 September},
BOOKTITLE = {17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Florian Niefind,
Heiner Drenhaus and
Matthew W. Crocker. Discourse events influence verb integration and argument prediction : evidence from ERPs. In 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France, Paris, 1-3 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Niefind, Florian and Drenhaus, Heiner and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Discourse events influence verb integration and argument prediction : evidence from ERPs},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {1-3 September},
BOOKTITLE = {17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Sophie Repp and
Heiner Drenhaus. Working memory effects of information structure in German left dislocation (GLD) In 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France, Paris, 1-3 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Repp, Sophie and Drenhaus, Heiner},
TITLE = {Working memory effects of information structure in German left dislocation (GLD)},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {1-3 September},
BOOKTITLE = {17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Afra Alishahi and
Pirita Pyykkönen. Effects of linguistic cues in learning verbs and nouns : a computational study of early word learning. In 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France, Paris, 1-3 September 2011.
AUTHOR = {Alishahi, Afra and Pyykkönen, Pirita},
TITLE = {Effects of linguistic cues in learning verbs and nouns : a computational study of early word learning},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {1-3 September},
BOOKTITLE = {17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : (AMLaP) ; Paris, France},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Matthew W. Crocker,
Florian Niefind and
Heiner Drenhaus. The influence of discourse context on verb integration and argument prediction : evidence from ERPs. In Neurobiology of Language Conference : Westin Annapolis in Annapolis, MD, USA, Annapolis, MD, 2011. Note: Poster.
AUTHOR = {Crocker, Matthew W. and Niefind, Florian and Drenhaus, Heiner},
TITLE = {The influence of discourse context on verb integration and argument prediction : evidence from ERPs},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Neurobiology of Language Conference : Westin Annapolis in Annapolis, MD, USA},
ADDRESS = {Annapolis, MD},
NOTE = {Poster} }
Maria Staudte,
Alexis Heloir,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Michael Kipp. On the importance of gaze and speech alignment for efficient communication. In Proceedings of the 9th International Gesture Workshop, Pages 105-108, Athens, 25-27 May 2011.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Heloir, Alexis and Crocker, Matthew W. and Kipp, Michael},
TITLE = {On the importance of gaze and speech alignment for efficient communication},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {25-27 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Gesture Workshop},
PAGES = {105-108},
ADDRESS = {Athens} }
Maria Staudte,
Alexis Heloir,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Michael Kipp. Speaker gaze affects utterance comprehension beyond visual attention shifts. In Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts, Pages 2745-2750, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, Texas, 20-23 July 2011.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Heloir, Alexis and Crocker, Matthew W. and Kipp, Michael},
TITLE = {Speaker gaze affects utterance comprehension beyond visual attention shifts},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-23 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts},
PAGES = {2745-2750},
ADDRESS = {Austin, Texas},
PUBLISHER = {Cognitive Science Society} }
Judith Köhne and
Matthew W. Crocker. The interplay of multiple mechanisms in word learning. In Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts, Pages 1930-1935, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, Texas, 20-23 July 2011.
AUTHOR = {Köhne, Judith and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The interplay of multiple mechanisms in word learning},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-23 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts},
PAGES = {1930-1935},
ADDRESS = {Austin, Texas},
PUBLISHER = {Cognitive Science Society} }
Jan Svantner,
Igor Farkas and
Matthew W. Crocker. Modeling utterance-mediated attention in situated language comprehension. In Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts, Pages 1930-1935, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, Texas, 20-23 July 2011.
AUTHOR = {Svantner, Jan and Farkas, Igor and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Modeling utterance-mediated attention in situated language comprehension},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-23 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts},
PAGES = {1930-1935},
ADDRESS = {Austin, Texas},
PUBLISHER = {Cognitive Science Society} }
Garance Paris and
Matthew W. Crocker. Investigating the transfer of gender categories in L2-learners. In 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism : Oslo, Norway. Poster session P4, Oslo, 15-18 June 2011.
AUTHOR = {Paris, Garance and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Investigating the transfer of gender categories in L2-learners},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {15-18 June},
BOOKTITLE = { 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism : Oslo, Norway. Poster session P4},
ADDRESS = {Oslo} }
Garance Paris,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Marshall R. Mayberry. Modeling the effect of lexico-syntactic gender on spoken-word recognition. In Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts, Pages 3541-3546, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, Texas, 20-23 July 2011.
AUTHOR = {Paris, Garance and Crocker, Matthew W. and Mayberry, Marshall R.},
TITLE = {Modeling the effect of lexico-syntactic gender on spoken-word recognition},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-23 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts},
PAGES = {3541-3546},
ADDRESS = {Austin, Texas},
PUBLISHER = {Cognitive Science Society} }
Afra Alishahi and
Pirita Pyykkönen. The onset of syntactic bootstrapping in word learning : evidence from a computational study. In Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts, Pages 587-592, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, Texas, 20-23 July 2011.
AUTHOR = {Alishahi, Afra and Pyykkönen, Pirita},
TITLE = {The onset of syntactic bootstrapping in word learning : evidence from a computational study},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {20-23 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Expanding the space of cognitive science : proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society ; Boston, Massachusetts},
PAGES = {587-592},
ADDRESS = {Austin, Texas},
PUBLISHER = {Cognitive Science Society} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Raveesh Meena and
Pirita Pyykkönen. Perception of visual scene and intonation patterns of robot utterances. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : March 6 - 9, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland, Pages 173-174, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Meena, Raveesh and Pyykkönen, Pirita},
TITLE = {Perception of visual scene and intonation patterns of robot utterances},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction : March 6 - 9, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland},
PAGES = {173-174},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computing Machinery} }
Pirita Pyykkönen and
Matthew W. Crocker. Linguistically and visually driven attention in multimodal change detection tasks. In ECEM 2011 : 16th European Conference on Eye Movements ; 21-25 August, 2011, Université de Provence, Marseille, France ; conference abstracts, Pages 163, Paris, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Linguistically and visually driven attention in multimodal change detection tasks},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {ECEM 2011 : 16th European Conference on Eye Movements ; 21-25 August, 2011, Université de Provence, Marseille, France ; conference abstracts},
PAGES = {163},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Pirita Pyykkönen and
Juhani Järvikivi. Children´s and adults´ visually situated pronoun comprehension. In Social, genetic and cognitive determinants in the acquisition and development of language : IASCL 2011 ; The International Association for the Study of Child Language ; 12th Congress ; 19 – 23 July, 2011, Montréal, Canada, Pages 170-171, Montréal, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita and Järvikivi, Juhani},
TITLE = {Children´s and adults´ visually situated pronoun comprehension},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Social, genetic and cognitive determinants in the acquisition and development of language : IASCL 2011 ; The International Association for the Study of Child Language ; 12th Congress ; 19 – 23 July, 2011, Montréal, Canada},
PAGES = {170-171},
ADDRESS = {Montréal} }
Juhani Järvikivi,
Pirita Pyykkönen,
Sarah Schimke,
Saveria Colonna and
Barbara Hemford. Information structure cues in children´s pronoun comprehension. In Social, genetic and cognitive determinants in the acquisition and development of language : IASCL 2011 ; The International Association for the Study of Child Language ; 12th Congress ; 19 – 23 July, 2011, Montréal, Canada, Pages 170-171, Montréal, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Järvikivi, Juhani and Pyykkönen, Pirita and Schimke, Sarah and Colonna, Saveria and Hemford, Barbara},
TITLE = {Information structure cues in children´s pronoun comprehension},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Social, genetic and cognitive determinants in the acquisition and development of language : IASCL 2011 ; The International Association for the Study of Child Language ; 12th Congress ; 19 – 23 July, 2011, Montréal, Canada},
PAGES = {170-171},
ADDRESS = {Montréal} }
Chenhua Chen,
Alexis Palmer and
Caroline Sporleder. Enhancing active learning for semantic role labeling via compressed dependency trees. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011 ; Chiang Mai, Thailand, Pages 183–191, Chiang Mai, 8-13 November 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5.
AUTHOR = {Chen, Chenhua and Palmer, Alexis and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Enhancing active learning for semantic role labeling via compressed dependency trees},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {8-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP 2011 ; Chiang Mai, Thailand},
PAGES = {183–191},
ADDRESS = {Chiang Mai},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-974-466-564-5} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Philip Gorinski and
Caroline Sporleder. In search of missing arguments : a linguistic approach. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011], Pages 331-338, INCOMA, Shoumen, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Gorinski, Philip and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {In search of missing arguments : a linguistic approach},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011]},
PAGES = {331-338},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
Alexis Palmer,
Afra Alishahi and
Caroline Sporleder. Robust semantic analysis for unseen data in FrameNet. In Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011], Pages 331-338, INCOMA, Shoumen, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Palmer, Alexis and Alishahi, Afra and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Robust semantic analysis for unseen data in FrameNet},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011]},
PAGES = {331-338},
ADDRESS = {Shoumen},
Caroline Sporleder,
Antal Van den Bosch and
Kalliopi Zervanou. Language technology for cultural heritage, social sciences and humanities : chances and challenges. In
Caroline Sporleder,
Antal Van den Bosch and
Kalliopi Zervanou editors, Language technology for cultural heritage : selected papers from the LaTeCH workshop series. (Theory and applications of natural language processing), ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-20226-1
Quelle: Language technology for cultural heritage : selected papers from the LaTeCH workshop series. - Berlin [u.a.]. - (Theory and applications of natural language processing), Pages XXI-XXXI, Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-20226-1 .
AUTHOR = {Sporleder, Caroline and Van den Bosch, Antal and Zervanou, Kalliopi},
TITLE = {Language technology for cultural heritage, social sciences and humanities : chances and challenges},
YEAR = {2011},
JOURNAL = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-20226-1
Quelle: Language technology for cultural heritage : selected papers from the LaTeCH workshop series. - Berlin [u.a.]. - (Theory and applications of natural language processing)},
BOOKTITLE = {Language technology for cultural heritage : selected papers from the LaTeCH workshop series. (Theory and applications of natural language processing)},
EDITOR = {Sporleder, Caroline and Van den Bosch, Antal and Zervanou, Kalliopi},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-20226-1 } }
Anselmo Peñas,
Eduard Hovy,
Pamela Forner,
Àlvaro Rodrigo,
Richard Sutcliffe,
Corina Forascu and
Caroline Sporleder. Overview of QA4MRE at CLEF 2011 : question answering for machine reading evaluation. In CLEF 2011 Labs and Workshop : notebook papers ; 19-22 September, Amsterdam. [Elektronische Ressource], Amsterdam, 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-904810-1-7 .
AUTHOR = {Peñas, Anselmo and Hovy, Eduard and Forner, Pamela and Rodrigo, Àlvaro and Sutcliffe, Richard and Forascu, Corina and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Overview of QA4MRE at CLEF 2011 : question answering for machine reading evaluation},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {CLEF 2011 Labs and Workshop : notebook papers ; 19-22 September, Amsterdam. [Elektronische Ressource]},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-904810-1-7 } }
Vera Demberg and
Asad Sayeed. Linguistic cognitive load : implications for automotive UIs. In Adjunct proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications : ... Workshop Cognitive Load and In-Vehicle Human-Machine Interaction ; November 29—December 2, Pages 126-129, Salzburg, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera and Sayeed, Asad},
TITLE = {Linguistic cognitive load : implications for automotive UIs},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Adjunct proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications : ... Workshop Cognitive Load and In-Vehicle Human-Machine Interaction ; November 29—December 2},
PAGES = {126-129},
ADDRESS = {Salzburg} }
Vera Demberg,
Frank Keller and
Roger Levy. Explaining the relative clause asymmetry (Poster) In Poster abstracts : CUNY 2011 ; Stanford, Palo Alto, USA, March 24-26, 2011 / 24th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Stanford, Calif., 2011.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera and Keller, Frank and Levy, Roger},
TITLE = {Explaining the relative clause asymmetry (Poster)},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = { Poster abstracts : CUNY 2011 ; Stanford, Palo Alto, USA, March 24-26, 2011 / 24th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {Stanford, Calif.} }
Asad Sayeed,
Bryan Rusk,
Martin Petrov,
Hieu C. Nguyen,
Timothy J. Meyer and
Amy Weinberg. Crowdsourcing syntactic relatedness judgements for opinion mining in the study of information technology adoption. In Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities : LaTeCH ; proceedings of the workshop ; ACL HLT 2011 ; 24 June, 2011 Portland, Oregon, USA, Pages 69-77, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Sayeed, Asad and Rusk, Bryan and Petrov, Martin and Nguyen, Hieu C. and Meyer, Timothy J. and Weinberg, Amy},
TITLE = {Crowdsourcing syntactic relatedness judgements for opinion mining in the study of information technology adoption},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities : LaTeCH ; proceedings of the workshop ; ACL HLT 2011 ; 24 June, 2011 Portland, Oregon, USA},
PAGES = {69-77},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
Ivan Titov and
Alexandre Klementiev. A Bayesian model for unsupervised semantic parsing. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference ; ACL HLT 2011 ; June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. - Vol. 1 : Long papers, Pages 1445-1455, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Klementiev, Alexandre},
TITLE = {A Bayesian model for unsupervised semantic parsing},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference ; ACL HLT 2011 ; June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. - Vol. 1 : Long papers},
PAGES = {1445-1455},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
Ivan Titov. Domain adaptation by constraining inter-domain variability of latent feature representation. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference ; ACL HLT 2011 ; June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. - Vol. 1 : Long papers, Pages 62-71, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 2011.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Domain adaptation by constraining inter-domain variability of latent feature representation},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : proceedings of the conference ; ACL HLT 2011 ; June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. - Vol. 1 : Long papers},
PAGES = {62-71},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
Jürgen Trouvain. Zur Wahrnehmung von manipuliertem Weinen als Lachen. In
Bernd J. Kröger and
Peter Birkholz editors, Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2011 : Tagungsband der 22. Konferenz, Aachen, 28. – 30. September 2011. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 61), Pages 253-260, TUDpress, Dresden, 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-942710-37-4.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Zur Wahrnehmung von manipuliertem Weinen als Lachen},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2011 : Tagungsband der 22. Konferenz, Aachen, 28. – 30. September 2011. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 61)},
PAGES = {253-260},
EDITOR = {Kröger, Bernd J. and Birkholz, Peter},
ADDRESS = {Dresden},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-942710-37-4} }
Jürgen Trouvain. Between excitement and triumph - live football commentaries in radio vs. TV. In Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China, Pages 2022-2025, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Between excitement and triumph - live football commentaries in radio vs. TV},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {17-21 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {2022-2025},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Fabian Brackhane. Wolfgang von Kempelen´s speaking machine as an instrument for demonstration and research. In Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China, Pages 164-167, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Brackhane, Fabian},
TITLE = {Wolfgang von Kempelen´s speaking machine as an instrument for demonstration and research},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {17-21 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {164-167},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong} }
Ingo Hertrich,
Susanne Dietrich,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Anja Moos and
Hermann Ackermann. Magnetic brain activity tracing the perceived speech signal regarding envelope, syllable onsets, and pitch periodicity. In Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China, Pages 863-866, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Hertrich, Ingo and Dietrich, Susanne and Trouvain, Jürgen and Moos, Anja and Ackermann, Hermann},
TITLE = {Magnetic brain activity tracing the perceived speech signal regarding envelope, syllable onsets, and pitch periodicity},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {17-21 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {863-866},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong} }
Bistra Andreeva and
Magdalena Wolska. The Fortis-Lenis distinction in Bulgarian and German. In Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy, Pages 2669-2672, ISCA, Baixas, 27-31 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {The Fortis-Lenis distinction in Bulgarian and German},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy},
PAGES = {2669-2672},
ADDRESS = {Baixas},
Denis Arnold,
Bernd Möbius and
Petra Wagner. Comparing word and syllable prominence rated by naive listeners. In Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy, Pages 1877-1880, ISCA, Baixas, 27-31 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Arnold, Denis and Möbius, Bernd and Wagner, Petra},
TITLE = {Comparing word and syllable prominence rated by naive listeners},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy},
PAGES = {1877-1880},
ADDRESS = {Baixas},
Katrin Schneider,
Grzegorz Dogil and
Bernd Möbius. Reaction time and decision difficulty in the perception of intonation. In Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy, Pages 2221-2224, ISCA, Baixas, 27-31 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Schneider, Katrin and Dogil, Grzegorz and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Reaction time and decision difficulty in the perception of intonation},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy},
PAGES = {2221-2224},
ADDRESS = {Baixas},
Britta Lintfert,
Antje Schweitzer and
Bernd Möbius. A parametric approach to intonation acquisition research : validation on child-directed speech data. In Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy, Pages 757-760, ISCA, Baixas, 27-31 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Lintfert, Britta and Schweitzer, Antje and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {A parametric approach to intonation acquisition research : validation on child-directed speech data},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy},
PAGES = {757-760},
ADDRESS = {Baixas},
Denis Arnold,
Petra Wagner and
Bernd Möbius. Evaluating different rating scales for obtaining judgments of syllable prominence from naive listeners. In Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China, Pages 252-255, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Arnold, Denis and Wagner, Petra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Evaluating different rating scales for obtaining judgments of syllable prominence from naive listeners},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {17-21 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {252-255},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong} }
Maria Barros and
Bernd Möbius. Phonetically transcribed speech corpus designed for context based European Portuguese TTS. In
Zygmunt Vetulani editor, Human language technology : challenges for computer science and linguistics ; revised selected papers / 4th Language and Technology Conference, LTC 2009, Poznań, Poland, November 6 - 8, 2009. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 6562 Lecture notes in, Pages 12-23, Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-20094-6.
AUTHOR = {Barros, Maria and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Phonetically transcribed speech corpus designed for context based European Portuguese TTS},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Human language technology : challenges for computer science and linguistics ; revised selected papers / 4th Language and Technology Conference, LTC 2009, Poznań, Poland, November 6 - 8, 2009. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 6562 Lecture notes in},
PAGES = {12-23},
EDITOR = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-20094-6} }
William J. Barry and
Bistra Andreeva. Is it important for communication which parameters signal accentuation? In Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China, Pages 288-291, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Barry, William J. and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Is it important for communication which parameters signal accentuation?},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {17-21 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {288-291},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong} }
Tino Haderlein,
Cornelia Moers,
Bernd Möbius,
Frank Rosanowski and
Elmar Nöth. Intelligibility rating with automatic speech recognition, prosodic, and cepstral evaluation. In
Ivan Habernal and
Václav Matousek editors, Text, speech and dialogue : 14th international conference ; proceedings / TSD 2011, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 1 - 5, 2011. - (Lecture notes in computer science; 6836 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 195-202, Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2011. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-23537-5 .
AUTHOR = {Haderlein, Tino and Moers, Cornelia and Möbius, Bernd and Rosanowski, Frank and Nöth, Elmar},
TITLE = {Intelligibility rating with automatic speech recognition, prosodic, and cepstral evaluation},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Text, speech and dialogue : 14th international conference ; proceedings / TSD 2011, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 1 - 5, 2011. - (Lecture notes in computer science; 6836 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {195-202},
EDITOR = {Habernal, Ivan and Matousek, Václav},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-23537-5 } }
Manfred Pützer and
Jean Richard Moringlane. Instrumental and perceptual evaluation of voice quality in multiple sclerosis patients treated with deep brain stimulation for intention tremor and upper limb ataxia. In Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China, Pages 1650-1653, Hong Kong, 17-21 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Moringlane, Jean Richard},
TITLE = {Instrumental and perceptual evaluation of voice quality in multiple sclerosis patients treated with deep brain stimulation for intention tremor and upper limb ataxia},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {17-21 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) : Hong Kong, China},
PAGES = {1650-1653},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong} }
Manfred Pützer and
Ina Blanc-Janus. Caractéristiques phonétiques de la phonation dans un cas de dysphonie spasmodique. In 4èmes Journées de phonétique clinique : JPC4, Strasbourg, France, Strasbourg, 19-21 May 2011.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Blanc-Janus, Ina},
TITLE = {Caractéristiques phonétiques de la phonation dans un cas de dysphonie spasmodique},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {19-21 May},
BOOKTITLE = {4èmes Journées de phonétique clinique : JPC4, Strasbourg, France},
ADDRESS = {Strasbourg} }
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Manfred Pützer. Acceleration sensor measurements of vibrations of the larynx in patients with vocal fold adduction deficiencies. In
Claudia Manfredi editor, Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 7th international workshop [MAVEBA 2011]; Firenze, (Proceedings e report ; 77), Pages 191-194, Firenze Univ. Press, Firenze, 25-27 August 0. Note: ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6655-009-9.
AUTHOR = {Wokurek, Wolfgang and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Acceleration sensor measurements of vibrations of the larynx in patients with vocal fold adduction deficiencies},
MONTH = {25-27 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 7th international workshop [MAVEBA 2011]; Firenze, (Proceedings e report ; 77)},
PAGES = {191-194},
EDITOR = {Manfredi, Claudia},
ADDRESS = {Firenze},
PUBLISHER = {Firenze Univ. Press},
NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6655-009-9} }
Barbara Samlowski,
Bernd Möbius and
Petra Wagner. Comparing syllable frequencies in corpora of written and spoken language. In Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy, Pages 637-640, ISCA, Baixas, 27-31 August 2011.
AUTHOR = {Samlowski, Barbara and Möbius, Bernd and Wagner, Petra},
TITLE = {Comparing syllable frequencies in corpora of written and spoken language},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2011 : 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association ; Florence, Italy},
PAGES = {637-640},
ADDRESS = {Baixas},
Alexander Koller,
Konstantina Garoufi,
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. Enhancing referential success by tracking hearer gaze. In 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue : SIGdial 2012, Pages 30-39, ACL, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 5-6 July 2012. Note: MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Garoufi, Konstantina and Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Enhancing referential success by tracking hearer gaze},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {5-6 July},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue : SIGdial 2012},
PAGES = {30-39},
ADDRESS = {Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea},
NOTE = {MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Annemarie Friedrich,
Nikolaos Engonopoulos,
Stefan Thater and
Manfred Pinkal. A comparison of knowledge-based algorithms for graded word sense assignment. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012: posters ; 8-15 December 2012, Pages 329-338, Mumbai, India, 8-15 December 2012.
AUTHOR = {Friedrich, Annemarie and Engonopoulos, Nikolaos and Thater, Stefan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {A comparison of knowledge-based algorithms for graded word sense assignment},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012: posters ; 8-15 December 2012},
PAGES = {329-338},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai, India} }
Casey Kennington,
Martin Kay and
Annemarie Friedrich. Suffix trees as language models. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : [LREC 2012]. - [Paris] : ELRA, 2012, Pages 446-453, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 May 2012.
AUTHOR = {Kennington, Casey and Kay, Martin and Friedrich, Annemarie},
TITLE = {Suffix trees as language models},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : [LREC 2012]. - [Paris] : ELRA, 2012},
PAGES = {446-453},
ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} }
Marcus Rohrbach,
Michaela Regneri,
Micha Andriluka,
Sikandar Amin,
Manfred Pinkal and
Bernt Schiele. Script data for attribute-based recognition of composite activities. In Computer vision - ECCV 2012 : 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, proceedings. - Pt. 1. - Heidelberg [u.a.], Vol. 2012:144-157, Springer, Florence, Italy, 7-13 October 2012.
AUTHOR = {Rohrbach, Marcus and Regneri, Michaela and Andriluka, Micha and Amin, Sikandar and Pinkal, Manfred and Schiele, Bernt},
TITLE = {Script data for attribute-based recognition of composite activities},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-13 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Computer vision - ECCV 2012 : 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, proceedings. - Pt. 1. - Heidelberg [u.a.]},
VOLUME = {2012},
PAGES = {144-157},
ADDRESS = {Florence, Italy},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Jelke Bloem,
Michaela Regneri and
Stefan Thater. Robust processing of noisy web-collected data. In 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). - Wien : ÖGAI, 2012, Pages 189-193, 2012.
AUTHOR = {Bloem, Jelke and Regneri, Michaela and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Robust processing of noisy web-collected data},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). - Wien : ÖGAI, 2012},
PAGES = {189-193} }
Michaela Regneri and
Rui Wang. Using discourse information for paraphrase extraction. In 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning : proceedings of the conference ; EMNLP-CoNLL 2012, Pages 916-927, ACL, Jeju Island, Korea. - Stroudsburg, PA, 12-14 July 0.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and Wang, Rui},
TITLE = {Using discourse information for paraphrase extraction},
MONTH = {12-14 July},
BOOKTITLE = {2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning : proceedings of the conference ; EMNLP-CoNLL 2012},
PAGES = {916-927},
ADDRESS = {Jeju Island, Korea. - Stroudsburg, PA},
Richard Littauer,
Rory Turnball and
Alexis Palmer. Visualising typological relationships : plotting WALS with heat maps. In Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH : Visualization of Linguistic Patterns and Uncovering Language History from Multilingual Resources, Pages 30-34, Association for Computational Linguistics, Avignon, France, 23-24 April 2012.
AUTHOR = {Littauer, Richard and Turnball, Rory and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Visualising typological relationships : plotting WALS with heat maps},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-24 April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH : Visualization of Linguistic Patterns and Uncovering Language History from Multilingual Resources},
PAGES = {30-34},
ADDRESS = {Avignon, France},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computational Linguistics} }
Magdalena Wolska,
Andrea Horbach,
Diana Steffen and
Manfred Pinkal. Towards communicative CALL : specifying dialogue-based activities. In International Conference ICT for Language Learning : conference proceedings ; 5th conference edition, Florence, Italy, 15-16 November 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Horbach, Andrea and Steffen, Diana and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Towards communicative CALL : specifying dialogue-based activities},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {15-16 November},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference ICT for Language Learning : conference proceedings ; 5th conference edition},
ADDRESS = {Florence, Italy} }
Georgiana Dinu,
Stefan Thater and
Soeren Laue. A comparison of models of word meaning in context. In Human language technologies : the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; NAACL HLT, Pages 611-615, ACL, Montreal, Kanada, 3-8 June 2012.
AUTHOR = {Dinu, Georgiana and Thater, Stefan and Laue, Soeren},
TITLE = {A comparison of models of word meaning in context},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {3-8 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Human language technologies : the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; NAACL HLT},
PAGES = {611-615},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Kanada},
Georgiana Dinu and
Stefan Thater. Vector-based models of semantic textual similarity. In SEM 2012 [StarSEM 2012] : the First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. – Vol. 2 : Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2012), Vol. 2:603-607, ACL, Montreal, Kanada, 7-8 June 2012.
AUTHOR = {Dinu, Georgiana and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Vector-based models of semantic textual similarity},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-8 June},
BOOKTITLE = {SEM 2012 [StarSEM 2012] : the First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. – Vol. 2 : Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2012)},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {603-607},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Kanada},
Magdalena Wolska. The language of learner proof discourse : a corpus study on the variety of linguistic forms. In CMNA 2012 : the 12th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument; a workshop of ECAI 2012., Pages 1-10, Montpellier, France, 27 August 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {The language of learner proof discourse : a corpus study on the variety of linguistic forms},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {27 August},
BOOKTITLE = {CMNA 2012 : the 12th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument; a workshop of ECAI 2012.},
PAGES = {1-10},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, France} }
Denis Arnold,
Petra Wagner and
Bernd Möbius. Obtaining prominence judgments from naïve listeners : influence of rating scales, linguistic levels and normalisation. In Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 2394-2397, Portland, OR, USA, 9-13 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Arnold, Denis and Wagner, Petra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Obtaining prominence judgments from naïve listeners : influence of rating scales, linguistic levels and normalisation},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {2394-2397},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Britta Lintfert and
Bernd Möbius. Describing the development of intonational categories using a target-oriented parametric approach. In Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR, USA, 9-13 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Lintfert, Britta and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Describing the development of intonational categories using a target-oriented parametric approach},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Barbara Samlowski,
Petra Wagner and
Bernd Möbius. Disentangling lexical, morphological, syntactic and semantic influences on German prominence : evidence from a production study. In Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 9-13 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Samlowski, Barbara and Wagner, Petra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Disentangling lexical, morphological, syntactic and semantic influences on German prominence : evidence from a production study},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association} }
Tino Haderlein,
Cornelia Moers,
Bernd Möbius and
Elmar Nöth. Automatic rating of hoarseness by text-based cepstral and prosodic evaluation. In Text, speech and dialogue : 15th international conference ; proceedings / TSD 2012.- (Lecture notes in computer science ; 7499 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence), Pages 573-580, Springer, Brno, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Haderlein, Tino and Moers, Cornelia and Möbius, Bernd and Nöth, Elmar},
TITLE = {Automatic rating of hoarseness by text-based cepstral and prosodic evaluation},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {3-7 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Text, speech and dialogue : 15th international conference ; proceedings / TSD 2012.- (Lecture notes in computer science ; 7499 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)},
PAGES = {573-580},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry and
Magdalena Wolska. Language differences in the perceptual weight of prominence-lending properties. In Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR, USA, 9-13 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J. and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Language differences in the perceptual weight of prominence-lending properties},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Roland Marti,
Bistra Andreeva and
William J. Barry. GENIE : the corpus for spoken lower Sorbian (GEsprochenes NIEdersorbisch) In
Jürgen Trouvain editor, The phonetician. A Publication of ISPhS/International Society of Phonetic Sciences, Numbers 101/102, Pages 47-59, 0.
AUTHOR = {Marti, Roland and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {GENIE : the corpus for spoken lower Sorbian (GEsprochenes NIEdersorbisch)},
BOOKTITLE = {The phonetician. A Publication of ISPhS/International Society of Phonetic Sciences, Numbers 101/102},
PAGES = {47-59},
EDITOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen} }
Khiet P. Truong and
Jürgen Trouvain. On the acoustics of overlapping laughter in conversational speech. In Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR, USA, 9-13 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Truong, Khiet P. and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {On the acoustics of overlapping laughter in conversational speech},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = { Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Acoustic, morphological, and functional aspects of yeah/ja in Dutch, English and German. In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog, Pages 77-80, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington, USA, 7-8 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.},
TITLE = {Acoustic, morphological, and functional aspects of yeah/ja in Dutch, English and German},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-8 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog},
PAGES = {77-80},
ADDRESS = {Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington, USA} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Convergence of laughter in conversational speech : effects of quantity, temporal alignment and imitation. In ISICS 2012 : International Symposium on Imitation and Convergence in Speech. - Aix-en-Provence, 3-5 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.},
TITLE = {Convergence of laughter in conversational speech : effects of quantity, temporal alignment and imitation},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {3-5 September},
BOOKTITLE = {ISICS 2012 : International Symposium on Imitation and Convergence in Speech. - Aix-en-Provence} }
Khiet P. Truong and
Jürgen Trouvain. Laughter annotations in conversational speech corpora – possibilities and limitations for phonetic analysis. In 4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion Sentiment and Social Signals ES³ 2012 : satellite of LREC 2012, ELRA, Pages 20-24, Istanbul, Turkey, 26 May 2012.
AUTHOR = {Truong, Khiet P. and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Laughter annotations in conversational speech corpora – possibilities and limitations for phonetic analysis},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {26 May},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion Sentiment and Social Signals ES³ 2012 : satellite of LREC 2012, ELRA},
PAGES = {20-24},
ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Comparing non-verbal vocalisations in conversational speech corpora. In 4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion Sentiment and Social Signals ES³ 2012 : satellite of LREC 2012, ELRA, Pages 36-39, Istanbul, Turkey, 26 May 2012.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.},
TITLE = {Comparing non-verbal vocalisations in conversational speech corpora},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {26 May},
BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion Sentiment and Social Signals ES³ 2012 : satellite of LREC 2012, ELRA},
PAGES = {36-39},
ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} }
Ingo Hertrich,
Susanne Dietrich,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Anja Moos and
Hermann Ackermann. Magnetic brain activity phase-locked to the envelope, the syllable onsets, and the fundamental frequency of a perceived speech signal. In Psychophysiology, Vol. 49:322-334 of 3, March 2012.
AUTHOR = {Hertrich, Ingo and Dietrich, Susanne and Trouvain, Jürgen and Moos, Anja and Ackermann, Hermann},
TITLE = {Magnetic brain activity phase-locked to the envelope, the syllable onsets, and the fundamental frequency of a perceived speech signal},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Psychophysiology},
VOLUME = {49},
PAGES = {322-334},
SERIES = {3} }
Charlotte Wollermann,
Eva Lasarcyk,
Ulrich Schade and
Bernhard Schröder. The impact of fillers and pauses on the perception of uncertainty in speech from an articulatory synthesiser. In Workshop Fluent Speech : combining cognitive and educational approaches, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 12-13 November 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wollermann, Charlotte and Lasarcyk, Eva and Schade, Ulrich and Schröder, Bernhard},
TITLE = {The impact of fillers and pauses on the perception of uncertainty in speech from an articulatory synthesiser},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {12-13 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop Fluent Speech : combining cognitive and educational approaches},
ADDRESS = {Utrecht University, Utrecht} }
Andreas Beschorner and
Dietrich Klakow. Continuous speech recognition using correlation features and structured SVM probability output. In Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2012 : Tagungsband der 23. Konferenz Cottbus, 29-31 August 2012.
AUTHOR = {Beschorner, Andreas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Continuous speech recognition using correlation features and structured SVM probability output},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {29-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2012 : Tagungsband der 23. Konferenz Cottbus} }
Afra Alishahi and
Gzegorz Chrupala. Hierarchical clustering of word class distributions. In The NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure : proceedings of the workshop ; WILS 2012, Pages 100-104, Montreal, Kanada, 7 June 2012.
AUTHOR = {Alishahi, Afra and Chrupala, Gzegorz},
TITLE = {Hierarchical clustering of word class distributions},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7 June},
BOOKTITLE = {The NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure : proceedings of the workshop ; WILS 2012},
PAGES = {100-104},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Kanada} }
Grzegorz Chrupala. Hierarchical clustering of word class distributions. In The NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure : proceedings of the workshop ; WILS 2012, Montreal, Kanada, 7 June 2012.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Grzegorz},
TITLE = {Hierarchical clustering of word class distributions},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7 June},
BOOKTITLE = {The NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure : proceedings of the workshop ; WILS 2012},
ADDRESS = {Montreal, Kanada} }
Grzegorz Chrupala. Learning from evolving data streams : online triage of bug reports. In 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; EACL 2012, Pages 613-622, Avignon, France, 23-27 April 2012.
AUTHOR = {Chrupala, Grzegorz},
TITLE = {Learning from evolving data streams : online triage of bug reports},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-27 April},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; EACL 2012},
PAGES = {613-622},
ADDRESS = {Avignon, France} }
Christian Siegwart,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. Improving the separation of concurrent speech through residual echo suppression. In Sprachkommunikation 2012 : Beiträge zur 10. ITG-Fachtagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2012 in Braunschweig. - Berlin [u.a.], Pages 263-266, 2012.
AUTHOR = {Siegwart, Christian and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Improving the separation of concurrent speech through residual echo suppression},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Sprachkommunikation 2012 : Beiträge zur 10. ITG-Fachtagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2012 in Braunschweig. - Berlin [u.a.]},
PAGES = {263-266} }
Michael Braun,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A comparative study of missing feature imputation techniques. In Sprachkommunikation 2012 : Beiträge zur 10. ITG-Fachtagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2012 in Braunschweig. - Berlin [u.a.], Pages 231-234, 2012.
AUTHOR = {Braun, Michael and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A comparative study of missing feature imputation techniques},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Sprachkommunikation 2012 : Beiträge zur 10. ITG-Fachtagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2012 in Braunschweig. - Berlin [u.a.]},
PAGES = {231-234} }
Todd Shore,
Friedrich Faubel,
Hartmut Helmke and
Dietrich Klakow. Knowledge-based word lattice rescoring in a dynamic context. In Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR, USA, 9-13 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Shore, Todd and Faubel, Friedrich and Helmke, Hartmut and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Knowledge-based word lattice rescoring in a dynamic context},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Rahil Mahdian Toroghi,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. Multi-channel speech separation with soft time-frequency masking. In SAPA-Scale Conference 2012, Pages 86-91, Portland, OR, USA, 7-8 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Toroghi, Rahil Mahdian and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Multi-channel speech separation with soft time-frequency masking},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-8 September},
BOOKTITLE = {SAPA-Scale Conference 2012},
PAGES = {86-91},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Youssef Oualil,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. Joint detection and localization of multiple speakers using a probabilistic interpretation of the steered response power. In SAPA-Scale Conference 2012, Pages 68-73, Portland, OR, USA, 7-8 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Joint detection and localization of multiple speakers using a probabilistic interpretation of the steered response power},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-8 September},
BOOKTITLE = {SAPA-Scale Conference 2012},
PAGES = {68-73},
ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} }
Youssef Oualil,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A multiple hypothesis Gaussian mixture filter for acoustic source localization and tracking. In IWAENC 2012 : proceedings / International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, September 4th - 6th, 2012 ... - Berlin [u.a.], 2012.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A multiple hypothesis Gaussian mixture filter for acoustic source localization and tracking},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {IWAENC 2012 : proceedings / International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, September 4th - 6th, 2012 ... - Berlin [u.a.]} }
Michael Feld,
Saeedeh Momtazi,
Farina Freigang,
Dietrich Klakow and
Christian Müller. Mobile texting: can post-ASR correction solve the issues? : An experimental study on gain vs. costs. In IUI´12 : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Pages 37-40, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 February 2012.
AUTHOR = {Feld, Michael and Momtazi, Saeedeh and Freigang, Farina and Klakow, Dietrich and Müller, Christian},
TITLE = {Mobile texting: can post-ASR correction solve the issues? : An experimental study on gain vs. costs},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {14-17 February},
BOOKTITLE = {IUI´12 : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces},
PAGES = {37-40},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon, Portugal} }
Michael Wiegand,
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Data-driven knowledge extraction for the food domain. In Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). - Wien : ÖGAI, 2012, Pages 21-29, 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Roth, Benjamin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Data-driven knowledge extraction for the food domain},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). - Wien : ÖGAI, 2012},
PAGES = {21-29} }
Michael Wiegand,
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Knowledge acquisition with natural language processing in the food domain : potential and challenges. In Proceedings of the Cooking with Computers Workshop (CwC) : [Montpellier, France, August 28th, 2012 ; during ECAI], Pages 46-51, Montpellier, France, 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Roth, Benjamin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Knowledge acquisition with natural language processing in the food domain : potential and challenges},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Cooking with Computers Workshop (CwC) : [Montpellier, France, August 28th, 2012 ; during ECAI]},
PAGES = {46-51},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, France} }
Michael Wiegand,
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Web-based relation extraction for the food domain. In Natural language processing and information systems : 17th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands, June 26 - 28, 2012 ; proceedings. - Berlin [u.a.], Pages 222-227, Springer, 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Roth, Benjamin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Web-based relation extraction for the food domain},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Natural language processing and information systems : 17th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands, June 26 - 28, 2012 ; proceedings. - Berlin [u.a.]},
PAGES = {222-227},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Youssef Oualil,
Friedrich Faubel,
Mathew Magimai Doss and
Dietrich Klakow. A TDOA Gaussian mixture model for improving acoustic source tracking. In 2012 proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012), Pages 1339-1343, Bucharest, Romania, 27-31 August 2012.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Faubel, Friedrich and Magimai Doss, Mathew and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A TDOA Gaussian mixture model for improving acoustic source tracking},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {27-31 August},
BOOKTITLE = {2012 proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012)},
PAGES = {1339-1343},
ADDRESS = {Bucharest, Romania} }
Michael Wiegand,
Benjamin Roth,
Eva Lasarcyk,
Stephanie Köser and
Dietrich Klakow. A gold standard for relation extraction in the food domain. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 507-514, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 May 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Roth, Benjamin and Lasarcyk, Eva and Köser, Stephanie and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A gold standard for relation extraction in the food domain},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {507-514},
ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} }
Simon Clematide,
Stefan Gindl,
Manfred Klenner,
Stefanos Petrakis,
Robert Remus,
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Ulli Waltinger and
Michael Wiegand. MLSA – a multi-layered reference corpus for German sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 3551-3556, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 May 2012.
AUTHOR = {Clematide, Simon and Gindl, Stefan and Klenner, Manfred and Petrakis, Stefanos and Remus, Robert and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Waltinger, Ulli and Wiegand, Michael},
TITLE = {MLSA – a multi-layered reference corpus for German sentiment analysis},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {3551-3556},
ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Generalization methods for in-domain and cross-domain opinion holder extraction. In 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; EACL 2012, Pages 325-335, Avignon, France, 23-27 April 2012.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Generalization methods for in-domain and cross-domain opinion holder extraction},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-27 April},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; EACL 2012},
PAGES = {325-335},
ADDRESS = {Avignon, France} }
Maria Staudte,
Alexander Koller,
Konstantina Garoufi and
Matthew W. Crocker. Using listener gaze to augment speech generation in a virtual 3D environment. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 1007-1012, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, TX, 1-4 August 2012. Note: MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Staudte, Maria and Koller, Alexander and Garoufi, Konstantina and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Using listener gaze to augment speech generation in a virtual 3D environment},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {1-4 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {1007-1012},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX},
ORGANIZATION = {Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Sarah Schimke,
Juhani Järvikivi,
Christine Dimroth and
Pirita Pyykkönen. Rapid integration of intonational and contextual information when processing the focus particle auch. In AMLaP 2012 Conference : Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Riva del Garda, 6-8 September 2012. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Schimke, Sarah and Järvikivi, Juhani and Dimroth, Christine and Pyykkönen, Pirita},
TITLE = {Rapid integration of intonational and contextual information when processing the focus particle auch},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {6-8 September},
BOOKTITLE = {AMLaP 2012 Conference : Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing},
ADDRESS = {Riva del Garda},
NOTE = {MC} }
Dominikus Wetzel and
Francis Bond. Enriching parallel corpora for statistical machine translation with semantic negation rephrasing. In Proceedings of SSST-6 : Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, Pages 20-29, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 12-12 July 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Wetzel, Dominikus and Bond, Francis},
TITLE = {Enriching parallel corpora for statistical machine translation with semantic negation rephrasing},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {12-12 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of SSST-6 : Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation},
PAGES = {20-29},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Lea Frermann and
Francis Bond. Cross-lingual parse disambiguation based on semantic correspondence. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 2:125-129, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Frermann, Lea and Bond, Francis},
TITLE = {Cross-lingual parse disambiguation based on semantic correspondence},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-14 July},
BOOKTITLE = {50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {125-129},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. Measuring the strength of linguistic cues for discourse relations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Discourse Analysis and its Computational Aspects (ADACA) : 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Pages 33-42, Mumbai, 15-15 December 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Asr, Fatemeh and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Measuring the strength of linguistic cues for discourse relations},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {15-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Discourse Analysis and its Computational Aspects (ADACA) : 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {33-42},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. Implicitness of discourse relations. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 2669-2684, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Asr, Fatemeh and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Implicitness of discourse relations},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012},
PAGES = {2669-2684},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. Incremental Neo-Davidsonian semantic construction for TAG. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms : TAG+11, Pages 64-72, Paris, 26-28 September 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Sayeed, Asad and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Incremental Neo-Davidsonian semantic construction for TAG},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {26-28 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms : TAG+11},
PAGES = {64-72},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Vera Demberg. Incremental derivations in CCG. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms : TAG+11, Pages 198-206, Paris, 26-28 September 2012.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Incremental derivations in CCG},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {26-28 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms : TAG+11},
PAGES = {198-206},
ADDRESS = {Paris} }
Vera Demberg,
Asad Sayeed,
Philip Gorinski and
Nikolaos Engonopoulos. Syntactic surprisal affects spoken word duration in conversational contexts. In 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning : proceedings of the conference, Pages 356-367, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 12-14 July 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera and Sayeed, Asad and Gorinski, Philip and Engonopoulos, Nikolaos},
TITLE = {Syntactic surprisal affects spoken word duration in conversational contexts},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {12-14 July},
BOOKTITLE = {2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning : proceedings of the conference},
PAGES = {356-367},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Miriam Käshammer and
Vera Demberg. German and English treebanks and lexica for tree-adjoining grammars. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1880-1887, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Käshammer, Miriam and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {German and English treebanks and lexica for tree-adjoining grammars},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {1880-1887},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Asad Sayeed,
Jonathan Boyd-Graber,
Bryan Rusk and
Amy Weinberg. Grammatical structures for word-level sentiment detection. In Human language technologies : the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Montréal, Canada, Pages 667-676, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 3-8 June 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Sayeed, Asad and Boyd-Graber, Jonathan and Rusk, Bryan and Weinberg, Amy},
TITLE = {Grammatical structures for word-level sentiment detection},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {3-8 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Human language technologies : the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Montréal, Canada},
PAGES = {667-676},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ashutosh Modi,
Ivan Titov and
Alexandre Klementiev. Unsupervised induction of frame-semantic representations. In The NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure : proceedings of the workshop, Pages 1-7, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 7-7 June 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Modi, Ashutosh and Titov, Ivan and Klementiev, Alexandre},
TITLE = {Unsupervised induction of frame-semantic representations},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-7 June},
BOOKTITLE = {The NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure : proceedings of the workshop},
PAGES = {1-7},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ines Rehbein,
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Caroline Sporleder and
Manfred Pinkal. Adding nominal spice to SALSA - frame-semantic annotation of German nouns and verbs. In Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), Pages 89-97, Wien, 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, MP .
AUTHOR = {Rehbein, Ines and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Sporleder, Caroline and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Adding nominal spice to SALSA - frame-semantic annotation of German nouns and verbs},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS)},
PAGES = {89-97},
ADDRESS = {Wien},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter, MP } }
Anselmo Peñas,
Eduard Hovy,
Pamela Forner,
Àlvaro Rodrigo,
Richard Sutcliffe,
Corina Forascu and
Caroline Sporleder. Evaluating machine reading systems through comprehension tests. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012, Pages 1143-1147, Paris, 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Peñas, Anselmo and Hovy, Eduard and Forner, Pamela and Rodrigo, Àlvaro and Sutcliffe, Richard and Forascu, Corina and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {Evaluating machine reading systems through comprehension tests},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012},
PAGES = {1143-1147},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ivan Titov and
Alexandre Klementiev. Crosslingual induction of semantic roles. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012, Pages 647-656, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Klementiev, Alexandre},
TITLE = {Crosslingual induction of semantic roles},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-14 July},
BOOKTITLE = {50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012},
PAGES = {647-656},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ivan Titov and
Alexandre Klementiev. A Bayesian approach to unsupervised semantic role induction. In 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference, Pages 12-22, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 23-27 April 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Klementiev, Alexandre},
TITLE = {A Bayesian approach to unsupervised semantic role induction},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-27 April},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference},
PAGES = {12-22},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter
} }
Ivan Titov and
Alexandre Klementiev. Semi-supervised semantic role labeling : approaching from an unsupervised perspective. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 2635-2652, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Titov, Ivan and Klementiev, Alexandre},
TITLE = {Semi-supervised semantic role labeling : approaching from an unsupervised perspective},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012},
PAGES = {2635-2652},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Alexandre Klementiev,
Ivan Titov and
Binod Bhattarai. Inducing crosslingual distributed representations of words. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 1459-1474, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Klementiev, Alexandre and Titov, Ivan and Bhattarai, Binod},
TITLE = {Inducing crosslingual distributed representations of words},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012},
PAGES = {1459-1474},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Mikhail Kozhevnikov and
Ivan Titov. Cross-lingual bootstrapping for semantic role labeling. In xLiTe : Cross-Lingual Technologies, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 7-7 December 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter
AUTHOR = {Kozhevnikov, Mikhail and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Cross-lingual bootstrapping for semantic role labeling},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {7-7 December},
BOOKTITLE = {xLiTe : Cross-Lingual Technologies},
ADDRESS = {Lake Tahoe, Nevada},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter
} }
Alexandre Klementiev,
Ivan Titov and
Binod Bhattarai. Crosslingual distributed representations of words. In Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning NIPS Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 8-8 December 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Klementiev, Alexandre and Titov, Ivan and Bhattarai, Binod},
TITLE = {Crosslingual distributed representations of words},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-8 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning NIPS Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Lake Tahoe, Nevada},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Alexandre Klementiev,
Ann Irvine,
Chris Callison-Burch and
David Yarowsky. Toward statistical machine translation without parallel corpora. In 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference, Pages 130-140, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 23-27 April 2012. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Klementiev, Alexandre and Irvine, Ann and Callison-Burch, Chris and Yarowsky, David},
TITLE = {Toward statistical machine translation without parallel corpora},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-27 April},
BOOKTITLE = {13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference},
PAGES = {130-140},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Melanie Reiplinger,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Magdalena Wolska. Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles : a comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries, Pages 55-65, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 10-10 July 2012. Note: HU, MP.
AUTHOR = {Reiplinger, Melanie and Schäfer, Ulrich and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles : a comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {10-10 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries},
PAGES = {55-65},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU, MP} }
Ulrich Schäfer,
Jonathan Read and
Stephan Oepen. Towards an ACL anthology corpus with logical document structure : an overview of the ACL 2012 contributed task. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries : ACL 2012, Pages 88-97, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 10-10 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Read, Jonathan and Oepen, Stephan},
TITLE = {Towards an ACL anthology corpus with logical document structure : an overview of the ACL 2012 contributed task},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {10-10 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries : ACL 2012},
PAGES = {88-97},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ulrich Schäfer and
Benjamin Weitz. Combining OCR outputs for logical document structure markup : technical background to the ACL 2012 contributed task. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries : ACL 2012., Pages 104-109, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 10-10 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Weitz, Benjamin},
TITLE = {Combining OCR outputs for logical document structure markup : technical background to the ACL 2012 contributed task},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {10-10 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries : ACL 2012.},
PAGES = {104-109},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Benjamin Weitz and
Ulrich Schäfer. A graphical citation browser for the ACL anthology. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1718-1722, ELRA, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Weitz, Benjamin and Schäfer, Ulrich},
TITLE = {A graphical citation browser for the ACL anthology},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {1718-1722},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ulrich Schäfer,
Christian Spurk and
Jörg Steffen. A fully coreference-annotated corpus of scholarly papers from the ACL anthology. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 1059-1070, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Spurk, Christian and Steffen, Jörg},
TITLE = {A fully coreference-annotated corpus of scholarly papers from the ACL anthology},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012},
PAGES = {1059-1070},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai},
NOTE = {HU} }
Sebastian Krause,
Hong Li,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. Large-scale learning of relation-extraction rules with distant supervision from the web. In The semantic web - ISWC 2012, Pages 263-278, Springer, Berlin, 11-15 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Li, Hong and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Large-scale learning of relation-extraction rules with distant supervision from the web},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {11-15 November},
BOOKTITLE = {The semantic web - ISWC 2012},
PAGES = {263-278},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Tina Klüwer,
Feiyu Xu,
Peter Adolphs and
Hans Uszkoreit. Evaluation of the KomParse conversational non-player characters in a commercial virtual world. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 3535-3542, ELRA, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Klüwer, Tina and Xu, Feiyu and Adolphs, Peter and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Evaluation of the KomParse conversational non-player characters in a commercial virtual world},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {3535-3542},
NOTE = {HU} }
Feiyu Xu,
Sven Schmeier,
Renlong Ai and
Hans Uszkoreit. Yochina : mobile multimedia and multimodal crosslingual dialog system. In Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology, Paris, 28-30 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Schmeier, Sven and Ai, Renlong and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Yochina : mobile multimedia and multimodal crosslingual dialog system},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {28-30 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hong Li,
Xiwen Cheng,
Kristina Adson,
Tal Kirshboim and
Feiyu Xu. Annotating opinions in German political news. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1183-1188, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU
AUTHOR = {Li, Hong and Cheng, Xiwen and Adson, Kristina and Kirshboim, Tal and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Annotating opinions in German political news},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {1183-1188},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
} }
Antske Fokkens,
Tania Avgustinova and
Yi Zhang. CLIMB grammars : three projects using metagrammar engineering. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1672-1679, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Fokkens, Antske and Avgustinova, Tania and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {CLIMB grammars : three projects using metagrammar engineering},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {1672-1679},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Will Roberts and
Valia Kordoni. Using verb subcategorization for word sense disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 829-832, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Roberts, Will and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {Using verb subcategorization for word sense disambiguation},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {829-832},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Stasinos Konstantopoulos,
Valia Kordoni,
Nicola Cancedda,
Vangelis Karkaletsis,
Dietrich Klakow and
Jean-Michel Renders. Task-driven linguistic analysis based on an underspecified features representation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1966-1970, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU, DK.
AUTHOR = {Konstantopoulos, Stasinos and Kordoni, Valia and Cancedda, Nicola and Karkaletsis, Vangelis and Klakow, Dietrich and Renders, Jean-Michel},
TITLE = {Task-driven linguistic analysis based on an underspecified features representation},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = { 1966-1970},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU, DK} }
Svetlana Danilava,
Stephan Busemann and
Christoph Schommer. Artificial conversational companions : a requirements analysis. In ICAART 2012 : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Pages 282-289, 6-8 February 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Danilava, Svetlana and Busemann, Stephan and Schommer, Christoph},
TITLE = {Artificial conversational companions : a requirements analysis},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {6-8 February},
BOOKTITLE = {ICAART 2012 : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {282-289},
NOTE = {HU} }
Moshe Wasserblat,
Ezra Daya,
Eyal Hurvitz,
Maya Gorodetsky,
Ido Dagan,
Meni Adler,
Asher Stern,
Sebastian Pado,
Tae-Gil Noh,
Britta Zeller,
Günter Neumann,
Kathrin Eichler,
Rui Wang,
Gabriele Fidanza,
Giorgio Gianforme,
Matthias Meisdrock,
Magnini Bernardom,
Luisa Bentivogli,
Roberto Zanoli,
Alberto Lavelli and
Dmitri Volsky. Introduction to the EXCITEMENT project : towards an open platform for Exploring Customer Interactions through Textual entailMENT. In Proceedings of the Afeka-AVIOS Speech Processing Conference, Tel-Aviv, 19-20 June 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wasserblat, Moshe and Daya, Ezra and Hurvitz, Eyal and Gorodetsky, Maya and Dagan, Ido and Adler, Meni and Stern, Asher and Pado, Sebastian and Noh, Tae-Gil and Zeller, Britta and Neumann, Günter and Eichler, Kathrin and Wang, Rui and Fidanza, Gabriele and Gianforme, Giorgio and Meisdrock, Matthias and Bernardom, Magnini and Bentivogli, Luisa and Zanoli, Roberto and Lavelli, Alberto and Volsky, Dmitri},
TITLE = {Introduction to the EXCITEMENT project : towards an open platform for Exploring Customer Interactions through Textual entailMENT},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {19-20 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Afeka-AVIOS Speech Processing Conference},
ADDRESS = {Tel-Aviv},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Yi Zhang. Sentence realization with unlexicalized tree linearization grammars. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 1301-1310, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Zhang, Yi},
TITLE = {Sentence realization with unlexicalized tree linearization grammars},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-15 December},
BOOKTITLE = {24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012},
PAGES = { 1301-1310},
ADDRESS = {Mumbai},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang,
Petya Osenova and
K. Simov. Linguistically-enriched models for Bulgarian-to-English machine translation. In Proceedings of SSST-6 : Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, Pages 10-19, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 12-12 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Osenova, Petya and Simov, K.},
TITLE = {Linguistically-enriched models for Bulgarian-to-English machine translation},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {12-12 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of SSST-6 : Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation},
PAGES = {10-19},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang and
Shuguang Li. Constructing a question corpus for textual semantic relations. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 4092-4097, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Li, Shuguang},
TITLE = {Constructing a question corpus for textual semantic relations},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {4092-4097},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Yi Zhang,
Rui Wang and
Yu Chen. Joint grammar and treebank development for Mandarin Chinese with HPSG. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1868-1873, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Yi and Wang, Rui and Chen, Yu},
TITLE = {Joint grammar and treebank development for Mandarin Chinese with HPSG},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {1868-1873},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Rui Wang,
Petya Osenova and
K. Simov. Linguistically-augmented Bulgarian-to-English statistical machine translation model. In Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra) at EACL-2012, Pages 119-128, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Wang, Rui and Osenova, Petya and Simov, K.},
TITLE = {Linguistically-augmented Bulgarian-to-English statistical machine translation model},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra) at EACL-2012},
PAGES = {119-128},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Dan Flickinger,
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. DeepBank : a dynamically annotated treebank of the Wall street journal. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11), Pages 85-96, Lisbon, 30 November - 1 December 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Flickinger, Dan and Zhang, Yi and Kordoni, Valia},
TITLE = {DeepBank : a dynamically annotated treebank of the Wall street journal},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {30 November - 1 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11)},
PAGES = {85-96},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
NOTE = {HU} }
Dan Flickinger,
Valia Kordoni,
Yi Zhang,
António Branco,
K. Simov,
Petya Osenova,
Catarina Carvalheiro,
Francisco Costa and
Sérgio Castro. ParDeepBank : multiple parallel deep treebanking. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11), Pages 97-108, Lisbon, 30 November - 1 December 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Flickinger, Dan and Kordoni, Valia and Zhang, Yi and Branco, António and Simov, K. and Osenova, Petya and Carvalheiro, Catarina and Costa, Francisco and Castro, Sérgio},
TITLE = {ParDeepBank : multiple parallel deep treebanking},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {30 November - 1 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11)},
PAGES = {97-108},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
NOTE = {HU} }
Amir Moin and
Günter Neumann. Assisting bug triage in large open source projects using approximate string matching. In ICSEA 2012 : the Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, Pages 22-27, Wilmington, 18-23 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Moin, Amir and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Assisting bug triage in large open source projects using approximate string matching},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {18-23 November},
BOOKTITLE = {ICSEA 2012 : the Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances},
PAGES = {22-27},
ADDRESS = {Wilmington},
NOTE = {HU} }
Carolin Shihadeh and
Günter Neumann. ARNE - a tool for namend entity recognition from Arabic text. In The Fourth Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages proceedings : [CAASL4], Pages 24-31, San Diego, CA, 1-1 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Shihadeh, Carolin and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {ARNE - a tool for namend entity recognition from Arabic text},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {1-1 November},
BOOKTITLE = {The Fourth Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages proceedings : [CAASL4]},
PAGES = {24-31},
ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Günter Neumann and
Sven Schmeier. Guided exploratory search on the mobile web. In KDIR 2012 : proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, Pages 65-74, SciTePress, 4-7 October 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {Guided exploratory search on the mobile web},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {4-7 October},
BOOKTITLE = {KDIR 2012 : proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval},
PAGES = {65-74},
PUBLISHER = {SciTePress},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Extending dependency treebanks with good sentences. In Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), Pages 218-222, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Volokh, Alexander and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Extending dependency treebanks with good sentences},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS)},
PAGES = {218-222},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Dependency parsing with efficient feature extraction. In KI 2012: advances in artificial intelligence : 35th annual German conference on AI, Pages 253-256, Springer,, Berlin, 24-27 September 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Volokh, Alexander and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Dependency parsing with efficient feature extraction},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {24-27 September},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2012: advances in artificial intelligence : 35th annual German conference on AI},
PAGES = {253-256},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Springer,},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Task-oriented dependency parsing evaluation methodology. In 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration (IRI 2012), Pages 132-137, Piscataway, NJ, 8-10 August 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Volokh, Alexander and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Task-oriented dependency parsing evaluation methodology},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-10 August},
BOOKTITLE = {2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration (IRI 2012)},
PAGES = {132-137},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {HU} }
Bogdan Sacaleanu and
Günter Neumann. An adaptive framework for named entity combination. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1244-1249, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sacaleanu, Bogdan and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {An adaptive framework for named entity combination},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {23-25 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
PAGES = {1244-1249},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Walter Kasper and
Mihaela Vela. Monitoring and summarization of hotel reviews. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2012 : proceedings of the international conference in Helsingborg, Sweden, Pages 471-482, Springer, Wien, 25-27 January 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Vela, Mihaela},
TITLE = {Monitoring and summarization of hotel reviews},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {25-27 January},
BOOKTITLE = {Information and communication technologies in tourism 2012 : proceedings of the international conference in Helsingborg, Sweden},
PAGES = {471-482},
ADDRESS = {Wien},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck,
Nikolina Koleva and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Ontology-based incremental annotation of characters in folktales. In Proccedings of the 6th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2012), Pages 30-34, Stroudsburg, PA, 24-24 April 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Koleva, Nikolina and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Ontology-based incremental annotation of characters in folktales},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {24-24 April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proccedings of the 6th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2012)},
PAGES = {30-34},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. A temporal extension of the Hayes/ter Horst entailment rules and an alternative to W3C´s N-ary relations. In Formal ontology in information systems : proceedings of the seventh international conference (FOIS 2012), Pages 323 - 335, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {A temporal extension of the Hayes/ter Horst entailment rules and an alternative to W3C´s N-ary relations},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Formal ontology in information systems : proceedings of the seventh international conference (FOIS 2012)},
PAGES = {323 - 335},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Thierry Declerck and
Asok Nedunchezhian. MFO - the federated financial ontology for the MONNET project. In KEOD 2012 : proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Pages 327-330, SciTePress, 4-7 October 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Declerck, Thierry and Nedunchezhian, Asok},
TITLE = {MFO - the federated financial ontology for the MONNET project},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {4-7 October},
BOOKTITLE = {KEOD 2012 : proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development},
PAGES = {327-330},
PUBLISHER = {SciTePress},
NOTE = {HU} }
Christian Federmann,
Dagmar Gromann,
Thierry Declerck,
Sabine Hunsicker,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Gerhard Budin. Multilingual terminology acquisition for ontology-based information extraction. In New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering : proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference (TKE 2012), Pages 166-175, Madrid, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Federmann, Christian and Gromann, Dagmar and Declerck, Thierry and Hunsicker, Sabine and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Budin, Gerhard},
TITLE = {Multilingual terminology acquisition for ontology-based information extraction},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering : proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference (TKE 2012)},
PAGES = {166-175},
ADDRESS = {Madrid},
NOTE = {HU} }
Thierry Declerck,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Dagmar Gromann. Acquisition, representation, and extension of multilingual labels of financial ontologies. In Workshop Challenges to Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Contexts : TKE 2012, Pages 17-26, Madrid, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Gromann, Dagmar},
TITLE = {Acquisition, representation, and extension of multilingual labels of financial ontologies},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop Challenges to Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Contexts : TKE 2012},
PAGES = {17-26},
ADDRESS = {Madrid},
NOTE = {HU} }
Nikolina Koleva,
Thierry Declerck and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An ontology-based iterative text processing strategy for detecting and recognizing characters in folktales. In Digital Humanities 2012 : conference abstracts, Pages 470-473, Hamburg Univ. Press, Hamburg, 16-22 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Koleva, Nikolina and Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {An ontology-based iterative text processing strategy for detecting and recognizing characters in folktales},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {16-22 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Digital Humanities 2012 : conference abstracts},
PAGES = {470-473},
ADDRESS = {Hamburg},
PUBLISHER = {Hamburg Univ. Press},
NOTE = {HU} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Viatcheslav Tretyakov,
Thorsten Linder,
Mario Gianni,
Panagiotis Papadakis,
Matia Pizzoli,
Arnab Sinha,
Fabio Pianesi,
Salvatore Corrao,
Fabrizio Priori,
Sergio Febrini and
Sandro Angeletti. Rescue robots at earthquake-hit Mirandola, Italy : a field report. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics : proceedings, New York, NY, 5-8 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Tretyakov, Viatcheslav and Linder, Thorsten and Gianni, Mario and Papadakis, Panagiotis and Pizzoli, Matia and Sinha, Arnab and Pianesi, Fabio and Corrao, Salvatore and Priori, Fabrizio and Febrini, Sergio and Angeletti, Sandro},
TITLE = {Rescue robots at earthquake-hit Mirandola, Italy : a field report},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {5-8 November},
BOOKTITLE = {10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics : proceedings},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
NOTE = {HU} }
Benoit Larochelle and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Multi-view operator control unit to improve situation awareness in USAR missions. In 2012 IEEE RO-MAN: the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Pages 1103-1108, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 9-13 September 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Larochelle, Benoit and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Multi-view operator control unit to improve situation awareness in USAR missions},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {2012 IEEE RO-MAN: the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
PAGES = {1103-1108},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
NOTE = {HU} }
Danijel Skočaj,
Matej Kristan,
Alen Vrečko,
Marko Mahnič,
Miroslav Janíček,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Michael Zillich,
Kai Zhou,
Marc Hanheide,
Nick Hawes and
Thomas Keller. A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor. In CogSys 2012 : the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, Nr. (118), Wien, 22-23 February 0. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Skočaj, Danijel and Kristan, Matej and Vrečko, Alen and Mahnič, Marko and Janíček, Miroslav and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Zillich, Michael and Zhou, Kai and Hanheide, Marc and Hawes, Nick and Keller, Thomas},
TITLE = {A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor},
MONTH = {22-23 February},
BOOKTITLE = {CogSys 2012 : the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems},
NUMBER = {118},
ADDRESS = {Wien},
NOTE = {HU} }
Marcela Charfuelan and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Analysis of speech under stress and cognitive load in USAR operations. In Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology, Paris, 28-30 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Charfuelan, Marcela and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Analysis of speech under stress and cognitive load in USAR operations},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {28-30 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
NOTE = {HU} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Miroslav Janíček,
Shanker Keshavdas,
Benoit Larochelle,
Hendrik Zender,
Nanja Smets,
Tina Mioch,
Mark Neerincx,
Jurriaan van Diggelen,
Francis Colas,
Ming Liu,
Francois Pomerleau,
Christian Siegwart,
V. Hlavac,
Tomas Svoboda,
Tomas Petricek,
M. Reinstein,
Karel Zimmermann,
Fiora Pirri,
Mario Gianni,
Panagiotis Papadakis,
Arnab Sinha,
Patrick Balmer,
N. Tomatis,
Rainer Worst,
Thorsten Linder,
H. Surmann and
Viatcheslav Tretyakov. Experience in system design for human-robot teaming in urban search & rescue. In 8th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics : FSR 2012, Matsushima, 16-19 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Janíček, Miroslav and Keshavdas, Shanker and Larochelle, Benoit and Zender, Hendrik and Smets, Nanja and Mioch, Tina and Neerincx, Mark and Diggelen, Jurriaan van and Colas, Francis and Liu, Ming and Pomerleau, Francois and Siegwart, Christian and Hlavac, V. and Svoboda, Tomas and Petricek, Tomas and Reinstein, M. and Zimmermann, Karel and Pirri, Fiora and Gianni, Mario and Papadakis, Panagiotis and Sinha, Arnab and Balmer, Patrick and Tomatis, N. and Worst, Rainer and Linder, Thorsten and Surmann, H. and Tretyakov, Viatcheslav},
TITLE = {Experience in system design for human-robot teaming in urban search & rescue},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {16-19 July},
BOOKTITLE = {8th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics : FSR 2012},
ADDRESS = {Matsushima},
NOTE = {HU} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Achieving common ground under asymmetric agency and social sentience in communication for human-robot teaming. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics : proceedings, New York, NY, 5-8 November 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {Achieving common ground under asymmetric agency and social sentience in communication for human-robot teaming},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {5-8 November},
BOOKTITLE = {10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics : proceedings},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
NOTE = {HU} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. How could we model cohesiveness in team social fabric in human-robot teams performing under stress? In AI, the fundamental social aggregation challenge, and the autonomy of hybrid agent groups : papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, Pages 28-33, AAAI Press, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.},
TITLE = {How could we model cohesiveness in team social fabric in human-robot teams performing under stress?},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {AI, the fundamental social aggregation challenge, and the autonomy of hybrid agent groups : papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium},
PAGES = {28-33},
NOTE = {HU} }
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Francis Colas,
Tomas Svoboda,
Jurriaan van Diggelen,
Patrick Balmer,
Fiora Pirri and
Rainer Worst. Designing intelligent robots for human-robot teaming in urban search & rescue. In Designing intelligent robots : reintegrating AI ; papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, AAAI Press, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Colas, Francis and Svoboda, Tomas and Diggelen, Jurriaan van and Balmer, Patrick and Pirri, Fiora and Worst, Rainer},
TITLE = {Designing intelligent robots for human-robot teaming in urban search & rescue},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Designing intelligent robots : reintegrating AI ; papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium},
NOTE = {HU} }
Shanker Keshavdas,
Hendrik Zender,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Ming Liu and
Francis Colas. Functional mapping : spatial inferencing to aid human-robot rescue efforts in unstructured disaster environments. In Designing intelligent robots : reintegrating AI ; papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, AAAI Press, 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Keshavdas, Shanker and Zender, Hendrik and Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Liu, Ming and Colas, Francis},
TITLE = {Functional mapping : spatial inferencing to aid human-robot rescue efforts in unstructured disaster environments},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Designing intelligent robots : reintegrating AI ; papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium},
NOTE = {HU} }
Weiwei Sun and
Hans Uszkoreit. Capturing paradigmatic and syntagmatic lexical relations : towards accurate Chinese part-of-speech tagging. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012, Pages 242-252, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sun, Weiwei and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Capturing paradigmatic and syntagmatic lexical relations : towards accurate Chinese part-of-speech tagging},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-14 July},
BOOKTITLE = {50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012},
PAGES = {242-252},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Weiwei Sun and
Xiaojun Wan. Reducing approximation and estimation errors for Chinese lexical processing with heterogeneous annotations. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012, Pages 232-241, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Sun, Weiwei and Wan, Xiaojun},
TITLE = {Reducing approximation and estimation errors for Chinese lexical processing with heterogeneous annotations},
YEAR = {2012},
MONTH = {8-14 July},
BOOKTITLE = {50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012},
PAGES = {232-241},
ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Francesca Delogu and
Maria Staudte. If John wants a beer, will he get it? An ERP study of expectations in discourse. In Poster presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanism for Language Processing(AMLaP), Marseille, France, September 2013. Note: MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Delogu, Francesca and Staudte, Maria},
TITLE = {If John wants a beer, will he get it? An ERP study of expectations in discourse},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Poster presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanism for Language Processing(AMLaP)},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
NOTE = {MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Francesca Delogu,
Heiner Drenhaus and
Matthew W. Crocker. Teasing appart coercion and suprisal: evidence from ERPs and eye-movements? In Talk presented at: The 26th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, South Carolina, USA, 2013. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Delogu, Francesca and Drenhaus, Heiner and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Teasing appart coercion and suprisal: evidence from ERPs and eye-movements?},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Talk presented at: The 26th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing},
ADDRESS = {South Carolina, USA},
NOTE = {MC} }
Youssef Oualil,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A fast cumulative steered response power for multiple speaker detection and localization. In 2013 proceedings of the 21th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012), Marrakesh, Marokko, 9-13 September 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A fast cumulative steered response power for multiple speaker detection and localization},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {9-13 September},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 proceedings of the 21th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012)},
ADDRESS = {Marrakesh, Marokko},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil,
Mathew Magimai Doss,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A probabilistic framework for multiple speaker localization. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013], Pages 3962-3966, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 26-31 May 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Magimai Doss, Mathew and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A probabilistic framework for multiple speaker localization},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {26-31 May},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013]},
PAGES = {3962-3966},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. An unsupervised Bayesian classifier for multiple speaker detection and localization. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 2943-2947, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Faubel, Friedrich and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {An unsupervised Bayesian classifier for multiple speaker detection and localization},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {2943-2947},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Combining generative and discriminative model scores for distant supervision. In 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference, Pages 24-29, Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA. - Stroudsburg, PA : ACL, 18-21 October 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Combining generative and discriminative model scores for distant supervision},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {18-21 October},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference},
PAGES = {24-29},
ADDRESS = {Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA. - Stroudsburg, PA : ACL},
NOTE = {DK} }
Mittul Singh and
Dietrich Klakow. Comparing RNNs and log-linear interpolation of improved skip-model on four Babel languages: Cantonese, Pashto, Tagalog, Turkish. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013], Pages 8416-8420, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 26-31 May 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Singh, Mittul and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Comparing RNNs and log-linear interpolation of improved skip-model on four Babel languages: Cantonese, Pashto, Tagalog, Turkish},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {26-31 May},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013]},
PAGES = {8416-8420},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE},
NOTE = {DK} }
Benjamin Roth,
Tassilo Barth,
Michael Wiegand,
Mittul Singh and
Dietrich Klakow. Effective slot filling based on shallow distant supervision methods. In 2013 Text Analysis Conference (TAC), Knowledge Base Population (KBP) Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 18-19 November 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Benjamin and Barth, Tassilo and Wiegand, Michael and Singh, Mittul and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Effective slot filling based on shallow distant supervision methods},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {18-19 November},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 Text Analysis Conference (TAC), Knowledge Base Population (KBP) Workshop},
ADDRESS = {National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Feature-based models for improving the quality of noisy training data for relation extraction. In CIKM’13 : proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Pages 1181-1184, San Francisco, CA, USA. - New York, NY : ACM, 27 October - 1 November 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Benjamin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Feature-based models for improving the quality of noisy training data for relation extraction},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {27 October - 1 November},
BOOKTITLE = {CIKM’13 : proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
PAGES = {1181-1184},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA, USA. - New York, NY : ACM},
NOTE = {DK} }
K. Kumatani,
Mittul Singh,
Friedrich Faubel,
J. McDonough and
Youssef Oualil. Joint constrained maximum likelihood regression for overlapping speech recognition. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013], Pages 121-125, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 26-31 May 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Kumatani, K. and Singh, Mittul and Faubel, Friedrich and McDonough, J. and Oualil, Youssef},
TITLE = {Joint constrained maximum likelihood regression for overlapping speech recognition},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {26-31 May},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013]},
PAGES = {121-125},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE},
NOTE = {DK} }
Harry Bunt,
Alex Fand,
Xiaoyue Lin,
Jing Cao and
Volha Petukhova. Issues in the addition of ISO-compliant annotations to the Switchboard corpus. In 9th Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation 2013 : held at the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013), Pages 67-78, Potsdam, Germany - Red Hook, NY : Curran, 19 March 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Bunt, Harry and Fand, Alex and Lin, Xiaoyue and Cao, Jing and Petukhova, Volha},
TITLE = {Issues in the addition of ISO-compliant annotations to the Switchboard corpus},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {19 March},
BOOKTITLE = {9th Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation 2013 : held at the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013)},
PAGES = {67-78},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany - Red Hook, NY : Curran},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Dietrich Klakow. Predicative adjectives : an unsupervised criterion to extract subjective adjectives. In 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : (NAACL HLT 2013), Pages 534-539, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Vol. 1. - Red Hook, NY : Curran, 9-14 June 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Predicative adjectives : an unsupervised criterion to extract subjective adjectives},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {9-14 June},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : (NAACL HLT 2013)},
PAGES = {534-539},
ADDRESS = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Vol. 1. - Red Hook, NY : Curran},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Towards contextual healthiness classification of food items - a linguistic approach. In Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP, proceedings of the main conference. - [S.l.] : Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, Pages 19-27, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan, 14-18 October 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Towards contextual healthiness classification of food items - a linguistic approach},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {14-18 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP, proceedings of the main conference. - [S.l.] : Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing},
PAGES = {19-27},
ADDRESS = {Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Towards the detection of reliable food-health relationships. In Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media, Pages 69-79, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Red Hook, NY : Curran, 13 June 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Towards the detection of reliable food-health relationships},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {13 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media},
PAGES = {69-79},
ADDRESS = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Red Hook, NY : Curran},
NOTE = {DK} }
Munir Georges,
Stephan Kanthak and
Dietrich Klakow. Transducer-based speech recognition with dynamic language models. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 642-646, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Georges, Munir and Kanthak, Stephan and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Transducer-based speech recognition with dynamic language models},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = { Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {642-646},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
NOTE = {DK} }
Magdalena Wolska. Building a POS-annotated corpus of scientific papers in mathematics. In Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2012 : 8–13 July 2012 / notes by J. H. Davenport, Pages 8-9, Bremen, Germany, 0. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Building a POS-annotated corpus of scientific papers in mathematics},
BOOKTITLE = {Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2012 : 8–13 July 2012 / notes by J. H. Davenport},
PAGES = {8-9},
ADDRESS = {Bremen, Germany},
NOTE = {MP} }
Ondřej Bojar,
Christian Buck,
Chris Callison-Burch,
Christian Federmann,
Barry Haddow,
Philipp Koehn,
Christof Monz,
Matt Post,
Radu Soricut and
Lucia Specia. Findings of the 2013 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. In 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2013), Pages 1-44, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9 August 2013. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Bojar, Ondřej and Buck, Christian and Callison-Burch, Chris and Federmann, Christian and Haddow, Barry and Koehn, Philipp and Monz, Christof and Post, Matt and Soricut, Radu and Specia, Lucia},
TITLE = {Findings of the 2013 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {8-9 August},
BOOKTITLE = {8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2013)},
PAGES = {1-44},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
NOTE = {MP} }
Michaela Regneri,
Marcus Rohrbach,
Dominikus Wetzel,
Stefan Thater,
Bernt Schiele and
Manfred Pinkal. Grounding action descriptions in videos. In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), Pages 25-36, 2013. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and Rohrbach, Marcus and Wetzel, Dominikus and Thater, Stefan and Schiele, Bernt and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Grounding action descriptions in videos},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL)},
PAGES = {25-36},
NOTE = {MP} }
Christian Federmann. Multi-engine machine translation as a lifelong machine learning problem. In Lifelong machine learning : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; held March 25 - 27, 2013 in Palo Alto, California, USA, on the campus of Stanford University, Pages 4-8, Palo Alto, California, 2013. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Federmann, Christian},
TITLE = {Multi-engine machine translation as a lifelong machine learning problem},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Lifelong machine learning : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; held March 25 - 27, 2013 in Palo Alto, California, USA, on the campus of Stanford University},
PAGES = {4-8},
ADDRESS = {Palo Alto, California},
NOTE = {MP} }
Magdalena Wolska,
Andrea Horbach,
Diana Steffen and
Manfred Pinkal. UdS ALLEGRO : computational linguistics in support of language learning. In 35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) : information structure - DGfS-Broschüre ; 35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft ; Informationsstruktur, Pages 374-375, Potsdam, Germany, 12-15 March 2013. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Horbach, Andrea and Steffen, Diana and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {UdS ALLEGRO : computational linguistics in support of language learning},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {12-15 March},
BOOKTITLE = {35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) : information structure - DGfS-Broschüre ; 35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft ; Informationsstruktur},
PAGES = {374-375},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany},
NOTE = {MP} }
Andrea Horbach,
Alexis Palmer and
Manfred Pinkal. Using the text to evaluate short answers for reading comprehension exercises. In SEM 2013 : the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics; Vol. 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity.- Stroudsburg, PA : Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 286-295, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 13-14 June 2013. Note: MP.
AUTHOR = {Horbach, Andrea and Palmer, Alexis and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Using the text to evaluate short answers for reading comprehension exercises},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {13-14 June},
BOOKTITLE = {SEM 2013 : the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics; Vol. 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity.- Stroudsburg, PA : Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {286-295},
ADDRESS = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
NOTE = {MP} }
Marcus Rohrbach,
Wei Qiu,
Ivan Titov,
Stefan Thater,
Manfred Pinkal and
Bernt Schiele. Translating video content to natural language descriptions. In Proceedings / 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2013, Pages 433-440, Sydney, NSW, Australi. - Los Alamitos, Cali, 1-8 December 2013. Note: MP, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Rohrbach, Marcus and Qiu, Wei and Titov, Ivan and Thater, Stefan and Pinkal, Manfred and Schiele, Bernt},
TITLE = {Translating video content to natural language descriptions},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {1-8 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2013},
PAGES = {433-440},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, NSW, Australi. - Los Alamitos, Cali},
NOTE = {MP, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Manfred Pützer,
Ina Blanc-Janus and
L. Müller. Analyses acoustiques et électroglottographiques à propos de la dysphonie fonctionnelle. In Journées de Phonétique Clinique : 5ème édition, Liège, 23, 24-25 October 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Blanc-Janus, Ina and Müller, L.},
TITLE = {Analyses acoustiques et électroglottographiques à propos de la dysphonie fonctionnelle},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {24-25 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Journées de Phonétique Clinique : 5ème édition, Liège, 23},
NOTE = {BM} }
Eva Lasarcyk and
William J. Barry. Articulatory basis of vowels in Saxon vs. Standard High German as suggested by acoustic-to-articulatory inversion using state-of-the-art articulatory speech synthesis. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 47-48, Zürich, 11-12 October 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Articulatory basis of vowels in Saxon vs. Standard High German as suggested by acoustic-to-articulatory inversion using state-of-the-art articulatory speech synthesis},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {11-12 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9)},
PAGES = {47-48},
ADDRESS = {Zürich},
NOTE = {BM} }
Britta Lintfert and
Bernd Möbius. Capturing developmental patterns in intonation acquisition : a target-oriented parametric approach. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. - Vol. 1, Pages 219-213, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass., 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Lintfert, Britta and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Capturing developmental patterns in intonation acquisition : a target-oriented parametric approach},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. - Vol. 1},
PAGES = {219-213},
ADDRESS = {Somerville, Mass.},
PUBLISHER = {Cascadilla Press},
NOTE = {BM} }
Manfred Pützer and
Wolfgang Wokurek. Considering subglottal acceleration, electroglottographic and sound pressure signals of different phonation qualities. In AQL 2013 : 10th International Conference Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Pages 87-88, AQL Press, Cinicinati, Ohio, USA, 3-4 June 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Wokurek, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {Considering subglottal acceleration, electroglottographic and sound pressure signals of different phonation qualities},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {3-4 June},
BOOKTITLE = {AQL 2013 : 10th International Conference Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research},
PAGES = {87-88},
ADDRESS = {Cinicinati, Ohio, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Manfred Pützer. Correlation analysis between acoustic source, electroglottogram and neck vibration signals. In Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications : 8th international workshop [MAVEBA 2013], Pages 89-32, Firenze University Press, Firenze, Italy, 16-18 December 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Wokurek, Wolfgang and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Correlation analysis between acoustic source, electroglottogram and neck vibration signals},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {16-18 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications : 8th international workshop [MAVEBA 2013]},
PAGES = {89-32},
ADDRESS = {Firenze, Italy},
PUBLISHER = {Firenze University Press},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Odile Mella,
Jeanin Jügler and
Frank Zimmerer. Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners. In Corpus et Outils en Linguistique, Langues et Parole : statuts, usages et mésuages, Pages 32-34, Strasbourg, France, 3-5 July 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Laprie, Yves and Möbius, Bernd and Andreeva, Bistra and Bonneau, Anne and Colotte, Vincent and Fauth, Camille and Fohr, Dominique and Jouvet, Denis and Mella, Odile and Jügler, Jeanin and Zimmerer, Frank},
TITLE = {Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {3-5 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Corpus et Outils en Linguistique, Langues et Parole : statuts, usages et mésuages},
PAGES = {32-34},
ADDRESS = {Strasbourg, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
Xaver Koch,
Ina Blanc-Janus and
Manfred Pützer. Different prosodic challenges provoke differential cerebral activations. In 3rd IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School : Poster Number II-09, Leipzig, Germany, 10-12 July 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Koch, Xaver and Blanc-Janus, Ina and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Different prosodic challenges provoke differential cerebral activations},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {10-12 July},
BOOKTITLE = {3rd IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School : Poster Number II-09},
ADDRESS = {Leipzig, Germany},
NOTE = {BM} }
Charlotte Wollermann,
Eva Lasarcyk,
Ulrich Schade and
Bernhard Schröder. Disfluencies and uncertainty perception - evidence from a human-machine scenario. In Proceedings of DiSS 2013 : the 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech ; KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Quarterly progress and status report ; 54, 1), Pages 73-76, Stockholm, Schweden, 21-23 August 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Wollermann, Charlotte and Lasarcyk, Eva and Schade, Ulrich and Schröder, Bernhard},
TITLE = {Disfluencies and uncertainty perception - evidence from a human-machine scenario},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {21-23 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of DiSS 2013 : the 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech ; KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Quarterly progress and status report ; 54, 1)},
PAGES = {73-76},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Schweden},
NOTE = {BM} }
Barbara Samlowski,
Petra Wagner and
Bernd Möbius. Effects of lexical class and lemma frequency on German homographs. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association - [S.l.] : ISCA, 2013, Pages 597-601, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Samlowski, Barbara and Wagner, Petra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Effects of lexical class and lemma frequency on German homographs},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association - [S.l.] : ISCA, 2013},
PAGES = {597-601},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. Einatmungsgeräusche vor synthetisch erzeugten Sätzen : eine Pilotstudie. In Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz Bielefeld - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 65), Pages 50-55, TUDpress, Dresden, Germany, 26-28 March 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Einatmungsgeräusche vor synthetisch erzeugten Sätzen : eine Pilotstudie},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {26-28 March},
BOOKTITLE = { Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz Bielefeld - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 65)},
PAGES = {50-55},
ADDRESS = {Dresden, Germany},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Exploring sequences of speech and laughter activity usingvisualisations of conversations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals (WASSS 2013), Grenoble, France, 20-23 August 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.},
TITLE = {Exploring sequences of speech and laughter activity usingvisualisations of conversations},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {20-23 August},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals (WASSS 2013)},
ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jeanin Jügler. Feedback methods to improve phonetic and phonological skills in foreign language acquisition. In Proceedings / 4th Summerschool on Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behaviour, Pages 23-24, Aix-en-Provence, France, 30 September - 4 October 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Jügler, Jeanin},
TITLE = {Feedback methods to improve phonetic and phonological skills in foreign language acquisition},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {30 September - 4 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / 4th Summerschool on Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behaviour},
PAGES = {23-24},
ADDRESS = {Aix-en-Provence, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler and
Odile Mella. Konstruktion eines phonetisch-phonologischen Lernerkorpus für das Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 100-101, Züric, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Zimmerer, Frank and Trouvain, Jürgen and Laprie, Yves and Möbius, Bernd and Andreeva, Bistra and Bonneau, Anne and Colotte, Vincent and Fauth, Camille and Fohr, Dominique and Jouvet, Denis and Jügler, Jeanin and Mella, Odile},
TITLE = {Konstruktion eines phonetisch-phonologischen Lernerkorpus für das Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {11-12 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9)},
PAGES = {100-101},
ADDRESS = {Züric, Schweiz},
NOTE = {BM} }
Eva Lasarcyk,
Charlotte Wollermann,
Bernhard Schröder and
Ulrich Schade. On the modelling of prosodic cues in synthetic speech - what are the effects on perceived uncertainty and naturalness? In
Bernadette Sharp and
Michael Zock editors, Natural language processing and cognitive science : proceedings of NLPCS 2013, 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Pages 117-128, Marseille, France, October 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva and Wollermann, Charlotte and Schröder, Bernhard and Schade, Ulrich},
TITLE = {On the modelling of prosodic cues in synthetic speech - what are the effects on perceived uncertainty and naturalness?},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {October},
BOOKTITLE = {Natural language processing and cognitive science : proceedings of NLPCS 2013, 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science},
PAGES = {117-128},
EDITOR = {Sharp, Bernadette and Zock, Michael},
ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Oliver Bott,
Jacques Koreman and
Torgrim Solstad. Prosodic effects of implicit causality in German and Norwegian? In
Eva Liina Asu and
Pärtel Lippus editors, Nordic prosody : proceedings of the XIth conference, Tartu 2012, Pages 87-96, Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 0. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Bott, Oliver and Koreman, Jacques and Solstad, Torgrim},
TITLE = {Prosodic effects of implicit causality in German and Norwegian?},
BOOKTITLE = {Nordic prosody : proceedings of the XIth conference, Tartu 2012},
PAGES = {87-96},
EDITOR = {Asu, Eva Liina and Lippus, Pärtel},
ADDRESS = {Frankfurt am Main},
NOTE = {BM} }
Fabian Brackhane and
Jürgen Trouvain. The organ stop vox humana as a model for a vowel synthesiser. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 3172-3176, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Brackhane, Fabian and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {The organ stop vox humana as a model for a vowel synthesiser},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {3172-3176},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry and
Jacques Koreman. The Bulgarian stressed and unstressed vowel system : a corpus study. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 345-348, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J. and Koreman, Jacques},
TITLE = {The Bulgarian stressed and unstressed vowel system : a corpus study},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {345-348},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
NOTE = {BM} }
M. Ariman,
V. Dimitrova,
N. Wagner and
Jeanin Jügler. Werden bestimmte Artikel im Deutschen nach trochäischem Muster gruppiert? : Untersuchung anhand eines Sprachproduktionsexperiments. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Zürich, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Ariman, M. and Dimitrova, V. and Wagner, N. and Jügler, Jeanin},
TITLE = {Werden bestimmte Artikel im Deutschen nach trochäischem Muster gruppiert? : Untersuchung anhand eines Sprachproduktionsexperiments},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {11-12 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9)},
ADDRESS = {Zürich, Schweiz},
NOTE = {BM} }
Zeeshan Ahmed,
Ingmar Steiner,
Éva Székely and
Julie Carson-Berndsen. A system for facial expression-based affective speech translation. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Pages 57-58, Santa Monica, CA, USA, 19-20 March 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Ahmed, Zeeshan and Steiner, Ingmar and Székely, Éva and Carson-Berndsen, Julie},
TITLE = {A system for facial expression-based affective speech translation},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {19-20 March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces},
PAGES = {57-58},
ADDRESS = {Santa Monica, CA, USA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Marcela Charfuelan and
Ingmar Steiner. Expressive speech synthesis in MARY TTS using audiobook data and emotionML. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 1564-1568, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Charfuelan, Marcela and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Expressive speech synthesis in MARY TTS using audiobook data and emotionML},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
PAGES = {1564-1568},
ADDRESS = {Lyon, France},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Alexander Hewer,
Joachim Weickert,
Tobias Scheffer,
Henning Seibert and
Stefan Diebels. Lagrangian strain tensor computation with higher order variational models. In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2013 : Bristol, UK, September 2013. -[s.l.], Pages 129.1-129.10, BMVA Press, 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Hewer, Alexander and Weickert, Joachim and Scheffer, Tobias and Seibert, Henning and Diebels, Stefan},
TITLE = {Lagrangian strain tensor computation with higher order variational models},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2013 : Bristol, UK, September 2013. -[s.l.]},
PAGES = {129.1-129.10},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Marcela Charfuelan,
Sathish Chandra Pammi and
Ingmar Steiner. MARY TTS unit selection and HMM-based voices for the Blizzard Challenge 2013. In Blizzard Challenge 2013 Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 3 September 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Charfuelan, Marcela and Pammi, Sathish Chandra and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {MARY TTS unit selection and HMM-based voices for the Blizzard Challenge 2013},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {3 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Blizzard Challenge 2013 Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Zeeshan Ahmed,
Ingmar Steiner,
Éva Székely and
Julie Carson-Berndsen. Progress in facial expression based affective speech translation. In
Petra Wagner editor, Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz Bielefeld, 26. - 28.3.2013., Pages 189-196, TUDpress, Dresden, Germany, 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Ahmed, Zeeshan and Steiner, Ingmar and Székely, Éva and Carson-Berndsen, Julie},
TITLE = {Progress in facial expression based affective speech translation},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz Bielefeld, 26. - 28.3.2013.},
PAGES = {189-196},
EDITOR = {Wagner, Petra},
ADDRESS = {Dresden, Germany},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ingmar Steiner,
Korin Richmond and
Slim Ouni. Speech animation using electromagnetic articulography as motion capture data. In
Slim Ouni,
Frédéric Berthomier and
Alexandra Jesse editors, AVSP 2013 : 12th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, Pages 55-60, Annecy, France, 29 August - 1 September 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Richmond, Korin and Ouni, Slim},
TITLE = {Speech animation using electromagnetic articulography as motion capture data},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {29 August - 1 September},
BOOKTITLE = {AVSP 2013 : 12th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing},
PAGES = {55-60},
EDITOR = {Ouni, Slim and Berthomier, Frédéric and Jesse, Alexandra},
ADDRESS = {Annecy, France},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ingmar Steiner,
Marc Schröder and
Annette Klepp. The PAVOQUE corpus as a resource for analysis and synthesis of expressive speech. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 83-84, Zürich, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Schröder, Marc and Klepp, Annette},
TITLE = {The PAVOQUE corpus as a resource for analysis and synthesis of expressive speech},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {11-12 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9)},
PAGES = {83-84},
ADDRESS = {Zürich, Schweiz},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Bernd Kiefer and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An efficient typed feature structure index : theory and implementation. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, IWPT-2013, Pages 17-25, Nara, 27-29 November 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {An efficient typed feature structure index : theory and implementation},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {27-29 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, IWPT-2013},
PAGES = {17-25},
ADDRESS = {Nara},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An efficient implementation of equivalence relations in OWL via rule and query rewriting. In Proceedings / 2013 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2013, Pages 260-263, IEEE, Los Alamitos, California, 26-28 June 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {An efficient implementation of equivalence relations in OWL via rule and query rewriting},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {26-28 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / 2013 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2013},
PAGES = {260-263},
ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, California},
NOTE = {HU} }
Georg Rehm and
Hans Uszkoreit. An extended summary of the META-NET strategic research agenda for multilingual Europe 2020. In
Gerhard Stickel and
Váradi Tamás editors, Lexical challenges in a multilingual Europe : contributions to the annual conference 2012 of EFNIL in Budapest, Pages 179-200, Budapest, 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Rehm, Georg and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {An extended summary of the META-NET strategic research agenda for multilingual Europe 2020},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Lexical challenges in a multilingual Europe : contributions to the annual conference 2012 of EFNIL in Budapest},
PAGES = {179-200},
EDITOR = {Stickel, Gerhard and Tamás, Váradi},
SERIES = {Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft},
ADDRESS = {Budapest},
NOTE = {HU} }
Sean O'Riain,
Barry Coughlan,
Paul Buitelaar,
Thierry Declerck,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Susan Marie-Thomas. Cross-lingual querying and comparison of linked financial and business data. In
Philipp Cimiano,
Miriam Fernández,
Vanessa Lopez,
Stefan Schlobach and
Johanna Völker editors, The semantic web: ESWC 2013 satellite events, Pages 242-247, Springer, Montpellier, 26-30 May 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {O'Riain, Sean and Coughlan, Barry and Buitelaar, Paul and Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Marie-Thomas, Susan},
TITLE = {Cross-lingual querying and comparison of linked financial and business data},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {26-30 May},
BOOKTITLE = {The semantic web: ESWC 2013 satellite events},
PAGES = {242-247},
EDITOR = {Cimiano, Philipp and Fernández, Miriam and Lopez, Vanessa and Schlobach, Stefan and Völker, Johanna},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Mihail Minev,
Christoph Schommer,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Theoharry Grammatikos. Feature extraction and representation for economic surveys : dimensionality reduction of news texts using composite features. In Bridging between information retrieval and databases: PROMISE Winter School 2013, Bressanone, 4-8 February 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Minev, Mihail and Schommer, Christoph and Schäfer, Ulrich and Grammatikos, Theoharry},
TITLE = {Feature extraction and representation for economic surveys : dimensionality reduction of news texts using composite features},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {4-8 February},
BOOKTITLE = {Bridging between information retrieval and databases: PROMISE Winter School 2013},
ADDRESS = {Bressanone},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alejandro Figueroa and
Günter Neumann. Exploiting user search sessions for the semantic categorization of question-like informational search queries. In Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP, Pages 902–906, Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, Nagoya, 14-18 October 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Figueroa, Alejandro and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Exploiting user search sessions for the semantic categorization of question-like informational search queries},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {14-18 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP},
PAGES = {902–906},
ADDRESS = {Nagoya},
ORGANIZATION = {Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing},
NOTE = {HU} }
Günter Neumann and
Sven Schmeier. Exploratory search on the mobile web. In
Joaquim Felipe and
Ana Fred editors, Agents and artificial intelligence : 4th international conference, ICAART, Pages 116-130, Springer, Vilamoura, 6-8 February 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Schmeier, Sven},
TITLE = {Exploratory search on the mobile web},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {6-8 February},
BOOKTITLE = {Agents and artificial intelligence : 4th international conference, ICAART},
PAGES = {116-130},
EDITOR = {Felipe, Joaquim and Fred, Ana},
SERIES = {Communications in computer and information science},
ADDRESS = {Vilamoura},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. From strings to things SAR-Graphs: a new type of resource for connecting knowledge and language. In NLP & DBpedia 2013 : proceedings of the NLP & DBpedia workshop co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, 22 October 2013. Note: HU
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {From strings to things SAR-Graphs: a new type of resource for connecting knowledge and language},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {22 October},
BOOKTITLE = {NLP & DBpedia 2013 : proceedings of the NLP & DBpedia workshop co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013)},
ADDRESS = {Sydney},
} }
Ulrich Schäfer,
Frederik Arnold,
Simon Ostermann and
Saskia Reifers. Hybrid machine translation using binary classification models trained on joint, binarised feature vectors. In
Ingo Timm and
Matthias Timm editors, KI 2013: advances in artificial intelligence : 36th Annual German Conference on AI, Pages 212-223, Springer, Koblenz, 16-20 September 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Ulrich and Arnold, Frederik and Ostermann, Simon and Reifers, Saskia},
TITLE = {Hybrid machine translation using binary classification models trained on joint, binarised feature vectors},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {16-20 September},
BOOKTITLE = {KI 2013: advances in artificial intelligence : 36th Annual German Conference on AI},
PAGES = {212-223},
EDITOR = {Timm, Ingo and Timm, Matthias},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science},
ADDRESS = {Koblenz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Alejandro Figueroa and
Günter Neumann. Learning to rank effective paraphrases from query logs for community question answering. In
Marie DesJardins and
Michael Littman editors, Proceedings of the twenty-seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pages 1099-1105, AAAI Press, Bellevue, Washington, 14-18 July 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Figueroa, Alejandro and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Learning to rank effective paraphrases from query logs for community question answering},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {14-18 July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the twenty-seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {1099-1105},
EDITOR = {DesJardins, Marie and Littman, Michael},
ADDRESS = {Bellevue, Washington},
NOTE = {HU} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Bernd Kiefer,
Ilaria Baroni and
Mattia Coti Zelati. Making human-robot quiz dialogue more conversational by adding non-quiz talk. In
Raquel Fernández and
Amy Isard editors, SEMDIAL 2013: DialDam ; proceedings of the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Pages 213-214, Amsterdam, 16-18 December 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Kiefer, Bernd and Baroni, Ilaria and Coti Zelati, Mattia},
TITLE = {Making human-robot quiz dialogue more conversational by adding non-quiz talk},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {16-18 December},
BOOKTITLE = {SEMDIAL 2013: DialDam ; proceedings of the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue},
PAGES = {213-214},
EDITOR = {Fernández, Raquel and Isard, Amy},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
NOTE = {HU} }
Andrea Moro,
Hong Li,
Sebastian Krause,
Feiyu Xu,
Robert Navigli and
Hans Uszkoreit. Semantic rule filtering for web-scale relation extraction. In The semantic web : proceedings / ISWC 2013, 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Pages 347-362, Springer, Sydney, Australia, 21-25 October 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Moro, Andrea and Li, Hong and Krause, Sebastian and Xu, Feiyu and Navigli, Robert and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Semantic rule filtering for web-scale relation extraction},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {21-25 October},
BOOKTITLE = {The semantic web : proceedings / ISWC 2013, 12th International Semantic Web Conference},
PAGES = {347-362},
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science},
ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {HU} }
Antske Fokkens and
Tania Avgustinova. SlaviCLIMB: combining expertise for Slavic grammar development using a metagrammar. In
Denys Duchier and
Yannick Parmentier editors, Workshop on High-level Methodologies for Grammar Engineering @ ESSLLI 2013, Pages 87-92, Düsseldorf, 12-16 August 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Fokkens, Antske and Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {SlaviCLIMB: combining expertise for Slavic grammar development using a metagrammar},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {12-16 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on High-level Methodologies for Grammar Engineering @ ESSLLI 2013},
PAGES = {87-92},
EDITOR = {Duchier, Denys and Parmentier, Yannick},
ADDRESS = {Düsseldorf},
NOTE = {HU} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Thierry Declerck. The xEBR ontology : transforming the XBRL Europe business registers taxonomy into an OWL ontology. In XBRL 26 : international conference, Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 April 2013. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {The xEBR ontology : transforming the XBRL Europe business registers taxonomy into an OWL ontology},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {16-18 April},
BOOKTITLE = {XBRL 26 : international conference},
ADDRESS = {Dublin, Ireland},
NOTE = {HU} }
Angeliki Lazaridou,
Ivan Titov and
Caroline Sporleder. A Bayesian model for joint unsupervised induction of sentiment, aspect and discourse representations. In 51h Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2013, Pages 1630-1639, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4-9 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Lazaridou, Angeliki and Titov, Ivan and Sporleder, Caroline},
TITLE = {A Bayesian model for joint unsupervised induction of sentiment, aspect and discourse representations},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {4-9 August},
BOOKTITLE = {51h Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2013},
PAGES = {1630-1639},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Mikhail Kozhevnikov and
Ivan Titov. Bootstrapping semantic role labelers from parallel data. In SEM 2013 : the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Vol. 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity, Vol. 1:317-327, Association for Computational Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 13-14 June 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Kozhevnikov, Mikhail and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Bootstrapping semantic role labelers from parallel data},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {13-14 June},
BOOKTITLE = {SEM 2013 : the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Vol. 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {317-327},
ADDRESS = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Mikhail Kozhevnikov and
Ivan Titov. Cross-lingual transfer of semantic role labeling models. In 51h Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2013 ; proceedings of the conference, Vol. 1 : Long papers, Vol. 1:1190-1200, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4-9 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Kozhevnikov, Mikhail and Titov, Ivan},
TITLE = {Cross-lingual transfer of semantic role labeling models},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {4-9 August},
BOOKTITLE = {51h Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2013 ; proceedings of the conference, Vol. 1 : Long papers},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {1190-1200},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Nikolaos Engonopoulos,
Martin Villalba,
Ivan Titov and
Gabriele Musillo. Predicting the resolution of referring expressions from user behavior. In 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference, Pages 1354–1359, Association for Computational Linguistics, Seattle, Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Engonopoulos, Nikolaos and Villalba, Martin and Titov, Ivan and Musillo, Gabriele},
TITLE = {Predicting the resolution of referring expressions from user behavior},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {18-21 October},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference},
PAGES = {1354–1359},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Asad Sayeed. An opinion about opinions about opinions : subjectivity and the aggregate reader. In 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : (NAACL HLT 2013), Vol. 2:691-696, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 9-14 June 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Sayeed, Asad},
TITLE = {An opinion about opinions about opinions : subjectivity and the aggregate reader},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {9-14 June},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : (NAACL HLT 2013)},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {691-696},
ADDRESS = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Judith Köhne and
Vera Demberg. Discourse connectives give rise to lexical predictions. In DETEC 2013: discourse expectations: theoretical, experimental, and computational perspectives, Tübingen, Germany, 20-21 June 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Köhne, Judith and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Discourse connectives give rise to lexical predictions},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {20-21 June},
BOOKTITLE = {DETEC 2013: discourse expectations: theoretical, experimental, and computational perspectives},
ADDRESS = {Tübingen, Germany},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Silas Weinbach and
Vera Demberg. Identifying predictive collocations. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics: proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 1581-1586, Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 June - 3 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Weinbach, Silas and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Identifying predictive collocations},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {31 June - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics: proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {1581-1586},
EDITOR = {Knauff, Markus and Pauen, Michael and Sebanz, Natalie and Wachsmuth, Ipke},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = {Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Vera Demberg. Integration costs on auxiliaries? - a self-paced reading study using WebExp. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 2160-2165 , Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 2013. [Abstract] Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Integration costs on auxiliaries? - a self-paced reading study using WebExp},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {31 July - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {2160-2165 },
EDITOR = {Knauff, Markus and Pauen, Michael and Sebanz, Natalie and Wachsmuth, Ipke},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = {Cognitive Science Society},
ABSTRACT = {In their evaluation of the integration cost component of Dependency Locality Theory on the Dundee Corpus, Demberg and Keller (2008) found no significant main effect of DLT integration cost on reading times, but suggested that this might be due to auxiliaries incurring some of the full verbs integration cost and thus facilitating processing of the verb. This hypothesis however, has to date not been tested. The present paper fills this gap by reporting an experiment on subject vs. object relative clauses including auxiliaries, as well as by testing Demberg and Kellers hypothesis directly on the Dundee Corpus. A further contribution of this paper is methodological: we replicate experimental results on the subject vs. object relative clause assymmetry in a self-paced-reading experiment run remotely on the web using WebExp.},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Nikolaos Engonopoulos,
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. Language and cognitive load in a dual task environment. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ; Berlin, Germany,, Pages 2249-2254, Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Engonopoulos, Nikolaos and Sayeed, Asad and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Language and cognitive load in a dual task environment},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {31 July - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ; Berlin, Germany,},
PAGES = {2249-2254},
EDITOR = {Knauff, Markus and Pauen, Michael and Sebanz, Natalie and Wachsmuth, Ipke},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = {Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Vera Demberg,
Asad Sayeed,
Angela Mahr and
Christian Müller. Measuring linguistically-induced cognitive load during driving using the ConTRe task. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications : [AutomotiveUI ´13], Pages 176-183, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 27-30 October 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera and Sayeed, Asad and Mahr, Angela and Müller, Christian},
TITLE = {Measuring linguistically-induced cognitive load during driving using the ConTRe task},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {27-30 October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications : [AutomotiveUI ´13]},
PAGES = {176-183},
ADDRESS = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. On the information conveyed by discourse markers. In Cognitive modeling and computational linguistics (CMCL 2013), Pages 84-93, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Asr, Fatemeh and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {On the information conveyed by discourse markers},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {8 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cognitive modeling and computational linguistics (CMCL 2013)},
PAGES = {84-93},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Vera Demberg. Pupillometry : the index of cognitive activity in a dual-task study. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 2154-2159, Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Pupillometry : the index of cognitive activity in a dual-task study},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {31 July - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {2154-2159},
EDITOR = {Knauff, Markus and Pauen, Michael and Sebanz, Natalie and Wachsmuth, Ipke},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = { Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Vera Demberg,
Evangelia Kiagia and
Asad Sayeed. The index of cognitive activity as a measure of linguistic processing. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 2148-2153, Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 0. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera and Kiagia, Evangelia and Sayeed, Asad},
TITLE = {The index of cognitive activity as a measure of linguistic processing},
MONTH = {31 July - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {2148-2153},
EDITOR = {Knauff, Markus and Pauen, Michael and Sebanz, Natalie and Wachsmuth, Ipke},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = {Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. The semantic augmentation of a psycholinguistically-motivated syntactic formalism. In Cognitive modeling and computational linguistics (CMCL 2013), Pages 57-65, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Sayeed, Asad and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {The semantic augmentation of a psycholinguistically-motivated syntactic formalism},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {8 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cognitive modeling and computational linguistics (CMCL 2013)},
PAGES = {57-65},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Judith Köhne and
Vera Demberg. The time-course of processing discourse connectives. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 2760-2765, Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 2013. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Köhne, Judith and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {The time-course of processing discourse connectives},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {31 July - 3 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society},
PAGES = {2760-2765},
EDITOR = {Knauff, Markus and Pauen, Michael and Sebanz, Natalie and Wachsmuth, Ipke},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = { Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Lea Frermann,
Ivan Titov and
Manfred Pinkal. A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge. In Proceedings of EACL 2014, Gotheborg, Sweden, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Frermann, Lea and Titov, Ivan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EACL 2014},
ADDRESS = {Gotheborg, Sweden} }
Michaela Regneri,
Rui Wang and
Manfred Pinkal. Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrases Fragment Extraction. In Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and Wang, Rui and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrases Fragment Extraction},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of LREC 2014},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Annemarie Friedrich and
Alexis Palmer. Automatic Prediction of aspectual class of verbs in context. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Baltimore, USA, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Friedrich, Annemarie and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Automatic Prediction of aspectual class of verbs in context},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
ADDRESS = {Baltimore, USA} }
Michaela Regneri and
Diane King. Automatically evaluating atypical language in narratives by children with autistic spectrum disorder. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science 2014, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Regneri, Michaela and King, Diane},
TITLE = {Automatically evaluating atypical language in narratives by children with autistic spectrum disorder},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science 2014} }
Annemarie Friedrich and
Alexis Palmer. Centering Theory in natural text: a large-scale corpus study. In Poster in Proceedings of KONVENS, Hildesheim, Germany, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Friedrich, Annemarie and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Centering Theory in natural text: a large-scale corpus study},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Poster in Proceedings of KONVENS},
ADDRESS = {Hildesheim, Germany} }
Anna Senina,
Marcus Rohrbach,
Wei Qiu,
Annemarie Friedrich,
Manfred Pinkal and
Bernt Schiele. Coherent Multi-Sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail. In Proceedings of the 36th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), Münster, Germany, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Senina, Anna and Rohrbach, Marcus and Qiu, Wei and Friedrich, Annemarie and Pinkal, Manfred and Schiele, Bernt},
TITLE = {Coherent Multi-Sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 36th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)},
ADDRESS = {Münster, Germany} }
Magdalena Wolska,
Andrea Horbach and
Alexis Palmer. Computer-assisted Scoring of Short Responses: The Efficiency of a Clustering-based Approach in a Real-life Task. In 9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (PolTAL), 2014.
AUTHOR = {Wolska, Magdalena and Horbach, Andrea and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Computer-assisted Scoring of Short Responses: The Efficiency of a Clustering-based Approach in a Real-life Task},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (PolTAL)} }
Anjana Vakil and
Alexis Palmer. Cross-language mapping for small-vocabulary ASR in under-resourced languages: Investigating the impact of source language choice. In 4th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced Languages, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Vakil, Anjana and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Cross-language mapping for small-vocabulary ASR in under-resourced languages: Investigating the impact of source language choice},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {4th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced Languages},
ADDRESS = {St. Petersburg, Russia} }
Simon Ostermann,
Nikolina Koleva,
Alexis Palmer and
Andrea Horbach. CSGS: Adapting a short answer scoring system for multiple-choice reading comprehension exercises. In Working notes for QA Track - CLEF Question Answering Track: Entrance Exams, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Ostermann, Simon and Koleva, Nikolina and Palmer, Alexis and Horbach, Andrea},
TITLE = {CSGS: Adapting a short answer scoring system for multiple-choice reading comprehension exercises},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Working notes for QA Track - CLEF Question Answering Track: Entrance Exams} }
Andrea Horbach,
Alexis Palmer and
Magdalena Wolska. Finding a Tradeoff between Accuracy and Rater's Workload in Grading Clustered Short Answers. In Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Pages 588-595, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Horbach, Andrea and Palmer, Alexis and Wolska, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Finding a Tradeoff between Accuracy and Rater's Workload in Grading Clustered Short Answers},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)},
PAGES = {588-595},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Andrea Horbach,
Diana Steffen,
Stefan Thater and
Manfred Pinkal. Improving the Performance of Standard Part-of-Speech Taggers for Computer-Mediate Communication. In Proceedings of KONVENS, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Horbach, Andrea and Steffen, Diana and Thater, Stefan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Improving the Performance of Standard Part-of-Speech Taggers for Computer-Mediate Communication},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of KONVENS} }
Anjana Vakil,
Max Paulus,
Alexis Palmer and
Michaela Regneri. Lex4all: A language-independent tool for building and evaluating pronunciation lexicons for small-vocabulary speech recognition. In Proceedings of the ACL 2014 System Demonstrations, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Vakil, Anjana and Paulus, Max and Palmer, Alexis and Regneri, Michaela},
TITLE = {Lex4all: A language-independent tool for building and evaluating pronunciation lexicons for small-vocabulary speech recognition},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL 2014 System Demonstrations} }
Annemarie Friedrich,
Marina Valeeva and
Alexis Palmer. LQVSumm: A Corpus of Linguistic Quality Violations in Multi-Document Summarization. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014.
AUTHOR = {Friedrich, Annemarie and Valeeva, Marina and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {LQVSumm: A Corpus of Linguistic Quality Violations in Multi-Document Summarization},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Nikolina Koleva,
Andrea Horbach,
Alexis Palmer,
Simon Ostermann and
Manfred Pinkal. Paraphrase Detection for Short Answer Scoring. In Proceedings of the third workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning at SLTC 2014, Uppsala, Sweden, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Koleva, Nikolina and Horbach, Andrea and Palmer, Alexis and Ostermann, Simon and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Paraphrase Detection for Short Answer Scoring},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the third workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning at SLTC 2014},
ADDRESS = {Uppsala, Sweden} }
Guy Emerson,
Liling Tan,
Susanne Fertmann,
Alexis Palmer and
Michaela Regneri. SeedLing: Building and using a seed corpus for the Human Language Project. In Proceedings of the ComputEL 2014 -- The ACL Workshop on the use of computational methods in the study of endangered languages, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Emerson, Guy and Tan, Liling and Fertmann, Susanne and Palmer, Alexis and Regneri, Michaela},
TITLE = {SeedLing: Building and using a seed corpus for the Human Language Project},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ComputEL 2014 -- The ACL Workshop on the use of computational methods in the study of endangered languages} }
Alexis Palmer and
Michaela Regneri. Short-term projects, long-term benefits: Four student NLP projects for low-resource languages. In Proceedings of the ComputEL 2014 -- The ACL Workshop on the use of computational methods in the study of endangered languages, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Palmer, Alexis and Regneri, Michaela},
TITLE = {Short-term projects, long-term benefits: Four student NLP projects for low-resource languages},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ComputEL 2014 -- The ACL Workshop on the use of computational methods in the study of endangered languages} }
Annemarie Friedrich and
Alexis Palmer. Situation entity annotation. In Proceedings of the 8th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW VIII), Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Friedrich, Annemarie and Palmer, Alexis},
TITLE = {Situation entity annotation},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW VIII)},
ADDRESS = {Dublin, Ireland} }
Alexander Hewer,
Ingmar Steiner and
Stefanie Wuhrer. A hybrid approach to 3D tongue modeling from vocal tract MRI using unsupervised image segmentation and mesh deformation. In Interspeech, Pages 418-421, Singapore, September 2014.
AUTHOR = {Hewer, Alexander and Steiner, Ingmar and Wuhrer, Stefanie},
TITLE = {A hybrid approach to 3D tongue modeling from vocal tract MRI using unsupervised image segmentation and mesh deformation},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Interspeech},
PAGES = {418-421},
ADDRESS = {Singapore} }
Felix Burkhardt,
Christian Becker-Asano,
Edmon Begoli,
Roddy Cowie,
Gerhard Fobe,
Patrick Gebhard,
Abe Kazemzadeh,
Ingmar Steiner and
Tim Llewellyn. Application of EmotionML. In 5th International Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES3LOD), Pages 1-5, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014.
AUTHOR = {Burkhardt, Felix and Becker-Asano, Christian and Begoli, Edmon and Cowie, Roddy and Fobe, Gerhard and Gebhard, Patrick and Kazemzadeh, Abe and Steiner, Ingmar and Llewellyn, Tim},
TITLE = {Application of EmotionML},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {5th International Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES3LOD)},
PAGES = {1-5},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Ingmar Steiner,
Peter Knopp,
Sebastian Musche,
Astrid Schmiedel,
Angelika Braun and
Slim Ouni. Investigating the effects of posture and noise on speech production. In 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Pages 417-420, Cologne, Germany, May 2014.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Knopp, Peter and Musche, Sebastian and Schmiedel, Astrid and Braun, Angelika and Ouni, Slim},
TITLE = {Investigating the effects of posture and noise on speech production},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP)},
PAGES = {417-420},
ADDRESS = {Cologne, Germany} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. A Detailed Comparison of Seven Approaches for the Annotation of Time-Dependent Factual Knowledge in RDF and OWL. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (held in conjunction with LREC 2014), European Language Resources Association, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {A Detailed Comparison of Seven Approaches for the Annotation of Time-Dependent Factual Knowledge in RDF and OWL},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (held in conjunction with LREC 2014), European Language Resources Association} }
Thierry Declerck,
Karlheinz Mörth and
Eveline Wand-Vogt. A SKOS-based Schema for TEI encoded Dictionaries at ICLTT. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Mörth, Karlheinz and Wand-Vogt, Eveline},
TITLE = {A SKOS-based Schema for TEI encoded Dictionaries at ICLTT},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Georg Rehm,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Ido Dagan,
Vartker Goetcherian,
Mehmet Ugur Dogan,
Coskun Mermer,
Tamás Váradi,
Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen,
Gerhard Stickel,
Meirion Prys Jones,
Stefan Oeter and
Sigve Gramstad. An Update and Extension of the META-NET Study Europe's Languages in the Digital Age. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014.
AUTHOR = {Rehm, Georg and Uszkoreit, Hans and Dagan, Ido and Goetcherian, Vartker and Dogan, Mehmet Ugur and Mermer, Coskun and Váradi, Tamás and Kirchmeier-Andersen, Sabine and Stickel, Gerhard and Prys Jones, Meirion and Oeter, Stefan and Gramstad, Sigve},
TITLE = {An Update and Extension of the META-NET Study Europe's Languages in the Digital Age},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Elettra Oleari,
Clara Pozzi,
Stefania Racioppa and
Bernd Kiefer. Analysis of the Responses to System-Initiated Off-Activity Talk in Human-Robot Interaction with Diabetic Children. In Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Workshop Series on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL-2014), Pages 90-97, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Oleari, Elettra and Pozzi, Clara and Racioppa, Stefania and Kiefer, Bernd},
TITLE = {Analysis of the Responses to System-Initiated Off-Activity Talk in Human-Robot Interaction with Diabetic Children},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Workshop Series on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL-2014)},
PAGES = {90-97},
ADDRESS = {Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom} }
Hong Li,
Sebastian Krause,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Robert Hummel and
Veselina Mironova. Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Li, Hong and Krause, Sebastian and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Hummel, Robert and Mironova, Veselina},
TITLE = {Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Ilaria Baroni,
Marco Nalin,
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl,
Bernd Kiefer and
Alberto Sanna. Children’s Turn-Taking Behavior Adaptation in Multi-Session Interactions with a Humanoid Robot. In Workshop on Timing in Human-Robot Interaction. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), ACM/IEEE, Bielefeld, Germany, 3-6 March 2014.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Baroni, Ilaria and Nalin, Marco and Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto and Kiefer, Bernd and Sanna, Alberto},
TITLE = {Children’s Turn-Taking Behavior Adaptation in Multi-Session Interactions with a Humanoid Robot},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {3-6 March},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Timing in Human-Robot Interaction. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), ACM/IEEE},
ADDRESS = {Bielefeld, Germany} }
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Elettra Oleari,
Ilaria Baroni,
Bernd Kiefer,
Mattia Coti Zelati,
Clara Pozzi and
Alberto Sanna. Effects of Off-Activity Talk in Human-Robot Interaction with Diabetic Children. In Ro-Man 2014: The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Pages 649-654, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 25-29 August 2014.
AUTHOR = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Oleari, Elettra and Baroni, Ilaria and Kiefer, Bernd and Coti Zelati, Mattia and Pozzi, Clara and Sanna, Alberto},
TITLE = {Effects of Off-Activity Talk in Human-Robot Interaction with Diabetic Children},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {25-29 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Ro-Man 2014: The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)},
PAGES = {649-654},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, United Kingdom} }
Christian Eisenreich,
Jana Ott,
Tonio Süßdorf,
Christian Willms and
Thierry Declerck. From Tale to Speech: Ontology-based Emotion and Dialogue Annotation of Fairy Tales with a TTS Output. In Proceedings of ISWC 2014, Springer, Riva del Garda, Italy, October 2014.
AUTHOR = {Eisenreich, Christian and Ott, Jana and Süßdorf, Tonio and Willms, Christian and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {From Tale to Speech: Ontology-based Emotion and Dialogue Annotation of Fairy Tales with a TTS Output},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ISWC 2014},
ADDRESS = {Riva del Garda, Italy},
PUBLISHER = {Springer} }
Thierry Declerck and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Harmonization of German Lexical Resources for Opinion Mining. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich},
TITLE = {Harmonization of German Lexical Resources for Opinion Mining},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Thierry Declerck. Harmonizing Lexical Data for their Linking to Knowledge Objects in the Linked Data Framework. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing, Dublin, Ireland, The COLING 2014 Organizing Committe, International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL), Sheffield, Dublin, August 2014.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Harmonizing Lexical Data for their Linking to Knowledge Objects in the Linked Data Framework},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing, Dublin, Ireland, The COLING 2014 Organizing Committe, International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)},
ADDRESS = {Sheffield, Dublin} }
Thierry Declerck and
Eveline Wand-Vogt. How to semantically relate dialectal Dictionaries in the Linked Data Framework. In
Kalliopi Zervanou,
Cristina Vertan,
Antal van de Bosch and
Caroline Sporleder editors, Proceedings of the The 8th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2014), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2014.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Wand-Vogt, Eveline},
TITLE = {How to semantically relate dialectal Dictionaries in the Linked Data Framework},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the The 8th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2014)},
EDITOR = {Zervanou, Kalliopi and Vertan, Cristina and Bosch, Antal van de and Sporleder, Caroline},
ADDRESS = {Gothenburg, Sweden} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger,
Christian Spurk,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu,
Yi Zhang,
F. Müller and
Thomas Tolxdorff. Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resources Association, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Spurk, Christian and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Zhang, Yi and Müller, F. and Tolxdorff, Thomas},
TITLE = {Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resources Association},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Sebastian Krause,
Hong Li,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Robert Hummel and
Luise Spielhagen. Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resources Association, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Li, Hong and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Hummel, Robert and Spielhagen, Luise},
TITLE = {Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resources Association},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl,
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova and
Nina Dethlefs. Non-Strict Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Systems and Robots. In ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto and Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana and Dethlefs, Nina},
TITLE = {Non-Strict Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Systems and Robots},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems} }
Maja Popovic,
Arle Richard Lommel,
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Eleftherios Avramidis and
Hans Uszkoreit. Relations between different types of post-editing operations, cognitive effort and temporal effort. In The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 14), Pages 191-198, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Popovic, Maja and Lommel, Arle Richard and Burchardt, Aljoscha and Avramidis, Eleftherios and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Relations between different types of post-editing operations, cognitive effort and temporal effort},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 14)},
PAGES = {191-198},
ADDRESS = {Dubrovnik, Croatia} }
Guy Emerson and
Thierry Declerck. SentiMerge: Combining Sentiment Lexicons in a Bayesian Framework. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing, Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Emerson, Guy and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {SentiMerge: Combining Sentiment Lexicons in a Bayesian Framework},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing},
ADDRESS = {Dublin, Ireland} }
Renlong Ai,
Marcela Charfuelan,
Walter Kasper,
Tina Klüwer,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu,
Sandra Gasber and
Philip Gienand. Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resource Association, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Ai, Renlong and Charfuelan, Marcela and Kasper, Walter and Klüwer, Tina and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Gasber, Sandra and Gienand, Philip},
TITLE = {Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland},
ORGANIZATION = {European Language Resource Association} }
Bernardo Magnini,
Roberto Zanoli,
Ido Dagan,
Kathrin Eichler,
Günter Neumann,
Tae-Gil Noh,
Sebastian Pado and
Omer Levy. The Excitement Open Platform for Textual Inferences. In The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2014), demo paper, Baltimore, USA, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Magnini, Bernardo and Zanoli, Roberto and Dagan, Ido and Eichler, Kathrin and Neumann, Günter and Noh, Tae-Gil and Pado, Sebastian and Levy, Omer},
TITLE = {The Excitement Open Platform for Textual Inferences},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2014), demo paper},
ADDRESS = {Baltimore, USA} }
Georg Rehm,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Sophie Ananiadou,
Núria Bel,
Audrone Bieleviciene,
Lars Borin,
António Branco,
Gerhard Budin,
Nicoletta Calzolari,
Walter Daelemans,
Radovan Garabik,
Marko Grobelnik,
Carmen García-Mateo,
Josef van Genabith,
Jan Hajic,
Inma Hernáez,
John Judge,
S. Koeva,
Simon Krek,
Cvetana Krstev,
Krister Lindén,
Bernardo Magnini,
Joseph Mariani,
John McNaught,
Maite Melero,
Monica Monachini,
Asunción Moreno,
Jan Odjik,
Maciej Ogrodniczuk,
Piotr Pezik,
Stelios Piperidis,
Adam Przepiórkowski,
Eirikur Rögnvaldsson,
Michael Rosner,
Bolette Sandford Pederson,
Inguna Skadina,
Koenraad De Smedt,
Marko Tadic,
Paul Thompson,
Tamás Váradi,
Andrejs Vasiljevs,
Kadri Vider and
Jolanta Zabarskaite. The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level. In Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Rehm, Georg and Uszkoreit, Hans and Ananiadou, Sophie and Bel, Núria and Bieleviciene, Audrone and Borin, Lars and Branco, António and Budin, Gerhard and Calzolari, Nicoletta and Daelemans, Walter and Garabik, Radovan and Grobelnik, Marko and García-Mateo, Carmen and van Genabith, Josef and Hajic, Jan and Hernáez, Inma and Judge, John and Koeva, S. and Krek, Simon and Krstev, Cvetana and Lindén, Krister and Magnini, Bernardo and Mariani, Joseph and McNaught, John and Melero, Maite and Monachini, Monica and Moreno, Asunción and Odjik, Jan and Ogrodniczuk, Maciej and Pezik, Piotr and Piperidis, Stelios and Przepiórkowski, Adam and Rögnvaldsson, Eirikur and Rosner, Michael and Sandford Pederson, Bolette and Skadina, Inguna and De Smedt, Koenraad and Tadic, Marko and Thompson, Paul and Váradi, Tamás and Vasiljevs, Andrejs and Vider, Kadri and Zabarskaite, Jolanta},
TITLE = {The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Eleftherios Avramidis,
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Sabine Hunsicker,
Maja Popovic,
Cindy Tscherwinka,
David Vilar and
Hans Uszkoreit. The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Pages 2679-2682, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Avramidis, Eleftherios and Burchardt, Aljoscha and Hunsicker, Sabine and Popovic, Maja and Tscherwinka, Cindy and Vilar, David and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {The taraXÜ Corpus of Human-Annotated Machine Translations},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)},
PAGES = {2679-2682},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} }
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Thierry Declerck. TMO - The Federated Ontology of the TrendMiner Project. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), European Language Resource Association, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {TMO - The Federated Ontology of the TrendMiner Project},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)},
ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland},
ORGANIZATION = {European Language Resource Association} }
Paloma Martínez,
Isabel Segura,
Thierry Declerck and
José L. Martínez. TrendMiner: Large-scale Cross-lingual Trend Mining Summarization of Real-time Media Streams. In Proceedings of the XXX Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing, Girona, Spain, September 2014.
AUTHOR = {Martínez, Paloma and Segura, Isabel and Declerck, Thierry and Martínez, José L.},
TITLE = {TrendMiner: Large-scale Cross-lingual Trend Mining Summarization of Real-time Media Streams},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the XXX Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing},
ADDRESS = {Girona, Spain} }
Arle Richard Lommel,
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Maja Popovic,
Kim Harris,
Eleftherios Avramidis and
Hans Uszkoreit. Using a new analytic measure for the annotation and analysis of MT errors on real data. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Pages 165-172, European Association for Machine Translation, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2014.
AUTHOR = {Lommel, Arle Richard and Burchardt, Aljoscha and Popovic, Maja and Harris, Kim and Avramidis, Eleftherios and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Using a new analytic measure for the annotation and analysis of MT errors on real data},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation},
PAGES = {165-172},
ADDRESS = {Dubrovnik, Croatia},
ORGANIZATION = {European Association for Machine Translation} }
Heiner Drenhaus,
Vera Demberg,
Judith Köhne and
Francesca Delogu. Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers: ERP studies on German and English. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Drenhaus, Heiner and Demberg, Vera and Köhne, Judith and Delogu, Francesca},
TITLE = {Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers: ERP studies on German and English},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
NOTE = {MC} }
Constantin Houy,
Tim Niesen,
Jesús Calvillo Tinoco,
Peter Fettke and
Peter Loos. Konzept und Architektur eines Software-Werkzeuges zur automatisierten Identifikation und Analyse von Argumentationsstrukturen. In
Dagmar Lück-Schneider,
Thomas Gordon,
Siegfried Kaiser,
Jörn Von Lucke,
Erich Schweighöfer,
Marie Wimmer and
Martin Löhe editors, Gemeinsam Electronic Government (ziel)gruppengerecht gestalten und organisieren. Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik (FTVI) und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik (FTRI), Vol. 229(3):113-124 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin, 20-21 March 2014. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Houy, Constantin and Niesen, Tim and Calvillo Tinoco, Jesús and Fettke, Peter and Loos, Peter},
TITLE = {Konzept und Architektur eines Software-Werkzeuges zur automatisierten Identifikation und Analyse von Argumentationsstrukturen},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {20-21 March},
BOOKTITLE = {Gemeinsam Electronic Government (ziel)gruppengerecht gestalten und organisieren. Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik (FTVI) und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik (FTRI)},
VOLUME = {229},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {113-124},
EDITOR = {Lück-Schneider, Dagmar and Gordon, Thomas and Kaiser, Siegfried and Von Lucke, Jörn and Schweighöfer, Erich and Wimmer, Marie and Löhe, Martin},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
ORGANIZATION = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
NOTE = {MC} }
Vera Demberg and
Asad Sayeed. Combining unsupervised syntactic and semantic models of thematic fit. In Proceedings of the first Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2014. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Demberg, Vera and Sayeed, Asad},
TITLE = {Combining unsupervised syntactic and semantic models of thematic fit},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the first Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Ioannis Konstas,
Frank Keller,
Vera Demberg and
Mirella Lapata. Incremental Semantic Role Labeling with Tree Adjoining Grammar. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2014. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Konstas, Ioannis and Keller, Frank and Demberg, Vera and Lapata, Mirella},
TITLE = {Incremental Semantic Role Labeling with Tree Adjoining Grammar},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Rahil Mahdian Toroghi,
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. A Multi-Stage, Multi-Channel Processing System for Overlapping Speech Separation in a Real Scenario. In Proceedings of the ITG Conference on Speech Communication, 2014, 0. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Toroghi, Rahil Mahdian and Oualil, Youssef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A Multi-Stage, Multi-Channel Processing System for Overlapping Speech Separation in a Real Scenario},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ITG Conference on Speech Communication, 2014},
NOTE = {DK} }
Dimitris Spiliotopoulos,
Volha Petukhova and
Dimitris Koryzis. A Pilot Study for Evaluation Scenarios for a Metacognitive Skills Learning Dialogue System. In Proceedings 1st International Conference Learning and Collaboration Technologies, 22-27 June 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Spiliotopoulos, Dimitris and Petukhova, Volha and Koryzis, Dimitris},
TITLE = {A Pilot Study for Evaluation Scenarios for a Metacognitive Skills Learning Dialogue System},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {22-27 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 1st International Conference Learning and Collaboration Technologies},
NOTE = {DK} }
Munir Georges,
Stephan Kanthak and
Dietrich Klakow. Accurate client-server based speech recognition keeping personal data on the client. In ICASSP, 2014, 0. Note: DK
AUTHOR = {Georges, Munir and Kanthak, Stephan and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Accurate client-server based speech recognition keeping personal data on the client},
} }
Oliver Ohneiser,
Hartmut Helmke,
Heiko Ehr,
Hejar Gürlük,
Michael Hössl,
Matthias Kleinert,
Thorsten Mühlhausen,
Maria Uebbing-Rumke,
Youssef Oualil,
Marc Schulder,
Anna Schmidt,
Arif Khan and
Dietrich Klakow. Air Traffic Controller Support by Speech Recognition. In AHFE 2014, 19-23 July 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Ohneiser, Oliver and Helmke, Hartmut and Ehr, Heiko and Gürlük, Hejar and Hössl, Michael and Kleinert, Matthias and Mühlhausen, Thorsten and Uebbing-Rumke, Maria and Oualil, Youssef and Schulder, Marc and Schmidt, Anna and Khan, Arif and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Air Traffic Controller Support by Speech Recognition},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {19-23 July},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Michael Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Automatic Food Categorization from Large Unlabeled Corpora and Its Impact on Relation Extraction. In EACL 2014, 0. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Roth, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Automatic Food Categorization from Large Unlabeled Corpora and Its Impact on Relation Extraction},
NOTE = {DK} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Michael Wiegand and
Jasper Brandes. Comparing methods for deriving intensity scores for adjectives. In EACL 2014, 0. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Wiegand, Michael and Brandes, Jasper},
TITLE = {Comparing methods for deriving intensity scores for adjectives},
NOTE = {DK} }
Anna Schmidt,
Youssef Oualil,
Oliver Ohneiser,
Matthias Kleinert,
Marc Schulder,
Arif Khan,
Hartmut Helmke and
Dietrich Klakow. Context-Based Recognition Network Adaptation for Improving On-Line ASR in Air Traffic Control. In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2014), 7-10 December 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Schmidt, Anna and Oualil, Youssef and Ohneiser, Oliver and Kleinert, Matthias and Schulder, Marc and Khan, Arif and Helmke, Hartmut and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Context-Based Recognition Network Adaptation for Improving On-Line ASR in Air Traffic Control},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {7-10 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2014)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Clayton Greenberg. Disambiguating prepositional phrase attachement sites with sense information captured in contextualized distributional data. In Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Student Research Workshop, 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Greenberg, Clayton},
TITLE = {Disambiguating prepositional phrase attachement sites with sense information captured in contextualized distributional data},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Student Research Workshop},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil,
Rahil Mahdian Toroghi and
Dietrich Klakow. Improving Overlapping Speaker Detection using Multiple Speaker Tracking Information. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Toroghi, Rahil Mahdian and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Improving Overlapping Speaker Detection using Multiple Speaker Tracking Information},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Volha Petukhova,
Andrei Malchanau and
Harry Bunt. Interoperability of Dialogue Corpora through ISO 24617-2-based Querying. In Proceedings 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), ELRA, Paris, 25-29 May 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Malchanau, Andrei and Bunt, Harry},
TITLE = {Interoperability of Dialogue Corpora through ISO 24617-2-based Querying},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {25-29 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014)},
ADDRESS = {ELRA, Paris},
NOTE = {DK} }
Jan Alexandersson,
Andrey Girenko,
Dimitris Spiliotopoulos,
Volha Petukhova,
Dietrich Klakow,
Dimitris Koryzis,
Niels Taatgen,
Marcus Specht,
Nick Campbell,
Maria Aretoulaki,
Alexander Stricker and
Michael Gardner. Metalogue: A Multiperspective Multimodal Dialogue System with Metacognitive Abilities for Highly Adaptive and Flexible Dialogue Management. In 10th Int. Conf. Intelligent Environments (IE’14), 2-4 July 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Alexandersson, Jan and Girenko, Andrey and Spiliotopoulos, Dimitris and Petukhova, Volha and Klakow, Dietrich and Koryzis, Dimitris and Taatgen, Niels and Specht, Marcus and Campbell, Nick and Aretoulaki, Maria and Stricker, Alexander and Gardner, Michael},
TITLE = {Metalogue: A Multiperspective Multimodal Dialogue System with Metacognitive Abilities for Highly Adaptive and Flexible Dialogue Management},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {2-4 July},
BOOKTITLE = {10th Int. Conf. Intelligent Environments (IE’14)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Marc Schulder and
Eduard Hovy. Metaphor Detection through Term Relevance. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, 26 June 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Schulder, Marc and Hovy, Eduard},
TITLE = {Metaphor Detection through Term Relevance},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {26 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. Multiple Concurrent Speaker Short-Term Tracking Using A Kalman Filter Bank. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Multiple Concurrent Speaker Short-Term Tracking Using A Kalman Filter Bank},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) },
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil,
Rahil Mahdian Toroghi and
Dietrich Klakow. Online Unsupervised Overlapping Speaker Detection using Enhanced Classification History-based Features. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Toroghi, Rahil Mahdian and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Online Unsupervised Overlapping Speaker Detection using Enhanced Classification History-based Features},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Melanie Reiplinger,
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Relation Extraction for the Food Domain without Labeled Training Data - Is Distant Supervision the Best Solution? In PolTAL 2014, 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Reiplinger, Melanie and Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Relation Extraction for the Food Domain without Labeled Training Data - Is Distant Supervision the Best Solution?},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {PolTAL 2014},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Roth,
Tassilo Barth,
Gzegorz Chrupala,
Martin Gropp and
Dietrich Klakow. RelationFactory: A Fast, Modular and Effective System for Knowledge Base Population. In EACL 2014, 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Roth, Michael and Barth, Tassilo and Chrupala, Gzegorz and Gropp, Martin and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {RelationFactory: A Fast, Modular and Effective System for Knowledge Base Population},
YEAR = {2014},
NOTE = {DK} }
Huijing Deng and
Gzegorz Chrupala. Semantic Approaches to Software Component Retrieval with English Queries. In LREC 2014 , 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Deng, Huijing and Chrupala, Gzegorz},
TITLE = {Semantic Approaches to Software Component Retrieval with English Queries},
YEAR = {2014},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Separating Brands from Types: an Investigation of Different Features for the Food Domain. In COLING 2014, 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Separating Brands from Types: an Investigation of Different Features for the Food Domain},
YEAR = {2014},
NOTE = {DK} }
Volha Petukhova,
Martin Gropp,
Dietrich Klakow,
Gregor Eigner,
Mario Topf,
Stefan Srb,
Petr Motlicek,
Blaise Potard,
John Dines,
Olivier Deroo,
Ronny Egeler,
Uwe Meinz,
Steffen Liersch and
Anna Schmidt. The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), ELRA, Paris, 25-29 May 2014.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Gropp, Martin and Klakow, Dietrich and Eigner, Gregor and Topf, Mario and Srb, Stefan and Motlicek, Petr and Potard, Blaise and Dines, John and Deroo, Olivier and Egeler, Ronny and Meinz, Uwe and Liersch, Steffen and Schmidt, Anna},
TITLE = {The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {25-29 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)},
Volha Petukhova. Understanding questions and finding answers: semantic relation annotation to compute the Expected Answer Type. In In Proceedings of the Tenth Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-10), 26 May 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha},
TITLE = {Understanding questions and finding answers: semantic relation annotation to compute the Expected Answer Type},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {26 May},
BOOKTITLE = {In Proceedings of the Tenth Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-10)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Jens Illig,
Michael Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns. In EACL 2014, 2014. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Illig, Jens and Roth, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns},
YEAR = {2014},
NOTE = {DK} }
Grazyna Demenko,
Bernd Möbius and
Bistra Andreeva. Analysis of pitch profiles in Germanic and Slavic languages. In Forum Acusticum 2014, 7-12 September 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Demenko, Grazyna and Möbius, Bernd and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Analysis of pitch profiles in Germanic and Slavic languages},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = {7-12 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Forum Acusticum 2014},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Grazyna Demenko,
Magdalena Wolska,
Bernd Möbius,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jeanin Jügler,
Magdalena Oleskowicz-Popiel and
Jürgen Trouvain. Comparison of pitch range and pitch variation in Slavic and Germanic languages. In Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7), Pages 776-780, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Demenko, Grazyna and Wolska, Magdalena and Möbius, Bernd and Zimmerer, Frank and Jügler, Jeanin and Oleskowicz-Popiel, Magdalena and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Comparison of pitch range and pitch variation in Slavic and Germanic languages},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7)},
PAGES = {776-780},
NOTE = {BM} }
Camille Fauth,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella and
Jürgen Trouvain. Constitution d’un corpus de français langue etrangère destiné aux apprenants allemands. In 4ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF-2014), 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Fauth, Camille and Bonneau, Anne and Colotte, Vincent and Fohr, Dominique and Jouvet, Denis and Laprie, Yves and Mella, Odile and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Constitution d’un corpus de français langue etrangère destiné aux apprenants allemands},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {4ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF-2014)},
NOTE = {BM} }
Camille Fauth,
Anne Bonneau,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Bistra Andreeva,
Vincent Colotte,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella and
Bernd Möbius. Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners: a two-step process. In Proceedings 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Pages 1477-1482, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Fauth, Camille and Bonneau, Anne and Zimmerer, Frank and Trouvain, Jürgen and Andreeva, Bistra and Colotte, Vincent and Fohr, Dominique and Jouvet, Denis and Jügler, Jeanin and Laprie, Yves and Mella, Odile and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners: a two-step process},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)},
PAGES = {1477-1482},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Grazyna Demenko,
Bernd Möbius,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jeanin Jügler and
Magdalena Oleskowicz-Popiel. Differences of pitch profiles in Germanic and Slavic languages. In Proceedings Interspeech 2014 (Singapore), Pages 1307-1311, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Demenko, Grazyna and Möbius, Bernd and Zimmerer, Frank and Jügler, Jeanin and Oleskowicz-Popiel, Magdalena},
TITLE = {Differences of pitch profiles in Germanic and Slavic languages},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Interspeech 2014 (Singapore)},
PAGES = {1307-1311},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva. Fonetičnoto săbitie v prozodijata: Văzprepjatstvat li razlikite meždu ezicite komunikacijata? In Săbitie i bezsmărtie (literatura, ezik, filosofija, nauka). Sbornik dokladi ot meždunarodna naučna konferencija, Pages 174-183, 13-14 May 2011. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Fonetičnoto săbitie v prozodijata: Văzprepjatstvat li razlikite meždu ezicite komunikacijata?},
YEAR = {2011},
MONTH = {13-14 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Săbitie i bezsmărtie (literatura, ezik, filosofija, nauka). Sbornik dokladi ot meždunarodna naučna konferencija},
PAGES = {174-183},
NOTE = {BM} }
Eva Lasarcyk,
Peter Birkholz and
William J. Barry. Imitating a bi-dialectal speaker using acoustic-to-articulatory inversion: Articulatory basis of vowels in Saxon and Standard High German. In International Workshop on Multilinguality in Speech Research: Data, Methods and Models, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Lasarcyk, Eva and Birkholz, Peter and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Imitating a bi-dialectal speaker using acoustic-to-articulatory inversion: Articulatory basis of vowels in Saxon and Standard High German},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Multilinguality in Speech Research: Data, Methods and Models},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. Individuelle Ausprägung von Atmungspausen in der Mutter- und in der Fremdsprache als Anzeichen kognitiver Belastung. In Proceedings 25. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV '14), Pages 177-184, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Individuelle Ausprägung von Atmungspausen in der Mutter- und in der Fremdsprache als Anzeichen kognitiver Belastung},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings 25. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV '14)},
PAGES = {177-184},
NOTE = {BM} }
Khiet P. Truong and
Jürgen Trouvain. Investigating prosodic relations between initiating and responding laughs. In Proceedings Interspeech, Pages 1811-1815, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Truong, Khiet P. and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Investigating prosodic relations between initiating and responding laughs},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Interspeech},
PAGES = {1811-1815},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain. Laughing, breathing, clicking -- The prosody of nonverbal vocalisations. In Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7), Pages 598-602, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Laughing, breathing, clicking -- The prosody of nonverbal vocalisations},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7)},
PAGES = {598-602},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Jacques Koreman and
William J. Barry. Local and Global Acoustic Correlates of Information Structure in Bulgarian. In Proceedings Speech Prosody 2014, Special session on Prosody of Slavic Languages , Pages 372-376, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Local and Global Acoustic Correlates of Information Structure in Bulgarian},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Speech Prosody 2014, Special session on Prosody of Slavic Languages },
PAGES = {372-376},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. Sources of variation of articulation rate in native and non-native speech: comparisons of French and German. In Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7), Pages 275-279, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Sources of variation of articulation rate in native and non-native speech: comparisons of French and German},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7)},
PAGES = {275-279},
NOTE = {BM} }
Frank Zimmerer,
Jeanin Jügler,
Bistra Andreeva,
Bernd Möbius and
Jürgen Trouvain. Too cautious to vary more? A comparison of pitch variation in native and non-native productions of French and German speakers. In Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7), Pages 1037-1041, 2014. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Zimmerer, Frank and Jügler, Jeanin and Andreeva, Bistra and Möbius, Bernd and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Too cautious to vary more? A comparison of pitch variation in native and non-native productions of French and German speakers.},
YEAR = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7)},
PAGES = {1037-1041},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jesús Calvillo Tinoco,
Harm Brouwer and
Matthew W. Crocker. Connectionist Semantic Systematicity in Language Production. In Trueswell et al (Eds.) In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2016), Austin, TX, August 2016. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Calvillo Tinoco, Jesús and Brouwer, Harm and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Connectionist Semantic Systematicity in Language Production. In Trueswell et al (Eds.)},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX},
NOTE = {MC} }
Yoav Binoun,
Francesca Delogu,
Clayton Greenberg,
Mindaugas Mozuraitis and
Matthew W. Crocker. Effects of Communicative Pressures on Novice L2 Learners' Use of Optional Formal Devices. In Proceedings of the NAACL Student Research Workshop, 2016. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Binoun, Yoav and Delogu, Francesca and Greenberg, Clayton and Mozuraitis, Mindaugas and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Effects of Communicative Pressures on Novice L2 Learners' Use of Optional Formal Devices},
YEAR = {2016},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the NAACL Student Research Workshop},
NOTE = {MC} }
Manfred Pützer and
Wolfgang Wokurek. Phonatory characteristics and Voice quality evaluation of Laryngeal dystonia before and after Botulinum toxin treatment. A case study. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-16 May 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Wokurek, Wolfgang},
TITLE = {Phonatory characteristics and Voice quality evaluation of Laryngeal dystonia before and after Botulinum toxin treatment. A case study},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {14-16 May},
BOOKTITLE = {10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics},
ADDRESS = {Viña del Mar, Chile},
NOTE = {BM} }
Manfred Pützer,
Frank Zimmerer,
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Jeanin Jügler. Evaluation of Phonatory Behavior of German and French Speakers in Native and Non-native Speech. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred and Zimmerer, Frank and Wokurek, Wolfgang and Jügler, Jeanin},
TITLE = {Evaluation of Phonatory Behavior of German and French Speakers in Native and Non-native Speech},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {8-12 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016)},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Iona Gessinger,
Eran Raveh,
Johannah O'Mahony,
Ingmar Steiner and
Bernd Möbius. A shadowing experiment with natural and synthetic stimuli. In 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Pages 58-61, München, Germany, 13-14 October 2016. Note: BM, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Gessinger, Iona and Raveh, Eran and O'Mahony, Johannah and Steiner, Ingmar and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {A shadowing experiment with natural and synthetic stimuli.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {13-14 October},
BOOKTITLE = {12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum},
PAGES = {58-61},
ADDRESS = {München, Germany},
NOTE = {BM, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Jeanin Jügler,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. The perceptual effect of L1 prosody transplantation on L2 speech: The case of French accented German. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 67-71, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Jügler, Jeanin and Zimmerer, Frank and Trouvain, Jürgen and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {The perceptual effect of L1 prosody transplantation on L2 speech: The case of French accented German},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {8-12 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016)},
PAGES = {67-71},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Bernd Möbius,
Ingmar Steiner and
Damien Lolive. De l'utilisation de descripteurs issus de la linguistique computationnelle dans le cadre de la synthèse par HMM. In 31ème Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Pages 714-722, Paris, France, 4-8 July 2016. Note: BM, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Le Maguer, Sébastien and Möbius, Bernd and Steiner, Ingmar and Lolive, Damien},
TITLE = {De l'utilisation de descripteurs issus de la linguistique computationnelle dans le cadre de la synthèse par HMM},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {4-8 July},
BOOKTITLE = {31ème Journées d'Études sur la Parole},
PAGES = {714-722},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
NOTE = {BM, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
Camille Fauth and
Bernd Möbius. Breath and non-breath pauses in fluent and disfluent phases of German and French L1 and L2 read speech. In Speech Prosody 8, Pages 31-35, Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Fauth, Camille and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Breath and non-breath pauses in fluent and disfluent phases of German and French L1 and L2 read speech},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {31 May - 3 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 8},
PAGES = {31-35},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Erika Schulz,
Yoon Mi Oh,
Zofia Malisz,
Bistra Andreeva and
Bernd Möbius. Impact of prosodic structure and information density on vowel space size. In Speech Prosody 8, Pages 350-354, Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Schulz, Erika and Mi Oh, Yoon and Malisz, Zofia and Andreeva, Bistra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Impact of prosodic structure and information density on vowel space size},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {31 May - 3 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 8},
PAGES = {350-354},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Bernd Möbius and
Ingmar Steiner. Toward the use of information density based descriptive features in HMM based speech synthesis. In Speech Prosody 8, Pages 1029-1033, Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. Note: BM, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Le Maguer, Sébastien and Möbius, Bernd and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Toward the use of information density based descriptive features in HMM based speech synthesis},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {31 May - 3 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 8},
PAGES = {1029-1033},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA},
NOTE = {BM, sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella,
Bernd Möbius and
Frank Zimmerer. The IFCASL Corpus of French and German Non-native and Native Read Speech. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Pages 1333-1338, Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Bonneau, Anne and Colotte, Vincent and Fauth, Camille and Fohr, Dominique and Jouvet, Denis and Jügler, Jeanin and Laprie, Yves and Mella, Odile and Möbius, Bernd and Zimmerer, Frank},
TITLE = {The IFCASL Corpus of French and German Non-native and Native Read Speech},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
PAGES = {1333-1338},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {BM} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Jacques Koreman and
William J. Barry. Prozodična realizacija na informacionnata struktura v Bălgarskija ezik. In Filologičeskijat proekt - krizi i perspektivi, Sv. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Koreman, Jacques and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Prozodična realizacija na informacionnata struktura v Bălgarskija ezik},
YEAR = {2016},
BOOKTITLE = {Filologičeskijat proekt - krizi i perspektivi},
ADDRESS = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
PUBLISHER = {Sv. Kliment Ohridski} }
Bistra Andreeva,
Silvia Bonacchi and
William J. Barry. Prosodic cues of genuine and mock impoliteness in German and Polish. In Speech Prosody 8, Pages 999-1003, Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Bonacchi, Silvia and Barry, William J.},
TITLE = {Prosodic cues of genuine and mock impoliteness in German and Polish.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {31 May - 3 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 8},
PAGES = {999-1003},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Frank Zimmerer,
Anne Bonneau and
Bistra Andreeva. Influence of L1 prominence on L2 production of French and German speakers. In Speech Prosody 8, Pages 370-374, Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Zimmerer, Frank and Bonneau, Anne and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Influence of L1 prominence on L2 production of French and German speakers},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {31 May - 3 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 8},
PAGES = {370-374},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain,
Jeanin Jügler and
Yves Laprie. On the assessment of computer-assisted pronunciation training tools. In 27. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2016), Pages 175-182, Leipzig, Germany, 2-4 March 2016.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Jügler, Jeanin and Laprie, Yves},
TITLE = {On the assessment of computer-assisted pronunciation training tools},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {2-4 March},
BOOKTITLE = {27. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2016)},
PAGES = {175-182},
ADDRESS = {Leipzig, Germany} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Zofia Malisz. Inter-speech clicks in an Interspeech keynote. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 1397-1401, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Malisz, Zofia},
TITLE = {Inter-speech clicks in an Interspeech keynote},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {8-12 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016)},
PAGES = {1397-1401},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Caroline Émond,
Albert Rilliard and
Jürgen Trouvain. Perception of smiling in speech in different modalities by native vs. non-native speakers. In Speech Prosody 8, Pages 639-643, Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Émond, Caroline and Rilliard, Albert and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Perception of smiling in speech in different modalities by native vs. non-native speakers},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {31 May - 3 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Speech Prosody 8},
PAGES = {639-643},
ADDRESS = {Boston, USA},
NOTE = {BM} }
Asad Sayeed,
Clayton Greenberg and
Vera Demberg. Thematic fit evaluation: an aspect of selectional preferences. In 1st Workshop on Evaluating Vector-Space Representations for NLP, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. Note: VD, DK.
AUTHOR = {Sayeed, Asad and Greenberg, Clayton and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Thematic fit evaluation: an aspect of selectional preferences},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {7-12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {1st Workshop on Evaluating Vector-Space Representations for NLP},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)},
NOTE = {VD, DK} }
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. But vs. Although under the microscope. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2016), Austin, TX, August 2016. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Asr, Fatemeh and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {But vs. Although under the microscope},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX},
NOTE = {VD} }
Florian Pusse,
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. LingoTurk: managing crowdsourced tasks for psycholinguistics. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Demonstrations, Pages 57–61, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Pusse, Florian and Sayeed, Asad and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {LingoTurk: managing crowdsourced tasks for psycholinguistics.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12-17 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Demonstrations},
PAGES = {57–61},
ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA, USA},
NOTE = {VD} }
Simon Ahrendt and
Vera Demberg. Improving event prediction by representing script participants. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Pages 546–551, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Ahrendt, Simon and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Improving event prediction by representing script participants},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12-17 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016)},
PAGES = {546–551},
ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA, USA},
NOTE = {VD} }
Ines Rehbein,
Merel Scholman and
Vera Demberg. Annotating Discourse Relations in Spoken Language: A Comparison of the PDTB and CCR Frameworks. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Pages 1039-1046, Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Rehbein, Ines and Scholman, Merel and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Annotating Discourse Relations in Spoken Language: A Comparison of the PDTB and CCR Frameworks.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
PAGES = {1039-1046},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {VD} }
Maximilian Schwenger,
Álvaro Torralba,
Jörg Hoffmann,
David M. Howcroft and
Vera Demberg. From OpenCCG to AI Planning: Detecting infeasible edges in sentence generation. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Pages 1524–1534, Osaka, Japan, 13-16 December 2016. Note: DK, VD.
AUTHOR = {Schwenger, Maximilian and Torralba, Álvaro and Hoffmann, Jörg and Howcroft, David M. and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {From OpenCCG to AI Planning: Detecting infeasible edges in sentence generation},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {13-16 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016)},
PAGES = {1524–1534},
ADDRESS = {Osaka, Japan},
NOTE = {DK, VD} }
Ottokar Tilk,
Vera Demberg,
Asad Sayeed,
Dietrich Klakow and
Stefan Thater. Event participant modelling with neural networks. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016), Pages 171–182, Austin, TX, USA, 1-5 November 2016. Note: VD, DK.
AUTHOR = {Tilk, Ottokar and Demberg, Vera and Sayeed, Asad and Klakow, Dietrich and Thater, Stefan},
TITLE = {Event participant modelling with neural networks},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {1-5 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016)},
PAGES = {171–182},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX, USA},
NOTE = {VD, DK} }
Andrea Fischer,
Klára Jágrová,
Irina Stenger,
Tania Avgustinova,
Dietrich Klakow and
Roland Marti. Orthographic and Morphological Correspondences between Related Slavic Languages as a Base for Modeling of Mutual Intelligibility. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Pages 4202-4209, Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: TA,DK.
AUTHOR = {Fischer, Andrea and Jágrová, Klára and Stenger, Irina and Avgustinova, Tania and Klakow, Dietrich and Marti, Roland},
TITLE = {Orthographic and Morphological Correspondences between Related Slavic Languages as a Base for Modeling of Mutual Intelligibility},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
PAGES = {4202-4209},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {TA,DK} }
Mittul Singh,
Clayton Greenberg,
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. Sub-Word Similarity based Search for Embeddings: Inducing Rare-Word Embeddings for Word Similarity Tasks and Language Modelling. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Japan, 13-16 December 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Singh, Mittul and Greenberg, Clayton and Oualil, Youssef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Sub-Word Similarity based Search for Embeddings: Inducing Rare-Word Embeddings for Word Similarity Tasks and Language Modelling},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {13-16 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Osaka, Japan},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil,
Clayton Greenberg,
Mittul Singh and
Dietrich Klakow. Long-Short Range Context Neural Networks for Language Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016), Austin, TX, USA, 1-5 November 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Greenberg, Clayton and Singh, Mittul and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Long-Short Range Context Neural Networks for Language Modeling},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {1-5 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil,
Mittul Singh,
Clayton Greenberg and
Dietrich Klakow. Sequential Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Singh, Mittul and Greenberg, Clayton and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Sequential Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {8-12 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016)},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Stefan Schneegass,
Youssef Oualil and
Andreas Bulling. SkullConduct: Biometric User Identification on Eyewear Computers Using Bone Conduction Through the Skull. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, New York, NY, USA, 7-12 May 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Schneegass, Stefan and Oualil, Youssef and Bulling, Andreas},
TITLE = {SkullConduct: Biometric User Identification on Eyewear Computers Using Bone Conduction Through the Skull},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {7-12 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Matti Varjokallio and
Dietrich Klakow. Unsupervised morph segmentation and statistical language models for vocabulary expansion. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Pages 175–180, Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Varjokallio, Matti and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Unsupervised morph segmentation and statistical language models for vocabulary expansion},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {7-12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)},
PAGES = {175–180},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
NOTE = {DK} }
Martin Gropp,
Anna Schmidt,
Thomas Kleinbauer and
Dietrich Klakow. Platon: Dialog Management and Rapid Prototyping for Multilingual Multi-User Dialog Systems. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2016), Brno, Czech Republic, 12-16 September 2016.
AUTHOR = {Gropp, Martin and Schmidt, Anna and Kleinbauer, Thomas and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Platon: Dialog Management and Rapid Prototyping for Multilingual Multi-User Dialog Systems},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12-16 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic} }
Mittul Singh,
Clayton Greenberg and
Dietrich Klakow. The custom decay language model for long range dependencies. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2016), Brno, Czech Republic, 12-16 September 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Singh, Mittul and Greenberg, Clayton and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {The custom decay language model for long range dependencies},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12-16 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Marc Schulder and
Josef Ruppenhofer. Separating Actor-View from Speaker-View Opinion Expressions using Linguistic Features. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Schulder, Marc and Ruppenhofer, Josef},
TITLE = {Separating Actor-View from Speaker-View Opinion Expressions using Linguistic Features},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12-17 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016)},
ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Christine Bocionek and
Josef Ruppenhofer. Opinion Holder and Target Extraction on Opinion Compounds - A Linguistic Approach. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Pages 800–810, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Bocionek, Christine and Ruppenhofer, Josef},
TITLE = {Opinion Holder and Target Extraction on Opinion Compounds - A Linguistic Approach.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12-17 June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016)},
PAGES = {800–810},
ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Harry Bunt,
Volha Petukhova,
Andrei Malchanau,
Alex Fang and
Kars Wijnhoven. The DialogBank. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Bunt, Harry and Petukhova, Volha and Malchanau, Andrei and Fang, Alex and Wijnhoven, Kars},
TITLE = {The DialogBank.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {DK} }
Volha Petukhova,
Christopher Stevens,
Harmen De Weerd,
Niels Taatgen,
Fokie Cnossen and
Andrei Malchanau. Modelling Multi-Issue Bargaining Dialogues: Data Collection, Annotation Design and Corpus. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Stevens, Christopher and De Weerd, Harmen and Taatgen, Niels and Cnossen, Fokie and Malchanau, Andrei},
TITLE = {Modelling Multi-Issue Bargaining Dialogues: Data Collection, Annotation Design and Corpus},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {DK} }
Dilafruz Amanova,
Volha Petukhova and
Dietrich Klakow. Creating Annotated Dialogue Resources: Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Classification. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Amanova, Dilafruz and Petukhova, Volha and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Creating Annotated Dialogue Resources: Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Classification},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {DK} }
Jonas Groschwitz,
Alexander Koller and
Mark Johnson. Efficient techniques for parsing with tree automata. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Pages 2042–2051, Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Groschwitz, Jonas and Koller, Alexander and Johnson, Mark},
TITLE = {Efficient techniques for parsing with tree automata},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {7-12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)},
PAGES = {2042–2051},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
NOTE = {AK} }
Christoph Teichmann,
Kasimir Wansing and
Alexander Koller. Adaptive Importance Sampling from Probabilistic Tree Automata. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Statistical NLP and Weighted Automata (ACL 2016), Pages 11–20, Berlin, Germany, 12 August 2016. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Teichmann, Christoph and Wansing, Kasimir and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Adaptive Importance Sampling from Probabilistic Tree Automata},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Statistical NLP and Weighted Automata (ACL 2016)},
PAGES = {11–20},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
NOTE = {AK} }
Sébastien Le Maguer and
Ingmar Steiner. The MaryTTS entry for the Blizzard Challenge 2016. In Blizzard Challenge 2016, Cupertino, CA, USA, September 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Le Maguer, Sébastien and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {The MaryTTS entry for the Blizzard Challenge 2016},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Blizzard Challenge 2016},
ADDRESS = {Cupertino, CA, USA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Kristy James,
Alexander Hewer,
Ingmar Steiner and
Stefanie Wuhrer. A real-time framework for visual feedback of articulatory data using statistical shape models. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 1569-1570, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8 September - 12 August 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {James, Kristy and Hewer, Alexander and Steiner, Ingmar and Wuhrer, Stefanie},
TITLE = {A real-time framework for visual feedback of articulatory data using statistical shape models},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {8 September - 12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016)},
PAGES = {1569-1570},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Eleftherios Avramidis,
Vivien Macketanz,
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Jindrich Helcl and
Hans Uszkoreit. Deeper Machine Translation and Evaluation for German. In Proceedings of the 2nd Deep Machine Translation Workshop, Charles University Prague, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Avramidis, Eleftherios and Macketanz, Vivien and Burchardt, Aljoscha and Helcl, Jindrich and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Deeper Machine Translation and Evaluation for German},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Deep Machine Translation Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Lisbon, Portugal},
PUBLISHER = {Charles University Prague},
NOTE = {HU} }
Dirk Weißenborn,
Roland Roller,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Enrique Garcia Perez. A Light-weight & Robust System for Clinical Concept Disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM), Potsdam, Germany, August 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Weißenborn, Dirk and Roller, Roland and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Perez, Enrique Garcia},
TITLE = {A Light-weight & Robust System for Clinical Concept Disambiguation},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM)},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany},
NOTE = {HU} }
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Kim Harris,
Georg Rehm and
Hans Uszkoreit. Towards a Systematic and Human-Informed Paradigm for High-Quality Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop “Translation Evaluation: From Fragmented Tools and Data Sets to an Integrated Ecosystem”, Portorož, Slovenia, May 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Burchardt, Aljoscha and Harris, Kim and Rehm, Georg and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Towards a Systematic and Human-Informed Paradigm for High-Quality Machine Translation.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop “Translation Evaluation: From Fragmented Tools and Data Sets to an Integrated Ecosystem”},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {HU} }
Junsheng Zhou,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Weighing Qu,
Ran Li and
Yanhui Gu. AMR Parsing with an Incremental Joint Model. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016), Austin, TX, USA, 1-5 November 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Zhou, Junsheng and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Qu, Weighing and Li, Ran and Gu, Yanhui},
TITLE = {AMR Parsing with an Incremental Joint Model},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {1-5 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX, USA},
NOTE = {HU} }
Roland Roller,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu,
Laura Seiffe,
Michael Mikhailov,
Oliver Staeck,
Klemens Budde,
Fabian Halleck and
Danilo Schmidt. A fine-grained corpus annotation schema of German nephrology records. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (ClinicalNLP), Osaka, Japan, 13-16 December 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Roller, Roland and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Seiffe, Laura and Mikhailov, Michael and Staeck, Oliver and Budde, Klemens and Halleck, Fabian and Schmidt, Danilo},
TITLE = {A fine-grained corpus annotation schema of German nephrology records},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {13-16 December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (ClinicalNLP)},
ADDRESS = {Osaka, Japan},
NOTE = {HU} }
Leonhard Hennig,
Philippe Thomas,
Renlong Ai,
Johannes Kirschnick,
He Wang,
Jakob Pannier,
Nora Zimmermann,
Sven Schmeier,
Feiyu Xu,
Jan Ostwald and
Hans Uszkoreit. Real-Time Discovery and Geospatial Visualization of Mobility and Industry Events from Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Data Streams. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Hennig, Leonhard and Thomas, Philippe and Ai, Renlong and Kirschnick, Johannes and Wang, He and Pannier, Jakob and Zimmermann, Nora and Schmeier, Sven and Xu, Feiyu and Ostwald, Jan and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Real-Time Discovery and Geospatial Visualization of Mobility and Industry Events from Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Data Streams},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {7-12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
NOTE = {HU} }
Aleksandra Gabryszak,
Sebastian Krause,
Leonhard Hennig,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Relation- and Phrase-level Linking of FrameNet with Sar-graphs. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Gabryszak, Aleksandra and Krause, Sebastian and Hennig, Leonhard and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Relation- and Phrase-level Linking of FrameNet with Sar-graphs},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {HU} }
Viviana Cotik,
Roland Roller,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Klemens Budde and
Danilo Schmidt. Negation Detection in Clinical Reports Written in German. In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM2016), 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Japan, December 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Cotik, Viviana and Roller, Roland and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Budde, Klemens and Schmidt, Danilo},
TITLE = {Negation Detection in Clinical Reports Written in German},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM2016), 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Osaka, Japan},
NOTE = {HU} }
Sebastian Krause,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Dirk Weißenborn. Event Linking with Sentential Features from Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 11-12 August 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Weißenborn, Dirk},
TITLE = {Event Linking with Sentential Features from Convolutional Neural Networks},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {11-12 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
NOTE = {HU} }
Kathrin Eichler,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Leonhard Hennig and
Sebastian Krause. TEG-REP: A corpus of Textual Entailment Graphs based on Relation Extraction Patterns. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: HU.
AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Hennig, Leonhard and Krause, Sebastian},
TITLE = {TEG-REP: A corpus of Textual Entailment Graphs based on Relation Extraction Patterns.},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {HU} }
Piroska Lendvai,
Uwe Reichel and
Thierry Declerck. Factuality Drift Assessment by Lexical Markers in Resolved Rumors. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Semantic Change & Evolving Semantics (SuCCESS 2016), Leipzig, Germany, 12 September 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Lendvai, Piroska and Reichel, Uwe and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Factuality Drift Assessment by Lexical Markers in Resolved Rumors},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {12 September},
BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Semantic Change & Evolving Semantics (SuCCESS 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Leipzig, Germany},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Thierry Declerck and
Karlheinz Mörth. Towards a Sense-based Access to Related Online Lexical Resources. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, Pages 660-668, Tbilissi, Georgia, 6-10 September 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Mörth, Karlheinz},
TITLE = {Towards a Sense-based Access to Related Online Lexical Resources},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {6-10 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress},
PAGES = {660-668},
ADDRESS = {Tbilissi, Georgia},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Thierry Declerck and
Piroska Lendvai. Towards the Harmonization and Segmentation of German Hashtags. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication (NLP 4 CMC 2016), Bochum, Germany, September 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Lendvai, Piroska},
TITLE = {Towards the Harmonization and Segmentation of German Hashtags},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication (NLP 4 CMC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Bochum, Germany},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Thierry Declerck,
Amelie Dorn and
Eveline Wandl-Vogt. Adding Polarity Information to Entries of the Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, Pages 654-660, Tbilissi, Georgia, 6-10 September 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Dorn, Amelie and Wandl-Vogt, Eveline},
TITLE = {Adding Polarity Information to Entries of the Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {6-10 September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress},
PAGES = {654-660},
ADDRESS = {Tbilissi, Georgia},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Thierry Declerck and
Piroska Lendvai. Towards a Formal Representation of Components of German Compounds. In Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 11 August 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Lendvai, Piroska},
TITLE = {Towards a Formal Representation of Components of German Compounds},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {11 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
ORGANIZATION = {Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Piroska Lendvai,
Isabelle Augenstein,
Kalina Bontcheva and
Thierry Declerck. Monolingual Social Media Datasets for Detecting Contradiction and Entailment. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Lendvai, Piroska and Augenstein, Isabelle and Bontcheva, Kalina and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Monolingual Social Media Datasets for Detecting Contradiction and Entailment},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Thierry Declerck. Representation of Polarity Information of Elements of German Compound Words. In Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop, LDL 2016 – 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources, Portorož, Slovenia, 24 May 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Representation of Polarity Information of Elements of German Compound Words},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {24 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop, LDL 2016 – 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
John P. McCrae,
Christian Chiarcos,
Francis Bond,
Philipp Cimiano,
Thierry Declerck,
Gerard De Melo,
Jorge Gracia,
Sebastian Hellmann,
Bettina Klimek,
Steven Moran,
Petya Osenova,
Antonio Pareja-Lora and
Jonathan Pool. The Open Linguistics Working Group: Developing the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {McCrae, John P. and Chiarcos, Christian and Bond, Francis and Cimiano, Philipp and Declerck, Thierry and De Melo, Gerard and Gracia, Jorge and Hellmann, Sebastian and Klimek, Bettina and Moran, Steven and Osenova, Petya and Pareja-Lora, Antonio and Pool, Jonathan},
TITLE = {The Open Linguistics Working Group: Developing the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-28 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)},
ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Thierry Declerck,
Tyler Klement and
Antonia Kostova. Towards a WordNet based Classification of Actors in Folktales. In Proceedings of the Eighth Global WordNet Conference (GWC 2016), Pages 82-86, Bucharest, Romania, 27-30 January 2016. Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Klement, Tyler and Kostova, Antonia},
TITLE = {Towards a WordNet based Classification of Actors in Folktales},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {27-30 January},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth Global WordNet Conference (GWC 2016)},
PAGES = {82-86},
ADDRESS = {Bucharest, Romania},
NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} }
Irina Stenger. How Reading Intercomprehension Works among Slavic Languages with Cyrillic Script. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2016 Student Session, Pages 30-42, 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language & Information, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 15-26 August 2016. Note: TA.
AUTHOR = {Stenger, Irina},
TITLE = {How Reading Intercomprehension Works among Slavic Languages with Cyrillic Script},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {15-26 August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2016 Student Session},
PAGES = {30-42},
ADDRESS = {Bozen-Bolzano, Italy},
ORGANIZATION = {28th European Summer School in Logic, Language & Information},
NOTE = {TA} }
Chiara Gambi and
Matthew W. Crocker. How do speakers coordinate planning and articulation? Evidence from gaze-speech lags. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Gambi, Chiara and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {How do speakers coordinate planning and articulation? Evidence from gaze-speech lags},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {MC} }
Les Sikos,
Clayton Greenberg,
Heiner Drenhaus and
Matthew W. Crocker. Information density of encodings: The role of syntactic variation in comprehension. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Sikos, Les and Greenberg, Clayton and Drenhaus, Heiner and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Information density of encodings: The role of syntactic variation in comprehension},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {MC} }
Elli Tourtouri,
Francesca Delogu and
Matthew W. Crocker. Specificity and entropy reduction in situated referential processing. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. Note: MC.
AUTHOR = {Tourtouri, Elli and Delogu, Francesca and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {Specificity and entropy reduction in situated referential processing},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {MC} }
Snezhina Dimitrova and
Bistra Andreeva. Prenuklearni akcenti v Bălgarskija ezik. In Novi napravlenija v sinhronnata i diahronnata fonetika i fonologija, Pages 152-166, Sofia University Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski, 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Dimitrova, Snezhina and Andreeva, Bistra},
TITLE = {Prenuklearni akcenti v Bălgarskija ezik},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Novi napravlenija v sinhronnata i diahronnata fonetika i fonologija},
PAGES = {152-166},
ADDRESS = {Sofia University Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski},
NOTE = {BM} }
Erika Brandt,
Frank Zimmerer,
Bistra Andreeva and
Bernd Möbius. Mel-cepstral distortion of German vowels in different information density contexts. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 2993-2997, Stockholm, August 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Brandt, Erika and Zimmerer, Frank and Andreeva, Bistra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Mel-cepstral distortion of German vowels in different information density contexts},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
PAGES = {2993-2997},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm},
NOTE = {BM} }
Frank Zimmerer,
Bistra Andreeva,
Bernd Möbius,
Zofia Malisz,
Emmanuel Ferragne,
François Pellegrino and
Erika Brandt. Perzeption von Sprechgeschwindigkeit und der (nicht vorhandene) Einfluss von Surprisal. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 174-179, Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Zimmerer, Frank and Andreeva, Bistra and Möbius, Bernd and Malisz, Zofia and Ferragne, Emmanuel and Pellegrino, François and Brandt, Erika},
TITLE = {Perzeption von Sprechgeschwindigkeit und der (nicht vorhandene) Einfluss von Surprisal},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {174-179},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {BM} }
Iona Gessinger,
Eran Raveh,
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Bernd Möbius and
Ingmar Steiner. Shadowing synthesized speech - segmental analysis of phonetic convergence. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 3797-3801, Stockholm, August 2017. Note: BM, IS.
AUTHOR = {Gessinger, Iona and Raveh, Eran and Le Maguer, Sébastien and Möbius, Bernd and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Shadowing synthesized speech - segmental analysis of phonetic convergence},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
PAGES = {3797-3801},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm},
NOTE = {BM, IS} }
Eran Raveh,
Ingmar Steiner and
Bernd Möbius. A computational model for phonetically responsive spoken dialogue systems. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 884-888, Stockholm, August 2017. Note: BM, IS.
AUTHOR = {Raveh, Eran and Steiner, Ingmar and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {A computational model for phonetically responsive spoken dialogue systems},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
PAGES = {884-888},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm},
NOTE = {BM, IS} }
Eran Raveh,
Iona Gessinger,
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Bernd Möbius and
Ingmar Steiner. Investigating phonetic convergence in a shadowing experiment with synthetic stimuli. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 254-261, Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: BM, IS.
AUTHOR = {Raveh, Eran and Gessinger, Iona and Le Maguer, Sébastien and Möbius, Bernd and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Investigating phonetic convergence in a shadowing experiment with synthetic stimuli},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {254-261},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {BM, IS} }
Erika Brandt,
Frank Zimmerer,
Bistra Andreeva and
Bernd Möbius. Influence of information density on deletion rates in German. In Proceedings of the 13th P&P, Berlin, September 2017.
AUTHOR = {Brandt, Erika and Zimmerer, Frank and Andreeva, Bistra and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Influence of information density on deletion rates in German},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th P&P},
ADDRESS = {Berlin} }
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Manfred Pützer. Phonation Quality Detection on the Saarbrücken Voice Database using Harmonic Spectrum-based Parameters. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop MAVEBA, Pages 15-18, Firenze, Italy, December 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Wokurek, Wolfgang and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Phonation Quality Detection on the Saarbrücken Voice Database using Harmonic Spectrum-based Parameters},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop MAVEBA},
PAGES = {15-18},
ADDRESS = {Firenze, Italy},
NOTE = {BM} }
Manfred Pützer. Acoustic and Electroglottographic Evaluation of Phonation Quality in Patients with Functional Dysphonia. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference AQL, Hong Kong, China, October 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Acoustic and Electroglottographic Evaluation of Phonation Quality in Patients with Functional Dysphonia},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {October},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference AQL},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong, China},
NOTE = {BM} }
Jürgen Trouvain and
Frank Zimmerer. Attractiveness of French voices for German listeners — results from native and non-native read speech. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 2238-2242, Stockholm, August 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Zimmerer, Frank},
TITLE = {Attractiveness of French voices for German listeners — results from native and non-native read speech},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
PAGES = {2238-2242},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm},
NOTE = {BM} }
Fabian Brackhane,
Richard Sproat and
Jürgen Trouvain. Editing Kempelen's 'Mechanismus der menschlichen Sprache': experiences and findings. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on History of Speech Communication Research, Pages 16-24, August 2017. Note: BM.
AUTHOR = {Brackhane, Fabian and Sproat, Richard and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Editing Kempelen's 'Mechanismus der menschlichen Sprache': experiences and findings.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on History of Speech Communication Research},
PAGES = {16-24},
NOTE = {BM} }
Ingmar Steiner,
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Judith Manzoni,
Peter Gilles and
Jürgen Trouvain. Developing new language tools for MaryTTS: the case of Luxembourgish. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 186-192, Saarbrücken, February 2017. Note: BM, IS.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Le Maguer, Sébastien and Manzoni, Judith and Gilles, Peter and Trouvain, Jürgen},
TITLE = {Developing new language tools for MaryTTS: the case of Luxembourgish},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {February},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {186-192},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {BM, IS} }
Eran Raveh and
Ingmar Steiner. Automatic analysis of segmental features in a real-time phonetic convergence pipeline. In Proceedings of the 13th P&P, Berlin, September 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Raveh, Eran and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Automatic analysis of segmental features in a real-time phonetic convergence pipeline},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th P&P},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
NOTE = {IS} }
Iona Gessinger,
Bernd Möbius and
Ingmar Steiner. Capturing phonetic convergence by global analysis of spectral distance. In Proceedings of the 13th P&P, Berlin, September 2017. Note: BM, IS.
AUTHOR = {Gessinger, Iona and Möbius, Bernd and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Capturing phonetic convergence by global analysis of spectral distance.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th P&P},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
NOTE = {BM, IS} }
Eran Raveh,
Ingmar Steiner,
Iona Gessinger and
Bernd Möbius. Mutual convergence of multimodal linguistic properties in spoken dialogue systems. In Israel Seminar of Computational Linguistics (ISCOL), Jerusalem, Israel, September 2017. Note: BM, IS.
AUTHOR = {Raveh, Eran and Steiner, Ingmar and Gessinger, Iona and Möbius, Bernd},
TITLE = {Mutual convergence of multimodal linguistic properties in spoken dialogue systems},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Israel Seminar of Computational Linguistics (ISCOL)},
ADDRESS = {Jerusalem, Israel},
NOTE = {BM, IS} }
Sébastien Le Maguer and
Ingmar Steiner. The “uprooted” MaryTTS entry for the Blizzard Challenge 2017. In Blizzard Challenge 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Le Maguer, Sébastien and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {The “uprooted” MaryTTS entry for the Blizzard Challenge 2017},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Blizzard Challenge 2017},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {IS} }
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Ingmar Steiner and
Alexander Hewer. An HMM/DNN comparison for synchronized text-to-speech and tongue motion synthesis. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Le Maguer, Sébastien and Steiner, Ingmar and Hewer, Alexander},
TITLE = {An HMM/DNN comparison for synchronized text-to-speech and tongue motion synthesis},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {IS} }
Eran Raveh and
Ingmar Steiner. A phonetic adaptation module for spoken dialogue systems. In Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), Pages 162-163, Saarbrücken, August 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Raveh, Eran and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {A phonetic adaptation module for spoken dialogue systems},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial)},
PAGES = {162-163},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {IS} }
Arif Kahn and
Ingmar Steiner. Qualitative evaluation and error analysis of phonetic segmentation. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 138-144, Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Kahn, Arif and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Qualitative evaluation and error analysis of phonetic segmentation},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {138-144},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {IS} }
Ingmar Steiner. A DevOps manifesto for speech corpus management. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 160-166, Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {A DevOps manifesto for speech corpus management.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {160-166},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {IS} }
Sébastien Le Maguer and
Ingmar Steiner. Uprooting MaryTTS: Agile processing and voicebuilding. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 152-159, Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Le Maguer, Sébastien and Steiner, Ingmar},
TITLE = {Uprooting MaryTTS: Agile processing and voicebuilding.},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {152-159},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {IS} }
Benjamin Weitz,
Ingmar Steiner and
Peter Birkholz. Gesture-based articulatory text-to-speech synthesis. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 324-331, Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Weitz, Benjamin and Steiner, Ingmar and Birkholz, Peter},
TITLE = {Gesture-based articulatory text-to-speech synthesis},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
PAGES = {324-331},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {IS} }
Boyuan Deng,
Denis Jouvet,
Yves Laprie,
Ingmar Steiner and
Aghilas Sini. Towards confidence measures on fundamental frequency estimations. In Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Pages 5605-5609, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 2017. Note: IS.
AUTHOR = {Deng, Boyuan and Jouvet, Denis and Laprie, Yves and Steiner, Ingmar and Sini, Aghilas},
TITLE = {Towards confidence measures on fundamental frequency estimations},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
PAGES = {5605-5609},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
NOTE = {IS} }
Laura Fraedrich,
Fabrizio Nunnari,
Maria Staudte and
Alexis Heloir. Simulating Listener Gaze and Evaluating Its Effect on Human Speakers. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Vol. 10498:156-159, Springer, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: MS.
AUTHOR = {Fraedrich, Laura and Nunnari, Fabrizio and Staudte, Maria and Heloir, Alexis},
TITLE = {Simulating Listener Gaze and Evaluating Its Effect on Human Speakers},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA)},
VOLUME = {10498},
PAGES = {156-159},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
NOTE = {MS} }
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. The Facilitatory Effect of Referent Gaze on Cognitive Load in Language Processing. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017.
AUTHOR = {Sekicki, Mirjana and Staudte, Maria},
TITLE = {The Facilitatory Effect of Referent Gaze on Cognitive Load in Language Processing},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {London} }
Torsten Jachmann,
Heiner Drenhaus,
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. The Influence of Speaker's Gaze on Sentence Comprehension: An ERP Investigation. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. Note: MC, MS.
AUTHOR = {Jachmann, Torsten and Drenhaus, Heiner and Staudte, Maria and Crocker, Matthew W.},
TITLE = {The Influence of Speaker's Gaze on Sentence Comprehension: An ERP Investigation},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {MC, MS} }
Klára Jágrová,
Irina Stenger,
Roland Marti and
Tania Avgustinova. Lexical and Orthographic Distances between Czech, Polish, Russian, and Bulgarian - a Comparative Analysis of the Most Frequent Nouns. In Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Olomouc Modern Language Series, Pages 401-416, Palacký University Olomouc, 2017. Note: C4.
AUTHOR = {Jágrová, Klára and Stenger, Irina and Marti, Roland and Avgustinova, Tania},
TITLE = {Lexical and Orthographic Distances between Czech, Polish, Russian, and Bulgarian - a Comparative Analysis of the Most Frequent Nouns},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Olomouc Modern Language Series},
PAGES = {401-416},
PUBLISHER = {Palacký University Olomouc},
NOTE = {C4} }
Irina Stenger,
Tania Avgustinova and
Roland Marti. Levenshtein distance and word adaptation surprisal as methods of measuring mutual intelligibility in reading comprehension of Slavic languages. In Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Dialogue 2017’, Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Vol. 16(23):304-317, Russia, 2017. Note: C4.
AUTHOR = {Stenger, Irina and Avgustinova, Tania and Marti, Roland},
TITLE = {Levenshtein distance and word adaptation surprisal as methods of measuring mutual intelligibility in reading comprehension of Slavic languages},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Dialogue 2017’, Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies},
VOLUME = {16},
NUMBER = {23},
PAGES = {304-317},
ADDRESS = {Russia},
NOTE = {C4} }
Katja Häuser,
Jutta Kray and
Vera Demberg. Age differences in language comprehension during driving: Recovery from prediction errors is more effortful for older adults. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Häuser, Katja and Kray, Jutta and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Age differences in language comprehension during driving: Recovery from prediction errors is more effortful for older adults},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {July},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society},
ADDRESS = {London},
NOTE = {VD} }
Merel Scholman and
Vera Demberg. Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task. In Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Scholman, Merel and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {VD} }
Attapol T. Rutherford,
Vera Demberg and
Niawen Xue. A systematic study of neural discourse models for implicit discourse relation. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Rutherford, Attapol T. and Demberg, Vera and Xue, Niawen},
TITLE = {A systematic study of neural discourse models for implicit discourse relation},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {VD} }
David M. Howcroft and
Vera Demberg. Psycholinguistic models of sentence processing improve sentence readability ranking. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Howcroft, David M. and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Psycholinguistic models of sentence processing improve sentence readability ranking},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {VD} }
Wei Shi and
Vera Demberg. On the need of cross validation for discourse relation classification. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Pages 150-156, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Shi, Wei and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {On the need of cross validation for discourse relation classification},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)},
PAGES = {150-156},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {VD} }
Wei Shi,
Frances Yung,
Raphael Rubino and
Vera Demberg. Using Explicit Discourse Relation Connectives in Translation for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017), Pages 484-495, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Shi, Wei and Yung, Frances and Rubino, Raphael and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {Using Explicit Discourse Relation Connectives in Translation for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017)},
PAGES = {484-495},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
NOTE = {VD} }
Simon Ostermann,
Michael Roth,
Stefan Thater and
Manfred Pinkal. Aligning Script Events with Narrative Texts. In Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017.
AUTHOR = {Ostermann, Simon and Roth, Michael and Thater, Stefan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Aligning Script Events with Narrative Texts},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM)},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada} }
Jet Hoek and
Merel Scholman. Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches. In Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Montpellier, Frankreich, 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Hoek, Jet and Scholman, Merel},
TITLE = {Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, Frankreich},
NOTE = {VD} }
Lilian D. A. Wanzare,
Alessandra Zarcone,
Stefan Thater and
Manfred Pinkal. Inducing Script Structure from Crowdsourced Event Descriptions via Semi-Supervised Clustering. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics, Pages 1-11, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: VD.
AUTHOR = {Wanzare, Lilian D. A. and Zarcone, Alessandra and Thater, Stefan and Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Inducing Script Structure from Crowdsourced Event Descriptions via Semi-Supervised Clustering},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics},
PAGES = {1-11},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {VD} }
Johannes Gontrum,
Jonas Groschwitz,
Alexander Koller and
Christoph Teichmann. Alto: Rapid Prototyping for Parsing and Translation. In Proceedings of the EACL Demo Session, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Gontrum, Johannes and Groschwitz, Jonas and Koller, Alexander and Teichmann, Christoph},
TITLE = {Alto: Rapid Prototyping for Parsing and Translation},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EACL Demo Session},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {AK} }
Martin Villalba,
Christoph Teichmann and
Alexander Koller. Generating Contrastive Referring Expressions. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Pages 678-687, Vancouver, Kanada, 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Villalba, Martin and Teichmann, Christoph and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Generating Contrastive Referring Expressions},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
PAGES = {678-687},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada},
NOTE = {AK} }
Alexander Koller and
Nikolaos Engonopoulos. Integrated sentence generation with charts. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Engonopoulos, Nikolaos},
TITLE = {Integrated sentence generation with charts},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG)},
ADDRESS = {Santiago de Compostela, Spain},
NOTE = {AK} }
Alexander Koller. A feature structure algebra for FTAG. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13), Umea, Sweden, September 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {A feature structure algebra for FTAG},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13)},
ADDRESS = {Umea, Sweden},
NOTE = {AK} }
Jonas Groschwitz,
Meaghan Fowlie,
Mark Johnson and
Alexander Koller. A constrained graph algebra for semantic parsing with AMRs. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), Montpellier, Frankreich, 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Groschwitz, Jonas and Fowlie, Meaghan and Johnson, Mark and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {A constrained graph algebra for semantic parsing with AMRs},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS)},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, Frankreich},
NOTE = {AK} }
Christoph Teichmann,
Alexander Koller and
Jonas Groschwitz. Coarse-To-Fine Parsing for Expressive Grammar Formalisms. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT), Pisa, Italien, 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Teichmann, Christoph and Koller, Alexander and Groschwitz, Jonas},
TITLE = {Coarse-To-Fine Parsing for Expressive Grammar Formalisms},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT)},
ADDRESS = {Pisa, Italien},
NOTE = {AK} }
Meaghan Fowlie and
Alexander Koller. Parsing Minimalist Languages with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13), Umea, Sweden, 2017. Note: AK.
AUTHOR = {Fowlie, Meaghan and Koller, Alexander},
TITLE = {Parsing Minimalist Languages with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13)},
ADDRESS = {Umea, Sweden},
NOTE = {AK} }
Marc Schulder,
Michael Wiegand,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Benjamin Roth. Towards Bootstrapping a Polarity Shifter Lexicon using Linguistic Features. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017), Pages 624-633, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Schulder, Marc and Wiegand, Michael and Ruppenhofer, Josef and Roth, Benjamin},
TITLE = {Towards Bootstrapping a Polarity Shifter Lexicon using Linguistic Features},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017)},
PAGES = {624-633},
ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan},
NOTE = {DK} }
Volha Petukhova,
Tobias Mayer,
Andrei Malchanau and
Harry Bunt. Virtual Debate Coach Design: assessing multimodal argumentation performance. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Glasgow, UK, November 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Mayer, Tobias and Malchanau, Andrei and Bunt, Harry},
TITLE = {Virtual Debate Coach Design: assessing multimodal argumentation performance},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {November},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction},
ADDRESS = {Glasgow, UK},
NOTE = {DK} }
Valeria Lapina and
Volha Petukhova. Classification of Modal Meaning in Negotiation Dialogues. In Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Pages 59-70, Montpellier, Frankreich, 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Lapina, Valeria and Petukhova, Volha},
TITLE = {Classification of Modal Meaning in Negotiation Dialogues},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation},
PAGES = {59-70},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, Frankreich},
NOTE = {DK} }
Volha Petukhova,
Harry Bunt and
Andrei Malchanau. Computing Negotiation Update Semantics in Multi-issue Bargaining Dialogues. In Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), Pages 114-124, Saarbrücken, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Bunt, Harry and Malchanau, Andrei},
TITLE = {Computing Negotiation Update Semantics in Multi-issue Bargaining Dialogues},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial)},
PAGES = {114-124},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. A Batch Noise Contrastive Estimation Approach for Training Large Vocabulary Language Models. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A Batch Noise Contrastive Estimation Approach for Training Large Vocabulary Language Models},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
Xiaoyu Shen,
Youssef Oualil,
Clayton Greenberg,
Mittul Singh and
Dietrich Klakow. Estimation of Gap Between Current Language Models and Human Performance. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Shen, Xiaoyu and Oualil, Youssef and Greenberg, Clayton and Singh, Mittul and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Estimation of Gap Between Current Language Models and Human Performance},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
Ajay Srinivasamurthy,
Petr Motlicek,
Ivan Himawan,
Gyorgy Szaszak,
Youssef Oualil and
Hartmut Helmke. Semi-supervised Learning with Semantic Knowledge Extraction for Improved Speech Recognition in Air Traffic Control. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Srinivasamurthy, Ajay and Motlicek, Petr and Himawan, Ivan and Szaszak, Gyorgy and Oualil, Youssef and Helmke, Hartmut},
TITLE = {Semi-supervised Learning with Semantic Knowledge Extraction for Improved Speech Recognition in Air Traffic Control},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
Eustace Ebhotemhen,
Volha Petukhova and
Dietrich Klakow. Incremental Dialogue Act Recognition: token- vs chunk-based classification. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 889-893, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Ebhotemhen, Eustace and Petukhova, Volha and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Incremental Dialogue Act Recognition: token- vs chunk-based classification},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
PAGES = {889-893},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
Volha Petukhova,
Manoj Raju and
Harry Bunt. Multimodal markers of persuasive speech : designing a Virtual Debate Coach. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 142-146, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Raju, Manoj and Bunt, Harry},
TITLE = {Multimodal markers of persuasive speech : designing a Virtual Debate Coach},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
PAGES = {142-146},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
Mittul Singh,
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. Approximated and domain-adapted LSTM language models for first-pass decoding in speech recognition. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Singh, Mittul and Oualil, Youssef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Approximated and domain-adapted LSTM language models for first-pass decoding in speech recognition},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
Thomas A. Trost and
Dietrich Klakow. Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings. In Workshop Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (Workshop at ACL 2017), Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Trost, Thomas A. and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (Workshop at ACL 2017)},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada},
NOTE = {DK} }
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. A Neural Network Approach for Mixing Language Models. In Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, USA, March 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Oualil, Youssef and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A Neural Network Approach for Mixing Language Models},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
NOTE = {DK} }
Julia Dembowski,
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Language Independent Named Entity Recognition using Distant Supervision. In Proceedings of Language and Technology Conference (LTC), 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Dembowski, Julia and Wiegand, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {Language Independent Named Entity Recognition using Distant Supervision},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Language and Technology Conference (LTC)},
NOTE = {DK} }
Josef Ruppenhofer,
Petra Steiner and
Michael Wiegand. Evaluating the morphological compositionality of polarity. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017, Varna, Bulgarien, September 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Steiner, Petra and Wiegand, Michael},
TITLE = {Evaluating the morphological compositionality of polarity},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017},
ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien},
NOTE = {DK} }
Michael Wiegand,
Maximilian Wolf and
Josef Ruppenhofer. Negation Modeling for German Polarity Classification. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age (GSCL 2017), Berlin, September 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Wolf, Maximilian and Ruppenhofer, Josef},
TITLE = {Negation Modeling for German Polarity Classification},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age (GSCL 2017)},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
NOTE = {DK} }
Anna Schmidt and
Michael Wiegand. A Survey on Hate Speech Detection using Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the EACL-Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (EACL-SocialNLP), Pages 1-10, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Schmidt, Anna and Wiegand, Michael},
TITLE = {A Survey on Hate Speech Detection using Natural Language Processing},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the EACL-Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (EACL-SocialNLP)},
PAGES = {1-10},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {DK} }
David M. Howcroft,
Dietrich Klakow and
Vera Demberg. The Extended SPaRKy Restaurant Corpus: designing a corpus with variable information density. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Howcroft, David M. and Klakow, Dietrich and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {The Extended SPaRKy Restaurant Corpus: designing a corpus with variable information density},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden},
NOTE = {DK} }
David M. Howcroft,
Jorrig Vogels and
Vera Demberg. G-TUNA: a corpus of referring expressions in German, including duration information. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG), Pages 149-153, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2017. Note: DK, VD.
AUTHOR = {Howcroft, David M. and Vogels, Jorrig and Demberg, Vera},
TITLE = {G-TUNA: a corpus of referring expressions in German, including duration information},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG)},
PAGES = {149-153},
ADDRESS = {Santiago de Compostela, Spain},
NOTE = {DK, VD} }
Hartmut Helmke,
Youssef Oualil and
Marc Schulder. Quantifying the Benefits of Speech Recognition for an Air Traffic Management Application. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Saarbrücken, March 2017. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Helmke, Hartmut and Oualil, Youssef and Schulder, Marc},
TITLE = {Quantifying the Benefits of Speech Recognition for an Air Traffic Management Application},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {March},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
NOTE = {DK} }
Cristina España-Bonet and
Josef van Genabith. Going beyond zero-shot MT: combining phonological, morphological and semantic factors. The UdS-DFKI System at IWSLT 2017. In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pages 15-22, Tokyo, Japan, December 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {España-Bonet, Cristina and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {Going beyond zero-shot MT: combining phonological, morphological and semantic factors. The UdS-DFKI System at IWSLT 2017},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {December},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT)},
PAGES = {15-22},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan},
NOTE = {LT} }
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha and
Cristina España-Bonet. Learning Bilingual Projections of Embeddings for Vocabulary Expansion in Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (ACL Workshop RepL4NLP-2017), Pages 139-145, Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Madhyastha, Pranava Swaroop and España-Bonet, Cristina},
TITLE = {Learning Bilingual Projections of Embeddings for Vocabulary Expansion in Machine Translation},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (ACL Workshop RepL4NLP-2017)},
PAGES = {139-145},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada},
NOTE = {LT} }
Cristina España-Bonet and
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño. Lump at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Towards an Interlingua Semantic Similarity. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (ACL Workshop SemEval-2017), Pages 144-149, Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {España-Bonet, Cristina and Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto},
TITLE = {Lump at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Towards an Interlingua Semantic Similarity},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (ACL Workshop SemEval-2017)},
PAGES = {144-149},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada},
NOTE = {LT} }
Georg Heigold,
Günter Neumann and
Josef van Genabith. An Extensive Empirical Evaluation of Character-Based Morphological Tagging for 14 Languages. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Pages 505-5013, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Heigold, Georg and Neumann, Günter and van Genabith, Josef},
TITLE = {An Extensive Empirical Evaluation of Character-Based Morphological Tagging for 14 Languages},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)},
PAGES = {505-5013},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {LT} }
Hans Uszkoreit,
Aleksandra Gabryszak,
Leonhard Hennig,
Jörg Steffen,
Renlong Ai,
Stephan Busemann,
Jon Dehdari,
Josef van Genabith,
Georg Heigold,
Nils Rethmeier,
Raphael Rubino,
Sven Schmeier,
Philippe Thomas,
He Wang and
Feiyu Xu. Common Round: Application of Language Technologies to Large-Scale Web Debates. In Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 5-8, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Gabryszak, Aleksandra and Hennig, Leonhard and Steffen, Jörg and Ai, Renlong and Busemann, Stephan and Dehdari, Jon and van Genabith, Josef and Heigold, Georg and Rethmeier, Nils and Rubino, Raphael and Schmeier, Sven and Thomas, Philippe and Wang, He and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Common Round: Application of Language Technologies to Large-Scale Web Debates},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
PAGES = {5-8},
ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien},
NOTE = {LT} }
Viviana Cotik,
Darío Filippo,
Roland Roller,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. Annotation of Entities and Relations in Spanish Radiology Reports. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017, Varna, Bulgarien, September 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Cotik, Viviana and Filippo, Darío and Roller, Roland and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
TITLE = {Annotation of Entities and Relations in Spanish Radiology Reports},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017},
ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien},
NOTE = {LT} }
Philippe Thomas,
Johannes Kirschnick,
Leonhard Hennig,
Renlong Ai,
Sven Schmeier,
Holmer Hemsen,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Streaming Text Analytics for Real-time Event Recognition. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017, Varna, Bulgarien, April 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Thomas, Philippe and Kirschnick, Johannes and Hennig, Leonhard and Ai, Renlong and Schmeier, Sven and Hemsen, Holmer and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Streaming Text Analytics for Real-time Event Recognition},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {April},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017},
ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien},
NOTE = {LT} }
Roland Roller,
Nils Rethmeier,
Philippe Thomas,
Marc Hübner,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Fabian Halleck,
Oliver Staeck,
Klemens Budde and
Danilo Schmidt. Detecting Named Entities and Relations in German Clinical Reports. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, Berlin, 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Roller, Roland and Rethmeier, Nils and Thomas, Philippe and Hübner, Marc and Uszkoreit, Hans and Halleck, Fabian and Staeck, Oliver and Budde, Klemens and Schmidt, Danilo},
TITLE = {Detecting Named Entities and Relations in German Clinical Reports},
YEAR = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
NOTE = {LT} }
Kathrin Eichler,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit and
Sebastian Krause. Generating Pattern-Based Entailment Graphs for Relation Extraction. In Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krause, Sebastian},
TITLE = {Generating Pattern-Based Entailment Graphs for Relation Extraction},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM)},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada},
NOTE = {LT} }
Dagmar Gromann and
Thierry Declerck. Hashtag Processing for Enhanced Clustering of Tweets. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017, Varna, Bulgarien, September 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Gromann, Dagmar and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Hashtag Processing for Enhanced Clustering of Tweets},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017},
ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien},
NOTE = {LT} }
Thierry Declerck. Software Projects for Developing Digital Humanities Resources. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities (Teach4DH 2017), Berlin, September 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {Software Projects for Developing Digital Humanities Resources},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities (Teach4DH 2017)},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
NOTE = {LT} }
Carole Tiberius and
Thierry Declerck. A lemon Model for the ANW Dictionary. In Proceedings of the eLex 2017 conference, Pages 237-251, Leiden, Niederlande, September 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Tiberius, Carole and Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {A lemon Model for the ANW Dictionary},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the eLex 2017 conference},
PAGES = {237-251},
ADDRESS = {Leiden, Niederlande},
NOTE = {LT} }
Thierry Declerck,
Carole Tiberius and
Eveline Wandl-Vogt. Encoding lexicographic Data in lemon: Lessons learned. In Proceedings of the LDK workshops: OntoLex, TIAD and Challenges for Wordnets, Galway, Irland, August 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Tiberius, Carole and Wandl-Vogt, Eveline},
TITLE = {Encoding lexicographic Data in lemon: Lessons learned},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the LDK workshops: OntoLex, TIAD and Challenges for Wordnets},
ADDRESS = {Galway, Irland},
NOTE = {LT} }
Thierry Declerck,
Antonia Kostova and
Lisa Schäfer. Towards a Linked Data Access to Folktales classified by Thompson’s Motifs and Aarne-Thompson-Uther’s Types. In Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2017, Montréal, QC, Kanada, August 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Kostova, Antonia and Schäfer, Lisa},
TITLE = {Towards a Linked Data Access to Folktales classified by Thompson’s Motifs and Aarne-Thompson-Uther’s Types},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2017},
ADDRESS = {Montréal, QC, Kanada},
NOTE = {LT} }
Thierry Declerck and
Lisa Schäfer. Porting past Classification Schemes for Narratives to a Linked Data Framework. In Proceedings of DATeCH2017, Göttingen, June 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Schäfer, Lisa},
TITLE = {Porting past Classification Schemes for Narratives to a Linked Data Framework},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of DATeCH2017},
ADDRESS = {Göttingen},
NOTE = {LT} }
Thierry Declerck and
Dagmar Gromann. Porting the xEBR Taxonomy to a Linked Open Data compliant Format. In Proceedings of The Academic Track is part of the Eurofilling XBRL week, Frankfurt, June 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Gromann, Dagmar},
TITLE = {Porting the xEBR Taxonomy to a Linked Open Data compliant Format},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {June},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of The Academic Track is part of the Eurofilling XBRL week},
ADDRESS = {Frankfurt},
NOTE = {LT} }
Thierry Declerck. A Set of Annotations for supporting a TTS application for Folktales. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities, Vol. 1786, Indiana, USA, January 2017. Note: LT.
AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry},
TITLE = {A Set of Annotations for supporting a TTS application for Folktales},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {January},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities},
VOLUME = {1786},
ADDRESS = {Indiana, USA},
NOTE = {LT} }