Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Exploring sequences of speech and laughter activity usingvisualisations of conversations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals (WASSS 2013), Grenoble, France, 20-23 August 2013. google Note: BM.
Jeanin Jügler. Feedback methods to improve phonetic and phonological skills in foreign language acquisition. In Proceedings / 4th Summerschool on Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behaviour, Pages 23-24, Aix-en-Provence, France, 30 September - 4 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler and
Odile Mella. Konstruktion eines phonetisch-phonologischen Lernerkorpus für das Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 100-101, Züric, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Fabian Brackhane and
Jürgen Trouvain. The organ stop vox humana as a model for a vowel synthesiser. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 3172-3176, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: BM.
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry and
Jacques Koreman. The Bulgarian stressed and unstressed vowel system : a corpus study. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 345-348, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: BM.
M. Ariman,
V. Dimitrova,
N. Wagner and
Jeanin Jügler. Werden bestimmte Artikel im Deutschen nach trochäischem Muster gruppiert? : Untersuchung anhand eines Sprachproduktionsexperiments. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Zürich, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Marcela Charfuelan and
Ingmar Steiner. Expressive speech synthesis in MARY TTS using audiobook data and emotionML. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 1564-1568, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Andrea Moro,
Hong Li,
Sebastian Krause,
Feiyu Xu,
Robert Navigli and
Hans Uszkoreit. Semantic rule filtering for web-scale relation extraction. In The semantic web : proceedings / ISWC 2013, 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Pages 347-362, Springer, Sydney, Australia, 21-25 October 2013. google Note: HU.
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. From strings to things SAR-Graphs: a new type of resource for connecting knowledge and language. In NLP & DBpedia 2013 : proceedings of the NLP & DBpedia workshop co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, 22 October 2013. google Note: HU