% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:43:00 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Silvia_Hansen % @InProceedings{Brants_et_al:2002, AUTHOR = {Brants, Sabine and Dipper, Stefanie and Hansen, Silvia and Lezius, Wolfgang and Smith, George}, TITLE = {The TIGER Treebank}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, September 20-21}, ADDRESS = {Sozopol, Bulgaria}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~sabine/tigertreebank.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This paper reports on the TIGER Treebank, a corpus of currently 35.000 syntactically annotated German newspaper sentences. We describe what kind of information is encoded in the treebank and introduce the different representation formats that are used for the annotation and exploitation of the treebank. We explain the different methods used for the annotation: interactive annotation, using the tool (em Annotate), and LFG parsing. Furthermore, we give an account of the annotation scheme used for the TIGER treebank. This scheme is an extended and improved version of the NEGRA annotation scheme and we illustrate in detail the linguistic extensions that were made concerning the annotation in the TIGER project. The main differences are concerned with coordination, verb-subcategorization, expletives as well as proper nouns. In addition, the paper also presents the query tool TIGERSearch that was developed in the project to exploit the treebank in an adequate way. We describe the query language which was designed to facilitate a simple formulation of complex queries; furthermore, we shortly introduce TIGERin, a graphical user interface for query input. The paper concludes with a summary and some directions for future work.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2002:TT.pdf} } @InProceedings{Brants_Hansen:2002, AUTHOR = {Brants, Sabine and Hansen, Silvia}, TITLE = {Developments in the TIGER Annotation Scheme and their Realization in the Corpus}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2002), May 29-31}, ADDRESS = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~sabine/brants-hansen.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents the annotation of the German TIGER Treebank. First, issues concerning the annotation, representation as well as querying of the treebank are discussed. Within this context, the annotation tool ANNOTATE, the export and XML formats of the TIGER Treebank and the TIGER search tool are briefly introduced. Secondly, the developments of the TIGER annotation scheme and their realization in the corpus are introduced focussing on the differences between the underlying NEGRA annotation scheme and the further developed TIGER annotation scheme. The main differences are concerned with verb-subcategorization, coordination, appositions and parentheses as well as proper nouns. Thirdly, the annotation scheme is assessed through an evaluation and a problem discussion of the above mentioned changes. For this purpose, inter- annotator agreement in the TIGER project has been analyzed focussing on exactly these changes. This analysis shows where the annotators' decision problems are. These difficulties are discussed in greater detail on the basis of annotation examples. The paper concludes with some suggestions for the improvement of the TIGER annotation scheme.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Brants:2002:DTA.pdf} } @PhdThesis{Hansen:2002, AUTHOR = {Hansen, Silvia}, TITLE = {The Nature of Translated Text - An Interdisciplinary Methodology for the Investigation of the Specific Properties of Translations}, YEAR = {2002}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, SCHOOL = {Institute for Applied Linguistics - Translation and Interpreting, Saarland University} } @InProceedings{Hansen_Teich:2002, AUTHOR = {Hansen, Silvia and Teich, Elke}, TITLE = {The creation and exploitation of a translation reference corpus}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Language Resources for Translation Work and Research (3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2002)), May 28}, ADDRESS = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansen/hansen-teich.zip}, ABSTRACT = {While in many branches of linguistics monolingual reference corpora are widely used, e.g., in lexicography, in the construction of grammars and generally in empirical linguistic studies, in translation research as well as translation practice the concept of a parallel refernce corpus has not yet assumed a similarly important role. In our view, this is partly due to a lack of interaction of researchers involved in the development of corpus tools (computational linguistics, humanities computing) and the potential users of such tools in the area of translation (translatology, translation practice). The goal of the present paper is to initiate such an interaction. We present the design of an German-English and French-English translation corpus and explore its use as a reference corpus for translatologists as well as translators. First, we introduce the the basic computational techniques needed to build such a translation reference corpus. These techniques cover the preparation of the corpus as well as its linguistic annotation. In the preparatory step the corpus has to be aligned and encoded. To enrich the corpus with linguistic information, part-of-speech tagging and syntactic parsing have to be carried out for the different languages. Furthermore, to make the parallel reference corpus usable for translation scholars and translators, it has to be searchable, i.e., appropriate query facilities must be provided. We show how to extract instances of linguistic phenomena that are of interest from a translation point of view using a multilingual English-German-French corpus. We explain possible translation procedures for perfect aspect, reduced relative clauses and cleft constructions from English into German and French on the basis of parallel concordances extracted from the translation reference corpus. Finally, we specify some additional requirements to improve the usability of translation corpora in both translation studies and translation practice.} } @InProceedings{Teich_Hansen:2001, AUTHOR = {Teich, Elke and Hansen, Silvia}, TITLE = {Towards an integrated representation of multiple layers of linguistic annotation in multilingual corpora}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Online Proceedings of Computing Arts 2001: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities, September 26-28}, ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansen/hansen_teich.pdf}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Teich:2001:TIR.pdf} } @InProceedings{Teich_et_al:2001, AUTHOR = {Teich, Elke and Hansen, Silvia and Fankhauser, Peter}, TITLE = {Representing and querying multi-layer annotated corpora}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IRCS Workshop on Linguistic Databases 2001, December 11-13}, EDITOR = {Bird, Steven and Buneman, Peter and Liberman, Mark}, ADDRESS = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansen/teich-etal.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {The goal of the present paper is to review the methods employed in multi-layer corpus representation and querying and to identify the more fundamental issues involved in the task. Asking questions such as: What are the linguistic requirements on multi-layer corpora? Do the data structures commonly employed mirror the needs of linguistic representation appropriately? Should different layers of annotation be kept separate, or should and can they be merged? How and at which granularity can we align/integrate multiple layers of annotation? If expressively more powerful data structures than trees/forests are required, then what kinds of mechanisms are needed to query such data structures?, we propose an XML-based approach to the representation and querying of multi-layer corpora.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Teich:2001:RQM.pdf} } @Article{Hansen_et_al:2002, AUTHOR = {Hansen, Silvia and Klaumann, Mary and Neumann, Stella}, TITLE = {How to overcome registerial translation problems}, YEAR = {2002}, JOURNAL = {Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {15-23} } @InProceedings{Hansen_Teich:2001, AUTHOR = {Hansen, Silvia and Teich, Elke}, TITLE = {Multi-layer analysis of translation corpora: methodological issues and practical implications}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of EUROLAN 2001 Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis}, PAGES = {44-55}, ADDRESS = {lasi} } @InProceedings{Teich_Hansen:2001_1, AUTHOR = {Teich, Elke and Hansen, Silvia}, TITLE = {Methods and techniques for a multi-level analysis of multilingual corpora}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2001 conference}, PAGES = {572-580}, ADDRESS = {Lancaster} }