Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Odile Mella,
Jeanin Jügler and
Frank Zimmerer. Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners. In Corpus et Outils en Linguistique, Langues et Parole : statuts, usages et mésuages, Pages 32-34, Strasbourg, France, 3-5 July 2013. google Note: BM.
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler and
Odile Mella. Konstruktion eines phonetisch-phonologischen Lernerkorpus für das Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 100-101, Züric, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Camille Fauth,
Anne Bonneau,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Bistra Andreeva,
Vincent Colotte,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella and
Bernd Möbius. Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners: a two-step process. In Proceedings 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Pages 1477-1482, 2014. google Note: BM.
Manfred Pützer,
Frank Zimmerer,
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Jeanin Jügler. Evaluation of Phonatory Behavior of German and French Speakers in Native and Non-native Speech. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. google Note: BM.
Jeanin Jügler,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. The perceptual effect of L1 prosody transplantation on L2 speech: The case of French accented German. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 67-71, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella,
Bernd Möbius and
Frank Zimmerer. The IFCASL Corpus of French and German Non-native and Native Read Speech. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Pages 1333-1338, Portoro˛, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. google Note: BM.
Erika Brandt,
Frank Zimmerer,
Bistra Andreeva and
Bernd Möbius. Mel-cepstral distortion of German vowels in different information density contexts. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 2993-2997, Stockholm, August 2017. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Frank Zimmerer. Attractiveness of French voices for German listeners — results from native and non-native read speech. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 2238-2242, Stockholm, August 2017. google Note: BM.