% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:42:31 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Olli_Aaltonen % @InCollection{Py2010a, AUTHOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita}, TITLE = {Lauseen ymmärtäminen [Engl. Sentence comprehension]}, YEAR = {2010}, BOOKTITLE = {Kieli ja Aivot: Kielellisen kommunikaation perusteet, häiriöt ja kuntoutus}, PAGES = {117-125}, EDITOR = {Korpilahti, P. and Aaltonen, Olli and Laine, M.}, PUBLISHER = {Kognitiivisen neurotieteen keskus, TY}, NOTE = {MC} } @InProceedings{JKBAWBWVDROS2009, AUTHOR = {Koreman, Jacques and Andreeva, Bistra and Barry, William J. and van Dommelen, Wim A and Sikveland, Rein-Ove}, TITLE = {Cross-language differences in the production of phrasal prominence in Norwegian and German}, BOOKTITLE = {Nordic prosody : proceedings of the Xth conference, Helsinki 2008}, EDITOR = {Vainio, Martti and Aulanko, Reijo and Aaltonen, Olli}, NOTE = {WB} }