% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:42:13 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Eduard_Hovy % @InProceedings{Busemann_Horacek:1998, AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Horacek, Helmut}, TITLE = {A Flexible Shallow Approach to Text Generation}, YEAR = {1998}, BOOKTITLE = {9th International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLG '98), August 5-7}, PAGES = {238-247}, EDITOR = {Hovy, Eduard}, ADDRESS = {Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann-horacek98.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann-horhacek98.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/busemann-horacek98.dvi.gz. http://arXiv.org/abs/cs.CL/9812018}, ABSTRACT = {In order to support the efficient development of NL generation systems, two orthogonal methods are currently pursued with emphasis: (1) reusable, general, and linguistically motivated surface realization components, and (2) simple, task-oriented template-based techniques. In this paper we argue that, from an application-oriented perspective, the benefits of both are still limited. In order to improve this situation, we suggest and evaluate shallow generation methods associated with increased flexibility. We advise a close connection between domain-motivated and linguistic ontologies that supports the quick adaptation to new tasks and domains, rather than the reuse of general resources. Our method is especially designed for generating reports with limited linguistic variations.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1998:FSA.pdf Busemann:1998:FSA.ps Busemann:1998:FSA.dvi} } @InProceedings{Capstick_et_al:1998_2, AUTHOR = {Capstick, Joanne and Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Design and Evaluation of a Psychological Experiment on the Effectivness of Document Summarisation for the Retrieval of Multilingual WWW Documents}, YEAR = {1998}, BOOKTITLE = {AAAI Spring Symposium Intelligent Text Summarization}, PAGES = {134-136}, EDITOR = {Hovy, Eduard and Radev, Dragomir R.}, ADDRESS = {Palo Alto}, PUBLISHER = {The AAAI Press}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/aaai98/mulinex-aaai98.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {Since for the foreseeable future, retrieval will be an interactive task of the user looking through lists of potentially relevant documents, adequate support through various types of information is very important. A psychological experiment was conducted to examine the extent to which different types of automatically generated summaries aid retrieval and systematically evaluate user needs and behaviour in the area of cross-language retrieval for the WWW.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Capstick:1998:DEP.pdf} } @InProceedings{Pe2011, AUTHOR = {Peņas, Anselmo and Hovy, Eduard and Forner, Pamela and Rodrigo, Ālvaro and Sutcliffe, Richard and Forascu, Corina and Sporleder, Caroline}, TITLE = {Overview of QA4MRE at CLEF 2011 : question answering for machine reading evaluation}, YEAR = {2011}, BOOKTITLE = {CLEF 2011 Labs and Workshop : notebook papers ; 19-22 September, Amsterdam. [Elektronische Ressource]}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam}, NOTE = {ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-904810-1-7 } } @InProceedings{PenHov2012, AUTHOR = {Peņas, Anselmo and Hovy, Eduard and Forner, Pamela and Rodrigo, Ālvaro and Sutcliffe, Richard and Forascu, Corina and Sporleder, Caroline}, TITLE = {Evaluating machine reading systems through comprehension tests}, YEAR = {2012}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation : Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012}, PAGES = {1143-1147}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @InProceedings{SchulHovy2014, AUTHOR = {Schulder, Marc and Hovy, Eduard}, TITLE = {Metaphor Detection through Term Relevance}, YEAR = {2014}, MONTH = {26 June}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP}, NOTE = {DK} }