% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:42:04 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Michael_Roth % @InProceedings{ScMeRoWe2007, AUTHOR = {Schulte im Walde, Sabine and Melinger, Alissa and Roth, Michael and Weber, Andrea}, TITLE = {An empirical characterization of response types in German association norms}, YEAR = {2007}, BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the GLDV workshop on lexical-semantic and ontological resources, Tübingen, Germany}, PAGES = {109-118}, NOTE = {MC} } @InProceedings{PeDeBaCrRo2008, AUTHOR = {Pennacchiotti, Marco and De Cao, Diego and Basili, Roberto and Croce, Danilo and Roth, Michael}, TITLE = {Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units}, YEAR = {2008}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the conference / EMNLP 2008, 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : 25 - 27 October 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA}, PAGES = {457-465}, ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, Pa.}, ORGANIZATION = {ACL}, NOTE = {MP} } @InProceedings{RotKla2013, AUTHOR = {Roth, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich}, TITLE = {Combining generative and discriminative model scores for distant supervision}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = {18-21 October}, BOOKTITLE = {2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference}, PAGES = {24-29}, ADDRESS = {Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA. - Stroudsburg, PA : ACL}, NOTE = {DK} } @InProceedings{WieRoth2014, AUTHOR = {Wiegand, Michael and Roth, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich}, TITLE = {Automatic Food Categorization from Large Unlabeled Corpora and Its Impact on Relation Extraction}, BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2014}, NOTE = {DK} } @InProceedings{RothBar2014, AUTHOR = {Roth, Michael and Barth, Tassilo and Chrupala, Gzegorz and Gropp, Martin and Klakow, Dietrich}, TITLE = {RelationFactory: A Fast, Modular and Effective System for Knowledge Base Population}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2014}, NOTE = {DK} } @InProceedings{IllRoth2014, AUTHOR = {Illig, Jens and Roth, Michael and Klakow, Dietrich}, TITLE = {Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2014}, NOTE = {DK} } @InProceedings{ORTP2017, AUTHOR = {Ostermann, Simon and Roth, Michael and Thater, Stefan and Pinkal, Manfred}, TITLE = {Aligning Script Events with Narrative Texts}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {August}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM)}, ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada} }