% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:41:47 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Feiyu_Xu % @InProceedings{Becker_et_al:2002, AUTHOR = {Becker, Markus and Drozdzynski, Witold and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {SProUT - Shallow Processing with Typed Feature Structures and Unification}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on NLP (ICON 2002). December 18-21}, ADDRESS = {Mumbai, India}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/sprout.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {We present SProUT, a platform for the development of multilingual shallow text processing systems. A grammar in SProUT consists of a set of rules, where the left-hand side is a regular expression over typed feature structures (TFSs), representing the recognition pattern, and the right-hand side is a sequence of TFSs, specifying how the output structure looks like. The reusable core components fo SProUT are a finite-state machine toolkit, a regular compiler, a typed feature structure package, and a finite-state machine interpreter.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:2002:SSP.pdf} } @InProceedings{Buitelaar_et_al:1998, AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Netter, Klaus and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Integrating Different Strategies in Cross-Language Information Retrieval in the MIETTA Project}, YEAR = {1998}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8}, PAGES = {9-17}, EDITOR = {Hiemstra, Djoerd and de Jong, Franciska and Netter, Klaus}, ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kn-twlt14-98.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we describe an integrated approach to cross-language retrieval within the MIETTA project, whose objective is to build a special purpose search engine in the tourism domain that covers information from a number of geographical regions. MIETTA is designed to enable users to search and retrievegeographical regions. MIETTA is designed to enable users to search and retrieve information on the regions covered in their own language preferably. In order to facilitate the user with such functionality, the system includes document translation, cross-language query translation, multilingual generation from information extraction templates and document classification. In addition, query expansion is offered to identify proper query translation and enable template matching for information extraction purposes.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1998:IDS.pdf} } @InProceedings{Crysmann_et_al:2002, AUTHOR = {Crysmann, Berthold and Frank, Anette and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Müller, Stefan and Neumann, Günter and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Siegel, Melanie and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {An Integrated Architecture for Shallow and Deep Processing}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-2002, Association for Computational Linguistics 40th Anniversary Meeting, July 7-12}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, USA}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/wb-acl02.pdf http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/wb-acl02.pdf}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Crysmann:2002:IAS.pdf} } @InProceedings{Egg_et_al:1998_2, AUTHOR = {Egg, Markus and Niehren, Joachim and Ruhrberg, Peter and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification}, YEAR = {1998}, BOOKTITLE = {17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), August 10-14}, VOLUME = {1}, PAGES = {353-359}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Montréal, Québec, Canada}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/CLLS-98.pdf ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/COLING-feiyu-98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/COLING-feiyu-98.entry}, ABSTRACT = {We introduce a first-order language for semantic underspecification that we call Constraint Language for Lambda-Structures (CLLS). A lambda-structure can be considered as a lambda-term up to consistent renaming of bound variables (alpha-equality); a constraint of CLLS is an underspecified description of a $lambda$-structure. CLLS solves a capturing problem omnipresent in underspecified scope representations. CLLS features constraints for dominance, lambda binding, parallelism, and anaphoric links. Based on CLLS we present a simple, integrated, and underspecified treatment of scope, parallelism, and anaphora.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Egg:1998:CLSb.pdf Egg:1998:CLSb.ps} } @InProceedings{Kurz_Xu:2002, AUTHOR = {Kurz, Daniela and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Text Mining for the Extraction of Domain Relevant Terms and Term Collocations}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Collocations}, ADDRESS = {Vienna}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Kurz_2002_TMEDRTTC.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This paper provides a system which combines classification-based term extraction method with the statistical collocation calculations.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Kurz:2002:TME.pdf} } @InProceedings{Piskorski_et_al:2002, AUTHOR = {Piskorski, Jakub and Drozdzynski, Witold and Xu, Feiyu and Scherf, Oliver}, TITLE = {A Flexible XML-based Regular Compiler for Creation and Converting Linguistic Resources}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02)}, ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/regular_compiler.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {Finite-state devices are widely used to compactly model linguistic phenomena, whereas regular expressions are regarded as the adequate level of abstraction for thinking about finite-state languages. In this paper we present a flexible XML-based and Unicode-compatible regular compiler for creating, and integrating existing linguistic resources. Our tool provides user-friendly graphical interface which enables the transparent control of the compilation process and allows for testing generated finite-state grammars with several diagnostic tools. Through the direct database connection, existing linguistic resources can be converted into user-definable finite-state representations.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Piskorski:2002:FXB.pdf} } @InProceedings{Piskorski_et_al:2002_1, AUTHOR = {Piskorski, Jakub and Jaeger, Tilman and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {A Framework for Domain and Task Adaptive Named-Entity Recognition}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, June 3-6}, ADDRESS = {Tallinn, Estonia}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/balt.tar.gz}, ABSTRACT = {Robust Named--Entity Recognition software is an essential preprocessing tool for performing more complex text processing tasks in business information systems. In this paper we present a Framework for Domain and Task Adaptive Named--Entity Recognition. It consists of several clear--cut subcomponents which can be flexibly and variably combined together in order to construct a task--specific NE--Recognition tool. Additionally, a diagnostic tool for automatic prediction of best system configuration is provided, which speeds up the development cycle.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Piskorski:2002:FDT.tar} } @InProceedings{Siegel_et_al:2001, AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie and Xu, Feiyu and Neumann, Günter}, TITLE = {Customizing GermaNet for the Use in Deep Linguistic Processing}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. 2nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL '01), June 2-7}, PAGES = {165-167}, ADDRESS = {Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/short-Naacl2001.doc http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/NAACL2001.pdf}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Siegel:2001:CGU.pdf} } @MastersThesis{Xu:1998, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Underspecified Representation and Resolution of Ellipsis}, YEAR = {1998}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, SCHOOL = {Universität des Saarlandes, Department of Computational Linguistics}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~feiyu/thesis.ps.gz}, ABSTRACT = {This thesis deals with the underspecified semantic representation and resolution of ellipsis. We focus on the interaction of Verb Phrase Ellipsis (henceforth VPE) and anaphora. In particular, we address the distribution of strict and sloppy readings in these phenomena and present an analysis to explain it. This analysis is integrated into a framework that concerns a uniform treatment of semantically underspecified information and parallelism phenomena in discourse. The analysis put forward in this thesis gives correct predictions about the strict and sloppy readings of a series of problematic cases in the literature. It does not suffer from undergeneration or overgeneration problems. We use linking relations between anaphoric pronouns and their antecedents and claim that the interaction between linking relations and the parallelism requirement in VPE results in strict and sloppy readings. The basic idea underlying the analysis presented in this thesis agrees with the proposal made by (Kehler 93; Kehler 95). Although recently a lot of approaches to semantic underspecification as well as ellipsis resolution have emerged in computational linguistics, few of them are designed to treat both problems uniformly. The framework proposed in this thesis shows how to integrate the treatment of ellipsis resolution with semantic underspecification in a uniform and elegant way.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:1998:URR.pdf Xu:1998:URR.ps} } @InProceedings{Xu:1998_1, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Underspecified Treatment of Verb Phrase Ellipsis}, YEAR = {1998}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI '98 Student Session, August 17-28}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/esslli.pdf ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ESSLLI-feiyu-98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ESSLLI-feiyu-98.entry}, ABSTRACT = {This paper deals with the underspecified semantic representation of ellipsis and its resolution. We present an analysis to explain the distribution of stict and sloppy readings in the interaction of verb phrase ellipsis and anaphora. The analysis is integrated into a framwork that enables a unified and underspecified treatment of scope, anaphora, and VPE.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:1998:UTV.pdf Xu:1998:UTV.ps} } @InProceedings{Xu_et_al:2002, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Kurz, Daniela and Piskorski, Jakub and Schmeier, Sven}, TITLE = {Term Extraction and Mining Term Relations from Free-Text Documents in the Financial Domain}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS'02), April 24-25}, ADDRESS = {Poznan, Poland}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/Bis2002.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present an approach to learning domain relevant terms automatically. We took the financial domain as our experiment domain.}, NOTE = {to appear}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2002:TEM.pdf} } @InProceedings{Xu_et_al:2002_1, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Kurz, Daniela and Piskorski, Jakub and Schmeier, Sven}, TITLE = {A Domain Adaptive Approach to Automatic Acquisition of Domain Relevant Terms and their Relations with Bootstrapping}, YEAR = {2002}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources an Evaluation (LREC'02), May 29-31}, ADDRESS = {Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain}, URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/LREC_TermExtraction_final.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present an unsupervised hybrid text-mining approach to automatic acquisition of domain relevant terms and their relations. We deploy the TFIDF-based term classification method to acquire domain relevant single-word terms. Further, we apply two strategies in order to learn lexico-syntatic patterns which indicate paradigmatic and domain relevant syntagmatic relations between the extracted terms. The first one uses an existing ontology as initial knowledge for learning lexico-syntactic patterns, while the second is based on different collocation acquisition methods to deal with the free-word order languages like German. This domain-adaptive method yields good results even when trained on relatively small training corpora. It can be applied to different real-world applications, which need domain-relevant ontology, for example, information extraction, information retrieval or text classification.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2002:DAA.pdf} } @InProceedings{Xu_et_al:2000, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Netter, Klaus and Stenzhorn, Holger}, TITLE = {MIETTA - A Framework for Uniform and Multilingual Access to Structured Database and Web Information}, YEAR = {2000}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL'00)}, ADDRESS = {Hong Kong}, URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~feiyu/iral00.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {We describe a WWW-based information system called MIETTA, which allows uniform and multilingual access to heterogenous data sources in the tourism domain. The design of the search engine is based on a new crosslingual framework. The framework integrates a crosslingual retrieval strategy with a strategy using natural language techniques: information extraction and multilingual generation. The combination of information extraction and multilingual generation enables the multilingual presentation of the database content and free text crosslingual information retrieval of the structured data entries. We will demonstrate that the new framework is useful for domain specific and multilingual applications.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2000:MFU.pdf} } @InProceedings{Xu_et_al:2000_1, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Netter, Klaus and Stenzhorn, Holger}, TITLE = {A System for Uniform and Multilingual Access to Structured Database and Web Information in a Tourism Domain}, YEAR = {2000}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Demo Session (ACL'00), October 3-6}, ADDRESS = {Hong Kong}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/acl00.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {We present an information system, which was developed within the project MIETTA (Multilingual Information Extraction for Tourism and Travel Assistance), a project in the Language Engineering Sector of the Telematics Application Program of the European Commission. MIETTA facilitates multilingual information access in a number of languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Italian) to the tourist information (web documents and database information) provided by three different geographical regions: the German federal state of Saarland, the Finnish region around Turku and the Italian City of Rome. The challenge of the approach is to merge the technologies of crosslingual information retrieval (Jamie Carbonell et al, 1997) and natural language processing to achieve the following goals: · Provide full access to all information independent of the language the information was originally encoded in and independent of the query language; · Provide transparent natural language access to structured database information; · Provide hybrid and flexible query options to enable users to obtain maximally precise information.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Xu:2000:SUM.pdf} } @InProceedings{Yao_et_al:2001, AUTHOR = {Yao, Tianfang and Xu, Feiyu and Zhang, Dong-Mo and Li, Fang and Wang, Qian and Sheng, Huan-Ye}, TITLE = {A Multilingual Information Retrieval Model based on Information Extraction and Text Generation}, YEAR = {2001}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ICIP 2001}, ADDRESS = {Shanghai}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~feiyu/YaoXu2001.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This paper proposes a multilingual information retrieval model which is principally based on information extraction and text generation techniques. The model embodies both the conciseness and accuracy of the retrieval results provided by information extraction technique, and the coherence and standardization of ones supplied by text generation technique. It synthesizes the advantages of both techniques. In this paper, we mainly present the information extraction techniques adopted in the model, including multilingual information extraction, concept based multilingual thesaurus, template automatic development, multilingual information retrieval and index etc. We build the model for providing the multilingual information retrieval means on Internet, which is accurate, quick and convenient and is used in a specific domain. Key words multilingual information retrieval, multilingual information extraction, concept based multilingual thesaurus, template automatic development, multilingual information retrieval and index.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Yao:2001:MIR.pdf} } @InProceedings{Bering_et_al:2003, AUTHOR = {Bering, Ch. and Drozdzynski, Witold and Erbach, Gregor and Guasch, C. and Homola, P. and Lehmann, Sabine and Li, Hong and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Shimada, Atsuko and Siegel, Melanie and Xu, Feiyu and Ziegler-Eisele, Dorothea}, TITLE = {Corpora and Evaluation Tools for Multilingual Named Entity Grammar Development}, YEAR = {2003}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Corpora, Corpus Linguistics Conference}, EDITOR = {Neumann, Stella and Hansen-Schirra, Silvia}, ADDRESS = {Lancaster} } @InProceedings{Busemann_et_al:2003, AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Drozdzynski, Witold and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Piskorski, Jakub and Schäfer, Ulrich and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Integrating Information Extraction and Automatic Hyperlinking}, YEAR = {2003}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL-2003, 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan} } @InProceedings{FKXU2005, AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Querying Structured Knowledge Sources}, YEAR = {2005}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of AAAI-05. Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains}, ADDRESS = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania}, PUBLISHER = {AAAI Press} } @InProceedings{XJUK2995, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Steffen, Jörg and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krüger}, TITLE = {The COMPASS2008 Smart Dining Service}, YEAR = {2005}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of intelligent Technologies for interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2005}, ADDRESS = {Berlin} } @InProceedings{UXSA2006, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Steffen, Jörg and Aslan, I.}, TITLE = {The pragmatic combination of different cross-lingual resources for multilingual information services}, YEAR = {2006}, BOOKTITLE = {LREC 2006, Genova, Italy, May} } @InProceedings{XUL2006, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong}, TITLE = {Automatic Event and Relation Detection with Seeds of Varying Complexity}, YEAR = {2006}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the AAAI 2006 Workshop Event Extraction and Synthesis, Boston, July} } @InProceedings{UsXuLi2007, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Liu, Weiquan}, TITLE = {Challenges and Solutions of Multilingual and Translingual Information Service Systems}, YEAR = {2007}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of HCI International 2007, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{UsXuLiStAs2007, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Liu, Weiquan and Steffen, Jörg and Aslan, Alhan and Liu, Jin and Müller, Christel and Holtkamp, Bernhard and Wojciechowski, Manfred}, TITLE = {A Successful Field Test of a Mobile and Multilingual Information Service System COMPASS2008}, YEAR = {2007}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of HCI International 2007, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing}, NOTE = {HU} } @InCollection{XuUsLi2007, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong}, TITLE = {A Seed-driven Bottom-up Machine Learning Framework for Extracting Relations of Various Complexity}, YEAR = {2007}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ACL 07, Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Prague}, NOTE = {HU} } @Article{FrKrXuUsCrSc2007, AUTHOR = {Frank, Anette and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Crysmann, Berthold and Schäfer, Ulrich}, TITLE = {Question Answering from Structured Knowledge Sources}, YEAR = {2007}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Applied Logics, Special Issue on Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives}, VOLUME = {5}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {20-48}, NOTE = {HU, MP} } @Article{ShLiXuUsz2007, AUTHOR = {Shen, Jia-Yi and Li, Hong and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Recognition of Chinese Organization Names and Abbreviations}, YEAR = {2007}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Chinese Information Processing}, VOLUME = {21}, PAGES = {17-21}, NOTE = {HU} } @PhdThesis{Xu2007, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Feiyu Xu Bootstrapping Relation Extraction from Semantic Seeds}, YEAR = {2007}, SCHOOL = {Saarland University}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{UsXuLi2009, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Li, Hong}, TITLE = {Analysis and improvement of minimally supervised machine learning for relation extraction}, YEAR = {2009}, BOOKTITLE = {Natural language processing and information systems : 14th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems , NLDB 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 24-26, 2009}, PAGES = {8-23}, SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science ; 5723}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{XuAdUsChLi2009, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Adolphs, Peter and Uszkoreit, Hans and Chen, Xiwen and Li, Hong}, TITLE = {Gossip Galore : a conversational web agent for collecting and sharing pop trivia}, YEAR = {2009}, BOOKTITLE = {ICAART 2009 : proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artifical Intelligence ; Porto, Portugal January 19-21, 2009}, PAGES = {115-122}, EDITOR = {Filipe, Joaquim and Fred, Ana and Sharp, Bernadette}, ADDRESS = {Setúbal}, ORGANIZATION = {INSTICC}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{ChAdXuUsLi2009, AUTHOR = {Chen, Xiwen and Adolphs, Peter and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong}, TITLE = {Gossip Galore : a self-learning agent for exchanging pop trivia}, YEAR = {2009}, BOOKTITLE = {EACL 2009 : proceedings of the Demonstrations Session, 3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre}, PAGES = {13-16}, ADDRESS = {Athens}, ORGANIZATION = {European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{XuUsLiFe2008, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong and Felger, Niko}, TITLE = {Adaptation of relation extraction rules to new domains}, YEAR = {2008}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco}, PAGES = {2446-2450}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{ChXu2008, AUTHOR = {Cheng, Xiwen and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Fine-grained opinion topic and polarity identification}, YEAR = {2008}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Poster Session of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : LREC 2008, May 26 - June 1, 2008, Palais des congrès Mansour Eddahbi, Marrakech, Morocco}, PAGES = {2710-2714}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{XuUsLi2008, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Li, Hong}, TITLE = {Task driven coreference resolution for relation extraction}, YEAR = {2008}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / ECAI 2008 : 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21 - 25, 2008, Patras, Greece, Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 178)}, PAGES = {328-332}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam}, PUBLISHER = {IOS Press}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{XuLi2011, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Hong, Li and Zhang, Yi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krause, Sebastian}, TITLE = {Minimally supervised domain-adaptive parse reranking for relation extraction}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = {5-7 October}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies : IWPT 2011}, PAGES = {118-128}, ADDRESS = {Stroudsburg, PA}, ORGANIZATION = {Dublin City University}, PUBLISHER = {ACL}, NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-932432-04-6 } } @InProceedings{KlüAU2011, AUTHOR = {Tina, Klüwer and Adolphs, Peter and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {A dialogue system for conversational NPCs}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop}, KEY = {KlüAU2011}, PAGES = {357-363}, ADDRESS = {New York [u.a.]}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4614-1334-9} } @InProceedings{AdXU2011, AUTHOR = {Adolphs, Peter and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Dependency graphs as a generic interface between parsers and relation extraction rule learning}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {KI 2011: advances in artificial intelligence : 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4 - 7, 2011}, PAGES = {50-62}, ADDRESS = {Heidelberg [u.a.]}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-24454-4 } } @InProceedings{AdBeBe2011, AUTHOR = {Adolphs, Peter and Benz, Anton and Bertomeu, Nuria and Cheng, Xiwen and Klüwer, Tina and Kukina, Olga and Krifka, Manfred and Strekalova, Alexandra and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Conversational agents in a virtual world}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {KI 2011: advances in artificial intelligence : 34th Annual German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, October 4 - 7, 2011}, PAGES = {S. 38-49}, ADDRESS = {Heidelberg [u.a.]}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-24454-4 } } @InProceedings{HoXuHu2011, AUTHOR = {Hong, Li and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {META-DARE : monitoring the minimally supervised ML of relation extraction rules}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September , 2011 [RANLP 2011]}, PAGES = {378-384}, ADDRESS = {Shoumen}, PUBLISHER = {INCOMA} } @InProceedings{HoXuHu2011b, AUTHOR = {Hong, Li and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Minimally supervised rule learning for the extraction of biographic information from various social domains}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011]}, PAGES = {17-24}, ADDRESS = {Shoumen}, PUBLISHER = {INCOMA} } @InProceedings{HoXuHu2011c, AUTHOR = {Hong, Li and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {TechWatchTool : innovation and trend monitoring}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings / International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12 - 14 September, 2011 [RANLP 2011]}, PAGES = {660-665}, ADDRESS = {Shoumen}, PUBLISHER = {INCOMA} } @InProceedings{KrauLi2012, AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Li, Hong and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Large-scale learning of relation-extraction rules with distant supervision from the web}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {11-15 November}, BOOKTITLE = {The semantic web - ISWC 2012}, PAGES = {263-278}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {HU} } @Article{XuSchm2012a, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Schmeier, Sven and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Yocoy : mobile multilingual technologies for overcoming communication barriers}, YEAR = {2012}, JOURNAL = {Künstliche Intelligenz : KI}, VOLUME = {26}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {309-312}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{KlueXu2012, AUTHOR = {Klüwer, Tina and Xu, Feiyu and Adolphs, Peter and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Evaluation of the KomParse conversational non-player characters in a commercial virtual world}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {23-25 May}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, PAGES = {3535-3542}, ORGANIZATION = {ELRA}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{XuSchm2012b, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Schmeier, Sven and Ai, Renlong and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Yochina : mobile multimedia and multimodal crosslingual dialog system}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {28-30 November}, BOOKTITLE = {Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, NOTE = {HU} } @Article{LiZha2012, AUTHOR = {Li, Hong and Zhang, Yi and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Simple ontologies for practical information extraction and advanced information extraction for practical ontologies}, YEAR = {2012}, JOURNAL = {Dangdai-yuyanxue : jikan = Contemporary linguistics}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {2012}, NOTE = {HU} } @Article{XuLi2012, AUTHOR = {Xu, Feiyu and Li, Hong and Zhang, Yi and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krause, Sebastian}, TITLE = {Parse reranking for domain-adaptative relation extraction}, YEAR = {2012}, JOURNAL = {Journal of logic and computation}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{LiChen2012, AUTHOR = {Li, Hong and Cheng, Xiwen and Adson, Kristina and Kirshboim, Tal and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Annotating opinions in German political news}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {23-25 May}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, PAGES = {1183-1188}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, ORGANIZATION = {ELRA}, NOTE = {HU } } @InProceedings{UszXu2013, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {From strings to things SAR-Graphs: a new type of resource for connecting knowledge and language}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = {22 October}, BOOKTITLE = {NLP & DBpedia 2013 : proceedings of the NLP & DBpedia workshop co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013)}, ADDRESS = {Sydney}, NOTE = {HU } } @InProceedings{MoroLi2013, AUTHOR = {Moro, Andrea and Li, Hong and Krause, Sebastian and Xu, Feiyu and Navigli, Robert and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Semantic rule filtering for web-scale relation extraction}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = {21-25 October}, BOOKTITLE = {The semantic web : proceedings / ISWC 2013, 12th International Semantic Web Conference}, PAGES = {347-362}, SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science}, ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{LiKra2014, AUTHOR = {Li, Hong and Krause, Sebastian and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Hummel, Robert and Mironova, Veselina}, TITLE = {Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)}, ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} } @InProceedings{KriSpu2014, AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Spurk, Christian and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Zhang, Yi and Müller, F. and Tolxdorff, Thomas}, TITLE = {Information Extraction from German Patient Records via Hybrid Parsing and Relation Extraction Strategies}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resources Association}, ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} } @InProceedings{KraHon2014, AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Li, Hong and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Hummel, Robert and Spielhagen, Luise}, TITLE = {Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014), European Language Resources Association}, ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland} } @InProceedings{RenCha2014, AUTHOR = {Ai, Renlong and Charfuelan, Marcela and Kasper, Walter and Klüwer, Tina and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Gasber, Sandra and Gienand, Philip}, TITLE = {Sprinter: Language Technologies for Interactive and Multimedia Language Learning}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)}, ADDRESS = {Reykjavik, Iceland}, ORGANIZATION = {European Language Resource Association} } @InProceedings{WRXUP2016, AUTHOR = {Weißenborn, Dirk and Roller, Roland and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Perez, Enrique Garcia}, TITLE = {A Light-weight & Robust System for Clinical Concept Disambiguation}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {August}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM)}, ADDRESS = {Potsdam, Germany}, NOTE = {HU} } @Article{HilSchSta2016, AUTHOR = {Hillock, Fabian and Schmidt, Danilo and Staeck, Oliver and Schaaf, Thorsten and Tolxdorff, Thomas and Löser, Alexander and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Legge, Philipp and Sachs, Kai and Oechsler, Sonja and Budde, Klemens}, TITLE = {Integrierte Versorgung nierentransplantierter Patienten, Entwicklung einer E-Health-Plattform (Integrated care of renal transplant patients – Development of an electronic health care service platform)}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {July}, JOURNAL = {Dialyse aktuell}, VOLUME = {20}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {285-290}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{ZhoXuUsz2016, AUTHOR = {Zhou, Junsheng and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Qu, Weighing and Li, Ran and Gu, Yanhui}, TITLE = {AMR Parsing with an Incremental Joint Model}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {1-5 November}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016)}, ADDRESS = {Austin, TX, USA}, NOTE = {HU} } @Article{KraHenMor2016, AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Hennig, Leonhard and Moro, Andrea and Weißenborn, Dirk and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Navigli, Robert}, TITLE = {Sar-graphs: A Language Resource Connecting Linguistic Knowledge with Semantic Relations from Knowledge Graphs}, YEAR = {2016}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{RolUszXu2016, AUTHOR = {Roller, Roland and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu and Seiffe, Laura and Mikhailov, Michael and Staeck, Oliver and Budde, Klemens and Halleck, Fabian and Schmidt, Danilo}, TITLE = {A fine-grained corpus annotation schema of German nephrology records}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {13-16 December}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (ClinicalNLP)}, ADDRESS = {Osaka, Japan}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{HenThoAi2016, AUTHOR = {Hennig, Leonhard and Thomas, Philippe and Ai, Renlong and Kirschnick, Johannes and Wang, He and Pannier, Jakob and Zimmermann, Nora and Schmeier, Sven and Xu, Feiyu and Ostwald, Jan and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Real-Time Discovery and Geospatial Visualization of Mobility and Industry Events from Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Data Streams}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {7-12 August}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)}, ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{GabKraHen2016, AUTHOR = {Gabryszak, Aleksandra and Krause, Sebastian and Hennig, Leonhard and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Relation- and Phrase-level Linking of FrameNet with Sar-graphs}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {23-28 May}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)}, ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{CotRolXu2016, AUTHOR = {Cotik, Viviana and Roller, Roland and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Budde, Klemens and Schmidt, Danilo}, TITLE = {Negation Detection in Clinical Reports Written in German}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {December}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM2016), 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016)}, ADDRESS = {Osaka, Japan}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{KXUW2016, AUTHOR = {Krause, Sebastian and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Weißenborn, Dirk}, TITLE = {Event Linking with Sentential Features from Convolutional Neural Networks}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {11-12 August}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2016)}, ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{EichXuUsz2016, AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Hennig, Leonhard and Krause, Sebastian}, TITLE = {TEG-REP: A corpus of Textual Entailment Graphs based on Relation Extraction Patterns.}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {23-28 May}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)}, ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia}, NOTE = {HU} } @InProceedings{UszGabHen2017, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Gabryszak, Aleksandra and Hennig, Leonhard and Steffen, Jörg and Ai, Renlong and Busemann, Stephan and Dehdari, Jon and van Genabith, Josef and Heigold, Georg and Rethmeier, Nils and Rubino, Raphael and Schmeier, Sven and Thomas, Philippe and Wang, He and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Common Round: Application of Language Technologies to Large-Scale Web Debates}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {April}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, PAGES = {5-8}, ADDRESS = {Valencia, Spanien}, NOTE = {LT} } @InProceedings{CoFiRo2017, AUTHOR = {Cotik, Viviana and Filippo, Darío and Roller, Roland and Uszkoreit, Hans and Xu, Feiyu}, TITLE = {Annotation of Entities and Relations in Spanish Radiology Reports}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {September}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017}, ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien}, NOTE = {LT} } @InProceedings{ThoKirHen2017, AUTHOR = {Thomas, Philippe and Kirschnick, Johannes and Hennig, Leonhard and Ai, Renlong and Schmeier, Sven and Hemsen, Holmer and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Streaming Text Analytics for Real-time Event Recognition}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {April}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017}, ADDRESS = {Varna, Bulgarien}, NOTE = {LT} } @InProceedings{EiXuUsKra2017, AUTHOR = {Eichler, Kathrin and Xu, Feiyu and Uszkoreit, Hans and Krause, Sebastian}, TITLE = {Generating Pattern-Based Entailment Graphs for Relation Extraction}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {August}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM)}, ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Kanada}, NOTE = {LT} }