7 Conclusion
In this document, we have described Utool, the Swiss Army Knife of
Underspecification. In particular, we have explained how to use Utool
and how to extend Utool, and listed some tips and experiences on using
Utool in practice.
We are sure that there
are many things that we can improve. We would therefore greatly
appreciate any comments or suggestions that you might have. Please
send them to koller@coli.uni-sb.de, and we will try to take them
into account for the next version.
In addition, we would be thrilled to hear about your experiences in using Utool. If there is something about it that you like, if you use it in a way that we hadn't envisioned, or if you find bugs, please send us an email and give us some feedback. In addition, if you write code that has anything to do with Utool (such as a front-end for using it from another programming language), we would be excited to include it in a future release as a contributed component.
We hope you will enjoy using Utool!