Johan Bos,
Paul Buitelaar and
Anne-Marie Mineur. Bridging as Coercive Accomodation. In
Suresh Manandhar editor, Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing (CLNLP '95) - Workshop Proceedings, April 3-5, South Queensferry, Scotland, 1995.  Note: A shorter version also appeared in the Lecture Notes of a workshop on The Computational Lexicon, at the 6th ESSLLI, Barcelona 1995. [Annote]
AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Buitelaar, Paul and Mineur, Anne-Marie},
TITLE = {Bridging as Coercive Accomodation},
YEAR = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing (CLNLP '95) - Workshop Proceedings, April 3-5},
EDITOR = {Manandhar, Suresh},
ADDRESS = {South Queensferry, Scotland},
URL = {},
NOTE = {A shorter version also appeared in the Lecture Notes of a workshop on The Computational Lexicon, at the 6th ESSLLI, Barcelona 1995},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1995:BCAa.pdf} }