Stephan Busemann. Towards the Configuration of Generation Systems: Some Initial Ideas. In
Stephan Busemann and
Karin Harbusch editors, DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23, (D-93-03):57-64, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1993. [Abstract] [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan},
TITLE = {Towards the Configuration of Generation Systems: Some Initial Ideas},
YEAR = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23},
NUMBER = {D-93-03},
PAGES = {57-64},
EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin},
SERIES = {DFKI Document},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
URL = {},
ABSTRACT = {This paper gives some preliminary ideas about configurable generators. After discussing a generic application situation, the idea of configurable system architectures is presented. We then show how both static and dynamic (run-time) configuration can be achieved in the generator of DFKI's (sc Cosma) system, which is involved in multi-agent e-mail dialogues about appointment scheduling.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1993:TCGb.pdf} }