AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and Gardent, Claire},
TITLE = {A Specification Language for Lexical Functional Grammars},
YEAR = {1995},
MONTH = {February},
NUMBER = {51},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
TYPE = {CLAUS-Report},
INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes},
URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/coli/claus/claus51.ps ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/coli/claus/claus51.dvi},
ABSTRACT = {This paper defines a language L for specifying LFG grammars. This enables constraints on LFG's composite ontology (c-structures synchronised with f-structures) to be stated directly; no appeal to the LFG construction algorithm is needed. We use L to specify schemata annotated rules and the LFG uniqueness, completeness and coherence principles. Broader issues raised by this work are noted and discussed.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Blackburn:1995:SLLb.pdf Blackburn:1995:SLLb.ps Blackburn:1995:SLLb.dvi} }