Markus Egg and
Kristina Striegnitz. Type coercion from a natural language generation point of view. In
Holden Härtel and
Heike Tappe editors, Mediating between Concepts and Grammar, Vol. 152:323--348 of Trends in Linguistics, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 2003.
AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus and Striegnitz, Kristina},
TITLE = {Type coercion from a natural language generation point of view},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Mediating between Concepts and Grammar},
VOLUME = {152},
PAGES = {323--348},
EDITOR = {Härtel, Holden and Tappe, Heike},
SERIES = {Trends in Linguistics},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
PUBLISHER = {Mouton de Gruyter},
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