AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Pützer, Manfred},
TITLE = {Finding Correlates of Vocal Fold Adduction Deficiencies},
YEAR = {1997},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {155-178},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/Phonetics/Research/PHONUS_research_reports/Phonus3/KoremanPuetzer_PHONUS3.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {This paper presents first results from a pilot study in which a set of voice parameters are computed from the EGG and microphone signals. It is investigated which of the voice parameters can distinguish between 5 speaker groups. The speaker groups are divided into normal speakers, breathy speakers and speakers with an organic pathology. Some of the parameters can distinguish between (some of) the 5 groups regardless of speaker sex, whereas other parameter do so only for male or female voices. The results of this study can be useful for the derivation of parameters which can be used for instance for the evaluation of voice therapy; the results can also indicate parameters which should be given special attention in a pre-screening of speakers with a high risk of developing a voice pathology, since a change in these parameters between consultations at the ENT clinic may indicate a development towards a pathological voice. The main goal of this pilot study is not so much the derivation of these parameters, though, as the development of a methodology to find parameters which distinguish between the 5 speaker groups. The method is immediately applicable to the investigation of distinctions between other pathological groups.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Koreman:1997:FCV.pdf} }