AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul},
TITLE = {The Acquisition of Defaults in Lexical Semantic Representations},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Lexical Semantic Systems (WLSS '98), April 6-7},
ADDRESS = {Pisa, Italy},
URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/wlss98.ps.gz},
ABSTRACT = {The paper defends the notion that semantic tagging should be viewed as more than disambiguation between senses. Instead, semantic tagging should be a first step in the interpretation process by assigning each lexical item a representation of all of its systematically related senses, from which further semantic processing steps can derive discourse dependent interpretations. This leads to a new type of semantic lexicon (CoreLex ) that supports underspecified semantic tagging through a design based on systematic polysemous classes and a class-based acquisition of lexical knowledge for specific domains.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1998:ADL.pdf Buitelaar:1998:ADL.ps} }