AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans},
TITLE = {Syntactic Annotation of a German Newspaper Corpus},
YEAR = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {ATALA sur le Corpus Annotés pour la Syntaxe Treebanks, June 18-19},
PAGES = {69-76},
EDITOR = {Abeillé, Anne},
ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~thorsten/publications/Brants-ea-ATALA99.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We report on the syntactic annotation of a German newspaper corpus. The annotations consists of context-free structures, additionally allowing crossing branches, with labeled nodes (phrases) and edges (grammatical functions). Furthermore, we present a new, interactive semi-automatic annotation process that allows efficient and reliable annotations.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:1999:SAG.pdf} }