Frederik Fouvry. Lexicon acquisition with a large-coverage unification-based grammar. In EACL 2003. 10th Conference of The European Chapter. Conference Companion, Pages 87-90, ACL, Budapest, Hungary, 2003. [Abstract]
AUTHOR = {Fouvry, Frederik},
TITLE = {Lexicon acquisition with a large-coverage unification-based grammar},
YEAR = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2003. 10th Conference of The European Chapter. Conference Companion},
PAGES = {87-90},
ADDRESS = {ACL, Budapest, Hungary},
ABSTRACT = {We describe how unknown lexical entries are processed in a unification-based framework with large-coverage grammars and how from their usage lexical entries are extracted. To keep the time and space usage during parsing within bounds, information from external sources like PoS taggers and morphological analysers is taken into account when information is constructed for unknown words.} }