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Björn Gambäck, Hiyan Alshawi, David M. Carter and Manny Rayner. Measuring Compositionality of Transfer. In Kirsten Falkedal editor, Evaluators' Forum, April 21-24, Pages 181-184, ISSCO Publications, Les Rasses, Switzerland, 1991.
      AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Alshawi, Hiyan and Carter, David M. and Rayner, Manny},
      TITLE = {Measuring Compositionality of Transfer},
      YEAR = {1991},
      BOOKTITLE = {Evaluators' Forum, April 21-24},
      PAGES = {181-184},
      EDITOR = {Falkedal, Kirsten},
      ADDRESS = {Les Rasses, Switzerland},
      PUBLISHER = {ISSCO Publications}
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