AUTHOR = {Becker, Markus},
TITLE = {Unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging with Extended Templates},
YEAR = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98), Student Session, August 17-28},
PAGES = {43-50},
EDITOR = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M. and Korbayova, Ivana},
ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken},
URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~mbecker/unsup.ps},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe an extension of the unsupervised learning algorithm for automatically training a rule-based part of speech tagger, originally proposed by [Brill,1995]. We claim that the employment of templates with wider contexts will yield both linguistically more satisfying results and also higher precision rates.},
ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:1998:UPS.pdf Becker:1998:UPS.ps} }