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references sorted by year
Les Sikos,
Harm Brouwer and
Matthew W. Crocker. Neural correlates of referential processing: Event-related potentials for ambiguity versus resolution. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS2017), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2017. google Note: MC, Poster.
Les Sikos,
Harm Brouwer and
Matthew W. Crocker. Neural correlates of referential processing: Event-related potentials for ambiguity versus resolution. The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 2017. google Note: MC, Poster.
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. Language Processing in the VWP: The Cost of Gaze Inspired Prediction. 23rd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference (AMLaP), Lancaster, UK, September 2017. google Note: MS, Poster.
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. Cognitive load in the visual world: The facilitatory effect of gaze. The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 2017. google Note: MS, Poster.
Ekaterina Kravtchenko and
Vera Demberg. Informationally redundant event descriptions alter prior beliefs about event typicality. CSLI Workshop: Bridging Computational and Psycholinguistic Approaches to the Study of Meaning, Stanford University, February 2017. google Note: VD, Poster.
Matthew W. Crocker. Taking surprisal seriously in models of language comprehension. Language and Perception International Conference (LanPercept), Trondheim, Norway, 13-16 June 2016. google Note: MC, Keynote lecture.
Bistra Andreeva. Contrastive Prosody: Bulgarian vs. German. Universität des Saarlandes, December 2016. google Note: BM, Kumulative Habilitationsschrift.
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. Roleo: Visualising Thematic Fit Spaces on the Web. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. google Note: VD, System demonstration.
Tania Avgustinova. Verblose Sätze im Russischen: Typologie, Empirie, Grammatiktheorie. Universität Leipzig, 3 May 2016. google Note: TA, Presentation.
Mirjana Sekicki,
Christine Ankener and
Maria Staudte. Language Processing: Cognitive Load with(out) Visual Context. 22nd Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), Bilbao, Spain, 1-3 September 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Christine Ankener,
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. The influence of visual context on predictions in sentence processing: Evidence from ICA. Language and Perception International Conference (LanPercept), Trondheim, Norway, 13-16 June 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Christine Ankener,
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. Low Predictability: An Empirical Comparison of Paradigms Used for Sentence Comprehension. 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Gainesville, FL, USA, 3-5 March 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Nikolina Mitev and
Maria Staudte. Mobile eye tracking with instructions produced by a human vs. a system. 7th Scandinavian Workshop on Eye Tracking (SWAET 2016), Turku, Finland, 19-21 June 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Nikolina Koleva and
Maria Staudte. Spontaneous spoken instructions and listener's gaze availability in a dynamic real-world environment. 3rd workshop on the Attentive Listener in the Visual World (AttLis), Potsdam, Germany, 10-11 March 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Heiner Drenhaus,
Vera Demberg,
Judith Köhne and
Francesca Delogu. Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers: an ERP study on German. In 19th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanism for Language Processing(AMLaP), Marseille, France, September 2013. google Note: MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. Can neighboring relations help to anticipate upcoming discourse relations? AMLaP 2013 : Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Saint Charles Campus, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, 2-4 September 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. Covert without overt: QR for movementless parsing frameworks. Generative Linguistics in the Old World 36: GLOW, Lund, Sweden, 2-6 April 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster..
Matthew W. Crocker. Grounding spoken interaction with real-time gaze in dynamic virtual environments. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Eye-tracking and Natural Language Processing : COLING 2012, 2012. google Note: MC.
Matthew W. Crocker. The interplay of language and gaze in virtual environments. Lecture for University of Michigans Winter Theme, 2012. google Note: MC.
Francesca Delogu and
Francesco Vespignani. Electrophysiological evidence of additional structure in intensional transitive constructions. CUNY 2012 : Twenty-Fifth Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, 14-16 March 2012. google Note: MC.
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. Discourse expectations and implicitness of (causal) discourse relations. AMLaP 2012 Conference, 6-8 September 2012. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Judith Köhne and
Vera Demberg. Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers - a visual world study. CUNY 2012, Pages 22, 14-16 March 2012. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Vera Demberg. Integration costs on auxiliaries : a self-paced reading study using WebExp. CUNY 2012, Pages 50, 14-16 March 2012. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Vera Demberg. Modelling prediction to estimate human sentence processing difficulty. Sprache als komplexes System : Arbeitsgruppen der 34. Jahrestagung der DGfS, Pages 231, 7-9 March 2012. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Manfred Pinkal. Folding FrameNet - unfolding its potential? [Poster] Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing : 12th international conference, CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan, 20-26 February 2011. google Note: MP.
Judith Köhne and
Matthew W. Crocker. Sentence processing mechanisms trump statistical word learning. Poster presented at: 24th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing : Stanford, Palo Alto, USA, March 24-26, 2011. - Stanford, Calif., 2011, 2011. google
Emilia Ellsiepen and
Matthew W. Crocker. Anticipatory eye-movements reflect conceptual, not lexical, expectations. Poster presented at: 24th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing : Stanford, Palo Alto, USA, March 24-26, 2011. - Stanford, Calif., 2011, 2011. google
Pirita Pyykkönen and
Matthew W. Crocker. Attention to (changing) objects on the visual scene during linguistic change detection task. Submitted to the 51st Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, November 18-21, 2010., 2010. google Note: MC.
Stella Neumann and
Pirita Pyykkönen. Translating (de-)metaphorization: Fine-grained eye-tracking evidence. Colloquium on Recent Results of Product- and Process-oriented Translation Research. Saarland University, Germany, February 5, 2010, 2010. google Note: MC.
Judith Köhne. Sentence Processing Mechanisms Influence Foreign Language Word Learning’ (Poster) In 23rd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York, USA, 23rd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New York, USA, 2010. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Regine Bader. Verarbeitung von Beschreibungen gewünschter Situationen: Interaktion von Satzmodalität und annäherungs- vs. vermeidungsbezogenen Handlungen (Talk) 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Saarbrücken, Germany, March 2010. google Note: MC.
Stella Neumann and
Pirita Pyykkönen. Translating dense grammatical structures: Quantitative evidence from eye tracking (accepted) Theme Session: Cognitive Modelling of Human Translation Processes. The 4th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association DGKL, Bremen, October 7-9, 2010, 2010. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
K. Vozikaki. Interpreting pronouns referring to the arguments of experiencer/stimulus verbs: reversed antecedent preferences for causal and consecutive connectives (Talk) Linguistic Evidence 2010. Tübingen, Germany, February 2010. google Note: MC.
Olga Kukina and
Berry Claus. Is an open window the same as an opened one? Evidence that adjectives and adjectival passives differentially affect comprehension (Talk) Linguistic Evidence 2010. Tübingen, Germany., February 2010. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Regine Bader. Desiderative sentence mood and approach-avoidance actions (Poster) EPS Workshop on the Representation of Abstract Words. London, England., January 2010. google Note: MC.
Pirita Pyykkönen. Eye-tracking in the visual world: Data and statistical modeling. Tobii Eye-Tracking Workshop, Manchester, UK, June 22, 2010. , 2010. google Note: MC.
Pirita Pyykkönen. Stereotypical referents and recovery processes of (wrong) inferences. University of Heidelberg, Germany: Kolloquium Theoretische Psychologie, June 2010, 2010. google Note: MC.
Afra Alishahi. A Bayesian account of the acquisition of abstract argument structure constructions. Talk at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam, May 19, 2010, 2010. google Note: MC.
Afra Alishahi. Learning semantic roles from child-directed data: insights from a probabilistic model of early language learning. RCEAL Tuesday Colloquia series, Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge, April 27, 2010, 2010. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Regine Bader. Action-mood-compatibility : desiderative sentence mood and approach/avoidance actions. The 22nd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing : UC Davis on March 26th through 28th, 2009. - Davis, Ca., 2009, Poster 225, 2009. google Note: MC.
Olga Kukina and
Berry Claus. Adjectives vs. adjectival passives in descriptions of desired states : does the form affect comprehension? AMLaP 2009 : 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ; 7-9 September 2009, Barcelona. - Barcelona, 2009, Poster 7, 2009. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus. An hour later vs. six hours later : do comprehenders attend to the size of narrative time shifts? AMLaP 2009 : 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ; 7-9 September 2009, Barcelona. - Barcelona, 2009, Poster 190, 2009. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Regine Bader. Flexing versus extending : approach-avoidance actions affect the processing of desiderative-mood sentences. Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing : 28-29 July 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Rotterdam, 2009, E73, 2009. google Note: MC.
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. Gaze grounds meaning in situated human-robot interaction. Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing : 28-29 July 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Rotterdam, 2009, E49, 2009. google Note: MC.
Juliane Steinberg and
Matthew W. Crocker. How does looking benefit spoken word comprehension? AMLaP 2009 : 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ; 7-9 September 2009, Barcelona. - Barcelona, 2009, Poster 2, 7-9 September 2009. google Note: MC.
Matthew W. Crocker,
Marshall R. Mayberry and
Pia Knoeferle. Indexing neural correlates in a connectionist model of situated comprehension. Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing : 28-29 July 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Rotterdam, 2009, ET05, 2009. google Note: MC.
Igor Farkas and
Matthew W. Crocker. Investigating connectionist semantic systematicity in a block microworld. Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing : 28-29 July 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Rotterdam, 2009, ET07, 28-29 July 2009. google Note: MC.
Emilia Ellsiepen and
Matthew W. Crocker. Memory capacity limitations on the use of visual context in human language comprehension. AMLaP 2009 : 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ; 7-9 September 2009, Barcelona. - Barcelona, 2009, Poster 20, 7-9 September 2009. google Note: MC.
Garance Paris and
Matthew W. Crocker. Modeling the effect of gender on lexical access. AMLaP 2009 : 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ; 7-9 September 2009, Barcelona. - Barcelona, 2009, Poster 127, 2009. google Note: MC.
Judith Köhne and
Matthew W. Crocker. Processing and learning foreign languages in natural contexts. AMLaP 2009 : 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ; 7-9 September 2009, Barcelona. - Barcelona, 2009, Poster 128, 7-9 September 2009. google Note: MC.
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. Producing and resolving multi-modal referring expressions in human-robot interaction. PRE-CogSci 2009 : production of referring expressions: bridging the gap between computational and empirical approaches to reference ; [held on 29 July 2009, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, as part of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Cog, 2009. google Note: MC.
Judith Köhne and
Matthew W. Crocker. Situated language learning. Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing : 28-29 July 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Rotterdam, 2009, E56, 2009. google Note: MC.
Emilia Ellsiepen and
Matthew W. Crocker. Visual working memory in situated language comprehension. Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing : 28-29 July 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Rotterdam, 2009 , E74, 2009. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus. Does Processing sentences in desiderative mood involve an activation of the approach system? Invited Talk - Kolloquium Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, University of Tübingen, 2009. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus. Representing narrated time in text comprehension (invited talk) invited talk - 2nd Workshop on Semantic Processing, Logic and Cognition, 2009. google Note: MC.
Marshall R. Mayberry and
Matthew W. Crocker. A model of attention in the interaction of language and scene. CUNY 2008 Conference on Human Sentence Processing : March 13-15, 2008, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Poster Session I. - Chapel Hill, USA, 2008, S. 109, 2008. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus. Discourse referents for nonspecific entities of described nonfactual situations [Poster] Linguistic Evidence 2008 : empirical, theoretical and computational perspectives ; Tübingen, 31st January to 2nd February 2008. - Tübingen, 2008, 2008. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus. Embodied language processing : desiderative sentence mood and approach/avoidance actions. FEAST : Forum Entwicklung und Anwendung von Sprach-Technologien ; Saarland University, Dec 3, 2008. - Saarbrücken, 2008, 3 December 2008. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Barbara Kaup. Melting frozen time : processing and representing the temporal structure of described events [Introduction to the Symposium Melting Frozen Time] KogWis 2008 : 9. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft ; 28.9. bis 1.10.2008, Dresden, Technische Universität. - Dresden, 2008, 2008. google Note: MC.
Berry Claus and
Regine Bader. Processing sentences in desiderative mood affects approach/avoidance actions. XXIX International Congress of Psychology : Berlin, Germany, July 20 - 25, 2008, 2008. google Note: MC.
Emilia Ellsiepen,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Pia Knoeferle. The influence of plausible scene events during incremental syntactic disambiguation. CUNY 2008 Conference on Human Sentence Processing : March 13-15, 2008, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Poster Session I. - Chapel Hill, USA, 2008, Pages 54, 2008. google Note: MC.
Juliane Steinberg and
Matthew W. Crocker. The influence of speech-contingent eye movements on word comprehension. CUNY 2008 Conference on Human Sentence Processing : March 13-15, 2008, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Poster Session I. - Chapel Hill, USA, 2008, Pages 49, 2008. google Note: MC.
Maria Staudte and
Matthew W. Crocker. The utility of gaze in spoken human-robot interaction. SWAET 2008 : the Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye-tracking ; April 28-29 2008, Lund, Sweden. - Lund, 2008, 2008. google Note: MC.
Matthew W. Crocker. Visually situated comprehension : the coordinated interplay account and a neurobehavioural model. Workshop on Dynamical Systems in Language : University of Reading, September 08 - 09, 2008, 2008. google Note: MC.
Andrew Gargett. Fragments and constructions : a procedural account [Poster] Language, Communication, Cognition : International Conference ; August 4th-7th 2008, Brighton, UK, 2008. google Note: AK, MP.
Tania Avgustinova. Review of Einführung in die Satzanalyse (Constituent analysis in German) ... / Klaus Welke [Rezension] The linguist list. - 19. 2008, 1002 [Elektronische Ressource], 2008. google Note: HU.
Tania Avgustinova. Review of: Goldsmith, John A., (Ed.): Phonological Theory: The Essential Readings. Blackwell Publishers, 1999. In: LINGUIST List 13.621. Thu, Mar 7 2002. 2002. google
Garance Paris. Interaction between tag set design and multilingual information extraction. Bachelor's thesis, Computerlinguistik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2002. google
Tania Avgustinova. Review of: Stump, Gregory T.: Inflectional Morphology. A Theory of Paradigm Structure. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 93. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 2001. google [Annote]
Tania Avgustinova. Review of: Levine, Robert D.; Green, Georgina M. (Eds.): Studies in Contemporary Phrase Structure Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 2001. google [Annote]
Tania Avgustinova. Review of: Cook, Walter A.: Case Grammar Applied. A Publication of The Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington. 1998. 1998. google [Annote]