% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:43:07 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Gerhild_Zybatow % @InCollection{Andreeva_et_al:2001, AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Avgustinova, Tania and Barry, William J.}, TITLE = {Link-Associated and Focus-Associated Accent Patterns in Bulgarian}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics}, VOLUME = {5}, PAGES = {353-364}, EDITOR = {Zybatow, Gerhild and Junghanns, Uwe and Mehlhorn, Grit and Szucsich, Luka}, SERIES = {Linguistik International}, ADDRESS = {Frankfurt/Main, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Peter Lang GmbH, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften} } @InCollection{Avgustinova:1997, AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania}, TITLE = {An HPSG Approach to the Syntax of Bulgarian Relatives}, YEAR = {1997}, BOOKTITLE = {Formale Slavistik}, PAGES = {177-191}, EDITOR = {Junghanns, Uwe and Zybatow, Gerhild}, SERIES = {Leipziger Schriften zur Kultur-, Literatur-, Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft; 7}, ADDRESS = {Frankfurt am Main}, PUBLISHER = {Vervuert Verlag} } @InCollection{Avgustinova:2001, AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania}, TITLE = {Distinguishing Argument Structure, Syntactic Dependents and Valence in HPSG: Relevance for Slavic}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics}, VOLUME = {5}, PAGES = {554-567}, EDITOR = {Zybatow, Gerhild and Junghanns, Uwe and Mehlhorn, Grit and Szucsich, Luka}, SERIES = {Linguistik International}, ADDRESS = {Frankfurt am Main}, PUBLISHER = {Peter Lang GmbH, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~tania/ta-pub/ta-hpsg-fdsl3.pdf}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Avgustinova:2001:DAS.pdf} } @InCollection{Avgustinova_Oliva:1997, AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Oliva, Karel}, TITLE = {On the Nature of the Wackernagel Position in Czech}, YEAR = {1997}, BOOKTITLE = {Formale Slavistik}, PAGES = {25-47}, EDITOR = {Junghanns, Uwe and Zybatow, Gerhild}, SERIES = {Leipziger Schriften zur Kultur-, Literatur-, Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft; 7}, ADDRESS = {Frankfurt am Main}, PUBLISHER = {Vervuert Verlag} } @InBook{Andreeva_et_al:2001_1, AUTHOR = {Andreeva, Bistra and Avgustinova, Tania and Barry, William J.}, TITLE = {Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics}, YEAR = {2001}, PAGES = {353-364}, EDITOR = {Zybatow, Gerhild and Junghanns, Uwe and Mehlhorn, Grit and Szucsish, L.}, PUBLISHER = {Peter Lang}, CHAPTER = {Link-associated and focus-associated accent patterns in Bulgarian} }