ICPhS Proceedings Utrecht 1983

10th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

Utrecht, Netherlands, 1983


Table of Contents

Proceedings as single PDF

Report of the meetings of the Permanent Council held during the Tenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences in Utrecht, 1-6 August 1983

Plenary Sessions

Opening address:

Fischer-Jørgensen, Eli: Some Aspects of the 'Phonetic Sciences', Past and Present, 3-11

Keynote address:

Fant, Gunnar: Phonetics and Speech Technology, 13-24

Invited Lectures

1. Speech and Hearing

Plomp, Reinier: Perception of Speech as a Modulated Signal, 29-40

Schroeder, Manfred R.: Speech and Hearing: Some Important Interactions, 41-52

2. Relation between Speech Production and Speech Perception

Chistovich, L. A.: Relation between Speech Production and Speech Perception, 55-58

Fujisaki, Hiroya: Relation between Speech Production and Speech Perception, 59-63

3. Can the Models of Evolutionary Biology be Applied to Phonetic Problems?

Lindblom, Björn: Can the Models of Evolutionary Biology be Applied to Phonetic Problems?, 67-81

Ladefoged, Peter: 'Out of Chaos Comes Order'; Physical, Biological, and Structural Patterns in Phonetics, 83-95

4. Psycholinguistic Contributions to Phonetics

Marlsen-Wilson, W. D.: Perceiving Speech and Perceiving Words, 99-103

Levelt, Willem J. M.: Spontaneous Self-Repairs in Speech: Processes and Representations, 105-117

5. Speech Technology in the Next Decades

Flanagan, J. L.: Speech Technology in the Coming Decades, 121-124

Holmes, J. N.: Speech Technology in the Next Decades, 125-139

Semi-Plenary Sessions: Symposia

Symposium 1: Semantics, Syntax and Prosody , 143-150
Chairman: Lehiste, Ilse
Panel Members: Gårding, E.; Martin, P.; Cutler, A.; Fromkin, V.
Discussant: Fujisaki, H.

Symposium 2: Units in Speech Synthesis , 151-155
Chairman: Allen, J.
Panel Members: Fujimura, O.; Holmes, J.; Carlson, R.; Granström, B.; Pierrehumbert, J.

Symposium 3: Models of the Larynx, 157-170
Chairman: Scully, C.
Panel Members: Pant, G.; Titze, I. R.; Hirano, M.; MacCurtain, F.
Discussant: Sundberg, J.; Stevens, K.

Symposium 4: Auditory Analysis and Speech Perception, 171-174
Chairman: Fourcin, A.
Panel Members: Risberg, A.; Pickett, J. M.; Revoile, S. G.; Ritsma, R. J.; Horst, J. W.; Goldstein, J. L.

Symposium 5: Phonetic Explanations in Phonology, 175-183
Chairman: Ohala, J. J.
Panel Members: Fischer-Jørgensen, E.; Kohler, K.; Goldstein, L.

Symposium 6: Human and Automatic Speech Recognition , 183-185 Chairman: Klatt, D. H.
Panel Members: Zue, V. W.; Marcus, S. M.; Liberman, M.; de Mori, R.:

Section Papers

Section 1: Acoustic Manifestations of Speech

Iivonen, A. K.: Die Hochdeutschen und Schweizerhochdeutschen Betonten Monophthonge, 191-196

Kohler, K. J.: Temporal Control at the Utterance Level in German, 197-200

Pettorino, M. and Giannini, A.: F1 Locus and Place of Articulation, 201-204

Rostolland, D. and Parant, C.: The Influence of Voice Sound Level on the Duration of French Long Vowels, 205-209

Schweisthal, Klaus C.; Forstner, Stephan; Kotten, Kurt: Bavarian -a- Vowels: Experimental Investigations on the Comparability of the First Two Formants and of Phonetic Transcriptions, 210-214

Valaczkai, L.: Über akustische Faktoren der Distinktiven Perzeption im Deutschen, 215-218

Section 2: Speech Synthesis

Badin, P. and Murillo, G.: An Analysis Method for High Quality Formant Synthesis , 221-224

Bolla, K.: Voxton, Russon: Systems Generating Impersonal Hungarian and Russian Speech by Rule, 225-229

Brown, R.: Relative Importance of Parameters in Voice Similarity Judgment, 230-232

Földi, E.: The Analysis of Polish Intonation by Synthesis, 233-236

Gurlekian, J. A. and Franco, H. E.: Recognition of a Spanish VV Sequence, 237-242

Olaszy, G.: A Phonetically Based Data and Rule System for the Real-Time Text to Speech Synthesis of Hungarian, 243-246

Zelle, H. W.;De Pijper, J. R.;'t Hart, J.: Semi-automatic Synthesis of Intonation for Dutch and British English, 247-251

Section 3: Acoustic Analysis and Coding of Speech

Eskenazi, M. and Liénard, J. S.: On the Acoustic Characterisation of the Oral and Nasal Vowels of French, 255-262

Hess, W. J.: Effective Implementation of Short-Term Analysis Pitch Determination Algorithms, 263-269

Laine, U. K.: Analysis and Validation of Higher Pole Correction Function, 270-276

Lonchamp, F.; Zerling, J. P.; Lefèvre, J. P.: Estimating Vocal Tract Area Functions: A Progress Report, 277-283

Martin, P. J.: Real Time Fundamental Frequency Analysis Using the Spectral Comb Method, 284-287

Rasch, R. A.: Jitter in the Singing Voice, 288-292

Van Rossum, N. and Rietveld, A.: A Perceptual Evaluation of Two V/U Detectors, 293-298

Sneppe, R. and Wei, V.: F0 Behavior in Mandarin and French: An Instrumental Comparison, 299-303

Yanagida, M. and Kakusho, O.: On Difference Operation in Linear Prediction, 304-309

Section 4: Automatic Speech Recognition

Bladon, R. A. W.; Henton, C. G.; Pickering, J. B.: Outline of an Auditory Theory of Speaker Normalization, 313-317

Jassem, W.: Automatic Segmentation of the Speech Signal into Phone-length Elements, 318-321

Majewski, W. and Basztura, W.: Speaker Recognition in Open Sets , 322-325

Ohala, M.: The Machine as an Addressee: When Paralinguistics Fails, 326-330

O'Kane, M.: Extensions to the Locus Theory, 331-337

Ruske, G.: Syllable-based Analysis of Spectral and Temporal Features for Automatic Speech Recognition, 338-343

Section 5: Physiology and Acoustics of Speech Production

Bonder, L. J.: Between Formant Space and Articulation Space, 347-353

Collier, R. and Gelfer, C. E.: Physiological Explanations of F0 Declination, 354-360

Cranen, B. and Boves, L.: Spectral Consequences of a Time-varying Glottal Impedance, 361-366

Nieboer, G. L. J.; Schutte, H. K.; De Graaf, T.: On the Reliability of the Intraoral Measuring of Subglottal Pressure, 367-371

Scully, C. and Allwood, E.: Lung and Larynx Coordination in a Composite Model of Speech Production, 372-377

Sonoda, Y.: Use of an Optical Position-Sensitive Device for Recording Lip and Jaw Movements in Speech, 378-382

Section 6: Physiological Manifestations of Speech Sounds

Al-Ani, S. H. and El-Dalee, M. S.: Tafkhim in Arabic: the Acoustic and Psychological Parameters, 385-389

Alfonso, P. J.; Honda, K.; Baer, T.: Coordinated Tongue Muscle Activity During /əpVp/ Utterances, 390-394

Hirose, H.; Park, H. S.; Sawashima, M.: An Electromyographic Study of Laryngeal Adjustments for the Korean Steps in Syllable-Initial and Final Positions, 395-398

Hoole, P.; Pompino-Marschall, B.; Dames, M.: Glottal Timing in German Voiceless Occlusives, 399-403

Slis, I. H.: Assimilation of Voice in Dutch, 404-410

Solomon, I. and Sara, S. J.: English Diphthongs [ai, oi, ou], 411-414

Section 7: Psychoacoustics of Speech

Hollien, H.: Differentiating Between Speaking and Singing Vocal Registers, 417-422

Hollien, H.; Hicks, J. W., Jr.; Hollien, P.: Motor Speech Characteristics in Diving, 423-428

Howell, P.: An Acoustic Determinant of Perceived and Produced Anisochrony, 429-433

Scheffers, M. T. M.: Pitch and the Perceptual Separation of Simultaneous Vowel Sounds, 434-438

Slethei, K.: Perception of Speech in a Hyperbaric Helium-Oxygen Atmosphere, 439-442

Tillmann, H. G.; Schiefer, L.; Pompino-Marschall, B.: Categorial Perception of Speaker Identity, 443-448

Section 8: Perception of Phonemes

Klaasen-Don, L. E. O. and Pols, L. C. W.: The Role of Coarticulation in the Identification of Consonants, 451-454

Pols, L. C. W. and Stoop, I.: Confusions between Dutch Consonants under Various Conditions of Noise and Reverberation, 455-458

Schiefer, L. and Kotten, K.: Amplitude Envelope and the Perception of Breathy Steps in Hindi, 459-463

Schouten, M. E. H. and Pols, L. C. W.: Identification of Intervocalic Plosive Consonants: the Importance of Plosive Bursts vs. Vocalic Transitions, 464-468

Tillmann, H. G.; Pompino-Marschall, B.; Pozig, U.: The Effects of Visually Presented Speech Movements on the Perception of Acoustically Encoded Speech Articulation as a Function of Acoustic Desynchronization, 469-473

Section 9: Word Perception

Martin, M.: Listening for Phonemes while Reading, 477-480

Nooteboom, S. G. and Doodeman, G. J. M.: Speech Quality and the Gating Paradigm, 481-485

Ottevanger, I. B.: The Detection of Mispronunciations and the Influence of Context, 486-490

Van Heuven, V. J. and Dupuis, M. Ch.: Effects of Anticipatory Coarticulation on Vowel Detection in Meaningful Words, 491-495

Section 10: Stress and Accent

Den Os, E. A.: Extrametricality and Italian Stress, 499-503

Lin, M. C.; Yan, J. Zh.; Sun, G. H.: The Stress Patterns and Its Acoustic Correlates in Beijing Mandarin, 504-514

Metlyuk, Anna A.: On the Distinctive Features of Byelorussian Utterance Accents, 515-517

Temu, C. W.: Stress in Standard Swahili, 518-521

Verluyten, S. Paul: Phonetic Reality of Linguistic Structures: the Case of (Secondary) Stress in French, 522-526

Section 11: Temporal Organisation of Speech

Barry, W. J.: On the Perception of Juncture in English, 529-536

Pompino-Marschall, B.; Piroth, H. G.; Hoole, P.; Tillmann, H. G.: 'Koartikulation' and 'Steuerung' as Factors Influencing the Perception of 'Momentary Tempo', 537-540

Vayra, M.; Avesani, C.; Fowler, C.A.: Patterns of Temporal Compression in Spoken Italian, 541-546

Section 12: Communicative Functions of Prosody

Kruyt J. G. and Nooteboom, S. G.: Acceptability of Accenting and De-accenting 'NEW' and 'GIVEN' in Dutch, 549-553

Palková, Z.: Syntactic Dispositions as a Factor in Discourse Segmentation, 554-557

Terken, J. M. B.: The Effect of Accentuation on Comprehension: An Experiment, 558-561

Section 13: Pitch and Intonation

Cruz-Ferreira, M.: Perception and Interpretation of Non-Native Intonation Patterns, 565-569

't Hart, J. and de Pijper, J. R.: Experiments on the Stylization of British Intonation, 570-573

Rietveld, T.: Gradations in Pitch Accents?, 574-579

Shevchenko, T. I.: An Analysis of Regional Variation in English Intonation, 580-582

Temu, C. W.: Surface Tones in Chaga: Towards a Tonetic Classification , 583-586

Section 14: Speech Acquisition

Bacri, N.: Pitch and Timing Cues in Speech Intelligibility: the Case of Child Language, 589-594

Eguchi, S. and Suto, M.: Audio-Vocal Self Control Functions: Pitch Fluctuations and Audio-Vocal Pitch Matching, 595-599

Hazan, V. and Fourcin, A. J.: Interactive Speech Synthesis in the Study of Normal Perceptual Development, 600-603

Pedersen, M. F.; Munk, E.; Bennet, P.; Møller, S.: The Change of Voice during Puberty in Choir Singers Measured with Phonetograms and Compared to Androgen Status together with Other Phenomena of Puberty, 604-608

Section 15: Sociophonetics

Everett, D. L.: Sociophonetic Restrictions on Subphonemic Elements in Pirahā, 611-614

Fagel, W. P. F. and van Herpt, W. A.: Perceptual Description of Long-term Speaker-Characterizing Voice Features by means of Semantic Differential Rating of Running Speech, 615-618

Matsushita, T.: Concentration and Diversification of Sound Changes, 619-623

Ramsaran, S.: Stylistic Variation in R.P., 624-627

Van Bezooijen, R. and Boves, L.: The Relative Importance of Vocal Speech Parameters for the Discrimination of Emotions, 628-633

Van Zanten, E. and Van Heuven, V. J.: A Cross-Dialect Study of Vowel Perception in Standard Indonesian, 634-640

Zhghenti, I.: Tendencies in Contemporary French Pronunciation, 641-643

Section 16: Phonetics and Phonology

Liberman, A.: On the Uses of Complementary Distribution, 647-649

Steponavičius, A.: On the Correlation of Phonetic and Phonemic Distinctions, 650-653

Vieregge, W.H.; Rietveld, A. C. M.; Jansen, C. I. E.: A Distinctive Feature Based System for the Evaluation of Segmental Transcription in Dutch, 654-659

Section 18: History of Phonetics

Bakalla, M. H.: The Study of Vowel Quality by Early Arab and Muslim Phoneticians, 663-666

J. Julià: The Birth of Experimental Phonetics in Spain. Pere Barnils and his Barcelona Laboratories (1913-1933), 667-669

Section 19: Phonetics and Foreign Language Teaching

Elsendoorn, B. A. G.: Production and Perception of English Vowel duration by Dutch Speakers of English, 673-676

Felge, J. E.: Detection of Foreign Accentedness, 677-681

Fokes, J.; Bond, Z. S.; Steinberg, M.: Patterns of English Word Stress by Native and Non-native Speakers, 682-686

Grassegger, H.: Korrektiver Ausspracheunterricht auf auditiver Basis, 687-690

James, A. R.: Phonic Transfer: The Structural Bases on Interlingual Assessments, 691-695

Jasová, E.: Die Syllabisch-Akzentologischen Modelle der russischen Substantive, 696-699

Mitleb, F.: Timing of English Vowels spoken with an Arabic Accent, 700-705

Willems, N. J.: English Intonation from a Dutch Point of View, 706-709

Section 20: Speech Pathology and Aids for the Handicapped

Baltaxe, C.; Simmons, J. Q.; Zee, E.: Intonation Patterns in Normal, Autistic and Aphasic Children, 713-718

Handzel, L.: Phono-articulatory Stereotypes in Deaf Children, 719-726

Hartmann, E. and Von Cramon, D.: Acoustic Measurement of Voice Quality in Dysphonia after Traumatic Midbrain Damage, 727-729

Jarosz, A.: A Contribution to the Phonological Pathology of Speech Structure in Children with Impaired Hearing, 730-732

Spens, K-E. and Plant, G.: A Tactual 'Hearing' Aid for the Deaf, 733-737

Weiss, B.: Verbal Apraxia in Cases of So-called Broca's Aphasia in the Light of Electromyographic Studies in Vowel Articulation, 738-741

Weiss, B.; Jarosz, A.; Handzel, L.: Bioelectric Activity of the Articulation Muscles in Deaf Children, 742-745

Section 21: Hearing Pathology and Speech

Gélinas-Chebat, C.: Hearing Impairment and the Perception of Speech Sounds, 749-754

Günzburger, D.: Accents and their Differential Influence on the Perception by Normally Hearing and Hearing-impaired Subjects, 755-759

Janota, P.: Auditory Evaluation of the Speech of Deaf Children, 760-763

Piroth, H. G. and Tillmann, H. G.: On the Possibility of Tactile Categorial Perception, 764-768

Pompino-Marschall, B. and Tillmann, H. G.: Dyslexia and Developmental Dysphasia; a Deficit in Processing Rapid Spectral Changes?, 769-772

Solomon, J. R.: Perception of English Contrastive Stress by Brain-damaged Adults, 773-777

Vingerling, M.: Speech Rate and its Differential Influence on the Perception of Normally Hearing and Hearing-impaired Subjects, 778-781

Section 22: Speech Errors

Fonda, C.: An Analysis of Pronunciation Mistakes and Second Language Strategy in the Case of Italian and Mandarin Speaking Learners of English, 785-788

List of Participants, 789-815

Index of Contributors, 817-819

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