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% Selection : Reference #74

      AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf},
      TITLE = {Regular Path Expressions in Feature Logic},
      YEAR = {1993},
      BOOKTITLE = {5th International Conference of the Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA '93), June 16-18},
      NUMBER = {690},
      PAGES = {121-135},
      EDITOR = {Kirchner, C.},
      SERIES = {LNCS},
      ADDRESS = {Montreal, Canada},
      PUBLISHER = {Springer},
      URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.dvi.Z},
      ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1993:RPEa.pdf Backofen:1993:RPEa.ps Backofen:1993:RPEa.dvi}