% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:42:49 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: G_Chollet % @InProceedings{RCCK2006, AUTHOR = {Ricci, R. and Chollet, G. and Crispino, G. and Koreman, Jacques}, TITLE = {SecurePhone: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly}, YEAR = {2006}, BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida} } @InProceedings{RCCKO2006, AUTHOR = {Ricci, R. and Chollet, G. and Crispino, G. and Koreman, Jacques}, TITLE = {THE SECUREPHONE: a mobile phone with biometric authentication and e-signature support for dealing secure transactions on the fly}, YEAR = {2006}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT2006), Setubal, Portugal} }