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References of Steffan Corley   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
<< 2002 >> TOP
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Matthew W. Crocker and Steffan Corley. Modular Architectures and Statistical Mechanisms: The Case from Lexical Category Disambiguation. In Paola Merlo and Suzanne Stevenson editors, The Lexical Basis of Sentence Processing, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2002.   Bibtex entry  google
<< 2001 >> TOP
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Steffan Corley, Martin Corley, Frank Keller, Matthew W. Crocker and Shari Trewin. Finding Syntactic Structure in Unparsed Corpora: The GSEARCH Corpus Query System. In Computers and the Humanities, Vol. 35:81-94, 2001.   Bibtex entry  google
<< 2000 >> TOP
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Steffan Corley and Matthew W. Crocker. The Modular Statistical Hypothesis: Exploring Lexical Category Ambiguity. In Matthew W. Crocker, Martin J. Pickering and Charles Jr. Clifton editors, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.   Bibtex entry  google
<< 1999 >> TOP
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Frank Keller, Martin Corley, Steffan Corley, Matthew W. Crocker and Shari Trewin. GSEARCH: A Tool for Syntactic Investigation of Unparsed Corpora. In The EACL Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC '99), June 12, Bergen, Norway, 1999.   Bibtex entry  google
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