ICPhS Proceedings Helsinki 1961

4th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

Helsinki, Finland 1961

Table of Contents

Proceedings as a single PDF

A. Acoustic and Physiological Phonetics

Cooper, Franklin S.: Speech Synthesizers, 3-13

Fant, Gunnar: Sound Spectrography, 14-33

Flanagan, James L.: Some Influences of the Glottal Wave upon Vowel Quality, 35-49

Jassem, Wiktor: The Acoustics of Consonants, 51-72

Ladefoged, Peter: Sub-glottal Activity during Speech, 73-91

Moore, Paul: Observations on the Physiology of Hoarseness, 92-95

Smith, Svend: On Artificial Voice Production, 96-110

Sovirjävi, Antti: Röntgenkinematografisch-akustische Untersuchungen über die Artikulation der Diphthonge, 111-128

Subtelny, Joanne D. & Subtelny, J. Daniel: Roentgenographic Techniques and Phonetic Research, 129-146

Damsté, P.H.: Cineradiographic Observations of Velar and Glottal Movements, 147-148

Denes, P.: The Use of Computers for Research in Phonetics, 149-154

Gendron, Jean-Denis: La méthode radiographique appliquée à la comparaison des articulations vocaliques en français canadien et en français parisien, 155-166

Gill, J.S.: Recent Research on Methods for Automatic Estimation of Vocal Excitation, 167-172

Hollien, Harry: The Relationship of Vocal Fold Thickness to Absolute Fundamental Frequency of Phonation, 173-177

Lehiste, Ilse: Acoustic Studies of Boundary Signals , 178-187

Lindblom, Björn: Accuracy and Limitations of Sona-Graph Measurements, 189-202

Lindner, Gerhart: Die Problematik der Lautabgrenzung im kontinuierlichen Sprechvorgang, 203-207

Mártony, János, Cederlund, C., Liljencrantis, J., Lindblom, B.: On the Analysis and Synthesis of Vowels and Fricatives, 209-213

Moses, Elbert R., Jr.: Experiments with Tongue-palate Contacts, 214-220

Pickett, J. M.: Tests of Tactual Speech Transmission, 221-226

Risberg, Arne: Fundamental Frequency Tracking, 227-231

Shearme, J. N. and Holmes, J. N.: An Experimental Study of the Classification of Sounds in Continuous Speech according to their Distribution in the Formant 1 - Formant 2 Plane, 233-240

Simon, Pélagie: Les consonnes françaises et leurs variations dans la chaîne parlée d'après les films radiologiques, 241-249

Sonninen, Aatto: Paratasis-Gram of the Vocal Folds and the Dimensions of the Voice, 250-258

Tarnóczy, Thomas: Über das individuelle Sprachspektrum, 259-264

Truby, H. M.: Synchronized Cineradiography and Visual-Acoustic Analysis, 265-279

Tscheschner, W.: Verfahren und Ergebnisse der Analyse deutscher Vokale und Konsonanten, 280-298

Vallancien, B., Besançon, F., Dinville, C., Chérigié, E., Hébert, F.: La voix oesophagienne. Etude cinéradiométrique de l'expulsion de l'air, 299-306

Wendahl, Ronald W.: A Photophonelographic Analysis of Hoarse Voice Quality, 307-310

B. Psychological Aspects of Phonetics

Fry, D. B.: Automatic Speech Recognition, 313-319

Mol, H.: Aural Stimuli and their Interpretation, 321-329

Trojan, Felix: Stimmlicher Ausdruck und Sprache, 330-342

Avram, Andrei: Remarques sur la substitution des sons dans la langue enfantin, 343-346

Black, John W.: Predicting the Intelligibility of Words II, 347-354

Fourcin, A. J.: An Aspect of the Perception of Pitch, 355-359

Krech, Hans: Zur Beeinflussung der Stimmatmung durch den Sprechantrieb, 360-363

Kurka, Eduard: Inneres Sprechen und Stimme, 364-373

Schilling, A.: Untersuchungen über die Monotonie bei Stotterern, 374-386

van Thal, Joan H.: Speech Disorders and Bilingualism in Early Childhood, 387-388

Tomatis, A.: Audition et phonation - leur reaction et leurs contre-réaction, 389-399

C. Phonetics and Phonemics

Artemov, Vladimir: Tone and Intonation, 403-406

Delattre, Pierre: Le jeu des transitions de formants et la perception des consonnes, 407-417

Hála, Bohuslav: La nature phonétique de la syllabe, 418-427

Halle, Morris: Speech Sounds and Sequences, 428-434

Herdan, Gustav: Statistics of Phonemic Systems, 435-439

Jakobson, Roman: The Phonemic Concept of Distinctive Features, 440-455

Malmberg, Bertil: Analyse instrumentale et structurale des faits d'accents, 456-475

Peterson, Gordon E., Fillmore, Charles J.: The Theory of Phonemic Analysis, 476-489

Ravila, Paavo: Quantity and Phonemic Analysis, 490-493

Rosetti, A.: La syllabe phonologique, 494-499

Zwirner, Eberhard: Phonometrischer Beitrag zur Geographie der prosodischen Eigenschaften, 500-518

Abe, Isamu: Call-contours, 519-523

Allières, Jacques: Aspects géographiques et diachroniques de la phonétique: le polymorphisme, 524-532

Busnel, R. G., Moles, A., Vallancien, B.: Sur l'aspect phonétique d'une langue sifflée des Pyrénées françaises, 533-546

Carnochan, J.: Pitch, Tone and Intonation in Igbo, 547-554

Cohen, A., Schouten, J.F., Hart, J.'t: Contribution of the Time Parameter to the Perception of Speech, 555-560

Cohen, Marcel: L'observation de phonèmes occasionnels (h et ɔ en français⁠), 561-562

Collinge, N. E.: Phonetic Shifts and Phonemic Asymmetries, 563-566

Cowan, J. M.: Graphical Representation of Perceived Pitch in Speech, 567-570

Denison, Norman: Phonetics and Phonemics in Foreign Language Teaching, 571-576

Dillon, Myles: Phonetic Analogy, 577-579

Durand, Marguérite: Remarques au sujet des voyelles additionnelles, 580-585

Enkvist, Nils Erik: The Choice of Transcription in Foreign-Language Teaching, 586-589

von Essen, O.: Trubetzkoy's "fester" und "loser Anschluss" in experimentalphonetischer Sicht, 590-597

Faure, G.: L'intonation et l'identification des mots dans la chaîne parlée, 598-609

Fliflet, Albert Lange: Einige Beobachtungen über Anschluss und Silbe, 610-615

Francescato, G.: Phonemic Theory and First Language Learning, 616-619

Gorosch, Max: Influence of Similarity of Sounds and Meaning upon the Identification and Reproduction of Speech, 620-621

Greene, David: The Colouring of Consonants in Old Irish, 622-624

Haas, W.: Two Types of Phonological Value, 625-629

Hadding-Koch, Kerstin: Notes on the Swedish Word Tones, 630-638

Hamp, Eric P.: The Interconnection of Sound Production, Perception, and Phonemic Typology, 639-642

Harrell, Richard S.: Consonant Vowel and Syllable in Moroccan Arabic, 643-647

Haugen, Einar: On Diagramming Vowel Systems, 648-654

Horálek, K.: zur Rolle der Betonung im slavischen Volksliedvers, 655-657

Hultzén, Lee, S.: Significant and Nonsignificant in Intonation, 658-661

Kaczmarek, Leon: Über die Realisierung des phonologischen Systems durch Dislaliker, 662-670

Karlgren, H.: Speech Rate and Information Theory, 671-677

Kloster Jensen, M.: Long Consonant After Short Vowel, 678-681

Liiv, Georg: On the Quantity and Quality of Estonian Vowels of Three Phonological Degrees of Length, 682-687

MacCarthy, Peter: A New Orthographic Script for English, 688-690

Marais-Barbosa, Jorge: Les voyelles nasales portugaises: interprétation phonologique, 691-709

Nyqvist, Alvar: Stress, Intonation, Accent, Prominence in Disyllabic Double-Stress Compounds in Educated Southern English, 710-713

Ōnishi, Masao: Prominence and its Phonetic Nature, 714-718

Penzl, Herbert: Methoden der Lautbestimmung in der historischen Sprachwissenschaft, 719-722

Petrovici, Émile: Les traits distinctifs des phonèmes roumains, 723-727

Potter, Simeon: Syllabic Juncture, 728-730

Pulgram, Ernst: Phonetic and Sound Change, 731-734

Rigault, André: Rôle de la fréquence de l'intensité et da la durée vocaliques dans la perception de l'accent en français, 735-748

Romportl, Milan: Zum Wesen der Intonation, 749-752

Rudnyckyj, J. B.: Phonologic Innovations in Canadian Ukranian, 753-756

Šaumjan, S. K.: Two-level Theory of Phonology, 757-761

Scardigli, Pier Giuseppe: Zum umbrischen Phoneminventar, 762-764

Stelzig, H.: Grundfragen für das Aussprachewörterbuch der allgemeinen deutschen Hochlautung, 765-770

Stutterheim, C. F. P.: Three Problematic Dutch Diphthongs, 771-722

Trim, John L. M.: The Identification of Phonological Units, 773-778

Uldall, Elizabeth T.: Ambiguity: Question or Statement? or "Are You Asking Me or Telling Me?", 779-783

Vuysje, D.: The Mathematical Theory of Communication and the Natural Language System, 784-786

Wängler, Hans-Heinrich: Neuere Ergebnisse zur Tonologie des Hausa, 787-794

Wiik, Kalevi: Phoneme Boundaries of Finnish Vowels, 795-799

Wodarz, Hans-Walter: Über syntaktische und expressive Relevanz der Intonation, 800-804

Zabrocki, Ludwig: Zur diachronischen strukturellen Phonetik, 805-815

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