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Viviana Cotik, Darío Filippo, Roland Roller, Hans Uszkoreit and Feiyu Xu. Annotation of Entities and Relations in Spanish Radiology Reports. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017, Varna, Bulgarien, September 2017.
Note: LT.
      AUTHOR = {Cotik, Viviana and Filippo, Darío and Roller, Roland and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu},
      TITLE = {Annotation of Entities and Relations in Spanish Radiology Reports},
      YEAR = {2017},
      MONTH = {September},
      BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017},
      ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien},
      NOTE = {LT}
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