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References of Andreas Heuer   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
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Meike Klettke, Mathias Bietz, Ilvio Bruder, Andreas Heuer, Denny Priebe, Günter Neumann, Markus Becker, Jochen Bedersdorfer, Hans Uszkoreit, Alexander Maedche, Steffen Staab and Rudi Studer. GETESS-Ontologien, objektrelationale Datenbanken und Textanalyse als Bausteine einer semantischen Suchmaschine. In Datenbank-Spektrum, Vol. 1(1):14-24, 2001. URL [Abstract]   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
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Steffen Staab, Christian Braun, Ilvio Bruder, Antje Düsterhöft, Andreas Heuer, Meike Klettke, Günter Neumann, Bernd Prager, Jan Petzel, Hans-Peter Schnurr, Rudi Studer, Hans Uszkoreit and Burkhard Wrenger. GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts. In Matthias Klusch, Onn Shehory and Gerhard Weiß editors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA'99), July 31 - August 2, (1652):113-124, Springer, Uppsala, Sweden, 1999. URL [Abstract]   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
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Steffen Staab, Christian Braun, Ilvio Bruder, Antje Düsterhöft, Andreas Heuer, Meike Klettke, Günter Neumann, Bernd Prager, Jan Petzel, Hans-Peter Schnurr, Rudi Studer, Hans Uszkoreit and Burkhard Wrenger. A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search. In Proceedings of the 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN'99), June 2-4, Springer, Alicante, Spain, 1999. URL [Abstract]   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
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Steffen Staab, Christian Braun, Ilvio Bruder, Antje Düsterhöft, Andreas Heuer, Meike Klettke, Günter Neumann, Bernd Prager, Jan Pretzel, Hans-Peter Schnurr, Rudi Studer, Hans Uszkoreit and Burkhard Wrenger. A System for Facilitating and Enhancing Web Search. In 5th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN '99), June 2-4, Springer, Alicante, Spain, 1999. URL   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
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Steffen Staab, Christian Braun, Ilvio Bruder, Antje Düsterhöft, Andreas Heuer, Meike Klettke, Günter Neumann, Bernd Prager, Jan Pretzel, Hans-Peter Schnurr, Rudi Studer, Hans Uszkoreit and Burkhard Wrenger. GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts. In Matthias Klusch, Onn Shehory and G. Weiss editors, 3rd International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA '99), July 31 - August 2, (1652):113-124, Springer, Uppsala, Sweden, 1999. URL   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
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