Manfred Pinkal. Constraints for Semantic Underspecification. In
Hans Kamp and
B. Partee editors, Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning. Proceedings of the Workshops in Prague and Bad Teinach. Volume 2: Comments and Replies, February, Pages 155-166, Bad Teichnach, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic, 1997.
AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred},
TITLE = {Constraints for Semantic Underspecification},
YEAR = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning. Proceedings of the Workshops in Prague and Bad Teinach. Volume 2: Comments and Replies, February},
PAGES = {155-166},
EDITOR = {Kamp, Hans and Partee, B.},
ADDRESS = {Bad Teichnach, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic} }