Bistra Andreeva - Publications


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Mitko Sabev, Jonas Grünke, Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva (2023).

Spectral and durational properties of Judeo-Spanish and Bulgarian vowels, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2-4 June 2023.

Omnia Ibrahim, Ivan Yuen, Bistra Andreeva, Bernd Möbius (2023).

The interplay between syllable-based predictability and voicing during closure in intersonorant German stops, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2-4 June 2023.

Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev (2023).

Information structure, unstressed vowel reduction, and duration in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. International Workshop “Exploring the relation between duration and length across languages: Typology, variation, and contact”, Berlin, 23.–24. Juni 2023.

Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva, Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev (2023).

Vokativintonation im Sprachkontakt: Der Fall des Judenspanischen in Bulgarien, GAL-Jahrestagung, Sektion 'Phonetik und Sprechwissenschaft', Mainz, 21. September 2023.

Judith Manzoni-Luxenburger, Bistra Andreeva, Katharina Zahner-Ritter (2023).

Phonetic responses to time pressure on phrase-final intonational patterns in Bulgarian learners of German and English, Phonetics & Phonology 19 (P&P19), Bern, 6-7 October 2023.


Post, M. and Andreeva, B. (2022).

Polar question intonation in Russian speech from Moscow and Perm Nordic Prosody, Sønderborg 17./18. 08.2022


Patseva-Momova, M., Andreeva, B., Dimitrova, S., Aleksieva, T., Marinkova, M., and Chergova, V. (2021).

Прозодични аспекти на българския език в съпоставителен план с други езици с лексикално акцентуване [Prosodic aspects of Bulgarian compared to other languages with lexical stress], Paisievi četenija 2021, Plovdiv 11-12 November 2021

Yuen, I., Ibrahim, O., Andreeva, B., Möbius, B. (2021).

Effects of Surprisal and Boundary Strength, SFB-Networking-Workshop Relation of Prominence, Surprisal and Information Structure, Saarbrücken 15./16. 07.2021

Andreeva, B., Möbius, B., Ibrahim, O., Yuen, I. (2021).

The effect of predictability on the duration of phrase-final syllables, 43. Jahrestagung der DGfS, AG: Prosodic boundary phenomena, Freiburg im Breisgau.


Andreeva, B., Möbius, B., Whang, J. (2020).

Der Einfluss des Surprisal und der Stärke der prosodischen Grenze auf die phrasenfinale Silbendehnung, Phonetics & Phonology 16 (P&P16), Trier.

Andreeva, B. (2020).

Impact of prosodic structure and information density on vowel space size. PhD meeting, University of Warsaw.

Andreeva, B. (2020).

Pitch Range in Slavic and Germanic Languages. Open lecture for the scientific community, University of Warsaw.


Gessinger, I., Mobius, B., Andreeva, B., Raveh, E., Steiner, I. (2019).

Wo hat sich der Hase versteckt? Accommodation in a Wizard-of-Oz-experiment, Phonetics & Phonology 15 (P&P15), Düsseldorf.


Andreeva, B. (2018).

Bulgarian ToBI. Contemporary Research in Phonetics and Phonology: Methods, Aspects and Problems CRiPaP 2018, Riga, Latvia.

Brandt, E., Andreeva, B., and Möbius, B. (2018).

Voice quality as a function of information density and prosodic factors. Phonetics & Phonology 14 (P&P14), Wien.


Brandt, E., Zimmerer, F., Andreeva, B., and Möbius, B. (2017).

Influence of information density on deletion rates in German. Phonetics & Phonology 13 (P&P13), Berlin.

Andreeva, B., Dimitrova, S., Gabriel, C., Gazdik,A., and Grünke, J. (2017).

The intonation of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish: Comparing read and spontaneous data. XXXV. Romanistentag des Deutschen Romanistenverbandes, Sektion: "Konzeptioneller Variation und Prosodie. Kommunikationsbedingungen, Planungsgrad und Aktivitätstypen als Parameter prosodischer Gestaltung", 8. bis 12. Oktober 2017, Zürich.

Andreeva, B., Dimitrova, S., Gabriel, C., Gazdik, A., and Grünke, J. (2017).

Intonational convergence in a diaspora variety: The case of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. 21st Biannual Meeting of the German Association of Hispanic Studies, March 30th - April 1st 2017, Munich.


Malisz, Z., Zimmerer, F., Ferragne, E., Pellegrino, F., Brandt, E., Andreeva, B., and Möbius, B. (2016).

Ist gleich schnell gleich schnell? Perzeption intendierter und realisierter Sprechrate von deutschen und franzöischen Sprechern. Phonetik und Phonologie 12 (P&P12), 13-14 October 2016, München.

Andreeva, B. (2016).

Rhythmus und Prominenz in typologisch unterschiedlichen Sprachen, Novi napravlenija v sinhronnata i diahronnata fonetika i fonologija, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (April 20, 2016), Sofia.

Bistra Andreeva and Snezhina Dimitrova (2016).

Vzaimodejstvie na intonacijata i informacionnata struktura v izrečenia săs SVO i OVS slovored v bălgarski ezik. Trinadeseti slavistični četenija, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (April 21-23, 2016), Sofia.


Malisz, Z., Schulz, E., Mi, O.Y., Andreeva, B., and Möbius, B. (2015).

Dimensions of segmental variability: relationships between information density and prosodic structure. Workshop "Modeling variability in speech", Stuttgart, 2015.

Schulz, E., Malisz, Z., Andreeva, B., and Möius, B. (2015).

Einfluss von Informationsdichte und prosodischer Struktur auf Vokalraumausdehnung. Phonetik und Phonologie 11 (P&P11), Marburg, 2015.

Andreeva, B. and Bonacchi, S. (2015).

Freundlich oder feindlich? Zur illokutionären Struktur und phonetischen Realisierung von indirekten supportiven und derogativen Sprechakten am Beispiel von Scheinbeleidigungen (mock impoliteness) und Sarkasmus. Zwischen Kontinuität und Modernität. Metawissenschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der germanistischen Forschung in Polen (Warschau).


Andreeva, B. and Bonacchi, S. (2014).

You mofu!/Du Arsch! Che merda! Ty zlamasie!: Derogatives or supportives? Some remarks about the illocutionary structure, the cultural relevance and the prosodic realization of utterances in banter-function (mock impoliteness and mock insults). Sixth International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (EPICS VI): "PRAGMATIC PERSPECTIVES ON LANGUAGE AGGRESSION AND CONFLICT", Mai 12-14, University of Seville, Spain.


Zimmerer, F., Trouvain, J., Laprie, Y., Möbius, B., Andreeva, B., Bonneau, A., Colotte, V., Fauth, C., Fohr, D., Jouvet, D., Jügler, J., and Mella, O. (2013).

Konstruktion eines phonetisch-phonologischen Lernerkorpus für das Sprachenpaar Franzüsisch-Deutsch. Proc. Phonetik und Phonologie 9 (P&P9), Zürich.

Andreeva, B. (2013).

Prosodic Encoding of Phrasal Prominence in a Second Language: When Bulgarian and German Prosody meet. 10th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-10), December 5-7, Leipzig, Germany.

Andreeva, B. and Wolska, M. (2013).

Production and Perception of Contrast in Bulgarian. 10th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-10), December 5-7, Leipzig, Germany.


Andreeva, B., Barry, W.J., and Koreman, J. (2010).

Rhythm-typology revisited. 32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS). AG: Prosodic Typology: State of the Art and Future Prospects, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 23.-26.02.2010.


Andreeva, B. and Barry, W.J. (2009).

Cross-language and individual differences in the production and perception of syllabic prominence. Rhythm- typology revisited. 3rd annual meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1234 "Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity", March 1-2, 2009, Cologne, Germany.

Barry, W.J. and Andreeva, B. (2009).

Perceiving rhythm. Is it language- or listener-dependent? Workshop on Prosodic Universals, 15 October, Paris.


Barry, W.J. and Andreeva, B. (2008).

Sprechrhythmus und Sprachtyp; ein kritischer Blick auf Rhythmusmaße. Oral Presentation at: Institute of Phonetics and digital Speech Processing at the Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Mai 2008, Germany.

Barry, W.J., Andreeva, B., and Koreman, J. (2008).

Do Rhythm Measures Reflect Perceived Rhythm? Workshop on Empirical Approaches to Speech Rhythm 2008, 28th March 2008, UCL.


Andreeva, B. and Barry, W.J. (2007).

Cross-language and Individual Differences in the Production of Phrasal Prominence in Bulgarian and Russian, 7th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages, FDSL-7, 30 November - 2 December, 2007, Leipzig.

Andreeva, A. and Barry, W.J. (2007).

Cross-language and individual differences in the production and perception of syllabic prominence. Rhythm- typology revisited3rd annual meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1234 "Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity", October 6 and 7, 2007, MPI Nijmegen, Netherlands.


Andreeva, B. and Barry, W.J. (2000).

Sentence mode and emotional load in bulgarian: Economy of intonational form? 7th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon7), June 29 -July 1, Netherlands, 2000.

Koreman, J. and Andreeva, B. (2000).

Phonetic features in ASR: a linguistic solution to acoustic variation? (oral presentation), 7th Conf. on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon7), Nijmegen.


Strik, H., Koreman, J. and Andreeva, B. (1999).

Akoestische parameters versus fonetische kenmerken voor ASH, De Dag van de Fonetiek, Utrecht.


Avgustinova, T. and Andreeva, B. (1998).

Intonational Properties of Bulgarian Replicated Nominal Material (A Study Based on Map Task Dialogues). First Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern European Languages (CLITE-1), Szeged, Hungary

Koreman, J., Barry, W.J., and Andreeva, B. (1998).

Relational Phonetic Features for Consonant Recognition (overheads) Meeting of the British Assoc. Acad.Phoneticians, Belfast.

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