Ivana Korbayova. Information Structure and the Semantics of otherwise. In
Ivana Korbayova and
Mark Steedman editors, Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics, ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24, Pages 61-78, The University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2001. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana},
TITLE = {Information Structure and the Semantics of otherwise},
YEAR = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics, ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24},
PAGES = {61-78},
EDITOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Steedman, Mark},
ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland},
PUBLISHER = {The University of Helsinki},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~korbay/esslli01-wsh/Proceedings/24-Korbay-Webber.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kruijff-Korbayova:2001:ISS.pdf Kruijff-Korbayova:2001:ISS.ps} }