AUTHOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Klein, Judith and Neumann, Günter},
TITLE = {Evaluation of the NLP Components of an Information Extraction System for German},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'98), May 28-30},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {293-297},
EDITOR = {Rubio, Antonio and Gallardo, Natividad and Castro, Rosa and Tejada, Antonio},
ADDRESS = {Granada, Spain},
URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec-conf98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/lrec-conf98.entry},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Declerck:1998:ENC.pdf Declerck:1998:ENC.ps} }