Stefan Müller. Multiple Constituents in the Vorfeld. In
Gerhard Jäger,
Paola Monachesi,
Gerald Penn and
Shuly Winter editors, The 7th conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2002), 3-4 August, Pages 113-124, Trento, Italy, 2002.  Note: URL Vorentwurf in deutscher Sprache. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Müller, Stefan},
TITLE = {Multiple Constituents in the Vorfeld},
YEAR = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {The 7th conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2002), 3-4 August},
PAGES = {113-124},
EDITOR = {Jäger, Gerhard and Monachesi, Paola and Penn, Gerald and Winter, Shuly},
ADDRESS = {Trento, Italy},
URL = {},
NOTE = {URL Vorentwurf in deutscher Sprache},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Muller:2002:MCV.pdf} }