Ariv Bramantoro,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Toru Ishida. Pipelining software and services for language processing. In
Toru Ishida editor, The language grid : service oriented collective intelligence for language resource interoperability. - (Cognitive technologies), Chapter 16, Springer, Berlin [u.a.], 2011.
AUTHOR = {Bramantoro, Ariv and Schäfer, Ulrich and Ishida, Toru},
TITLE = {Pipelining software and services for language processing},
YEAR = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {The language grid : service oriented collective intelligence for language resource interoperability. - (Cognitive technologies)},
EDITOR = {Ishida, Toru},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
CHAPTER = {16} }