Saeedah Momtazi and
Dietrich Klakow. A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems. In CIKM ´09 : proceeding of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management ; Hong Kong, China, November 02 - 06, 2009, Pages 1911-1914, ACM, New York, 2009. Note: DK.
AUTHOR = {Momtazi, Saeedah and Klakow, Dietrich},
TITLE = {A word clustering approach for language model-based sentence retrieval in question answering systems},
YEAR = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {CIKM ´09 : proceeding of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management ; Hong Kong, China, November 02 - 06, 2009},
PAGES = {1911-1914},
ADDRESS = {New York},
NOTE = {DK} }