ICPhS Proceedings London 1935

Proceedings of the

2nd International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

London, United Kingdom

Grammont, Maurice: Une difficulté de la phonétique grecque, 9-12

Horn, Wilhelm: Experimentalphonetik und Sprachgeschichte, 12-18

Kurath, Hans: The Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada, 18-22

Kaiser, L.: The shape of the palate and its effect on sounds, 22-28

Paget, Richard: The relation of the deaf mute sign language to the sign languages of North America and Queensland, Australia, 28-30

Sommerfelt, A.: Can syllable divisions have phonological importance?, 30-33

Vachek, J.: One aspect of phoneme theory, 33-40

Brøndal, V.: Sound and Phoneme, 40-45

Trubetzkoy, N.: Die phonologischen Grenzsignale, 45-49

Hjelmslev, Louis: On the principles of phonematics, 49-54

Uldall, H. J.: The phonematics of Danish, 54-57

Von Laziczius, J.: A new category in phonology, 57-60

Trnka, B.: On the phonological development of spirants in English, 60-64

Van Ginneken, J.: Il y a plusieurs manières de prononcer correctement les phonemes d'une langue moderne, 65-69

Godtfring, Otto: Initialfunktion zur Verhütung unsicherer Anschläge bei vokalischen Anlauten, 69-73

Tarneaud, Jean: Evolution de nos connaissances en pathologie vocale, 73-75

Hanley, Miles L.: Phonographic recording, 75-82

Feuchtwanger, E.: Zu den Problemen der Restitution von Aphasien und Amusien, 82-84

Smith, A. H.: Typographical problems in phonetics, 84-87

Schubiger, Maria: English intonations and syntax, 87-92

Fogerty, Elsie: Rhythm, 92-99

Storney, Barbara: Phonetics and its relation to the aesthetic use of speech, 99-102

O'Máille, T.: An Irish dialect survey, and some general principles of phonetic notation, 102-105

Vendryes, J.: Phonologie et langue poétique, 105-106

Chao, Yuen Ren: Types of plosives in Chinese, 106-110

Boyanus, S.: The main types of Russian intonation, 110-113

Wilde, O. H.: Sprachgeschichte und Phonetik, 113-117

Tanakadate, A.: A study of Japanese phonemes by means of tone films, 117-122

Lowman, Guy S.: The treatment of ao in Virginia, 122-125

Tucker, A. N.: The function of voice quality in the Nilotic languages, 125-128

Arend, Z. M.: The vowel-diaphonemes of Coptic, 128-131

Lawrenson, A. C.: Some observations on the phonology of the English vowels, 131-134

Von Kuenburg, M.: Die sprechmelodische Eigenart bei provoziertem Erwerb der Sprache. Zur Pathologie der Sprachentwicklung, 135-140

Isserlin, M.: Über das Verhältnis von Willkür und Automatie in der Sprache, 140-149

Classe, A.: L'accent tonique, phénomène psychologique, 149-155

Norman, E.: Some psychological features of babble in children, 155-158

Lewis, M. M.: The infant's approach to the forms of adult speech, 158-162

Bühler, K.: Psychologie der Phoneme, 162-169

Bhattacharjee, K.: Articulation of some particular species of birds in India, 169-175

Chatterji, S. K.: Phonetics in the study of classical and sacred languages, 175-176

Firth, J. R.: Phonological features of some Indian Languages, 176-182

Bailey, Grahame T.: The four-fold consonant system in Kashmiri, 182-184

Sen, A. C.: An experimental study of Bengali occlusives, 184-193

Curry, R.: The cathode-ray oscillograph in speech recording, with special reference to the study of the modern Northern English dialects, 194-198

Russell, Oscar G.: Synchronized X-ray, oscillograph, sound and movie experiments, showing the fallacy of vowel triangle and open-closed theories, 198-205

Flatau, Th. S.: Über eine neue Methode der Endostroboskopie des Kehlkopfs, 206-208

Scripture, E. W.: The nature of speech, 209-219

Menzerath, P.: Neue Untersuchungen zur Steuerung und Koartikulation, 220-225

Selmer, E. W.: Die Schickssalstunde der Experimental-Linguistik, 225-228

Duraffour, A.: A propos d'un article de Professor E. W. SCRIPTURE: "Les atomes vocaux, les sons vocaux et l'accentuation dans une phrase française", 228-232

Jones, Stephen: Observations on a case of double-voice, 232-235

Miller, C. B.: Accent: classes and variations, 235-239

Zwirner, E.: Speech and speaking, 239-245

Stetson, R. H.: The relation of the phoneme and the syllable, 245-254

Van Thal, J.: The relationship between faults of dentition and defects of speech, 254-257

Mitrinovicz, A.: Les troubles fonctionnels de la réspiration en phonasthénie, 257-263

MacLeod, E. C.: The association of dyslalia, dyslexia and spelling difficulty in children of normal intelligence, 263-266

Kilner, T. Pomfret: The provision of speech mechanism in cleft lip and palate cases: the surgical aspect, 266-271

Garnetti, Elena: The exercise of voice, 271-278

Kenyon, J. S.: Phonographic records of American dialects, 278-280

Ramirez, R.: The teaching of phonetics in Chile, 280-281

James, A. Lloyd: The relation of phonetics to broadcasting, 282-285

Wise, C. M.: A comparison of certain features of British and American pronunciation, 285-291

Zimmerman, Jane Dorsey: Representative radio pronunciation in America, 291-302

Palmer, H. E.: Some notes on the place of phonetics in Japan, 302-304

Dalmau, Delfi: Active and passive phonetics, 305-309

Allan, James: The phonetic alphabet in the elementary school, 309-312

Boolen, J. J.: Experiments on speech-training with the aid of phonetic transcription, 312-315

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