% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:42:52 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Ralph_Debusmann % @InProceedings{Debusmann:2001, AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph}, TITLE = {Topological Dependency Trees: A Constraint-based Account of Linear Precedence}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2001), July 9-11}, PAGES = {180-187}, ADDRESS = {Toulouse, France}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/rade-acl2001.ps.gz}, ABSTRACT = {Linear precedence in so-called free word order languages remains challenging for modern grammar formalisms. To address this issue, we describe a new framework for dependency grammar, with a modular decomposition of immediate dependency and linear precedence. Our approach distinguishes two orthogonal yet mutually constraining structures: a syntactic dependency tree (ID tree) and a topological dependency tree (LP tree). The ID tree is non-projective, and even non-ordered, and its edges are labeled by syntactic roles. The LP tree is projective, partially ordered, and its edges are labeled by topological fields. The shape of the LP tree is a flattening of the ID tree's obtained by allowing nodes to 'climb up'. Our theory of ID/LP trees is formulated in terms of (a) lexicalized constraints and (b) principles governing e.g. climbing conditions. We illustrate it with a detailed account of word order phenomena in the verbal complex of German verb final sentences.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Debusmann:2001:TDT.pdf Debusmann:2001:TDT.ps} } @InProceedings{Debusmann:2001_1, AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph}, TITLE = {Movement as well-formedness Conditions}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th ESSLLI Student Session, August 13-24}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, URL = {ftp://ftp.ps.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/ProgrammingSysLab/Debusmann-ESSLLI-01.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {We introduce a new formulation of dependency grammar recently suggested in (Duchier and Debusmann, 2001) (henceforth DD). DD shares with GB (Chomsky, 1986) a notion of movement. In GB, movement is carried out by tree transformations. In DD, it is the effect of well-formedness conditions on dependency trees and does not involve transformations. We illustrate both kinds of movement by showing how both theories analyze German verb-second clauses. Then, we point out the similarities between GB and DD, and raise the question whether GB's transformational notion of movement could be replaced by DD's constraint-based account of movement.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Debusmann:2001:MWF.pdf} } @MastersThesis{Debusmann:2001_2, AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph}, TITLE = {A Declarative Grammar Formalism for Dependency Grammar}, YEAR = {2001}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, SCHOOL = {Universität des Saarlandes, Department of Computational Linguistics}, URL = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~rade/papers/da.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {Beginning with the groundbreaking work of Chomsky in the 1950s, syntactians have concentrated mostly on the English language. But English is not a typical natural language: in particular, its word order is very rigid, as opposed to most other languages which exhibit freer word order. The phrase structure-based approach employed for the analysis of English runs into severe problems when confronted with freer word order languages. Aside from the mainstream, linguists in Eastern Europe and Japan have pursued an approach to syntax which seemed better suited for the analysis of freer word order languages: dependency grammar. The key asset of dependency grammar is that it allows for a clean separation of syntactic dependency and surface word order. Unfortunately, none of the frameworks for dependency grammar has really caught on. We suggest two reasons for their failure: 1. many of the dependency-based frameworks lack proper formalization and, perhaps surprisingly, 2. most of them lack a realistic and workable account of word order. In this thesis, we try to remedy these problems in the setting of a constraint-based approach to dependency grammar based on (Duchier 1999). We present a new account of word order for dependency grammar couched in a declarative grammatical formalism called Topological Dependency Grammar (TDG). TDG allows to cleanly separate the two levels of syntactic dependency and surface word order, which greatly facilitates the conception of grammars for freer word order languages. In addition, we can efficiently parse with TDG grammars: using a reduction described in (Duchier 2000), we achieved an efficient parser implementation using modern constraint programming techniques.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Debusmann:2001:DGF.pdf} } @InProceedings{Korthals_Debusmann:2002, AUTHOR = {Korthals, Christian and Debusmann, Ralph}, TITLE = {Linking Syntactic and Semantic Arguments in a Dependency-based formalism}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'02), August 24 - September 1}, ADDRESS = {Taipei, Taiwan}, URL = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~rade/papers/coling02.pdf}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Korthals:2002:LSS.pdf} } @InProceedings{Debusmann_et_al:2004, AUTHOR = {Debusmann, Ralph and Duchier, Denys and Koller, Alexander and Kuhlmann, Marco and Smolka, Gert and Thater, Stefan}, TITLE = {A Relational Syntax-Semantics Interface Based on Dependency Grammar}, YEAR = {2004}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th COLING}, ADDRESS = {Geneva} } @Article{Koller_et_al:2004, AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Debusmann, Ralph and Gabsdil, Malte and Striegnitz, Kristina}, TITLE = {Put my galakmid coin into the dispenser and kick it: Computational Linguistics and Theorem Proving in a Computer Game}, YEAR = {2004}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Logic, Language and Information: Special Issue on ICoS-3}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {187--206}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kris/papers/kluwer2004.ps.gz} }