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Judith Köhne and Vera Demberg. Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers - a visual world study. CUNY 2012, Pages 22, 14-16 March 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Fatemeh Asr and Vera Demberg. Discourse expectations and implicitness of (causal) discourse relations. AMLaP 2012 Conference, 6-8 September 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Vera Demberg, Asad Sayeed, Philip Gorinski and Nikolaos Engonopoulos. Syntactic surprisal affects word durations : support for UID. AMLaP 2012 Conference, 6-8 September 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Asad Sayeed, Jonathan Boyd-Graber, Bryan Rusk and Amy Weinberg. Grammatical structures for word-level sentiment detection. In Human language technologies : the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Montréal, Canada, Pages 667-676, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 3-8 June 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Miriam Käshammer and Vera Demberg. German and English treebanks and lexica for tree-adjoining grammars. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1880-1887, Paris, 23-25 May 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Vera Demberg, Asad Sayeed, Philip Gorinski and Nikolaos Engonopoulos. Syntactic surprisal affects spoken word duration in conversational contexts. In 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning : proceedings of the conference, Pages 356-367, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 12-14 July 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Annemarie Friedrich, Nikolaos Engonopoulos, Stefan Thater and Manfred Pinkal. A comparison of knowledge-based algorithms for graded word sense assignment. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012: posters ; 8-15 December 2012, Pages 329-338, Mumbai, India, 8-15 December 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
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Vera Demberg. Incremental derivations in CCG. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms : TAG+11, Pages 198-206, Paris, 26-28 September 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
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Asad Sayeed and Vera Demberg. Incremental Neo-Davidsonian semantic construction for TAG. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms : TAG+11, Pages 64-72, Paris, 26-28 September 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Fatemeh Asr and Vera Demberg. Measuring the strength of linguistic cues for discourse relations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Discourse Analysis and its Computational Aspects (ADACA) : 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Pages 33-42, Mumbai, 15-15 December 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Fatemeh Asr and Vera Demberg. Implicitness of discourse relations. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 2669-2684, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Michael Wiegand and Dietrich Klakow. Generalization methods for in-domain and cross-domain opinion holder extraction. In 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics : proceedings of the conference ; EACL 2012, Pages 325-335, Avignon, France, 23-27 April 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
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Lea Frermann and Francis Bond. Cross-lingual parse disambiguation based on semantic correspondence. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Vol. 2:125-129, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Dominikus Wetzel and Francis Bond. Enriching parallel corpora for statistical machine translation with semantic negation rephrasing. In Proceedings of SSST-6 : Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, Pages 20-29, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 12-12 July 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Pirita Pyykkönen editor. Puhe ja kieli = Tal och språk = Speech and language. Vol. 32(2), Helsinki, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Sarah Schimke, Juhani Järvikivi, Christine Dimroth and Pirita Pyykkönen. Rapid integration of intonational and contextual information when processing the focus particle auch. In AMLaP 2012 Conference : Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Riva del Garda, 6-8 September 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Pirita Pyykkönen and Juhani Järvikivi. Children and situation models of multiple events. In Developmental psychology, Vol. 48(2):521-529, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Pirita Pyykkönen. Esipuhe : neurolingvistisiä tutkimussuuntauksia. In Puhe ja kieli = Tal och språk = Speech and language, Vol. 32(2):54-58, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Tom Fritzsche, Heiner Drenhaus and I. Wartenburger. Experimentalplanung. In Barbara Höhle editor, Psycholinguistik, Chapter 14, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edition, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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N. Stadie, Heiner Drenhaus, Barbara Höhle, K. Spalek and I. Wartenburger. Forschungsmethoden der Psycholinguistik. In Barbara Höhle editor, Psycholinguistik, Chapter 2, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edition, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
531 Add to my selection
Heiner Drenhaus. Sprachverarbeitung. In Barbara Höhle editor, Psycholinguistik, Chapter 7, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edition, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Heiner Drenhaus. Neurowissenschaftliche Komponenten der Sprachverarbeitung. In Barbara Höhle editor, Psycholinguistik, Chapter 8, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edition, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Jan Svantner, Igor Farkas and Matthew W. Crocker. Modeling utterance-driven visual attention during situated comprehension. In Neural network world, Vol. 22(2):85-101, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Peter Beim Graben and Heiner Drenhaus. Computationelle Neurolinguistik. In Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, Vol. 40(1):97-125, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Heiner Drenhaus and Peter Beim Graben. Ereigniskorrelierte Potenziale (EKPs) In Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, Vol. 40(1):1-30, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Maria Staudte, Alexander Koller, Konstantina Garoufi and Matthew W. Crocker. Using listener gaze to augment speech generation in a virtual 3D environment. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pages 1007-1012, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, TX, 1-4 August 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Alexander Koller, Konstantina Garoufi, Maria Staudte and Matthew W. Crocker. Enhancing referential success by tracking hearer gaze. In 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue : SIGdial 2012, Pages 30-39, ACL, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 5-6 July 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
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Andrea Weber and Matthew W. Crocker. On the nature of semantic constraints on lexical access. In Journal of psycholinguistic research, Vol. 41(3):195-214, 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: MC.
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Simon Clematide, Stefan Gindl, Manfred Klenner, Stefanos Petrakis, Robert Remus, Josef Ruppenhofer, Ulli Waltinger and Michael Wiegand. MLSA – a multi-layered reference corpus for German sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 3551-3556, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 May 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
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Michael Wiegand, Benjamin Roth, Eva Lasarcyk, Stephanie Köser and Dietrich Klakow. A gold standard for relation extraction in the food domain. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 507-514, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 May 2012.   Bibtex entry  google
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