FATE (FrameNet-Annotated Textual Entailment) is a manually crafted frame-annotated RTE corpus.
FATE consists of the 800 (T;H) entailment pairs from the RTE-2 Challenge test set, annotated with frame and semantic role labels from FrameNet 1.3.
The format of the corpus is SALSA/TIGER XML (more information about the format can be found here).
SALSA also provides a graphical user interface, SALTO (download here), for viewing and modifying FATE annotation (see an example here).
FATE is provided by Manfred Pinkal's Saarbrücken SALSA project, funded by German Science Foundation (DFG).
The annotation scheme and a full corpus description can be found in :
Aljoscha Burchardt, Marco Pennacchiotti
FATE: a FrameNet-Annotated corpus for Textual Entailment
Proceedings of LREC 2008, Marrakech, Marocco.