One of the most urgent problems in language technology is the lexical semantics bottleneck, the unavailability of domain-independent lexica with rich semantic information on lexical items. Such lexica could greatly improve the quality of current applications. At the same time, providing large-scale lexical semantic information is an enormous challenge, due to the size of the vocabulary and the inherent vagueness of lexical meaning. Our aims are:- Providing a large lexical semantic lexicon providing semantic and syntactic properties for German lexical items, to serve as a rich static database.
- Developing techniques for the wide-coverage statistics-based semantic annotation of texts.
- Investigating the use of contiguous frame annotations for dynamic semantic analysis in practical natural language processing applications
Work packages:
- Lexicon design
- Corpus management
- Syn-sem interface
- Frame assignment
- Role assignment
- Sel. preferences
- Noncompositionality
- Frame relations
- Logic & inference