Kordula De Kuthy and
Detmar Meurers. Argument Raising Meets Adjuncts-as-Dependents and Traceless Extraction. In 6th International Conference on HPSG, August 4-6, Pages 45-50, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999. [Annote]
@InProceedings{De Kuthy_Meurers:1999,
AUTHOR = {De Kuthy, Kordula and Meurers, Detmar},
TITLE = {Argument Raising Meets Adjuncts-as-Dependents and Traceless Extraction},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {6th International Conference on HPSG, August 4-6},
PAGES = {45-50},
ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
URL = {http://ling.osu.edu/~dm/papers/dekuthy-meurers-hpsg99.ps.gz},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kuthy:1999:ARM.pdf Kuthy:1999:ARM.ps} }