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Bistra Andreeva. Prosodic Encoding of Phrasal Prominence and Information Structure in a Second Language: When Bulgarian and German Prosody meet. In Contrastive Linguistics XLII, Pages 59-83, 2017. google Note: BM.
Klára Jágrová,
Irina Stenger,
Tania Avgustinova and
Roland Marti. POLSKI TO JĘZYK NIESKOMPLIKOWANY? Theoretische und praktische Interkomprehension der 100 häufigsten polnische Substantive. In Polski w Niemczech/Polnisch in Deutschland. Zeitschrift der Bundesvereinigung der Polnischlehrkräfte, Vol. 4:5-19, 2017. google Note: C4.
Merel Scholman and
Vera Demberg. Examples and specifications that prove a point: Identifying elaborative and argumentative discourse relations. In Dialogue & Discourse, Vol. 8(2):56-83, 2017. google Note: VD.
Harm Brouwer and
Matthew W. Crocker. On the Organization of the Perisylvian Cortex: Insights from the Electrophysiology of Language. Comment on Towards a Computational Comparative Neuroprimatology: Framing the language-ready brain by M.A. Arbib. In Physics of Life Reviews, Vol. 16:58-60, 2016. google Note: MC.
Jürgen Trouvain. Rezension zu ``Duden. Das Aussprachewörterbuch. 7., komplett überarb. u. aktual. Aufl. Bearb. von Stefan Kleiner und Ralf Knöbl in Zusammenarbeit mit der Dudenredaktion´´. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Vol. 53(4):237-240, 2016. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain. Rezension zu ``Bose, I., Hirschfeld, U., Neuber, B. & Stock, E. 2013. Einführung in die Sprechwissenschaft. Phonetik, Rhetorik, Sprechkunst.´´. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Vol. 53(2):121-123, 2016. google Note: BM.
Vera Demberg and
Asad Sayeed. The Frequency of Rapid Pupil Dilations as a Measure of Linguistic Processing Difficulty. In PLoS ONE, Vol. 11(1), 2016. google Note: VD.
Fabian Hillock,
Danilo Schmidt,
Oliver Staeck,
Thorsten Schaaf,
Thomas Tolxdorff,
Alexander Löser,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Philipp Legge,
Kai Sachs,
Sonja Oechsler and
Klemens Budde. Integrierte Versorgung nierentransplantierter Patienten, Entwicklung einer E-Health-Plattform (Integrated care of renal transplant patients – Development of an electronic health care service platform) In Dialyse aktuell, Vol. 20(6):285-290, July 2016. google Note: HU.
Alejandro Figueroa and
Günter Neumann. Category-specific models for ranking effective paraphrases in community Question Answering. In Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 41(10):4730-4742, August 2014. google
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova,
Shanker Keshavdas,
Benoit Larochelle,
Miroslav Janíček,
Henrik Christensen,
Ming Liu,
Francois Pomerleau,
Roland Siegwart,
Mark Neerincx,
Rosemarijn Looije,
Nanja Smets,
Tina Mioch,
Jurriaan van Diggelen,
Fiora Pirri,
Mario Gianni,
Federico Ferri,
Matteo Menna,
Rainer Worst,
Thorsten Linder,
Viatcheslav Tretyakov,
H. Surmann,
Tomas Svoboda,
M. Reinstein,
Karel Zimmermann,
Tomas Petricek and
V. Hlavac. Designing, developing, and deploying systems to support human-robot teams in disaster response. In Advanced Robotics, Vol. 28(23):1547-1570, December 2014. google
Sophie Repp and
Heiner Drenhaus. Intonation influences processing and recall of left-dislocation sentences by indicating topic vs. focus status of dislocated referent. In Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, Pages 1-23, 2014. google Note: MC.
Alexis Palmer,
Caroline Sporleder and
Linlin Li. So to speak : a computational and empirical investigation of lexical cohesion of non-literal and literal expressions in text. In Discours [En ligne], 11 | 2012, mis en ligne le 23 décembre 2012, consulté le 18 juillet 2013, 2012. google
Jürgen Trouvain. Review of Russ, C.V.J.2010. The Sounds of German. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. In Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Vol. 42:211-213, 2012. google
Pirita Pyykkönen. Esipuhe : neurolingvistisiä tutkimussuuntauksia. In Puhe ja kieli = Tal och språk = Speech and language, Vol. 32(2):54-58, 2012. google Note: MC.
Ulrich Schäfer. Satzsemantische Suche – präziser finden mit der TAKE Searchbench. In DOK : Technologien, Strategien & Services für das digitale Dokument, (2):28-31, 2012. google Note: HU.
Ulrich Schäfer and
Magdalena Wolska. Automatische Terminologie-, Taxonomie- und Glossarextraktion. In DOK : Technologien, Strategien & Services für das digitale Dokument, (6):62-65, 2012. google Note: HU, MP.
Hong Li,
Yi Zhang,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Simple ontologies for practical information extraction and advanced information extraction for practical ontologies. In Dangdai-yuyanxue : jikan = Contemporary linguistics, (1):2012, 2012. google Note: HU.
Óscar Ferrández,
Christian Spurk,
Milena Kouylekov,
Iustin Dornescu,
Sergio Ferrández,
Matteo Negri,
Rubén Izquierdo,
David Tomas,
Constantin Orasan,
Günter Neumann,
Bernardo Magnini and
Jose Luis Vicedo. The QALL-ME Framework : a specifiable-domain multilingual question answering architecture. In Web semantics : science, services and agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 9(2):137–145, 2011. google Note: HU.
Magdalena Wolska and
Sabrina Wilske. Meaning versus form in computer-assisted task-based language learning : a case study on the German dative. In Journal for language technology and computational linguistics, Vol. 26(1):23-37, 2011. google Note: MP.
Dan Povey and
Arnab Ghoshal. The subspace Gaussian mixture model - a structured model for speech recognition. In Computer speech and language, Vol. 25(2):404–439, 2011. google Note: DK.
Petra Dünges. Arabic children´s literature today : determining factors and tendencies. In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Vol. 126(1):170-181, 2011. [Abstract] google Note: MP.
Georg Rehm and
Hans Uszkoreit. Multilingual Europe : a challenge for language tech. In MultiLingual : language, technology, business. April - May, Vol. 22:51-52, 2011. google
Timothy Baldwin and
Valia Kordoni. The interaction between linguistics and computational linguistics : virtuous, vicious or vacuous? In Linguistic issues in language technology. [Elektronische Ressource], Vol. 6(1):1-5, 2011. google
Jürgen Trouvain. Kunz, R. & Vòllono, M.: Nordwörter und Südwörter im Saar-Mosel-Raum : alte Wortschichten in Toponymen eines exemplarischen Interferenzraumes. Saarbrücken, 2009. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Saarländische Landesgeschichte und Volksforschung; 42) In Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Saargegend, Vol. 59:221-224, 2011. google
Jürgen Trouvain. Krech, Eva-Maria ; Stock, Eberhard ; Hirschfeld, Ursula & Anders, Lutz Christian (2009), Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter [Rezension] In Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, Vol. 16(1):86-91, 2011. google
Ines Rehbein. Der Einfluss der Dependenzgrammatik auf die Computerlinguistik (in press) In Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik (ZGL), 2010. google Note: MP.
Valia Kordoni and
Gertjan van Noord. Passives in Germanic Languages: the case of Dutch and German. In Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik (GAGL), December 2009, Vol. 49:77-96, 2010. google Note: HU.
Caroline Sporleder. Natural Language Processing for Cultural Heritage Domains (to appear) In Language and Linguistics Compass (to appear), Language and Linguistics Compass, 2010. google Note: CS.
Pirita Pyykkönen. Merkitysyhteyksien aktivoituminen puhutussa kielessä [Engl. Activation of semantic inferences in spoken language] (to appear) In Psykologia, 2010. google Note: MC.
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. Constituent order and semantic parallelism in online comprehension : eye-tracking evidence from German. In Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 62(12):2338-2371, 2009. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Stephanie Kelter. Embodied language comprehension : the processing of spatial information during reading and listening. In Advances in psychology research, Vol. 59:1-44, 2009. google Note: MC.
Juhani Järvikivi,
Pirita Pyykkönen and
Niemi Jussi. Exploiting degrees of inflectional ambiguity : stem form and the time course of morphological processing. In Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition, Vol. 35(1):221-235, 2009. google Note: MC.
William J. Barry and
Jürgen Trouvain. Do we need a symbol for a central open vowel? : the discussion so far and a reply to Daniel Recasens and Martin Ball. In Journal of the International Phonetic Association. - 39. 2009, 3, S. 365-366
, 2009. google Note: WB.
Verena Rieser and
Oliver Lemon. Does this list contain what you were searching for? : learning adaptive dialogue strategies for interactive question answering. In Natural language engineering: Special issue on interactive question answering, Vol. 15(1):55-72, 2008. google Note: MP.
Günter Neumann. A computational linguistics perspective on the anticipatory drive : commentary on the target article by Martin v. Butz. In Constructivist foundations, Vol. 4(1):26-28, 2008. google Note: HU.
Manfred Pützer and
William J. Barry. Instrumental dimensioning of normal and pathological phonation using acoustic measurements. In Clinical linguistics & phonetics. - 22. 2008, 6, S. 407-420, 2008. google Note: WB.
William J. Barry and
Michela Russo. Measuring rhythm : a quantified analysis of southern Italian dialects stress-time parameters. In Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics. - 9. 2008, Spec. Issue 2, S. 315-322, 2008. google Note: WB.
William J. Barry and
Jürgen Trouvain. Ocke-Schwen Bohn, Murray J. Munro (eds): Language experience in second language speech learning : in honor of James Emil Flege [Rezension] In Phonetica. - 65. 2008, 4, S. 272-276, 2008. google Note: WB.
Caroline Sporleder. Manually vs. Automatically Labelled Data in Discourse Relation Classification. Effects of Example and Feature Selection. In LDV Forum, Vol. 22(1):1-20, 2007. google Note: CS, MP.
Grit Mehlhorn and
Jürgen Trouvain. Sensibilisierung von Lernenden für fremdsprachliche Prosodie. In Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, Vol. 12(2):1-25, 2007. google Note: WB.
Pia Knoeferle and
Matthew W. Crocker. The influence of recent scene events on spoken comprehension: evidence
from eye-movements. . In Journal of Memory and Language (Special Issue: Language-Vision Interaction, Vol. 57(2):519-543, 2007. google Note: MC.
Andrea Weber and
Anne Cutler. First-language phonotactics in second-language listening. In The journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 119(1):597-607, 2006. google
Jacques Koreman. Perceived speech rate: the effects of articulation rate and speaking style in spontaneous speech. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 119(1):582-596, 2006. google
Valia Kordoni and
Julia Neu. Creating multi-purpose linguistic resources for Modern Greek: a deep Modern Greek Grammar. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), 2004. google
Michela Russo and
William J. Barry. Interaction between segmental structure and rhythm. A look at Italian dialects and regional standard Italian. In Folia Linguistica, Vol. XXXVIII(3-4):277-296, 2004. google
Markus Egg. Beginning novels and finishing hamburgers - remarks on the semantics of em to begin/. In Journal of Semantics, Vol. 20:163-191, 2003. google
Manfred Pinkal. Am Anfang war das Wort. In Bibel im Dialog, Evangelische Studentinnen- und Studentengemeinde Saarbrücken (Hrsg.), Röhrig Universitätsverlag, St. Ingbert, Pages 34-47, 2003. google
Shravan Vasishth. Word order, negation, and negative polarity in Hindi. In Research on Language and Computation, Vol. 2:1:127-146, Vasishth:2003:WON, 2003. google
Alissa Melinger. Morphological structure in the lexical representation of prefixed words: Evidence from speech errors. In Language and Cognitive Processes, Vol. 18 (3):335-362, 2003. google
Christoph Scheepers. Syntactic priming of relative clause attachments: Persistence of structural configuration in sentence production. In Cognition, Vol. 89:179-205, 2003. google
Manfred Pützer,
William J. Barry,
Fuß and
G. & Moringlane. Instrumentalphonetische Untersuchungen zu Auswirkungen der Elektrostimulation subkortikaler Hirnstrukturen auf glottal-supraglottale Artikulationsmechanismen bei Patienten mit M. Parkinson und multipler Sklerose. In Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, Vol. 27:161-170, 2003. google
G and
Spiegel. Auswirkungen der Elektrostimulation subkortikaler Hirnstrukturen auf das glottale Schwingungsverhalten bei Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson und multipler Sklerose. In Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, Vol. 55(5):220-232, 2003. google
Martin Corley and
Christoph Scheepers. Syntactic Priming in English Sentence Production: Categorical and Latency Evidence from an Internet-Based Study. In Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Vol. 9(1):126-131, 2002. google
Denys Duchier. Dominance Constraints with Boolean Connectives: A Model-Eliminative Treatment. In Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 293(2):321-343, 2002. [Abstract] google [Annote]
Markus Egg. Semantic Construction for Reinterpretation Phenomena. In Linguistics, Vol. 40:579-609, 2002. google
Martine Grice. Discussion paper: Dainora : An Empirically Based Probabilistic Model of Intonation in American English. In Glot International, 2002. google
Martine Grice. Review of: Botinis (ed): Intonation: Analysis, Modelling and Technology. In Computational Linguistics, Vol. 28(1):87-89, 2002. google
Günter Neumann and
Sven Schmeier. Shallow Natural Language Technology and Text Mining. In Künstliche Intelligenz. The German Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2002. google Note: to appear.
Andrea Weber. Assimilation violation and spoken-language processing: A supplementary report. In Language and Speech, Vol. 45:37-46, 2002. google
John W. Barry and
Michela Russo. Gradi di elisione dello scha finale nelle variatà di Ischia e Pozzuoli: Unánalisi strumentale e implicazione ritmiche. In Quaderni Linguistici e Filologici XV. La fonetica acustica come strumento di analisi della variazione linguistica in Italia, Vol. Atti delle XII Giornate die Studio del Gruppo di Fonetica, 2002. google
Petra Dünges. Eventualities in Time - The Localization of Eventualities in the Platonist and the Reductionist Picture of Time. In Grammars, Vol. 4(1):69-83, 2001. [Abstract] google Note: This paper has been printed before in Grammars 3(1):21-35, 2000. It was incorrectly printed, however, and so a corrected reprint took place.
Martine Grice. Review of: Hirst, Di Cristo (eds.): Intonation Systems: A Survey of Twenty Languages. In Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 37:593-625, 2001. google
Meike Klettke,
Mathias Bietz,
Ilvio Bruder,
Andreas Heuer,
Denny Priebe,
Günter Neumann,
Markus Becker,
Jochen Bedersdorfer,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Alexander Maedche,
Steffen Staab and
Rudi Studer. GETESS-Ontologien, objektrelationale Datenbanken und Textanalyse als Bausteine einer semantischen Suchmaschine. In Datenbank-Spektrum, Vol. 1(1):14-24, 2001. [Abstract] google [Annote]
Ivana Korbayova. Review of: McCawley, James D.: The Syntactic Phenomena of English (Second Edition). Chicago University Press. In Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 10(2):263-266, 2001. google
Manfred Pützer. Multiparametrische Stimmqualitäts-erfassung männlicher und weiblicher Normalstimmen. In Folia Phoniatr. Logop., Vol. 53:73-84, 2001. google
Andrea Weber. Help or hindrance: How violation of different assimilation rules affects spoken-language processing. In Language and Speech, Vol. 44:95-118, 2001. google
Frank Keller and
Theodora Alexopoulou. Phonology Competes with Syntax: Experimental Evidence for the Interaction of Word Order and Accent Placement in the Realization of Information Structure. In Cognition, Vol. 79(3):301-372, 2001. google
Frank Keller. Experimental Evidence for Constraint Competition in Gapping Constructions. In Competition in Syntax, Pages 211-248, 2001. google
Ulrich Callmeier. PET. A Platform for Experimentation with Efficient HPSG Processing Techniques. In Journal of Natural Language Engineering, Vol. 6(1):99-108, 2000. google [Annote]
Gregor Erbach and
Werner Saurer. Review of Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming. In Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 14(6):615-617, 2000. google Note: Original publication: Dov M. Gabbay, Christopher J. Hogger, John Alan Robinson (Eds.), Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Volume 2: Deduction Methodologies. [Annote]
Ivana Korbayova. Review of: Ladd, Robert: Intonational Phonology. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 79, Cambridge University Press, 1997. In Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, (73-74):117-120, 2000. google
Ivana Korbayova. Discourse Meaning: Papers in Honour of Eva Hajicová. In Linguistica Pragensia, Vol. 10(2):105-108, 2000. google
Manfred Pützer and
Krzysztof Marasek. Differenzierung gesunder Stimmqualitäten und Stimmqualitäten bei Rekurrens-parese mit Hilfe elektroglottographischer Messungen und RBH-System. In Sprache Stimme Gehör, Vol. 24:154-163, 2000. google
Tania Avgustinova. Prosodic Constraints in Morphosyntactic Domains. In Beiträge der Europäschen Slavistischen Linguistik (POLYSLAV-2), Vol. 4:10-15, 1999. google [Annote]
William J. Barry. Trend und Ergebnisse der phonetischen Forschung und ihr Nutzen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Vol. 36(2):81-87, 1999. google
Ivana Korbayova. Review of: Bosch, P.;van der Sandt, R. (Eds.): Focus. Cambridge University Press, 1999. In Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Vol. 7:80-82, 1999. google
Ivana Korbayova. Review of: Issues of Valency and Meaning: Studies in Honour of Jarmila Panevová. In Slovo a slovesnost, Vol. LX/2(60):150-153, 1999. google Note: in Czech.
Tobias Müller and
Jörg Würtz. Embedding Propagators in a Concurrent Constraint Language. In The Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, Nr. (Special Issue 1), 1999. [Abstract] google Note: Published on the Internet: http://mitpress.mit.edu/JFLP/, ISSN 1080--5230, MIT Press Journals, Five Cambridge Center, Cambridge, USA. [Annote]
Günter Neumann. Interleaving Natural Language Parsing and Generation Through Uniform Processing. In Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 99:121-163, 1998. google [Annote]
Manfred Pützer and
William J. Barry. Geographische und generationsbezogene Verbreitung saarländischer Dialekt-phänomene im germanophonen Lothringen (Frankreich) In Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, Vol. 65(2):152-178, 1998. google
William J. Barry and
Manfred Pützer. Zur phonetischen Basis der Fortis-Lenis-Opposition bei Plosiven in moselfränkischen und rheinfränkischen Dialekten sowie Übergangsgebieten im germanophonen Lothringen (Frankreich) In Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, Vol. 64(2):155-178, 1997. google
Ivana Korbayova and
Eva Hajicová. Topics and Centers: A Comparison of the Salience-Based Approach and the Centering Theory. In Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Vol. 67:25-50, 1997. google Note: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. [Annote]
Manfred Pützer. Zu Transkriptionskonventionen bei Plosiven im Übergangsgebiet zwischen moselfränkischen und rheinfränkischen Dialekten im germanophonen Lothringen (Frankreich) In PHONUS, Vol. 3:25-60, 1997. [Abstract] google [Annote]
Reinhard Muskens. Combining Montague Semantics and Discourse Representation. In Linguistics and Philosophy, Vol. 19:143-186, 1996. google
Rolf Backofen. A Complete Axiomatization of a Theory with Feature and Arity Constraints. In The Journal of Logic Programming, Vol. 24:37-72, 1995. google [Annote]
Jie Li. Dou and Wh-questions in Mandarin Chinese. In Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Vol. 4(4):313-323, 1995. google
Ivana Korbayova. Contextual reference of noun phrases in Plinius: Part Two. In Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Vol. 62:47-72, 1995. google Note: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ivana Korbayova. Review of: Lambrecht, Knud: Information Structure and Sentence Form. Topic, Focus, and the Mental Representations of Discourse Referents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. In Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1994. google
Klaus Netter. Syntax in der Maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung. In Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), Vol. 36(2):6-13, 1994. google
Ivana Korbayova. Contextual reference of noun phrases in Plinius: Part One. In Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, (61):23-46, 1994. google Note: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tania Avgustinova. Review of: Sells, Peter; Shieber, Stuart M.; Wasow, Thomas (Eds.): Foundational Issues in Natural Language Processing. System Development Foundation Benchmark Series. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1991. In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics. Vol. 1993. google
Günter Neumann. Grammatikformalismen in der Generierung und ihre Verarbeitung. In Künstliche Intelligenz, (Themenheft Generierung):22-30, 1993. google [Annote]
Werner Saurer. A Natural Deduction System for Discourse Representation Theory. In Journal of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 22:249-302, 1993. google
Walter Kasper. Presuppositions, Composition, and Simple Subjunctives. In Journal of Semantics, Vol. 9:197-221, 1992. google
Harald Trost. A Morphological Component for the Recognition and Generation of Word Forms in Natural Language Understanding Systems: Integrating Two-Level Morphology and Feature Unification. In Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4(4):411-457, 1991. google
Harald Trost. Recogniton and Generation of Word Forms for Natural Language Understanding Systems: Integrating Two-Level Morphology and Feature Unification. In Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4(4):411-457, 1991. [Abstract] google [Annote]
William J. Barry. Perception and Production of English Vowels by German Learners: Instrumental-Phonetic Support in Language Teaching. In Phonetica, Vol. 46:155-168, 1989. google
William J. Barry. Vokalqualitätsunterschiede in Dithmarschen und Angeln. Eine kontrastive Vokaluntersuchung zweier niederdeutscher Dialekte, mit instrumentalphonetischer Unterstützung. In Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, Vol. 53:145-157, 1986. google
William J. Barry. Segment or Syllable? A Reaction-Time Investigation of Phonetic Processing. In Language & Speech, Vol. 27:1-15, 1984. google
William J. Barry. Place-of-Articulation Information in the Closure Voicing of Plosives. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 76:1245-1247, 1984. google
William J. Barry. Instrumentelle Phonetik für den Ausspracheunterricht: Hilfe oder Humbug? In Die Neueren Sprachen, Vol. 82:2-14, 1983. google
William J. Barry. Some Problems of Interarticulator Phasing as an Index of Temporal Regularity in Speech. In Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance, Vol. 9:826-828, 1983. google
William J. Barry. Remedial Pronunciation Practice for German-Speaking Students of English. In English Language Teaching, Vol. 26:43-47, 1971. google