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references sorted by year
Valia Kordoni,
Carlos Ramisch and
Aline Villavicencio editors. Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the Real World, MWE 2011 : proceedings of the workshop, ACL HLT 2011 ; 23 June, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA. ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, - 23 June 2011. google
Francesco Mambrini,
Marco Passarotti and
Caroline Sporleder editors. Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities : proceedings of the ACRH Workshop, Heidelberg, 5 Jan. 2012. (Journal for language technology and computational linguistics ; 26, 2) Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik, Regensburg, 2011. google
Andrew Gargett. A Salvage Grammar of Malgana, the Language of Shark Bay, Western Australia. (forthcoming) Pacific Linguistics, Canberra, 2010. google Note: AK.
Pirita Pyykkönen. The Importance of Semantics: Visual World Studies on Drawing Inferences and Resolving Anaphors. Painosalama Oy, Turku, 2009. google Note: MC.
Ulrich Schäfer. Integrating natural language processing components with XML and XSLT. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, 2008. google Note: HU.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Ulrike Gut editors. Non-Native Prosody. Phonetic Description and Teaching Practice (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 186) Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 2007. google Note: WB.
Tania Avgustinova. Language Family Oriented Perspective in Multilingual Grammar Design. Vol. 17 of Linguistik International, Peter Lang - Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft, 2007. google Note: HU.
Shravan Vasishth. Working memory in sentence comprehension: Processing Hindi center embeddings. Garland Press, New York, 2003. google Note: In the series Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics, edited by Laurence Horn.
Andrea Weber. Language-specific listening: the case of phonetic sequences. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Nijmegen (Max Planck Institute series in Psycholinguistics, 16), The Netherlands. Wageningen: Ponsen & Looijen bv., 2001. google
Stefan Müller. Deutsche Syntax deklarativ. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar für das Deutsche. Vol. 394 of Linguistische Arbeiten, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 1999. google
Manfred Pinkal editor. CHORUS: Semantische Verarbeitung mit beschränkter Information. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1998. google
Martin Henz. Objects for Concurrent Constraint Programming. Vol. 426 of The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Kluwer Acdemic Publishers, Boston, 1997. google [Annote]
Melanie Siegel. Die maschinelle Übersetzung aufgabenorientierter japanisch-deutscher Dialoge. Lösungen für Translation Mismatches. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 1997. google
Matthew W. Crocker. Computational Psycholinguistics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Language. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996. google
Martine Grice. The Intonation of Palermo Italian; Implications for Intonation Theory. Vol. 334 of Linguistische Arbeiten, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 1995. google
Manfred Pützer. Wörterbuch der Großrosseler Mundart. Vol. 12 of Phonetica Saraviensia, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. google
Stephan Busemann. Generierung natürlicher Sprache mit generalisierten Phrasenstrukturgrammatiken. Vol. Bd. 313 of IFB, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992. google
Klaus Netter and
Mike Reape editors. Clause Structure and Word Order Variation in Germanic. Vol. R1.1.B of DYANA Deliverable, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1992. google
Gabriel G. Bes editor. The Construction of a Natural Language and Graphics Interface. Results and Perspectives from the ACORD Project. Springer, Berlin, 1991. google
Hubert Haider and
Klaus Netter editors. Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar. Vol. 22 of Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991. google
Hans Kamp editor. Tense and Aspect in English and French. Vol. R2.3.B of Dyana-Deliverable, Center for Cognitive Science, Edinburgh, 1991. google
Klaus Netter and
Hubert Haider editors. Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar. Vol. 22 of Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991. google
Gabriel Falkenberg editor. Wissen, Wahrnehmen, Glauben. Epistemische Ausdrücke und propositionale Einstellungen. Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1989. google
William J. Barry. Perzeption und Produktion im sub-phonemischen Bereich. Eine kontrastive Untersuchung an intersprachlichen Minimalpaaren des Deutschen und Englischen. Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1974. google