Sebastian Pado and
G. Pitel. Annotation precise du francais en semantique de roles par projection cross-linquistique. In Proceedings of TALN, Toulouse, France, 2007. google Note: MP.
Sebastian Pado and
Katrin Erk. To cause or not to cause: Cross-lingual semantic matching for paraphrasemodelling. In Proceedings of the Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2005. google
Sebastian Pado and
Mirella Lapata. Optimal constituent alignment with edge covers for semantic projection. In COLING-ACL 2006: 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,ydney, Australia ydney, Australia, Vol. 2:1161-1168, Stroudsburg, 17-21 July 2006. google
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Shalmaneser - a flexible toolbox for semantic role assignment. In Proceedings of LREC 2006: the 5 th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Italy. - Paris, 2006. google
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Katrin Erk and
Sebastian Pado. Challenges in lexical semantics : non-compositionality in SALSA corpus annotation. In Abstracts zu den Vorträgen/28. Jahrestagung der Dutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Universität Bielefeld, Pages 192, Bielefeld, 22-24 February 2006. google
Sebastian Pado,
Matthew W. Crocker and
Frank Keller. Ulrike Pado, Matthew Crocker and Frank Keller. Modelling semantic role plausibility in human sentence processing. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Trento, Italy, April, 2006. google
Sebastian Pado,
Marco Pennacchiotti and
Caroline Sporleder. Semantic role assignment for event nominalisations by leveraging verbal data. In Coling 2008 : 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; proceedings of the conference ; 18-22 August 2008, Manchester, UK, Vol. 1:665-672, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa., 2008. google Note: CS, MP.
Jan Hajic,
Massimiliano Ciaramita,
Richard Johansson,
Daisuke Kawahara,
Maria Antonia Marti,
Lluis Marques,
Adam Meyers,
Joakim Nivre,
Sebastian Pado,
Jan Stepanek,
Pavel Stranak,
Mihai Surdeanu,
Niawen Xue and
Yi Zhang. The CoNLL 2009 shared task : syntactic and semantic dependencies in multiple languages. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) : shared task ; June 4, 2009, Boulder, Colorado, Pages 1-18, ACL, Stroudsburg, Pa, 2009. google Note: HU.
Moshe Wasserblat,
Ezra Daya,
Eyal Hurvitz,
Maya Gorodetsky,
Ido Dagan,
Meni Adler,
Asher Stern,
Sebastian Pado,
Tae-Gil Noh,
Britta Zeller,
Günter Neumann,
Kathrin Eichler,
Rui Wang,
Gabriele Fidanza,
Giorgio Gianforme,
Matthias Meisdrock,
Magnini Bernardom,
Luisa Bentivogli,
Roberto Zanoli,
Alberto Lavelli and
Dmitri Volsky. Introduction to the EXCITEMENT project : towards an open platform for Exploring Customer Interactions through Textual entailMENT. In Proceedings of the Afeka-AVIOS Speech Processing Conference, Tel-Aviv, 19-20 June 2012. google Note: HU.
Bernardo Magnini,
Roberto Zanoli,
Ido Dagan,
Kathrin Eichler,
Günter Neumann,
Tae-Gil Noh,
Sebastian Pado and
Omer Levy. The Excitement Open Platform for Textual Inferences. In The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2014), demo paper, Baltimore, USA, 2014. google